mba 621 information systems

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(global positioning system) is a system that determines accurately the precise position of something on earth

3-stage model of organizational change

1. unfreezing-is ceasing old habits and creating a climate that is receptive to change. 2. Moving,- involves learning new work methods, behaviors, and systems. 3. refreezing- involves reinforcing changes to make the new process second nature, accepted, ad part of the job

server and client software

1985-present- software, data, storage, processing power

special-purpose programming language

1st generation machine language 2nd generation- the code is in code uses abbreviations for all commands 3rd gen the code is in words: print, find, if then 4th query and database languages- you get to ask questions beyond 4th natural and intelligent languages closer to fall sentences ask questions or give instructions in English

cloud computing

2000-present on-demand computing services obtained over a network infrastructure as a service software as a service cloud storage public or private concerns security and reliability

lewis and Schein

3 stage model to organizational change: unfreezing, change process, refreezing


A person or organization with an interest in a particular place or issue.

Diffusion of Innovation Theory

A theory developed by E.M. Rogers to explain how a new idea or product gains acceptance and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or subset of an organization.


Central processing unit: the part of a computer that sequences and executes instructions arithmetic/logic unit

professional network

Coworkers, managers from other businesses, and other types of professionals. LINKEDIN

communication standards

Formal protocols for internal communications within an organization to eliminate sex/gender, race, age, or other biases in communications.

organizational goals

Goals that focus on broad statements of what the organization as a whole wants to achieve.

graphical objects

Graphical Objects. Graphical object is an image in the symbol window; it can be selected, moved, modified or deleted. Graphical objects include, for example, horizontal and vertical lines, linear regression channel, Fibonacci levels, rectangle, text mark, etc

hypertext transfer protocol

HTTP stands for...

maintaining security and integrity



IT security

data standards

Objects, features, or items that are collected, automated, or affected by activities or the functions of organizations.

IS department functions

Plan the use of IS to accomplish organizational goals and strategy. Manage outsourcing relationships. Protect information assets. Develop, operate, and maintain the organization's computing infrastructure. Develop, operate, and maintain applications.


The very high bandwidth major communication lines in a network.

run more than one program concurrently

UNIX, red hat linux, mac os x server multiprocessing

markup languages

Use codes, called tags, to provide instructions about the structure and formatting of a document

collect, codify, store knowledge

What is an information system business info value chain technology infrastructure


a byte is typically 8 bits, byte represent a character.


a collection of related records, ex: an employee file is a collection of all company employee records.

hub-and-nodes distribution model

a geographic model explaining how linked regions can co-operate to fulfill elements of an industry's value chain and collectively gain sufficient mass to drive innovation growth. The model of hubs and nodes builds on Porter's cluster model which served well in the past, but as businesses and regions around the world have adjusted to the realities of globalization, the concept of clusters is becoming outdated.

supply chain

a key-value chain whose primary activities include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service

data lifecycle management

a policy based approach to managing the flow of an enterprise's data from its initial acquisition or creation and storage to the time when it becomes outdated and is deleted


a process for testing skills and knowledge

relational database

a simple but highly useful way to organize data into collections of two-dimensional tables called relations: each row represents an entity, each column represents an attribute of that entity.

quality information

accessible, accurate, complete, economical flexible, relevant, reliable, secure simple, timely, verifiable,


allows different systems or apps to communicate and exchnage data is a software that provides messaging services that allow different applications to communicate and exchange data. This systematic tying together of disparate applications, often through the use of middleware, is known as enterprise application integration

Knowledge Management Systems

an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices that stores and retrieves knowledge improves collaboration, locates knowledge resources, captures and uses knowledge in some other way enhances the knowledge management process

data center

are a climate and access controlled building or a set of buildings that houses the computer and servers


attitudes, behavior, skills, reward system

enourmous and complex data

big data

Early Majority (34%)

characteristics- listen to and follow the opinion leaders strategy to use- provide them with evidence of the system's effectiveness and success stories.


collection of characters which is 1 byte+

internet services

companies that specialize in conducting research on the internet


copies of files that you can use to replace the originals if they're lost or damaged

proprietary software

custom made just for you very expensive expensive to upgrade keeps secrets secret is a one-of a kind software designed for a specific application and owned by the company, organization, or person that uses it.

database stored on a service provider's server

database as a service

new ideas or product gain acceptance

diffusion of innovation theory

value of information

directly linked to how it helps decision-makers achieve their organization's goals. Can help people do tasks more efficiently and effectively.

the performance levels of radically new 'high-tech' products usually improve with newer version. such types of products are known as

disruptive innovations

open-source operating system

distributed, typically for free, with the source code also available so that is can be studied, changed, and improved by its users. overtime it evolves in response to the combined contributions of its users

two different operating systems on one computer

dual booting, virtualization software, multi processor operating system

business analytics

extensive use of data and quantitative analysis to support fact-based decision making within organizations

strategic plan

identifies long-term directions for the organization

green computing

infrastructure investments avoid under and over investment rent technology

disruptive innovation

initially provides a lower level of performance than the marketplace has grown to accept. over time, however, disruptive innovation is improved to provide new performance characteristics becoming more attractive to users in new markets.


