Local Anesthesia- Chp.4- Calculations
To calculate amount of Epinephrine in one carpule
depending on epi listed on carpule: 1:100,000= 1/100= .01 x 1.8= .018 mg epi 1:50,000= 1/50= .02 x 1.8= .036 mg epi 1:200,000= 1/200= .005 x 1.8= .009 mg epi
To calculate amount of Epi given
more than 1 carpule: multiply # of carps by mg of epi per carpule ex. 3 carps x .018mg epi= .054 mg epi given Less than 1 carpule: divide amount given by mg of epi in carpule ex. (1/3 given) .018mg epi/3= .006 mg epi given
To calculate amount of anesthesia given
one carpule = 1.8 ml % concentration of anesthetic x 1.8ml= # of mg of anesthetic/carpule ex. 1/3 of 2% Lido given 20(% x 10) x 1.8= 36 ml of Lido 36ml / 3= 12ml Lido given