managment 301 ron jon exam 1

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SWOT analysis

identifies and lists the firm (or individual's) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

so you think you can dance

if you have an idea like a dance studio and technical skills and business skills you can open a business

Corporate Governance

is oversight of a company's management by a board of directors

the football exercise

is quicker to get everyone to touch the football with managment and planning

queing theory

line theory

human needs theory

maslow: hierarchy of needs

social responsibility audit

measures and reports on an organization's performance in various areas of corporate social responsibility


measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results

Informational Role

monitor, disseminator, spokesperson exchanging and processing information

What makes up Bureaucratic organizations

Clear division of labor, hierarchy of authority, formal rules and procedures, impersonal hiring, careers based on merit

Elon Musk

Companies: Tesla, PayPal, SpaceX, Boring&Co

Skills of Managers-KATZ

Conceptual Skill, Human skill, Technical Skill

What are the skills of managers according to robert katz

Conceptual skills (Need more in top level companies less in low level) Human Skills ( same in all companies) Technical skills (More in low level companies less in top level)

a business model

Create and deliver an idea, figure out how to give it to people and make money (monetize)

What is a business model?

Create, Deliver, & Capture Value

Inverted Levels of Management

Customers are on top and being served by non-managerial workers, who are supported by team leaders and higher-level managers. 5% of all companies. W.L GORE, CEO Tori Kelly- cortex fabric CEO-BOTTOM and CUSTOMER-TOP

the inverted levels of management

Customers, Operating workers, Team Leaders (middle managers), Senior Managers

Theory X

DIRECTIVE- managers think of workers as followers, lack change, irresponsible

Resource Allocator role

Decide where to spend money & time on development

the scientific principles of management

Develop a science for each job, hire workers with the right abilities, Train and motivate workers, Support workers

Operations & MGMT Science

EXAMPLES: network models, forecasting, inventory analysis, queuing theory, linear programming BIG DATA

Mary Barra GM CEO spokesperson points

Electrification, Autonomous, Connectivity


Excellent Performance Academic Integrity Professional Behavior

A manager________________, while a leader____________

Executes, strategizes

Monitor Role

External approach, go out & come back with info, authoritative information

the diagon alley at universal studios

example of planning, organizing, leading, controlling


excellent performance, academic integrity, professional behavior

A virtuous circle

exists when corporate social responsibility leads to improved financial performance that leads to more social responsibility

Liaison role

external, representing the company, outside, externally


fast fashion retailer based in spain, no outsourcing, copies big designers, 2 week design cycle, customers buy 6x more often than other stores, global distribution

Interpersonal Roles

figurehead, leader, liaison

the administrative principles

foresight/planning, organization, command,coordination,control

What does spiderman have to do with ethics

gets superpowers and is mean at first then realizes with great power comes great responsibilty

Leader role

gives a task, encourages accountbility

How does management play a role in history

has been used since beginning of time for big construction projects like great wall of china, pyramids, colosseum etc.

how does the hunger games relate to maslow

have to fight for the basic needs

father of modern management

henri fayol

Maslow Movie

hunger games


if you reported misconduct and then received lower interest assignments or worse clients

3 Roles of Managers

interpersonal, informational, decisional

glass ceiling effect

invisible barrier limiting career advancement of women and minorities

Global Sourcing

involves contracting for work to be performed in other countries


is a goal that addresses the rights of present and future generations as stakeholders of the world's natural resources

implicit bias

is an embedded prejudice that is largely unconscious and that results in the discriminatory treatment of others

sustainable development

is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

socioeconomic view of CSR

is that business should focus on broader social welfare as well as profits

personal career readiness

is the combination of skills, competencies, aspirations, and goals that can move you forward with a successful career, even in a rapidly changing environment.


is the display of negative, irrational, attitudes toward women or minorities

corporate responsibility

is the obligation of an organization to serve its own interests and those of its stakeholders

Corporate Social Responsibility

is the obligations a business has over and above its legal responsibilities to the wellbeing of employees and customers, shareholders and the community as well as the environment.


is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets, and business competition

sustainable business

is where firms operate in ways that both meet the needs of customers and protect or advance the well-being of our natural environment

your personal brand

is your reputation seen through the eyes of others and the package of skills you can offer a potential employer.

