Management Exam 2 - Sumners

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relational coordination

Frequent, timely, problem-solving communication carried out through [employee] relationships of shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect.-highest

chain of command

an unbroken line of authority that links all employees in the organization and shows who reports to whom

technical complexity

difference among the three manufacturing technologies; degree to which machinery is involved in the production to the exclusion of people

horns effect

direct opposite of Halo Effect and occurs when perception of someone is unduly influenced by one negative trait Example: one poorly performing employee diminishing the reputation of their entire department

If a store manager only hires shift supervisors who have a four-year college degree, even though experienced cashiers without a four-year degree can be excellent supervisors, _______ may be occurring.


large-batch and mass production

distinguished by standardized production runs


involves users and potential resisters in designing the change

halo effect

occurs when we perceive one great thing about a person and let that halo glow of that one thing color our opinions of everything else about that person - Example: someone went to highly regarded college getting high grade or someone received a big award, we tend to let this achievement influence how we see everything else about that person

: If an OD consultant is hired to implement a _________, this activity will include meeting with employees from across the organization and often external stakeholders to have a sustained guided dialogue.

large-group intervention

social learning

learning informally from others by using social media tools


makes people throughout the organization aware of problems and the need for change

exit interviews

managers use as a valuable HRM tool, regardless of whether the employee leaves voluntarily or is forced out


managers use their formal power to force employees to change

employment tests

may include cognitive ability tests, physical ability tests, personality inventories, and other assessments


one of the most frequently used approaches to changing people's mind-sets - companies emphasize training and development for managers

line authority

means that people in management positions have the formal authority to direct and control immediate subordinates

virtual network structure

means that the firm subcontracts most of its major functions to separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small organization at headquarters


means tying at least part of compensation to employee effort and performance

continuous process production

mechanizes the entire workflow

You would study a business's __________ to see a visual representation of its vertical structure, including the chain of command.

organizational chart

staff authority

narrower and includes the right to advise, recommend, and counsel in the staff specialists' area of expertise

span management

number of employees reporting to a supervisor and determines how closely a supervisor can monitor subordinates


occurs when hiring and promotion decisions are made based on criteria that are not job relevant

job specification

outlines the knowledge, skills, education, physical abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform a specific job adequately

culture change

pertains to the organization as a whole and is not easy


process that managers use to transfer authority and responsibility to positions below them in the hierarchy


occurs when individuals experiment with new behavior and learn new skills to be used in the workplace - also known as intervention - change agent implements a specific plan for training managers and employees

small-batch and unit production

produces goods in batches of one or a few products designed to customer specification

diversity of thought

provides a broader and deeper base of ideas, opinions, and experiences for problem solving, creativity, and innovation

new-venture fund

provides financial resources from which individuals or teams can draw to develop new ideas, products, or businesses

When your manager assigns you a task, you have the ______ to carry out that task as assigned


project manager

responsible for coordinating activities of several departments on a full-time basis for the completion of a specific project

Why do people resist change?

self-interest, lack of understanding and trust, uncertainty, different assessments and goals

types of sexual harassment:

- generalized - inappropiate/offensive - solicitation with promise of reward - coercion with threat of punishment - sexual crimes and misdemeanors

reduce bias in the hiring process:

- rework your job descriptions - go blind for the resume review - standardize interviews

organizational structure

- the set of formal tasks assigned to individuals and departments - formal reporting relationships, including lines of authority, decision responsibility, number of hierarchical levels, and span of managers' control - the design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across departments

communication and education

Used when solid information about the change is needed by users and others who may resist implementation


a higher-ranking organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protege's professional career

new-venture team

a unit separate from the rest of the organization that is responsible for developing and initiating a major innovation


accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs

functional structure

activities are grouped together by common function from the bottom to the top of the organization


an organization accommodates several subcultures

Employee affinity groups

based on social identity, such as gender or race, and are organized by employees to focus on concerns of employees from that group

product change

change in the organization's product or service output

technology change

change in the organization's production process - how the organization does its work

team building

enhances the cohesiveness and success of organizational groups and teams


everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership

Realistic Job Preview (RJP)

give applicants all pertinent and realistic information - positive and negative - about the job and the organization

permanent teams

groups of employees who are organized in a way similar to a formal department

tall structure

has an overall narrow span and more hierarchical levels

sexual harassment

one issue of growing concern

In the past, most businesses generated their own ideas in house and then developed, manufactured, marketed, and distributed them, which is a closed innovation approach. Today, however, forward-looking companies are trying a different method.

