MAN Final Exam

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reactor strategy

1. represents the strategic failure of a firm to respond properly to its competitive environment 2. the strategic failure to response properly to its competitive environment. (Ex: lego)

defender strategy

1. works best in an environment with little uncertainty and risk and a high degree of stability 2. conservative and prefer sure to maintain a secure position with a stable produce or service. Highly formalized and emphasizes cost control (ex: four seasons)

prospector strategy

1. works best in dynamic and growing environments with much uncertainty and risk 2. Emphasize growth an innovation. They are flexible and decentralized and unstable in rapidly changing environments (ex: google)

analyser strategy

1. works best in stable conditions with a moderate degree of uncertainty and risk 2. they are not "first movers" but quickly dot those ideas that hold promise. limited basic product line and a small number of related products or market opportunities (ex: Coca Cola)

Cassandra did her best to listen to the concerns that her coworker voiced, while not taking offense at the angry tone. She took careful notes of the information conveyed. Which conflict resolution skill is Cassandra using? A focusing on interaction content rather than delivery style B using reactive listening C discussing reasons behind decisions in distributing work D assigning work based on task expertise

A focusing in interaction content rather than delivery style

Challenge-related stress constrains or interferes with work performance.

false (Hindrance-related stress constrains or interferes with work performance.)

People who don't make eye contact are being dishonest.

false (In many cultures, making direct eye contact is considered rude and not dishonest.)

The team performance curve demonstrates how performance consistently increases over time.

false (Performance is not always linear, nor does it always increase over time)

Suppression is when group members speak out against a group decision and are coerced into compliance.

false (Suppression is when a group member fails to speak out because of fear of rejection.)

Team norms are formal expectations set in place by company policies.

false (Team norms are informal standards by which team members are expected to abide.)

The nominal group technique is especially helpful to encourage discussion from shy and quiet members.

false (The nominal group technique is a helpful way to deal with a domineering team member who silences the rest of the group.)

Approximately 38% of face-to-face communication comes from the spoken word.

false -- only 7% of face-to-face communication comes from the spoken work

intercultural communication

focuses on the behavior of two individuals' communication patterns

identification-based trust (IBT):

form of trust characterized by the leader and follower sharing the same goals and objectives

Shannon-Weaver model of communication

framework describing the communication process including the sender, encoding, channel, noise, receiver, and decoding a message


generating a large quantity of ideas in a face-to-face team meeting


generation born between 1900 and 1945 that are retiring or have passed on

Gen Xers

generation born between 1965 and 1980; sometimes referred to as the "baby boomers" or "latchkey kids"


generation born between 1981 and 1999; they typically look for flexibility and choice in employment

generation z

generation that become adults during the second decade of the 21st century, and have been familiar with the internet from a very young age

"triple bottom line"

method of performance includes: profit, people, planet

alternative dispute resolution

methods to resolve conflict that both parties agree to without involving litigation

all-channel (or star) network

more decentralized and allows a free flow of information among all group members


newer technique used to challenge the dominating participants in the team. The task is presented, then form a core group of two members and have them discuss the problem. Then add one member, and so on to create a final decision. Produces higher quality decisions compared to consensus

substantive conflict

occurs because people have different opinions on important issues in the organization that affect them

global mobility

occurs when individuals, and often their families, are relocated from one country to another by an employer, generally from a familiar situation (a home country) to a novel one (a host country) for a fixed period of time

survey feedback

one of the most commonly employed OD techniques


one who helps the team make a decision by asking questions and reflecting statements but not influencing the final decision

relationship conflict

personality clashes or differences in values

Clayton and Gregory do not like each other very much and frequently bicker about the details of projects. They do not disagree on the substance, but on the presentation style of the other. Earlier in the week they became so angry that they began shouting at each other after a meeting. Which of the following best describes the conflict between Clayton and Gregory? A process conflict B substantive conflict C factual conflict D affective conflict

D affective conflict

Which of the following is considered to be the most important in resolving cross-cultural conflict? A avoiding conflict B nurturing others C building rapport through conversation D being a good listener

D being a good listener

Which approach to conflict resolution occurs when the involved parties bargain away desired things in return for concessions? A avoiding B integrating C obliging D compromising

D compromising

Based on the study of 193 expatriates, who is the most likely to choose a self-initiated work experience in another country?

