Management & Marketing Class - Final Exam

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Using the SMART framework is a helpful way to state your Wildly Important Goal.


________ leadership helps employees pursue organizational goals over self-interests.


Collaboration results from formal structures such as designated leaders, planned agendas, and organizational charts.

False - Collaboration is different than teamwork

Smart manufacturing is achieved by instituting employee surveillance and monitoring

False - focusing on AI is smart manufacturing

Too much conflict in the workplace usually leads to apathy.

False - result is usually warfare

A committee investigating the impacts of health care reform on the organization is an example of a(n

Formal Group

Understanding how artificial intelligence, big data, and collaborative computing will impact your organization is the challenge of managing for

Technological Advances

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, joining a leadership development group is an example of the self-actualization need.


Before setting the objectives of L&D, managers should

determine the needs or skill gaps that need to be improved.

The two core principles of TQM are

uniform focus on delivering customer value and continuous improvement of work processes.

________ is a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time.

A hierarchy of authority

Control helps an organization

Detect Opportunities

Which global entry strategy has the highest degree of risk?

Direct Investment

According to equity theory, which type of justice reflects the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed or allocated?


_______ is the arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people.

Division of Labor

Workers who face discrimination in their jobs in the United States can file a complaint with the

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Medical knowledge possessed by doctors results in their ________ power.


Chase's Chaises in Arkansas produces high-quality furniture and ships its products to customers in over 40 countries. Chase's Chaises is ________ its products.


Yasuf works as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) for his county's human development center. Because the center needs multiple CNAs working at all times, Yasuf frequently earns overtime pay by working more than 40 hours in a week. Overtime protections were established by the

Fair Labor Standards Act

Organizing is monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action.


Claire's Catering is providing food for a major social event next Saturday. Because Claire's does not have enough employees to fully staff the event, the manager should implement talent management to recruit enough workers for the event.

False, Talent management is less about meeting short-term staffing needs and more about cultivating multiple, diverse talent pipelines that enable firms to plan for how they will continue to generate value and respond to changing markets over the long term.

Marina is a manager who has poor leader-member relations with her employees who perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks. She should use a task-oriented leadership style.

False, The optimal leadership style for poor leader-member relations and high task structure is relationship-oriented leadership.

After three patients sued Guardian Manor, an assisted living facility, for neglect, missing medications, and improper nutritional offerings, Ivana, the CEO, wants to encourage employees to speak up more and to be comfortable voicing concerns. Which of the following would be encouraged by Ivana?

George tells a story about a time when Guardian Manor was first starting out and how the employees banded together.

Supportive, value-based, and work facilitation are examples of the ________ element in House's revised path-goal leadership model.

Leader Behaviors

________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

Lean Six Sigma - Chapter 16

The ________ addresses how a product will be designed, how much it should cost, how it will be promoted, and how it will get to consumers.

Marketing Plan

Much to the chagrin of established firms, one clear supertrend is that products and services must get to market faster because

More competitors are offering targeted products

Content and process are perspectives on


In the ________ leadership model, a leader makes desirable rewards available in the workplace and clarifies how followers can obtain them.


________ is the set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining, monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations.

Performance Management

According to the integrated model, motivation is affected by ________ factors.

Personal & Contextual Factors

Which of Hofstede's cultural dimensions relates to a willingness to accept social inequality as natural?

Power Distance

A firm that creates value by developing a variety of offerings including goods, services, and ideas is doing so through which element of the four Ps?


Which of the following is most often used to influence others?

Rational Persuasion

________ power, which all managers have, is power that results from a managers' authority to offer praise and pay raises, even promotions to their subordinates.


According to the simple model of motivation, what is the next step after you choose a type of behavior you think might satisfy the need?


Kylie has been practicing repeating phrases such as, "I know I don't wear the latest fashions, but I am comfortable. Surely others feel like I do." Her boss has also told her to consider meditation as it can help her practice these


Victoria, a shift manager in a shoe factory, directly supervises 40 employees on her shift. The 40 workers who report directly to Victoria represent her

Span of Control

The essence of ________ is that organizational culture, structure, and HR practices must align to achieve the company's strategies.

