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Name soil conservation methods

Minimum-tillage farming No-till farming Terracing Contour farming Strip cropping (intercropping) Alley cropping Sully reclamation Windbreaks or shelterbelts


Most producers capture sunlight to produce energy-rich carbohydrates (such as glucose, C6H12O6) by photosynthesis, which is the way energy enters most ecosystems.

What is instrumental value of a species?

Their usefulness to us in providing many of the ecological and economic services that make up Earth's capital


There are currently about __________ humans on the earth

slash and burn agriculture

a type of subsistence agriculture that involves burning and clearing small plots in tropical forests growing a variety of crops for a few years until the soil is depleted of nutrients, and then shifting to other plots

Describe natural gas

a mixture of 50-90% methane(CH4) with the remaining volume consisting of heavier gaseous hydrocarbons

aesthetic value

a monetary value placed on a forest, species, or part of nature because of its beauty

existence value

a monetary value placed on a resource such as an old-growth forest or endangered species just because it exists

golden rice

a new genetically engineered strain of rice containing beta-carotene which the body can convert to vitamin A

preconsumer or internal waste

a type of waste that can be recycled that was generated in a manufacturing process

uniform pattern & example

a pattern that appears when individuals are distributed evenly throughout the habitat; example is bushes in desert-better access to water

random pattern

a pattern that appears when individuals are distributed throughout the habitat without an identifiable order

clumping pattern & example

a pattern that appears when small groups of individuals are distributed throughout the habitat; example is elephants

chronic effect

a permanent or long-lasting consequence of exposure to a single dose or to repeated lower doses of a harmful substance


a population that does not have resource limitations grows ___________

postconsumer or external waste

a type of waste that can be recycled that wsa generated by consumer use of products

Rule of 70

a quick way to calculate doubling time

The past 100 years have seen an increase in global mean temperature, what is cause of this?

a rapid increase in the major classes of air pollutants/greenhouse gases.


a recording instrument for the amplitude of seismic waves

mutualism & example

a relationship in which both species benefit; honeybees and butterflies feed on flower nectar

commensalism & example

a relationship in which one species benefits while the other is unaffected; silverfish insects share food from army ants, no harm or benefit for ants

solid biomass

a renewable resource, but burning it faster than it is replenished produces a net gain in greenhouse gases


a series of large waves generated when part of the ocean floor suddenly rises or drops

advanced sewage treatment

a series of specialized chemical and physical processes that remove specific pollutants left in the water after primary and secondary treatment

soil horizon

a series of zones in which mature soils are arranged


a small number of giant multinational corporations increasingly control the growing, processing, distribution, and sale of food in the US and in the global market place

central receiver system

a solar thermal system in which sunlight is directed to a central heat collection tower


a species functional role in an ecosystem

***endangered species

a species that has so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct over all or most of its natural range

threshold dose-response model

a threshold dosage must be reached before any detectable harmful effects occur


a toxic dinoflagellate that thrives in the high nutrient loads commonly originating from livestock, and is responsible for immense fish kills in NC waters

open dumps

a type of landfill that is essentially fields or holes in the ground where garbage is deposited and sometimes burned

sanitary landfills

a type of landfill where solid wastes are spread out in thin layers, compacted, and covered daily with a fresh layer of clay or plastic foam

industrial solid waste

a type of solid waste produced by mines, agriculture, and industries that supply people with goods and services

municipal solid waste (MSW)

a type of solid waste that is often called garbage or trash, which consists o fthe combined solid waste produced by homes and workplaces

intrinsic value or existence values

a value based on each wild species' right to exist and play its ecological roles, regardless of its usefulness to us

bequest or option value

a value based on the willingness of people to pay to protect some forms of natural capital for use by future generations

Integrated Pest Management

an approach in which each crop and its pests are evaluated as parts of an ecosystem, then a control program is developed that includes a mix of cultivation and biological and chemical methods applied in proper sequence and with proper timing

supply-side approach

also called a hard-path approach that relies on finding more nonrenewable oil, natural gas, and coal, and building more plants

even-aged management

also called an industrial forest

in-place mining

also called in-situ mining

green roofs

also called living roofs; roofs covered with soil and vegetation

windbreaks are also called?

also called shelterbelts


also called soft-path approach that emphasizes reducing energy waste and depending more on a mix of renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass

pesticides are also called

also known as biocides

What is smart growth and what is it also known as

also known as: ecological land use planning; a way to encourage more sustainable development


also referred to as the blue revolution

define alley cropping

alternating rows of crops with trees or shrubs

define strip cropping

alternating rows of one crop with another

***mass extinction

an abrupt rise in extinction rate above the background level

Describe industrialized agriculture

an agriculture system that uses large amounts of fossil fuel energy, water, commercial fertilizers, and pesticides to grow quantities of monocultures


an approach for settling a dispute by which the parties involved are encouraged to sit down and talk under the guidance of a professional mediator

what is the ecosystem approach

an approach that aims to preserve balance population of species in their native habitats, establish protected areas, and reduce nonnative species

what is the species approach

an approach that is based on protecting endangered species by identifying them, giving them legal protection, preserving their habitats, and propagating and reintroducing them

what is the wildlife management approach

an approach that manages game species for sustained yield

minor earthquake

an earthquake between 4.0 and 4.9 on the Richter scale

damaging earthquake

an earthquake between 5.0 and 5.9 on the Richter scale

destructive earthquake

an earthquake between 6.0 and 6.9 on the Richter scale

major earthquake

an earthquake between 7.0 and 7.9 on the Richter scale

great earthquake

an earthquake greater than 8.0 on the Richter scale

insignificant earthquake

an earthquake less than 4.0 on the Richter scale

What does the Richter Scale measure?

an earthquake's magnitude


areas dominated by tenements and rooming houses where several people might live in a single room

waste-to-energy incinerators

burn MSW to boil water to make steam for heating water or space, or for producing electricity

Captive breeding, what species has this been used

capture for breeding in captivity, build up population, then re-introduce to wild; used with peregiene falcon and CA condor


carbohydrates, proteins, fats

What are mutagens?

cause random mutations in DNA

uses pumps to spray water on a crop, puts 80% of the water where crops need it

center pivot, low pressure sprinkler

hormonally active agents (HAAs)

certain chemicals that can mimic hormones

straightening and deepening streams


Name some ways humans can reduce the risk of floods.

channelization, building levees and dams, restoring wetlands, floodplain management (move people out of floodplains)

phase three of epidemiological transition

characterized by a leveling off of death rate with most death occurring from nontransmissable diseases associated with aging

phase one of epidemiological transition

characterized by extremely high death rates with peaks due to epidemics, famines, and wars

phase two of epidemiological transition

characterized by less frequent epidemic peaks and a dropping death rate due to medical advances


chemicals developed to kill organisms we consider undesirable


chemicals produced by animals to control developmental processes at different stages of life


chemicals that cause harm or birth defects to a fetus or embryo


chemicals used in a variety of products such as PVC, teething rings, and blood storing bags that cause birth defects, liver cancer, kidney and liver damage, premature breast development, immune suppression, and abnormal sexual development.

What are CFC's

chlorofluorocarbons, a type of halocarbon manufactures in the 1930's as a refrigerant and spray can propellant

community, or biological community

consists of all the populations of different species that live in a particular place.

judicial branch

consists of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts that enforce and interpret different laws passed by the legislative bodies at the local, state, and federal levels.


consists of the earth's intensely hot core, a thick mantle composed mostly of rock, and a thin outer crust.


consists of the parts of the earth's air, water, and soil where life is found.

executive branch

consists of the president, and a staff that together direct the agencies authorized by congress to carry out government policies


consists of various types of large polymers, or resins

thick,, steel-reinforced, concrete walls surrounding the reactor core

containment shell

high-grade ore

contains a fairly large amount of the desired non-renewable mineral resource

low-grade ore

contains a fairly small amount of the desire non-renewable mineral resource

phase four of epidemiological transition

continues with a level death rate and shows an increasing average life span due to medical advances

solar collectors

convert solar energy into heat energy

environmental policy

environmental laws and regulations that are developed, implemented, and enforce and the environmental programs that are funded by one or more government agencies

How does agriculture harm soil?

erosion, salinization, desertification

environmental justice principle

establish environmental policy so that no group of people bears an unfair share of the burden created by pollution.

What are the two basic forest management systems?

even-aged management, uneven-aged management

What is the upper layer of the thermosphere called; describe it

exophere, which extends for thousands of kilometers above the Earth, blending into the vacuum of interplanetary space.

Where are the major fisheries concentrated?in the waters overlying the continental shelves around the world

in the waters overlying the continental shelves around the world


in which an entire species ceases to exist.

watershed transfer _________ groundwater levels and has detrimental effects on downstream

reduces The Cape Fear River experiences too little flow and the Neuse River experiences greater flooding


large regions such as forests, deserts, and grasslands, with distinct climates and certain species (especially vegetation) adapted to them.

replenishment of aquifers by nearby rivers and streams

lateral recharge

resources that are continually replaced are called?

renewable energy resources

geothermal energy

renewable energy, the locations where it can be exploited are limited

Pros and cons of wood and charcoal as biomass

renewable resource, but burning it faster than it is replenished produces a net gain in greenhouse gases

Define principle of sustainable yield

renewable resources should not be harvested faster then they are replenished

principle of sustainable yield

renewable resources should not be harvested faster then they are replenished


rent the services that good provide

command and control approach

requires all companies to follow the same fixed procedures

created by damming rivers

reservoirs (like Jordan Lake)

boomerang effect

residues of some banned or unapproved chemicals exported to other countries can return to the exporting countries on imported food

uses high pressure to force saltwater through a membrane filter with pores small enough to remove the salt

reverse osmosis

Risk analysis includes?

risk assessment, comparative risk analysis, risk management,and risk communication

What are the secondary causes of loss and degradation of tropical forests?

roads, logging, farming, ranching, flooding from dams, mining, oil drilling

sedimentary rock

rock forms from sediment that is weathered, transported, and deposited before pressure creates it

igneous rock

rock that can form below or on the earth's surface when molten rock material (magma) cools


rock that contains a large enough concentration of a particular mineral to make it profitable for mining and processing

metamorphic rock

rock that is produced when a preexisting rock is subjected to high temperatures, high pressures, chemically alive fluids, or a combination of these


rocket fuel

70 / percentage growth rate = doubling time (in years)

rule of 70

maximum sustainable yield

the largest number of fishes that can be harvested year after year without diminishing the stocks


the length of time that pesticides remain deadly in the environment

Define divergent plate boundaries

the lithospheric plates move apart from each other

Define convergent plate boundaries

the lithospheric plates move towards each other or together


the market cost of a good or service

Define GDP

the market value of all goods and services produced within its borders, and its GNP which is the GDP plus the net income from external sources

deep-well disposal

the most common form of burial in which liquid hazardous wastes are pumped through a pipe into dry, porous rock formations far beneath aquifers


the most widely used form of mass transit within urban areas worldwide

excessive noise

the most widespread occupational hazard in the US for most urban dwellers?

plate tectonics

the movement of lithospheric plates on top of the aesthenosphere


the movement of people into and out of specific geographic areas

infant mortality rate

the number of babies out of every 1000 who die before their first birthday

fertility rate

the number of children born to a woman during her lifetime. It has been declining but not enough to stabilize the population

crude death rate

the number of deaths per 1000 people in a population in a given year

species richness

the number of different species it contains

species diversity

the number of different species it contains (species richness) combined with the relative abundance of individuals within each of those species (species evenness).

niche structure

the number of diversity of ecological niches

population density

the number of individuals of a population in a certain space at a given time

species abundance

the number of individuals of each species

realized niche

the part of the fundamental niche actually used by a species


the phenomenon causing global warming occurs primarily in this region of the atmosphere


the physical, chemical, and biological processes that break down rocks into smaller particles that help build soil

market price equilibrium point

the point at which the supplier's price matches what buyers are willing to pay for some quantity of a good or service


the process by which individuals and group try to influence or control the policies and actions of governments at local, state, national, and international levels

in-place mining

the process of using microorganisms to extract minerals in mining

What are most pesticide regulations set around? What is a drawback of regulations for pesticide?

tolerance levels of pesticide residue on foods; little effort is spent on effect on the environment

oil- or fat - soluble toxins

toxins that can penetrate the membranes of surrounding cells, because the membranes allow similar oil-soluble chemicals to pass through them allowing them to accumulate in the body and tissues

When is a mineral considered to be economically depleted?

when the costs of finding, extracting, transporting, and processing the remaining deposits exceed the returns

When does a caldera occur?

when the magma chamber below the volcano collapses, creating a basin shaped depression

Describe even-aged management

when trees are planted and maintained at about the same age and size using monoculture techniques to be harvested simultaneously

even-aged management

when trees are planted and maintained at about the same age and size using monoculture techniques to be harvested simultaneously


when water accumulates underground and gradually raises the water table

What is watershed transfer and why is this a concern in Cary

when water from one watershed (Jordan Lake is in the Cape Fear River basin) is transferred to another watershed (Cary is in the Neuse River basin)

fecal snow

when winds pick up dried excrement which can cause salmonella and hepatitis

prevention principle

whenever possible, make decisions that help to prevent a problem from occurring or becoming worse

tipping point

where any additional stress can cause a system to change in an abrupt and usually irreversible way that often involves collapse

illegal shantytowns

where landowners rent land to the poor without city approval

conservation land trusts

where owners of a piece of property agree to protect it from development or other harmful environmental activiites, often in return for tax break on the value of land

illegal squatter settlements

where people take over unoccupied land without the owners' permission simply because it is their only option

The Law of the Sea Treaty

laws of a coastal nation extend 22 km from its coastline; nations control of economic activity, environmental preservation, and research extend 370 km from its coastline.


life satisfaction index times avg life expectancy divided by its ecological footprint

the most common nuclear reactor

light-water reactor

liquid natural gas that can be transported across oceans

liquefied natural gas (LNG)

food insecurity

living with chronic hunger and poor nutrition, which threatens the ability to lead healthy and productive lives

age structure diagrams

plot the percentages or numbers of males and females in the total population in each of three age categories: prereproductive (0-14), reproductive (15-45), and postreproductive (45+)

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Corrosive gas, irritating odor 1/3 is naturally part of sulfur cycle and 2/3 comes from human combustion of sulfur in electric power, industrial plants, and from oil refining & melting of sulfide ores. Converted to suspended droplets of sulfuric acid and particles return to earth as acid deposition

National Environmental Policy Act

Created EPA Mandated creation of environmental impact statements

contour farming

plowing and planting of crops across, rather than up and down, a gentle slope

biological pollution

pollution by addition of alien species to an environment

Describe Catalytic Converters

Used in automobiles to convert CO, NO, and hydrocarbons to less harmful gases (like CO2)

Suspended Particulate Matter

Variety of solid particles and liquid droplets small/light enough to remain suspended in the air for short-long periods 62% comes from natural sources (dust, wildfires, sea salt nuclei) 38% comes from humans (plowing, construction, smoke, coal-burning, and cars) Most harmful: Fine particles PM-10 Ultrafine particles PM-2.5

natural greenhouse effect

Without this the earth would be too cold to support the forms of life we find here today.

What does WTO stand for?

World Trade Organization

an introduced alien species in the Great Lakes

Zebra Mussels are...

disability-adjusted life years

a measure designed to assess the amount of ill health, including premature death and disability due to specific diseases and injuries


a measure of ground motion (shaking) caused by the earthquake

***threatened species

a species that is still abundant in its natural range but is declining in numbers and is likely to become endangered


a strategy in which utility profits are disconnected from the amount of electricity sold, and instead, are now tied into the amount of energy conserved

population dynamics

a study of how these characteristics of population change in response to changes in environmental conditions


a system of production, distribution, and consumption of economic goods

Describe mantle

a thick, solid zone that surrounds the core


a thin spherical envelope of gases surrounding the earth's surface.


a thin spherical envelope of gases surrounding the earth's surface. Its inner layer, the troposphere, extends only about 17 kilometers (11 miles) above sea level at the tropics and about 7 kilometers (4 miles) above the earth's north and south poles.

integrated waste management

a variety of strategies for both waste reduction and waste management

pay-as-you throw or fee-per-bag

a waste collection system that charges households and businesses for the amount of mixed waste picked up, but does not charge for pickup of materials separated for recycling or reuse

natural increase

a way that urban populations grow when births exceed deaths


a zone of hot, partly melted rock that flows and can be deformed like soft plastic.

What are the 2 main causes of the increase of air pollutants/greenhouse gases?

1. Burning of fossil fuels 2. Deforestation (slash and burn)

3 examples of overfishing by humans

1.Tragedy of the commons, written by Hardin in 1968: When a resource, available to all, is exploited by individuals acting in their own self-interest, leading to that resources depletion. 2. Bycatch 3. Destruction by trawling, drift nets and long lines

How many countries make up OPEC and what percentage of the wold's proven crude oil reserves does OPEC control?

13 countries, 70%

How many nations participated in The Law of the Sea Treaty?


What percentage of US topsoil loss is directly associated with livestock grazing?


What percentage of oil from the Gulf Oil Spill was biodegraded


When did India start the first national family planning program? Indian women still have an average of __________ children contributing to continued rapid growth

1954, 2.4

The United States has not built a nuclear plant since ____, but new tax incentives since _____ may lead to development in the near future

1973, 2007

Describe Kyoto Treaty

1st international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions to slow climate change. In December, 1997, the treaty was designed and agreed on by the major countries involved in the 1992 UN Earth Summit. This treaty would reduce emissions by 5% from 1990 levels by 2012. Developing countries were exempt since it would curb economic growth.

How many people in developed countries have a diet based on high consumption of meat and meat-based products?

2 billion

Transportation accounts for ------of US oil consumption


Nuclear power provides ______of the electricity in the US from ______plants

20%, 61

The world supply of natural gas should last about?

200 years

How many times more waste do US livestock produce than the US human population


territorial sea

22 km away from coastline

Coal provides ____ of the worlds energy and will last about ____ years at the current consumption rate

22%, 100

Natural gas has risen to provide _____of the world's energy, primarily due to increased ________in the US

23%, fracking

What percentage of the oil from the Gulf Oil Spill was evaporated or dissolved


The average american uses ___ liters of water per day


What percentage of earth's water is fresh water that is mostly locked up in ice caps and glaciers?


The US only has __ of the world's natural gas reserves, but uses __ of supply.

3%, 27%

In the North Pacific, how many nets are set per day and what is the daily loss rate?

30,000-40,000km (20,000mi) of nets are set per day with a daily loss of 20%

Coal is used to generate ___ of the world's electricty


What percentage of US water is dispersed in agriculture, power plant cooling, industry, and public respectively?

41%, 38%, 11%, 10%

How much US land is set aside for public use, enjoyment, and wildlife?


some conversation biologists estimate that currently _____ species per day become extinct


What percentage of timber cut per year is used for heating and cooking?


What percentage of the worlds large rivers are strongly or moderately fragmented by dams, diversions or canals?


What percentage of coral reefs could be gone by 2050?


What percentage of the earth's crust does oceanic crust make up?


How much of the US land set aside for public use, enjoyment, and wildlife is in Alaska?