Hannah, a woman who just graduated from college.

Force Field Analysis

a multi-step technique to implement organizational change using the three-step model

peer review

a panel of a grievant's peers that hears the concern and attempts to resolve it

additive task

a performance goal that can be met by adding up individual contributions


a person who hears grievances on an informal basis and attempts to resolve them

Global Mindset

a set of individual attributes that enhance a manager's ability to influence others who are different from them

preventive stress management

a set of methods that promote health at the workplace and avoid distress

work teams

a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable


a stage of team development where conflicts emerge regarding the goals and contributions of team members, and there may be challenges to the leader


a stage of team development where members of the team form a cohesive unit and close relationships among team members develop

self-managed work team (SMWT)

a team where there is typically no designated leader

culturally endorsed implicit leadership theory (CLT)

a theory that identifies leadership behaviors perceived as effective and ineffective across cultures


a type of organizational development intervention pioneered at General Electric that provided a method for employees to get new ideas heard by top management

social identity

a way to explain how people view their own place in society through membership in various groups

Refreezing (Lewin's model)

changes by reinforcing and restructuring to make the changes permanent


conflict resolution approach in which both parties confront the issue directly and discuss alternative courses of action


conflict resolution approach that reflects a moderate concern for the self and for others


conflict resolution approach where a person is high with respect to their own concerns but low with respect to the concerns of others


conflict resolution approach where a person is low on their own concerns and the concerns of others


conflict resolution approach where a person's concern for themself is low, but their concern for others is high

affective conflict

conflict that engenders strong emotions such as anger or disgust


constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person

hindrance-related stress

constrains or interferes with work performance

contingency contract

contracts that bridge concerns about future events that are brought up during the negotiation, and they become part of the agreement

idea generation

creating new ideas

low-context cultures

cultures in which written and spoken words carry the burden of shared meanings

High-context cultures

cultures that rely heavily on situational cues for meaning when perceiving and communicating with others

A workplace has a mix of people who hold a wide variety of world views, attitudes, and beliefs. This workplace has ______.

deep-level diversity

power distance

deference to authority

virtual teams

defined as "functioning teams that rely on technology-mediated communication while crossing several different boundaries"

workplace aggression

defined as overt physical or nonphysical behavior that harms others at work (e.g., yelling or pushing)

Surface-level diversity would best be described in terms of ______.


Surface-Level Diversiry

differences among group members in overt, biological characteristics that are typically reflected in physical features

deep-level diversity

differences among members' attitudes, beliefs, and values

task conflict

disagreements about resource allocation, policies, or even interpretation of data


discussing ideas and deferring a final decision until everyone can say they have been heard and will support the final decision

idea evaluation

discussing the strengths and weaknesses of ideas


discussion aimed at reaching an agreement

Molly is very expressive, and her nonverbal communication reflects her unique aspects. You get to know a lot about her as a person from her tone and body language. Which of the following best describes the purpose that her nonverbal communication serves in this example? A. display of personal attributes B. establishment of dominance and hierarchy C. promotion of social functioning D. fostering of high-quality power dynamics

display of personal attributes

circle network

each person can communicate with two others located adjacent to them

leadership climate

effective behaviors, attitudes, and environmental conditions created by a leader that enhance team performance and increase empowerment


email or other electronic communication directed at a specific

expanding pie

enlarging the pool of resources so that a negotiation can end in a "win-win" agreement where both sides feel that they got the best possible outcome

According to Kotter, the organization vision takes several weeks to communicate clearly.

false (A vision should be able to be communicated in 5 min or less.)

Change in the workplace usually relieves emotional exhaustion.

false (Change creates job insecurity, which leads to emotional exhaustion during change.)

formal organization

this provides the coordination and control necessary for organized activity; examples are formal structures and reward systems

Which generation is most likely to value management with a clear chain of command?


punctuated equilibrium

transition between an early phase of inactivity followed by a second phase of significant acceleration toward task completion

Multicultural teams tended to perform better when members were more accepting of uncertainty.

true (Multicultural teams with greater acceptance of uncertainty performed better than those which did not.)

Fostering innovation can help maintain morale during downsizing.

true (Research shows that communication and fostering innovation helps maintain employee morale during downsizing.)

