Marketing Exam 3 - Quizzes

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A(n)________ is used in the shipment of products directly to customers. a. distribution center b. administration center c. data warehouse d. vendor warehouse


Producers use marketing intermediaries because they ________. a. create greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets b. supply inexpensive raw materials for manufacturing products c. provide technical expertise for faster production d. monitor day-to-day activities during production e. form a part of the company's direct channel


There is often only one provider of cable television services in each region of the country: Time Warner is in New York, Comcast is in most of New England, and so forth. When Comcast recently proposed a plan to buy Time Warner, the purchase ultimately could not be completed, mostly due to concerns that it would have caused Comcast to become an overly large ________ with too much power. a. monopoly b. oligopolist c. pure competitor d. monopolistic


All of the following are steps in the AIDA model except a. awareness. b. intention. c. action. d. desire. e. interest.


Earned media include:? a. display advertising. b. viral videos. c. purchased advertisements. d. paid search words.


A popular production house wants to release a teaser of one of its upcoming movies to create a buzz among public. Given this information, which of the following would be the best platform to be used by the production house? a. StumbleUpon� b. Photobucket c. YouTube d. Imgur


Ad Rank takes into consideration a. the bid amount b. the Quality Score c. both the bid amount and Quality Score d. the bid amount and the CPC


Consider a Google user who does a search for �yam recipe.� consider two webpages with an identical PageRank. Both webpages use the phrase �yam recipe� once. On webpage A, �Yam recipe� is in large letters at the top of the page. On webpage B, �yam recipe� is in small letters near the bottom. Which page will rank better on this search and why? a. Webpage B, because �yam recipe� is used in context. b. Webpage B, because Google does not consider size of text important. c. Webpage A, because of its larger font and higher position. d. Because they have the same PageRank, they will earn the same ranking, so Google will randomly choose one to have the better ranking.


The most important part of an email is a. Content b. Offer c. Subject Line d. Mailing List


If the fixed costs of manufacturing a new cell phone are $10,000, the sales price is $60, and variable cost per unit is $20, the break-even point is a. 100 units. b. 4,000 units. c. 20 units. d. 1,000 units. e. 250 units.


At a price of $2,000 per unit, the demand for Ranger 60 mountain bikes from Cloyd's Inc. is 300 units, which is same as the number of bikes manufactured every year. If the marketing managers at Cloyd's Inc. decide to sell each bike at a price lower than $2,000 per unit, _____.? a. a shortage of bikes will be created b. the number of bikes being made will increase drastically c. an inelastic demand for the bikes will be created d. the demand and supply for the bike will attain equilibrium


Generally, when advertising to consumers, the objective of an advertising campaign is a. a pull strategy to get the product into stores by having consumers demand it. b. a push strategy to increase demand by focusing on wholesalers, retailers, or salespeople. c .to win advertising awards. d. to offset sales promotion costs. e. to maximize media planning.


How high your webpage ranks on google's Search Engine Results Page organically will not depend upon a. How much you pay for each click b. Online Search Engine Optimization c. Offsite Search Engine Optimization d. Number of backlinks to your website


If marketing communications are effective, they will a. result in purchases by some consumers receiving the communications. b. offset any negative publicity the firm may have received. c. minimize the number of communication channels used by the firm. d. generate interest in the product in over half the consumers reached. e. include all steps of the AIDA model with equal weighting to each step.


If you ever watched a television commercial and at the end of the message wondered what they were promoting, you may have had trouble ________ the IMC message. a. decoding b .transmitting c. precoding d. encoding e. tracking


Julia's is an upscale women's clothing store. Prices are based on customers' beliefs about the value of the clothing. The store focuses on a limited target market and provides excellent customer service. Julia's is using a ________ pricing strategy. a. customer-oriented b. target profit c. target return d. status quo e. maximizing profits


Laelle Inc. is a company that sells apparel for women. It recently opened a physical store and is selling its product online as well as in store. This scenario exemplifies: a. Direct Channel distribution b. Retail distribution c. Indirect channel distribution d. a drop and shop program.?


Neville is trying to create an advertising message that tells consumers how his company's cable and Internet services differ from other alternatives in the market. Neville is trying to create a(n) a. unique selling proposition b. proportional benefit communication c. institutional advertising message d. PSA e. flighting ad strategy


Unlike advertising, public relations a. supports promotional efforts by generating free media attention and goodwill. b. accounts for a greater increase in marketing spending. c. converts mass media advertising into direct marketing. d. is considered a human resource function.


