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How is the skeletal system tied to the lymphatic system?

1. The lymphatic system removes excess fluids in the periostea. 2. The lymphocytes protect the bones from pathogens. 3. Parts of the skeletal system produce the lymphocytes found in the lymphatic system.

What is the consequence of obstruction of the lymphatics?

Lymph node aggregations are most dense near the body surface in the inguinal, axillary, and cervical regions of the body.

Where are the lymph node aggregations most dense?

Lymph node aggregations are most dense near the body surface in the inguinal, axillary, and cervical regions of the body.

25) Which lymphatic structure drains lymph from the right upper limb and the right side of the head and thorax? 25) ______ A) lumbar trunk B) right lymphatic duct C) thoracic duct D) cisterna chyli


27) The lymphatic capillaries are ________. 27) ______ A) equally permeable to blood capillaries B) more permeable than blood capillaries C) completely impermeable D) less permeable than blood capillaries


37) Which is not a mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue? 37) ______ A) Peyer's patch B) thymus C) appendix D) tonsil


40) What is a bubo? 40) ______ A) a wall in a lymph node B) an infected lymph node C) an infected Peyer's patch D) a lobe of the spleen


46) Which of the following is not a normal component of lymph? 46) ______ A) ions B) red blood cells C) plasma proteins D) water


Describe why the prognosis of cancer is best when there is no detectable spread from the region of the primary tumor to the lymph nodes.

The lymphatic system consists of a meandering network of lymphatic vessels. Cancer cells that break free from the primary tumor can metastasize via the lymph system.

) While passing through a village on safari you notice a man with one enormous leg and one normal-sized leg. What could have caused the increased size of the swollen leg?

The man has elephantiasis, which is caused by parasitic worms that get in the lymph system and reproduce to proportions that block the vessels. The swelling is due to edema.

Peyer's patches are clusters of lymphoid tissue found primarily in the large intestine. t or f


Highly specialized lymph capillaries called ________ are present in the villi of the intestinal mucosa.


The thoracic duct of the lymphatic system empties into the ________.

left subclavian vein

Protein-containing fluid within lymphatic vessels.


Small organs intimately associated with lymphatic vessels.

lymph nodes`

Hassall's corpuscles are always found in the lighter-colored ________ regions of the thymus.


Isolated clusters of lymph follicles found in the wall of the small intestine.

peyer's patches

Part of MALT.

peyer's patches

Largest lymphatic organ.


Stores blood platelets.


Receives lymph from most of the body.

thoracic duct

Of the organs in the lymphatic system, only the ________ becomes less important as you get older.


The ________ are the simplest lymphoid organs and are found at the entrance to the pharynx. 64) _____________


Lymphatic ________ are formed from the union of the largest collecting vessels.


The ________ pulp of the spleen forms cuffs around the central arteries.


The thymus lacks T cells.


Tonsils have blind-ended structures called ________.


How does the lymphatic system both help and hinder the spread of cancer through the body?

) Lymph nodes help rid the body of cancer cells by immune mechanisms. Lymph vessels may also be used to spread cancer cells throughout the body if immunity is not effective against the cancer cells

A nurse palpated enlarged lymph nodes. Describe signs and symptoms that help to distinguish cancerous lymph nodes from infected lymph nodes.

) Tender nodes are usually due to inflammation, whereas hard, fixed nodes are suggestive of malignancy.

Describe the structural and functional relationship of the vessels of the blood vascular system and the lymphatic system.

) Vessels of the blood vascular system are relatively high-pressure conduits compared to vessels of the lymphatic system. The same mechanisms that promote venous return in blood vessels act within lymphatic vessels. Because lymphatics are usually packaged together in connective tissue sheaths with blood vessels, the pulsating expansions of the nearby arteries also promote lymph flow.

26) What effect does age have on the size of the thymus? 26) ______ A) The thymus initially increases in size and then decreases in size from adolescence through old age. B) The size of the thymus increases continuously from birth to death. C) The thymus is not affected by age. D) The size of the thymus decreases continuously from birth to death.


28) Antibodies that act against a particular foreign substance are released by ________. 28) ______ A) plasma cells B) medullary cords C) lymph nodes D) T lymphocytes


29) Lymph leaves a lymph node via ________. 29) ______ A) efferent lymphatic vessels B) afferent lymphatic vessels C) the subscapular sinus D) the cortical sinus


30) By secreting hormones, the thymus causes what cells to become immunocompetent? 30) ______ A) lymphocytes B) monocytes C) basophils D) macrophages


34) Select the correct statement about lymphocytes. 34) ______ A) B cells produce plasma cells, which secrete antibodies into the blood. B) The two main types are T cells and macrophages. C) T cells are the precursors of B cells. D) T cells are the only form of lymphocyte found in lymphoid tissue.


