MGMT 3000 - Effectively Aligned

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During which phase of the negotiation process does an individual assemble the information gathered in such a manner that his position is supported? A presentation B determining the BATNA C bargaining D investigation


The Big 5 personality trait ___________ has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness. A conscientiousness B openness C extraversion D agreeableness


The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want is: A pressure. B power. C charisma. D conformity.


The earliest approach to the study of leadership was: A the trait approach. B the transactional approach. C the transformational approach. D the behavioral approach.


The key factor in the effectiveness of transformational leadership is: A trust. B extraversion. C charisma. D creativeness.


Which of the following need-based theories has received the greatest amount of support? A McClelland's acquired needs theory B Herzberg's two-factor theory C Alderfer's ERG theory D Maslow's hierarchy of needs


Task-oriented behaviors are also called: A authoritarianism. B consideration. C laissez-faire. D initiating structure


A mediator should enter a negotiation when: A the parties are unable to find a solution. B the parties are only talking for short periods of time and tension is rising. C personal differences are detected. D a quick resolution is desired but not imperative.


Alderfer's existence needs correspond to Maslow's: A social needs. B esteem needs. C self-actualization needs. D safety needs.


Alderfer's growth needs correspond to Maslow's: A safety needs. B physiological needs. C social needs. D esteem needs.


Alderfer's theory of motivation does all of the following EXCEPT: A assume needs are hierarchically-based B propose a "frustration-regression" hypothesis C relax the basic assumptions of Maslow's theory of needs D assume needs are grouped into three categories


All of the following are actions those who perceive inequity can undertake to "balance the scales" EXCEPT: A begin to arrive at work late. B produce higher quality work. C steal. D quit.


All of the following are criticisms of Herzberg's theory of motivation EXCEPT: A the theory suggests that improving the environment only goes so far in motivating employees. B pay may have symbolic value as communication that the employee is advancing within the company. C the classification of factors as hygiene or motivator is not simple. D the primary research methodology of the study may be flawed.


All of the following are examples of the Big 5 Personality traits EXCEPT: A agreeableness. B openness. C extraversion. D intelligence.


All of the following are individual antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT: A internal locus of control. B political skill. C expectations of success. D role ambiguity.


All of the following are organizational antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT: A resource scarcity. B democratic decision making. C expectations of success. D role ambiguity.


All of the following statements are correct with regard to determining your BATNA EXCEPT: A You must determine your own BATNA but there is little you can do with regard to the BATNA of the party with whom you are negotiating. B Assessing the best alternative to a negotiated agreement assists you in deciding whether to accept an offer. C The reason you negotiate is to obtain something better than what you would obtain without negotiating, so know your alternatives. D The party with the best BATNA is in the best negotiating position.


All of the following statements regarding organizational politics are correct EXCEPT: A organizational politics are informal, unofficial, and even behind-the-scene efforts to influence, increase power or achieve objectives. B politics arise in an organization as an attempt to influence the allocation of scarce resources. C organizations are made up of different interests that must be aligned. D effective politics is all about winning at all costs.


Almost all managers surveyed suggest workplace politics exist in their organizations and that to be successful individuals must engage in politics. True False


An achievement-oriented leader: A sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach their goals. B provides directions for his employees. C provides emotional support to employees. D makes sure employees are involved in decision making.


An example of extinction is: A praising an employee for a well written report. B ignoring a coworker who is telling dirty jokes. C suspending an employee for being late three days in a row. D nagging an employee to call a customer.


Authentic leadership: A is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others. B sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach those goals. C refers to effective leaders who stay true to themselves. D makes sure employees are involved in decision making.


Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable are characteristics of the personality trait: A extraversion. B conscientiousness. C agreeableness. D openness.


Culture and reputation costs are intangible costs associated with any form of control. False True


Esteem needs are: A the need to bond with other human beings. B the freedom from an uncertain future. C the desire to form lasting attachments. D the desire to feel important.


Expectancy theory suggests individuals are motivated when all of the following conditions are met EXCEPT: A high performance will be rewarded. B rewards lead to high performance. C rewards are valuable to the performer. D effort leads to high performance.


