management and organization

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Which of the following statements is true of informal communication channels?


Conflict arises in a corporate training firm between sales staff and the educational designers. The sales staff wants courses to be customized according to each client's specifications, while the designers prefer to produce general courses that can be sold to a wide range of companies. Which of the following would be the best way to reduce the conflict between these groups?

Focus both groups on an issue that they have in common, such as improving customer satisfaction.

Walter works in the cutting department of a shoe manufacturing company. The workers in the department are required to cut out the skin of leather into pieces of various shapes using metal strip knives. This operation requires a high level of skill so as to avoid wastage of leather. Walter's working standards have reduced since the last 2 months. His supervisor approaches him to discuss his substandard performance. To avoid this confrontation again, Walter tries to achieve the required standards. Which of the following is most similar to the given scenario?

Following poor grades in his school exams, Frank's teacher requests a meeting with his parents. This causes Frank to work harder for better grades.

Which of the following is a significant indicator of group effectiveness?

Group members gain satisfaction from being members of the group.

Which of the following is an example of a committee?

LPR has set up a group to conduct the yearly promotion review function.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the leader-member exchange theory?

Leaders' central task is to build strong and satisfying relationships.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the path-goal theory of leadership?

Leaders' job is to increase subordinates' satisfaction and effort.

What is the central concept of Fiedler's leadership contingency theory?

Leadership effectiveness depends on the type of leader and the relative degree of favorability of the situation.

The manager of the Research department at Lemontree Inc. is experimenting with new ways of working to increase efficiency. He divides the department's employees into four smaller teams and puts each team in charge of a part of the project. Which of the following is most likely to be the least effective team?

Members of Team Alpha are highly qualified, but their allotted task is a very routine one.

Which of the following is a difference between teams and groups?

Members of a team take more personal responsibility for achieving team goals than group members do.

Which of the following is true of an informal group in an organization?

Membership is voluntary and members choose to interact with one another.

Altdoor International Corp. manufactures and markets commercial trucks, buses, diesel engines, and military vehicles. The company manufactures the engines and assembles the vehicles from a large factory located in southern California. Lynn is the supervisor of one of the teams that function in the production line and most of the tasks that the members perform are structured and routine. Lynn believes that the supportive leadership style is most suited to manage his team. Which of the following information, if true, would most support Lynn's belief?

More than eighty percent of the employees in the team have five or more years of experience in performing the tasks.

which of the following is a common error committed by less-experienced managers?

NOT they tend to forgo control in order to foster good relations with their employees

Which of the following is true regarding norms?

Norms provide members with cues about how to behave.

Which of the following is a valid observation of the interrelationship between management and leadership?

Not all leaders are managers and not all managers are leaders

Which of the following is an example of a supervisory group?

a clerical unit in a company

Which of the following is a common attribute of charismatic leaders?

ability to engage in impression management

Which of the following is a skill that competent teams must possess?

adaptability and flexibility

Which of the following is the best example of a leadership substitute?

advisory or staff support

McClelland, in his acquired needs theory, considered ________ needs to be extremely important.

affiliation, power, achievement

Which of the following is a potential cognitive consequence of diversity within groups?

amount and quality of new ideas

Which of the following motivational forces relates to both internal and external forces?

amount of direct feedback

McClelland's acquired needs theory asserts that managers who work with high-need achievers typically should ________.

assume they will take personal responsibility for their actions

A self-managing work group is also known as a(n) ________.

autonomous work group

According to the job characteristics model, ________ is the degree to which a job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out.


Within the context of the job characteristics model, a company's intranet linking all the R&D scientists, allowing them to post their ideas and propose solutions at any hour of the day, whether at the office, at home, or on the road, is an example of ________.


Which of the following can be considered the essence of emotional intelligence?

awareness of others

Neutralizer of leadership is any aspect of the organization or work situation that ________.

can hinder the exercise of leadership

A person can be called a charismatic leader if he or she ________.

can influence followers based on inspirational qualities

Which of the following leader attributes is viewed as positive in some cultures and as negative in some others?


Goal-setting research suggests that people will exert higher levels of effort when goals are ________

challenging and specific

Gordon, the CEO of a closed-end business development company, believes strongly in the ideas that he proposes and stands by them. He displays high level of self-confidence and is an inspiration to his followers. Many consider him as a role model. Gordon can be called a ________ leader.