Manipulation and co-optation tactics are sometimes used because they are less expensive than many other tactics.

true (While these techniques may be underhanded and rarely used, they are relatively less expensive than other ways to overcome change.)

change uncertainty

uncertain negative cognitive outcomes of a high level of perceived change excessiveness among employees


unexpected or unstable and of unknown duration; the nature and speed of change

Lewin's Three-Step Model

unfreezing, changing, refreezing


using the internet for personal reasons during working hours

What does VUCA stand for?

volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous

nominal group technique (NGT):

when a group meets face-to-face, but discussion is more restricted than in brainstorming or consensus decision-making


when a leader intervenes to resolve a conflict

process consultation

when a leader needs an outside point of view on an organizational issue and hires a consultant with OD expertise who assists in a helping mode


when a third-party, neutral person is called in to resolve a conflict

fixed pie

when only a limited amount of goods are divided, and the goal is to get the largest share

integrative bargaining

when parties do not see the bargaining process as a zero-sum game, and they believe that an agreement can be reached that satisfies all concerns

process conflict

when people disagree on what course of action to pursue or the best way to operate, even after a decision has been made

active listening

when the receiver of a communication provides feedback to the sender to ensure that the communicated message was understood properly


when the team finalizes its work and disbands


when the team meets its goals and completes tasks

challenge-related stress

when work demands lead a person to be energized and work harder resulting in higher performance

forces that drive organizational change

workforce diversity, the economy, technology, globalization, competition, life-threatening events

five-stage model

model of team development that includes forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

team mental models (TMMs)

shared understandings within teams

According to research, a person from a low-context culture is most likely to come from which of the following countries?


The sender

Source of transmission who selects a desired message out of a set of possible messages

The receiver

The person or persons who receives the message


calling in a neutral third party to attempt to resolve a conflict


email etiquette

workplace incivility

"low-intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for mutual respect. Uncivil behaviors are characteristically rude and discourteous, displaying a lack of regard for others"

integrative complexity

"the degree to which a person accepts the reasonableness of different cultural perspectives on how to live, both at the micro interpersonal level and at more macro organizational-societal levels and, consequently, is motivated to develop integrative schemas that specify when to activate different worldviews and/or how to blend them together into a coherent holistic mental representation"

Organizational Subsystems Involved in Planned Change (4)

1. Formal organization 2. Social factors 3. Technology 4. Physical setting

Conflict can result in better performance in which of the following situations? A task conflict is moderate and relationship conflict is low B task conflict is high and relationship conflict is high C last conflict is low and relationship conflict is moderate D task conflict and relationship conflict are high

A task conflict is moderate and relationship conflict is low

Felicity is frustrated by her attempts at communicating with a colleague in another city. They seem to keep misunderstanding each other. Which of the following would likely be helpful? A. Schedule a videoconference, so Felicity has the help of nonverbals and immediate feedback. B. Try an informal communication like texting so things will be more relaxed. C. Add the colleague on social media and try to get a feel for their personality. D. Send more emails. The volume of communication means something will make sense.

A. Schedule a videoconference, so Felicity has the help of nonverbals and immediate feedback.

A work group is tasked with going through company archives and finding as many photos of company founders as possible. All the people pick up a large box of photos and go to their own offices to work. This is an example of which type of task? A. additive task B. unitary task C. disjunctive task D. compensatory task

A. additive task (An additive task is the result of all separate group members' efforts combined together.)

Which of the following means to find a small group of people who will support the desired change? A. form a powerful guiding coalition B. establish a sense of urgency C. create a vision D. communicate the vision

A. form a powerful guiding coalition (Assembling an initial core of believers can be an important part of convincing the larger organization that change is needed.)

Dante's company is very slow to react because every suggestion must go through several layers of bureaucracy before any changes are made. Which of the following organizational subsystems needs to be revised in order to deal with this problem? A. formal organization B. physical setting C. social factors D. technology

A. formal organization

Amar just joined a new work team. After initial introductions the group begins awkwardly to work with each other, unsure of the roles, and expectations of others. Amar's work team is in which stage of the five-stage model? A. forming B. performing C. norming D. adjourning

A. forming (This introductory stage in which norms, roles, and expectations are developed is called forming.)

Amanda sends and receives an enormous number of emails almost every day. Which positive trend connected to this email usage would we expect to see? A. improved job performance B. reduced stress C. improved workflow D. reduced procrastination

A. improved job performance

Which of the following is a good example of active listening? A. paraphrasing B. sharing your own experiences C. leaning back to show you are relaxed D. closing your eyes to focusing on the sound

A. paraphrasing

Companies in the "gig" economy are starting to have worker protections put in place by governments that mirror protections provided in traditional companies. This is an example of which of the following? A. regulated innovation B. nimble enterprise C. technology, talent, and transformation D. ethics of work and society

A. regulated innovation (When the government becomes involved in the daily workings of a business, this is an example of regulated innovation.)