open innovation

performance appraisal

refers to observing and assessing employee performance, recording the assessment, and providing feedback to the employee

team approach

breaks down barriers across departments and improves coordination and cooperation.

organizational chart

characteristics of vertical structure, which is the visual representation of an organization's structure

matrix approach

combines aspects of both functional and divisional structure simultaneously, in the same part of the organization

job-based pay

compensation is linked to the specific tasks and employee performance

people change

concerns just a few employees

scalar principle

refers to a clearly defined line of authority in the organization that includes all employees


refers to adjusting and synchronizing the diverse activities among different individuals and departments

disruptive innovation

refers to innovations in products or services that typically start small end up completely replacing existing product or service technology for producers and consumers


refers to the generation of novel ideas that might meet perceived needs or respond to opportunities for the organization


refers to the radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed


refers to using the Internet to let hundreds of thousands of people contribute to the innovation process

affirmative action

requires that an employer take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people within protected groups

This law requires that men and women be paid the same amount of money for _____ doing the same kind of work.

Equal Pay Act

This law protects workers from a variety of hazards, including exposure to toxic ____ chemicals, excessive noise levels, mechanical dangers, and unsanitary working conditions.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

human resource planning

`The forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with anticipated job vacancies.

job description

a summary of the specific tasks, duties, and responsibilities

corporate university

an in-house training and development facility that offers broad-based learning opportunities for employees **MCDONALDS video

large-group intervention

approach brings together participants from all parts of the organization to discuss problems or opportunities and plan for change


basis for grouping positions into departments and departments into the total organization

survey feedback

begins with a questionnaire distributed to employees, the results of which are used to identify and solve problems

affinity bias

bias leads us to favor people who we feel we have a connection or similarity to. For example, attending the same college, growing up in the same town, or reminding us of ourselves or someone we know and like

service technology

characterized by intangible output and direct contact with customers


defined as all the ways in which people differ

The smartphone, which essentially put a computer in people's pockets, is an example of _______ because it has replaced other technologies.

disruptive innovation

selection process

employers assess applicants' characteristics in an attempt to determine the "fit" between the job and applicant characteristics

open innovation

extending the search for and commercialization of new ideas beyond the boundaries of the organization and even beyond the boundaries of the industry

your manager has ____ when he has the right to tell you what work to do and to hold you accountable to doing it

line authority


means a joint effort between people from two or more departments to produce outcomes that meet a common goal or shared purpose and that are typically greater than what could be achieved working alone


occurs when a rater places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits or characteristics


occurs when individuals acquire new attitudes or values and are rewarded for them by the organization


refers to all monetary payments and all goods or commodities used in lieu of money to reward employees

job evaluation

refers to the process of determining the value or worth of jobs within an organization through an examination of job content

training and development programs

represent a planned effort by an organization to facilitate employees' learning of job-related skills and behaviors


rigid, exaggerated, irrational beliefs associated with a particular group of people

wage and salary surveys

show what other organizations pay incumbents in jobs

horizontal linkage model

shows that the research, manufacturing, and sales and marketing departments within an organization simultaneously contribute to new products and technologies

employers brand

similar to a product brand, except that its aim is to make the organization seem like a highly desirable place to work


successful innovation requires expertise from several departments simultaneously, and failed innovation is often the result of failed cooperation

task force

temporary team or committee designed to solve a problem involving several departments

panel interviews

the candidate meets with several interviewers who take turns asking questions


the duty to perform the task or activity as assigned

human capital

the economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees

team-based structure

the entire organization is made up of horizontal teams that coordinate their work and work directly with customers to accomplish the organization's goals


the formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate resources to achieve organizationally desired outcomes - vested in organizational positions, not people - flows down the vertical hierarchy - accepted by subordinates

matching model

the organization and the individual attempt to match the needs, interests, and values that they offer each other


the tendency to view people who are different as being deficient

During the _______ stage of change, managers might confront employees with dear evidence that the company's current performance is not competitive.


application form

used to collect information about the applicant's education, previous job experience, and other background characteristics