Criteria Air Pollutants

8 pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, and other health hazards -identified by EPA as needing standards -mostly products of fossil fuels or industrial processes

What percentage of the world's fisheries are overexploited?


percentage of the world's population relies on plants or plant extracts for medicine


What % of commercial energy is wasted in the US?


percentage of today's food crops were domesticated from wild tropical plants


What percentage of earth's water is too salty for drinking, irrigation, or industry?


percentage of all species that have ever existed are now extinct because of a combination of background and mass extinctions


3 categories of rail systems

=Heavy rail:(metro, subway) a major type of rail system that operates on tunnels or on elevated tracks -Suburban or regional trams:connect the central city with surrounding area -Light rail or trams: modern versions of streetcars

What are some of the consequences that lakes and reservoirs suffer from because they undergo little mixing?

Accumulation of pollutants snd, significant reduction in dissolved oxygen

low pH

Acid rain would be evidenced by...

Acide Deposition Cleanup

Add: Lime and phosphate fertilizer to neutralize acidified lakes

fuel efficiency

CAFE standards refer to...

one of the world's largest water transfer projects

California Water Project

Who has the largest population in the world?


Who is the largest overall importer of wood products


pollutants to collect

City heat islands cause...

What are the characteristics of toxic chemicals?

Flammable or explosive Irritating or damaging to the skin or lungs Interfering with O2 uptake Inducing allergic reactions

natural selection

Darwin and Wallace concluded that these survival traits would become more prevalent in future populations of the species through a process called -----, which occurs when some individuals of a population have genetically based traits that enhance their ability to survive and produce offspring with the same traits.


Definition: Land area that delivers water, sediment, and dissolved substances via small streams to a major river Examples/Significance: Rocky Fork Watershed, Mississippi River Basin, Missouri River Basin

_____ is the world's nuclear leader, obtaining 75% of its electricity from nuclear, although the ______produces more total power from nuclear power.

France, US

What does FTA stand for and who was it between

Free Trade Agreement Established in 1989, between Canada & US


GDP plus the benefits not included in market transactions minus harmful environmental and social costs


Detritus feeders, or detritivores, feed on the wastes or dead bodies of other organisms, called detritus ("di-TRI-tus," meaning debris).

huge ecological footprints, lack vegetation, water problems, concentrate pollution and health problems, excessive noise, different climate and experience light pollution

Disadvantages of urbanization?

a greenhouse

Global warming works a lot like...

US Energy Bill of 2005 is commonly called this

Halliburton Loophole


India is expected to overtake China in population by ____

1.34 billion

India's population


Indian woman have an average of more than __ children, contributing to continued rapid growth

Describe 2 types of ground transportation

Individual: cars, bicycles, walking Mass: bus, rail

What are 2 major types of agriculture?

Industrialized or high-input and plantation

What does IUCN stand for?

International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

hazardous (or toxic) waste

Is any liquid or solid waste that: -contains one or more toxic compounds at levels that exceed established limits -catches fire easily -Is reactive or unstable enough to explode or release toxic fumes

some special interest groups are non profit-making organizations known as


soil formation, erosion control, nutrient cycling, storage of atmospheric CO2, biodiversity maintenance

Name some ecological services provided by grasslands.

proteins, carbohydrates, lipids

Name the key nutrients for a healthy human life

sudden or persistent noise may lead to permanent hearing loss

Of the following which is true of noise pollution?


Over land, about 90% of the water that reaches the atmosphere evaporates from the surfaces of plants through a process called transpiration.

Permeability vs porosity

Permeability is a measure of how quickly water infiltrates soil (highest in soil with large pores, such as sand, and lowest in soils with small pores, such as clay). Porosity is a measure of the total pore space in soil. (Porosity is actually highest in fine-textured soils such as clays. Although the pores in such soils are small, the total air space is higher. By comparison, the porosity of sand is low. Therefore, although it seems contrary to what you might expect, permeability increases as porosity decreases, and vice versa.)

phosphorus cycle

Phosphorus circulates through water, the earth's crust, and living organisms in the phosphorus cycle.

the carrying capacity

"The maximum number of species that can be sustained in an ecosystem." This sentence best defines....

A quarter of the population in India lives on less than _________ per day


In 2007, OPEC oil revenue averaged __________ per minute

$1.3 million

How much does one week of food in Ecuador cost?

$32 USD

How much does one week of food in USA cost?

$342 USD

How much does one week of food in Germany cost?

$507 USD

Who regulates pesticides?


3 federal agencies that monitor sale and use of pesticides


range of tolerance

Each population in an ecosystem has a range of tolerance to variations in its physical and chemical environment. Individuals within a population may also have slightly different tolerance ranges for temperature or other factors because of small differences in genetic makeup, health, and age.

biogeochemical cycle

(literally, life-earth-chemical cycles) or nutrient cycles—prime examples of one of the four scientific principles of sustainability

phase five of epidemiological transition

(proposed) shows an increase in death rate due to the reemergence of new infectious diseases due to urbanization and the overuse of antibiotics and pesticides

minamata disease, where and how was it discovered

- Not a disease, but refers to the neurological effects from mercury poisoning -Discovered in 1956 in Minamata, Japan where methyl mercury from industrial wastewater bioaccumulated in the fish and shellfish people ate.

nontransmissable disease and give examples

- disease caused by something other than a living organism and does not spread from one person to another -examples: diabetes, bronchitis, malnutrition

Char. that make species vulnerable to extinction

- low reproductive rate (k-strategist)-blue whale, giant panda, rhino; specialized niche; narrow distribution; feeds at high trophic level; fixed migratory patterns; rare; commercially valuable; large territories

Advantages of natural gas over other nonrenewable resources

-cheaper than oil and easier to process, -easy to transport by pipeline, -higher net energy yield (burns hotter), combustion produces less air pollution than any other nonrenewable resource

What are some alternatives to pesticides?

-genetically resistant plants (through artificial selection), -biological pest control (use of natural predators), - crop rotation (to minimize loss), -biopesticides (use of plant toxins), -insect birth control, -"Aqua heat" (use of boiling water spray on cotton, alfalfa, and potato fields), - radioactivity (cobalt-60)

Disadvantages of Nuclear Power

-potential reactor meltdown, -radioactive waste disposal, -currently more expensive than fossil fuels

Why full cost pricing isn't used more

-producers of harmful and wasteful products would have to charge more and would go out of business -Its difficult to estimate environmental and health costs -Since these harmful costs are not included in market prices of goods and services, consumers do not connect them with the things they buy

According to environmental and ecological economists, full cost pricing would

-reduce resource waste, pollution, environmental degradation, improve human health by encouraging producers to develop less polluting methods of production -Allow consumers to make informed choices -Jobs/profits would be lost in environmentally harmful businesses, but jobs/profits would be created in environmentally beneficial businesses

Converting to earth-sustaining economies would require several steps including...

-subsidize earth-sustaining behavior, -include external costs in market price, -tax throughput of matter and energy, -reduce waste of natural resources, -slow population growth

What percentage of all water on earth is available to us as soil moisture, usable groundwater, water vapor, and lakes and streams?


Background extinction rate is roughly1 / 1,000,000 species

1 / 1,000,000 species

compare and contrast primary and secondary air pollutants

Primary are emitted directly into the air. Secondary result from the reaction of primary pollutants in the atmosphere forming a new pollutant

Secondary Pollutants

Primary pollutants react with the basic components of air in troposphere to form new harmful pollutants such as, SO3, H2SO4, tropospheric ozone, and PANs

Give examples of primary and secondary air pollutants

Primary: carbon monoxide, transportation, Secondary: sulfur trioxide, sulfuric acid, ozone, and chemicals found in photochemical smog such as PANS(peroxyacyl nitrates)

strip mining

Prior to mine reclamation laws, mine drainage and drainage and acidic runoff from coal tailings were toxic byproducts of....

increasing public awareness of the risks of using pesticides

Rachel Carson's contribution to the environmental movement include which of the following?

Describe what is concentrated in 2 top layers of soil

Roots of most plants and organic matter are concentrated in 2 top layers (A/topsoil and O/leaf litter) A includes organic humus and living organisms that live in soil. Topsoil also include inorganic matter such as clay, silt and sand. O is the surface layer and includes decomposed leaf litter.

What other producers is this price war driving out?

Russia and Venezuela

_________ has about 27% of the world's natural gas reserves followed by _________ with 15%.

Russia, Iran

Who are the two largest exporters of petroleum

Saudi Arabia (25% of the world's oil reserves); Iraq (10% of the world's oil reserves)

ecological niche

Scientists describe the role that a species plays in its ecosystem as its

a deep layer of humus and decayed plant material

Soils found in mid-latitude grassland would be most accurately described as having

fossil fuels

Solids, liquids and gasses created through the compression of organic plant and animal material in the Earth's crust are called...

What is intrinsic (existence value) of a species?

Species have a right to exist regardless of their usefulness to humans. We have ethical obligation to protect species from premature extinction or degradation of ecosystems & biodiversity. We have obligation to control resource consumption and protect all species

endemic species

Species that are found in only one area are called

indicator species

Species that provide early warnings of damage to a community or an ecosystem are called -------

Secondary Standard

Standards intended to prevent environmental and property damage

Primary Standard

Standards set to protect human life

sulfur cycle

Sulfur circulates through the biosphere in the sulfur cycle.

What are the 2 major types of traditional agriculture

TRADITIONAL SUBSISTENCE AGRICULTURE: uses mostly human labor and draft animals to produce enough food for a family's survival with little left over to sell or store as reserve TRADITIONAL INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE: Farmers increase inputs of human and draft animal labor, fertilizer, and water to increase crop yields to produce enough food to feed families and sell some for income.

Heat Island Effect

Temperatures in cities are much higher than in rural areas due to human activities

Define albedo

The ability of the Earth's surface to reflect light


The half-life of radon gas is approximately four day. Four weeks after the introduction of radon into a selected room, the fraction of the original amount remaining is closest to ...

using darker paints and building materials

The heat island effect can be counteracted by all of the following EXCEPT ....

Among thousands of species of marine fishes, only a few make up the majority of catches in fisheries throughout the world.Which fish species account for the largest tonnage of fishes? How much do these species account for?

The herrings, sardines, anchovies, accounting for almost half the catch

Carbon Dioxide (2)

The primary gas released from respiration is...

because it faces strong opposition from public, reliable mass transit options are not widely available, dispersed nature of areas make the areas car-depndent

Three reasons why it is difficult to tax gas

background extinction

Throughout most of history, species have disappeared at a low rate, called --------.

How is sewage from each house discharged in urban areas?

To wastewater treatment plants through a network of sewer pipes


Toxic Release Inventory, best source of info about hazardous air pollutants collected and released to the public, by local area (Right to Know)


Twenty percent of the total U.S. energy demand is used for lighting, heating , A.C, water heating and...


Two types of components make up the biosphere and its ecosystems: One type, called abiotic, consists of nonliving components such as water, air, nutrients, rocks, heat, and solar energy.


Two types of components make up the biosphere and its ecosystems: The other type, called biotic, consists of living and once living biological components—plants, animals, and microbes.

Who is the world's second largest energy consumer (behind China) and the 8th largest energy user per capita.



USA makes up ____ of the world's people and has the world's 3rd largest population


Under certain circumstances, natural selection can lead to an entirely new species. In this process, called-------, two species arise from one.


abandoned industrial and commercial sites such as factories, junkyards, older landfills, and gas stations


acronym used to remember the greatest threats to any species in order

What is photochemical smog?

air pollution that is a mixture of primary and secondary pollutants formed under the influence of sunlight.

human rights principle

all people have a right to live in an environment that does not harm their health and well-being

environmental resistance & examples

all the factors acting jointly to limit the growth of a population; examples of limiting factors: light, water, space, nutrients, compeitiors, predators, diease

genetic information

allows species to adapt to changing environmental conditions through evolution

alley cropping is also known as?

also called agroforestry

innovation-friendly regulation

an approach that sets goals, frees industries to meet them in any way that works, and allows enough time for innovation

incentive-based regulations

an approach that uses the economic forces of the marketplace to encourage businesses to be innovative in reducing pollution and resource waste

source separation

an approach to produce much less air and water pollution

rural area

an area with a population of less than 2500 people

climax community

an ecological community in which populations of plants or animals remain stable and exist in balance with each other and their environment

trickle-down effect

an economic effect in which the creating of more jobs and providing of greater tax revenues allows the poor to help themselves

rebound effect

an effect in which some people might start using more energy if they save money by improving energy efficiency

***Florida Manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris

an example of a US endangered species that had recent talk of moving from endangered to threatened list


an industrialized system in which animals are raised in confined areras where they are fed grain or meal produced from fish


an intimate relationship between members of two or more species


an open area reserved for recreation, sustainable forestry, or other nondestructive uses

cultural carrying capacity

an optimum level that would allow most people to live in reasonable comfort and freedom without impairing the ability of the planet to sustain future generations

Define volcanism

any activity that includes the movement of magma towards or onto the earth's surface

non-threshold dose-response model

any dosage of a chemical causes harm that increases witih the dosage

adaptation, or adaptive trait

any heritable trait that enables an individual organism to survive through natural selection and to reproduce more than other individuals under prevailing environmental conditions.

Define rock

any material that makes up a large, natural, continuous part of the earth's crust


any organism that competes with us where we don't want it or in sufficient numbers to cause damage

aesthetic value

appreciation of a species for its beauty

What other species are at great risk?

aquatic invertebrates and ambibians

What did the first generation of pesticides include?

arsenic, lead and mercury

heating saltwater until it evaporates


What are the negative effects of dams and reservoirs?

downstream flow, destruction of habitats, and disruption of fish migrations


downward movement of water through soil

What does primary oil recovery involve?

drilling a well and pumping out the oil that flows by gravity into the bottom of the well

most efficient way to deliver small amounts of water precisely to crops

drip or trickle irrigation

How much waste consists of electronic waste is in landfills and how much of this is toxic?

e-waste represents 2% of waste, but comprises 70% of toxic waste


early detection and control of fires

What are wild species important for?

economic, medical, scientific, ecological, recreational, aesthetic, and recreational reasons.

high throughput econmies

economies which attempt to boost economic growth by increasing the flow of matter and energy resources extracted from the environment through their economic systems to produce goods and services

ecological economists

economists that view economic systems as subsystems of the biosphere that depend heavily on the earth's irreplaceable natural resources

Water can be split by _______to produce gaseous hydrogen and oxygen


electric resistance heating

electricity produced at a nuclear power plant, transported to the home, and converted to heat


embalming agent


emitted from most manufactured building materials and furniture

differential reproduction

enables individuals with the trait to leave more offspring than other members of the population leave.

ecosystem approach

encourages the protection of habitats and ecosystem services through a four-point plan

Due to the large amount of _______ needed for desalinization, it is not affordable-it costs 3-5 more times to aquire water this way


food security

every person in a given area has daily access to enough nutrients to have an active and healthy life

Describe Thermosphere

extends from 80 km into outer space.

Describe trophosphere

extends from the Earth's surface up to about 10 km. It contains 75-80% of the atmosphere's gases. It is the layer in which most weather occurs.

3 factors that affect how and at what rate succession occurs

facilitation, inhibition, tolerance

detritus feeders, or detritivores

feed on the wastes or dead bodies of other organisms, called detritus ("di-TRI-tus," meaning debris). Examples include small organisms such as mites and earthworms, some insects, catfish, and larger scavenger organisms such as vultures.


female sex hormones

Why do people like settling in floodplains?

fertile soil, ample water

When was the Zika virus identified and how is it spread

first identified in Africa in 1947, is primarily spread through mosquitos

micro-hydropower generators

floating turbines that use the power of flowing water to turn a rotor with blades that feed generators to produce electric current

________ are beneficial areas for aquifer recharge and wetland habitats


What do domesticated animals provide humans with?

food, fertilizer, fuel, clothing, transport

critical component of the carbon cycle, taking up to 90% of atmospheric carbon dioxide


provide more habitats for wildlife species than any other biome



formed from precipitation that has fallen and traveled through rocks & soil until it reaches layer of impermeable rock

How does agriculture pollute the air?

fossil fuel use, pesticide sprays

examples of nonrenewable resources

fossil fuels (coal, oil) nuclear (uranium)


found on the earth's surface directly above the focus

refined petroleum

fuel oil, gasoline, and other processed petroleum products

closed pipes in a nuclear reactor

fuel rods

the number one problem with pesticides

genetic resistance

area strip mining

gigantic earthmovers strip away the overburden, and powershovels remove the mineral deposit

the name of the ecosystem most widely used and altered by humans after forests


mass wasting

gravity causes detached or loose rock, soil, and mud to slide down steep slopes

animals that are grass-eaters

grazing animals

What has the shift from undernutrition to overnutrition in less than a generation caused?

greater instances of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure

water that infiltrates into soil and rock


What are the results of fracking

groundwater contamination, and release of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) into the air

Why is groundwater contamination of particular concern?

groundwater flows very slowly limiting dilution and dispersion

Describe anthracite

hard coal, the most desirable fuel because of its high heat content and low sulfur content but supplies are limited

industrialized system is also know as?


also called fracking

hydrolic fracturing

the movement of water in the seas, in the air, and on land, which is driven by solar energy and gravity

hydrologic cycle

risk communication

informing decision makers and the public about risks

nitrates, phosphates are examples of?

inorganic plant nutrients


intended to be world's first "carbon neutral" city in which all carbon emissions were offset by carbon absorption

are an important part of the ecological cycle of some types of forests

intermittent natural fires


international environmental treaties and agreements (> 500)

salt water from the coast enters the aquifer, rendering it usable for terrestrial organisms


Define whole-tree harvesting

involves cutting trees at the ground level or uprooting entire trees to be placed in a whole chipping machine for use as pulpwood or fuel wood chips

whole-tree harvesting

involves cutting trees at the ground level or uprooting entire trees to be placed in a whole chpping machine for use as pulpwood or fuelwood chips

logistic growth and what may cause growth to slow down

involves exponential population growth when the population is small and a steady decrease in population growth with time as the population approaches the carrying capacity; slow down occurs as result of environmental resistance (fewer resources)

fish ranching

involves holding anadromous species in captivity for the first few years, releasing them, and then harvesting them as adults

primary succession & give examples

involves the gradual establishment of biotic communities in an area that has not been occupied by life before; examples are volcanic island, abandoned parking lot, newly created pond.

Describe uneven-aged management

involves the planting of a variety of tree species at many ages for multiple uses

What is the lower layer of the thermosphere called ; describe it.

ionospere (80 km to 550 km) that can reflect radio waves back to Earth. It cannot reflect television waves, which have a shorter wavelength

What is the core mostly made of



is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same place at the same time.


is essential for proper function of the thyroid gland

How can wildlife managers encourage the growth of plant species that are the preferred food and cover for a particular animal specie

by controlling the ecological succession of the vegetation in the areas?