35) Select the correct statement about lymphoid tissue. 35) ______ A) Lymphoid tissue is predominantly reticular connective tissue. B) Lymphoid macrophages secrete antibodies into the blood. C) T lymphocytes act by ingesting foreign substances. D) Once a lymphocyte enters the lymphoid tissue, it resides there permanently.


42) Particularly large clusters of lymph nodes occur in all of the following locations except the ________. 42) ______ A) lower extremities B) inguinal region C) axillary region D) cervical region


45) The tonsils located at the base of the tongue are the ________. 45) ______ A) lingual tonsils B) pharyngeal tonsils C) Peyer's tonsils D) palatine tonsils


Lymphedema may occur as a complication after a radical mastectomy, in which lymph nodes have been removed. Explain why it might occur.

Anything that prevents the normal return of lymph to the blood, such as blockage of the lymphatics by tumors or removal of lymphatics during surgery, results in severe localized edema (lymphedema).

What is the special role of the thymus gland?

By secreting hormones, the thymus gland causes T lymphocytes to become immunocompetent.

36) A ring of lymphoid tissue that appears as a swelling of the mucosa in the oral cavity is called a(n) ________. 36) ______ A) Peyer's patch B) thymus C) tonsil D) appendix


38) Peyer's patches are found in the ________. 38) ______ A) large intestine B) stomach C) small intestine D) spleen


39) Lymph collecting or pooling from the lower extremities would first pool in the ________ before moving on up. 39) ______ A) azygos B) inguinal nodes C) cisterna chyli D) thoracic duct


44) Functions of the lymphatic system include ________. 44) ______ A) maintenance of blood pressure in the venous circulation B) excretion of excess dietary fat C) transport of excess tissue fluid to the blood vascular system D) transport of red blood cells to the blood vascular system


The distal portion of the small intestine contains clumps of lymph follicles called ________. 22) ______ A) rugae B) villi C) Peyer's patches D) islets of Langerhans


23) Both lymph and venous blood flow are heavily dependent on ________. 23) ______ A) contraction of the vessels themselves B) two-way valves C) the pumping action of the heart D) skeletal muscle contractions and differences in thoracic pressures due to respiratory movement


24) The thymus is most active during ________. 24) ______ A) old age B) middle age C) fetal development D) childhood


31) Functions of the spleen include all of those below except ________. 31) ______ A) removal of old or defective blood cells from the blood B) storage of iron C) storage of blood platelets D) crypts that trap bacteria


32) When the lymphatics are blocked due to tumors, the result is ________. 32) ______ A) shrinkage of tissues distal to the blockage due to inadequate delivery of lymph B) abnormally high lymph drainage from the distal region C) increased pressure in the lymphatics proximal to the blockage D) severe localized edema distal to the blockage


33) Select the correct statement about lymph transport. 33) ______ A) Lymph transport is only necessary when illness causes tissue swelling. B) Under normal conditions, lymph vessels are very high-pressure conduits. C) Lymph transport is faster than that occurring in veins. D) Lymph transport depends on the movement of adjacent tissues, such as skeletal muscles.


41) The thymus is the only lymphoid organ that does not: 41) ______ A) have a cortex and medulla B) produce hormones C) have lymphocytes D) directly fight antigens


43) Digestive tract-associated lymphatic tissue includes all of the following except ________. 43) ______ A) lingual tonsils B) Peyer's patches C) palatine tonsils D) islets of Langerhans


47) A sentinel node is ________. 47) ______ A) the first node at the junction of all the lumbar trunks B) a small node in the spleen C) a lymph node found in the intestinal lamina propria D) the first node to receive lymph from an area suspected to be cancerous


Which of the following would not be classified as a lymphatic structure? 21) ______ A) tonsils B) spleen C) Peyer's patches of the intestine D) pancreas


All lymphoid organs develop from mesoderm.


All the lymphoid organs are well developed before birth.


Lymph always flows away from the heart.


The cisterna chyli collects lymph from the lumbar trunks draining the upper limbs and from the intestinal trunk draining the digestive organs.


The largest lymphatic vessels are called lacteals.


Characterize lymph transport in terms of rate, volume, and ability to change.

Lymph transport is sporadic and much slower than that occurring in veins. About 3 liters of lymph enters the bloodstream in a 24-hour period. An increase in physical activity will cause lymph flow to increase, balancing the greater rate of fluid outflow from the vascular system.

Contrast the structure of blood and lymph capillaries.

