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Planning helps managers eliminate uncertainty and insulates organizations from change.


________ refers to a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment toward a person or a group of people.



"This is the best way to reach the place"

structural change

A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing:

employee productivity

A performance measure of both the efficiency and effectiveness of employees.

Which of the following is a negative aspect of group norms?

Being part of a group has the ability to increase an individual's antisocial actions.

The ________ Act makes it a crime in the United States to engage in theft of a trade secret

Economic Espionage

________ refers to the social traits that are shared by a human population.


every manager's job

Managing change is an integral part of

________ involves defining the organization's goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities.


As managers plan, they develop both goals and plans



What is an example of a psychological symptom of stress?

All candidates for entry level engineering positions are given the mechanical aptitude test. Those who scored well and were hired later earned high scores on their performance evaluations. Those who scored less well and were hired earned lower scores on performance evaluations. This indicates that the test is ________.


Planning helps managers eliminate uncertainty and insulates organizations from change


Planning is concerned with how objectives are to be accomplished, not what is to be accomplished.


Several research studies have conclusively proven that planning organizations always outperform nonplanning organizations.


Spiritual organizations tend to be intolerant of employees who commit mistakes.


Stated goals are those that an organization actually pursues.


Strategic goals focus exclusively on the financial performance of the organization.


The number of years used to define short-term and long-term plans has increased considerably because of the greater environmental certainty businesses have today.



Failure to report to work.

economic change

Falling interest rates are an example of what external force?

economic changes

Falling interest rates are an example of what external force?

An important impact that workplace diversity has on organizational performance is through the increase in employee turnover.


Employers are justified if they do not hire workers with disabilities as they lack job skills and experience necessary to perform as well as their abled counterparts.


Men are found to follow a nurturing, inclusive, and collaborative style of leadership, in contrast to women.


Men are more likely than women to start out in an entry-level position, even when they have the same educational qualifications.


Research indicates that men tend to prefer jobs that encourage work-life balance more than women do.


The concept of workforce diversity expanded from compliance to an issue of business survival during the early 1980s.


Workplace diversity refers exclusively to the differences between employee characteristics


internal force of change

First, he was all about innovation. Next it was efficiency. Now Snyder's strategy is customer responsiveness. These changes in strategy are indicative of:

Which of the following statements is true of planning in dynamic environments?

Flatter organizational hierarchies are necessary for planning in uncertain environments

Which of the following is true of the impact of formal planning on organizational performance?

Formal planning is associated with positive financial results

cost efficient

Global economic pressures force organizations to become more

Sam, a human resources manager, wants to let potential candidates know about the minimum qualifications that they should possess in order to successfully perform the jobs they have applied for. What should he do?

He should create a job specification.

the white-water rapids metaphor

"If it's not one thing it's another." This is an example of:

Discriminatory Policies or Practices

(Forms of Discrimination) Actions taken by representatives of the organization that deny equal opportunity to perform or unequal rewards for performance Ex) Older workers may be targeted for layoffs because they are highly paid and have lucrative benefits


(Forms of Discrimination) Disrespectful treatment, including behaving in an aggressive manner, interrupting the person, or ignoring his or her opinions Ex) Female lawyers note that male attorneys frequently cut them off or do not adequately address their comments


(Forms of Discrimination) Exclusion of certain people from job opportunities, social events, discussions, or informal mentoring; can occur unintentionally Ex) Many women in finance claim they are assigned to marginal job roles or are given light workloads that don't lead to promotion

Mockery and Insults

(Forms of Discrimination) Jokes or negative stereotypes; sometimes the result of jokes taken too far Ex) Arab Americans have been asked at work whether they were carrying bombs or were members of terrorist organizations


(Forms of Discrimination) Overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees Ex) African American employees at some companies have found nooses hanging over their work stations

Sexual Harassment

(Forms of Discrimination) Unwanted sexual advances and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that create a hostile or offensive work environment Ex) Salespeople at one company went on company-paid visits to strip clubs, brought strippers into the office to celebrate promotions, and fostered pervasive sexual rumors