internet from phone to other things

ip address

is a 64-bit number that identifies a computer on the internet. the number is typically divided into four bytes and translated to decimal.


is a binary digit that represents a circuit that is either on or off. bits can be organized into units called bytes. bit is all a computer really understands electricity 0 off 1 on 8bits=byte 1byte one(number) digit (letter) 123= 3 bytes byte= 8bits

embedded system

is a computer system that is implanted in a dedicated to the control of another device

data warehouse

is a database that holds business data/info from many sources in the organization

continuous improvement

is a form of innovation that constantly seeks ways to improve business processes and add value to products and services

operating system

is a set of programs that controls a computer hardware and acts as an interface with application software; it can control one or more computers, or it can allow multiple users to interact with one computer.


is a well designed, organized, and carefully managed collection of data collection of files all related to each other in someway

data stewardship

is an individual responsible for the management of critical data elements, including identifying and acquiring new data sources; creating and maintaining consistent reference data and master data definitions; and analyzing data for quality and reconciling data issues.


is an organized collection of people, procedure, software, databases and devices that provides routine information to managers and decision makers.

unfreezing stage

is ceasing old habits and creating a climate that is receptive to change.


map quest, google maps

providing value

marketing must identify specific product features, prices, and distribution

disparate systems

middleware translates information between A disparate system is often characterized as an information silo because of the data system's isolation from or incompatibility with any other data systems.


motivated for the potential for monetary gain; they hack into computer systems to steal, often by transferring money from one account to another or by stealing and reselling credit card numbers, personal identifications, and financial account information

information system worker

must enjoy working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment where the underlying technology changes all the time.

fiber-optic cables

no electricity- light is transmitted therefore no electromagnetic interference

off-the-shell software

one size fits all(with some alterations sometimes rule of thumb" if it makes 80% of your needs, you can make it work for you produced by software vendors to address needs that are common across businesses, organizations, or individuals.

ranking in search results

paid for

personal application software

person gets tax software uses it to file taxes helps user solve particular problems/ tasks


provides the processor with a working storage area to hold program instructions and data.

end users

representatives of departments outside of the information systems group for whom applications are developed


restriction on access to ideas and information

system operators

run and maintain IS equipment. they are responsible for efficiently starting, stopping, and correctly operating mainframe systems, networks, tape drives, dis devices, printers.

data definitions

smallest to biggest: bit, byte, character, field, record, file, database

general purpose software suite

software suite- collections of programs packaged together and sold in a bundle, examples: personal productivity function, Microsoft Office, Corel WordPerfect Office, Apache OpenOffice, apple I work, google apps, they are designed to work similarly so that after you learn the basics for one application, the other application is easy to learn and use.

Open Source Software (OSS)

software that is distributed for free, with access permitted to the source code so that it can be studied, changed, and improved by software professionals at the various user organizations with no maintenance charges


specifies the access method and tells your software to access a file using the hypertext transport protocol

data mart

subset of a data warehouse. they bring the data warehouse concept online analysis of sales, inventory, and other vital business data that have been gathered from transaction processing systems- to small to medium sized businesses and to departments within larger companies.

the most powerful computers

supercomputers- TOP500 in japan


supports an organization's routine business processes, maintains records about those processes, and provides extensive reporting and data analysis capabilities

3d printing

takes a 3dimensional model of an object stored on a computer and sends it to a 3d printer to create the object using strands of a plastic filament or synthetic powder.

storage applications

the cloud

Supply Chain Management

the management of all the activities required to get the right product into the right consumer's hands in the right quantity at the right time and the right cost from the identification of suppliers and the acquisition of raw materials through manufacture and customer delivery

analyzing sales data

the sales manager may want individual sales data summarized so it shows the total sales for the month.

machine-readable format

the structured format that can automatically be read and processed by a computer such as comma-separated values (CSV), Javascript Object Notation (JSON), or Extensible Markup Language (XML). "Machine-readable format" does not include a portable document format (PDF).


things like an ATM: put in a card, get cashback,(provides data and instructions to the computer and receive results from it.

drill down

this allows managers to get increasing levels of detail about business conditions

database administration

to plan, design, create, operate, secure monitor, and maintain databases


to record or enroll

communication medium

twisted pair- most basic serial cable- 8 strands in one cable coax cable-1 solid copper wire- main transmission-braided wire around the outside-enhanced protection from electromagnetic interference fiber-no electricity- light is transmitted therefore no electromagnetic interference microwavable radio signal-between two towers-electromagnetic interference is a problem

domain names

unique names which identify Internet sites and businesses

big data characteristics

volume, velocity, variety


wireless communications specification that describes how cell phones, computers, printers, and other electronic devices can be interconnected over distances of 10-30 feet.

collection of computers


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