Which of the following will tend to increase conformity in a group?

close adherence to the norms of the group

Roma is an HR executive at Arbitron Technologies, an electronic manufacturing firm. She often finds it difficult to schedule supervisor interviews for potential candidates as the supervisors are always busy with their normal work. She also feels that the supervisors do not cooperate with her adequately. Roma seeks help from the COO to resolve this issue and he helps her in obtaining help from the supervisors. Identify the influence tactic used here.


Robert, a highly experienced software engineer, joins a new company as the manager of a large group of employees. In his first meeting with the employees of the new organization, he explains his expectations on the behavior of employees. He also lets the employees know that noncompliance with his norms will result in withholding the rewards that they receive. Which of the following types of power is Robert using here?


Which of the following is an example of positional power?

coercive power

________ is the degree to which members are motivated to remain in a group.


A manager offers to provide relevant resources and assistance if his subordinate will approve a proposed change. Which of the following influence tactics is being used by this manager?


A marketing group for an office supply company meets with their supervisor on the first Friday of every month to review their advertising programs and promotional activities. This group is an example of a(n) ________.

command group

As the basic work units of an organization, ________ are relatively permanent groups and consist of a supervisor or manager and all those who report to that person.

command groups

ABC Enterprises plans to assign the duty of reviewing its quarterly budget to six of its employees. These employees will be members of a ________.


A(n) ________ is an identifiable pattern of communication within and between organizations, whether using formal or informal channels.

communication network

The close adherence to the group's norms by its individual members is known as ________.


A manager who shows trust and confidence in subordinates is displaying ________ behavior


________ focus on the needs a person is trying to satisfy and the features of the work environment that seem to satisfy those needs.

content theories

Whereas ________ focus on which variables affect motivation, ________ focus on how the variables affect motivation.

content theories; process theories

________ teams directly accept and build on their differences and use them to enhance their ingenuity.


Which of the following is a potential cause of relationship conflict?

dissimilarities in the composition of the membership of the group

According to equity theory, if the ratio of an employee's outcomes to his/her inputs is equal to the ratio of another employee's outcomes to inputs then the employee is motivated to ________.

do nothing

Penelope is the owner of a small-scale business. She has worked as a vice president in a large multinational company after graduating from a reputable university. After starting her own business, Penelope earns much lesser than what she used to earn before. However, she always had the desire to become an entrepreneur and is highly enthusiastic about attaining that goal. She displays high levels of energy and works day in and day out to achieve her goals. Which of the following traits is most evident in Penelope?

drive to succeed

Self-efficacy is roughly the equivalent of ________ expectancy in the expectancy theory.


Arminor, Inc. distributes medical and surgical supplies, apart from providing supply chain management services in the United States. The company is known for employee friendliness and quality of work life. The company requires its managers to be aware of the employees' feelings and their own feelings. The company recruits managers who have the ability to self-regulate their activities. Which of the following leadership skill is likely to be considered the most important by this company?

emotional intelligence

Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory defines ________ as succeeding on a similar prior task and attributing that success to one's own capabilities rather than to luck or circumstances.

enactive mastery experience

Which of the following should managers do to decrease conflict in a cross-functional team?

encourage "mindfulness" after examining divergent points of view

cathy's ten-member team are all of different nationalities. The team has been in existence for the last 14 months. Although there have been no instances of infighting among the members, the team has achieved only a 2% increase in sales volume rather than the project increased of 10%. What type of a global team is this


________ asserts that individuals are likely to compare the ratios of inputs to outcomes they receive against the ratios of other people, such as colleagues or acquaintances.

equity theory

________ is a motivation theory proposing that individuals will compare their circumstances to those of others and that such comparisons may motivate certain kinds of behavior.

equity theory

According to Maslow's need hierarchy, which of the following needs relate to the need for self-respect and respect from other people?

esteem needs

Which of the following is an observable attribute of diversity?


Chris manages a team of legal content developers at Spartal, a legal process outsourcing company. In order to meet an important deadline, Chris wants the employees to work for a few extra hours every day. Chris offers special incentives to the employees for finishing the job on time and for putting in extra work hours. Which of the following influence tactics is used here?


The three basic categories of needs identified by Alderfer in his ERG theory are ________.

existence, relatedness, and growth

The basic components of ________ are effort, performance, and outcomes.

expectancy theory

You follow your doctors' prescriptions though they do not have any formal authority on you. This behavior can be attributed to the doctors' ________ power.