Late 1980s

(Timeline - Evolution of WF Diversity) Concept of workforce diversity expanded from compliance to an issue of business survival: - Publication of Workforce 2000 opened business leaders' eyes about the future composition of workforce-that is, more diverse; first use of term workforce diversity

Early 1980s

(Timeline - Evolution of WF Diversity) Focus on assimilating minorities and women into corporate setting: - Corporate programs developed to help improve self-confidence and qualifications of diverse individuals so they can "fit in"

1960s to 1970s

(Timeline - Evolution of WF Diversity) Focus on complying with laws and regulations: - Title VII of Civil Rights Act; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; affirmative action policies and programs

New Millennium

(Timeline - Evolution of WF Diversity) Focus on diversity and inclusion for business success: - Workforce diversity seen as core business issue; important to achieve business success, profitability, and growth

Late 1980s to Late 1990s

(Timeline - Evolution of WF Diversity) Focus on fostering sensitivity: - Shift from compliance and focussing only on women and minorities to including everyone; making employees more aware and sensitive to the needs and differences of others

Timeline of the Evolution of Workforce Diversity

- 1960s to 1970s - Early 1980s - Late 1980s - Late 1980s to Late 1990s - New Millennium

Forms of Discrimination

- Discriminatory Policies or Practices - Sexual Harassment - Intimidation - Mockery and Insults - Exclusion - Incivility

Computer peripherals provider Ascent plans to enter a new market in another country. Which of the following represents a threat for Ascent?

Ascent will have to plan its entry carefully as the laws in the country do not favor foreign businesses.

replace human labor with robots

Assembly-line technology is changing dramatically as organizations

attitude surveys

Can alert managers to potential problems and employees' intention early enough to do something about them.

is the degree to which decision making takes place at upper levels of the organization.


high self-esteem

If you like yourself, then your personality would be described as having:

Change agents

In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process are called ______________.


In the statement, "The highway is very busy at 5pm. and is scary to drive on, so I'll wait until 7pm to go home. The word "scary" represents which component of attitude?

a continual process

In the white-water rapids metaphor, change is a natural state, and managing change is _____________.

is an example of a high-performance work practice.

Increasing employee access to information


Increasing the numbers of employed women and minorities forces managers to pay attention to what change factor?

attitudes, learning, and motivation

Individual behavior in organizations includes:

Which of the following is true about the effectiveness of individual decision making over group decision making?

Individual decisions are made faster than group decisions

Top executives are mainly involved in ________ planning


________ plans apply to the entire organization and establish the organization's overall goals.


physical, psychological, and behavioral

Stress symptoms are grouped under the categories of:

What positive perception do employers typically have of older employees?

Strong work ethic

A valid criticism of workplace spirituality is that secular institutions, especially businesses, have no right to impose spiritual values on employees, if spirituality means bringing religion into the workplace.


As managers plan, they develop both goals and plans.


Dynamic environments require a flatter organizational hierarchy in order to plan effectively


Long-term plans are those with a time frame beyond three years.


Organizations that emphasize workplace spirituality focus on individual development.


Planning provides direction to managers and nonmanagers alike.


Short-term plans are those covering one year or less.


Studies indicate that doing a good job planning and implementing those plans play a bigger part in high performance than does how much planning is done


Studies indicate that doing a good job planning and implementing those plans play a bigger part in high performance than does how much planning is done.


The standard procedure to be followed by the human resources department of a company when initiating disciplinary action against an employee is an example of a standing plan.


When uncertainty is high and managers must be flexible in order to respond to unexpected changes, directional plans are preferable


When uncertainty is high and managers must be flexible in order to respond to unexpected changes, directional plans are preferable.


conflict relates to the content and goals of the work.


government laws and regulations

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is an example of which of the following forms of environmental change?

white-water rapids metaphor

The ______________ is consistent with uncertain and dynamic environments.