Strategic human resource management

Resistance to organizational change is considered to be the interaction of three causes: employee characteristics, change agent characteristics, and

The Change agent-employee relationship

Resistance to organizational change is considered to be the interaction of three causes: employee characteristics, change agent characteristics, and

The change-agent employee relationship

Which of the following is a motivating factor according to Herzberg's two-factor theory?

The work itself, recognition, achievement, advancement, responsibility, and growth

When you become a manager, what should you remember about the behavioral approaches to leadership?

To be an effective leader, behaviors should be selected that match the situation.

Firms prefer to manufacture in a country that has ________ because it signals a greater opportunity to export products to more markets.

Trade Surplus

_______ leadership focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.


Assuming they have choices, people will make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they can get it.


Disruptive innovation is a process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves up market, eventually displacing established competitors.


In sexual harassment, the harasser may be a(n) outsider, coworker, supervisor, or someone of the same sex.


Samantha, a CEO, was reviewing her firm's budget. She was surprised to see that about 30% of the compensation budget was allocated to fringe benefits. Brandon, the vice president of HR, was correct in explaining that this proportion is typical for private industry.

True, Benefits are no small part of an organization's costs. In December 2019, private industry spent an average of $34.72 per hour worked in employment compensation, of which wages and salaries accounted for 70.1% and benefits the remaining 29.9%.

A corporate culture is defined as the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.

True, Organizational culture, sometimes called corporate culture, is defined as the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.

Which of the following is most important for the team leader to encourage during the storming stage of group development?

Voicing of disagreements

For a manager, building an effective team requires work, but the payoff is

a stronger, better performing, working unit

When there is a climate of mistrust, employees

are less likely to accept change

The leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership posits that

each relationship between leaders and followers is distinctive.

As a leader, Ervan mentors new employees, encourages socialization, and worries more about building trust than building profits. Ervan is probably a ________ leader.


Although ________ are typically unwritten and seldom discussed openly, they have a powerful influence on group and organizational behavior.


When the team executes the strategic plan, it is in which stage of development?


A Deloitte Insights survey found that companies are using AI to

reduce errors and defects, increase productivity, and enhance supply chain management.

Kendall frequently spots issues that will affect both her team in Sacramento and their counterparts in San Bernardino. Kendall plays a ________ role by setting meetings with both teams so they can work openly and coordinate smoothly.


A joint venture allows companies to pay a fee plus a percentage of the profits in return for using a company's name and assistance with management, marketing, and the training of managers and nonmanagement employees.


Filipino shrimpers practice dumping by selling their catch to U.S. customers at a price that is higher than the price of shrimp caught in the United States. True or False


In adjourning, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.


Management by measurement is a control principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards.

False - Management by exception is this

Authenticity, control, and collaboration are the three drivers of the "trust triangle."

False - authenticity, logic, empathy are the trust triangle

One important reason controls are useful to organizations is so that decision-making power can be centralized to a few key leaders.

False - control facilitates teamwork

Quality assurance programs have been successful in many manufacturing environments because they increase workers' autonomy over the work process.

False - it has been less successful because employees have no control over the process

Two advantages of decentralization are that (1) managers are encouraged to ask for assistance to solve their problems, and (2) decisions are made more slowly because they are discussed at a higher level of management.

False, Advantages of having decentralized authority are (1) that managers are encouraged to solve their own problems rather than buck the decision to a higher level and (2) decisions are made more quickly, which increases the organization's flexibility and efficiency.

For Amanda's annual performance appraisal, her supervisor solicited feedback from three of Amanda's coworkers, the manager of the customer-service department, several of Amanda's clients, and even a few employees in other departments with whom she worked recently. Amanda's performance appraisal is an example of a forced ranking system.

