Lower GI - UNIT 5

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which projection of the colon best demonstrates the right colic flexure?


the PA oblique projection of the colon done in the LAO position clearly demonstrates the:

Left colic flexure

which projection of the colon best demonstrates the left colic flexure?

PA oblique, LAO

the entire colon is best demonstrated in which projection?

PA or AP

which plane is centered to the grid for a lateral projection of the rectum?

a longitudinal plan 2 inches posterior to the median coronal plane

the main functions of the small bowel are:

absorption of food and digestion of food

the pouchlike portion of the large intestine that is situated below the junction of the ileum and colon is the:


the vermiform appendix of the colon is attached to the:


the duodenum joins the jejunum at a sharp curve called the:

duodenojejunal flexure

pt prep for a small intestine examination is:

food and fluid withheld after the evening meal and no breakfast

the opening between the small intestine and the large intestine is called the:

ileocecal valve

most distal portion of the small intestine is:


where is the IR centered for delayed (longer than 30 mins) radiographs of the small intestine?

level of the iliac crests

how far is the enema tip inserted into the rectum for a colon examination?

no more than 4 inches

main functions of the large intestine:

reabsorption of fluids and elimination of waste products

the ascending portion of the colon joins the transverse colon at the:

right colic flexure

widest portion of the small bowel is:

the duodenum

at which plane is the central ray positioned for the PA projections (LAO or RAO) of the large intestine?

the midclavicular longitudinal plane on the elevated side

the mucosa of the small intestine contains a series of fingerlike projections called:


which projections taken during a barium enema will demonstrate the rectosigmoid area?

1) lateral 2) PA axial 3) AP axial

which projections will clearly demonstrate the right colic flexure?

1)AP oblique, LPO 2)PA oblique, RAO

first small intestine radiograph is taken how many minutes after the patient drinks barium?

15 mins

how far above the anus is the enema bag placed during a barium enema?

18-24 inches

where is the IR centered for radiographs of the small intestine that are taken within 30 mins of drinking barium?

2 inches above the iliac crests

length of the average adult small intestine

22 feet

small intestine is divided into how many distinct portions?


what is the central-ray angulation for the PA axial projection of the large intestine?

30-40 degrees caudad

central-ray angulation for an AP axial projection of the large intestine is:

30-40 degrees cephalad

length of the large intestine

5 feet

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