MGMT 350 Exam 2 Review

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On-the-job training

done at work site with the resources the employee uses to perform the job. The manager or employee selected by the manager conducts training 1 on 1 with trainee. Is great for people to gain hands-on experience and immediately transferred to the job but the training may be inconsistent unless the trainers follow a standardized training plan.

Cost Effective of benefits

ee benefits are not taxable and/or large group policies can be purchased at a discount


includes descriptions of traits or attributes. (It isn't the best because traits should not be used in PA.)

Merit Pay

increase to base salary is made in accordance with performance evaluation ratings.

Social Security

introduced in 1937. It provides benefits for retirement, disability, or death. Money paid to replace part of the lost family earnings. 69% goes to retirees for each person collecting benefits. Within the next 40 years, it will drop to 2:1. Employees and employers pay into it. To receive after retirement you have to pay into it for many years.

Gainsharing improves motivation

involves the gain being shared with the employees who helped to create the gain. It includes options such as increased revenues, increased labor productivity, lower labor costs, improved safety, return on assets/investment, and increased customer satisfaction. It is more motivational than others because it we establish the objectives, identify the performance measure, determine how to split the gain between the organization and the employees, and then provide the payout when earned.

(Org. Socialization) Anticipatory Socialization

is where expectations about the company, job, working conditions and interpersonal relationships are developed

Motivational Approach

it focuses on job characteristics that affect the psychological meaning and motivational potential of job design, and increasing job complexity through job enlargement, job enrichment, and construction of jobs around sociotechnical systems.

PPACA (Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act)

it had a major impact on employer cost control efforts. If 50 or more full time employees, employers have to provide affordable health care coverage or face penalties. Some employee's hours are decreased in order for employers to avoid this. Birth control was covered as well. It also says that employees not covered by a health care plan at work must go to state health exchange to purchase individual coverage. Known as Obamacare, it required every citizen to have health insurance or face income tax surcharge. It lowered federal government spending on health care, and small businesses received tax credits to cover up to 35% of their employee premium payments.

ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act)

it is a federal law. It only applies to employers that offer retirement plans. It has rules about vesting (at what price you can access cash). It regulates fiduciary duties. It protects the interests of employees who are enrolled in employee benefit plans, and ensures that the employees receive the pensions and group-sponsored welfare benefits that have been promised by their employees. An organization that provides retirement/health insurance plans must provide a document called a Summary Plan Description (SPD) telling beneficiaries about the plan and how it works. If company provides retirement plans for employees over 21+, the plan is available to all of them if they have worked over 1 year. It can also offer relaxed plans to those under 21.

Distributive Justice

it looks at what was done while looking at employee perceptions on fairness of the outcomes. It involves fairness of outcomes such as rewards/promotions and compensation.

Job Characteristics Model

it provides a conceptual framework for designing and enriching jobs based on core job characteristics. It improves employee motivation and job satisfaction. It increases employee performance by meeting employee needs to grow and develop on the job. 5 core job characteristics (1) Skill Variety, (2) Task Identity, (3) Task Significance, (4) Autonomy, and (5) Feedback.

Interactional Justice

it reflects the perceptions of interpersonal interactions/treatment. It looks at why it was done. It looks at how employees relate to each other at the workplace.

Perceptual-Motor Approach

its roots are in human-factors literature, and it focuses on human mental capabilities and limitations, with a goal to design jobs that don't exceed peoples' mental capabilities, and tries to improve reliability, safety, and user reactions.

Biological Approach

its roots are in science of biomechanics/body movements, ergonomics, and its goal is to minimize the physical strain on the worker, and focuses on outcomes of physical fatigue, aches/pains, and health complaints.

Learning Evaluations

level two measures, designed to determine what knowledge the individual gained, whether they learned any new skills because of training and whether their attitudes toward their knowledge or skill has changed as a result of training. Easily done using quizzes, tests, and topic-based discussions, and they help the organization evaluate the skill of the instructor and change the knowledge set of the employee.


maximum amount of time beyond which the employee will have unfettered access to their retirement funds. The employer must vest the employee in all employer contributions based on one of 2 options (100% of employer contributions at the end of 5 years of contributions to the plan) or (20% of employer contributions from the end of year 3 through the end of year 7.)

Reaction Evaluations

measure how individuals respond to the actual training process. Self-reporting is common and the organization asks the participants how they feel about the training process, including the content provided, the instructors and the knowledge that they gained by going through the process.

(Org. Socialization) Encounter

occurs when the employee begins a new job. No matter how realistic the info they provided during interviews/site visits, the individuals in new jobs face shock and surprise.