False, In the 360-degree assessment, or 360-degree feedback appraisal, employees are appraised not only by their managerial superiors but also by peers, subordinates, and sometimes clients, thus providing several perspectives.

The IT network that allows for the movement of organizational information within that company is known as the organizational structure.

False, Organizational structure is a formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinate and motivates an organization's members so that they can work together to achieve the organization's goals.

Leadership is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done.

False, Power is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done. Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.

Reinforcement theory attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with negative consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with positive consequences tends not to be repeated.

False, Reinforcement theory attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated.

Some examples of ________ are companies selling products, operating factories, and collaborating with partners in other countries.


The trend of the world economy toward becoming a more interdependent system is known as


Nike's sneakers are an example of which of the following types of marketing offerings?


Although they may be subtle, when considering forces for change, job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and low productivity represent

Human Resource Concerns

Employees value high self-awareness, appreciation of others, and openness to feedback which are characteristics of a ________ leader.


Profit-sharing plans, commissions, bonuses, and stock options are examples of


According to ________ theory, competence, autonomy, and relatedness are the primary motivations for behavior.


In ________ teams, there is an expectation of increased productivity and quality of work life because employees are delegated greater authority and granted increased autonomy.


________ leaders focus on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to themselves.


Willow, the youngest owner of a family-owned restaurant, wants to make sure her company's culture is embedded. In a recent tradeshow workshop, she learned that she can do this by having company rites and rituals, continuing to tell stories about company legends, and being a role model to her employees.

True, Embedding organizational culture is essentially a teaching process—that is, a process in which members instruct each other about the organization's preferred values, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors. The process is accomplished by using one or more of 12 mechanisms.

Over 80% of workers feel their companies could do better to integrate and transition employees into new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, cultures, and politics by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities.

True, Unfortunately, only about 12% of workers surveyed in a recent study strongly agreed that their organizations were doing a great job onboarding new employees.

Which of the following is the major trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico?


According to expectancy theory, your ________ is low if you don't think a bonus or raise is going to be big enough to justify working evenings and weekends.


After three months of boot camp, the group of new Marines had learned many skills and developed lifelong friendships. The final week of boot camp, called Marine Week, signaled that this group had reached the ________ stage, and would soon be moving onto their next assignments.


A(n) ________ could be a collection of five employees who are studying industry pay scales, with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades within their company.


Managers should expect to encounter criticisms, disagreements, and other on-the-job conflicts regularly.


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.


The world is becoming one market instead of many national ones. True or False


There are two different approaches to job design. The traditional approach to job design is to fit people to the jobs; the modern way is to fit the jobs to the people.


________ involves a binding contractual agreement between a firm and another firm or individual whereby the business name and format have already been developed by the originating firm.


Rafael's team needed to make a few key decisions regarding their current project. To spark discussion, without hurting people's feelings, Rafael could implement programmed conflict in the form of devil's advocacy or the dialectic method.


Studies have shown that informal groups enhance innovation and productivity.


Team composition reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.


The primary purpose of relationship-oriented leadership behavior is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.

False, The primary purpose of task-oriented leadership behavior is to ensure that human, physical, and other resources are used efficiently and effectively to accomplish the group's or organization's goals.

Job enlargement enables workers to focus on doing more of the same task to increase productivity.

False, scientific management is this process

The PDCA cycle is part of

Demming Management

Amaia has been very careful to work with her team to finalize next year's goals. She has taken the process seriously and now wants to make sure that others do their part. Amaia is insisting that all employees follow instructions fully and completely. Amaia seems to be exhibiting the

Control functions because she wants to ensure that the right things happen at the right time

Members of a group that are asking "What's next?" are in the performing stage of team development.

False - this is the adjourning stage

For most of the 20th century, ________ experienced foreign occupation, civil unrest, major famine, and a strict one-party communist regime.


Teamwork is considered the cornerstone of future management.


Fiedler's contingency leadership model argues that leadership behaviors should be primarily determined by position power.

False, The contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.

