Mastery check unit 5 #5
inter-rater reliability
A measure of how similarly two different test scorers would score a test.
analytical intelligence
Ability to analyze problems and find correct answers: ability measured by most IQ tests (academic problem solving) correlates with grades
Attempt to predict your ability to learn new skills
Intellectual Developmental Disorder
Formally mental retardation, significantly sob average intellectual funk showing limits in two areas: genetic trisomy (Down syndrome) Environmental Prantl track Tojan's post to North tall accidents extreme deprivation
low heritability
Identical twins have identical genetics, so any variation in traits must be environment
Lewis Terman longitudinal studies of 1528 children/74 years yielded, strong positive correlation between academic success and IQ
Measure what you have already learned
high heritability
People raised in identical environments, trait variation must be attributable to genetic variation
Test that yields same results over time
subjective test
Tests in which individuals are given an ambiguous figure or an open-ended situation and asked to describe what they see or finish a story.
objective tests
Tests that can be scored easily by machine, such as multiple-choice tests and selected-response tests.
practical intelligence
The ability to cope with the environment: every day tasks that may be poorly designed/have multiple solutions "street smarts"
The proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes. The heritability of a trait may vary, depending on the range of populations and environments studied.
Flynn effect
The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the decades in many nations
savant syndrome
a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing
projective test
a personality test that provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one's inner dynamics
measures what it is supposed to measure
creative intelligence
the ability to deal with new and different concepts and to come up with new ways of solving problems
the idea of a single overall intelligence
crystallized intelligence
(Gc) Ability to store and retrieve from semantic memory; general knowledge, grows through adulthood
fluid intelligence
(Gf) abstract thinking, problem solving; declines with age beg. After 25: ability to utilize gc