A ________ advertising schedule uses heavy advertising during some periods followed by periods of no advertising a. continuous b. flighting c. pulsing d. penetrating e. purposeful


By selling their vegetables at the heart of Kathmandu the vegetable vendors took care of which problem a. Assortment Discrepancy b. Spatial discrepancy c. Form discrepancy d. contact inefficiency


Carlos owns a chain of retail electronic stores. He is evaluating how he allocates his firm's IMC budget. He receives offers from a variety of advertising media, spends money on his firm's public relations efforts, and is considering electronic media alternatives. Carl must recognize that each IMC alternative a. will stand on its own. b. is part of the whole. c. is part of non-commercial free speech. d. doesn't help communicate value to the consumer. e. is dictated by the nature of the supply chain.


Dernz Inc., a food manufacturing company, markets tomato ketchup globally. As its consumers are well aware of the uses of ketchup, the company does not have to generate product awareness. The company, however, wishes to focus on convincing consumers to buy Dernz's ketchup instead of other brands' ketchup. In this scenario, Dernz Inc. must employ _____.? a. reminder promotion b. persuasive promotion c. informative promotion d. connective promotion


Generally speaking, all advertising messages are designed to a. meet the needs of society. b. inform, persuade, connect with, or remind customers. c. comply with FCC rules combined with FTC antitrust regulations. d. entertain or apprise. e. match production scheduling with consumer demand.


Jason rents rooms in his hotel for an average of $100 per night. The variable cost per rented room is $20. His fixed costs are $100,000 and his target profit is $20,000. For Jason, to earn his target profit, he will need to rent out ________ rooms. a. 100 b. 1,500 c. 20,000 d. 1,000 e. It cannot be determined from the information provided.


PapaJohns created a PR campaign around its CEO trying to find his old car. The television media picked up on the campaign and talked about it in their news program. The television network talking about the show is _________ media for PapaJohns. a. paid media b. earned media c. owned media d. both owned and earned media


Phoenix Farm, a firm that sells farm products, gathers all fresh food ingredients at one place for its customers. The customers can buy eggs, milk, meat, vegetables, and so on without spending a great amount of time and energy. Phoenix Farm is a _____.? a. merchant wholesaler b. retailer c. broker d. agent


When Joe's Chicken Shack wants chicken delivered in smaller batches more frequently, it offers its distributors an incentive in the form of special bonuses to change their schedules. Joe's demonstrates which kind of power? a. coercive b. reward c. referent d. expertise e. information


Which of the following is an example of a horizontal conflict in a distribution channel? a. a Nike shoe dealer complaining that the shoes provided to the dealer are defective b. a Ford car dealer complaining that another Ford dealer is underpricing the same models c. a FedEx agent complaining that a DHL agent is cutting off his business d. a Walmart executive complaining to a Pepsi executive for not replenishing stocks on time e. a Gucci executive complaining to Gucci's suppliers of delays in shipping consignments


Which of the following is true of price-quality relationships?? a. Consumers perceive lower priced goods to be more long lasting than higher priced goods. b. Consumers believe that higher priced goods are manufactured with better quality of ingredients. c. Consumers lack information about the quality of lower priced goods due to poor advertising. d. Consumer demands for higher priced goods remain unchanged even if their quality declines.


_____ is a form of distribution aimed at maximum market coverage. a. Narrow distribution b. Intensive distribution c. Selective distribution d. Exclusive distribution


________ prices are carried in buyers' minds and used when looking at a given product. a. Captive-product b. Reference c. Promotional d. Geographical e. Dynamic


In an administered vertical marketing system, a. no individual participant has control over the others since a third-party administrator oversees the entire supply chain. b. independent firms at different levels of the marketing channel join through contracts to obtain economies of scale and coordination to reduce conflict. c .there is no common ownership, and the dominant member has significant power to impose its ideas and objectives. d. independent firms join together formally to decide as a group how the marketing channel will operate. e. participants such as warehouses, transportation companies, and retail outlets are typically owned by a parent company to ensure harmonious relations throughout the supply chain.


In the AIDA model, awareness leads to a. intention, which hopefully leads to desire and then action. b. integration, which hopefully leads to desire and then action. c. interest, which hopefully leads to desire and then action. d. intention, which hopefully leads to desire and then attention. e. interest, which hopefully leads to determination and then action.


Integrated marketing communications represents the ________ element in the four Ps of a firm's marketing mix a. pricing b. product c. promotion d. place e. partnering


Kevin is recognized by his friends as an activist on many fronts. He prefers to buy products from firms that will donate part of the total purchase price to organizations he supports. Marketers recognize that this approach can be an important competitive tool; it is called a. social activist marketing. b. voluntary premium pricing. c. cause-related marketing. d. business/social responsibility. e. the do-gooder syndrome.