Which of the following ways to overcome resistance to change relies on the personalities of followers? A. selecting people open to change B. encouraging participation C. educating followers D. implementing changes fairly

A. selecting people open to change (Research shows that some people have personality traits that allow them to be more flexible to change.)

A team's shared cognitive structure about key parts of the team's environment is known as which of the following? A. team mental models B. mind maps C. contextual factors D. team interventions

A. team mental models (A shared mental representation of team concerns is a team mental model.)

Which of the following best describes an agreement that takes future possible occurrences into account? A BATNA B contingency contract C distributive agreement D integrative agreement

B contingency contract

Which of the following describes a situation in bargaining during which an agreement cannot be made? A rapport B impasse C implementation D preparation

B impasse

According to research, which of the following people is LEAST likely to engage in social loafing? A. Caitlin, a woman from the United States B. Ha-Yoon, a woman from South Korea C. Benjamin, a woman from Germany D. Steve, a man from Canada

B. Ha-Yoon, a woman from South Korea (Ha-Joon is a woman from a collectivistic culture, and so is the least likely to engage in social loafing.)

On American naval bases, there is a volunteer position open to the sailors' spouses to help military families informally resolve difficulties and disagreements with the military structure. Which of the following describes this role? A. peer review B. ombudsperson C. conciliator D. arbitrator

B. ombudsperson

Which of the following is connected to unpleasant thoughts related to major changes? A. outcome avoidance B. change uncertainty C. morale D. cognitive dissonance

B. change uncertainty (uncertain negative cognitive outcomes related to changes in the workplace.)

The best time to use a team instead of relying on individual effort is when which of the following is needed? A. divisible effort B. collective effort C. additive effort D. definitive effort

B. collective effort (The best use of a team is when a performance goal requires collective effort.)

Tatiana is a team leader. When she needs to make important decisions, she frequently has one-on-one meetings with team members in her office. After taking their thoughts into consideration, she then makes the final decision. Which decision-making model does Tatiana use? A. (leader) deciding B. consulting C. delegating D. facilitating

B. consulting (When Tatiana meets with team members, she is using the consult (individually) model.)

Trixie's ability to communicate effectively with others blossomed after several months spent with her work team. Which of the following best reflects Trixie's improvements? A. process metrics B. individual development metrics C. affect metrics D. task metrics

B. individual development metrics (Developing new skills and abilities through teamwork are individual development metrics.)

The stress at Irma's work has her burned out. By the time she gets home, she is exhausted and is hostile and irritable with her family. Which of the following types of strain is Irma dealing with? A. physiological B. psychological C. behavioral D. social

B. psychological (Symptoms like burn out, exhaustion, hostility, and irritability are indicative of psychological strain.)

Chris sometimes feels insecure and looked down upon because he graduated from a state college, unlike many of his colleagues who attended Ivy League schools. Because of this, Chris sometimes argues with coworkers in order to prove his intelligence. According to Endress, which is the best way to deal with Chris? A have a neutral third party or expert arbitrate the dispute B a leader must set and communicate values for the organization and emphasize that everyone's contribution matters C adopt the belief that even negative behaviors may have a positive intention D a leader must set and communicate the values for the organization

C adopt the belief that even negative behaviors may have a positive intention

Frederick is giving a one-way presentation in his Organizational Behavior class on communication. The other students in the class do not respect Frederick because of some comments he made earlier in the semester which they thought were foolish. Which of the following in the Shannon-Weaver model of communication is this lack of respect for Frederick? A. Message B. Encoding C. Noise D. Decoding

C. Noise

Which of the following reasons for nonverbal expression is about power and control? A. promotion of social functioning B. display of personal attributes C. establishment of dominance and hierarchy D. fostering of high-quality relationships

C. establishment of dominance and hierarchy

When a worker communicates with someone of the same pay grade and seniority, this is which of the following communication types? A. downward B. diagonal C. lateral D. upward

C. lateral

Many traditional department stores are being sold or are going bankrupt as the market changes. In order to deal with this major crisis, department stores need to take which of the following approaches? A. radical and proactive B. incremental and proactive C. radical and reactive D. incremental and reactive

C. radical and reactive (A radical and reactive approach is needed to stop the decline and retool the industry to prevent a complete collapse.)