The chairperson of a budget committee at N&S falls ill and yields his position to a new hire who had served many years on the budget committee in her previous organization. The new chairperson's first act is to e-mail a new set of committee procedures to other members. In this case, the committee's norms are about to be affected most clearly by ________ and ________.

explicitly stated standards; imported behaviors

Characteristics of a work situation is considered an ________.

external or pull force that focuses on what happens to the individual

David stops making unsolicited suggestions when his team leader no longer mentions them in group meetings. David's behavior is most likely due to ________.


When a manager uses ________ to lessen the likelihood of a behavior being repeated, he or she avoids providing any positive consequences as a result of that behavior.


According to the job characteristics model, ________ is defined as the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job provides the individual with direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance.

feedback from the job

Within the context of the job characteristics model, ________ is involved when a machine designer knows that her schematics are correct as very few are rejected by the machine shop.

feedback from the job

Which of the following theories advocated the view that leadership effectiveness would be dependent on a combination of the type of leader and the relative degree of favorability of the situation for the leader?

fiedler's leadership contingency theory

________ are designated, created, and sanctioned by the organization to carry out its basic work and fulfill its overall mission.

formal groups

Amy has put together a team of eight employees to conduct a review of the company's safety practices. This function is new to most group members and nearly all of them have come up to Amy personally to clarify their doubts about how the group will function and what their responsibilities will be. What stage of group development is Amy's team in?


Which of the following accurately depicts the sequence of the stages of group development?

forming, storming, norming, and performing

During the "forming" stage of group development, the group members usually ________.

get acquainted with each other

________ is a theory that emphasizes the role of conscious aim and intentions in directing human actions.

goal-setting theory

The tendency for a strong consensus among most group members to override any individual member's dissent is known as ________.


Requirement of ________ involves not only the obligations of the subordinate to the superior but also the obligations of the superior to respect the subordinate and care for his or her welfare.


According to authentic leadership development theory, those who earn the designation from others as authentic leaders ________.

have high levels of self-awareness and self-regulation

Which of the following theories/models has its primary emphasis on followers' readiness to engage in learning new tasks?

hershey and blanchard's situational leadership model

Which of the following is a content theory of motivation?

herzberg's two-factor theory

_______ is a motivation theory that focuses on the presumed different effects of intrinsic job factors and extrinsic situational factors.

herzberg's two-factor theory

Groups composed of individuals who are very dissimilar to each other are known as ________.

heterogeneous groups

An individual's drive refers to a(n)________.

high level of energy, effort, and persistence in the pursuit of objectives

According to the matrix of agreeability and influence, the members of a leading coalition for change will be part of the ____ agreeable and ____ influence group

high; high

which of the following is a critical decision in the context of the environmental conditions in which large....

how centralized or decentralized should the control systems be

According to Frederick Herzberg, ________ are elements associated with conditions surrounding the job and are not directly related to the doing of a job.

hygiene factors

A person from high-context culture is likely to view the lack of change in communication style of individuals from low-context cultures as evidence of _____


Organizational management ________.

include tasks that don't directly involve influencing people

Which of the following would act as a neutralizer of leadership?

inflexible organization procedures

A(n) ________ is one whose members choose to interact voluntarily with one another, not by organizational mandate

informal group

George works as a journalist in a media company. He often finds it difficult to obtain interviews from celebrities and other famous people. He gives excessive compliments to the celebrities and tries to impress them when requesting for interviews. Which influence tactic is George using?


Expectancy theory asserts that ________ or performance-to-outcome is the probability that a particular level of performance will lead to particular outcomes or consequences.

instrumentality belief

Characteristics of a person's job is considered an ________.

internal and external force that focuses on what the person does in the work setting

Characteristics of the individual is considered an ________.

internal or push force that focuses on what the employee brings to the work setting

Leadership process can be best described as a(n) ________.

interpersonal process

Upon discovering stronger-than-expected sales of its product, a manufacturer of baby food..... managers should always ____

investigate positive differences between performance and standards

Which of the following is true of a command group?

it is relatively enduring and group membership changes relatively slowly.