360-degree feedback

uses multiple raters, including self-rating, to appraise employee performance and guide development

halo effect

a manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions, even if his or her performance is good on some dimensions and poor on others

idea incubator

a mechanism that provides a safe harbor where ideas from employees throughout the company can be developed without interference from company bureaucracy or politics

idea champion

a person who sees the need for and champions productive change within the organization

glass ceiling

an invisible barrier that exists for women and minorities that limits their upward mobility in organizations

structured interviews

use a set of standardized questions that are asked of every applicant so comparisons can easily be made - truly compare all applicants similarly

cross-functional teams

consist of employees from various functional departments who are responsible to meet as a team and resolve mutual problems

performance review ranking

controversial because it ranks employees against each other

talent management

emerged as a central topic of concern not only for human resource managers but for all managers

skill-based pay systems

employees with higher skill levels receive higher pay than those with lower skill levels

top management support

especially important when a change involves multiple departments or when resources are being reallocated among departments

ambidextrous approach

means incorporating structures and processes that are appropriate for both the creative impulse and the systematic implementation of innovations.


means that decision authority is located near top organization levels

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

method helps overcome errors

blind hiring

- Focuses managers on an applicant's job skills and performance rather than educational credentials, appearance, or prior experience. - some companies don't ask for resumes - fast-track hiring

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

- created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 initiates investigations in response to complaints concerning discrimination not a law it is a commission

three critical innovation strategies for changing products and technologies are:

- exploration - cooperation - innovation roles

organization development (OD)

A planned, systematic process of change that uses behavioral science techniques to improve an organization's health and effectiveness


A separate small, informal, highly autonomous, and often secretive group that focuses on breakthrough ideas for the business. - created by Lockheed Martin more than 50 years ago


An arrangement whereby an intern, exchanges low-cost labor for the opportunity to explore whether a particular career is appealing or to gain valuable work experience in a particular field

This law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, or nation ______ origin.

Civil Rights Act, Title VII

bottom-up approach

Innovative companies use a bottom-up approach, encouraging the flow of ideas from lower levels and making sure they get heard and acted upon by top executives

unconscious bias

Occurs when a person is not aware of the bias in his or her favorable and unfavorable assessments, actions, and decisions toward members of specific groups.

organizational change

adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization


decision authority is pushed downward to lower organization levels - greater change and uncertainty in the environment


defined as performing activities or practices that define the characterisitics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied - talent acquisition

unity of command

each employee is held accountable to only one supervisor

Taco Bell and McDonald's are considering adding kiosks in restaurants for customers to place their orders. This ______ will hopefully make the ordering process more efficient and increase accuracy

technology change

extreme interviewing

tests job candidates' ability to handle problems, cope with change, think on their feet, and work well with others


the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal

flat structure

has a wide span, is horizontally dispersed, and has fewer hierarchical levels


the belief that one's own group and culture are inherently superior to other groups and cultures

to build human capital, HRM develops strategies for the following:

- finding the best people - enhancing their skills and knowledge with training programs and opportunities for personal and professional development - providing compensation and benefits that support the sharing of knowledge and appropriately reward people for their contributions to the organization

change agent

an OD specialist who performs a systematic diagnosis of the organization and identifies work-related problems

strategic approach to HRM 3 key elements:

- all managers are involved in managing human resources - employees are viewed as assets; employees, not building and machinery, give a company its competitive edge - HRM is a matching process, integrating the organization's strategy and goals with the correct approach to managing human capital

OD can help with the following:

- mergers and acquisitions - organizational decline/revitalization - conflict management

job analysis

The systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties, tasks, and responsibilities of a job.

female advantage

some people think that women might actually be better managers because their approach is more in tune with today's global and multicultural environment

innovation by acquisition

strategy recognizes that the cutting edge of innovation often happens with young, small, entrepreneurial companies rather than inside the walls of established firms.


the degree to which an employee feels like an esteemed member of a group in which his or her uniqueness is highly appreciated

division of labor

the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs


the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals - important because it follows strategy - strategy defines what to do; organizing defines how to do it

nondirective interview

the interviewer asks broad, open-ended questions and permits the applicant to talk freely


the people with authority and responsibility are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command

Rebecca works for a company that has clearly defined lines of authority. Each employee knows that he or she has authority and responsibility for a distinct set of tasks. Employees are also aware of the company's reporting structure as well as successive management levels all the way to the top. Rebecca's company follows which of the following principles?

the scalar principle refers to defined line of authority


uses formal bargaining to win acceptance and approval of a desired change

divisional structure

when departments are grouped together based on similar organizational outputs

opt-out trend

women are less likely than men to want to be executives

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