Which of the following is connected to the way that individuals and teams interact within an organization? A. technology B. formal organization C. social factors D. physical setting

C. social factors (Social factors include things such as individual differences, team interactions, and organizational culture.)

Because there are people of several different faiths as well as atheists in Marta's firm, human resources is reevaluating the way that the office is decorated and other ways that the company observes holidays. Which force driving organizational change is relevant to this reevaluation? A. technology B. the economy C. workforce diversity D. globalization

C. workforce diversity (Making the workplace inviting to those with a diversity of beliefs is part of workplace diversity.)

Several members of a team see a particular coworker as rude. He frequently dominates meetings and interrupts others while they are speaking. Which of the following best describes his behavior? A. workplace aggression B. workplace bullying C. workplace incivility D. abusive supervision

C. workplace incivility

Which of the following is related to how quickly someone speaks? A. formality B. intonation C. coherence D. pacing and pausing

D. pacing and pausing

Which type of cultural intelligence (CQ) reflects the thought process that leads to self-awareness and the ability to detect cultural patterns?

cognitive CQ

Which of the following behaviors is a good example of meeting management in a virtual environment? A. post task progress in cloud storage B. recognize team member contributions during team meetings C. exaggerate nonverbal cues D. assign tasks to be completed prior to the next meeting

D. assign tasks to be completed prior to the next meeting (A good example of meeting management is assigning tasks to be completed.)

Jude finds his job exhausting. He feels detached from the work process and feels like nothing he does accomplishes anything meaningful. Which of the following best describes what Jude is going through? A. stress episode B. behavioral strain C. fight-or-flight response D. job burnout

D. job burnout (Job burnout is related to chronic job stressors. Symptoms include exhaustion, cynicism, detachment from work, and feelings of ineffectiveness or failure.)

Which of the tips for active listening are tied to emotional content? A. paraphrase content B. lean forward to engage C. make good eye contact D. listen for total meaning

D. listen for total meaning

Carla is trying to help her team decide what areas of the project to make first priority. She writes down all the possible options on a whiteboard and asks everyone to vote for their top five choices. Then she tallies the votes, writes the narrowed list on the board, and everyone votes again. The team continues until only three options remain. Which decision-making style is Carla using? A. stepladder B. consensus C. nominal group technique D. multivoting

D. multivoting (Carla's group is multivoting, because they are gradually reducing a list of options by voting multiple times.)

Melanie picked up a donut and cup of coffee on the way to work. She took them to the meeting with her new work team and realized that everyone was staring at her while she ate the donut. Melanie unintentionally violated which of the following? A. organizational etiquette B. group trust C. hygiene standards D. team norms

D. team norms (By eating during the meeting, Melanie unknowingly violated a team norm. Team norms are the interpersonal rules (explicit or implicit) that team members follow.)

ambient impact

collective deviant behavior that creates a hostile working environment

T or F: Some argue that Russians are the most likely to use emotional appeals to persuade others


T or F: an ombudsperson has the ability to make binding decisions about negotiation


T or F: the integrating approach is the best to use when time is limited


team viability

collective sense of belonging similar to team cohesion

1 of 6 Low uncertainty avoidance means to feel threatened by ambiguity.


A third culture is another culture that mediates between two dominant cultures.


Reverse culture shock is a myth.


According to research, a person from a high-context culture is most likely to come from which of the following countries?



Leader can check to see if the message was understood by followers by inviting them to email with question

Which of the following is an important aspect of successful repatriation?


Which of the following is the ability to see things from another person's point of view that conflicts with your own? A. Distributive bargaining B. Perspective taking C. BATNA D. Sympathy

Perspective taking


Relinquishing cultural heritage and adopting the beliefs and behaviors of the new culture

cross-cultural communication

comparing one culture to another to examine how people communicate in similar and different ways

Which of the following would be an appropriate question for an organization to ask regarding emails sent outside of work hours? A. Could this email be inconsiderate? B. Should email be allowed outside of work hours? C. Does this email follow netiquitte? D. Could this email be misinterpreted?