The component of attitude that includes beliefs and opinions:


The component of attitude that includes emotions:

In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, a business unit that has a low anticipated growth rate but a high market share is known as a

cash cow

In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, a business unit that has a low anticipated growth rate but a high market share is known as a _

cash cow

Melanie has noticed that everyone is very concerned about the line of authority within the hospital. This implies that the employees at the hospital are worried about the

chain of command

The line of authority that extends from upper organizational levels to lower levels, clarifying who reports to whom, is known as the

chain of command

Which of the following provisions was introduced by the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009?

changing the statute of limitations on pay discrimination to 180 days from each paycheck

It was amazing the team accomplished anything at all. It seemed they were always bickering and cross with each other but their final output stunned management. Which of the following might have contributed to their success?

clear goals

Which of the following suggestions will help reduce the effect of social loafing in groups?

clearly identify individual responsibilities

The period of time between the 1960s to 1970s focused on ________.

complying with laws and regulations through affirmative action policies and programs

Organizations grow by using strategies of

concentration, integration, or diversification

Which of the following methods of performance appraisal allows the evaluator to focus on vital behaviors that separate effective work performance from ineffective work performance?

critical incident

Strato Engineering, a technology product company, formed a team to develop the next generation of the company's model CVF-D. The team is composed of employees from various functional areas. This is a ________ team.


It is Black Friday. Several people are waiting outside the popular electronics store for someone to unlock the doors. These people constitute a(n) _


What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employees, children, and the disabled?

customer departmentalization

To help survivors of downsizing cope with the stress, managers provide

employee counseling

Gareth is in charge of recruiting at Eowin Systems, and is expected to enhance the diversity of the workforce. Which of the following recruiting sources should Gareth avoid if he is to achieve the stated aim of a more diverse workforce?

employee referrals

A manager's analysis of the external environment can be improved by ________, which involves screening information to detect emerging trends

environmental scanning

Which of the following factors has contributed to the decline in the number of years used to define short-term and long-term plans?

environmental uncertainty

Which of the following training methods involves employees participating in role playing, simulations, or other face-to-face types of training?

experiential exercises

The commitment concept says that plans should ________

extend far enough to meet those commitments made when the plans were developed

Patrick expects that each person he hires for his online business to be involved in studying trends involving new technology, competitors, and customers. These employees are involved in

external analysis

According to projections of the U.S. population, the ethnic groups that will exhibit the maximum change are the Hispanic and African American populations.


Deep-level diversity refers to easily perceived differences that may trigger certain stereotypes, but that do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel


Workplace diversity refers exclusively to the differences between employee characteristics


Worldwide population trends indicate that we will witness dwindling labor supply and increasing total global savings rates.


According to the traditional view, managers could not � and should not � directly supervise more than ________ subordinates.

five or six

Ferrari sells very expensive, stylish, high-quality cars to very wealthy people. Ferrari follows a ________ strategy.


Which of the following strategies involves a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage in a narrow segment?

focus strategy

The ________ stage in the group development process is complete when members begin to think of themselves as part of a group


The first group meeting is in progress. The five attendees are exchanging contact information and getting acquainted. This group is in the ________ stage.


Organizational plans can be classified on the basis of their ________.

frequency of use

A disadvantage of ________ departmentalization is poor communication across the different groups.


Goals are different from plans because ________.

goals are desired outcomes, and plans describe how those outcomes will be accomplished

"Slow down, Mary. You're making us all look bad." These comments likely came from a worker concerned about

group norms

The fact that Monica's signature is required on all documents and her word is the last word on all decisions relating to her department suggests that

her employer has a centralized structure

In ________, a company grows by combining with competitors.

horizontal integration

Because Quentin is the only male worker in a group of women, other male employees have made jokes about his gender identity. The jokes have affected Quentin's motivation to work and he is absent more often. This situation may constitute

hostile environment sexual harassment

The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times is known as

human resource planning

When Bryan is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group, he sees this new assignment as a(n)

increase in his responsibility

The ________ of conflict management argues that some conflict is absolutely necessary for effective organizational performance.

interactionist view

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, diversity ________.

is often used to refer to differences based on ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, national origin, and sexual orientation

A ________ states the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to successfully perform a given job.

job specification

During which era was the term "workforce diversity" first used?