How is geothermal energy harnessed

by using heat from within the Earth to drive electrical generators

Proponents thoughts on Keystone XL Pipeline

bypass environmental review period and say the pipeline will make more oil available to US consumers and reduce demand for Middle East oil


chief nitrogenous component of urine

Egg pulling

collecting wild eggs of endangered birds and hatching in zoos or research centers.

environmental audit

collection of data on practices affecting the environment and use it to propose changes that will make a place more environmentally sustainable


colorless, odorless gas that is a naturally occurring decay and product of uranium

What is industrial smog

consists mostly of sulfur dioxide formed from the burning of coal and heavy oil.

natural gas that lies above most reservoirs of crude oil

conventional natural gas

solar cells

converts solar energy into electrical energy


converts the mechanical energy of the wind to spin the turbine connected to an electric generator

usually water, circulates through the reactor's core to remove heat


some special interest groups are profit-making organizations such as


What is half of this energy waste in the US due to?

degradation of quality imposed by the second law of energy

Give 2 (each category) examples of harmful effects of non-native species that have been introduced deliberately, and accidentally. List 3 ways to limit the impacts of non-native species.

deliberately- giant African land snail, kudzu, Japanese beetle, Nutria, African honey bee accidentally- Argentina fire ant, brown tree snake, zebra mussel, Asian long horned beetle 3 limiting ways-step up inspection of imported goods, greatly increase ground surveys and satellite observations to detect and monitor species invasions, find and introduce natural predators, parasites, bacteria, and viruses to control populations of invaders

What are the three underlying forces that can lead humans to use renewable resources in unsustainable ways?

depletion or degradation of a shared resource (tragedy of the commons), population growth, unequal distribution of access

the removal of dissolved salts from ocean water or brackish groundwater is called?


Examples of ewaste What toxic metals are found in ewaste?

discarded cell phones, computers, printers, TV's which consist of toxic metals including mercury, copper, palladium, silver, and gold

point source pollution and examples

discharged from a single source ex. wastewater treatment plant, oil tanker

How is sewage from each house discharged in rural and suburban areas?

discharged into a septic tank which is emptied every 3-5 years


disease-causing agents


single crops

large craters that form when the roof of an under ground cavern collapses after being drained of the groundwater that supports it



size of the seismic waves when they reach a recording instrument

Describe bituminous coal

soft coal, is extensively used because of its high heat content but it has high sulfur content and therefore does not burn clean

What does overgrazing lead to?

soil erosion, soil compaction

Name some ecological services provided by grasslands.

soil formation, erosion control, nutrient cycling, storage of atmospheric CO2, biodiversity maintenance

C horizon

soil horizon: parent material

B horizon

soil horizon: subsoil

O horizon

soil horizon: surface litter

A horizon

soil horizon: topsoil

eukaryotic cell

is surrounded by a membrane and has a distinct nucleus and several other internal parts called organelles, which are also surrounded by membranes.

gross primary productivity (GPP)

is the rate at which an ecosystem's producers (usually plants) convert solar energy into chemical energy as biomass found in their tissues.

What happens to the magma once it hits the surface?

it becomes lava and begins to harden

manufactured capital

items made from earth capital

The ________ from oil shale can be isolated to form shale oil.


waxy mixture of hydrocarbon compounds


Each stage of coal formation occurs from increasing ____________ and ____________.

pressure, heat

early detection and control of fires is called?


What are four ways to protect forest resources from fire?

prevention, prescribed burning, presuppression, suppression


previous court rulings that are used as legal guidelines

Define traditional intensive agriculture

produces enough to feed their families and sell for income

Define traditional subsistence agriculture

produces only enough crops or livestock for a farm family's survival

What are primary pollutants

products of natural events and human activites

Disadvantages of chemical pesticides

promote genetic resistance kill natural pest enemies pollute environment: air, water, sediments, foods harm wildlife (bees, birds, fish) and people expensive for farmers: because of genetic resistance farmers pay more and more

mitigation costs

proportional decline in economy-wide activity that occurs as a result of reducing emissions


provide many economic benefits for businesses


provide more habitats for wildlife species than any other biome


provide the vertical distance for hydroelectric power, and disrupt the river ecosystem

family planning

provides educational and clinical services that help couples choose how many children to have and when to have them

any area of land through which water passes into an aquifer is called ?

recharge area

Name the five choices to make when a mineral is economically depleted

recycle or reuse existing supplies, waste less, use less, find a substitute, or do without

harmful algal blooms are calle

red, brown, or green toxic tides

What does soil conservation involve?

reducing soil erosion and restoring soil fertility


raising marine and freshwater fish in ponds and underwater cages

What is the green revolution

refers to the introduction of scientifically bred or selected varieties of grain that, with high enough inputs of fertilizer and water, can greatly increase crop yields

the amount of surface runoff that we can generally count on as a source of freshwater from year to year

reliable surface runoff

Define shelterwood cutting

removes all mature trees in two to three cuttings over a period of 10 years

shelterwood cutting

removes all mature trees in two to three cuttings over a period of 10 years

liquefied propane and butane gases

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

secure hazardous waste landfills

liquid and solid hazardous wastes are put into drums or other containers and buried

National Marines Fisheries service

lists endangered species of the seas

***What are red lists?

lists of world's threatened species (plants and animals)

***1975 Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

lists over 35000 species that cannot be traded as live specimens or wildlife products because they are endangered or threatened; reduced international trade (elephants, chimps)

anadromous species

live part of their lives in fresh water and part in salt water

How does agriculture play a role in biodiversity loss?

loss and degradation of habitat and pesticide runoff

Lake Victoria, in East Africa as an example of freshwater biodiversity loss

loss due to introduced species (nile perch), agricultural runoff, and overfishing

What are the negative effects of flooding centered around?

loss of human life and property

ghost fishing

lost nets or traps may continue to capture and contribute to death of huge numbers of marine organisms

puts 90-95% of the water where crops needs it

low energy, precision application sprinklers

How does thermal pollution affect dissolved oxygen and organisms' immune response

lowers it

What products do forests provide for?

lumber for housing, biomass for fuelwood, pulp for paper, medicines, and many other products


male sex hormones

commercial inorganic fertilizer

manmade fertilizer with forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

ecoindustrial revolution

manufacturing processes are being redesigned to mimic how nature reduces and recycles wastes

Besides killing species, what else are we eliminating?

many biologically diverse environments that in the past have served as evolutionary centers for the recovery of biodiversity after a mass extinction

Why are island species specially vulnerable to extinction?

many of them are endemic species found nowhere else on earth and are vulnerable when their habitat is destroyed, degraded, or fragmented. Islands in Hawaii are known as extinction capital


marine aquaculture

Define optimum yield

maximum sustained yield modified by any relevant economic, social or ecological factors; provides room for error

specialist species

may be able to live in only one type of habitat, use one or a few types of food, or tolerate a narrow range of climatic and other environmental conditions.

Consequences of overfishing

may result in changes in the larger ecosystems or communities in which target fish reside

crown fires

may start on the ground but eventually burn whole trees and leap from treetop to treetop

decibal-A (dbA)

measurement of noise levels

environmental justice movement

members of this group have pressured groups to become aware of environmental injustice and to act to prevent it

car-sharing networks

members reserve a car in advance or call the network and are directed to the closest car

strategic metal resources

metal resources that are essential for the country's economy and military strength


mineralized or petrified replicas of skeletons, bones, teeth, shells, leaves, and seeds, or impressions of such items found in rocks.

subsurface mining

mining where tunnels and chambers are excavated to reach deposits

What is Acid Deposition

mixture of acidic rain, snow, fog , cloud vapor, and particles that reach the earth's surface

convection cells or currents

move large volumes of rock and heat in loops within the mantle like gigantic conveyer belts

What is floodplain management

moving people out of floodplains

waste reduction

much less waste and pollution are produced, and the wastes that are produced are viewed as potential resources that can be reused, recycled, or composted

reproductive isolation

mutation and change by natural selection operate independently in the gene pools of geographically isolated populations.

maximum contaminant levels

national drinking water standards

total amount of useful energy available from an energy resource minus the energy needed to find, extract, process, and get that energy to consumers

net energy

minerals revolution

new materials are being used as replacements for minerals


new method of producing GM crops involving a chemical instruction that attaches to a gene that alters the gene to give desired genetic traits

Advantages of Nuclear Power

no emission of air pollution, water pollution and land disruption are minimal


non-target organisms and undersized target organsims that are captured by the fishing gear

Describe secondary oil recovery

occurs when water is injected into nearby wells to force some of the remaining heavy oil to the surface

currently provides 36% of the world's energy, and this resource will be exhausted in 40-90 years at the current rate of consumption.

oil (petroleum)

What are the most preventable sources of oil pollution?

oil rigs and oil tankers

a mixture of clay, sand, water, and bitumen

oil sand or tar sand

crude petroleum

oil that comes out from the ground

oil, gasoline, plastics, pesticides, detergents are examples of?

organic chemicals


organic fertilizer contained by layers of nitrogen wastes, carbon wastes, and topsoil

green manure

organic fertilizer made from fresh vegetables

define animal manure

organic fertilizer made from poop


organic molecules made by chemically linking monomer molecules produced from oil and natural gas

Define oxygen-demanding wastes

organic wastes that are decomposed aerobically

food web

organisms in most ecosystems form a complex network of interconnected food chains called a food web

humility principle

our understanding of nature and how our actions affect nature is quite limited


overburden discarded as waste material

Why does the Colorado River rarely reach the Gulf of California?

overexploitation, major series of dams including Hoover Dam and lake Mead which supplies 90% of water for Las Vegas

What are some of the major causes of the disappearance of marine species?

overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruction and degradation

Define windbreaks

plant trees along cultivated land to block wind

gully reclamation

planting quick-growing plants in gullies that form at the bottom of slopes to catch and hold sediment

surface impoundments

ponds, pits, or lagoons into which liners are pplaced and liquid hazardous wastes are stored

What are the primary causes of loss and degradation of tropical forests?

population growth, poverty, government policies

How are shallow deposits removed?

shallow mining


shape that an exponential growth curve forms

exponential growth

starts out slowly then proceeds faster and faster as the population increases

demographic transition

states that as countries become industrialized, first their death rates and then their birth rates decline

civil suits

suits brought up to settle dispurtes or damages between one person or another

What are the advantages of the Three Gorges Dam?

supply large amounts of energy, reduce flooding

fighting fires once they have started


usually burn only undergrowth and leaf litter on the forest floor

surface fires

biotic potential of a population; what has high potential, what has low potential

the capacity of growth; elephants and whales have low potential for growth while bacteria and insects have high potential


the change in the gene pool of one species leading to the change of the gene pool of another species (hummingbird and Flower, bats & Moths) as bats evolve traits that increase chances of getting a meal, moths evolve traits to keep from being eaten.


the creation and growth of urban areas, or cities and their surrounding developed land


the earth's intermost zone

pioneer species

the first species to colonize a site as the first stage of primary succession

lowering the birth rate

the focus of most efforts to slow population growth

fundamental niche

the full range of conditions and resources a species could use with no direct competition


the funnel shaped pit at the top of the volcanic vent

ecological succession

the gradual and predictable change in species composition of a given area

passive solar heating

the heating of buildings directly by orienting energy-efficient windows toward the south (in the northern hemisphere)


the illegal killing (for valuable parts) or capturing (to be sold live to collectors) of protected species (ie. elephant tusks)


the inability to meet basic economic needs

Define water pollution

the introduction of chemical, physical, or biological agents into water that degrades the quality of the water and affects the organisms that depend on it

economic resources

the kinds of capital that produce goods and services in an economy


the layer that the lithosphere floats and rides on top of

population size

the number of individuals in a population at a given time

Define carrying capacity (K)

the number of individuals of a given species that can be sustained indefinitely in a given space

crude birth rate

the number of live births per 1000 people in a population in a given year

species diversity (richness)

the number of species

Describe what occurs at most convergent boundaries.

the oceanic place is subducted, sliding underneath the continental crust


the only consumed product that does not list ingredients

What is the vent?

the opening of the volcano

Desribe crust

the outermost and thinnest zone of the earth


the party that brings the charge in a suit who seeks to collec damages from the defendent


the party that is being charged for injuries to health or for economic loss in a suit

country's degree of urbanization

the percentage of its population living in an urban area

energy efficiency

the percentage of total energy input that does useful work in an energy conversion system

reproductive lag

the period required for the birth rate to fall and death rate to rise in response to resource overconsumption


the place where an earthquake begins

biological evolution

the process whereby earth's life changes over time through changes in the genes of populations.

age structure

the proportion of the population at each age level

intrinsic rate of increase (r)

the rate at which a population could grow if it had unlimited resources

high grading

the selective cutting of the most valuable trees


the set of laws and regulations the government enforces and the programs it funds

Define L waves

the slowest wave and occur when P and S waves meet at the surface

natural rate of extinction or background extinction

the small number of species that become extinct naturally


the soil and rock overlying a useful mineral deposit

population dispersion

the spatial pattern in which the members of a population are found their habitat

What is depletion time?

the time it takes to use up 80% of the reserves at a given rate

What causes sick building syndrome

tobacco smoke formaldehyde gasoline radon gas asbestos carbon monoxide some species of fungi and bacteria


toilet cleanser

urban areas

town or cities plus their adjacent suburban fringes with populations of more than 2500 people

water-soluble toxins

toxin that move throughout the environment and get into water supplies and the aqueous solutions that surround the cells in our body

Name the two main types of traditional agriculture.

traditional subsistence agriculture, traditional intensive agriculture

The atmosphere allows _____rays to strike the Earth heating it up. The _______then radiates infared rays (heat) back outward.

ultraviolet. Earth

natural gas that is found in underground sources

unconventional natural gas

Define old growth forests

uncut forests and regenerate forests that have not been seriously disturbed for at least several hundred years

In the shrimp industry, how much bycatch is discarded for every pound of shrimp caught?

up to 10 lbs

wind energy

-an indirect form of solar energy -The sun heats the Earth unevenly, creating atmospheric movements of air


Example of a slowly degradable waste

toxic lead, arsenic

Examples of nondegradable wastes

US Energy Bill of 2005

Exempt natural gas drilling from the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974

***What did the principal amendment in 2004 change about the US Endangered Species Act?

Exempted the Department of Defense from some critical habitat designations

List examples of indoor air pollutants

asbestos, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, persistent organic pollutants (POPS), radon, tobacco smoke

reversibility principle

avoid taking actions that cannot be reversed if a decision turns out to be wrong

net energy principle

avoid the widespread use of energy alternatives or technologies with low net energy yields

Describe factors that affect birth rates

importance of children as part of labor force(developing countries) urbanization(better access to family planning than rural areas) cost of raising and educating children-lower birth rates in developed countries where they don't enter work force until later religious beliefs, traditions, cultural norms-some favor large families education and employment opportunities for women infant mortality rates-low rates, fewer children average age of marriage:25+ fewer children availability of private and public pension systems availability of reliable birth control level of education and affluence


known as the "ecological capital" of brazil

instrumental value

species usefulness to us in providing many of the ecological and economic services that make up the earth's natural capital

overshoot K and suffer a population crash

species with J-shaped exponential growth curves tend to:

overshoot K only to drop and hover around K

species with S-shaped logistic growth curves tend to:

Define r-strategists

species with a high intrinsic rate of increase

Define K-strategists

species with a low intrinsic rate of increase

Natural Resources Defense Council

What does the NRDC stand for/

organic compounds

a class of hazardous wastes consisting of various solvents, pesticides, PCBs, and dioxins

Purpose of IUCN

a coalition of the world's leading conservation groups that publishes annual Red Lists

What is Radon-222

a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of uranium-238 in rocks and soil. The gas can sweep upward through soil and accumulate in ventilated lower levels of buildings

urban sprawl

a combination of cheap gasoline, plentiful and, and a network of highways produces dispersed, automobile-oriented cities with low population density


a component of the hemoglobin that transports oxygen in the blood

What is a mineral resource?

a concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid, or gaseous material in or on the earth's crust that can be extracted and processed into useful mineral at an affordable cost


a concentration of particular aquatic species suitable for commercial harvesting in a given ocean area or inland body of water


a concept in common law in which a party causes damage by knowingly acting in an unlawful or unreasonable manner


a cross-sectional view of the horizons

late loss curves

a curve that is typical for K-strategists

early loss curves

a curve that is typical for r-strategists

constant loss curves

a curve that is typical in species with intermediate reproductive strategies with a fairly constant rate of mortality in all age classes

energy conservation

a decrease in energy use based primarily on reducing unnecessary waste of energy


a discrete event in time that disrupts an ecosystem or community

infectious disease

a disease caused when a pathogen such as a bacterium, virus, or parasite invades the body and multiplies in its cells and tissues


a disease in which malignant cells multiply uncontrollably and create tumors that can damage the body and often lead to premature death

Describe oil shale

a fine grained rock that contains a solid, waxy mixture of hydrogen compounds called kerogen


a form of government intervention in the marketplace that is widely used to help control or prevent pollution and reduce resource waste and environmental degradation


a formal effort to resolve a dispute


a government by the people through elected officials and representatives

constitutional democracy

a government in which a constitution provides the basis of government authority and in most cases, limits government power by mandating free elections and guaranteeing free speech

Soil Triangle

a graphical representation of the different soil texture, which in turn helps determine soil porosity and permeability

soil triangle

a graphical representation of the different soil texture, which in turn helps determine soil porosity and permeability

special-interest group

a group that advocates passing laws, providing subsidies or tax breaks, or establishing regulations favorable to its cause, and weakening or repealing laws, subsidies, tax breaks, and regulations unfavorable to their position.


a group that goes to court to stop environmentally harmful practices and informs and organizes millions of environmental activists through its website, magazines, and newsletters to take action to protect the environment

What is bitumen

a high-sulfur heavy oil found in tar sand

hybrid electric vehicle

a hybrid with a second and more powerful battery that can be plugged into a standard outlet and recharged

ogliotropic lake

a lake that is low in nutrients and has clear water

urban growth boundary approach

a line drawn around each community to allow no urban development outside those boundaries


a living organism that can cause disease in another organism


a measure of how harmful a substance is -- its ability to cause injury, illness, or death to a living organism

primary sewage treatment

a mechanical process that uses screens to filter out debris

dose-response curve

a method used be scientist to estimate the toxicity of a chemical by determining the effects of various doses on test organisms and then by plotting the results


a method whereby plants are grown with their roots in troughs of water inside a greenhousepolycultures

early successional plant species

grow quickly under harsh conditions and have short lives, during which they are responsible for the breakdown of rock and buildup of soil


growing several crops on the same plot of land simultaneously

What is polyculture and how does this help maintain biodiversity?

growing several crops on the same plot which reduces the chances of losing most of the years supply to bad weather, pests, etc.

Define second growth forests

growth forests are stands of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession after cutting

second-growth forests

growth forests are stands of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession after cutting

What do carcinogens promote?

growth of malignant tumors (cancer-causing)

What factors led to the premature extinction of passenger pigeon? (core study)

habitat destruction as forests were cleared to make room for cities climate change uncontrolled commercial hunting behavioral characteristics: pigeons were easy to kill since they flew in large flocks and nestled in densely packed colonies; female pigeons laid one egg/nest/per year

***What is habitat fragmentation and how does it threaten many species?

habitat fragmentation- occurs when a large, contiguous area of habitat is reduced in area and divided into smaller, more scattered, and isolated patches, or habitat island; by roads, logging, agriculture, and urban development threaten species- decrease tree population, block migratory routes, divide populations of species to smaller more isolated groups more vulnerable to predators, competitor species, disease, and catastrophic events, create barriers, local and regional extinction

Los Angelas

had the world's largest electric-rail mass transit system

____ of the worlds coastal wetlands have disappeared since 1800


preindustrial stage

harsh living conditions lead to a high birth rate (to compensate for high infant mortality) and a high death rate with little population growth

Define seed tree cutting

harvests nearly all of a stand's trees in one cutting, leaving a few uniformly distributed seed-producing trees to regenerate the stand

seed-tree cutting

harvests nearly all of a stand's trees in one cutting, leaving a few uniformly distributed seed-producing trees to regenerate the stand


has a greater harmful impact on air, soil, water, and biodiversity resources than any other human activity

Hong Kong

has one of the world's most successful rail systems


has the world's best bus system

keystone species

have a large effect on the types and abundances of other species in an ecosystem.

generalist species

have broad niches. They can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods, and often tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions.