A _____ is a list of duties and capabilities required for a particular job

job description

________ involves increasing the complexity of a job to provide a greater sense of responsibility, accomplishment, and achievement.

job enrichment

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, supportive leadership is most suitable when the ________.

jobs are stressful and employees are highly experienced

_____ involves the termination of groups of employees because of economic or business reasons


Interim Money, Inc., an independent organization, sells ATMs, as well as owns, operates, and manages ATMs for independent financial institutions in the United States. The organization follows a vertical organizational structure, and managers at different levels are given different levels of authority to control employees. The managers at Interim money obtain ________ power due to the vertical structure and operations.


The employees of a firm reports to line managers and they are responsible for controlling the work of the employees. What kind of power does the line managers enjoy in this example?

legitimate power

Which of the following refers to the power granted to a manager by the organization?

legitimate power

Sometimes, companies hire intact groups away from other companies instead of developing their own new group, in order to jump start some new initiative. This practice is known as ________.


From an expectancy theory perspective, a manager who wanted to boost motivation levels would be least likely to ________.

limit praise to encourage hard work

A software engineer believes that if she can complete her current project on time she will get her much awaited promotion to the ranks of a team leader. However, she doubts her capability of completing the project on time. Within the context of expectancy theory, what level of motivation would the engineer have and why?

low, since the expectancy, instrumentality, and valence of the outcome must all be high for motivation

To begin motivating an apathetic associate, a manager informally questions her about her satisfaction with her job's ability to provide safety, social interaction, self-respect, and opportunities for growth. What theory of motivation is this manager most likely trying to apply in working with the associate?

maslow's need hierarchy

Which of the following stages in the development of leader-member relationships is associated with almost unlimited amounts of reciprocal influence?


Transformational leaders ________.

motivate followers to ignore self-interests

________ is the set of forces that energize, direct, and sustain behavior.


An individual has a strong desire to influence others and to be in charge. These behaviors are most closely associated with the individual's ________.

motivation to lead

A sales representative is informed by his supervisor that if he exceeds his sales for the last quarter by 20 percent then some of his more difficult clients will be transferred to another sales representative. The supervisor strongly believes that the transfer will help him achieve past sales targets in the subsequent years. This is an example of ________.

negative reinforcement

A ________ is a standard, shared by the group, that guides the behavior of its individual members.


During the ________ stage of group development, a consensus about the group's issues begins to appear and the members start identifying with the group and its goals.


A manager wishes to improve the job performance of a group of clerical workers. Based on Herzberg's theory, ________ would be an appropriate motivator.

offering them opportunities for achievement and recognition

The manager of a steel manufacturing company is using ________ when he stops raising output quotas each time workers exceed them.

omission training

Paper craft inc is considering introducing a job sharing program for some departments in the company. Which of the following if true would weaken papercraft's decision?

on account of the nature of the projects, most projects are undertaken single-handedly

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs includes the need for the basic essentials of life, such as water, food, and shelter?

physiological needs

Which of the following categories is included in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

physiological needs

An individual becomes powerful if he is able to give others the rewards they want. The power obtained in this manner is a form of ________ power.


Managers usually have the authority to distribute rewards to employees. This reward power they enjoy is one of the strongest sources of ________ power.


________ power is based on a manager's rank in an organization.


Which of the following will increase the probability that people will repeat a behavior?

positive and negative reinforcements

A production supervisor receives a bonus for each day a project is completed ahead of schedule. This is an example of ________.

positive reinforcement

________ is a desirable consequence that, by occurring or being supplied following a behavior, increases the likelihood of that behavior being repeated in the future.

positive reinforcement

Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory defines physiological and psychological arousal as ________.

potential energizing forces that can increase self-efficacy beliefs if the focus is directed to the task

Which of the following is a "push" force of motivation?

preset goals for completing a task

A shift manager at a fast-food restaurant is using ________ when she fines a habitually tardy crew member the equivalent of one hour's pay each day he is late for work


Which of the following statements is true about the maturity stage of leader-member relationships?

quality of leader-member exchange is the highest during this stage

________ conflict arises when group members possess divergent ideas or approaches to attaining goals.


ICE, Inc. has called upon a group of the Management Information System handlers to oversee the design and implementation of a new company-wide information system over the next two months. This group is an example of a ________.

project/task force

A subordinate begins using gestures similar to those of his superior and imitating certain aspects of the superior's speech patterns. This is indicative of ________ power that exists in organizations.


Charisma constitutes a set of traits that can produce an especially strong form of ________ power.