Why should you take MGMT

its the language of people and organizations

J planning style

judging, to-do list, formal structured planning approach

What are general trends in ERC metrics of ethics in the workplace

less misconduct but also less reporting, lower retaliation than ever

examples of esteem needs

love, family, belonging, relationships.

Negotiator role

make deals, compromise, communicate well


moves jobs back from foreign to domestic locations

Decisional Role

negotiator, disturbance handler, resource allocator, entrepreneur

Can you teach ethics?

no but you can teach awareness

job migration

occurs when global outsourcing shifts jobs from one country to another

a social business

one in which the underlying business model directly addresses a social problem

Shamrock Organization

operates with a core group of full-time long-term workers supported by others who work on contracts and part time

the modern approaches to managment

operations and management science, customer driven open system, contingency thinking, quality management evidence based

benefit corporation

or B Corp, is a corporate form for businesses whose stated goals are to combine making a profit with benefiting society and the environment

Triple Bottom Line

organizational performance includes financial, social, and environmental criteria

free-agent and on-demand economy

people change jobs more often and many work on-demand as independent contractors with a shifting mix of employers

P planning style

perceiving, rotating menu, informal, unstructured, spontaneous

the elements of PONG

personal: being responsible for yourself Organizational: Codes, honor codes National: Value set of some kind Global: How to be in other countries ethically

the management process regardless of level

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

3 P's of organizational performance

profit, people, planet

what kolberg believed FEW of us do

pursue rights and ideas


resource to outputs


respect, comeptence. Respect for others from others towards others. competence-skill.

what kolberg believed SOME of us do

respective to family and friends, good citizen

the wrong place to start with ethics

saying that ethics is situational, relative, contextual,cultural,it all depends FEARS

1) report would not be confidential 2) corrective action would not be taken 3) could not report anonymously 4) they would be labeled a snitch

Elton Mayo

Hawthorne Studies

ethical culture

Leadership support, code of ethics, ethics officers, company wide training, clear communication, detection and prevention,

Technical Skills

Low level jobs

self actualization

Lower needs must be satisfied first (Progression principle) if you satisfy a need you will never be motivated to do that again (Deficit principle)

Henry Mintzberg

Mangerial Roles - Interpersonal, Informational, Decisional

Who is Apple's old CEO and who is their current CEO

Old-Steve Jobs great spokes person, Current- Tim Cook

Classical Management Research

Scientific Mgmt- Frederic Taylor Bureaucratic Organization- Max Weber Administrative Principles- Henri Fayol

Fredrick Taylor (classical)

Scientific management, from philly, steel plant and mechanical engineering degree

the goal of Scientific management

Secure max prosperity for employer and employee


created by elon musk, fast travel, by tube 700mi/hr

the planning process steps

define objectives, compare to current objectives, compare future alternatives, analyze alternatives/make plan, implement and evaluate

workforce diversity

describes differences among workers in gender, race, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and able-bodiedness

the hierarchy of needs

Pysiological, saftey, social, esteem, self actualization

Frederick Taylor

Scientific Management

Who is googles CEO

Sergey Brin, Larry Page

Why are followers important

Shirtless man clip, leaders would be nothing without followers, followers give power

examples of non bureaucratic orgs

Skunkworks-lockheed martin, google

Human Needs Theory

Studies to understand people & needs


The ability or authority to act or decide on ones own, without supervision, to be better


The process of setting objectives and determining how to get them done

Douglas McGregor

Theory X and Y, "how you view people"

Customer Driven open system

Transfers resource inputs from environment into product outputs. Customer Feedback helps drive adjustments . Important to understand all pieces EX: Zara

Remember: Trust and value

Trust has economic value associated with the company and its employees

Who is the CEO of xerox and what does she say about managers

Ursula Burns and that you need to "lean in" and have something useful to say and bring to your company, you need to end up in an org where your expertise is valued

What is an example of an inverted company structure and its CEO

W.L. Gore- Terri Kelly

Disturbance Handler

When you make something new & it changes the market (self-driving car)

