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how many primary oocytes does a female have at birth?

1-2million arrested in prophase I

factors that contributed to HIV epidemic in South Africa

AIDS denial, slow government response, poverty, lack of education, migrant labor patterns, high levels of sexual violence, cultural factors

Key elements of a gynecological history include: A. Menarche (the age you had your first period) B. Cervical screening C. Previous sexually transmitted diseases D. Family history E. All of the above

All of the above

Multidrug resistent tuberculosis (MDT) occurs when? A. Medication is not taken for the correct length of time B. Incorrect dose of medication subscribed C. Patient is in close contact with another person with MDT D. TB drugs prescribed are of poor quality E. All of the above

All of the above

TRUE or FALSE: Active labor always starts when the water breaks


TRUE or FALSE: Active labor- 4 contractions every 20 minutes


TRUE or FALSE: All women require iron supplementation throughout pregnancy


TRUE or FALSE: As soon as they discover they are pregnant, women should stop taking all medication and see their doctor


TRUE or FALSE: It is always safer for women who are HIV positive to have their baby by C-section


TRUE or FALSE: HIV 1 group N is the dominant form

False, M is the dominant form

TRUE or FALSE: Glucose crosses the placenta by simple diffusion

False, facilitated

TRUE or FALSE: The egg is fertilized in the ovary

False, fallopian tube

TRUE or FALSE: HIV is double stranded

False, it is single stranded

TRUE or FALSE: Normal pregnancy is associated with a raised CD4 count

False, lower

TRUE or FALSE: Folic acid supplements reduce the risk of Downs Syndrome

False, neural tube defects

TRUE or FALSE: Infants of HIV positive mothers may test positive for HIV DNA because maternal IgM crosses the placenta

False, only IgG crosses placenta

TRUE or FALSE: The hormone hCG raised throughout pregnancy

False, raised hCG in first trimester, peak in second trimester, & drops in third trimester

TRUE or FALSE: Oral hairy leukoplakia is common in WHO HIV clinical stage 2

False, stage 3

TRUE or FALSE: Miscarriage is common (1 in 4) and women are unlikely to require any emotional support after a miscarriage

False, they will need emotional support

partial molar pregnancy

Fetal tissue and amniotic sac present, usually with multiple congenital anomalies

South Africa has the highest rates of... A. Deaths from road traffic accidents B. Drug & alcohol abuse C. Domestic violence D. HIV & TB infection E. Sexual assault

HIV & TB infection

relative contraindications to pregnancy

HbA1c > 80 pulmonary hypertension dilated aortic root >4.5cm

Over 45% of deaths in children under 5 are caused by... A. Pre-term birth B. Pneumonia C. Birth asphyxia D. Diarrhea E. Malaria F. Malnutrition


Key elements of an obstetric history include everything everything except: A. Last menstrual period B. Past medical history C. Drug use & smoking D. Number of sexual partners E. Allergies

Number of sexual partners

When we take a history from a patient, the most important thing we are evaluating is... A. Their understanding of the problem B. Their ability to pay us for the consultation C. Potential risks to their health immediate or long term D. Any expectations that they have E. Any family problems they are experiencing

Potential risks to their health immediate or long term

One of the biggest problems facing South Africa today is... A. Cell phone coverage B. Food shortages C. Road rage D. Poverty E. Climate change


TB is spread by... A. Blood B. Respiratory droplets C. Contaminated water D. Contaminated food E. Sexual contact

Respiratory droplets

TRUE or FALSE: AZT is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor


TRUE or FALSE: Active labor- regular painful contractions of ~30 seconds 4 times in 10 minutes


TRUE or FALSE: Breastfeeding in untreated women has 15-45% risk of mother to child transmission


TRUE or FALSE: CD4 plays a role in adaptive immunity


TRUE or FALSE: HIV is an RNA virus


TRUE or FALSE: HIV is enveloped


TRUE or FALSE: Human placental lactogen reduces maternal facilitation of glucose


TRUE or FALSE: If CD4 is >200 there is no need to give prophylaxis against PCP & toxoplasmosis


TRUE or FALSE: In a normal pregnancy, the hCG doubles every 48 hours; in an ectopic pregnancy, there is a suboptimal rise in hCG levels


TRUE or FALSE: In pregnancy, blood pressure reaches its lowest point at ~20 weeks


TRUE or FALSE: In pregnancy, circulating volume of blood increases 40%


TRUE or FALSE: Pregnancy is a time of relative insulin resistance


TRUE or FALSE: Pregnant women are at an increased risk of venous thromboembolism


TRUE or FALSE: Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to transcribe viral DNA into the cell


TRUE or FALSE: Stillbirth is a potential complication of gestational diabetes


TRUE or FALSE: The cervix dilates ~1cm per hour during active labor in a first pregnancy


TRUE or FALSE: Untreated pregnant women with HIV are more likely to have preterm deliveries


TRUE or FALSE: When the cervix is dilated 3 cm, there are regular painful contractions


TRUE or FALSE: Women with gestational diabetes need closer monitoring in pregnancy