When people are attracted to, or identified with, someone, that person acquires ________ power.


Which of the following types of powers has relatively the lowest cost when used in organizations?


Which of the following is an example of personal power?

referent power

Within the context of organizations, control involved ____

regulating activities and behaviors to accomplish specific organizational objectives

BEL services is a long-time federal contractor. It was recently noticed that the company has not been implementing affirmative action policies for people with disabilities. which of the following is BEL violating?

rehabilitation act

Which of the following is an external motivational force?


Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory defines verbal persuasion as ________.

statements from others that convince a person that he or she can successfully perform the task

The standing or prestige that a person has in a group, which can be based on a number of factors such as perceived leadership abilities, seniority, or special skills, is known as ________.


Beth has just briefed her group of nine about their roles and responsibilities, but she notices that the members are not yet very comfortable exchanging information with each other. She also observes that the members frequently end up arguing with each other because each has a different idea of how the group should function. Beth's group is in the ________ stage of group development.


During the ________ of group development, members cautiously exchange information and conflicts begin to emerge.

storming stage

A charismatic leader has influence over others based on the individual's inspirational qualities rather than formal power or position


A command group consists of a supervisor or manager and all those who report to that person.


A highly cohesive group is more likely to reject any deviance from its norms, even if it represents creative ideas that could ultimately be useful to the group.


A manager is using a coalition tactic when she seeks the aid of others to persuade an employee to do something.


A potential hazard of the unintended use of extinction is that it can leave the interpretation of important situations in the hands of employees rather than under the control of the manager.


A potential leader who is low in positional power can compensate for that by having very strong personal leadership characteristics.


A task force is a group put together by an organization for a particular purpose, such as to design a new product or to work on a particular problem, and usually for a limited period of time.


An autonomous group has no formally appointed supervisor but the members coordinate their organizational work as if they all report to the same formally appointed supervisor.


An individual's drive refers to a high level of energy, effort, and persistence in the pursuit of objectives.


Charismatic leaders typically engage in impression management.


Extensive training and experience can act as a substitute for leadership.


Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model places particular attention on the behavior of followers.


In an organization, people in positions that are labeled managerial or supervisory have more opportunities to exert leadership than others.


In countries and cultures with strong collectivist tendencies, the individual is likely to be influenced by the "in-group"; that is, the group to which he or she belongs.


In the context of team development, skills refer to highly developed behavioral and cognitive capabilities that are necessary to carry out team tasks and meet team goals.


In the storming stage of group development, there are often conflicts over group goals or the means to reach them.


Intragroup conflict occurs within groups whereas intergroup conflict occurs among groups.


Managers can use the principle of extinction to their advantage by deliberately not reinforcing employee behavior that they consider undesirable.


Neutralizer of leadership is any aspect of the organization or work situation that can hinder the exercise of leadership.


Norms do not necessarily apply to all members of the group.


Reward power is one of the strongest sources of position power for any manager.


Role conflict is a situation in which two members of a group are performing the same role.


Social loafing generally increases as group size increases.


Subordinates can influence the motivation of their superiors through their ability to punish behavior by subtly withholding rewards.


The category of motivational forces that relates to both internal and external forces focuses on the characteristics of a person's job or task.


The job characteristics model developed by two organizational scientists, J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham, emphasizes core job characteristics, such as skill, variety, and task significance.


Unlike Maslow's need hierarchy theory, Alderfer's ERG theory asserts that different levels of needs may be active at the same time.


Use of referent power is a cost-free way to influence other people.


Vicarious learning involves gaining knowledge by observing how others successfully perform a task and then modeling one's own behavior in a similar manner.


Vroom's expectancy theory focuses on the thought processes people use when they consider alternatives, particularly alternative courses of action.


Identify the most accurate description of the rational persuasion influence tactic.

The agent uses logical arguments and factual evidence to show a proposal or request is feasible and relevant for attaining important task objectives.

Textronic Technologies, a large software company, believes that close supervision is not essential to manage the software developers. The company wants to find an alternative for using direct supervisors to manage the engineers. Which of the following techniques can the company use to achieve this goal?

The company can hire employees with high levels of formal education.