Describe K-strategists, growth curve, and give examples

have few but large young, and show an S-shaped logistic growth curve. Protected by parents. Examples: whales, elephants, redwood trees

suburbs and exurbs

have lower density living and access to larger lot sizes compared to central cities and also have newer public schools and lower crime rates


involves cleaning and using materials over and over and thus increasing the typical life span of a product

fish farming

involves cultivating fish in a controlled environment

uneven-aged management

involves the planting of a variety of tree species at many ages for multiple uses

What materials are the mantle rich in?

iron, silicon, oxygen, magnesium


is a community of different species interacting with one another and with their nonliving environment of soil, water, other forms of matter, and energy, mostly from the sun.

mass extinction

is a significant rise in extinction rates above the background level.

prokaryotic cell

is also surrounded by a membrane, but it has no distinct nucleus and no other internal parts surrounded by membranes.

water stress

is caused by increasing numbers of people relying on limited levels of runoff. This is a concern in Cary where water supply comes from Jordan Lake. Due to rapid growth there are conflicts over water rights and usage.

net primary productivity (NPP)

is the rate at which producers use photosynthesis to produce and store chemical energy minus the rate at which they use some of this stored chemical energy through aerobic respiration.

Oil pollution in the seas results primarily from...

land runoff

Define principle of multiple use

land should be used simultaneously for a variety of uses

principle of multiple use

land should be used simultaneously for a variety of uses

fundamental land

land that requires approval from local and provincial gov'ts and from the state council in order to build

***introduced species

species that are deliberately or accidentally introduced into an ecosystem

invasive species (alien species), introduced species(exotic species, non native species)

species that are deliberately or accidentally introduced into an ecosystem by humans that cause harm


streets, bridges, schools, housing, water supply pipes, dams, and sewers

What can cause solid rock to deform until it suddenly fractures and shifts along the fracture? What does this faulting or later abrupt movement cause:

stress in the earth's crust; earthquake

Dams and Flood Control

structure built across river to control water flow

Name some major volcanic zones.

subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges, hot spots, and the ring of fire

How are deep deposits removed?

subsurface mining

Name types of mining?

subsurface, open pit, dreging, strip, contour strip, mountaintop removal


the ability of a living system to maintain a size within the limits imposed by available resources


the ability of a living system to recuperate after an external disturbance

inertia (persistence)

the ability of a living system to resist being disturbed or altered

tolerance & example

the ability of late successional plants to remain unaffected by plants at earlier stages of succession: example: shade tolerant trees and plants thrive in mature forest where they don't have to compete for sunlight

cultural eutrophication

the accelerated input of nutrients by human activity


the amount of a good or service that is available


the amount of a good or service that people want

median lethal dose (LD₅₀) (for determining toxicity)

the amount of chemical received in one dose that kills exactly 50% of the test subjects in a test population


the amount of food produced per unit of land

Define biological oxygen demand (BOD)

the amount of oxygen needed for decomposition

doubling time

the amount of time it takes to double a population

total fertility rate

the average number of children born to women in a population

replacement-level fertility rate

the average number of children that couples in a population must bear to replace themselves

life expectancy

the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live


the beneficial ozone layer is in this region of the atmosphere

postindustrial stage

the birth rates declines further and zero population growth is reached


the collapse of land above some underground mines


the concept that is about finding ways to create more economic value with less environmental impact

green planning

the creation of long-term environmental management strategies with the ultimate goal of achieving greater environmental and economic sustainability and a high quality of life for a country's citizens

continental crust

the crust that underlies the continents

oceanic crust

the crust that underlies the ocean basins

resource partitioning & give example

the dividing up of resources so they are used at different times, in different ways, or in different places.This helps reduce or avoid competition. For example, birds feeding on different portions of the same tree species

threshold level of toxicity

the dose below with no toxic effects are observed and/or above which the toxic effects are apparent


the dry weight of all organic matter contained in its organisms.


the earth's crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle


the ecosystem most widely used and altered by humans after forests

thermal pollution is known as?

thermal shock

Nixon / Ford

this administration or administrations listed an average number of endangered species of 15/year

Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter

this administration or administrations listed an average number of endangered species of 32/year

Barack Obama

this administration or administrations listed an average number of endangered species of 39/year

George H. W. Bush

this administration or administrations listed an average number of endangered species of 58/year

Bill Clinton

this administration or administrations listed an average number of endangered species of 65/year

George W. Bush

this administration or administrations listed an average number of endangered species of 8/year

When does an active volcano occur?

this occurs where magma reaches the earth's surface through a central vent or crack

***Species that are vulnerable to local and regional extinction due to habitat fragmentation

those that are rare, those that need to roam over large areas, low reproductive capacities, specialized niches and species sought by people for furs, food and medicines

How are heavy metals harmful?

through bioaccumulation


various parcels of land are designated for certain uses

What are earthquakes?

vibrations in the earth's crust caused by sudden shifts along a fault

seismic waves

vibrations that are released when a fault forms, or when there is abrupt movement on an existing fault

ecological value

vital component of the key ecosystem functions of energy flow, nutrient cycling, and population control



resource exchange webs

wastes of one manufacturer become raw materials for another

nondegradable wastes

wastes that remain in the water permanently

the surface of the zone of saturation is called?

water table

where fuel rod assemblies are stored when a reactor is shut down

water-filled pools or dry casks

acids, salts, toxic metals are examples of?

water-soluble inorganic chemicals

power tower

what a central receiver is called in very large systems

fuelwood crisis

when developing countries are forced to meet their fuel needs by harvesting wood faster than it can be replenished


when members of one species (predator) feed directly on another species (prey)

What are secondary pollutants

when some primary pollutants react with one another or with the basic components of air to form new pollutants

precautionary principle

when substantial preliminary evidence indicates that an activity can harm human health or the environment, we should take precautionary measures to prevent or reduce such harm, even if some of the cause-and-effect relationships have not been fully established, scientifically

limiting factors

A variety of abiotic factors can affect the number of organisms in a population. Sometimes one or more factors, known as limiting factors, are more important in regulating population growth than other factors are.

limiting factor principle

A variety of abiotic factors can affect the number of organisms in a population. Sometimes one or more factors, known as limiting factors, are more important in regulating population growth than other factors are. This ecological principle is called the limiting factor principle: Too much or too little of any abiotic factor can limit or prevent growth of a population, even if all other factors are at or near the optimal range of tolerance.

Soil Profile

A vertical cross-section from the surface down to parent material


(from the Greek words oikos, meaning "house" or "place to live," and logos, meaning "study of") is the study of how organisms interact with their living (biotic) environment of other organisms and with their nonliving (abiotic) environment of soil, water, other forms of matter, and energy mostly from the sun.

secondary consumers, or carnivores

(meat eaters), are animals such as spiders, hyenas, birds, frogs, and some zooplankton-eating fish, all of which feed on the flesh of herbivores.

primary consumers, or herbivores

(plant eaters), are animals such as rabbits, grasshoppers, deer, and zooplankton that eat producers, mostly by feeding on green plants.

2 ways hazardous wasted may be detoxified

-bioremediation: breakdown by mircroorganisms phytoremediation: breakdown by natural or genetically engineered plants in artificial marshes or greenhouses

How can we improve energy efficiency?

- increase fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, buildings, and appliances; -mandate government purchases of efficient products; -provide tax credits for buying efficient products; -reward utilities for reducing demand; -increase efficiency research and development

Reasons why it is difficult to address climate change

- problem is global -long term -term political issue -the harmful and beneficial impacts are not spread evenly -actions that might reduce climate change, such as phasing out fossil fuels, are controversial since they can disrupt economics and lifestyle

The atmosphere is the thin layer of gases that surrounds the earth which consist of?

-78% nitrogen -21% oxygen -0.9% argon -0.1% water vapor, carbon dioxide, neon, helium and other trace gases

Define environmental law

-A body of statements defining what is acceptable environmental behavior for individuals and groups, according to the larger community and attempting to balance competing social and private interests -Can be used to control pollution, set safety standards, encourage resource preservation, and protect species and ecosystems

Precautionary Principle

-A type of principal that helps guide us in making environmental policy - States that when substantial evidence indicates that an activity threatens human health or the environment, take precautionary measures to prevent or reduce such harm, even if some of the cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically


-Acts as insulating and fireproofing agent -used in automobile gaskets, ceiling/floor tiles, cigarette filters -Can lead to cancer -Symptoms do not appear until 20-30 years after 1st exposure -one of 1st hazardous air pollutants regulated by clean air act

Reasons for higher urban temperatures

-black asphalt and building materials that absorb heat -heat produced by burning fuels for AC, transportation, lighting -lack of vegetation and standing water -building interfere with thermal radiation

The Clean Water Act

-Based on Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 -set standards for allowed levels of key water pollutants and requires polluters to get permits limiting how much for various pollutants they can discharge into aquatic systems

President Bush's input on Kyoto, Obama?

-Bush withdrew US support b/c he thought it would hurt economy and b/c it did not require reductions from developing countries. The treaty was endorsed without the US by every industrialized country -Obama Administration did not join Kyoto upon taking office in anticipation of Climate Summit in Copenhagen at end of his first term in office.

Describe different chemical reactions that occur with ozone in stratosphere and troposphere

-CFCs destroy ozone in the stratosphere and have created a thinning (hole is incorrect term) in the ozone shield above the south pole -burning of fossil fuels increases ozone in troposphere

List major classes of Air Pollutants

-Carbon Oxides (CO, CO2) -Sulfur Oxides (SO2, SO3) -Nitrogen Oxides (NO, N2O) -Volatic Organic Compounds -VOC's (CH4, CFC's) -Suspended Organic Particles (dust, soot, pesticides) -Photchemical Oxidants (O3, H2O2) -Radioactive Substances (radon-222, plutonium-239) -Toxic Compounds (mostly carcinogens)

List ways to lower the amount of air pollution created before it actually enters the atmosphere

-Catalytic Converters: -Wet and Dry Scrubbers -Electrostatic Precipitators -Afterburners

Strategies government can use to encourage full cost pricing

-Certifying and labeling environmentally beneficial goods and services -phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies -levying taxes on environmentally harmful goods and services -passing laws to regulate pollution and resource depletion -using permits for reducing pollution and resource use

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

-Chemicals that have high vapor pressure at ordinary room temperature -Include human made and naturally occurring compounds -long term exposure in indoor environment can lead to sick building syndrome -Long term health effects can include headaches; eye,nose and throat irritation, nausea, damage to liver, kidney, CNS, cancer

Describe Boiled Frog Syndrome

-cautionary tale against ignoring the accumulation of small changes over time -A frog in a pot of water does not become alarmed as it is slowly heated. It does not perceive the situation as dangerous because the water process is gradual, and the frog is alive from increase to increase. Eventually the frog dies because he has no evolutionary experience of the lethal effects.

Describe how urbanization alters local climate

-Cities are warmer, rainier, foggier, and cloudier than suburbs and nearby rural areas -urban heat island: enormous amounts of heat generated by cars, factories, furnaces, etc. -dome of heat traps pollutants, creating a dust dome

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

-Colorless, odorless, highly toxic gas that forms during incomplete combustion of carbon-containing materials -Comes from car exhaust, clearing/burning of forests/grasslands, smoke, and cooking w open fire -most common fatal indoor air poisoning because it combines w hemoglobin and blocks ability of blood to transport oxygen

What is Tragedy of the Commons ?

-Depletion or degredation of a potentially renewable resource to which people have free and unmanaged access due to short-term goals and selfishness. -An example is the depletion of commercially desired fish speies

Describe possible effects of a warmer atmosphere

-Droughts may increase, causing more wildfires, declines in surface water and declines in biodiversity -melting of world's ice means less sunlight is reflected back into space, warming the troposphere further. Mountain glaciers, a major source of fresh water are shrinking -Permafrost will likely milt, causing significant amounts of methane and CO2 into atmosphere -Sea levels are rising faster than expected. Will cause severe flooding and loss of habitat -Atmospheric warming will increase weather events such as droughts, floods and tropical storms. -Warmer troposphere will change the distribution and population sizes of wild species, shift locations of ecosystems, and threaten coral reefs. Penguins and polar bears are hardest hit. -Decline in agriculture in some areas, particularly those that emphasize monoculture production. Productivity will increase for some areas. -Health implications will result as insects, microbes, and other organisms expand ranges. increase in malaria, premature deaths.

US Congress passed Clean Air Acts in 1970, 1977, and 1990 and impose these strategies

-EPA establishment of national ambiant air quality standards (NAAQs) -EPA establishment of national emission standards for toxic air pollutants -Recent legislation, such as "Clear Skies Initiative" (2003) have actually reduced the effectiveness of Clean Air Act

Why is ozone thinning seasonal?

-Each sunless Antarctic winter, ice crystals in the air collect CFCs and catalyze the reaction that release Cl atoms & ClO. -Without sunlight to catalyze ozone destruction,the Cl0 combine to form Cl2O2 which accumulates in atmosphere -When sunlight and spring return,the light breaks up the stored molecules release large numbers of Cl atoms leading to 40-50% ozone loss in most areas, 100% in some

Mitigation Costs

-Estimating how much it would take to offset any environmental damage -Example: estimating how much it would cost to protect a forest from cutting, to move an endangered species to a new habitat, or to restore a statue damaged by air pollution

Describe Ozone

-Form of oxygen with molecules of 3 oxygen atoms -colorless and has strong odor -in stratophere: absorbs the majority of UV radiation hitting Earth (good) -in troposphere, contributes to air pollution (bad)

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

-Generic term for nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide which are produced from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen gases in the air -NOx gases are formed whenever nitrogen occurs in presence of high temperature combustion (forest fires, lightning, volcanoes) -NOx gases react to form acid rain; they are central to the formation of tropospheric ozone

What can the government due to influence Tragedy of the Commons

-Government is the only power that can preserve common or open access renewable resources such as clean air, water, and ozone in the stratosphere

Full Cost Pricing

-Pricing system which includes internal costs, along with short and long term external costs -A way to deal with external costs of economic goods

How we can use more Renewable Energy?

-Provide subsidies and tax credits for renewable energy -Encourage government purchase of renewable energy products -Increase renewable energy research and development

Silent Spring

-Published by Rachel Carson in 1962 to alert the public about the harmful effect of pesticides -Her book alluded to the silencing of birds from exposure to pesticides (DDT) -Her work led to policy changes including banning of many pesticides in the US and other countries

Exxon Valdez

-In 1984, tanker ran around in Prince William Sound, Alaska -caused a spill of almost 11 million gallon that affected the Alaskan coastline equivalent of New York to Miami -until 2010 the largest oil spill in US history-

Carbon Monoxide

-In closed environments, concentration can rise to toxic levels -most common type of fatal indoor air poisoning-blocks oxygen carrying capacity -

Describe types of economic systems

-Pure command economic system or centrally planned economy: all decisions are made by the government -Pure market economy or pure capitalism: all economic decisions are made in markets (buyer and seller interactions) -In reality, all countries have mixed economic systems

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

-colorless, odorless and tasteless gas slightly less dense than air -present in small amounts in atmosphere as a product of volcanic activity, natural and man made fires, burning of fossil fuels, photochemical reactions in troposphere (largest single source)

External Cost

-Indirect costs, also known as hidden costs -Harmful environmental,economic, or social effect of producing and using an economic good that is not included in the market price of the good -Waste production, decrease in biodiversity, depletion of not renewable resources -Example: if you buy a car you do not pay the harmful external costs for extracting resources to make the car which produce waste, pollute air & water, release greenhouse gases which have harmful effects on people and earth's life support systems.


-Individuals or groups use public pressure, personal contacts, and political action to persuade legislators to vote or act in their favor -An important part of converting a bill introduced in the US Congress into a law

About 98.5% of the solid waste in the US is from? The remaining 1.5% solid waste is from

-Industrial solid waste -municipal solid waste (garbage) from homes and businesses

Ozone (O3)

-Inorganic molecule with the chemical formula O3 -tropospheric ozone is a secondary air pollutant -Human activities can lead to tropospheric ozone including burning fossil fuels (power plants, motor vehicles) and releasing VOCs -Can harm lung function, irritate respiratory system, cause asthma & bronchitis, suppress immune system, result in heart attacks -Also affects animal respiratory systems and plant life (less chloraphyll, more susceptible to disease and pests)

2015 UN Climate Change Conference

-Known as COP21 and held in Paris, France -Important because of significant contributions by 2 largest carbon emitters: US and China -2016: 174 countries signed agreement and began implementing plans to limit global warming by 1.5 degrees Celsius. This will require a target of 0 emissions sometime between 2030-2050

Describe how Global Warming is naturally occurring

-Layers of Antarctic ice provide the data for the past 900,000 years. cycles of heating & cooling have occurred on a global basis (glacial and interglacial periods). -Each Ice Age lasts approx. 100,000 years followed by a period of warming that lasts 10,000-12,500 years -The warming period during the last 10,000 years has been a major factor is the development of agriculture, human civilizations and population growth.

Exposure to air pollutants, particularly smoke may lead to these health issues

-Lung Cancer -Asthma: muscle spasms in bronchial walls -Chronic bronchitis - inflammation of cells lining the bronchi and bronchioles -Emphysema: damage to air sacs in lungs

Soil Conservation methods

-Minimum-tillage farming: use of special tillers that break up and loosen the subsurface soil without turning over the topsoil -No-till farming:use of special planting machines that inject seeds, fertilizers, and herbicides into slits made in the unplowed soil -Terracing:a way to grow food on steep slope without depleting soil with creation of broad, nearly level terraces on steep slopes. retains water at each level. -Contour farming: when ground has significant slope this can be used and involves plowing and planting of crops across, rather than up and down, a gentle slope. each row acts as dam to slow water runoff. -Strip cropping (aka intercropping):planting alternating strips of a row crop such as corn or cotton and another crop that completely covers the soil called cover crop. The cover crop traps soil and reduces runoff. -Alley cropping (aka agroforestry):alternating rows of crops between trees or shrubs which provide shade. This reduces evaporation. Trees can be used as mulch for crops. -Gully reclamation: planting quick-growing plants in gullies that form at the bottom of slopes to catch and hold sediment -Windbreaks or shelterbelts: rows of trees planted around crop fields to reduce wind erosion -Identify erosion hotspots and replace with grasses

Deficiencies of the Clean Air Act

-Relies on pollution cleanup rather than prevention -Failed to increase fuel-efficency standard for cars -Regulation of emissions from motorcycles remains inadequate -Little regulation of air pollution from oceangoing ships in American ports -Airports are exempt from many regulations -Don't regulate emissions of CO2 -Urban ozone levels are still too high -Failed to handle indoor air pollution -A need for better enforcement of the Clean Air Acts

What are criteria air pollutants

-Set of 8 air pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, and other health hazards -come from many sources in industry, mining, transportation, agriculture -first set of pollutants recognized by EPA as needing national standards -mostly products or fossil fuels or industrial processes

Republican Party

-One of two major political parties in the US - A party that believes: "Encourage market-based solutions to environmental problems. A robust economy will be essential for dealing with the risk of climate change, and we insist on reasonable policies that do not force Americans to sacrifice their way of life."