Should email be allowed outside of work hours?

T or F: BATNA stands for best alternative to a negotiated agreement.


T or F: One effective conflict resolution strategy is to clearly explain reasons for distributing work assignments.


The channel

The medium that transmits the message


The transformation of the message into the signal, which is sent over the communication channel from the transmitter to the receiver

golden rule

Thee who holds the gold holds the power

Coming home after spending time in a foreign country can cause reverse culture shock


Gen X is sometimes known as "baby busters."


Power distance is deference to authority.


The channel is the medium that transmits the message.

True (Examples could be a speaker's voice or a computer projector.)

Someone who focuses more closely on a negotiated contract than on relationships in business is likely to come from which type of culture?

a low-context culture

organizational development

a collection of social psychology methods employed to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

a counseling program for when an employee is exhibiting a clear stress reaction that is affecting their relationships with coworkers and performance

team charter

a document developed by a team that clarifies team direction and establishes ground rules

Someone who is more interested in creating a long-term business relationship than in negotiating a contract is likely from which type of culture?

a high-context culture


a large number of interconnected parts that each introduce a number of variables to the situation; confounding of issues, no cause-and-effect chain

Global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness (GLOBE) project

a large-scale research program that sought to understand differences in leader behaviors and relationships with relevant organizational outcomes worldwide

compassionate leadership

a leader's ethically-based actions that empower, engage, and enable associates to become the best versions of themselves as those individuals create long-term value, deliver great service to customers, and benefit society

collective effort

a work project that reflects the contributions of everyone on the team

deviant behavior

aggression, bullying, harassment, incivility and social undermining


allowing a team (or individual) to make a final decision

appreciative inquiry (AI)

an OD intervention in which people reflect on peak experiences and visualize the future


an alternative that negotiators will accept if the negotiation reaches an impasse and they can't get their ideal outcome

workplace bullying

an emergent phenomenon, it refers to "a social interaction through which one individual (seldom more) is attacked by one or more (seldom more than four) individuals almost on a daily basis and for periods of many months, bringing the person into an almost helpless position with potentially high risk of expulsion

indirect effects

an employee being affected by learning of another coworker's deviant behaviors

cultural intelligence (CQ)

an individuals capabilities to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings

communication apprehension (CA)

anxiety or fear suffered by an individual of either actual or anticipated communication, with a a group or a person, that can profoundly affect their oral communication, social skills, and self-esteem


any communication barrier that may affect how a person interprets a message


asking for input from team members one-on-one or as a group and then making the final decision

cultural tightness

associated with order and efficiency, conformity, and low rates of change

cultural looseness

associated with social disorganization, deviance, innovation, and openness to change

Which type of cultural intelligence (CQ) is the ability to adapt to the cultural preferences of others?

behavioral CQ

2 types of coping

behavioral methods (problem-solving behaviors) and cognitive methods (managing thoughts and emotions)

For which generation did dual-income households become the norm for the first time?



both parties in a disagreement agree in advance to accept a decision, and it is made by a neutral third party

Unfreezing (Lewin's model)

challenges the status quo by shaking up assumptions


group orientation

Which of the following describes a phase when first experiencing a new culture, during which you tend to view things positively?


abusive supervision

hostile behavior toward followers that may include ridiculing, spreading rumors, taking credit for work done by followers, giving the "silent treatment," or withholding information

wheel network

indicates that all communication flows through one person, who is most likely the group leader

boundary spanners

individuals in an organization who link the organization's internal networks to external constituents together

team norms

informal and interpersonal rules that team members are expected to follow


insufficient information for decision-making; lack of predictability and the element of surprise

chain network

involves a flow of information among members, although the people are at the end of the chain

behavioral (or active) coping strategies

keeping a positive outlook, working harder, and seeking advice and help


maintaining one's cultural heritage and adopting a new cultural identity


maintaining only the heritage culture without intergroup relations

toxic workplaces

marked by significant drama and infighting, where personal battles often harm productivity