Lovely Skin is establishing a pricing strategy for a new moisturizer. The total cost to produce each unit is $3.50. The company has decided to add a $1.50 markup, so the unit price to distributors will be $5. Lovely Skin is using a ________ approach to price the new moisturizer. a. value-added b. good-value c. cost-plus d. competitor-based e. break-even


Once the marketing communication has captured the interest of its target market, the goal of subsequent IMC messages should be to move the consumer from a. "I want it" to "I like it" b. action to desire c. "I like it" to "I want it" d. interest to awareness e .feeling to thinking


Rent, electricity, and executive salaries that do not vary with production or sales level are referred to as ________ costs. a. Marginal cost b. break even cost c. Fixed cost d. Opportunity cost


Sales of national brands of orange juice tend to increase when the economy is doing well, while sales of generic orange juice increase when the economy is not doing well. This is an example of how ________ impacts demand for products. a. dynamic pricing b. the price in-elasticity coefficient c. the income effect d. the target return effect


The conflict between Tesla and the Texas dealers is an example of a. Diagonal conflict b. Horizontal conflict c. Vertical conflict d. There was no conflict


The highest level of awareness occurs when customers mention a specific brand name when asked about a product or service. Marketers call this a. the primacy effect. b. aided recall. c. top-of-mind awareness. d. category dominance. e. elevated awareness.


The researchers at Beans Inc., a coffee manufacturing company, developed a new variety of high-quality ground coffee. The new variety was priced at a comparatively lower price than those available in the market. Therefore, the advertisements for the product stated, "The highest quality coffee does not have to be expensive." This is an example of communicating a product's _____.? a. marketing mix b. product parity c. competitive advantage d. competitive parity


Which of the following sets the upper limit for a product's pricing? a. profits b. product costs c. consumer perceptions of value d. elements of the product mix e. competition


Wild Plus, a television channel dedicated to wildlife, wanted to promote its new wildlife adventure series. The series received wide coverage in newspapers and on television, which created awareness about Wild Plus and led to a large viewership. Wild Plus engaged in a. advertising. b. personal selling. c. public relations. d. sales promotion.


With the cost-per-click (CPC)/paid search engine advertising model, search engines charge advertisers each time an ad a. appears on a serch page b. results in an actual action c. is clicked d. is read


_____ is the number of times an individual is exposed to a given message during a specific period. a. Reach b. Life span c. Frequency d .Contact


Even the best marketing communication can be wasted if the sender does not first a. generate consumer action. b. offer testimonials from past consumers. c. determine the level of desire needed to sustain action. d. gain the attention of the consumer. e. stimulate interest among stealth marketing consumers.


Florida Heat Pump Manufacturing Company is offering a free, all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas for HVAC dealers that sell at least 20 units this year. Florida Heat Pump is using a ________ promotional strategy. a. pull b. puffery c. publicity d. push


Integrated marketing communications include all of the following except a. personal selling. b. advertising. c. public relations. d. supply chain management. e. direct marketing.


Ranking pages by ______ is based on how many other webpages link to the webpage and how reputable those linking pages are. a. the Google Panda function b. SEO c. relevance d. popularity


The URL below that would receive the greatest weight in terms of keyword relevance for the search phrase �camping tents� is a. b. c. d.


The _____ is the combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, social media, and public relations that is used to reach a target market and fulfill an organization's overall goals.? a. product mix b. retailing mix c. distribution mix d. promotional mix


The combination of words that you type in the search engine box is known as a. header b. footer c. advertisement d. keyword


There is an old saying "If you have to ask the price of a yacht, you cannot afford it." Products like yachts are most likely to be associated with a. cross-shopping b. competitive parity pricing c. target return value d. prestige pricing e. break-even point pricing


Which of the following statements is true of channel members? a. Merchant wholesalers create form utility b. Agents and brokers take ownership of goods in the marketing channel c. They provide generalization of labor d. They provide contact efficiency


________ means converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both. a. Decoding b. Integrated marketing communications c. Precoding d .Encoding e .Tracking


Sarah goes through the newspaper looking for coupons to help reduce her living expenses. Her roommate Paige doesn't read newspapers, let alone look through them for coupons. But Paige filled out a form from inside a cereal box entering her in a drawing for free exercise equipment. What kind of sales promotion reached Paige? a. loyalty program b. contest c. deal d. premium e. sweepstakes


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