Democratic Party

-One of two major political parties in the US -Believes "Invest in technology friendly to the Earth. We need comprehensive energy legislation that makes us more energy independent, reduces climate changing greenhouse gas emissions, and creates millions of green jobs."


-Organic chemical (molecule that contains carbon) prevalent in indoor environment -Carcinogen linked to nasal and lung cancer -Found in paper products, insulation, permanent press clothes, fire retardants, natural gas, tobacco smoke, kerosene, cosmetics, deodorants, shampoos, disinfectants

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

-Organic chemicals that have high vapor pressure (easily evaporate) at ordinary room temperature -Include human made and naturally occurring compounds -Since people spend so much time indoors, exposure can lead to sick building syndrome

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS)

-Organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation -many used as pesticides (DDT), solvents, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals

Tobacco Smoke

-contains about 5000 chemical compounds, including 60 carcinogens -responsible for 85% of lung cancers and other cancers -also associated w/leukemia, strokes and heart attacks -cigarettes are smoked by 20% of world's pop -China ranked #1 of smokers

What led to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, what were the results

-Started when CFCs were found to destroy stratospheric ozone in the 1970's -This international agreement phases out a series of substances, including CFC's responsible for ozone depletion -As a result, stratospheric chlorine levels in polar regions should return to 1980 levels by 2065. -This is often cited as larges global environmental success story.

'Environmental Decade'

-The 1970's -Members of both political parties in the Congress worked together with the executive branch to pass and implement major environmental laws -Since 1980, the US federal government has abandoned leadership of the environmental revolution and weakened many of the environmental laws

Sulfur Oxides(SOx)

-The most common is sulfur dioxide ((SO2), a colorless gas with an intense odor that readily dissolves in water to form an acidic solution -Main emission source is burning of fossil fuels.Motor vehicles, tar sand extraction, and ore processing as well as natural sources (volcanoes, hot springs, forest fires) also release sulfur dioxide -toxic to plants and reduces crop yields -irritates throat and lungs -Methods to reduce: use low sulfur coal, washing coal

sick building syndrome (SBS)

-ailments associated with a person's place of work or residence where air circulation may be restricted -indoor air pollutants are 2-5 times greater than outdoor -1/3 of building may lead to symptoms of SBS

transmissable disease and give examples

-an infectious disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. The infectious agent is called a pathogen. -examples are tuberculosis, HIV, ebola, influenza, malaria, dysentery

Libertarian Party

-Third political party in US with roughly 100 members holding political office at some level -Party that believes "Encourage private ownership of land and animals. Owners make better environmental guardians than renters. If the government sold its acreage to private ranchers, the new owners would make sure they grazed the land sustainably to maximize profit and yield."

What are some of the disadvantages of pesticide use?

-arrival of new pests that fill the niche of killed pests, -at least 95% of pesticides do not reach target pests and end up polluting the environment, ---killing of natural predators and parasites with broad-spectrum insecticides, -harm to wildlife, -threats to human health (20,000 US cancer deaths per year attributable to pesticide residue), -genetic resistance

What was the purpose and benefits of establishing FTA & NAFTA

-To remove trade barriers between countries This would benefit developing countries, allow consumers more choice of goods and price, and raise overall levels of environmental protection

What are some ways individuals can influence and change government policies?

-Vote for candidates and ballot measures -Contact legislatures to advocate your point of view -Participate in grassroots activiites -Contribute money and time to candidates -Educate, expose fraud, file lawsuits

List deficiencies of Clean Air Acts

-continued reliance on pollution cleanup rather than prevention -Failure to sharply increase fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks -No requirement for stricter emission standards for cars and light trucks -No requirement for stricter emission standards for fine particulates -Giving municpal trash incinerators 30-year permits -Weak standards for incinerators -Weak standards for emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases

Methods of producing less waste include

-decrease consumption, -redesign manufacturing to use less materials and eliminate unnecessary packaging, -redesign manufacturing to produce less waste and pollution, -use of less hazardous cleaning materials by individuals, -develop products with a longer life cycle, -incorporate trash taxes

Describe effects of acid deposition

-direct damage to plant foliage, bark, and roots -soil acidification and death of microorganisms -lake acidification and stress of aquatic life

Factors that determine what level of exposure that a chemical will cause harm

-dose:amount that a person has ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin -genetic makeup: determines an individuals sensitivity to a particular toxin -multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) when one is sensitive to a number of toxins. -age:greater effect on children -solubility: water and oil or fat soluble -persistence or resistance to break down -biological magnification

What activities do some of the mainstream environmental groups take part in?

-funneling funds to local activists and projects (ex. Greenpeace), -Focusing on legal actions (ex. Environmental Defense Fund), -Focusing on specific issues (ex. Zero Population Growth,Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund); -Focusing on education and research (ex. Worldwatch Institute)

Describe ways to make existing and new suburbs more sustainable and liveable

-giving up big lawns, -building in small clusters so that more community open space is available, -developing a town center that is a focus of community cohesiveness, -planting lots of new trees and not cutting down existing ones, -discouraging excessive dependence on the automobile and encourage bicycling and walking

The role of oceans

-help moderate surface temperatures by absorbing carbon dioxide pumped into the lower atmosphere by human activities -oceans lose ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere as temperatures rise. This could amplify global warming and speed up climate change through a positive feedback loop. -Oceans are also becoming more acidic b/c of increasing levels of carbon dioxide. Increased acidity reduces the ability of oceans to regulate atmospheric warming and climate change by removing CO2. This can accelerate global warming and climate change in a positive feedback loop. -warmer and more acidic oceans can destroy ecosystems; decrease in phytoplankton which are at base of food web

Ways to reduce threat of climate change

-improve energy efficiency -shift to low carbon renewable energy resources -stop cutting down tropical forests -burn fossil fuels but capture as much as possible, but capture as much as possible in ground and ocean to avoid leaking out

Acid Deposition causes

-in areas where weather is dry, acidic chemicals in the air may become incorporated into dust or smoke and fall to ground, sticking to ground, buildings, cars, trees. -Dry deposited gases can be washed by rain, leading to acid runoff

Natural Capital

-includes resources and services produced by the earth's natural processes, which support all economies and all life. -air, land, soil, biodiversity, minerals & energy, and natural services such as air & water recycling, nutrient cycling and climate control


-invisible, radioactive gas that results from radioactive decay of radium, which can be found in rock formations, beneath buildings, or in building materials -most pervasive hazard for indoor air in US and Europe -responsible for tens of thousands of deaths from lung cancer each year -heavy gas which accumulates at floor level

Copenhagen, Denmark

-location of 15th United Nations Conference, December 2009 -Agreement by 194 countries to cap temperature rise, reduce emissions, and increase finance to kick start action in the developing world to deal with climate change -The emissions targets are meant to keep temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees. This was the basis for the next conference in 2015

Why is reducing energy waste important?

-makes nonrenewable fossil fuels last longer -decreases dependence on oil imports -increased competitiveness in international marketplace -reduces local and global environmental damage -slows global warming -saves money

Suspended Particulate Matter(PMx)

-microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in Earth's atmosphere -"x" refers to size of particles -the smaller and lighter a particle is, the longer it will stay in air -mostly removed by precipitation -makes lakes & streams more acidic, changes nutrient balance in coastal waters and river basins, depletes nutrients in soil, damages forests and farm crops, increases health issues for humans and animals(respiratory diseases, birth defects, death) -Reduction: limit products that produce fumes, dont burn leaves and yard waste, don't burn wood in fireplaces, use public transportation

How can groundwater pollution be prevented?

-monitoring aquifers near landfills and underground tanks, -requiring leak detection systems for underground tanks, -banning disposal of hazardous wastes in deep injection wells and landfills, -storing hazardous liquids above ground

Disadvantages of natural gas

-must be converted to liquid before tanker transport (expensive & dangerous), -leaks into the atmosphere, -the process of fracking is extremely dangerous to both groundwater and air quality

Why environmental lawsuits are difficult to win

-plaintiffs must establish they have the legal right (legal standing) to do-must be able to show they have personally suffered health problems or financial losses -expensive and take years to resolve -public interest law firms can not recover attorney's fees unless specifically authorized by congress -Difficult to isolate harm from environmental damage -Statutes of limitation limit how long a plaintiff can sue after the fact, and environmental damage may not be obvious within that time

The Green Party

-political party that centers itself around issues of sustainability, but does not have an impact on US politics -a party that believes "All human endeavors are situated within the dynamics of the biosphere. If we wish to have sustainable institutions and enterprises, they must fit well with the processes of the Earth."

Under the US legal definition of hazardous waste, the following are NOT included

-radioactive wastes -toxic material discarded by households -mining wastes -oil and gas-drilling wastes -liquid waste containing organic hydrocarbon compounds -cement kiln dust produced when burning hazardous waste -wastes from small businesses and factories

Methods to reduce Carbon Monoxide pollution

-requiring catalytic converters on all cars, however this only converts carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas -building more public transportation -switching to renewable energy sources

Reasons why producing less waste is the best choice

-save energy and virgin materials with a lower input of energy; -reduce the env. effects of extracting, processing, and using resources; improve worker health and safety by reducing exposure to hazardous materials; -decrease pollution control and waste management costs; -are less costly on a life cycle basis

Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANS)

-secondary pollutants -Can cause respiratory problems, impair immune system, cause eye irritation, reduce crop yields -Methods to reduce PANS: reduce reliance on fossil fuels exp. coal and oil, limit wood burning fireplaces and stoves, reduce incineration of industrial wastes

What are some methods for sustainable water use?source reduction to reduce the toxicity or volume of pollutants, reuse of wastewater, recycling pollutants

-source reduction to reduce the toxicity or volume of pollutants -Reuse of wastewater -Recycling pollutants

remediation and reduction for acid deposition

-support and enforcement of clean air act -tax incentive to encourage buyers to switch to green vehicles -tax incentives to power companies to convert to less polluting sources of energy -pollution control technology for coal burning power plants -emmission monitoring systems for industries that are heavy polluters

***In which years were principal amendments made to the US Endangered Species Act? What did these ammendments do?

1978, 1982, 1988, and 2004; All of these increased the effectiveness of the law EXCEPT 2004

Lead (Pb): where is it used, how does exposure occur, what are results

-used in building construction, batteries for vehicles, bullets and shots (ingested by wildlife), fishing weights, solder, and shields for radiation -Exposure can occur from inhalation of polluted air and dust and from ingestion of food and water -Lead poisoning can result in anemia (low red blood count, mental retardation and disabilities, miscarriages, premature birth, and even death.

Opponents thoughts on Keystone XL Pipeline

-worry about environmental effects of running the pipeline through the agriculturally important area and over the Ogallala aquifer; -contend that an increase in efficiency could easily save as much oil as a pipeline could provide

reasons extinction experts believe human activities are causing a 6th mass extinction?

1-rate of species loss and extent of biodiversity loss are likely to increase in the next 50-100 years due to projected human growth and climate change by global warming 2-current and projected extinction rates are much higher than the global average in highly endangered parts of the world (so urged to go slower in hotspots) 3-we are eliminating, degrading, fragmenting, and simplifying many biological diverse environments that serve as potential habitats 4-long-term erosion in the earth;s variety of species and habitats

Economic Systems

A social institution through which goods and services are produces, distributes, and consumed to satisfy people's wants and needs, ideally in the most efficient way

2 reasons to prevent premature extinction of wild species

1. It will take 5-10 million years for natural speciation to rebuild the biodiversity we are likely to destroy; 2.Ethical obligation: it is the right thing to do regardless of usefulness

List preventable causes of death

1. obesity/heart disease 2. cancer 3. lung disease 4. stroke 5. drugs & alcohol 6. accidents/vehicles 7. firearms 8. STD's

The US has 4.6% of the World's total population and produces ______% of the World's solid waster


What percentage of the oil from the Gulf Oil Spill was recovered (skimming), burned, or dispersed


Describe 2 ways to deal with waste

1. waste management: (high waste approach) manages unavoidable increases in waste 2. waste prevention (low waste approach) acts to reduce waste and pollution, reuse, recycle, and compost, and them chemically or biologically treat what's left before burying the rest

what is the rate of population growth and how many people are added every year?

1.1%, adding 83 million people per year (14 Raleighs every month)

How much does one week of food in Chad cost?

1.23 USD

How much dispersant was used for the Gulf Oil Spill?

1.84 million gallons

6 types of instrumental values provided by wild species

1.Ecotourism (wild life tourism)-Kenya elephant is worth 1 million in revenue 2.Genetic information-genetic engineers use info to produce genetically modified crops 3. Existence value (non-use) The satisfaction of knowing a forest, wilderness or wolf pack exists even if we never see them or get direct use 4. Aesthetic value (non-use) we can appreciate a tree/bird for it's beauty 5. Bequest value (non-use) some people will pay to protect some forms of natural capital for use by future generations 6. Ecological value: each species is vital to ecosystem functions of energy flow, nutrient cycling, and population control

What range of percentages of freshwater fish species are threatened with extinction?

33-50%, freshwater species are more at risk

economic zone

370 km away from coastline

Name 7 methods for using fisheries more sustainably

1.fishery regulations: set, monitor and enforce quotas; 2. economic approaches: reduce or eliminate subsidies; 3. reduce bycatch levels;4. protected areas:establish no-fishing marine areas;5. nonnative invasions:reduce invasions by exotic species;6. consumer information:use labels that allow consumers to identify fish that have been harvested sustainably;and 7. aquaculture:restrict location of fish farms to reduce damage to coastal environments)

Names 4 strategies that may be used to protect and sustain waterways

1.use comprehensive land-use planning, 2.prevent and control invasion of exotic species, 3.minimize disruption of water flow 4..protect and create spawning sites

What percentage of US buildings are considered 'sick' by EPA


About ___ of the world's coal reserves are located in the US, followed by Russia with ___.

25%, 15%

What is the lowest estimated rate of loss and degradation of remaining tropical forests?

25,000 square miles per year. This is equivalent to half the size of NC

What percentage larger is the global fishing fleet than needed to catch what the oceans can sustainably produce?


What percentage of oil from the Gulf Oil Spill was never recovered?

26% (42 million gallons) on shore or below the surface

using energy efficiently and reusing and recycling matter

A sustainable society would emphasize...

What range of percentages of atmospheric water comes from trees via transpiration and evaporation?


Silent Spring

A book written about the silencing of robins, doves, jays and other bird voices because of exposure to pesticides. Led to many pesticides being banned.


A few producers, mostly specialized bacteria, can convert simple inorganic compounds from their environment into more complex nutrient compounds without using sunlight, through a process called chemosynthesis.


A home uses ten 100-watt lightbulbs for five hours per day. Approximately how many kilowatt-hours of electrical energy of consumed in one year by using the lightbulbs?

Describe hydrolic fracturing or fracking

A means of natural gas extraction. Once a well is drilled, millions of gallons of water, sand and chemical are injected, under high pressure. The pressure fractures the shale and props open fissures that enable natural gas to flow more freely out of the well.

Describe greenhouse production

A new form of industrialized agriculture that involves using greenhouses to raise crops. Used along Spain's south coast. It is intended to make arid lands productive but requires a large amount of water and energy from one part of country to another. On a small scale, greenhouse production can be water-efficient. Hyperponics is a method where plants are grown with their roots in troughs of water inside a greenhouse. Water is pumped from the troughs and sprayed on plants as artificial rain using 1/5 -1/10 less water per crop than conventional farming. In water poor parts of Africa farmers are using this method

food chain

A sequence of organisms, each of which serves as a source of food or energy for the next, is called a food chain.

Recognition (identify); Formulation (propose solution); Implementation (put solution into effect); Control (monitor progress)

According to social scientists, the development of public policy in democracies often goes through a policy life cycle consisting of four stages:

Adv and Disadvantages of Integrated Pest Management

Adv:reduces pesticide use and pest control costs without affecting quality or quantity; reduces input of fertilization and irrigation water and slow development of genetic resistance; pollution prevention reduces risks to humans and wildlife Disadvantages: requires expert knowledge about every pest situation and requires more time than using conventional pesticides; use is hindered by government subsidies for pesticides, and a shortage of experts. Initial costs may be higher but long terms costs lower.

cities are centers of economic development, innovation, education, technological advances, and jobs; longer life span in urban areas due to better access to resources; recycling is more feasible

Advantages of urbanization?

fertility rate

Age structure diagrams show all of the following EXCEPT


All organisms (living things) are composed of cells: the smallest and most fundamental structural and functional units of life.


All other organisms in an ecosystem are consumers, or heterotrophs ("other-feeders"), that cannot produce the nutrients they need through photosynthesis or other processes and must obtain their nutrients by feeding on other organisms (producers or other consumers) or their remains.

endocrine disruptors

Alligators in a Florida lake polluted by high levels of dioxins had low testosterone levels and failed to reproduce. Scientists came to the conclusion that the dioxins were acting as which of the following?

Manufactured Capital

Also called manufactured resources, items such as machinery, equipment, and factories made from natural resources with the help from human resources.

Human Capital

Also referred to as human resources, includes people's physical and mental talents which provide labor, innovation, culture, and innovation

Describe Afterburners

An additional combustion process

reduction of crop damage to economically tolerable level

An integrated pest management approach to pest control emphasizes which of the following?

***What are some requirements for Endangered Species Act list; examples of successes

Any decision to add or remove from the list must be based on biological factors alone, For each species listed there must be a recovery plan; successful recovery plans include bald eagle, peregeine falcon, alligator


Approach to controlling SO2 emissions, where a cap places an upper limit on the amount of pollutant that can be emitted, and trade allows companies to buy and sell allowances for a given amount of pollution

was once the fourth largest freshwater lake, but has been shrunk significantly due to irrigation

Aral Sea

untapped oil resources of unknown amounts do exist under the _______ ________

Artic Ocean

What is epidemiological transition?

As a country industrializes, chronic diseases overtake childhood infectious diseases in mortality

Soil Horizon, what are the types from bottom up (diagram on p 281)

At least 3 horizontal layers of soils, each with a distinct texture and composition that varies w/different types of soil.Types include: C: parent material B: subsoil A: topsoil O: Leaf litter.

Gulf Oil Spill of 2010

BP's Deepwater Horizon oil ring sank off the coast of Louisiana after an explosion -the aftermath left broken wellheads one mile deep that leaked for 107 days -largest offshore oil spill in US history -206 million gallons of oil

Benthic habitats the combined size of _______ __ ________ are being disturbed or destroyed by dredging every year

Benthic habitats the combined size of _______ __ ________ are being disturbed or destroyed by dredging every year (150 times larger than annual forest clear cut)

What is sick building syndrome

Buildings with particularly poor air quality

How do scientists estimate extinction rates?

By studying records documenting rates at which animals and birds become extinct since humans arrive, comparing fossil records of extinctions prior to humans, math models

How are fossil fuels created?

By the decay and compression of organisms that lived millions of years ago.

Who has the second greatest reserves for oil including oil alternatives


all wars in the country's history

Car accidents have killed more Americans than have..

carbon cycle

Carbon is the basic building block of the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, DNA, and other organic compounds necessary for life. It circulates through the biosphere, the atmosphere, and parts of the hydrosphere, in the carbon cycle.