Organizational communication

process by which individuals stimulate meaning in the minds of other individuals by means of verbal or nonverbal messages in the context of a formal organization

organizational communication

process by which individuals stimulate meaning in the minds of other individuals by means of verbal or nonverbal messages in the context of a formal organization

The person who is the target of communication is the ______.


team performance curve

recognizes that team performance over the course of the life of the team is not always linear, and performance does not always increase over time

external communication

refers to information that is shared with the public through marketing and public relations efforts

Motivational CQ

refers to persistence and goal setting for cross-cultural interactions

Cognitive CQ

refers to self-awareness and the ability to detect cultural patterns

direct effects

refers to when an employee is the target of a coworker's deviant act


rejecting both the old and new culture

cognitive methods for coping

reordering life priorities and convincing oneself that work isn't all that important

Changing (Lewin's model)

represents movement toward a new desired state

nonverbal communication

sending and receiving of thoughts and feelings via nonverbal behavior

psychological safety

shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. Being able to show and employ one's self without fear of negative consequences of self-image, status, or career.

normative decision-making model:

shows that team decisions fall on a continuum ranging from leaders making the decision themselves to delegating the decision to the team


situations require experimentation to determine the best of many possible paths forward; reality is unclear, and potential for misreading situations

Y-pattern network

slightly less centralized than the all-channel network since two people are closer to the center of the network

In Helena's small company, there is frequent contact between departments. There is no mediator of information. Everyone speaks directly with all other members of the network. Which of the following network styles does this represent? A. star B. chain C. wheel D. circle

star (Star networks are decentralized and there is a free flow of information among all group members.)

Alecia is usually an outgoing and interactive student, but the thought of giving a speech makes her very anxious. The last time she had to give a presentation for class, she felt dizzy and her heart was pounding. Which of the following best describes what is happening with Alecia? A. trait-based communication apprehension B. language-based apprehension C. state-based communication apprehension D. active listening anxiety

state-based communication apprehension (Since the apprehension only occurs in very particular situations, it is state-based and not trait-based.)

buffering effect

support during a stress episode is beneficial

A workplace has a mix of different genders, ages, and races. This workplace has ______.

surface-level diversity

emotional or instrumental support

tangible help that a person may provide to another person ex. loaning them money if they were fired from work

team affect

team atmosphere


team spirit experienced in high-performing teams

Behavioral CQ

the ability to adjust to others' cultural practices

perspective taking

the ability to see things from another person's perspective that conflicts with your own


the belief that people should not try to change the paths their lives are destined to take

Metacognitive CQ

the cognitive processing necessary to recognize and understand expectations appropriate for different cultural situations

internal communication

the communication transactions between individuals and/or groups at various levels and in different areas of specialization that is intended to design and redesign organization, to implement designs, and to co-ordinate day-to-day activities


the conformity-seeking tendency of a group; term coined in the 1970s by Irving Janis

Third Culture

the construction of a mutually beneficial interactive environment in which individuals from two different cultures can function in a way beneficial to all involved

Cultural shock

the distress experience by a traveler from the loss of familiar patterns of social interaction

reverse culture shock

the distress experienced by an expatriate when they assimilate to a foreign culture and have trouble adjusting to their native culture when they return home


the first stage of team development when the team members meet for the first time


the generation born between 1946 and 1964; called this due to the baby boom that occurred after world war II


the idea that the team can produce something beyond the sum of individual member contributions


the informal network where communication in organization happens

lateral communication

the process by which employees communicate with others at the same level in the organizational hierarchy

upward communication

the process by which employees communicate with others who are higher in the organizational hierarchy

downward communication

the process by which employees communicate with others who are lower in the organizational hierarchy

Yerkes-Dodson Law

the psychological principle stating that there may be an optimum level of stress for performance for some individuals

social loafing

the reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively compared with when they work individually or coactively

Cultural tightness-looseness

the strength of social norms and the level of sanctioning within societies

labor relations

the study and practice of managing unionized employment situations


the transition when the expatriate has completed the international assignment and returns home

physical setting

these are the characteristics of the physical space and how it is arranged

social factors

these factors include individual differences, team interactions, and the organizational culture


this is how raw materials and inputs transform into outputs, such as work flow design and job design

Kotter's Eight-Step Model

this model elaborates on the Lewin model of change and provides specific guidelines for changing organizations

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