Extraversion is: A being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm. B being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations. C being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented and dependable. D being curious, original, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas.


If both parties to a budget negotiation seek to expand the overall budget so that each party gets more, this is an example of which kind of negotiation strategy? A concession approach B integrative approach C accommodating approach D distributive approach


If jobs are boring and repetitive or tasks are stressful, the ________ style of leadership is most effective. A directive B achievement oriented C participative D supportive


If leader-subordinate relations are good, position power is high and task is structured, the situation would be categorized as: A medium favorable. B unfavorable. C controlled. D favorable.


If leader-subordinate relations are poor, position power is low, and task is unstructure, the situation would be categorized as: A controlled. B medium favorable. C unfavorable. D favorable.


If you dislike working with a person and do not care for them on a personal level either, A you would have a midrange least preferred coworker score. B you would have a low least preferred coworker score. C you would not have a least preferred coworker score. D you would have a high least preferred coworker score.


In comparing Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to Alderfer's ERG theory: A Maslow's theory recognizes more than one need may operate at one time. B Maslow's theory suggests that individuals who are frustrated in their attempts to satisfy one need may regress to another one. C ERG theory recognizes more than one need may operate at one time. D ERG theory is based upon observations of individuals in clinical settings.


In democratic decision making: A the leader provides minimum guidance and involvement in the decision. B employees participate in the making of the decision. C leaders make the decision alone without necessarily involving employees in the decision making process. D leaders leave employees alone to make decisions.


In expectancy theory, valence is: A the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity. B the perception that performance is related to subsequent outcomes such as rewards. C the perception that high levels of effort will lead to outcomes of interest like performance. D the anticipated satisfaction that will result from an outcome.


In situations of medium favorableness, A high LPC leaders are effective. B low LPC leaders are effective. C either low or high LPC leaders will be effective. D medium LPC leaders are effective.


Individuals with a high need for affiliation: A want to influence others. B have a strong need to be successful. C desire to make an impact on the organization. D want to be accepted by others.


Interactional justice is: A the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness and dignity in interpersonal interactions. B the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used to arrive at a decision. C the belief that high levels of effort will lead to high performance. D the degree to which outcomes received from the organization are perceived to be fair.


Leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision making have a(n) _________________ leadership style. A directive B achievement-oriented C participative D supportive


Mark has been the teachers' union representative for contract negotiations for the past five contracts. Today the school district presented a counterproposal in which they requested that teachers make a minimal contribution for their healthcare premiums. The expiring contract makes the school district entirely responsible for the premiums. Mark is outraged. He throws the proposal given him on the floor and yells at the school district representative as he exits the negotiation room, "This is a pure and simple insult to my members and I will not sit at a table with anyone who treats them so poorly." Mark is committing what negotiation mistake? A getting overly emotional B letting past negative outcomes impact the present ones C having unrealistic expectations D letting his ego get in the way


Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory of motivation: A was developed based on Maslow's observations of individual employees in a variety of workplace settings. B is a systematic approach managers can utilize to explain the similar needs employees have at any given time and the similar reactions of employees to similar treatment. C suggests once basic needs are satisfied, higher order needs become motivators. D enjoys strong research support.


Maslow's physiological needs may be satisfied by: A food. B feelings of importance. C feeling danger-free. D human bonds.


Maslow's social needs could be satisfied by: A receiving an employee of the month award. B getting promoted to assistant manager from a supervisor position. C attending a department picnic after work. D taking a class on Microsoft Office.


Maslow's theory of motivation is criticized because: A the research methodology employed does not fully account for the attribution of cause to the individual or the situation. B research does not support the argument that satisfied needs no longer motivate behavior. C its "frustration-regression" hypothesis has no practical implications for the workplace. D substantial empirical research has indicated little practical application of the theory.


Maslow's theory of motivation suggests: A employee needs are divided into motivator and hygiene categories. B employee needs are ordered. C employee needs are acquired as the result of life experiences. D employee needs are grouped in three categories.


Mediation is: A the process where a third party enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement. B the process that involves people disagreeing. C the process of bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and will make a binding decision. D the process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement.