China and Inda's population combines to make up ____ of the world's population

the largest dam in the world

China's Three Gorges Dam built across the Yangtze River

1.39 billion

China's population

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Colorless, odorless gas 93% is result of natural carbon cycle, other 7% comes from burning of fossil fuels, and clearing forests and grasslands Not technically a pollutant, but should be bc it can warm the troposphere and contribute to global climate change

***Describe 2 international treaties that are used to help protect species. Describe the US Endangered Species Act. /how successful has it been? What is the controversy surrounding this act?

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITIES): 172 countries bans hunting, capturing, and selling of threatened or endangered species; 900 species cannot be commercially traded at risk of becoming extinct and restrict international trade on 5,000 animals / 28,000 plants at risk of becoming threatened; helped but effects vay due to enforcement varying Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): 190 countries (not US) legally commits participating governments to reversing the global decline of biodiversity and to equitably sharing the benefits from use of the world's genetic resources; include efforts to prevent and control the spread of ecologically harmful invasive species; landmark in international law because it focuses on ecosystem rather than individual species; but slow because key countries not in and no penalization US Endangered Species Act of 1973- designed to identify and protect endangered species in the US and abroad; most far-reaching; decisions based on biological factors alone; controversy: 90% listed live totally or partially on private land and for a crime committed on private land can go to jail or pay $100,000

What dispersant was used for the Gulf Oil Spill?

Corexist 9500

Describe the major types of hazards

Cultural:poor diet, drugs, driving, assault Chemical: harmful chemicals in the air, water, soil and food Physical: fire, weather, radiation Biological: pathogens, allergens, and animals

Which is characteristic of the ideal pesticide? a. kills only the target pest b. biodegrades into harmless compounds c. does not cause genetic resistance d. all of these answers


What did the second generation of pesticides include?

DDT, chlordane, and methyl bromide

Internal Costs What does this include?

DIrect cost paid by the producer and buyer of an economic good, which includes the factory, raw materials, labor, marketing and shipping

map global ecosystems and create an inventory of the species within and ecosystem services provided, protect the most endangered ecosystems and species, restore degraded ecosystems, encourage biodiversity-friendly development

Describe the four-point plan for the ecosystem approach.

Describe types of physical hazards

Earthquakes: result in loss of life & property Vocanoes: result in loss of life in property Ionizing Radiation in the form of X-rays, radiation from nuclear sources, and ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sun lamps

trophic level

Ecologists assign every organism in an ecosystem to a feeding level, or trophic level, depending on its source of food or nutrients.

***Endangered species vs threatened species

Endangered Species refers to species w/so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct over natural range(where found). Example: passenger pigeon. Threatened Species (aka:vulnerable):still found abundant in natural range but because of decrease in numbers are likely to become endangered in the future

Name types of Laws

Environmental Laws -Statuary Laws -Administrative Laws -Common Law


For a group of sexually reproducing organisms, a species is a set of individuals that can mate and produce fertile offspring.

nitrogen cycle

Fortunately, two natural processes convert or fix N2 into compounds useful as nutrients for plants and animals. One is electrical discharges, or lightning, taking place in the atmosphere. The other takes place in aquatic systems, soil, and the roots of some plants, where specialized bacteria, called nitrogen-fixing bacteria, complete this conversion as part of the nitrogen cycle.

preindustrial stage, transitional stage, industrial stage, postindustrial stage

Four stages of demographic transition:

Why do volcanoes erupt?

Magma under pressure at high temperature causes the magma above to be pushed toward the surface and out the vent

Define GNP

GDP plus the net income from external sources

Good and bad news about human activities being the cause of global warming

GOOD: doing things that decrease greenhouse gases will help: -reduce air pollution which will help reduce conditions such as asthma, lung CA, bronchitis, emphesema -reduce dependence on foreign energy sources -reduce environmental effects from habitat destruction from mining and acid rain -renewable energy sources save money in the long term BAD: will cost money in the short term and political will in the long term

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Greenhouse gas emitted from fertilizers, animal wastes, and burning of fossil fuel

GDP stands for?

Gross Domestic Product

GNP stands for?

Gross National Product

motor vehicle exhaust

Ground - level ozone in most major U.S cities results primarily from...

PANs (peroxyacyl nitrates)

Group of chemicals found in photochemical smog, considered photochemical oxidant bc it can react & oxidize certain compounds in atmosphere/lungs -secondary pollutant

***What is HIPPCO? In order, what are the 6 largest causes of premature extinction of a species resulting from human activities?

HIPPCO- the most important causes of premature extinction: HABITAT destruction (forest clearing), degradation (destroying wetlands), and fragmentation (roads, logging); INVASIVE (nonnative)species; POPULATION and resource use growth (too many people consuming too many resources); POLLUTION; CLIMATE change; OVEREXPLOITATION

Describe the threat to bird species in the World and US; reasons we should be alarmed by the decline of birds?

Habitat loss/destruction (forest clearing), invasive species (bird eating rats, snakes, cats, mongooses), climate change, and overexploitation;Birds are great pollinators, environmental indicators, control populations of rodents and insects. Their loss can trigger other extinctions (plants) causing those that feed on plants to also become extinct which can affect our own food supply.

***The greatest threats to any species in order

Habitat:loss or degradation of Habitat, Invasive: harmful Invasive species, Population: human Population growth, Pollution, Climate change, and Overexploitation

Primary Pollutants

Harmful substances emitted directly into the air through volcanoes, cars, and industrial smokestacks. Ex) particulates, NOx, SO2, COx, VOCs

increases biodiversity, and creates more stable environment

How does an uneven-aged management affect the biodiversity of the area, and the environment?

reduced the destruction and degradation of wildlife habitat

How has concentrating population in urban areas protected biodiversity?


How many countries have signed the 1975 Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)


How many oxygen atoms does ozone have?


How much US land is set aside for public use, enjoyment, and wildlife?


How much of the US land set aside for public use, enjoyment, and wildlife is in Alaska?

***along flyways

How must migratory birds be managed?

Anthropogenic Sources

Human inputs of outdoor pollutants occur in industrialized, urban areas where people, cars, and factories are concentrated Burning of fossil fuels & excessive cars

absorption of Infrared radiation by atmospheric gases

If the Earth had no atmosphere the mean surface temp would be be approximately -15 degrees Celsius. With our present atmosphere, Earth's mean surface temp is approximately 15 degree Celsius. Which of the following is the best explanation for this difference.

genetic diversity

In most natural populations, individuals vary slightly in their genetic makeup, which is why they do not all look or act alike. This variation in a population is called genetic diversity.


In the northern hemisphere, ocean gyres flow in what direction?

sick building syndrome

In the workplace, bad air mixed with mold spores has led to...

Developed vs Undeveloped Indoor Air Pollutants

Indoor air pollution for the poor is world's most serious air pollution problem Undeveloped: Indoor burning of wood, charcoal, dung, crop residues, and coal in open fire Developed: formaldehyde

What happens to a reactor at the end of its useful life?

It is decommissioned.

a pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico that would carry tar sand oil is called?

Keystone XL

Temperature Inversion

Layer of warm air (inversion layer) is trapped between 2 cooler layers Cooler air is denser than warmer air above it, air near the surface doesn't rise and mix with air above it Traps/accumulate emission -> pollution 2 ways: Cold, cloudy in valley surrounded by mountains Sunny, light winds mountains on 3 sides, ocean on other

What are downsides of livestock?

Livestock grazing Cattle belch methane Waste

_________ sewage is of great concern in North Carolina estuaries, leading to degrading ecosystems and the emergence of Pfiesteria piscicida.


the second law of thermodynamics

Losses of usable energy between successive trophic levels in an ecosystem are best accounted for by which of the following?

the only countries that have not already hit peak oil production

Middle East

Case study: golden rice What was some controversy surrounding this?

Many of the World's poor do not have enough money to get foods that give them enough protein and minerals to prevent malnutrition. Children in Africa and SE Asia to not get enough Vitamin A leading to blindness and other diseases. Golden Rice is a genetically engineered rice containing beta-carotene that the body can convert to Vitamin A. Farmers began replacing some conventional forms of rice with golden rice to help reduce Vitamin A and iron deficiencies.Critics say giving Vitamin A capsules would be a cheaper option and scientists want more evidence on how much beta carotene will be converted to Vitamin A in the body. Trials are underway in the Phillipines

Describe the four-point plan for the ecosystem approach.

Map global ecosystems and create an inventory of the species within and ecosystem services provided, Protect the most endangered ecosystems and species, Restore degraded ecosystems, Encourage biodiversity-friendly development

How are oxygen demanding wastes measured?

Measured by biological oxygen demand


Megacities are ______________ throughout the world

Describe what B and C horizon contain.

Mostly inorganic matter which is mostly broken down rock consisting of mixtures of sand, silt, clay and rock which is often transported by water from the A horizon. The C horizon lies on a base of parent material which is often bedrock.

The hog population in __ is second largest in the country, but has the greatest density. Iowa is #1. The majority of hog farms are in the coastal area which is prone to flooding


recycling more paper to reduce harvest of pulpwood, practicing selective cutting of individual trees or small groups of most tree species, minimizing soil erosion of larger blocks of forest, minimizing soil erosion and compaction from road building and logging, ban conventional clear-cutting, leaving most standing dead trees and fallen timber to maintain diverse wildlife habitats, include ecological and recreational services in determining economic value

Name some methods that are emphasized by sustainable forest management.


National Ambient Air Quality Standards, pollution standards for six major pollutants set by the Environmental Protection Agency through the Clean Air Act

***Under the Endangered Species Act, what are the National Marine Fisheries Service and US Fish and Wildlife responsible for?

National Marine Fisheries Service is responsible for identifying and listing endangered and threatened ocean species; the US Fish & Wildlife identifies and lists all other endangered and threatened species

Air Pollution Control Act

Nations first legislation for air pollution -identified air pollution was a problem and announces research and additional steps to improve the situation

Name 3 types of resources used to produce goods and services

Natural Capital Human capital or human resources Manufactured capital or manufactured resources

Radon (Rn)

Naturally occurring colorless, odorless radioactive gas found in some types of soil and rock Can seep into homes/buildings causing lung cancer

Can we ever completely run out of a mineral?


Describe human impacts:pollution

Nonnative species: displacement of native species by exotic species Pollution:80% of marine pollution comes from land runoff; ocean acidification as a result of CO2 absorption

Who has been in a price war with OPEC since 2014 with neither slowing production in response to decreased production?

North America

What does NAFTA stand for and was it between

North American Free Trade Agreement Established in 1993, between Canada, US & Mexico


Nuclear power is commonly generated using the element...

Describe the nuclear accident of Fukushima, Japan

On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami led to the meltdown and release of radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan. The long-term effects of this disaster are yet to be seen.

Where do the largest catches of fishes occur?

On the continental shelves of northwest Europe, western South America, Japan

List categories of fertilizers

Organic fertilizers: include 3 types of plant and animal material: animal manure, green manure, compost Commercial inorganic fertilizers

What does OPEC stand for?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

nonnative species

Other species that migrate into or are deliberately or accidentally introduced into an ecosystem are called -------, also referred to as invasive, alien, or exotic species.

erosion and desertification

Overgrazing of grasslands can lead to reduced range quality. Two of the major effects of overgrazing are...

7 deadliest infectious diseases and number of deaths per year (in millions) World Health Organization (WHO), 2015

Pneumonia and Flu: 3.2 Tuberculosis: 1.7 Diarrheal diseases: 1.5 HIV/AIDS: 1.1 Hepatitis B: 0.9 Malaria: 0.5 Measles: 0.2

***Describe the poaching of wild species and give 3 examples of species that are threatened by this activity. Describe the threat to some forms of wild life from increased hunting for "bush meat".

Poaching- protected species are killed for their valuable parts or sold to collectors; rapidly growing because huge profits and rarely caught ex- live mountain gorilla, giant panda pelt, chimpanzee, Imperial Amazon macaw, Komodo dragon, tigers, elephants threat by "bush meat"- leads to local extinction, reduces population, threatens carnivores by taking away their prey

the cost to the environment is not reflected in the price of the products that produce the pollution

Pollution is considered and external cost when...

population size, population density, population dispersion, age structure

Population dynamics are described by:

births, deaths, migration

Populations grow or decline through the interplay of three factors:

What is air pollution?

The presence of one or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms of life, and materials

Air Pollution

Presence of chemicals in the troposphere, concentrations high enough to cause harm and alter climate Effects range from annoying to deathly

What is the only effective way of protecting groundwater from being polluted? Why is this?

Prevention because pumping polluted groundwater to the surface to clean and return is not economically feasible

Reducing Indoor Air Pollutants

Prevention: -Cover ceiling tiles and lining of AC to prevent release of mineral fibers -Ban smoking indoors -Set strict formaldehyde emissions standards -Prevent radon infiltration -Use office machines in well-venilated areas -Use less polluting substitutes for cleaning agents Cleanup: Use adjustable fresh air vents -More outdoor air -Solar Ovens -Rooftop greenhouses -Use exhaust hoods -Install efficient chimneys

aerobic respiration

Producers, consumers, and decomposers use the chemical energy stored in glucose and other organic compounds to fuel their life processes. In most cells this energy is released by aerobic respiration, which uses oxygen to convert glucose (or other organic nutrient molecules) back into carbon dioxide and water.

Photochemical Oxidants

Product of reactions between NOx and VOCs in presence of sunlight

Acid Rain

Rain containing nitric and sulfuric acids pH below 5.6

Name some methods that are emphasized by sustainable forest management.

Recycling more paper to reduce harvest of pulpwood, Practicing selective cutting of individual trees or small groups of most tree species, Minimizing soil erosion of larger blocks of forest, Minimizing soil erosion and compaction from road building and logging, Ban conventional clear-cutting, Leaving most standing dead trees and fallen timber to maintain diverse wildlife habitats, Include ecological and recreational services in determining economic value

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Reddish-brown gas formed when NO reacts with oxygen NO2 and NO play a part in formation of photochemical smog

Acid Deposition Prevention

Reduce: air pollution, coal use (burn low-sulfur coal) Increase: use of natural gas, renewable energy resources Remove: SO2 particulates and NOx from smokestack gases and car exhaust Tax: emissions of SO2

Define clear-cutting

Removal of all trees from an area in a single cutting, increasing the timber yield

Describe Electrostatic Precipitators

Removes particulates using an induced electric charge

Pollution Prevention Act

Requires industries to reduce pollution at its source in terms of volume or toxicity

Explain the pesticide disaster that occurred in Bhopal, India?

The Union Carbide pesticide plant (Dow Chemical) released 43 tons of methyl isocyanate gas, killing up to 5000 people with contamination damages that persist today

How are earthquakes measures

Richter Scale

How scientists are using DNA analysis to reduce illegal killing of elephants (poaching)?

Scientists developed DNA-based map of elephant population that allows them to use DNA analysis of seized illegal ivory to determine where elephants were killed. They hope to use data to id poaching hot spots and help law enforcement authorities to focus anti-poaching efforts.

aquatic life zones

Scientists divide the watery parts of the biosphere into aquatic life zones, each containing numerous ecosystems.

Reduction of Outdoor Air Pollutants

Settling out, precipitation, sea spray, winds, and chemical reactions

What alternative oil sources are increasing marketshare over traditional petroleum sources?

Shale oil and tar sands

Describe a type of polyculture

Slash and burn a type of subsistence agriculture that involves burning and clearing small plots in tropical forests growing a variety of crops for a few years until the soil is depleted of nutrients, and then shifting to other plots. One problem is when too many people use this approach it can lead to depletion of tropical forests.


Solution that minimizes changes in pH when extraneous acids or bases are added to the solution React or neutralize with inputs of acid ex. Limestone and calcium carbonate

anaerobic respiration, or fermentation

Some decomposers get the energy they need by breaking down glucose (or other organic compounds) in the absence of oxygen. This form of cellular respiration is called anaerobic respiration, or fermentation.

Describe 3 bodies of law

Statuary Laws: those developed and passed by legislative bodies such as federal & state governments Administrative Laws: consist of administrative rules & regulations, related to the implementation and interpretation of statuary laws Common law: a body of unwritten rules and principles derived from past legal decisions

Acid Deposition (Wet & Dry)

Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates react in the atmosphere to produce acidic chemicals that can travel long distances before returning to the earth's surface Worst is in Asia Wet: Acidic rain, snow, fog, and cloud vapor with pH less than 5.6 occurs within 4-14 days Dry: Acidic particles occurs within 2-3 days

cutting small groups of medium and large sized trees in uneven aged forests

Sustainable use of forest in the U.S would like be encouraged by....

Describe the nuclear accident of Chernobyl, USSR

The April 25, 1986 reactor meltdown is the most severe nuclear disaster in world history. There are 56 fatalities attributed to the accident, but approximately 7 million are receiving, or are eligible to receive benefits as "Chernobyl victims". Various forms of cancer are the primary consequences of radiation exposure

What does GATT stand for?

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

polluting companies can escape from the costs and responsibility of their actions

The Love Canal incident demonstrates that....

Who are US fisheries governed by and what does this state?

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976; states that conservation & management measures should prevent overfishing while delivering optimum yield from each fishery.


The USA has ______________ million people

What was established when the GATT was revised in 1994?

The World Trade Organization (WTO) which has the status of a major internal organization

it doesn't generate greenhouse gases

The biggest advantage of nuclear energy is that...

carbon dioxide

The biggest human-supplied gas to the greenhouse effect is---

ecosystem services

The consumption of mosquitoes by bats and the control of flooding provided by tropical forests in mountainous areas of Central America are examples of...

How has the Trump presidency led to uncertainty with regards to the Paris Summit

The following has been included in Trump's 100 day action plan: -Cancel US involvement in Paris Climate Agreement and stop US payment to UN global warming programs -Cancel executive orders from Obama Admin. regarding climate &energy, including Climate Action Plan -Encourage Trans Canada to renew its application for the Keystone XL Pipeline -Open onshore and offshore leasing of federal lands, elimination the moratorium on coal and shale energy deposits. -Eliminate EPA's clean power plan

polar ice capse and glaciers

The greatest amount of fresh water is found in which of the following?

cell theory

The idea that all living things are composed of cells is called the cell theory and it is the most widely accepted scientific theory in biology.

What does tertiary (enhanced) oil recovery involve?

The injection of steam or CO2 to force some of the remaining heavy oil into the well cavity

seine net

The large net use for catching fish in the wetlands is called a...

atmosphere for N and rocks for S

The major reserves of nitrogen and sulfur in the biosphere are correctly identified by which of the following?

pyramid of energy flow

The more trophic levels there are in a food chain or web, the greater is the cumulative loss of usable chemical energy as it flows through the trophic levels. The pyramid of energy flow illustrates this energy loss for a simple food chain, assuming a 90% energy loss with each transfer.


The most economically important fish affected by hydroelectric dams is...

Describe the nuclear accident of Three Mile Island, Middletown, PA USA

The most significant nuclear accident in US history. On March 28,1979 this reactor suffered a partial meltdown. No direct injuries or deaths resulted, but sweeping changes by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission occurred along with a loss of confidence in nuclear energy by the American public.


The next layer, stretching 17-50 kilometers (11-31 miles) above the earth's surface, is the stratosphere. Its lower portion contains enough ozone (O3) gas to filter out most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.

ecological efficiency

The percentage of usable chemical energy transferred as biomass from one trophic level to the next is called ecological efficiency.

the number of individuals in a certain geographic area

The phrase which best defines population density is...


The place where a population or an individual organism normally lives is its habitat.

