Medical Terminology: Mod 12 Exam 2

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The abbreviation DOE stands for

Dyspnea on exertion

proteins in the blood that help antibodies and T cells kill their targets are called

complement system

The muscle separating the chest and abdomen is the


the combining form humer/o means

humerus, upper arm

a collection of stationary lymph tissue in the groin region is known as the


fluid transported by the lymphatic vessels is called


advanced atherosclerosis could likely lead to

myocardial infarction

The function of the thyroid cartilage (Adam's Apple) is to

provide support for the larynx

The test used to measure the ventilation mechanics of the lungs is a

PFT- pulmonary function test

injecting radiopaque dye to obtain x-ray visualization of the heart and large blood vessels is


Mrs. Farrell's symptoms paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing, coughing-- are indicators of


formation of fatty deposits on the inner lining of the coronary arteries is


the combining form calcane/o means

heel bone

_________ thyroidism means excessive thyroid activity and hormone secretion


OSA is the abbreviation for

obstructive sleep apnea

The laryngopharynx is a subdivision of the


the medical term for shin bone is


bones that cover soft body parts are called

flat bones

Blood screening that includes an RBC count, a WBC count with differential, a platelet count, hemoglobin and hematocrit, a red blood cell indices is called a(n) _______ which is abbreviated ___.

Complete blood count, CBC

lymphocytes that transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies are

B cells

Growing sputum in nutrient medium to detect the presence of a pathogen is called a

sputum culture

which blood type contains only anti-b antibodies?


The abbreviation for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone is


Having suffered severe burns in an accident, Steve develops hypocalcemia. Which laboratory test can detect hypocalcemia?

Serum Calcium Test

What is the abbreviation for the procedure that uses a thorascope equipped with a camera to magnify the area under the observation and projects onto a video monitor


the abbreviation for erythropoietin is


A group of occupational-related lung diseases characterized by inflammation, infection, and bronchitis, caused by inhaling substances in the workplace is called


PAC is the abbreviation for

premature artrial contractions

which hormone promotes breast tissue growth and milk secretion?


_______, which is abbreviated, ___, tests the ability of blood to clot by measuring the time elapsed between adding calcium to the sample and the appearance of a clot; it is used to follow patients on anticoagulants.

prothrombin time (PT) or partial thromboplastin time (PTT)

The cartilaginous disk joining the two pubic bones is the

pubic symphysis

x-ray imaging of arteries and veins in the lung after injection of a dye into the blood vessel is called a

pulmonary angiography

The formation of scar tissue in the connective tissue of the lings is a condition called

pulmonary fibrosis

the combining form sphygm/o means


a(n) ________ is a procedure in which a radioactive substance is placed within the body to enable visualization of a bone via the image produced by the emission of radioactive particles.

bone scan

radiographic (x-ray) examination of a cervical lumbar intervertebral disk after injection of a contrast material into the interior of the disk is


A set of x-rays of the bones in the spinal column, pelvis, and wrist to detect bone density is called a(n)

dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

the physician ordered the medications allopurinol and colchincine to treat Mr. Newton's ______________ arthritis, a disease associated with accumulatin of uric acid in the blood, joints and nearby soft tissue. Mr. Newton's chief complaint was extreme pain in his left great toe, a condition called _________.

gouty, podagra

inflammation of the inner lining of the heart that occurs when microorganisms invade its surface is called _____________ itis


An abnormal increase in granulocytes in the blood is called


WBCs with dense reddish granules that increase in allergic reactions are


The combining form epiglott/o means


Mr. Milorio is 73. He presents to his physician with complants of persistent cough. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since he was 17. After a physical exam, the physician schedules Mr. Milorio for a bronchoscopy. The findings were suspicious for an infiltrating tumor. A bronchoscopy is a visual examination of the

bronchial tubes

the combining form toc/o means


CLL is the abbreviation for

chronic lymphocytic leukemia

the blood protein in RBCs that enables RBCs to carry oxygen is


which of the following is an anticoagulant substance produced by basophils and tissue cells to prevent formation of thrombi and emboli?


the combining form thromb/o means


the primary function of platelets is


gigantism is caused by

hypersecretion of growth hormones by pituitary gland before puberty

the combining form phalang/o means

finger/toe bones

________ is a plasma protein that serves as a defense mechanism of the immune system


hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex that help to maintain glucose levels in the blood are called


Mr. Jansen lived in Wisconsin and had an enlarged thyroid gland, or endemic ___________, due to a deficiency of _________ in the diet, common among people in his geographic region of the state.

goiter, iodine

After 3 months of regular measurement, Mr. Jackson's blood pressure ranges between 170/90 and 180/100. Mr. Jackson's blood pressure is indicative of


which complicatin occurs when a patient diagnosed with type I diabetes mellitus takes too much insulin?


the secretions of the pituitary are controlled by signals transmitted from the


Mrs. Josten saw her physician for complaints of fatigue, muscular weakness, and constipation. She had try skin, coarse hair and periorbital edema. She was diagnosed with myxedema. Myxedema is a result of


AML is a condition characterized by a marked increase in the number of

immature granulocytes

Mr. Smithson is diagnosed with complete (3rd degree) AV heart block. To restore normal rhythm, the cardiothoracic surgeon schedules Mr. Smithson for insertion of a


uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmia are


deficiency of all pituitary hormones is called _______ hypopituitarism


This gland behind the stomach secretes hormones from islet cells


this hormone increases blood calcium

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

To describe a vessel as being open, use the term


a(n) _____________ steroid is a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex


articular cartilage functions to

cushion joints and allow them to move smoothly

___________ are chemical messengers secreted by T cells that aid cells to kill antigens


excessive fluid accumulation in the pleural space due to infection, malignancy or trauma is called

pleural effusion

the organ near the stomach that produces, stores and eliminates blood cells is the


_________ megaly is enlargement of the spleen


unspecialized cells that become specialized when they mature are called

stem cells

the instrument used to listen to the chest sounds is called


The circuit that the blood flows from the heart to the body's tissue and back is called ________________ circulation.