late 1980's

Recruitment is the process of

locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants

Strategic plans are usually ________

long term, directional, and single use

A cost leadership strategy requires a firm to

maintain the lowest cost structure

Which of the following is the first step in a diversity skills training program?

making employees aware of the assumptions and biases they may have

Ben operates a farmer's market. Every year he offers the same vegetables to the same customers and faces the same rivalry from other truck farmers. A(n) ________ would best fit Ben's situation.

mechanistic design

What type of discrimination usually involves jokes or negative stereotypes being perpetrated about fellow employees?

mockery and insults

Custom Leather CEO Standish is considering doubling the size of his workforce in conjunction with expanding the number of retail outlets that carry Custom Leather products. He should expect the organization to become ________ as a result of this change.

more mechanistic

During an economic recession,

more qualified candidates are available to fill fewer open positions

In this meeting, the group is discussing a code of conduct to be observed by all members, such as arriving on time and not interrupting the speaker. This group is in the ________ stage.


The ________ stage of group development is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has assimilated a common set of expectations of what defines correct member behavior


The ________ stage of group development is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has assimilated a common set of expectations of what defines correct member behavior.


The ________ stage of the group development process is one in which close relationships develop and the group becomes cohesive.


How can managers effectively plan when the external environment is continually changing?

They should be ready to change directions if environmental conditions warrant

Which of the following is true of the traditional approach to planning?

This approach makes managerial planning thorough, systematic, and coordinated

cognitive, affective, and behavioral

Three components that make up attitude:

Which of the following would be a well-written goal for an online retailer operating in a volatile business environment?

To invoice merchandise worth $200,000, every month, for the next three years.

Demographic characteristics such as differences in age, gender, race, etc. reflect surface-level diversity among employees


Our human nature is to not accept or approach anything that's different from us.


The main reason for the predicted stabilization of world population growth by 2050 is the decline in birthrates as nations advance economically.


Which of the following statements is true regarding an organization's goals?

Using a single goal such as profit may result in unethical behaviors by employees


What change factor did Steve Bennett address in his turnaround of Intuit, Inc?

Marcus was asked to represent the cardiac unit as part of a Total Quality Management (TQM) initiative that is aimed at improving the overall quality of care at his hospital. Other departments, such as orthopedics, neurology, oncology, and pediatrics also have representatives on this team. This TQM team is an example of

a cross-functional team

A standing plan is ________

an ongoing plan that provides guidance for activities performed repeatedly

An organization's mission states that it "is committed to reducing its environmental footprint"; but its facilities do not comply with statutory environmental regulations. This is an instance of how ________.

an organizations stated goals need not be its real goals

The effect of planning on managers is that it forces them to ________.

anticipate and respond to change

In comparison to large groups, small groups

are faster at completing tasks

Which of the following examples would be considered appropriate stereotyping?

asking someone from accounting to help with a budgeting problem

In which of the following decruitment methods does an organization refrain from filling the openings created by voluntary resignations or normal retirements of its employees?


Wilson is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group. This is a chance for Wilson to experience


Conflicts can be resolved by withdrawing from them or suppressing them. This conflict management technique is known as


The group could not agree on what needed to be done. Some thought they were to research and present data; others thought they were to make recommendations. This is an example of ________ conflict.


Which of the following is the best description of the provisions of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII?

prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or gender

Which of the following benefits of workplace diversity is attributed to organizational performance?

reduced costs associated with high turnover and absenteeism

Which of the following is the first step in a diversity skills training program

resistant to new technology

An organization's financial, physical, human, and intangible assets are known as its


A ________ strategy is used to deal with minor performance problems. It helps an organization stabilize operations, revitalize organizational resources and capabilities, and prepare to compete once again.


What is a strategic disadvantage of being a first mover?

risk of competitors imitating innovations

A team has been established to solve a problem with an industrial adhesive used by the firm. The three members are the installer, an engineer, and the sales representative for the adhesive manufacturer, but the team does not have a specific leader. This team can be called a ________ team.


