Logic Study Guides for Semester 2 Final

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"Water runs downhill" is a tautology. True or False?

A and O, or E and I

(Fill in the letter A, E, I or O). The only sets of propositions that contradict each other are an ____ and an ___, or an __ and an ___, with the same subject and predicate.

Reasoning, invalid

A fallacy is a mistake in ______. It makes an argument _______

Unambiguous, true, valid

A good argument is one whose terms are all ______, whose propositions are all ___, and whose logic is _______.


A perfect demonstration or demonstrative syllogism will tell you that/why a conclusion is true.


A reduction ad absurdum and a dilemma have this in common: the only way to answer them is to deny one of the premises. T/F

Three, three

A syllogism must have _____ terms and _____ propositions.

Universal, particular

A term is distributed if it is universal/particular; a term is undistributed if it is universal/particular.


A valid argument gives us relative/absolute certainty about its conclusions.


According to Kreeft, you should interpret a book in light of your beliefs. True/False

Experience, sense

All human knowledge begins in _____ and we must gather knowledge through our ______.


An argument is like a mathematical equation. T/F


An argument map helps you to determine the strength of an argument. T/F


An argument will have an ___-to-_____ relationship


An epicheirema is a syllogism with an ____ attached to one or both of its premises to justify those premises.


Can a syllogism have two negative premises? Y/N


Can a syllogism have two particular premises? Y/N


Complex argument maps are helpful in figuring out the _____ of an argument.

Subject, predicate, quality, quantity

Contradiction happens only between propositions that have the same ____ and _____ and differ in both ______ and _____.

Certainty, probability

Deduction claims ______ from its conclusion, while induction (usually) only claims ________.

Universal truths, particular truths

Experience never presents ______ -_____, only _____ ____.


If a syllogism contains a term used ambiguously, it will often be breaking rule number _____.


If a syllogism contains an enthymeme, it is invalid because it breaks rule number two

Rule number 3

If a syllogism contains an enthymeme, it is invalid because it breaks rule number two


If a syllogism does not offer a "perfect demonstration," then it is not valid.


If a syllogism has a particular premise, it must have a particular/universal conclusion.


If a syllogism has no ambiguous terms, no false premise, and no fallacy, one can be completely certain about the truth of its conclusion


If one premise in a syllogism is negative, then the conclusion must be affirmative/negative.


If you prove that the premises of someone's argument are false, you have established that his argument is invalid/inconclusive.

c) middle term

In a demonstrative syllogism, the ______ ________ will give the real reason or cause for the conclusion being true. A) minor premise, b) major premise, c) middle term, d) three terms


In a mixed hypothetical syllogism, one premise will be hypothetical and the other will be ________.

Third, middle

In a syllogism, the ____ thing is also known as the ____ term, and is the common term with which the other two are compared.


In practical reasoning, there is one ____ premise and one ____ premise.


In the Gospels, according to Kreeft, there were only ___ times when Jesus lost an argument.


Is Swift's essay, overall, an argument or an explanation?


It is easy to ___truth.


It is important not to mistake an argument for an _______. A person usually notices the different intuitively, because only an argument is trying to prove something.

Universal, Particular, and necessary

Kreeft uses three adjectives to describe the kinds of truths humans can know and distinguishes between them. What are they?


Most dilemmas are constructive/destructive.


Most sorites are affirmative/negative.


One identifies the major and minor term in a syllogism by looking at the: premises/conclusion.


Physical laws are only___truths


Practical reasoning can be either _____ reasoning or ______ reasoning.


Science seeks to explain things by discovering their ________.

Objective, immaterial

The "because' of logical relation is (subjective/objective) and (material/immaterial).

Objective, material

The "because' of physical relation is (subjective/objective) and (material/immaterial).

Subjective; immaterial

The "because' of psychological relation is (subjective/objective) and (material/immaterial).


The _____ is what someone is trying to prove.

Necessarily false/logically impossible

The contradictories of tautologies are _______ ________.

Finding its conclusion

The first thing to do in approaching any argument is to ________________________.

b) appears in both premises but not in the conclusion

The middle term in a syllogism is the one that: a) appears in only one premise, b) appears in both premises but not in the conclusion c) appears in only one premise and the conclusion d) appears only in the conclusion


The minor term is always the ____ of the conclusion


The minor term is always the subject of the minor premise


The minor term is always the subject of the minor premise

How to smoke out hidden assumptions

The most practical skill you can learn from a logic course is _________.

Sense observation, intellectual understanding

The premises of an inductive argument always come from _________ instead of _____________.

Ambiguity of terms, ambiguous

The principles of the syllogism expressed on page 188 assume no ____ ___ ____, meaning that if any of the terms in the syllogism are _____, the principles will not apply.


Two__ propositions do not contradict each other

Theoretical, practical, productive

What are the three kinds of reasoning according to Socrates?


What is the argument indicator in the following sentence? "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

Euler's Circles

What is the best way to test the validity of a sorites?

D) Know what conclusion you want to prove.

What is the first step in constructing a syllogism? A) Come up with your major premise, B) Pick your three terms, C) Get rid of all ambiguous terms, D) Know what conclusion you want to prove.

No ambiguous terms, no false premises, and no logical fallacies

What is the only way to know if an argument is true?

To lead people from premises they already believe to a conclusion they do not

What is the whole strategy of a syllogism?

Novelist, art; Catholic novel; prophet

What terms does Flannery O'Connor define in her essay?

Detect the presence of an argument and figure out what the argument is saying.

What two things does one have to do before trying to determine whether an argument is valid?


When creating an argument map, you do not put a horizontal line between two premises if the premises are not ________.

At sense experience or at a tautology

When does the practice of questioning premises stop?


When it comes to logic, memorization is one of the best ways to learn.

Reduction ad absurdum

When the consequent is absurd, or obviously false, we have a _________ ___ ________, which is a very common and effective strategy in argument.


When using Euler's circles to diagram a syllogism with a particular proposition in it, always diagram the particular/universal premise first.


When you put a syllogism in logical form, the conclusion must come last


When you put a syllogism in logical form, the proposition that is the conclusion must always be affirmative.

Hasty generalization

Which fallacy do we risk when we generalize?


You can use Euler's circles or Aristotle's six rules to check the validity of compound syllogisms. T/F


You refute a conclusion by showing that it follows from false premises. T/F

Logical Form

____ ______ is the relationship between, or arrangement of, terms and propositions (that is, the content, or matter) in an argument.


______ is a relationship between propositions (premises and conclusions).


______ is the most interesting and amusing way to answer a dilemma.


________ is a relationship between a single proposition and the real world, or the nature of things, or "objective reality," or what is "outside of" the proposition and the mind that expresses it

The proposition that comes after the premise indicator "because" is the premise/conclusion, and the proposition that comes before "because" is the premise/conclusion.

premise, conclusion

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