List #10 vocabulary english

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Militant Adjective/noun Synonyms-belligerent, assertive Antonyms-compliant, peaceful

Definition: (Adjective) aggressive in support of a belief/cause (Noun) a person prepared to fight for a cause; an activist Sentence-Even though she strongly believed in it, she was not a militant prepared to fight for the cause.

Postulate Noun/verb Synonym-hypothesize, presuppose Antonym-calculate, disbelief

Definition: (Noun) an assumption; a fundamental truth or doctrine (Verb) to assume without proof Sentence-My mom postulates that because I use my phone a lot, I don't do any school work.

Incentive Noun/Adjective Synonyms-encouragement, enticement Antonyms-hindrance, discouragement

Definition: (Noun) motivation; encouragement (Adjective) motivating; encouraging Sentence-Incentives for me to do my school work are when I'm told that the better I do, the higher acceptance probability for college I have.

Pivotal Adjective Synonyms-climatic, critical Antonyms-inessential, minor

Definition: on which something turns or depends; crucial; vitally important Sentence-Me transferring to CRHS was a pivotal change that changed everything for me.

Transitory Adjective Synonym-momentary, transient Antonym-Lasting, permanent

Definition: passing quickly; lasting only a short time; temporary Sentence-Life to some may feel very transitory.

Implacable Adjective Synonyms-inexorable, relentless Antonyms-compassionate, flexible

Definition: relentless; not capable of being calmed or appeased Sentences- My mom used to say my hair was implacable because its so curly it can't be controlled.

Retribution Noun Synonym-compensation, punishment Antonym-forgiveness, pardon

Definition: something given to make up for a wrong done; punishment Sentence-I received retribution from my brother, he was cruel to me as a child so now he feels bad and constantly buys me things and cares for me.

Stringent Adjective Synonyms-binding, demanding Antonyms-amenable, easy-going

Definition: tight in finances or credit; strict; severe Sentence-When I get mad at my parents I say that their rules are too stringent, but they are not.

Encompass Verb Synonym-beset, circle Antonym-free, release

Definition: to contain or include; to surround Sentence-School encompasses a variety of subjects and courses that could help us with our careers later on.

Transcend Verb Synonym-Outstrip, eclipse Antonym-Fail, fall behind

Definition: to surpass the limits of; to exceed Sentence-Third quarter I transcended my expectations and I did really well in school.

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