Maternity HESI Questions (1)

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Which statement made by the client indicates that the mother understands the limitations of breastfeeding her newborn?

"Breastfeeding my infant consistently every 3 to 4 hours stops ovulation and my period." Rationale: Continuous breastfeeding on a 3- to 4-hour schedule during the day will cause a release of prolactin, which will suppress ovulation and menses, but is not completely effective as a birth control method

The nurse is conducting a prenatal class on the female reproductive system. When a client in the class asks why the fertilized ovum stays in the fallopian tube for 3 days, what is the nurse's best response?

"It promotes the fertilized ovum's normal implantation in the top portion of the uterus."

A new mother who has just had her first baby says to the nurse, "I saw the baby in the recovery room. She sure has a funny-looking head." Which response by the nurse is best?

"That is normal. The head will return to a round shape within 7 to 10 days."

The nursing student is preparing to teach a prenatal class about fetal circulation. Which statement should be included in the teaching plan?

"Two arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste products away from the fetus to the placenta."

A new mother asks the nurse, "How do I know that my daughter is getting enough breast milk?" Which explanation is appropriate?

"Your milk is sufficient if the baby is voiding pale, straw-colored urine six to ten times a day." Rationale: The urine will be dilute (straw-colored) and frequent (>6 to 10 times/day).

The nurse should include which statement to a pregnant client found to have a gynecoid pelvis?

"Your type of pelvis is the most favorable for labor and birth." Rationale: A gynecoid pelvis is a normal female pelvis and is the most favorable for successful labor and birth. An android pelvis (resembling a male pelvis) would be unfavorable for labor because of the narrow pelvic planes. An anthropoid pelvis has an outlet that is adequate, with a normal or moderately narrow pubic arch. A platypelloid pelvis (flat pelvis) has a wide transverse diameter, but the anteroposterior diameter is short, making the outlet inadequate.

A pregnant client asks the nurse in the clinic when she will be able to begin to feel the fetus move. The nurse responds by telling the mother that fetal movements will be noted between which weeks of gestation?


The nurse is performing an assessment of a pregnant client who is at 28 weeks of gestation. The nurse measures the fundal height in centimeters and expects which finding?

30cm Rationale: During the second and third trimesters (weeks 18 to 30), fundal height in centimeters approximately equals the fetus' age in weeks ± 2 cm. At 16 weeks, the fundus can be located halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus. At 20 to 22 weeks, the fundus is at the umbilicus. At 36 weeks, the fundus is at the xiphoid process.

The nurse is using the Silverman-Anderson index to assess an infant with respiratory distress and determines that the infant is demonstrating marked nasal flaring, an audible expiratory grunt, and just visible intercostal and xiphoid retractions. Using this scale, which score should the nurse assign?

5 Rationale: The Silverman-Anderson index is an assessment scale that scores a newborn's respiratory status as grade 0, 1, or 2 for each component; it includes synchrony of the chest and abdomen, retractions, nasal flaring, and expiratory grunt. No respiratory distress is graded 0 and a total of 10 indicates maximum respiratory distress. This infant is demonstrating respiratory distress with maximal effort, so a grade 2 is assigned for marked nasal flaring, grade 2 for an audible expiratory grunting, plus grade 1 for just visible retractions, which is a total score of 5

The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant client with genital herpes about the measures that are needed to protect the fetus. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the client?

A cesarean section will be necessary if vaginal lesions are present at the time of labor.

A nonstress test is performed on a client who is pregnant, and the results of the test indicate nonreactive findings. The health care provider prescribes a contraction stress test, and the results are documented as negative. How should the nurse document this finding?

A normal test result

The nurse is reviewing the record of a client who has just been told that a pregnancy test is positive. The health care provider has documented the presence of Goodell's sign. This finding is most closely associated with which characteristic?

A softening of the cervix

Prior to discharge, what instructions should the nurse give to parents regarding the newborn's umbilical cord care at home?

Allow the cord to air-dry as much as possible. Rationale: Recent studies have indicated that air drying or plain water application may be equal to or more effective than alcohol in the cord healing process

A client in active labor is becoming increasingly fearful because her contractions are occurring more often than she had expected. Her partner is also becoming anxious. Which of the following should be the focus of the nurse's response?

Asking the client and her partner if they would like the nurse to stay in the room

When assessing a client at 12 weeks of gestation, the nurse recommends that she and her husband consider attending childbirth preparation classes. When is the best time for the couple to attend these classes?