Spiderman Quote

With great power comes great responsibility

ISO 14001

a global quality standard that certifies organizations that set environmental objectives and targets, account for the environmental impact of their activities, and continuously improve environmental performance

the 5 most frequently observed misconducts

abusive behavior, lying to employees, conflict of interest,internet bad use, discrimination

the best planning includes

action oriented, priority oriented, advantage oriented, change oriented


actively denies women and minorities the full benefits of organizational membership

cultural relativism

adapting your values to fit in around the world

Henri Fayol

administrative management, the process of management today that we use

administrative priciple

all levels of the organization communicate clearly, there is one boss per person

what types of business do you need to plan an amusement park

all types

Entrepreneur role

always thinking of innovation

shared values

approaches business decisions with understanding that economic gains and social progress are interconnected


are people and institutions most directly affected by an organization's performance

the three things to remember when teaching ethics

awareness, judgment, behavior( you cant insist on what people think or feel but you can insist on behavior.)

examples of safety needs

banks, home security. physical, emotional and financial

factors that influence employee unethical behavior

behavior of superiors, industry ethical practices, policy (or lack thereof)

operations and management science

business analytics, big data, network models, computers, disney- line science

Classical view of CSR

business should focus on the pursuit of profits

Big 3 Approaches to MGMT Practices

classical, behavioral, modern

the best and worst place in the US to meet someone

colorado springs CO, San Fransisco CA

what does mean girls have to do with responsibility

coming clean when you are confronted about your actions

the conventional approach to ethics

comparison of what i see happening ( desicion, behavior, practice) to what is really happening (Norms of acceptablility


different from figurehead role, informative. goes out and talks about the company's products and services.

hyper norms

ethical norms all over the world (lying is bad everywhere

Max Weber

Classical MGMT, bureaucratic organization

Warren Buffet quote

"I'm looking for people to hire, you look for these responsibilites 1) Integrity 2) intelligence 3) energy. & if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you"

Maslow Applied- Mgmt physiological

"baseline physical things you must do", ex. on-boarding. - -safety, security, social esteem, self actualization

Languages of Business

-Accounting: technical language -Business Major: functional language -Management: people and organizational language -Business Information/Literacy: conversational language

Smeal Honor Code

-We aspire to high ethical standards -We will hold each other accountable -We will not engage in any improper academic or professional actions Today & Tomorrow

What is the key to bureaucracy

Power is the ability to coerce actions, authority is actions taken voluntarily

Max Weber and Bureaucracy

-clear division of labor -hierarchy of authority -formal rules & procedures -impersonal -careers based on merit (skills) KEY: power= ability to coecre actions Authority=actions taken voluntarily EVERY LEVEL HAS A BOSS

Frederick Taylor Scientific Principles

-develop a "science" for each job -hire workers with right abilities -train & motivate workers (science) -Support workers (based on science) Goal: Secure maximum prosperity for the employer and employee

Henri Fayol- Administrative Principles

-foresight/planning -organization -command/coordination (leadership) -Control KEYS: Scalar principle= clear communications at all levels of an organization unity command: one boss per person

Hawthorne Studies Results

-no direct relationship found -researcher attention was key -groups have negative/positive influence on member behavior

quality management evidence based management

-quality management -six sigma (PROCESS IMPROVEMENT) -lean principles (REDUCTION IN WASTE) -high performance orgs *** bridge connection from past to future**

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

1) Salf-actualization needs 2) esteem neds 3) social needs 4) safety needs 5) sociological needs

Teaching Ethics

1) awareness, 2) judgement, 3) behavior

Top Misconduct Categories

1) bribes and competition 2) employee abuse 3) fraud/lying theft 4) regualtory violations 5) contracts misconduct

6 elements to make a good culture

1. Written standards of workplace integrity 2. Training on the standards of workplace integrity 3. Ability to seek feedback and advice related to workplace integrity 4. Confidential or anonymous reporting mechanism 5. Workplace integrity as part of the performance appraisal process 6. Formal process to discipline violations of the code of conduct

Modern Approaches to management

1. Operations and Management Science 2. Customer Driven Open Systems 3. Contingency Thinking 4. Quality Management Evidence Based Management


1. Progression Principle 2. Deficit Principle 1. Progress up scale until lower needs are met, can't expect all @ once 2.need-motivation. once a level is achieved, it's a given need, but not a motivation

Smeal Strategic Plan

1. Providing extraordinary education 2. Highest Quality Research 3. Building our culture of: - Integrity - Diversity - Service - Sustainability