Most research on leadership has been conducted on which of the following contingency theories of leadership? A House's path-goal theory B authentic leadership theory C Fieldler's contingency theory D transformational leadership theory


Negative reinforcement: A decreases the desired behavior. B reduces the frequency of undesired behavior. C decreases the frequency of negative behavior. D increases the desired behavior.


Negotiation is: A the process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement. B the process where a third party enters a situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement. C the process that involves bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and will make a binding decision. D the process that involves two people disagreeing.


Openness is: A being curious, original, intellectual, creative and receptive to new ideas. B being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable. C being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations. D being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm.


People's tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is: A culture. B conformity. C dependency. D power.


People-oriented behaviors are also called: A consideration. B authoritarian. C initiating structure. D laissez-faire.


People-oriented behaviors include: A providing employees instructions. B structuring employee roles. C planning for increased employee performance. D treating employees with respect.


Political behaviors in organizations include all of the following EXCEPT: A alliance building. B rational decision making. C resolving conflicting interests. D negotiating.


Positive reinforcement: A reduces the frequency of undesired behavior. B decreases the desired behavior. C increases the desired behavior. D decreases the frequency of negative behavior.


Praising the employee occasionally when the person shows up on time is an example of __________________ of reinforcement. A variable ratio B equity ratio C continuous schedule D fixed ratio schedule


Research findings of leader behaviors suggest: A task oriented behaviors tend to be more effective in large companies. B when leaders are task oriented, employees are more satisfied. C extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees. D employees who work under people oriented leaders are more productive.


Research has found all of the Big 5 personality traits to be related to leader emergence and leader effectiveness EXCEPT: A conscientiousness. B agreeableness. C openness. D extraversion.


Research indicates which of the following findings regarding negotiations is correct? A Setting integrative goals is no more likely to improve the chances of arriving at an agreement than going into negotiations with adversarial goals. B Though men have a greater tendency to negotiate in a salary situation, they are no more successful than women in securing an increase. C Those who encounter anger during negotiation are likely to counter with an accommodation approach to negotiations. D Individuals who were unable to negotiate a deal in previous negotiation situations tended to have lower outcomes in subsequent negotiations than those who had initially negotiated deals in the past.


Research on Fiedler's Contingency Theory indicates which of the following? A Predictions about where high LPC leadership will be effective are supported more than those where low LPC leadership is effective. B There is full support for Fiedler's Contingency theory. C Fiedler's theory is a useful framework for thinking about which learned skills are useful in predicting leadership. D Fiedler's theory is important because it recognizes the importance of the leadership context.


Research on decision-making styles finds: A Democratic decision making leads to stronger employee productivity. B Scientists favor authoritarian decision making over democratic decision making. C Employees care more about the overall participativeness of the organizational climate than involvement in every single decision. D Laissez-faire decision making is positively related to employee satisfaction.


Research on employee perception of organizational politics finds all of the following if employees think that their organization is overly driven by politics, EXCEPT: A employees perform worse on their jobs. B employees have higher levels of job anxiety. C employees have lower job satisfaction, but are no less committed to the organization. D that perception can be reduced by an infusion of a high level of feedback by the leader.


Research on equity theory suggests: A those who feel over-rewarded experience guilt over the situation. B those who perceive inequity encourage their fellow coworkers to work less hard. C those who perceive inequity increase their work performance. D those who feel over-rewarded experience little distress over the situation.


Research on procedural justice suggests: A it is best to be consistent in the manner in which employees are disciplined for violating company policy for situations like cell phone usage. B it is best to exclude employees from commenting on potential changes in company procedures like performance appraisals because they do not understand the decision-making process anyway. C it is best to send an announcement of changes to the company benefit package for the next fiscal year without providing explanatory details because employees do not understand the financial implications anyway. D it is best to unexpectedly announce department-wide layoffs because when employees suspect changes in their job status are upcoming, they tend to become much less productive.


Research on transformational and transactional leadership shows all of the following EXCEPT: A transactional leaders increase the intrinsic motivation of their followers. B transactional leaders have positive influences over employee attitudes. C transformational leaders create higher levels of commitment to organizational change efforts. D transformational leaders increase the performance of their followers.