At 30 weeks of gestation Rationale: Learning is facilitated by an interested pupil. The couple is most interested in childbirth toward the end of the pregnancy, when they are beginning to anticipate the onset of labor and the birth of their child.This is closest to the time when parents would be ready for such classes.

The nurse is teaching a new mother about diet and breastfeeding. Which instruction is most important to include in the teaching plan?

Avoid alcohol because it is excreted in breast milk.

A client who is 3 days postpartum and breastfeeding asks the nurse how to reduce breast engorgement. Which instruction should the nurse provide?

Breastfeed the infant every 2 hours.

A breastfeeding postpartum client is diagnosed with mastitis, and antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Which instruction should the nurse provide to this client?

Breastfeed the infant, ensuring that both breasts are completely emptied. Rationale: Mastitis, caused by plugged milk ducts, is related to breast engorgement, and breastfeeding during mastitis facilitates the complete emptying of engorged breasts, eliminating the pressure on the inflamed breast tissue.

Twenty-four hours after admission to the newborn nursery, a full-term male infant develops localized swelling on the right side of his head. In a newborn, what is the most likely cause of this accumulation of blood between the periosteum and skull that does not cross the suture line?

Cephalhematoma, which is caused by forceps trauma Rationale: Cephalhematoma, a slight abnormal variation of the newborn, usually arises within the first 24 hours after delivery. Trauma from delivery causes capillary bleeding between the periosteum and skull.

A client at 28 weeks of gestation calls the antepartal clinic and states that she has just experienced a small amount of vaginal bleeding, which she describes as bright red. The bleeding has subsided. She further states that she is not experiencing any uterine contractions or abdominal pain. What instruction should the nurse provide?

Come to the clinic today for an ultrasound. Rationale: Third-trimester painless bleeding is characteristic of a placenta previa. Bright red bleeding may be intermittent, occur in gushes, or be continuous. Rarely is the first incident life threatening or cause for hypovolemic shock. Diagnosis is confirmed by transabdominal ultrasound

A nursing student is assigned to care for a client in labor. The nursing instructor asks the student to describe fetal circulation, specifically the ductus venosus. Which statement is correct regarding the ductus venosus?

Connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava

The nurse is evaluating a full-term multigravida who was induced 3 hours ago. The nurse determines that the client is dilated 7 cm and is 100% effaced at 0 station, with intact membranes. The monitor indicates that the FHR decelerates at the onset of several contractions and returns to baseline before each contraction ends. Which action should the nurse take?

Continue to monitor labor progress. Rationale: The fetal heart rate indicates early decelerations, which are not an ominous sign, so the nurse should continue to monitor the labor progress and document the findings in the client's record.

Which finding(s) is (are) of most concern to the nurse when caring for a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy? (Select all that apply.)

Cramping with bright red spotting Lack of tenderness of the breast Increased right-side flank pain Rationale: 1&2 are signs of a possible miscarriage. Cramping with bright red bleeding is a sign that the client's menstrual cycle is about to begin. A decrease of tenderness in the breast is a sign that hormone levels have declined and that a miscarriage is imminent. 3 could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, which could be fatal if not discovered in time before rupture.

A new mother is having trouble breastfeeding her newborn. The child is making frantic rooting motions and will not grasp the nipple. Which intervention should the nurse implement?

Encourage the mother to stop feeding for a few minutes and comfort the infant. Rationale: The infant is becoming frustrated and so is the mother; both need a time out. The mother should be encouraged to comfort the infant and to relax herself. After such a time out, breastfeeding is often more successful.

A mother who is breastfeeding her baby receives instructions from the nurse. Which instruction is most effective in preventing nipple soreness?

Ensure that the baby is positioned correctly for latching on. Rationale: The most common cause of nipple soreness is incorrect positioning of the infant on the breast for latching on. The baby's body is in alignment with ears, shoulders, and hips in a straight line, with the nose, cheeks, and chin touching the breast

The nurse is preparing a laboring client for an amniotomy. Immediately after the procedure is completed, it is most important for the nurse to obtain which information?

Fetal heart rate (FHR) Rationale: The FHR should be assessed before and after the procedure to detect changes that may indicate the presence of cord compression or prolapse

The nurse is teaching care of the newborn to a childbirth preparation class and describes the need for administering antibiotic ointment into the eyes of the newborn. An expectant father asks, "What type of disease causes infections in babies that can be prevented by using this ointment?" Which response by the nurse is accurate?


A 25-year-old client has a positive pregnancy test. One year ago she had a spontaneous abortion at 3 months of gestation. Which is the correct description of this client that should be documented in the medical record?