McGregor- X & y Worker Characteristics- KEYS

1. Reflects ways managers manage today 2. Practically- a mix of both approaches used

the three skills you need to be a manager

1. Technical skills 2.Leadership skills 3.Business skills

the top 5 companies in the world

1. Walmart 2.Exxon 3.Chevron 4.Berkshire Hathaway 5.Apple

the framework for ethical decision making

1. awareness 2. facts 3. Stakeholders 4. standards 5. Values 6. actions

the six sub levels

1. punish 2. reward 3.good 4. law 5. fairness 6. universal

the three questions we ask about ethics

1.can i teach ethics (NO) 2. Is there a right and a wrong (YES) 3. Is ethics the same all over the world


1st follower creates the movement, courageously follows, don't be a lone leader, followership is a form of leadership. Shirtless guy dancing video example of Iditarod Dog Racing assembly of dogs Leaders elevate followers

How many years is 1 trillion seconds

32,000 years

how much is a 30 second commercial in the super bowl

377 million

What is the luxury bag market worth

39.75 billion, mostly women but mens market is better bc its growing

what percent of workers witness misconduct? what about report misconduct?

41%, 63%

Fortune 500

500 largest companies in the US by total revenue

do most people say that their company has strong or weak corporate culture

58% strong

Manager Characteristics

Administers Systems/Structure Relies on Control Maintains Short-Range View Asks "how" and "when" Maintain Status Quo Does things right

Decisional role definition

Application of info in decision making


Arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work

Nintendo, & pokemon co

Augmented reality-first big jump for the business "free"miums vs premiums in-app purchasing: $65 billion in annual revenue for gaming industry

Customer Business Model

B2B (GM), B2C(Walmart) , Hybrid (Apple/Amazon)

Conceptual skill:

Big picture context, strategic.-> what to do & how to do it

the levels of management for a NON PROFIT

Board of trustees, President, executive directors

Max Weber (classical)

Bureaucratic management, traditional pyramid, father died- nervous breakdown

Whats the difference between B2B, B2C and Hybrid

Business to business, business to consumer, both

the levels of management for a TRADITIONAL company

CEO, Senior MGMT, Middle MGMT, Line MGMT, Non-Managerial MGMT

figure head role

Ceremonial role of a manager, shows support

Modern examples of scientific management

Chipotle:production line Football coaches: different coach for each position BMW Plant: quality tests, advanced technologies, lasers

the big 3 approaches to management

Classical (productivity), Behavioral (people), Modern (both)

Zara Case

Fast Fashion, H&M Competitor bi-weekly clothes cycle customer-driven business faster supply chain design imitator


Figure out what is going on in the external world @ every level and make it easy for the team to understand

Ursla Burns

First Female Af. American to be a CEO, company is XErox

examples of physical needs

Food, water, shelter, air, without these needs satisfied nothing else matters

examples of bureaucracy

Ford, GM, Fiat/chrysler NASA Space X

Henri Fayol

From Turkey/France, Administrative principles, Unity of command

What are some bureaucratic organizations

GM, Penn State, N.A.S.A

4 Functions of managerial Thinking

GOAL-planning STRUCTURE-organizing ENGAGEMENT-leadership METRICS-control

Who is the most powerful woman in business

Ginni Rometty- CEO of IBM

What are the career issues for Managers

Globalization, Governance, Ethics, Diversity, Self-MGMT, Knowledge

EVERYONE NEEDS______________


the three approaches to behavioral management

Hawthorne studies, theory x and y, human needs theory

Behavioral - HR Approaches

Hawthorne studies- Elton Mayo Theory X&Y-Douglas Mcgregor Human Needs Theory- Abraham Maslow

Kolbergs levels of moral development

How people develop morals, first a focus on self, next a focus on others (social), last a focus on all (principles)

Abraham Maslow

Human Needs Theory

What kind of business model is Apple?