Define transform faults

The plates move in opposite parallel directions

Define risk

The possibility of suffering harm from a hazard that can cause injury, disease, economic loss or environmental damake.

greenhouse gases

The remaining 1% of the air includes water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, all of which are called greenhouse gases, because they trap heat and thus warm the lower atmosphere. Almost all of the earth's weather occurs in this layer.

interdependence, diversity, resilience, adaptability, unpredictability, limits

The six features of a living system:


The soil layer that contributes organic material to topsoil is the ____ horizon.

inertia, constancy, resilience

The three aspects of stability in living systems:

industry, transportation and energy production

The three main anthropogenic sources of gaseous air pollutants in the U.S. are...

late loss curves, early loss curves, constant loss curves

The three types of survivorship curves:

parasistism, mutualism, commensalism

The three types of symbiosis:

population growth

The underlying cause for deforestation in tropical areas is...


The unit JTU is a measurement of...

a chlorinated hydrocarbon

The use of which of the following to control agricultural insect pest is most likely to have a negative and persistent impact on an ecosystem?

Why should we care about bats (core study)?

They are important for controlling insect populations, pollinating crops, and distributing nuts and seeds; 1/4 listed as endangered or threatened

Describe how the three principles of sustainability are related to protecting the polar bear and other wild species from extinction and to protecting the earth's overall biodiversity.

This chapter relates to the three principles of sustainability because all species use solar energy, if species go extinct we lose biodiversity, and if species go extinct it may disrupt chemical cycling on earth.

stable cycle, irruptive cycle, cycling cycle

Three general types of population cycles:

What are the three types of forests (depending on climate)?

Tropical, Temperate, Polar (Boreal)

with only 4.7% of the world's population, it uses 24% of the world's commercial energy


Who is greatly depended on for enforcement and use of the Endangered Species Act changes?

US policy makers

Who has the world's highest per capita water use and what does this amount to each day?

US, 1600 gallons per person each day

Describe 2 categories of instrumental value

USE VALUE benefits us in economic goods and services, ecological services, recreation, scientific information. The other category in NON-USE value

Who is the world's largest per capita importer of wood products?

United States


Up to how many ingredients can cigarettes contain?

Increase in Outdoor Air Pollution

Urban buildings, mountains, hills, and high temperatures

What are this chapter's 3 big ideas?

We are greatly increasing the extinction of wild species by destroying and integrating their habitats, introducing harmful invasive species,and increasing human population, pollution, climate change and overexploitation. We should avoid causing the extinction of wild species because of the ecological and economic services they provide and because their existence it should not depend primarily on their usefulness to us. We can work to prevent the extinction of species and to protect overall biodiversity but using laws and treaties, protecting wildlife sanctuaries, and making greater use of the precautionary princi

Developing countries are adopting the _________ lifestyles that contribute to obesity.



What E.O. Wilson calls our inherent affinity for the natural world

prevention, prescribed burning, presuppression, suppression

What are four ways to protect forest resources from fire?

urea, cyanide, formaldehyde, methanol, ammonia, acetone

What are some of the ingredients that cigarettes may include?

ethanol, biodeisel

What are some promising examples of biofuels?

urban area population increasing, urban areas expanding rapidly (# and size), urban growth is slower in developing countries than developed countries, poverty is being urbanized

What are the major trends with urban population dynamics?

population growth, poverty, government policies

What are the primary causes of loss and degradation of tropical forests?

walkability, mixed-use and diversity, quality urban design, environmental sustainability, smart transportation

What are the principles of new urbanism?

roads, logging, farming, ranching, flooding from dams, mining, oil drilling

What are the secondary causes of loss and degradation of tropical forests?

Tropical, Temperate, Polar (Boreal)

What are the three types of forests (depending on climate)?

legislative, executive, judicial

What are the tree branches of government?

even-aged management, uneven-aged management

What are the two basic forest management systems?


What country has the highest population?

Environmental Performance Index

What does EPI stand for?

genuine progress indicator

What does GPI stand for?

happy planet index

What does HPI stand for?

multilateral environmental agreement

What does MEA stand for?

soil erosion, soil compaction

What does overgrazing lead to?


What is the greatest risk in terms of the number of premature deaths per year and reduced life span?

13 city blocks of tropical forest / min

What is the loss and degradation of 50,000 sq km / year equivalent to in terms of blocks?

50,000 sq km / year

What is the lowest estimated rate of loss and degradation of remaining tropical forests?

fertilizer runoff

What is the primary source of nitrates and phosphates in the wetland?


What percentage of timber cut per year is used for heating and cooking?

lumber for housing, biomass for fuelwood, pulp for paper, medicines, and many other products

What products do forests provide for?


What range of percentages of atmospheric water comes from trees via transpiration and evaporation?

people migrated from rural areas to large central cities, people migrated from large central cities to suburbs and smaller cities, many people migrated from the North and East to the South and West, people fled both cities and suburbs and migrated to developed rural areas

What were the four phases of population shift that occurred between 1800 and 2008 in the US?

climax community

When an ecosystem reaches its final stage of balanced species development it is called a(n)...

When do pollution problems occur in streams and rivers?

When influx of pollutants is large (ex.hog pit break) or the stream flow is reduced (ex: dams, sedimentation)

increased water temperature

When logging is carried out in a watershed, a likely effect on the local streams is

nonnative/exotic species

When species are transported geographically to an unknown area, they are called...

What is the precautionary principle and how can we use it to help protect wild species and overall biodiversity?

When substantial preliminary evidence indicates that an activity can harm human health or the environment, we should take precautionary measures to prevent or reduce such harm even if some of the cause-and-effects relationships have not been fully established scientifically

coastal pine forest

Which community depends on periodic fires for reproduction?


Which country's government has strongly promoted increases in nuclear power over the past 30 years?

depletion of an aquifer by regional farmers

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of tragedy of the commons?

genetic variation within each species and # of species present

Which of the following can be used to assess the biological diversity of an area?

urban areas trap more heat than rural areas do.

Which of the following describes the heat island effect?


Which of the following federal laws specifically deal with the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sites


Which of the following has a late-loss survivorship curve?

enable the removal of the gray wolf from the endangered species list

Which of the following is a major goal of the program begun in 1995 to reintroduce the gray wolf into Yellowstone Nation Park?

national resource lands

Which of the following is managed on a multiple use basis?

reducing human population size

Which of the following practices would have the biggest impact on achieving global sustainability

decreasing taxes on recycled material

Which of the following would encourage recycling


Which pesticide was banned due to its bioaccumulation in wildlife?

principle of sustainable yield, principle of multiple use

Which two principles does the National Forest System operate on?

United States

Who is the world's largest importer of wood products?

children breath more air, drink more water, and eat more food; exposed to toxins in dust and soil when they put their fingers, toys, or other object in their mouths, children usually have less well-developed immune systems and body detoxification processes

Why are children more susceptible to toxic substances than adults/

Describe the role of wild life refugees, gene banks, botanical gardens, wild life farms, and aquariums in protecting some species. Give specific examples as you explain these various methods.

Wildlife refuges are there to protect species from extinction, but there are environmentally harmful activities that go on in 60% of wildlife refuges. Gene banks preserve genetic information and endangered plant species by storing their seeds, but some species can not be stored in these banks. Botanical gardens contain live versions of plant species that are endangered, but they only contain 3% of the world's endangered plant population. Wildlife farms help educate people about the endangered species and generate money by selling them. Zoos and aquariums help raise endangered animals under close surveillance

secondary sewage treatment

a biological process in which aerobic bacteria are used to remove up to 90% of biodegradable, oxygen-demanding organic wastes

environmental law

a body of statements defining what is acceptable environmental behavior for individuals and groups, according to the larger community, and attempting to balance competing social and private interests


a central vent or a long crack where magma reaches the earth's surface in an active volcano

toxic chemical

a chemical that can cause temporary or permanent harm or death

poison (determining toxicity)

a chemical that has an LD₅₀ of 50 mg or less per kilogram of body weight

class action suit

a civil suit filed by a group, often a public interest or environmental group on behalf of a larger number of citizens who allege similar damages but who need not be listed and represented individually

toxic heavy metals

a class of hazardous wastes consisting of lead, mercury, and arsenic


abandoned industrial sites

3 leading causes of water pollution in order

agricultural activities, industrial facilities, mining

What is integrated pest management?

an ecological approach in which each crop and its pests are evaluated as parts of an ecosystem, then a control program is developed that includes a mix of cultivation and biological and chemical methods applied in proper sequence and with proper timing. Small amounts of chemical pesticides used as last resort Goal: reduce crop damage to an economically tolerable level. When an economically damaging level is reached, farmers first use biological and cultivation methods. They use machines to vacuum up damaging bugs. Insecticides, those produced naturally by plants are used last. Ex: Indonesian government banned 57 pesticides used on rice

matter recycling and reuse economy

an economy that mimics nautre by recylcing and reuisng most matter outputs instead of dumping them into the environment

What is a mineral?

an element or inorganic compound that occurs naturally and is solid

discount rate

an estimate of a resource's future economic value compared to its present value


an evaluation of a country using 25 environmental indicators

***Bald Eagle, Haliateetus leucocephalus

an example of a US endangered species recovered enough to be remove from list in 2007

***Red Wolf, canus rufus

an example of a US endangered species that reached a low point of 17 individuals

***Whooping Crane, Grus americana

an example of a US endangered species that reached a low point of 54 individuals

***California Condor, Gymnogyps califonianus

an example of a US endangered species that was the most expensive species conservation project in US history

acute effect

an immediate or rapid harmful reaction to an exposure -- ranging from dizziness and nausea to death


an increase in concentration in organisms at successively higher trophic levels

economic growth

an increase in the capacity of the economy to provide goods and services


an increase in the concentration of a chemical in specific organs or tissues over time


an urban sprawl and coalescence between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington DC

cost-benefit analysis

analysis by comparing estimated costs and benefits for actions such as implementing a pollution control regulation, building a dam on a river, or preserving an area of forest

grazing animals

animals that are grass-eaters

browsing animals

animals that are shrub-eaters

hazardous waste

any discarded solid or liquid material that contains one or more toxic compounds at levels that exceed established, catches fire easily, and photoremediates

solid waste

any unwanted or discarded material we produce that is not a liquid or gas

noise pollution

any unwanted, disturbing, or harmful sound that impairs or interferes with hearing, causes stress, hampers concentration and work efficiency, or causes accidents

porous, water-saturated layers of sand, gravel or bedrock through with groundwater flows are called?


How does agriculture harm water?

aquifer depletion, sedimentation, runoff

the sinking of land when groundwtaer is withdrawn is called?

aquifer subsidence

Identify the two major problems related to withdrawing groundwater faster than its replacement rate

aquifer subsidence, intrusion

green architecture

architecture based on energy-efficient and money-saving designs, makes use of natural lighting, passive solar heating, geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling, cogeneration, solar hot water heaters, solar cells, fuel cells, natural ventilation, recycled building materials, and too much more

intermittent natural fires

are an important part of the ecological cycle of some types of forests

third- and higher-level consumers

are carnivores such as tigers, wolves, mice-eating snakes, hawks, and killer whales (orcas) that feed on the flesh of other carnivores.

midsuccesionnal plant species

are less capable of handling difficult conditions and more specialized, including shrubs and herbs

native species

are those species that normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem.

Why do streams and rivers have the ability to rapidly recover from pollution events?

because of their continuous flow and dilution resulting from surface runoff

Why lakes and reservoirs are particularly vulnerable to pollution

because they contain stratified layers that undergo little mixing

***Distinguish between background extinction and mass extinction

background extinction states that in due time all species become extinct and there has been a continuous low level of extinction. Mass extinction refers to the extinction of many species in a short period of geologic time. Earth has experience 5 mass extinctions where 50-90% of species appear to become extinct.

How does primary succession begin

begins with an essentially lifeless area and establishment is generally slow (up to hundreds of years)

use value

benefit us in the form of economic goods and services, ecological services, recreation, scientific information, and the continuation of such uses for future generations

One major problem with some chemical hazards is ___________within the body an biomagnification through the food chain


4 areas where agriculture harms the environment

biodiversity loss, soil, air pollution, water

liquid biofuels

biofuels derived from biomass that can be used in place of conventional fossil fuels

What determines carrying capacity (K)

biotic potential and environmental resistance determine the ___________


breakdown by natural or genetically engineered plants in artificial greenhouses

broad spectrum agents vs selective or narrow spectrum agents

broad spectrum pesticides are toxic to pest and non pest species, ex:DDT selective are effective against a narrowly defined group.

Describe lignite

brown coal, has low heat content

animals that are shrub-eaters

browsing animals

late successional plant species & what are they sometimes called

can tolerate shade and represent an established, stable community; they are sometimes called climax community (controversial since communities never reach terminal growth)


consists of all of the water on or near the earth's surface.

How is population change calculated

calculated by subtracting the number of people leaving a population (death and emigration) from the number entering it (birth and immigration)during a specified period of time

legislative branch

called the Congress, consists of the House and Senate which jointly approve and oversee gov't policy-making by passing laws and oversee the creation, functioning, and funding of agencies in the executive branch

environmental laws and regulations

can be used to control pollution, set safety standards, encourage resource conservation, and protect species and ecosystems

Consequences of zika, why is spreading faster?

can cause birth defects and there is no cure, though only 1 in 5 infected people die. It is spreading faster (notable outbreak in 2016), in part due to global warming

geothermal heat pump system

can heat and cool a house by exploiting the temperature differences between the earth's surface and underground, almost anywhere in the world at a depth of 3-6 meters

sex attractants

can lure pests into traps or attract their natural predators into crop fields


cities that have more than 10 million people

public access and participation principle

citizens should have open access to environmental data and have the right to participate in developing, critiquing, and modifying environmental policies

How can reservoirs be used?

city use, hydroelectric power, irrigation, flooding control, recreation

Name the three main soil types

clay, sand, silt

Define strip-cutting

clear-cutting a strip of trees along the contour of the land, with a corridor narrow enough to allow natural regeneration


clear-cutting a strip of trees along the contour of the land, with a corridor narrow enough to allow natural regeneration

the dirtiest fossil fuel to burn


the process by which solid coal is converted into synthetic natural gas

coal gasification

How can we save energy and money in industry

cogeneration, replace energy-wasting electric motors, recycling materials, switch from low-efficiency light to higher-efficiency lighting

hydrologic cycle, or water cycle

collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water.

dispersed cities

combination of plentiful land, cheap gas, and networks of highways produced

cogeneration is also called

combined heat and power (CHP)

non point source pollution and examples

comes from many sources ex. farm runoff, storm sewers

energy sold in the marketplace

commercial energy

photovoltaic (PV) cells

commonly called solar cells

epidemiological studies

compares the health of people exposed to a particular chemical with the health of a similar group of people not exposed to agent


composed of fibers known to cause lung disease

solar thermal systems

concentrate and transform energy form the sun into high-temperature thermal energy (heat), which can then be used directly or to heat water and produce steam to generate electricity

***US Endangered Species Act of 1973; how is it enforced?

considered one of the world's TOUGHEST environmental laws; Illegal to sell or buy products made from endangered or threatened species or kill, collect, injure. Offenses on private land result in $1000.00 fine and one year in prison

acid deposition

consists of 2 parts: dry deposition and wet deposition

Describe China's one child policy & efforts to control population growth since 1970

couples who pledge to have no more than 1 child are given extra food, larger penions, better housing, free healthcare, and salary bonuses; their children will be given free school tuition and preferential treatment in employment. Couples who break the pledge lose benefits. All married couples have access to free sterilization, contraceptives and abortion


creation of broad, nearly level terraces on steep slopes


critical component of the carbon cycle, taking up to 90% of atmospheric carbon dioxide

in agricultural areas these can be collected and burned or converted into gaseous or liquid biofuels

crop residues and animal manure

Advantages of slash and burn

crops mature at different times, produce food at different times of the year, keep soil covered to prevent erosion from wind and water, reduces need of fertilizer and water. Insecticides and herbicides are rarely needed since multiple habitats are created for crop eating predators and weeds have trouble competing with multiple crop plants.

may start on the ground but eventually burn whole trees and leap from treetop to treetop

crown fires

How can we reduce pollution and health risk?

cut coal use and phase out coal subsidies, levy taxes on coal and oil use, phase out nuclear power and nuclear power subsidies

risk management

determining option and making decisions about reducing or eliminating risks.

old vilageism

develop entire villages and promote mixed-use neighborhoods within existing cities

polluter-pays principle

develop regulations and use economic tools such as green taxes to ensure that polluters bear the costs of the pollutants and the wastes they produce

second generation pesticide

developed in laboratory with use of chemicals. Hazardous as well as helpful.DDT was the first one. 3/4 of these pesticides are used in developed countries.