Lymphatic capillaries weave between the tissue cells and blood capillaries. Although similar to blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries differ structurally in the following ways: (1) The endothelial cells forming the walls of lymphatic capillaries are not tightly joined. Their edges loosely overlap one another, forming flaplike minivalves. (2) Bundles of fine filaments anchor the endothelial cells to surrounding structures so that any increase in interstitial fluid volume separates the cell flaps, exposing gaps in the wall rather than causing the lymphatic capillary to collapse. (3) Lymphatic capillaries are blind-ended.

75) Describe the mechanisms by which lymphatic fluid is moved through the lymphatics.

Lymphatic fluid is moved through the lymphatics by the milking action of active skeletal muscles, pressure changes within the thorax during breathing, valves to prevent backflow, and pulsation of adjacent arteries. 76) Obstruction of the lymphatics results in edema distal to the obstruction.

The appendix, tonsils, and Peyer's patches are examples of ________.


) Explain the term MALT. What is its function?

MALT is an acronym for mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue. It includes Peyer's patches, the appendix, and the tonsils in the digestive tract, lymphoid follicles in the walls of the bronchi, and genitourinary tract. Collectively, MALT acts to protect these systems from foreign material

) How does the structure of a lymph node allow lymphocytes and macrophages to perform their protective function?

Macrophages ingest microorganisms and cellular debris. Lymphocytes monitor the lymphatic stream for the presence of antigens and mount an immune response. Because there are fewer efferent vessels draining the node than afferent vessels that feed it, the flow of lymph through the node stagnates somewhat, allowing time for the lymphocytes and macrophages to work.

Small organs associated with lymphatic vessels are termed ________. A) cisterna chyli B) lymph follicles C) axillary nodes D) lymph nodes


Name the tonsils and state their body locations.

Palatine tonsils are located on either side at the posterior end of the oral cavity. The lingual tonsils lie at the base of the tongue. The pharyngeal tonsils are in the posterior wall of the nasopharynx.

A woman had a mastectomy that included the removal of axillary lymph nodes on her left side. What can she expect regarding her left arm and why?

Removal of the axillary lymph nodes results in severe localized edema since the lymphatic vessels are also lost. She can expect chronic edema along the arm, although some lymphatic drainage is eventually reestablished by regrowth of the vessels.

) A man involved in a traffic accident is rushed to the emergency room of a hospital with severe internal bleeding. Examination reveals a ruptured spleen. What is the treatment of choice and what is the likely long-term outcome (prognosis)?

Splenectomy is not as necessary as once believed, and is performed in decreasing numbers in recent years. If it needs to be removed, the prognosis is very good, as the functions of the spleen are taken over by the liver and bone marrow.

48) The lymphatics function to absorb the excess protein-containing interstitial fluid and return it to the bloodstream. 48) ______


About 3 liters of fluid are lost to the tissue spaces every 24 hours and are returned to the bloodstream as lymph.


An infected lymph gland is called a bubo.


Because lymph vessels are very low-pressure conduits, movements of adjacent tissues are important in propelling lymph through the lymphatics.


Chyle is delivered to the blood via the lymphatic system.


Digested fats are absorbed from the intestine by the lymph capillaries.


Lymphatic capillaries are permeable to proteins.


Lymphocytes reside temporarily in lymphoid tissue, then move to other parts of the body.


Lymphoid tissue is mainly reticular connective tissue.


even a small part of the spleen is left in a ten-year-old child, it will most likely regenerate itself.


In the thymus, what is the difference in the lymphocyte density of the cortex versus the medulla?

The cortex contains densely packed, rapidly dividing lymphocytes; the medulla contains fewer lymphocytes.

List the functions of the spleen.

The spleen's main functions are to remove aged or defective blood cells and platelets from the blood and to store or release some of the breakdown products of RBCs to the blood for processing by the liver. Other functions include acting as a blood filter and reservoir, serving as a site for erythrocyte production in developing embryos, storing blood platelets, and providing a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance and response

As the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) progresses, some individuals develop persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. Explain why this may occur.

This may occur because lymph nodes are overwhelmed by a large number of virus particles trapped in the nodes.

A mother takes her son to the doctor and describes the following symptoms that she has observed. The child is running a fever, has flulike symptoms, and his lymph glands are very swollen and sore to the touch. Of what significance are the swollen and sore lymph glands?

When tissues are inflamed, such as due to a bacterial infection, lymphatic capillaries develop openings that permit the uptake of the pathogens. The inflammation and pain indicate lymph nodes infected by microorganisms.

)Lymph nodes have more ________ lymphatic vessels than ________ lymphatic vessels.

afferent, efferent

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