________ conflict focuses on differences in ideas about the nature of issues facing a group and the group's objectives


Hackman and Oldham proposed that ________ is the degree to which a job requires the completion of a "whole" and identifiable piece of work.

task identity

Within the context of the job characteristics model, the event manager, handling all the plans for the annual executive retreat and attending the retreat and receiving information on its success from the participants, is an example of ________.

task identity

Which of the following is knowledge that competent teams must possess?

task sequencing

According to the job characteristics model, ________ is defined as the degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people.

task significance

Harry, a finance manager of an IT company, devises a new child education benefit plan to partly sponsor the primary education of their employees' children. Within the context of the job characteristics model, this is an example of ________.

task significance

The three basic types of group conflicts are ________ conflict.

task, process, relationship

As a person moves up in the organization, the relative importance of ________ decreases.

technical skills

Relatively enduring characteristics of a person are called ________.


Charles leads a team of eleven employees in a fashion design company. He believes in achieving better productivity by effectively managing the employees. He adequately rewards good performers at his company and insists on the use of standard procedures. He makes changes only when it is absolutely essential for the survival of the company. Charles is a(n) ________ leader.


A manager motivates his subordinates to work toward achieving the organizational goals even by foregoing their personal welfare. He does this by modeling the behaviors through his actions. He has created an image of a self-sacrificing leader through his actions. This manager is a(n) ________ leader


Leadership that motivates followers to ignore self-interests and work for the larger good of the organization to achieve significant accomplishments is called ________ leadership.


Identify a leader's attribute that is universally viewed as positive.


While they agree that satisfaction is a factor in motivation, scholars note that there is little evidence that increasing employee satisfaction actually increases motivation. This has led them to criticize the ________ as being overly simplistic.

two-factor theory

The optimal size for a group in the workplace ________.

varies based on the types of tasks facing the group

Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory defines ________ as gaining knowledge by observing how others perform a task and then modeling one's own behavior in a similar manner.

vicarious learning

Which of the following is an example of oral communication?


Which of the following is a process theory of motivation?

vroom's expectancy theory

Scholarly research has defined ________ as the degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at a point in time.

work centrality

When dealing with group conflict, a manager should try to increase the ratio of relationship to substantive conflict.


Which of the following statements is true regarding status issues in groups

A group's decision-making ability is inhibited if the status differences within the group are too extreme.

Jessica, a team leader at Hifenac Corp., has portrayed her managerial skills by successfully motivating each of her team members to perform exceedingly well. The exceptional performance of her team prompts the management to increase her team size and assign her new projects. Soon, however, management observes that this additional responsibility adversely affects Jessica's performance and the productivity of the new team is not as impressive. Which of the following is most similar to the scenario discussed above?

A sales manager with a good past sales record is assigned a larger sales territory. However, he fails to deliver as expected.

Which of the following is a valid observation about organizational leadership?

Anyone in an organization can exhibit leadership behaviors

Which of the following situations can be seen as an application of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory?

Arnold, the factory manager of a manufacturer, continually attempts to maintain a good relationship with the factory workers.

Broman Group Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells consumer product dispensing systems. Jim Cole is a plant supervisor at one of the manufacturing plants of the company. He observes a dip in the performance of a worker in his team. Jim informs the employee that he will release his annual increment only if his performance improves significantly in the coming months. Which of the following is most similar to the situation mentioned here?

Aston, the supervisor of a small organizational team, assigns inconvenient shifts to those employees who do not agree with his policies.

Within the context of Maslow's need hierarchy, a program that allows employees to "make a difference" in their communities may satisfy their physiological needs.


The task significance theory predicts the methods that dissatisfied employees will use to remedy their feelings that others are "doing better" than they are


Which of the following is an example of a command group?

Ed is a supervisor for a brick-laying team at a construction site.

Transformational leadership focuses on motivating followers' self-interests by exchanging rewards for their compliance.


Vroom's expectancy theory states that the three key variables, effort, performance, and outcome, interact in an additive manner to determine the amount of effort people will choose to expend on a particular task


"Status" refers to a group's shared standards that guide the behavior of its individual members.


A command group is a type of informal group.


A group has additional characteristics beyond a team, including a higher degree of interdependent, coordinated interaction and a stronger sense of members' personal responsibility for achieving specified group outcomes.


A key issue related to work centrality is the subordination of personal goals to the goals of a group.


A manager asks one of his subordinates to carry out a request out of friendship. This influence tactic is best referred to as collaboration.


A manager is using his reward power when he withholds a desired prize for an employee.