Which of the following was a feature of the period from the late 1980s to the late 1990s in terms of workplace diversity?

shifting from compliance and focusing only on women and minorities to including everyone

Operational plans are usually ________

short term, specific, and standing

A ________ system rewards employees for the job competencies they demonstrate.

skill-based pay

Steve recommends that employees should be compensated according to their competencies, rather than their designations. Employees should be financially rewarded when they gain more knowledge and learn new processes that are relevant to the job, even if the employee is at a lower level. This implies that Steve favors a

skill-based pay system

Discrimination refers to ________.

someone acting out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice

Large organizations tend to have more ________ than smaller organizations.


As the number of employees in an organization grows, structure tends to become more


In the beginning, all employees at Tom's Welding performed whatever task was needed. Now the employees have gravitated to specific sets of tasks. Some use only stick welders; some weld only on aluminum. We can infer that as his business has grown, it has become more


________ plans are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation


When uncertainty is high, plans should be ________ and ________.

specific; flexible

Tom's Welding has been supplying frames to the mobile home industry for many years. His business has remained steady despite the entry of other firms into the industry. Tom's is likely pursuing a ________ strategy.


In the BCG matrix, a ________ enjoys a high anticipated growth rate and a high market share.


An organization's ________ goals are official statements of what an organization says, and what it wants its stakeholders to believe its goals are


She was the matriarch of the department, the most senior employee. She always sat immediately to the right of the manager in all department managers. No one dared take her chair. That chair was a symbol of her


Judging a person on the basis of one's perception of a group to which he or she belongs is known as ________.


For a new project, Eldon forms a team of individuals from various functional departments. After a few days Eldon observes conflicts within the group over who will control it and what the group needs to be doing. This team is now in the ________ stage of group development.


In an organization, the single independent businesses which formulate their own competitive strategies are known as

strategic business units

Most companies' goals can be classified as either ________ or ________

strategic; financial

Williamson is the owner of a small company that sells corporate gifts through an online store. Business has slowed down in recent months and he realizes that the organization must move in a different direction if it is to survive. He has reset some of the company's overall goals and wants to develop a plan to achieve those goals. He is anticipating the business environment to be volatile for next few years. Considering the above information, it can be determined that his plan must be ________, ________, and ________.

strategic; specific; flexible

Every summer ABC Corp. hosts a picnic for employees and their families. The group that plans and makes all the arrangements for this event would be called a

task group

Larry is in charge of recruitment for entry-level positions at Merlin Infosystems. He believes that job interviews should include a realistic job preview. Which of the following is Larry likely to do during job interviews?

tell the employee about possible overtime

Eric works with a team that includes production workers as well as marketing specialists to design the latest products the company was planning to offer. This implies

that Eric is a part of a cross-functional team

The meaning of "glass" that is used in the term "glass ceiling" signifies ________.

that whatever is blocking the way for women to attain top management positions is not immediately apparent

When making editorial decisions for his newspaper, the owner/editor mostly picks issues that are in line with his political beliefs and those that his advertisers approve of despite his publicly stated goal "to be a champion for free speech and for the development of the community." This indicates that ________.

the company's stated goals are not its real goals

In workplace parlance, the term "glass ceiling" refers to ________.

the invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions

Michelle is very concerned about the formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated within her unit. This implies that she is concerned about

the organizational structure

When the price of beef skyrockets, consumers switch to pork and chicken. This demonstrates

the threat of substitutes

Plans that encompass only the production or the sales goals of a company are termed ________ plans


A study of the external environment allows a manager to understand the ________ and ________ for the organization.

opportunities; threats

If a firm wants to become more adaptive and flexible, which of the following organizational structures is it likely to prefer?


Many of Custom Leather's employees are experienced artisans. The jobs most of them perform are not highly standardized. They take great pride in their craft and require few formal rules and little direct supervision. These traits are most typical of a(n) ________ organization.