Servant leaders: A put themselves first. B make their overriding goal getting their employees to contribute to the community. C feel an obligation to their employees, customers and the larger community. D make their primary mission high-level personal achievement.


Servant leadership has an explicit focus on all of the following factors EXCEPT: A paternalism. B self-sacrifice. C community development. D ethics.


Servant leadership: A is leading employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. B refers to effective leaders who stay true to themselves. C involves structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways that will increase the performance of the group. D is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others.


Situational favorableness includes all of the following conditions EXCEPT: A motivation level. B position power. C leader-subordinate relations. D task structure.


The leadership decision tree: A leads to the determination of how much involvement leaders should seek in making decisions. B focuses on an adaptive leadership style. C focuses on leader emergence. D focuses on a static leadership style.


The relationship between dependency and power suggests: A the more difficult it is find a substitute, the less power held by the person with the substitute. B the more unique your resource, the more power you will have. C the more dependent an individual is on another, the less power the one being depended on has in the situation. D the more vital the resources you control, the less power you hold.


The simple premise of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is: A human beings have needs that are hierarchically ranked. B more than one human need operates at one time. C work environment aspects that satisfy an individual are very different than those aspects which dissatisfy an individual. D individuals acquire three types of needs as a result of their life experiences.


The trait approach to leadership examines all of the following factors EXCEPT: A physical characteristics. B personality characteristics. C behaviors. D psychological attributes.


The two broad categories of leader behaviors are: A people-oriented and authority-oriented structures. B task-oriented and people-oriented structures. C task-oriented and authority-oriented structures. D task-oriented and initiating structures.


The value of the resource is: A its dependency. B its substitutability. C its importance. D its scarcity.


To influence instrumentality, managers can: A ensure that environment facilitates performance. B give employees choice over rewards. C consistently reward high performers. D encourage people to believe their effort makes a difference.


When leaders make decisions alone without involving employees in the decision making process, they are using: A authoritarian decision making. B participative decision making C democratic decision making. D laissez-faire decision making.


When reinforcers follow all examples of positive behavior you are using a __________ ___________ of reinforcement. A continuous schedule B fixed ratio schedule C variable ratio D equity ratio


When well-designed, organizational controls can provide benefits such as: A better ability to manage uncertainty and complexity. B direct and indirect financial costs. C culture and reputation costs. D responsive costs.


Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of authentic leaders? A They have no set priorities. B They have high levels of personal integrity. C They understand where they are coming from. D They are not afraid to act they way they are.


Which of the following is a hygiene factor in Herzberg's theory of motivation? A salary. B interesting work. C achievement. D promotion opportunities.


Which of the following is a need based theory of motivation? A equity theory. B reinforcement theory. C expectancy theory. D ERG theory.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about leader-member exchange (LMX) theory? A In high LMX relationships, the leader has a trust-based relationship with the member. B In low LMX relationships, the leader does his job and the member does his. C High LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member. D In high LMX relationships, both leader and member go above and beyond their job descriptions to assist the other party in succeeding.


Which of the following is correct regarding aspects of the relationship between dependency and power? A The more dependent you are on another, the less power you have. B The more difficult something is to obtain, the less value it tends to have. C If the resources you control are vital to the organization, you will be viewed as a threat to the others and will have less job security. D If there is a clear substitute that exists, the level of power held is greater.


Which of the following statements is true about the manner in which managers can influence the perceptions of expectancy theory? A Recognize good performance of individuals with cost effective items like coffee mugs and t-shirts. B Conduct employee surveys periodically to ascertain what they consider to be rewards for performance and integrate that in some manner into the performance evaluation program. C Regardless of the performance rating given on a performance evaluation, make certain that everyone gets a small raise annually. D Individuals with an internal locus of control and high self-esteem believe there is little connection between their effort and performance so a great deal of feedback is needed to motivate them.


Which of the following statements is true? A A need for power can have an altruistic form. B A need for achievement can be a destructive element in relationships with colleagues. C A high need for power is a trait of those successful in the sales area. D A high need for affiliation serves as a real advantage in managerial positions especially with regard to conducting performance appraisals.


