Mastering biology chp 6

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Microfilaments are responsible for ___ and the cell's ___

cell locomotion;structural characteristics.

solution inside the central vacuole which is the plants main repository of inorganic ions including potassium and chloride

cell sap

strong protective structure made from cellulose fibrils

cell wall

micrtubules are also required for __ via __ and __

cellular locomotion via flagella and cilia.

what are cell walls made out of

cellulose fibrils

what are some organelles that are only in animal cells


Any unincorporated radioactively labeled amino acids are washed away and large amounts of the same, but unlabeled, amino acid are added.

chase phase

chloroplasts contain the green pigment ___


They are the sites of reactions that convert solar energy into chemical energy.


makes sugar by converting light energy into chemical energy


what are some organelles that are only in plant cells

chloroplast, cellulose cell wall, central vacuole

The _____ is composed of DNA and protein.


The __ of a eukaryotic cell plays a major role in organizing the structures and activities of the cell.


provides the cell with structural support?


most of the proteins made by free ribosomes function within the


where are ribosomes located (2)

cytosol and rough ER

free ribosomes are suspended in the __ and bound ribosomes are attached to the outside of the __ or ___

cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope

Most proteins made by free ribosomes function in the


The prefix "lyso-" means


bound ribosomes generally make proteins that are __ (3)

destined for insertion into membranes, packaging within certain organelles such as lysosomes, or export from the cell

. Many cell organelles, most notably the nucleus, are anchored by ___ which are assembled from a diverse class of proteins.

intermediate filaments

The only cytoskeletal fibers not associated with intracellular movement or whole cell locomotion are the ___.

intermediate filaments

what are the two internal compartments that the inner membrane divides mitochondrion into

intermembrane space and mitochondrial matrix

the narrow region between the inner and outer membranes

intermembrane space of mitochondria

the membranes of the chloroplasts divide the chloroplasts space into three compartments

intermembrane space, stroma, and thylakoid space

what are three functions of the smooth ER

lipid synthesis,poison detoxification,calcium ion storage

what are some organelles that are in plant and animal cells

mitochondrion,endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi apparatus,plasma membrane,nucleus,cytoskeleton

what is the function of the golgi appartus

modifies and packages proteins

double membrane that encloses the nucleus

nuclear envelope

Proteins made by bound ribosomes either function __ or __

within the endomembrane system or pass through it and are secreted from the cell.

how do central vacuoles in plant cells develop

smaller vacuoles merge

what is the relative size of ribosomes

25 nm

how many endoplasmic reticulum are in a cell

2; rough and smooth

what is the size of chloroplasts

3-6 um

Which statements are true for chloroplasts? Select the three that apply. A.They have membranous sacs called thylakoids that are surrounded by a fluid called stroma. B.Their matrix contains enzymes that function in cellular respiration. C.They are the sites of reactions that convert solar energy into chemical energy. D.Their inner membrane has infoldings called cristae. E.They contain the green pigment chlorophyll. F.They are the sites of reactions that convert chemical energy from food molecules to ATP.

A, C, E

can be used to separate different organelles to study their function separate from the rest of the cell.

Cell fractionation

a membranous system of interconnected tubulues and flattened sacs called cisternae. continuous with the nuclear envelope


internal compartment of the ER

ER lumen

Which of the following proteins are synthesized by bound ribosomes? Select all that apply. View Available Hint(s) Select all that apply. DNA polymerase lysosomal enzyme ER protein ribosomal protein insulin actin

ER protein, lysosomal protein, and insulin

transport vesicle carries proteins from the __ to the __ for secretion

Golgi to the plasma membrane

are rope-like structures that anchor organelles and intercellular junctions called desmosomes. They are specialized for bearing tension.

Intermediate filaments

serve as intracellular highways for transporting vesicles and organelles; they are also required for cellular locomotion via flagella and cilia.


is the first of the two main steps of protein synthesis.


Most proteins that function in the cytosol (such as ___) or in the nucleus (such as ____) are synthesized by free ribosomes

actin, DNA Polymerase

a damaged organelle or small amount of cytosol becomes surrounded by a double membrane and a lysosome fuses with the outer membrane of this vesicle


the recycling of the cells own organic material


what are 2 functions of lysosomes

autophagy , macromolecule digestion

Only __ and __ have prokaryotic cells, which lack a nucleus and other membrane-enclosed organelles.

bacteria and archaea

_____ is/are identical in structure to centrioles.

basal bodies

Intermediate filaments are specilized for

bearing tension

cells that specialize in protein secretion (the cells of the pancreas that specialize in protein secretion ) frequently have a high portion of

bound ribosomes

Proteins that function within the endomembrane system (such as lysosomal enzymes) or those that are destined for secretion from the cell (such as insulin) are synthesized by

bound ribosomes.