TRUE or FALSE: hCG is useful for monitoring ectopic pregnancies


women with cardiac disease should be managed by

a multidisciplinary team


act in the patient's best interest

open neural tube defects can have high levels of


history taking is

an information gathering exercise to help quantify risk in pregnancy


associated with low birth weight, miscarriage, & premature labor

normal sperm count

at least 15 million per ml

antenatal care in South Africa

available to all women but is limited in scope WHO recommends 8 contacts during pregnancy, but SA aims for 4 (varies across population)


bottom down


can cause neonatal abstinence syndrome


caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis obligate, non-spore producing aerobe non-motile, slow dividing Ziehl-Nielson stain humans are the only reservoir

the main determinant of medical capacity is


levels of healthcare in South Africa

community healthcare worker primary care local clinic district hospital tertiary referral center national referral center


day 14


day 8-9


disease prevalent over a whole country or the world


distributing benefits and burden of care fairly across society


do no harm


failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate properly in cell division

first day of menstrual cycle?

first day of bleeding

index case

first person identified with the disease in the population


head down

direct complications in pregnancy

hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia, thromboembolism, infection, obstructed/ prolonged labor, ectopic pregnancy, unsafe abortion, surgical, anesthetic


lentivirus (subgroup of retrovirus) contains reverse transcriptase single stranded positive sense enveloped RNA virus

women with pre-existing hypertension should be prescribed __________ to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia

low dose aspirin

aim of preconception care

maximize health and improve outcomes

why is dating a pregnancy important?

monitoring fetal growth during the pregnancy (placental disorder, genetic conditions, infections, smoking, malnutrition, anemia, diabetes)

complete molar pregnancy

no embryonic or fetal parts

physicians may disclose information if

patient lacks medical decision making capacity to other other healthcare personnel for purposes of providing care to appropriate authorities when disclosure is required by law to other 3rd parties to mitigate the threat when in the physician's judgment there is a reasonable probability that that patient will harm himself/ others

indirect complications in pregnancy

pre-existing medical conditions (epilepsy, cardiac disease, diabetes, hormone dependent malignancies), mental health problems (suicide), domestic violence, trauma

what happens to oocytes at puberty?

primary oocytes enter metaphase II


promotes growth, uterus, breasts/ breast ducts, external genitalia of the mother increases water retention & protein synthesis relaxes ligaments - pelvic


respect individual's ability to freely make informed decisions

estimating due date

risk of still birth increases after 40 weeks allows planning for delivery

HIV virus found in

semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, blood, rectal secretions/ mucosa

Where does spermatogenesis occur?

seminiferous tubules


synthesized by the corpus luteum until day 35 then the placenta smooth muscle relaxation raises body temperature works with estrogen to prepare for lactation

outbreak investigation

systematic investigation of an acute outbreak of an infectious disease establish verify construct find & record perform develop, evaluate, reconsider & refine compare & reconcile implement initiate/ maintain communicate


teratogenic & can cause fetal alcohol syndrome

pregnancy-related death

the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of death

WHO definition of maternal mortality

the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy; irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy from any cause related to/ aggravated by pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes

a patient can only exercise their autonomy n making decisions about their own health care if

they are given info that they care about, they understand the risks/ benefits, and can apply this info to their health

HIV transmission

vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, injecting drugs, blood transfusions/transplants, mother-to-child, needle stick injuries


widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time

HIV testing

window period between exposure to positive result - usually positive 20 days after exposure; all positive tests should be confirmed with a second test

sensitivity of free fetal DNA tests

99% for trisomy 21

vaginal delivery in HIV positive mother is safe when

<50 HIV RNA copies (viral load)

Name the capital city of South Africa. A. Cape Town B. Johannesburg C. Bloemfontein D. Pretoria E. Durban F. Cape Town, Pretoria, & Bloemfontein

Cape Town, Pretoria, & Bloemfontein

4 stages of HIV

1. acute infection 2. clinical latency 3. disease progression 4. AIDs defining disease

healthcare in South Africa

40 million South Africans are cared for in the public healthcare system but 70% of South African doctors work in the private system

Regarding drugs and vitamin supplements in pregnancy, which is the single best answer? A. All pregnant women should take 10mg of vitamin D daily B. Vitamin E supplementation is vital for a healthy pregnancy C. Prenatal supplements should have high levels of vitamin A D. All women should take 400mcg (ug) folic acid prior to conception and in the first trimester pregnancy except women with medical conditions like epilepsy and diabetes who should take a higher dose of 5mg once a day E. Drugs for all preexisting medical conditions can harm the developing fetus and should always be stopped as soon as a woman has a positive pregnancy test

All women should take 400mcg (ug) folic acid prior to conception and in the first trimester pregnancy except women with medical conditions like epilepsy and diabetes who should take a higher dose of 5mg once a day

what BMI is associated with increased rates of pregnancy loss & complications

BMI > 30

What are the leading causes of maternal mortality?

Bleeding, Infection, Pre-eclampsia

diagnostics tests

CVS and amniocentesis

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