A relatively transitory characteristic of a person is referred to as a trait.


A sudden challenge to the group can create specific and vivid responses that form the basis for how members should be expected to respond in the future. These are known as imported behaviors.


According to Fiedler's leadership contingency theory, a favorable situation for the leader exists when the task is highly unstructured.


Amounts of reciprocal influence are limited in a leader-follower relationship in the maturity stage.


As group size increases, process costs decrease


Both positive reinforcements and extinctions maintain or increase particular types of behavior and performance


Class consciousness is considered a negative leadership attribute across cultures.


Coercive power is an example of personal power used by managers. FALSE


David McClelland's theory of acquired needs focuses on the inborn needs for power, achievement, and affiliation and how those needs become activated over time.


During the forming stage of group development, group members build consensus on basic issues.


Frederick Herzberg asserts that hygiene factors and motivators are equivalent.


Global teams known as "equalizers" accept and build upon their differences and use them to enhance their creativity.


Goal-setting is a simple panacea for motivating increased performance suitable for all occasions and in all types of situations.


Informal groups have little effect on the attitudes and performance of their members in relation to organization tasks and objectives.


It is unlikely that a manager can positively influence the self-efficacy of subordinates


Need hierarchy and acquired needs content theories focus on the identification of external factors of motivation, while the two-factor content theory focuses on identifying internal factors of motivation.


Organizational management is considered a subset of organizational leadership.


Positive reinforcements used to motivate people in organizational settings are said to be equitable if they have some capacity to affect future performance.


Regardless of cost, performance measurement should always be comprehensive


Richard Hackman suggests that managers should focus solely on output when they are evaluating group performance.


Self-efficacy is the tendency for one to take more credit for success than failure.


Showing trust and confidence in subordinates is an example of initiating structure behavior.


Social perceptiveness is the most important component of emotional intelligence


Task significance is the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities in carrying out the work.


The essence of Maslow's need hierarchy is that individuals take a "top down" approach to satisfying their needs.


The motivational forces that come from a person are called "pull" or external forces.


Which of the following statements is true about social intelligence?

Social intelligence focuses on being able to read other people.

Which of the following is true regarding a committee?

The members of a committee have different permanent jobs.

Which of the following is an example of a task group?

The project design team at LPR consists of members from three departments.

Shortly after Christmas, a catalog company is besieged by complaints of poor service, so a task force designs an incentive plan to motivate associates to fill orders more quickly and more accurately. For the proposed incentive plan to be successful, which of the following positive reinforcement strategies should be used?

The size of rewards should be roughly related to the quality of past job-related performance.

In order to develop new financial instruments for sale to its clients, a bank brings together a cross-functional team consisting of members from the finance, legal, and marketing units. Which of the following is a problem that is likely to arise from such a cross-functional team?

The widely varying initial perspectives of team members can increase conflicts.

Which of the following is a characteristic of project groups?

These are constructed for a specific and limited purpose.

The product development team at JEG were working together for a year and were very comfortable with an informal style of working. However, the new manager who stepped in preferred to use a more formal style during meetings and team interactions, as this was the way he had always worked. Which of the following is most similar to this situation?

Zygsys has always given employees autonomy in pacing their work, but a new member cited the experience from a former team and suggested that managers set all work schedules.

Which of the following is one of the key components of social intelligence?

behavioral flexibility

High levels of group cohesion ________.

decrease the potential for intergroup cooperation

From a manager's perspective, in-group influence ________ when the in-group's norms oppose organizational norms.

decreases motivation

Social loafing in work groups ________.

decreases when individual contributions are easy to identify

Which of the following is a step in a program that systematically applies the principles of reinforcement theory to motivate employees?

describe desired performance in broad, general terms

_______ teams channel their members' efforts and attention into unproductive conflicts and interpersonal attacks.


A team was set up by a group of Asian, Australian, and North American universities in order to allow students to transfer easily between each institution. However, the team achieved little, with the members from different nations accusing each other of being bullying, insensitive, and unprofessional. Which one of the following terms characterizes this multinational group?


The three general types of global teams are ________.

destroyers, equalizers, and creators

________ behaviors of leaders is considered a negative behavior across cultures.


Since the time of the original formulation of the three-stage change process many years ago, the goal of re freezing has been browned by the objective of ____

organizational renewal

Kerry is a unit manager in a Japanese automobile company. He leads a small team of design engineers at the company. He takes good care of his subordinates and expects performance in return. These management practices can be best referred to as ________.