Gravida 2, para 0

A mother who is HIV-positive delivers a full-term newborn and asks the nurse if her baby will become HIV-infected. Which explanation should the nurse provide?

HIV infection is determined at 18 months of age, when maternal HIV antibodies are no longer present. Rationale: All newborns of HIV-positive mothers receive passive HIV antibodies from the mother, so the evaluation of an infant for the HIV virus is determined at 18 months of age, when all the maternal antibodies are no longer in the infant's blood

During the transition phase of labor, a client complains of tingling and numbness in her fingers and tells the nurse that she feels like she is going to pass out. What action should the nurse take?

Have her cup both hands over her nose and mouth while breathing. Rationale: Hyperventilation blows off carbon dioxide, depletes carbonic acid in the blood, and causes transient respiratory alkalosis, so the client should cup both her hands over her mouth and nose so that she can rebreathe carbon dioxide.

The nurse instructs a laboring client to use accelerated blow breathing. The client begins to complain of tingling fingers and dizziness. Which action should the nurse take?

Have the client breathe into her cupped hands. Rationale: Tingling fingers and dizziness are signs of hyperventilation (blowing off too much carbon dioxide). Hyperventilation is treated by retaining carbon dioxide. This can be facilitated by breathing into a paper bag or cupped hands

A pregnant client tells the nurse that she has been craving "unusual foods." The nurse gathers additional assessment data and discovers that the client has been ingesting daily amounts of white clay dirt from her backyard. Laboratory studies are performed and the nurse determines that which finding indicates a physiological consequence of the client's practice?

Hemoglobin 9.1 g/dL

Which maternal behavior is the nurse most likely to see when a new mother receives her infant for the first time?

Her arms and hands receive the infant and she then traces the infant's profile with her fingertips.

A primigravida, when returning for the results of her multiple marker screening (triple screen), asks the nurse how problems with her baby can be detected by the test. What information will the nurse give to the client to describe best how the test is interpreted?

If MSAFP and estriol levels are low and the hCG level is high, results are positive for a possible chromosomal defect. Rationale: Low levels of MSAFP and estriol and elevated levels of hCG found in the maternal blood sample are indications of possible chromosomal defects. High levels of MSAFP and estriol in the blood sample after 15 weeks of gestation can indicate a neural tube defect, such as spina bifida and anencephaly, not chromosomal defects

A client who delivered by cesarean section 24 hours ago is using a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump for pain control. Her oral intake has been ice chips only since surgery. She is now complaining of nausea and bloating, and states that because she had nothing to eat, she is too weak to breastfeed her infant. Which nursing diagnosis has the highest priority?

Impaired bowel motility related to pain medication and immobility. Rationale: Impaired bowel motility caused by surgical anesthesia, pain medication, and immobility is the priority nursing diagnosis and addresses the potential problem of a paralytic ileus.

A 41-week multigravida is receiving oxytocin (Pitocin) to augment labor. Contractions are firm and occurring every 5 minutes, with a 30- to 40-second duration. The fetal heart rate increases with each contraction and returns to baseline after the contraction. Which action should the nurse implement?

Increase the rate of the oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion Rationale: The goal of labor augmentation is to produce firm contractions that occur every 2 to 3 minutes, with a duration of 60 to 70 seconds, and without evidence of fetal stress. FHR accelerations are a normal response to contractions, so the oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion should be increased per protocol to stimulate the frequency and intensity of contractions.

Which finding(s) is (are) most critical for the nurse to report to the primary health care provider when caring for the client during the last trimester of her pregnancy? (Select all that apply.)

Increased heartburn that is not relieved with doses of antacids Chronic headache that has been lingering for a week behind the client's eyes Rationale: are possible signs of preeclampsia or eclampsia but can also be normal signs of pregnancy. These signs should be reported to the health care provider for further evaluation for the safety of the client and the fetus.

The health care provider (HCP) is assessing the client for the presence of ballottement. To make this determination, the HCP should take which action?

Initiate a gentle upward tap on the cervix.

Which explanation should the nurse provide to the prenatal client about the purpose of the placenta?

It is the way the baby gets food and oxygen.

The nurse is counseling a client who wants to become pregnant. She tells the nurse that she has a 36-day menstrual cycle and the first day of her last menstrual period was January 8. When will the client's next fertile period occur?