Which of the following is the best indicator of an organization's real goals?

organizational members' actions

Which of the following steps in human resource management helps retain competent and high-performing employees?

performance management

Tim is a candidate for an automotive mechanic's position. He is asked to deconstruct and reconstruct part of an engine motor to demonstrate his skill. This is an example of a(n)

performance-simulation test

If a bank estimates the capabilities of its employees who provide customer service prior to implementing a new training program designed to change their method of providing customer service, it is

performing an internal analysis

Differences arising from which of the following factors becomes more important to people as they get to know each other?


Which aspect of planning refers to documents that outline how results are to be achieved?


organizational change

31. Being a manager, with no environmental uncertainty or threat of competitors' new products, would be relatively simple without

The ________ method utilizes feedback from supervisors, employees, and coworkers.

360-degree appraisal

Which of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees?

A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the same obligations and rights as far as job performance


A personality trait that measures an individual's ability to adjust his or her behavior according to external situational factors.


According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces is a means of:


According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces, which direct behavior away from the status quo, is a means of doing which of the following?


According to Kurt Lewin, what is a stage in the change process?


According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process?

stabilizes the new situation

According to Lewin, which of the following is the objective of refreezing?


Acting a certain way is an example of what component of attitude?

Which of the following racial groups have been the focus of most race and ethnographic studies of workplace diversity in the United States?

African Americans and Whites

Which of the following statements is true of the findings of studies on race and ethnicity in the workplace?

African Americans generally do worse than Whites in decisions related to the workplace.

Amanda works as a technical support executive at ColoWare Systems. Which of the following factors, if true, could trigger certain stereotypes about Amanda among her co-workers, though not necessarily reflecting the way they feel or think about her?

Amanda has a Swedish mother and an African American father.

________ is a term that describes a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology.


the calm waters metaphor

Business had been humming along just fine until the Great Recession, Benton Industries adjusted by laying off employees until it ended and then hired them back. Then it was back to business as usual. This is an example of:

Absence of planning does not inhibit the ability of departments and individuals to work together or organizations to move.


Directional plans are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation.


Most businesses have only the single goal of making profits.


technological change

Changes in work processes, methods, and equipment are part of:

labor markets

Changing human resource management activities to attract and retain health care specialists due to increased needs for those workers is an example of what kind of environmental change factor?

Which of the following legislations gives individuals the right to sue for punitive damages?

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Which of the following is true of competitive intelligence as a means of environmental scanning?

Competitive intelligence is ethical if competitor-related information is collected from sources accessible and available to the public.

________ refers to gathering information about competitors that allows managers to anticipate competitors' actions rather than merely react to them

Competitor intelligence

________ involves the theft of proprietary materials or trade secrets by any means.

Corporate espionage

leadership change

Cultural change is most likely to take place when:

After extensive job cuts to reduce costs, upper level managers are spending significant amounts of time solving problems in the production units. Lower level managers are resentful that they cannot make decisions for their own units. What recommendation would you make for this firm?

Decentralize; give authority to the lower level managers regarding events in their own units.

Organizations that subscribe to workplace spirituality emphasize the importance of employees controlling their expressions and emotions.


When formal planning fails to lead to higher performance, which of the following is most likely to be the reason for the failure?

External forces constrain managers' options

d. the internal operations of the organization

Internal forces that stimulate the need for change tend to originate primarily from the impact of external forces or from


Involves exchanging something of value for an agreement to lessen the resistance to the change effort.

How can an organization develop strategic flexibility?

It should have multiple alternatives when making strategic decisions.

A low-to-moderate level of task conflict consistently has a positive effect on group performance. What is the reason for this

It stimulates discussion of ideas that help groups be more innovative.

A low-to-moderate level of task conflict consistently has a positive effect on group performance. What is the reason for this?

It stimulates discussion of ideas that help groups be more innovative.

employee attitudes

Labor strikes are an example of what change factor that may encourage a change in management thinking and practices?

"calm waters"

Lewin's theory is consistent with which view of organizational change?

