mexican-american war (1846-1848)

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what was general winfield Scott's nickname

"grand old man of the army"

what was general Zachary Taylor's nickname

"old, rough, and ready"

what did james k polk say the mexican did

"spilled blood on U.S. soil"

what does the treaty of surrender give us

-Texas -New Mexico -Utah -California -Arizona -Nevada (and some of colorado)

how many americans die in this war


what year did Mexico get independence


what time frame did the mexican american war take place in


how many americans were in texas by 1830


how many mexicans vs how many texans

6,000 mexican troops vs, at most, 250 texans

when does santa anna attack the alamo

February of 1836

what happens in april of 1846

Mexican forces cross rio grande and attack a small detachment of U.S. forces

polk tries to purchase California from Mexico but what happened

Mexico wouldn't even talk to the U.S.

who was the California campaign lead by

Stephen Kearny

what happened after santa anna abolished local rights of texans (americans)

a rebellion breaks out

what did Antonio santa anna do once he became president in 1833

abolished local rights of americans (texans)

did the mexicans outnumber the americans or did the americans outnumber the mexicans

americans outnumbered mexicans 10-1 and so the mexicans start to restrict immigration by americans in their country

why did the americans wanna move to mexico

because mexico had good farmland

what were the mexicans sensitive about

bringing slaves

by what time was California in U.S. hands

by january of 1847

by when did the U.S. have Mexico xity in the hands of the U.S.

by september of 1847

who were the mexican people getting attacked by

comanche and apache Native American tribes

after james k polk said the mexicans "spilled blood on U.S. soil" what happens

congress gives him a declaration of war

mexico back then was actually

current day texas

what did the mexicans say

dont bring slaves (the americans brought slaves anyways)

who was the general that invaded northern Mexico

general Zachary taylor

who was very successful at pushing Mexican army back

general Zachary taylor

who conducted an amphibious attack at vera cruz

general winfield scott

what does santa anna do because of this rebellion

he marches his army to texas in late 1835

who was killed during the California campaign war

henry clay jr was killed during this war

when does Texas end up becoming a state

in December of 1845

election of 1844/who was the 11th president

james k polk

what did texas sought to do

join the U.S.

what is complete

manifest destiny James k. polk made it happen

who did we fight


free state:


who becomes the president of mexico in 1833

president Antonio santa anna

james k polk was the only president to do what

promise to do 5 things and when he gets in office he does them all

what becomes the Mexican border

rio grande

who defeats santa anna at houston

sam houston

who could not defend again

santa anna ( at first surrender was difficult because all the Mexican generals fled)

who is captured and what do they force him to do

santa anna; give up texas

who did Mexico get independence from


what other gov. position did james k polk hold

speaker of the house

what were the americans living in texas called


lots of americans moved down there


slave state:


what did Mexico consider the border

the Nueces (130 miles north)

what does the redstripe on marine corp uniform (UNC uniform) commemorate what

the UNC's that died at Chapultepec

who did the mexicans have fight the apache and comanche tribes

the americans

what battle took place within Mexico City

the battle of Chapultepec

what did texas call itself

the lone star republic

what did the U.S. consider the border

the rio grande river

how long does the attack of the alamo take

the whole thing takes two weeks

what religion did the americans have to be in order to live in mexico

they had to be catholic

how did they handle the slave owning non slave owning fairness

they made oregon a free state and texas a slave state

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