Which of the following statements regarding House's path-goal theory of leadership is INCORRECT? A The role of the leader in the path-goal theory is to remove roadblocks and create a motivational environment for workers. B House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation. C Leaders can create high performing employees by making sure employee effort leads to performance and that performance is rewarded with desired rewards. D Each leadership style identified in the path-goal theory is effective depending on the employee characteristics and those of the work environment.


Which of the following statements regarding antecedents of political behavior is INCORRECT? A Authoritarian decision making leads to more political behavior in the organization. B Role ambiguity presents opportunities for employees to negotiate their duties. C Individuals high in political skill are more effective at their jobs. D Individuals high in internal locus of control engage in more political behavior.


Which of the following statements regarding intelligence is INCORRECT? A People with high mental abilities are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment. B IQ matters for entry into the high level managerial ranks, but once there, IQ is less effective since all others at that level also possess high IQ. C One's intelligence is the strongest predictor of leadership performance. D Effective leaders tend to have high emotional intelligence as well as high mental intelligence.


Which of the following statements regarding leader-member exchange relationships is INCORRECT? A A problem with a low-quality exchange relationship is that employees may not have access to a positive work environment. B When high LMX employees succeed, leaders credit the efforts they put forward and their high level abilities. C If a leader is unethical, employees may not want to have a relationship so as not to suffer from guilt by association. D All employees would like to have a positive relationship with their leader.


Which of the following statements regarding power distribution research is INCORRECT? A In comparing rankings given to managers with regard to their influence, there was general agreement on the top five but no agreement on the bottom five. B Individuals ranked themselves higher than their coworkers did. C Research indicates the ability to rank managers by influence is a consistent practice in various industries and firms. D Power distribution is visible in organizations.


Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem and leadership is INCORRECT? A Those with high self esteem have high self confidence which may affect the image perceived by followers. B Leaders with high self esteem support their subordinates more than leaders with lower self esteem. C Leaders with high self esteem punish their subordinates less effectively, when such punishment is due, than do leaders with lower self esteem. D Research shows a strong relationship between height and being viewed as a leader which may be accounted for by self-esteem.


Which of the following statements regarding the Asch studies is INCORRECT? A Conformity with an incorrect answer was attributed to the perception that some members of the group had more information regarding the correct choice. B A dissenting minority response caused the participants to give the correct answer only if that minority also gave the right answer. C Most of the participants in the Asch groups were confederates. D A dissenting minority influenced the nature of response given by participants.


Which of the following statements regarding the Milgram experiment on conformity to authority is correct? A The researcher/experimenter's role was very important in obtaining group compliance with the experiment procedures/guidelines. B Over half of the participants refused to shock the learner at very high voltage levels regardless of the encouragement to do so provided by the experimenter. C Participants believed they were engaged in an experiment on job design. D Several learners were treated for depression at the conclusion of the study.


Which of the following statements regarding the Zimbardo study is correct? A The Zimbardo study was ended early due to the participant's deep entrenchment of the roles. B The guards became abusive and aggressive, but the prisoners exhibited little reaction. C The experimental guards received training before they were told to keep order. D Study participants refused to adapt to their roles. E The original experiment was scheduled to last 2 weeks, but Zimbardo ended it after only 6 days upon seeing how deeply entrenched in their roles everyone, including himself, had become.


Which of the following statements regarding the positive and negative consequences of power is INCORRECT? A Individuals are often quick to question the actions of those in power. B The adage, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" seems to have some merit. C Power can corrupt and lead to the destruction of companies. D Powerful CEOs can align an organization to achieve goals.


Which of the statements regarding research on House's path-goal theory is correct? A The theory has been fully tested and verified. B The theory's greatest contribution is the importance of the leader's ability to change styles depending on the circumstances. C House's theory suggests that the leader's style is fixed and the environment changes. D House's theory is based upon goal-setting theory.


Which one of the following traits is NOT a tool that transformational leaders use to influence employees and create commitment to the company goals? A inspirational motivation B management by exception C intellectual stimulation D charisma


With the scorecard and strategy map in hand, managers break broad goals down into: A financial and non financial goals. B policies. C strategies. D mission.


___________ leaders lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. A Transactional B Transformational C Directive D Achievement-oriented

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