Wayne hosts his first regional sales meeting. During which he meets individually with his employees and shows them a chart of their sales numbers for each month compared to their budgeted quota for the year to date. Additionally, Wayne and each employee set mutually agreed-upon budget goals for the remaining six months of the fiscal year. Wade is utilizing the ________ method of performance appraisal.


cognitive dissonance

Mary dislikes having to convince prospective customers to buy products that she believes are inferior to others in the market. However, she has sales targets for all products, superior or otherwise, that she must meet in order to receive her commission. Although Mary tries to meet the target sales for all products, she is torn between her beliefs and the actions she must take. This inconsistency or incompatibility is known as:

________ is a process whereby an experienced organizational member provides advice and guidance to a less-experienced member.


A ________ is a broad statement of an organization's purpose that provides an overall guide to what organizational members think is important


the white-water rapids methaphor

New Ideas, Inc. focuses on new ideas and uses technology that changes frequently. This describes:

Which of the following statements is true of gender diversity in workplaces?

No consistent male-female differences exist in problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability.

occasional; continuous

One of the primary views of the change process is ______________, while the other view is ______________.

________ planning dominates managers' planning efforts at lower levels of the organization.



Organizational citizenship behavior is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements.

is the process of introducing a new employee to his/her job and the organization.


Which of the following trends has been observed in the world population in terms of aging?

People aged 65 and older will soon outnumber children under age 5 for the first time in history.

Which of the following benefits of workplace diversity is categorized as strategic?

Potential to improve market share

are teams from the same department or functional area involved in efforts to improve work activities, though they are rarely given the authority to implement any of their suggested actions.

Problem-solving teams

takes place when a company combines with other companies in different, but associated, industries.

Related diversification

At Ronald's fast food business for five years the French fries are its most popular product. During the past year, its profits have suffered because the farm that supplies it with potatoes has increased its prices drastically. What should Ronald's do to control its production costs?

Ronald's should buy out the farm and become its own supplier.

lower rates of turnover and absenteeism

Satisfied employees with high organizational commitment

involves predicting which applicants will be successful if hired.


organizational commitment

The degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization:

job involvement

The degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job or actively participates in it refers to:

Turnover is high among new hires at Stewart's company. At one exit interview, Stewart asked the departing new hire why she was leaving so soon. Which of the following statements is the most likely response?

The higher level employees repeatedly overemphasize the company's positive points while interviewing candidates.

technological change

The installation of the new equipment at Fred Fryer's Donuts, Inc. is an example of:

Which of the following correctly reflects the characteristics of the current U.S. population?

The median age of the U.S. population has risen significantly over the last decade


The process of organizing and interpreting sensory impressions to give meaning to the environment.

norms, roles, and leadership

The study of group behavior includes the study of:

When Beverly administers the math test to accounting clerk candidates, the average score is 65%. But when Carol administers the same test, the score average is 83%. What does this indicate about the test?

The test is unreliable.

d. preparing for the needed change

The unfreezing step of the change process can be thought of as ______________.

Helen, the owner of Crazy Cupcakes, is conducting a SWOT analysis of her company. Which of the following represents an opportunity for expansion?

There has been a trend toward personalized cupcakes for a variety of occasions.

Lulumelon owns a chain of fashion stores that serve men, women, and children clothing categories. Jay, a motor accident victim with an amputated leg, applies for a position at one of the stores in an upmarket location. Which of the following assumptions by Lulumelon would prevent them from hiring him?

There is no set of guidelines on how to take any potential disciplinary action with disabled employees.

new and novel ... now

What is an emerging and evolving consumer trend that Hallmark identified?

technological change

When supermarkets and other retailers use scanners that provide instant inventory information, they are adopting:

Which of the following is one of the reasons why managers should plan?

When work activities are coordinated around plans, inefficiencies become obvious


Which of the following is not an external force of change?


Which of the following is not an internal force of change?

Culture tends to be very resistant to change.

Which of the following represents the relationship between organizational culture and change?

facilitation and support

Which of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change includes employee counseling, therapy, new skills training, short paid leave of absence.

In which of the following areas are consistent male-female differences observed?

Work schedule preferences


________ is a managerial style that is traditionally considered to be feminine.

Sexual Orientation

________ is the diversity factor that has been called the "last acceptable bias."

Job redesigns

_______________ that increase opportunities for employees to participate in decisions and to gain social support have been found to lessen stress.