January 29 to 30 Rationale: This client can expect her next period to begin 36 days from the first day of her last menstrual period. Her next period would begin on February 12. Ovulation occurs 14 days before the first day of the menstrual period. The client can expect ovulation to occur January 29 to 30

During a prenatal visit, the nurse discusses the effects of smoking on the fetus with a client. Which statement is most characteristic of an infant whose mother smoked during pregnancy compared with the infant of a nonsmoking mother?

Lower initial weight documented at birth

A 38-week primigravida who works as a secretary and sits at a computer 8 hours each day tells the nurse that her feet have begun to swell. Which instruction will aid in the prevention of pooling of blood in the lower extremities?

Move about ever hour. Rationale: Pooling of blood in the lower extremities results from the enlarged uterus exerting pressure on the pelvic veins. Moving about every hour will relieve pressure on the pelvic veins and increase venous return.

The nurse has performed a nonstress test on a pregnant client and is reviewing the fetal monitor strip. The nurse interprets the test as reactive. How should the nurse document this finding?


The nurse observes that an antepartum client who is on bed rest for preterm labor is eating ice rather than the food on her breakfast tray. The client states that she has a craving for ice and then feels too full to eat anything else. Which is the best response by the nurse?

Notify HCP Rationale: The health care provider should be notified when a client practices pica (craving for and consumption of nonfood substances). The practice of pica may displace more nutritious foods from the diet, and the client should be evaluated for anemia.

The nurse is performing an assessment on a client who is at 38 weeks' gestation and notes that the fetal heart rate is 174 beats/minute. On the basis of this finding, what is the priority nursing action?

Notify the health care provider (HCP).

On admission to the prenatal clinic, a client tells the nurse that her last menstrual period began on February 15 and that previously her periods were regular (28-day cycle). Her pregnancy test is positive. What is this client's expected date of birth (EDB)?

November 22 Rationale: Subtract 3 months, add 7 days.

A newborn infant, diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), is being prepared for discharge. Which nursing intervention should be included in this infant's discharge teaching plan?

Observe the parents applying a Pavlik harness. Rationale: It is important that the hips of infants with hip dysplasia are maintained in an abducted position, which can be accomplished by using the Pavlik harness ; this keeps the hips and knees flexed, the hips abducted, and the femoral head in the acetabulum.

One hour following a normal vaginal delivery, a newborn infant boy's axillary temperature is 96° F, his lower lip is shaking and, when the nurse assesses for a Moro reflex, the boy's hands shake. Which intervention should the nurse implement first?

Obtain a serum glucose level. Rationale: This infant is demonstrating signs of hypoglycemia, possibly secondary to a low body temperature. The nurse should first determine the serum glucose level

The client comes to the hospital assuming she is in labor. Which assessment finding(s) by the nurse would indicate that the client is in true labor? (Select all that apply.)

Pain in the lower back that radiates to abdomen Progressive cervical dilation and effacement Regular and rhythmic painful contractions

A mother expresses fear about changing the infant's diaper after circumcision. What information should the nurse include in the teaching plan?

Place petroleum ointment around the glans with each diaper change and cleansing. Rationale: With each diaper change, the glans penis should be washed with warm water to remove any urine or feces and petroleum ointment should be applied to prevent the diaper from sticking to the healing surface.

Twenty minutes after a continuous epidural anesthetic is administered, a laboring client's blood pressure drops from 120/80 mm Hg to 90/60 mm Hg. Which action should the nurse take immediately?

Place the client in a lateral position. Rationale: The nurse should immediately turn the client to a lateral position or place a pillow or wedge under one hip to deflect the uterus. Other immediate interventions include increasing the rate of the main line IV infusion and administering oxygen by face mask. If the blood pressure remains low after these interventions or decreases further, the anesthesiologist or health care provider should be notified immediately

Six hours after an oxytocin (Pitocin) induction was begun and 2 hours after spontaneous rupture of the membranes, the nurse notes several sudden decreases in the fetal heart rate with quick return to baseline, with and without contractions. Based on this fetal heart rate pattern, which intervention is best for the nurse to implement?

Place the client in a slight Trendelenburg position. Rationale: The goal is to relieve pressure on the umbilical cord, and placing the client in a slight Trendelenburg position is most likely to relieve that pressure. The FHR pattern is indicative of a variable fetal heart rate deceleration, which is typically caused by cord compression and can occur with or without contractions.

The nurse calls a client who is 4 days postpartum to follow up about her transition with her newborn son at home. The woman tells the nurse, "I don't know what is wrong. I love my son, but I feel so let down. I seem to cry for no reason!" Which adjustment phase should the nurse determine the client is experiencing?