Eukaryotic cells have an integrated network of organelles, including the___(3)which is collectively referred to as the endomembrane system.

endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes,

what are examples of proteins made by free ribosomes

enzymes that catalyze the first steps of sugar breakdown

the mitochondrial matrix contains many different __ as well as the __ and ___

enzymes; mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes

As a protein destined for the endomembrane system is being synthesized by a ribosome, the____ in the growing polypeptide chain act as a signal sequence.

first amino acids

Most proteins that function in the cytosol (such as actin) or in the nucleus (such as DNA polymerase) are synthesized by

free ribosomes.

during phagocytosis, lysosomes -__

fuse with food vacuoles and hydrolytic enzymes digest food particles

during autophagy, lysosomes

fuse with vesicles containing damaged organelles and hydrolytic enzymes digest organelle components

the plasma membrane expands by ___ and proteins are secreted from the cell

fusion of vesicles;

the main functions of lysosomes are to __ (3)

get rid of viruses and bacteria, digest food particles and other damaged organelles, and help patch cell wall membranes

what is the importance of cristae

give the inner membrane a large surface area. enhancing the productivity of cellular respiration

The ___ modifies, stores, and packages products of the ER.

golgi apparatus

thylakoids are stacked like poker chips ; each stack is called a ___


the central vacuole plays a major role in

growth of plant cells

lysosomes contain active ___

hydrolytic enzymes

enzymes that make ATP are built into the _ of mitochondria

inner membrane

Where is calcium stored?

smooth ER

As they are being synthesized, secretory proteins enter the ___of the endoplasmic reticulum. From the ER, vesicles transport these proteins to the Golgi, where they are sequentially modified and concentrated in a___

lumen, cis-to-trans direction.

Proteins that function within the endomembrane system (such as ___) or those that are destined for secretion from the cell (such as ___) are synthesized by bound ribosomes.

lysosomal enzymes, insulin

Which organelle plays a role in intracellular digestion?


what is the function of contractile vacuoles

maintain a suitable concentration of ions and molecules inside the cell

During muscle contractions, myosin motor proteins move across tracks of ___.


the extension of psuedopodia in amoeba is due to the regulated assembly and destruction of ___.


The cytoskeleton consists of what three main types of fibers

microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

Centrosomes are sites where protein dimers assemble into ___.


In eukaryotic flagella, the fibers that slide past one another due to the activity of dynein proteins are ___.


Which of these are hollow rods that shape and support the cell?


Which of these organelles carries out cellular respiration?


produces chemical energy (ATP) that can power the cell


what are some organelles only in prokaryotic cells


Ribosomal subunits are manufactured by the _____.


what are some organelles only in eukaryotic cells


The___ contains most of a cell's DNA


Which of these organelles produces H2O2 as a by-product?


how are food vacuole formed


each of the two membranes enclosing the mitochondrion are __ with a collection of embedded __

phospholipid bilayer/ proteins

The _____ is a selective barrier, regulating the passage of material into and out of the cell.

plasma membrane

what are some organelles in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

plasma membrane,ribosomes,flagella

__ cells are smaller and, at the level of the individual cell, are generally less versatile than ___ cells, which compartmentalize many of their metabolic pathways into organelles

pro, euk

__ are indispensable in every known ecosystem, and certain species are capable of surviving in some of the harshest and most nutrient-limiting environments on Earth.


what are 2 functions of the golgi apparatus

protein modification and sorting cisternal maturation

what is the main function of the rough ER

protein synthesis

The endomembrane system serves a variety of functions within the cell, including___( 3)

protein synthesis and transport, metabolism of lipids, and detoxification.

what is the order of the pathway of secretory proteins through the endomembrane system in Eukaryotic cells

protein synthesis->endoplasmic reticulum-> cis golgi cisternae->medial golgi cisternae ->trans golgi cisternae->plasma membrane ->extracellular space

Cells are exposed to a high concentration of a radioactively labeled amino acid for a short period to tag proteins that are being synthesized.

pulse phase

what two things do pulse- chase experiment include

pulse phase and chase phase

Scientists can track the movement of proteins through the endomembrane system using an approach known as a

pulse-chase experiment.

how do contractile vacuoles maintain a suitable concentration of ions and molecules inside the cell

pump excess water out of the cell

what are some functions of the central vacuole (3)

regulates cytoplasm composition, creates internal pressure, and stores cell compounds

As a protein destined for the endomembrane system is being synthesized by a ribosome, the first amino acids in the growing polypeptide chain act as a signal sequence. That signal sequence ensures that the __ and that the ___

ribosome binds to the outer membrane of the ER and that the protein enters the ER lumen.

_____ are the sites of protein synthesis.


All proteins are synthesized by

ribosomes in the cell.

Which of these organelles manufactures proteins bound for secretion out of the cell?

rough ER

the nuclear envelope is connected to the __, which is also continuous with the ___

rough er, smooth er

the outer membrane of the mitrochondrion is ___ , the inner membrane is ___

smooth, twisted with infoldings called cristae

what is the number of mitochondria in a cell? (2)

some cells have one large mitochondrion but more often a cell has hundred or even thousands of mitochondria

what is the structure of peroxisomes

spherical, often have granular or crystalline core, single membrane, contain enzymes

the fluid outside the thylakoids that contains the chloroplasts DNA , ribosomes, and enzymes


pinches off transport vesicles and other vesicles that give rise to lysosomes and vacuoles

the golgi

what is a common trait of mitochondria and chloroplasts

they both have their own DNA and ribosomes

inside the chloroplasts is a membranous system in the form of flattened, interconnected sacs called ___.


chloroplast have membranous sacs called ___that are surrounded by a fluid called ___

thylakoids , stroma

Beginning within the nucleus, the first step leading to the synthesis of a polypeptide is _____. A. translation of an RNA nucleotide sequence into a sequence of amino acids B.removal of introns from RNA and the stitching together of exons C.linking of nucleotides to form a polypeptide D.transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA E. translation of a DNA nucleotide sequence into a sequence of amino acids

transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA

membranes and proteins produced by the ER move via __ to the __

transport vesicles to the golgi

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