Much to the chagrin of established firms, one clear supertrend is that products and services must get to market faster because

More competitors are offering targeted products. Many of the big, established companies are experiencing a "head slap" moment because the start-ups that didn't concern them five years ago are now coming out in a "bee swarm." They seem to have come out of nowhere, and they seem to be moving fast with no resources. And they seem not to be weighed down by the baggage of their own success, like bigger firms are. Some of these competitors may be in and out of a market in a matter of days or months—like pop-up stores, "here today, gone tomorrow" retailers.

A Truss Above, a home builder in the United States, secures products such as roofing shingles, cabinets, and plumbing materials from a variety of domestic and international suppliers. ________ is the practice of using outside suppliers to help the contractor build homes.


________ refer to collaborative relationships between independent firms, though the partnering firms do not create an equity partnership; that is, they do not invest in one anothe

Strategic Allieance

Managers use ________ to visualize how strategic goals relate to one another and to overall firm success.

Strategic maps

When building a new hospital, the developer did not remove any trees, based on the belief that doing so could compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is an example of managing for

Sustainable Development

_____ is the last step in the control process

Taking corrective action if necessary

Jaco is most motivated when he is able to influence his work environment and decide when and how to complete his work. Which of the following best describes Jaco's motivation?

The autonomy aspect of self-determination theory

Dontrell and Ebony are expecting their first child this week, but Dontrell has an important meeting at corporate headquarters. To attend this meeting, Dontrell must take the train from Seattle to Vancouver, a trip that takes about four hours. While in Vancouver, Dontrell checks his phone each hour for updates and, as soon as Ebony goes into labor, he will able to return home to Seattle by airplane in less than two hours. Which important development allowed Dontrell to attend the birth of his first child?

The rise of the global village

Total quality management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach led by top management and supported throughout the organization that is dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.


Veronica thinks Yu-Chen is arrogant. Yu-Chen thinks Veronica is unprofessional. Forcing Veronica and Yu-Chen to work together could diminish both workers' well-being.


YoLanda, an account manager, sets her own work schedule and decides which tasks are priorities that will help meet her goals. YoLanda's job has a high level of autonomy.


Employee attitudes, turnover, organizational culture, and resource capabilities are typical metrics in the foundational perspective of the balanced scorecard approach.

True - CH 16

When one department store authorized thousands of its sales clerks to handle functions normally reserved for store managers, such as handling merchandise-return problems and approving customers' checks, the store implemented a job ________ technique.


The simplest definition of productivity is outputs divided by inputs.


According to Victor Vroom, the three primary elements that determine how willing an employee is to work hard at tasks important to an organization are

expectancy, instrumentality, and valence

According to your text, which of the following is will hinder foreign competition?

Increased use of Tarrifs and embargoes

A company that works to create a culture that encourages rank-and-file employees to make suggestions, question the status quo, and also measure employee growth, is developing which perspective of the balanced scorecard?

Innovation and Learning

Goal-setting theory suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging, but achievable.


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for employees of the U.S. government to seize a foreign or domestic company's assets.


Caasi easily influences her co-workers, but not usually for the best. She stirs up controversy and usually spins the conversation to make herself look better. Because Caasi thinks highly of herself and seeks personal power, she could be described as having psychopathy.

False, Narcissism is defined as "a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory." Psychopathy is characterized by lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a dearth of remorse when the psychopath's actions harm others.

Research shows that compensation is the most motivating factor for workers.

False, flexibility and clear growth opportunities are more important to employees

In their ________ roles, managers interact with people inside their work units; while solving problems is part of their ________ roles.

Interpersonal; Decisional

Margot is a third grade teacher who spends time each afternoon tutoring students who need a little extra guidance. Margot also volunteers to read to the residents at a nursing home. Margot seems to seek ________ rewards.


A ________ is formed when a firm entering a market pools its resources with those of a local firm.

Joint Venture

Problems with which entry approach can arise when the partners disagree or if the government places restrictions on the firm's ability to move its profits out of the foreign country and back to its home country?

Joint Venture

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