Postpartum blues

Just after delivery, a new mother tells the nurse, "I was unsuccessful breastfeeding my first child, but I would like to try with this baby." Which intervention should the nurse implement first?

Provide assistance to the mother to begin breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery. Rationale: Infants respond to breastfeeding best when feeding is initiated in the active phase soon after delivery

An off-duty nurse finds a woman in a supermarket parking lot delivering an infant while her husband is screaming for someone to help his wife. Which intervention has the highest priority?

Put baby to breast immediately. Rationale: The stimulation of breast milk with help clamp down the uterus to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.

An expectant father tells the nurse he fears that his wife "is losing her mind." He states that she is constantly rubbing her abdomen and talking to the baby and that she actually reprimands the baby when it moves too much. Which recommendation should the nurse make to this expectant father?

Reassure him that normal maternal-fetal bonding is occurring.

A nurse receives a shift change report for a newborn who is 12 hours post-vaginal delivery. In developing a plan of care, the nurse should give the highest priority to which finding?

Skin color that is slightly jaundiced Rationale: Jaundice, a yellow skin coloration, is caused by elevated levels of bilirubin, which should be further evaluated in a newborn less than 24 hours old

A 26-year-old gravida 2, para 1 client is admitted to the hospital at 28 weeks of gestation in preterm labor. She is given three doses of terbutaline sulfate (Brethine), 0.25 mg subcutaneously, to stop her labor contractions. What are the primary side effects of terbutaline sulfate?

Tachycardia & and a feeling of nervousness

A client at 30 weeks of gestation is on bed rest at home because of increased blood pressure. The home health nurse has taught her how to take her own blood pressure and gave her parameters to judge a significant increase in blood pressure. When the client calls the clinic complaining of indigestion, which instruction should the nurse provide?

Take your blood pressure now and if it is seriously elevated, go to the hospital. Rationale: Checking the blood pressure for an elevation is the best instruction to give at this time. A blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mm Hg is indicative of preeclampsia. Epigastric pain can be a sign of an impending seizure (eclampsia), a life-threatening complication of gestational hypertension.

In developing a teaching plan for expectant parents, the nurse decides to include information about when the parents can expect the infant's fontanels to close. Which statement is accurate regarding the timing of closure of an infant's fontanels that should be included in this teaching plan?

The anterior fontanel closes at 12 to 18 months and the posterior fontanel by the end of the second month.

A pregnant client tells the clinic nurse that she wants to know the gender of her baby as soon as it can be determined. The nurse understands that the client should be able to find out the gender at 12 weeks' gestation because of which factor?

The appearance of the fetal external genitalia

Client teaching is an important part of the perinatal nurse's role. Which factor has the greatest influence on successful teaching of the pregnant client?

The client's investment in what is being taught Rationale: When teaching any client, readiness to learn is related to how much the client has invested in what is being taught or how important the materials are to the client's particular life. For example, the client with severe morning sickness in the first trimester may not be ready to learn about labor and delivery but is probably very ready to learn about ways to relieve morning sickness.

The nurse is assisting in performing an assessment on a client who suspects that she is pregnant and is checking the client for probable signs of pregnancy. Which are probable signs of pregnancy?

The probable signs of pregnancy include uterine enlargement, Hegar's sign (compressibility and softening of the lower uterine segment that occurs at about week 6), Goodell's sign (softening of the cervix that occurs at the beginning of the second month), Chadwick's sign (violet coloration of the mucous membranes of the cervix, vagina, and vulva that occurs at about week 4), ballottement (rebounding of the fetus against the examiner's fingers on palpation), Braxton Hicks contractions, and a positive pregnancy test for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. Positive signs of pregnancy include fetal heart rate detected by electronic device (Doppler transducer) at 10 to 12 weeks and by nonelectronic device (fetoscope) at 20 weeks of gestation, active fetal movements palpable by the examiner, and an outline of the fetus by radiography or ultrasonography.

The nurse is counseling a couple who has sought information about conceiving. The couple asks the nurse to explain when ovulation usually occurs. Which statement by the nurse is correct?

Two weeks before menstruation Rationale: 14 days before

When preparing a class on newborn care for expectant parents, which is correct for the nurse to teach concerning the newborn infant born at term gestation?

Vernix is a white cheesy substance, predominantly located in the skin folds.

A client who delivered a healthy infant 5 days ago calls the clinic nurse and reports that her lochia is getting lighter in color and asks when the flow will stop. How should the nurse respond?

When the placental site has healed Rationale: The placental site in the uterus usually heals in 3 to 6 weeks, and the lochial flow should cease at that time.

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