Legitimate power of a person is reduced if the ________.

person's selection for a managerial position is questionable

________ refers to a situation in which the expected behaviors for a group member are not clearly defined.

role ambiguity

Alice is a barista at a coffee shop in her town. Though the baristas are expected to be friendly and interact with customers, Alice finds it difficult to spend enough time with individual customers when she is also required to serve a minimum quota of customers during her shift. Alice is experiencing ________.

role conflict

________ emerges when a member has to fulfill two or more contrasting sets of expectations.

role conflict

Which of the following is a potential affective consequence of diversity within groups?


Which of the following is a potential cause of task and process conflicts?

scarcity of resources to accomplish the group's goals

A well-known bank providing health insurance and retirement benefits to all its employees is concerned about the ________ needs of its employees


_____ refers to the process of screening out some parts of an intended message because they contradict our beliefs or desires

selective perception

In Maslow's need hierarchy, the ________ need relates to an individual's need to be personally fulfilled and to develop one's unique talents to their highest possible levels.


Edwin manages a small team of knowledge workers. He often faces tight deadlines and other work pressures. Despite this, Edwin remains a calm and composed leader. He is often praised for his ability to handle things with maturity. He is also receptive to healthy criticism. Which of the following attributes of leadership is most evident in Edwin's actions?


________ is the extent to which a person believes he or she can accomplish a given task in a specific situation.


A(n) ________ has no formally appointed supervisor but the members coordinate their organizational work as if they all reported to the same formally appointed supervisor.

self-managing work group

A plant manager in a small factory wants to raise workforce morale. Upon inquiry, she finds out that the working conditions at the plant are safe, clean, and pleasant and that recent expansion of the workforce has assured employees of job security. Which of the following actions should the manager take to ensure that the "belongingness" needs in Maslow's hierarchy are satisfied?

set up after-work activities, such as a softball team, to allow more social interaction

Which of the following can be categorized as task behavior?

setting performance standards

Which of the following is the most accurate description of empowerment?

sharing of power with others

A call center manager hopes to improve the performance of her staff by decreasing the average time spent on a call. First, she sets up a performance board where the average length of a call for the previous week is posted and compared to the average call length for the preceding four weeks. Then, she encourages the staff to reduce the average. According to goal-setting theory, how could she improve this scheme?

she should make the goal more specific

Angela is an HR manager at Hard Rock Cafe. She is responsible for recruiting employees and training them, organizing work space for new employees, overseeing employee relations counseling and exit interviews, developing and implementing HR policies and procedures, and reviewing annual performance. This is an example of ________ according to the job characteristics model.

skill variety

________ is an underlying attribute of diversity.


________ is a process theory that, in part, describes how to increase an individual's sense of self-efficacy, thus increasing motivation.

social cognitive theory

The N&S design team recently took on eight more people to cope with a sudden influx of work. However, the management noticed that productivity did not increase significantly after the new members joined, and even decreased in some cases. This can be attributed to ________.

social loafing

When a group's size increases, the sense of personal responsibility for its output or performance on the part of each individual member tends to decrease. This phenomenon is known as ________.

social loafing

Due to the rise in the rates of obesity and lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension, many people have begun opting for healthier diets. This has taken a toll on the fast food and beverage industry. This is an example of which of the following external forces of change?

societal attitudes

According to expectancy theory, valence, outcome, and performance interact in a multiplicative way to determine ________.

the amount of effort a person will expend on a particular task

Arbery fudge company inc; which of the following situations would necessitate the use of strategic control for evaluation?

the competition in the confectionery market has increased significantly in the recent past

________ focuses on core job attributes, critical psychological states, and expected outcomes

the job characteristics model

During the performing stage of group development, ________.

the members take actions as a coherent entity

N&s Corp is opening a new branch in a nearby city and the HR team is debating the various methods of generating job candidates. Which of the following will weaken the case for using employee referrals?

the new office will spearhead n&s'a venture into a new....

The direction of a group's influence on the motivation of an individual in that group will likely depend on ________ of the group.

the norms

Power obtained due to ________ is an example of positional power.

the right to administer punishments

Which of the following is a possible disadvantage associated with charismatic leaders?

they do not always suit the requirements of the situation

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