Name the three steps of the green revolution

developing and planting monocultures; lavishing fertilizer, pesticides, and water on crops to produce high yields; increasing the intensity and frequency of cropping

National City Lines

dismantled streetcar systems in 83 major cities (companies with in GM, firestone, std oil, philips petroleum, and mack truck)

What are the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam?

displaced 5.4 million people, built over a seismic fault

hormone blockers

disrupt the endocrine system by preventing natural hormones from attaching to their receptors

What are the two most widely used methods for desalinization ?

distillation, reverse osmosis

human-caused disturbances and examples

disturbances that include deforestation and overgrowing

What are the three types of boundaries that lithospheric plates have?

divergent plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries, transform faults


draglines scrape up underwater mineral deposits

a prolonged period in which precipitation is at least 70% lower and evaporation is higher than normal in an area that is normally not dry


What are the four causes of water scarcity?

dry climate, drought, desiccation, water stress

Describe The Great Lakes as an example of freshwater biodiversity loss

due to introduced species (zebra mussel & sea lamprey)

Describe Florida Everglades as an example of freshwater biodiversity loss

due to water diversion, development, agricultural runoff and introduced species (burmese python)

neoclassical economoists

economists that view the earth's natural capital as a subset or part of a human economic system

encourages the protection of habitats and ecosystem services through a four-point plan

ecosystem approach

wildlife management

entails manipulating wildlife populations and their habitats for their welfare and for human benefit

harmful algal blooms

explosive growths of harmful algae

extinction rate

expressed as a percentage or number of species that go extinct within a certain period such as a year

Describe stratosphere

extends from 10 km to about 50 km above the earth. It contains the ozone layer which absorbs the majority of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Describe the mesosphere

extends from 50 km to about 80 km above Earth. It is the coldest layer of the atmosphere, dropping as low as -90C

***biological extinction

extinction that occurs when a species is no longer found anywhere on earth

***local extinction

extinction that occurs when a species is no longer found in an area it once inhabited but it is still found elsewhere in the world

***ecological extinction

extinction that occurs when there are so few members of a species left that it can no longer play its ecological roles where it is found

Lead poisoning symptoms

failure of blood to make hemoglobin, which results in anemia (low blood count), endocrine (hormone ) disrupters, mental retardation, high blood pressure, miscarriages or premature births or death


fighting fires once they have started

forest watersheds

filter and regulate flow of water from mountain highlands to croplands and urban areas

What is causing the current extinction crisis

first to be caused by a single species and is taking place in only a few decades, rather than over thousands to millions of years

Oils can be cleaned up with the use of?

floating booms that contain the spill, skimmers that vacuum up the oil, absorbent pads, coagulation agents that cause the oil to clump, dispersion agents that break up the slick

adjacent area of a stream


Groundwater in the US is being withdrawn at ____ times its replacement rate


The US has become the world leader in oil production due to ______ and ________

fracking and shale oil

groups of fuel rods placed in the core of a reactor

fuel assemblies

Describe Wet & Dry Scrubbers

gases in smokestakes are passed through CaO (lime) or CaCo3(calcium carbonate) to remove SO2, accumulating in a sludge.


general lack of vitality caused by too little iron

Describe growth curve of r-strategists & give examples

have many small and unprotected young in which mortality is high, and show a J-shaped exponential growth curve. They produce many so a few will survive. Examples: algae, bacteria, rodents


heating ores to release metals

How is natural flooding by streams primarily caused?

heavy rain, rapid melting of snow which causes water in the stream to overflow its natural channel and to cover the adjacent area, the floodplain

cluster development

high density housing units are concentrated on one portion of a parcel with rest of the land used for commonly shared open space

the selective cutting of the most valuable trees is called?

high grading


how rapidly water flows through sand: space between give s soil good drainage and aeration (easily drys out) clay: tight package of clay or silt makes less permeable to air and water


huge arrays of computer controlled mirrors that track the sun and focus sunlight on a central heat collection tower

As of May 2011, the NC senate cleared the way for ____________ _____________ in NC, including Chatham county, home of Jordan Lake which is the water source for Cary

hydraulic fracturing

Problems with H2 use of energy

hydrogen is chemically locked up in water and organic chemicals, fuel cells are the best way to use hydrogen to produce electricity but expensive

environmental justice

ideal whereby every person is entitled to protection from environmental hazard regardless of race, gender, age, national origin, income, social class, or any political factor


identified resources from which the mineral can be extracted profitably at current prices

risk assessment

identifying hazards and evaluating their associated risks

List types of rock

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

3 major goals to attain a sustainable energy future

improve energy efficiency, use more renewable energy, reduce pollution and health risk

When did the worst Ebola outbreak occur, how many people died?

in 2014 when 5000 died, mostly in West Africa One person died in the US after returning from Liberia. In comparison, an american dies every 33 seconds from Heart Disease

natural disturbances examples

include fires, hurricanes, and floods and are frequently necessary for maintaining the health of an ecosystem. For example, fire releases nutrients into the soil, removes excess ground vegetation, and stimulates reproduction

dirty dozen

includes DDT, 8 chlorine-containing persistent pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, and furans

natural capital

includes resources and services produced by the earth's natural processes, which support all economies and all life

How does an uneven-aged management affect the biodiversity of the area, and the environment?

increases biodiversity, and creates more stable environment

Analysts say this will increase producing food for sustainably

increasing the use of polyculture along with monocultures to produce food.

even aged management is also called ________

industrial forestry

transitional stage

industrialization begins, food production rises, and health care improves; death rates drop and birth rates remain high, so the population grow rapidly

industrial stage

industrialization is widespread and birth rates drop; population growth continues at a slower rate

Describe plantation agriculture and give examples

industrialized agriculture practiced primarily in tropical developing countries. Examples: bananas, coffee

Describe plantation agriculture, how does this effect biodiversity?

industrialized agriculture used in tropical developing countries. It involves growing cash crops (bananas, soybean, sugarcane, coffee, vegetables) on monoculture plantations, mostly for export to developed countries. This increases yields but decreased biodiversity when forests are cleared or burned for crop plantations.

Name the two major types of agricultural systems.

industrialized, traditional

What are the common types of pesticides?

insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematocides, rodenticides

Types of pesticides

insecticides:kill insects herbicides: kill weeds fungicides: kill fungus rodenticides: kill mice and rats

Why are major fisheries concentrated in waters overlying the continental shelves?

inshore waters have much higher productivity, shallow waters are more accessible to humans, deep waters cannot sustain large fish populations.


insulation that is so heavy and air tight that heat from direct sunlight, appliances, and human bodies can warm it with little or no need for a backup heating system, even in extremely cold climates

rock cycle

interaction of physical and chemical process that change rocks from one type to another

strip cropping is also known as?


Describe selective cutting

intermediate-aged or mature trees are cut singularly or in small groups, creating gaps no bigger than the height of standing trees

selective cutting

intermediate-aged or mature trees are cut singularly or in small groups, creating gaps no bigger than the height of standing trees

All economic goods and services have both _______ and _______ costs,

internal, external

open-pit mining

machines dig holes and remove ores

materials-recovery facilities (MRFs)

machines separate the mixed waste to recover valuable materials for sale to manufacturers


made from fermentation of plant sugars


made from vegetable oil

user-pays approach

make drivers pay directly for most environmental and health costs of their automobile use

Cattle belch out 12-15% of all the ________, a green house gas, released in the atmosphere.



method of transport that reduces congestion, promotes physical fitness, emits no air pollutants, cheap, and reduces need for parking psace

Where do divergent place boundaries occur?

mid-ocean ridges

secondary succession & examples

more common and involves the reestablishment of a biotic community in an area where a biotic community was previously present; examples are burned forest, abandoned forest, polluted stream


natural and synthetic chemicals in the environment that can harm the human nervous system

first generation pesticides

natural chemicals borrowed from plants, ie. nicotene sulfate extracted from tobacco leaves to kill insects

2 ways urban populations grow

natural increase and immigration

replenishment of aquifers by precipitation that percolates downward through soil and rock

natural recharge

earth capital

natural resources

foundation species

plays a major role in shaping communities by creating and enhancing their habitats in ways that benefit other species.

What does NGO stand for

nongovernmental organization

resources that cannot be replaced are called?

nonrenewable resources


north-south migration routes of migratory birds

What is peat?

not a coal, partially decayed plant matter in swamps and bogs

the mining of uranium, processing and enriching the uranium to make fuel, using it in a reactor, and safely storing the resulting highly radioactive wastes until their radiocativity falls to safe levels

nuclear fuel cycle

Lakes receive inputs of ____ and _____from surrounding land.This natural nutrient enrichment is called_________

nutrients, silt eutrophication

Humans have reached a point where there are more _____ than hungry people in the world.


stable cycles & example

occur in a species when population size fluctuates slightly above and below K; example is species in undisturbed rain forest

irruptive cycles & example

occur in a species whose population is normally stable and occasionally explodes to a high peak and then crashes; example is insects populations that grow rapid in spring/summer and crash during frost of winter

cycling cyles & example

occur in a species whose population undergoes a pattern of sharp increases followed by crashes; example is lemmings (rodent): population rise and fall every 3 years

inhibition & example

occurs when a species hinders the establishment of other species, typically through the release of toxic chemicals; example: dropped pine needles can make soil acidic and inhospitable to other species

geographic isolation

occurs when different groups of the same population of a species become physically isolated from one another for long periods.

Describe nuclear fission

occurs when lightweight atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. Most often hydrogen and helium. The process of stars, fusion is incredibly powerful. However, atomic nuclei must be maintained at very high concentrations, be properly confined and achieve temperatures of 100,000,000 degrees Celsius.

interspecific competition

occurs when members of two or more species interact to gain access to the same limited resources such as food, light, or space

facilitation and example

occurs when one species creates a more suitable area for other species that occur later in succession; example is lichens and mosses build up soil on rock-herbs and grasses grow and crowd out pioneer community of lichens and mosses

parasitism & give example

occurs when one species feeds on other species by living on or in the host; Example: mosquitos and mistletoe plants


occurs when people do not receive proper amounts of protein


occurs when people receive less than 90% of their minimum daily calorie intake of food on a long-term basis

acid mine drainage

occurs when rainwater seeping through a mine or mine waste pile carries sulfuric acid to nearby streams and groundwater

ecological sustainable development

occurs when the total human population size and resource use in a region are limited to a level that does not exceed the carrying capacity of the existing natural capital


occurs when too many animals graze for too long and exceed the carrying capacity of a rangeland area


space between particles

Both ________ and ________ are plentiful but the processing is expensive. It often takes more energy to produce these alternatives then the energy provided.

oil shale, tar sand

The ideal pesticide

only kill the target pest, harm no other species, disappear or break down into something harmless, not cause genetic resistance in target organisms, be cheaper than doing nothing

What would the ideal pesticide do?

only kill the target pest, harm no other species, disappear or break down into something harmless, not cause genetic resistance in target organisms, be cheaper than doing nothing

Define S waves

only travel through solids and are slower than P waves

What are some types of surface mining?

open-pit mining, dredging, strip mining, mountaintop removal

occurs when too many animals graze for too long and exceed the carrying capacity of a rangeland area


strip mining

overlying soil and rock is removed to access deposits

No country in modern times has successfully reduced its number of ____________ citizens



paint stripper

ore mineral

part of ore that contains the desired metal


part of ore that contains the waste material

Three Mile Island

partial nuclear meltdown that occurred in PA in 1979 and it was the worst nuclear accident in US History

What do fertilizers do?

partially restore plant nutrients lost

Most common form for measuring air pollutants & what does this represent

parts per million (ppm); represents one particle of a pollutant for every 999,999 particles of air

bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasitic worms are examples of?


human capital

people's physical and mental talents

What is extinction rate

percentage or number of species that go extinct within a certain time period such as a year. 1/1,000,000=0.0000001 per year

some of the products of oil distillation are used as raw materials in industrial organic chemicals, cleaning fluids, pesticides, plastics, synthetic fibers, paints, medicines, and many other products


setting controlled ground fires to prevent buildup of flammable material

prescribed burning

Benefits of urbanization

preservation of biodiversity, and the increased economic feasibility of recycling

***seed banks

preserve genetic information and endangered plant species by storing their seeds in refrigerated, low-humidity environments. more than 100 around the world


primarily certain types of bacteria and fungi, are consumers that release nutrients from the dead bodies of plants and animals and return them to the soil, water, and air for reuse by producers. They feed by secreting enzymes that speed up the break down of bodies of dead organisms into nutrient compounds such as water, carbon dioxide, minerals, and simpler organic compounds.

P waves are also called?

primary waves

Which two principles does the National Forest System operate on?

principle of sustainable yield, principle of multiple use

Risk is expressed in terms of ___________

probability (the likelihood of an event to occur)


process by which chemicals are taken up by an organism either directly from a contaminated medium or by consumption of food containing the chemical

running pipes from rooftops and digging channels to catch rainwater that would otherwise run off the land

rainwater harvesting


random changes in the structure or number of DNA molecules in a cell that can be inherited by offspring.

unfenced grasslands in temperate and tropical climates that supply forage for grazing and browsing animals are called?


comparative risk analysis

ranking risks


rat poison

Advantages of chemical pesticides

save human lives (insect diseases such as malaria) increase food supplies increase profits for farmers they work fast and are easily shipped and applied when used properly, health risks are low newer pest control methods are safer and more effective than older ones

What are 4 benefits of pesticides?

save human lives from insect-transmitted diseases (i.e. malaria, bubonic plague, and typhus), increase food supplies and lower food costs, increase profits for farmers, work faster and better than alternatives

What are some ways that mining and processing of mineral resources affect the environment?

scarring and disruption of the land surface, collapse or subsiding of the land, air pollution from dust and toxics, acid mine drainage, water pollution from sedimentation and toxics

What is carbon capture?

schemes to remove carbon dioxide from power plants and industrial facilities and store it underground. Leaks could lead to irreversible climate disruption. Risky solution!


science devoted to the study of the dynamic processes occurring on the earth's surface and in its interior.


search tropical forests and other ecosystems for plants and animals that have chemicals that can be converted into useful mechanical drugs

S waves are also called?

secondary waves

What do earthquakes cause?

seismic waves, vibrations that travel through the earth

List methods loggers use to harvest trees

selective cutting high grading Sheltwood cutting Seed tree cutting Clear cutting Strip cutting Whole tree harvesting

corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards

sets standards on how efficient cars must be

prescribed burning

setting controlled ground fires to prevent buildup of flammable material

name oil alternatives

shale oil, tar sand

survivorship curve

shows the number of survivors of each age group for a particular species

Kyoto Protocol

signed in 97, applied in 05; an international treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases

***Why has enforcement of CITES been limited

small fines, countries can exempt themselves

ecovillage movement

small groups of people have come together to design and live in more sustainable villages

micro-lending, microfinance

small loans given to the poor

examples of renewable resources

solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass

Describe coal

solid rock-like fossil fuel that is mostly made of carbon


sometimes called autotrophs (self-feeders), make the nutrients they need from compounds and energy obtained from their environment.


succession does not occur in a ______ fashion


such as pigs, foxes, cockroaches, and humans, play dual roles by feeding on both plants and animals.

precipitation that does not infiltrate the ground or return to the atmosphere by evaporation

surface runoff

the freshwater from precipitation and snowmelt that flows across the earth's land surface and into rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and ultimately to the oceans

surface water

L waves are also known as

surface waves

Define sediment

suspended material

gaseous fuel containing mostly methane produced form solid coal

synthetic natural gas (SNG)

Name some ways to conserve water

take shorter showers, install a low-flow device in showers, faucets, and toilets, don't let the water run while brushing your teeth, water the lawn in the evening to minimize evaporation

Canada has increased market share due to what?

tar sand oil

How long can it take for groundwater to cleanse itself? of thousands of years

tens of thousands of years

contour strip mining

terraced strip mining

age structure and which group is most likely to bring about a population increase

the proportion of individuals in each age group (preproductive, reproductive, and postreproductive) in a population; population increases when more individuals are in reproductive stage

urban growth

the rate of increase of urban populations


the rearing of selected aquatic plants and animals under controlled conditions to increase the amount of food available to humans

species evenness

the relative abundance of individuals within each of those species


the removal of all trees from an area in a single cutting, increasing the timber yield


the resemblance between species of similar niches to evolve a similar set of traits

define loam

the result of an equal measure of clay, sand, silt, and humus

existence value

the satisfaction of knowing a species exists


the sequence of processes in an ecosystem by which higher concentrations of a particular chemical are reached in organisms higher up the food chain generally through a series of prey-predator relationships

hydrogen gas

the simplest chemical fuel, and does not produce carbon dioxide like fossil fuels.; important focus for future fuels, but the process is much more expensive than fossil fuels

physical appearance

the size and stratification of species

mountain top removal

the top of the whole mountain is removed to access deposits

active solar heating

the use of solar collectors(converts solar energy into heat energy) or solar cells (converts solar energy into electrical energy)

district heating systems

the use of wood chips and urban waste to produce both electricity and heat for a district

biological diversity, or biodiversity

the variety of the earth's species, the genes they contain, the ecosystems in which they live, and the ecosystem processes such as energy flow and nutrient cycling that sustain all life.

motor vehicles

the world's largest source of outdoor air pollution

cigarette smoking

the world's most preventable major cause of suffering and premature death

Define P waves

travel through liquids, solids, and gases

What activities are disturbing or destroying benthic habitats?

trawling and dredging

What are aftershocks?

tremors caused as seismic wave travel outward from an earthquake

earth tubes

tubes that are inserted in the ground where the earth is cool year-round, a tiny fan can then pipe cool and partially dehumidified air into a house

How is sediment measured



two useful forms of energy are produced from the same fuel source

old-growth forests

uncut forests and regenerate forests that have not been seriously disturbed for at least several hundred years


unfenced grasslands in temperate and tropical climates that supply forage for grazing and browsing animals


unintentionally caught species

The effect of cloud cover on global warming

unknown. warmer temperatures increase evaporation of surface water and create more clouds. An increase in thick, light colored clouds at low altitudes could decrease surface warming, but thin cirrus clouds could warm the atmosphere.

What is the largest source of ocean oil pollution?

urban and industrial runoff from land


use of genetic engineering techniques to produce bacteria to extract a particular metal

no-till farming

use of special planting machines that inject seeds, fertilizers, and herbicides into slits made in the unplowed soil

minimum-tillage farming

use of special tillers that break up and loosen the subsurface soil without turning over the topsoil

Describe Industrialized (high-Input agriculture)-what does it use, what's the goals, where is it practiced.

uses heavy equipment and large amounts of water, fossil fuels, financial capital, commercial fertilizers, and pesticides to produce a single crop or monoculture. The goal is to steadily increase its yield, amount of food per unit of land. Practiced mostly in developed countries but now is spreading to developing countries and produces 80% of the World's food.

discharge trading policy

uses market forces to reduce water pollution

hydroelectric energy

uses the power of falling water to turn turbines, providing electricity

surface fires

usually burn only undergrowth and leaf litter on the forest floor

persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

widely used toxic chemicals that are persistent, insoluble in water, and soluble in fat


wildlife tourism

Examples of solid biomass

wood, charcoal

Red lists

world standard for listing the world's threatened species


worlds best selling herbicide, considered by farmers to be safe and highly effective in killing weeds. Problem is it dominates herbicide market and much of agriculture industry depends on this one chemical. If we end up with an epidemic of glyphosphate resistant weeds, lost productivity could result.

replacing green lawns with plants that need little water


Important examples of invasive species (list 4)

zebra mussel, kudzo vine, lionfish, and burmese python

the depth at which the spaces in soil and rock are filled with water

zone of saturation

Indoor air pollution

'sick building sydrome' -ailments associated w/an individuals residence or place of work -eye, nose and throat irritation; headaches, loss of coordination, and nausea; cancer, damage to liver, kidney, central nervous system -pollutants include asbestos, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, radon, tobacco, smoke

Lead (Pb)

-used in building construction, batteries for vehicles, bullets & shot (ingested by wildlife), fishing weight, sheilds for radiation -exposure can occur from inhalation of polluted air and dust and from ingestion of lead in food and water -US banned lead paint and toys and furniture with lead paint

Harmful Effects of Acid Deposition

Cause/worsen respiratory disease, attack metallic and stone objects, decrease visibility, kill fish, deplete soils of vital plant nutrients, harm plants and crops


Coal is often contaminated with what element?

Ozone (O3)

Colorless and highly reactive gas, major component of photochemical smog, secondary pollutant made up of 3 oxygen atoms

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Colorless gas that forms when nitrogen and oxygen gas in air react at the high-combustion temperatures in car engines and coal-burning plants Also comes from lightening and certain bacteria in soil and water (nitrogen cycle) Can cause acid deposition/rain

Clean Air Act of 1970, 1977, 1990

Designed to control air pollution on a national level -requires EPA to develop and enforce standards to protect public from air contaminants that are known to be hazardous -addressed acid rain, ozone depletion, and toxic air pollution -Established new auto gasoline reformulation requirements -first major environmental law in US to provide provision for citizen lawsuits

Indoor Air Pollutants

Greater threat to human health than outdoor Tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, radioactive radon-222, and (ultra)fine particles

Natural Sources

Include dust from windstorms, pollutants from wildfires and volcanic eruptions, and volatile organic chemicals released by some plants Most spread out over the globe or removed by chemical cycles, precipitation, and gravity

Photochemical Smog (Brown/LA-Type Smog)

Mixture of primary and secondary pollutants formed under the influence of UV radiation from sun, Influenced by temperature (NOx, VOCs, and sunlight)

Industrial Smog (Grey-Air Smog)

Mixture of sulfur dioxide, droplets of sulfuric acid, and suspended solid particles emitted from burning coal and unburned carbon resulting in soot Present 50 yrs ago in London, Chicago, & Pittsburgh (SO2 and suspended particles)


found in old plumbing and fixtures and some ceramic glazes

Air pollution measurement units

parts per million (ppm) 1 ppm represents one particle of a pollutant for every 999,999 particles of air


the outermost layer of the atmosphere

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