Hybrid B2B B2C

Customer Driven Open Systems

INPUTS- people, money, materials, technology, indo OUTPUTS- finished goods, completed services

Wells fargo dilemma

Incentives set too high and unrealistic goals lead to cheating and opening fake accounts

the principles approach to ethics

Individual (personal interest), Utilitarian (greater good for man), Justice (fairness and impartiality), Moral rights (fundamental rights)

Leader Characteristics

Innovates Focuses on People Develops Inspires Trust Long-range view Asks "what" and "why" Challenge Status quo Does the right thing


Inspiring people to work hard to achieve high performance

intellectual capital equation

Intellectual Capital = Competency x Commitment

the three big categories of managers

Interpersonal, Informational, decisional

example of self-actualized

JK rowling, cat looking into a mirror

Who is the CEO of GE

Jeff Immlet

Global 500

Largest 500 companiesglobally

Whats the difference between a manager and a leader

Managment: execution (administers,maintains, short range,relies on control,how and when) Leadership: Strategy (innovates,develops, inspires trust, long range,what and why)

Example of Spokesperson

Mary Barra, CEO GM

Who is the CEO of GM

Mary Barra, spokesperson chevy volt electric vehicle

the three Ms of behavioral management

Maslow, Mayo, Mcgregor

Henry Ford

Mass Production, an example of TAYLOR's principles Assembly line

How did Henry Ford use Scientific management

Mass production, Assembly line, standardized work

the hawthorne studies

Mayo: economic incentives, changing physical conditions, group cohesion

theory X & Y

McGregor, reflects the way managers work today, mix of both to manage well, x is not necessarily bad, depends on workplace

What is the decisional role of a manager

Negotiator, Disturbance handler, Resource allocator, Entrepreneur


P- personal ** most important O- organizational (code of ethics) N- National (Laws and values to follow) G- global ("how do I operate around the world in an ethical manner?")

Theory Y

PARTICIPATIVE- managers see excitement to work, self-directed, motivated

Management Process


Companies that use traditional Pyramid

Pepsico, unilever

What are some examples of a traditional management pyramid and their CEOS

Pepsico- Ingrid Nouli , Unilever- Paul Pulman Military, Education, Government, Business

What does PONG stand for

Personal Organizational National Global

the management process

Planning, organizing, leading, controlling

Ethics-Basic definition

set of principles, right conduct, underlying values

the three things that make up ethics

set of principles, right conduct, underlying values


sets moral standards of what is "good" and "right" behavior in organizations and in our personal lives


setting performance objectives and deciding hoe to achieve them

Quality management evidence based management

six sigma (Tools and methodologies to improve any business ) lean principles (tools to reduce waste)

Facebook Example Ethics

social media postings used to discriminate against hiring process. Also making subconscious discrimination when hiring

customer driven open systems

systems thinking, inputs (people, money materials) work (to make a product) outputs (good or service) customer feedback

social entrepreneur

takes business risks to find new ways to solve pressing social problems


the ability or authority to act or decide on one's own without supervision


the ability to understand oneself, exercise initiative, accept responsibility, and learn from experience

intellectual capital

the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce

the first thing you asses in maslows theory

the current state

what happened in the clip where the man was offered a job only if he behaved unethically

the man said he couldnt do it and the boss revealed that was all a test and he was hired

Social Needs:

the need for love, companionship, and friendship- the desire for acceptance by others

environmental capital

the storehouse of natural resources - atmosphere, land, water, and minerals - that we use to sustain life and produce goods and services for society

Hawthorne Effect

the tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied

the hawthorne effect

the tendency to live up to expectations

why did the % of workers percieving pressure to commit misconduct rise is 2011

there was stress because of the recession

the interpersonal role of a manager

to be a figure head, liason and leader

the informational role of a manager

to monitor (figure out whats happening), Disseminate (Get info to people) and a spokesperson ( tell your companies story)

Gap analysis

transition from current state to future state -divide into steps, conquer steps to get from current to future states

contingency thinking

tries to match management practices with situational demands

knowledge workers

use their minds and intellects as critical assets to employers

moral absolutism

values that are the same all over the world

What Kolberg believed MOST of us do

want to avoid some punishment and get some reward

Hawthorne Studies

western electric studies on human relations Studied: use of economic incentives change physical conditions fostered group cohesion

Contingency thinking

what is our backup plan? what if other things fail

theory Y

workers are generally willing to work, creative, self- controlled, self- directed, responsible. managers are interactive, participative, higher educated work force, more ideal, google

theory X

workers generally dislike work, lack ambition, resist change are irresponsible, manager must be very directive, factories

So you think you can dance and manage?

you need to know about what you're selling and be able to manage it

the big rocks

your values, priorities, must put them first or you will run out of room for them

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