The combining form trache/o means


both B and T cells originate from stem cells in the

bone marrow

a clinical procedure that aids in the diagnosis of blood disorders like anemia and leukemia is

bone marrow biopsy

which blood type contains no antibodies?


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disrupts

cell mediated immunity (T cell lymphocytes)

_________ oma is a malignant tumor of lymph nodes and lymphatic tissue


the combining form lymph/o means


stationary lymph tissues along the lymph vessels are called

lymph nodes

the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland are collectively known as the

lymphoid glands

which test measures the number of helper T cells in the bloodstream of patients with AIDS


surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint is called


The compression of the heart caused by collection of fluid in the pericardial cavity is

cardiac tamponade

the collection of stationary lymph tissue in the neck region is known as the

cervical nodes

heart valves are necessarily designed to

keep blood flowing in one direction

the surgical procedure often performed to relieve pressure on the nerve root in the lower spine caused by herniated disk or other condition is a


White blood cells are also called


__________ are phagocytic granulocytes


the cause of essential hypertension is

not readily apparent or known

Mrs. Thompson is scheduled for same-day surgery. Her resting blood pressure is 112/78. The _________ pressure of this reading is 112.


The pharyngeal tonsils are also called


nasopharyngeal lymph tissue is called the


The outer section of the adrenal gland is the

adrenal cortex

pheochromocytoma is a benign tumor of the _______________ characterized by ________ secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine

adrenal medulla, hyper

gluc_________ is a pancreatic hormone that increases blood sugar by converting gylogen to glucose


hormones secreted by the testes are


heme is broken apart into iron and the pigment


The physician orders a ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, which reveals the abnormalities consistent with a pulmonary embolism. You know a pulmonary embolism means

blood clot that blocks the vessels in the lungs

combining form oste/o means


hyper __emia means high amounts of calcium in the blood


DM is the abbreviation for

diabetes mellitus

Which of the following occurs during inspiration?

diaphram contracts-- chest cavity area increases-- internal air pressure decreases

Mrs. Farrell comes to the emergency department exhibiting the following symptoms: paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing. Dyspnea means that Mrs. Farrell is experiencing

difficulty or labored breathing

The medical term fr large bluish purple spots of leaked blood under the skin, commonly called bruising, is


Using high-frequency sound waves to show the structure and movement of the heart chambers and valves is


the process of recording the strengths of muscle contraction as the muscle is stimulated is ___________ graphy.


With which disorder do the alveolar walls lose their elasticity, become over inflated, and eventually rupture?


removal of plaques or fatty deposits from the innermost lining of an artery is called


______ nodal means between two nodes


deficient blood supply to the myocardium is


The central portion or area of the chest that separates the lungs is called the


the inner section of the adrenal gland is the


MVP is the abbreviation for

mitral valve prolapse

MoAb is the abbreviation for

monoclonal antibody

the study of the shape of the cells is called _______ logy.


A ________ is an abnormal, prolonged heart sound caused by incomplete closure of heart valves


the _________ hypophysis is the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland


Mr. Martez, paraplegic since an automobile accident, has decreased bone density, or osteo ____________, in his legs from atrophy of disuse

osteoblasts, cartilage

a bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bone tissue is an


which hormone stimulates uterine contractions during labor?


the lymphatic system functions to do all of the following except

transport oxygen to capillaries from the blood stream

Mrs. Luce begins ambulating with assistance on her first postoperative day. On the fourth postoperative day, she experiences an acute onset of dyspnea, tachypnea, persistent cough with hemoptysis, and pleuritic pain. Mrs. Luce's symptoms include

rapid and shallow breathing, difficulty breathing, pitting up blood

RBC is the abbreviation for

red blood cells, red blood count

RTI is the abbreviation for

reverse transcriptase inhibitor

SLE is the abbreviation for

systemic lupus erythematosus

The organs or tissue on which hormones act are called


____________ ectomy is the removal of a bone f the hindfoot (ankle bone)


An inherited defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin, usually seen in persons of Mediterranean background, is called


Surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the pleural cavity is a


lymph vessels empty into two large ducts called the

thoracic duct/ right lymphatic duct

another term for platelets is


blocking of an artery by a blood clot is

thrombotic occulsion

the organ located in the upper mediastinum that plays an important role in immunity, especially during fetal life and the early years of growth is the


the suffix -physis means

to grow

Creation of an opening into the trachea and insertion of a tube to create an airway is a


the combining form valvul/o means


damaged or incompetent venous valves that fail to prevent backward flow of blood can lead to the development of

varicose veins

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