AI Rubber is one of four suppliers of molded rubber products and has a 45% market share. The market for its products is shrinking. AI Rubber is part of a larger corporation that includes a total of seven different companies. In the BCG matrix, AI Rubber would be considered

a cash cow

A firm that is "stuck in the middle" cannot develop

a cost or differentiation advantage

Which of the following is an example of a single-use plan?

a plan developed to install a new computer network

Bill manages the quality department. His people check parts made by the production departments to assure all specifications are met. Bill is

a staff manager

In which stage of group development does the group focus its attention on wrapping up activities instead of task performance?


Elizabeth was hired as a customer care executive by a telecommunication provider during a period when they were extremely short-staffed. Her employers soon realized that she was impatient, easily irritated, and lacked motivation. They even began to receive complaints about her behavior from angry customers. In hiring Elizabeth, her employers were guilty of a(n)

accept error

Hendricks Ceramics sells items it buys from ceramic factories. If it were to purchase one of these factories, it would be engaging in

backward vertical integration

Which of the following people management benefits arises from workplace diversity?

better use of employee talent

A ________ describes the rationale of how a company is going to make money.

business model

Asch's experiment, which used lines of varying lengths to test group behavior, has shown the existence of

workplace conformity

Bob works in a mid-sized organization with other skilled workers who all pitch in to do what needs to be done to satisfy the customer. It is likely Bob works in a ________ organization.


In terms of workplace diversity, the New Millenium has witnessed increased focus on ________.

diversity and inclusion for business success, profitability, and growth

Which of the following traditional organizational designs focuses on results by holding division managers responsible for what happens to their products and services

divisional structure

Which of the following traditional organizational designs focuses on results by holding division managers responsible for what happens to their products and services?

divisional structure

Trends observed in the shifting world population indicate that people aged 65 or more will soon outnumber those aged 5 or less. Also, the world's population aged over 80 is expected to more than double by the year 2040. Which of the following is a likely implication of such population trends?

dwindling labor supply

The ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another is known as ________.

workplace diversity

Jeff is an employee with the accounting department at a major shipping service provider in Texas. Soon after he joined following his graduation, his company developed corporate programs to help improve self-confidence and qualifications of diverse employees so they could "fit in." During which period of time did Jeff start working for his employers?

early 1980's

The final step in the strategic management process allows an organization to understand the

effectiveness of the strategies used

Which of the following is most likely to be included in family-friendly benefits provided by organizations?

time off for school functions

The ________ view of conflict management argues that conflicts must be avoided as it indicates a problem within the group.


In which of the following traditional training methods are employees made to work at different jobs in a particular area in order to get exposure to a variety of tasks?

training by job rotation

Employers generally tend to view older workers as not being flexible or adaptable and being more resistant to new technology.


In the job setting, African Americans are found to receive lower job performance ratings, be paid less, and be promoted less frequently than their White counterparts.


One of the strategic benefits of workplace diversity is that it can be viewed as moral and ethical, as well as the "right" thing to do.


The main reason for the predicted stabilization of world population growth by 2050 is the decline in birthrates as nations advance economically.


U.S. federal law does not prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation.


Women and men now each make up almost half of the workforce in the United States.


Which of the following is a technology-based training method?


Willard has been assigned to a project development team in addition to his regular duties as a quality engineer. During this assignment he will report to both the project manager and his quality department manager. This situation

violates unity of command

Casey realizes that she has a personal characteristic that suggests she is not comfortable interacting with strangers. She interprets this as a(n) ________ if she is to get a job as a salesperson.


When is the traditional top-down approach to planning most likely to be effective?

when plans are developed that can actually be used by organizational members

In the early 20th century, automobiles were made one at a time by craftsmen who could perform every operation necessary to build the car. Henry Ford decided to limit the number of tasks each worker performed so each person could become expert in his position. With this practice, Ford introduced

work specialization

The two types of orientations are

work unit orientation and organization orientation

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