Diversity Training

or managing diversity is the process of creating an environment that allows all employees to contribute to organizational goals and experience personal growth.


preparing for duty such as with a 7-point scale with behavioral anchors. It is a performance appraisal that provides a description of each assessment along a continuum. There is a description about each level of performance making this test more accurate.

Needs Assessment

process to determine If training is necessary.

Equity Theory

proposes that employees are motivated when the ratio of their perceived outcomes to inputs is at least roughly equal to that of other referent individuals. It says that motivation doesn't just depend on your own beliefs and circumstances but also on what happens to other people. Employees create a mental ledger of the outcomes or rewards they will get from their job duties. Employees will (A) compare personal outcomes to inputs, and (B) compare your outcomes to relevant others (teammates, coworkers, or another group). Elements: Inputs, Outcomes, and Referents.

Government Mandates

state = workers' compensation; federal = unemployment insurance and social security. Federal Laws = ERISA (ee retirement income security act) and some IRS code

Hindrance Stressors

stressful demands that are perceived as hindering progress toward personal accomplishments or goal attainment. These tend to trigger negative emotions such as anger and anxiety.

Challenge Stressors

stressful demands that are perceived as opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement. These often trigger positive emotions such as pride and enthusiasm.


teaches you something immediately today (usually part of a job). Current, low use of work experience, goal of preparation for current job, and participation is required.


teaches you something you will need to know next year, next position, but not right away (usually voluntary). Future, high use of work experience, goal of preparation for changes, and participation is voluntary. EX: A Bachelor's Degree is more development than training since it lasts for the future and doesn't happen immediately.

Cognitive Ability Test (+/-)

((Advantages)): Shows a person's (verbal comprehension) person's capacity to understand and use written/spoken language. (quantitative ability) the speed and accuracy one can solve arithmetic problems. (Reasoning ability) person's capacity to invent solutions to diverse problems. ((Disadvantages)): these usually have adverse impacts on some minority groups. The size differences are so large that some have advocated abandoning these types of test for making decisions regarding who will be accepted for certain schools/jobs. Disparate Impact as well.

2 Purposes of goals in organizations

(1) Goals provide a useful framework for managing motivation (managers and employees can set goals for themselves and then work toward them), (2) Goals are an effective control device; control is monitoring by management of how well the organization is performing.

Evaluating Training Programs

(Assessing Training)

Selecting Training Methods

(Delivering Training) survey results show that instructor-led classroom training, workbooks, manuals and videos are the best training methods.

Creating a Learning Environment

(Designing Training) Allows employees to acquire knowledge/skills in the training program and apply it to their jobs.

(Expectancy Theory) Expectancy

(E to P) represents the belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task. (Can I achieve the desired level of task performance?)

Challenge (Non-Work) Stressors

(Family Time)- reflect the time a person commits to participate in an array of family activities or responsibilities. Ex: traveling, hosting parties. (Personal Development)- participation in formal education programs, music lessons. (Positive Life Events)- marriage, pregnancy.

Moderators on Task Performance

(Feedback)- consists of updates on employee progress toward goal attainment. (Task complexity)- reflects how complicated the information and actions involved in a task are, as well as how much the task changes. (Goal Commitment)- is defined as the degree to which a person accepts a goal and is determined to reach it.

Alarm Reaction Stage

(Fight or Flight Response) distress signal sent to part of brain called hypothalamus raising blood pressure, and it prepares a person to respond to the stressor they are experiencing. "Fight or Flight Response" happens here.

Pay for Performance (PFP) Activities

(Individual Focused): Piece-Rate, Merit Pay, Lump-Sum Bonuses, Recognition Awards, (Unit-Focused): Gainsharing, and (Organization Focused): Profit-Sharing.

Equity Theory (Elements)

(Inputs): factors that individual brings to job such as education, experiences, skills and ability. (Outcomes): what person receives in return such as pay, recognition, promotion, intrinsic rewards. (Referents): focus of comparison.

Personality: The Big 5

1) Conscientiousness 2) Agreeableness 3) Neuroticism 4) Openness to Experiences 5) Extraversion (CANOE), or (OCEAN)

Job Design (4 Approaches)

1) Mechanistic Approach 2) Biological Approach 3) Perceptual-Motor Approach 4) Motivational Approach

6 Steps to training Design

1) Needs Assessment 2) Ensuring Employee's Readiness for Training 3) Creating a Learning Environment 4) Ensuring Transfer of training 5) Selecting Training Methods 6) Evaluating Training Programs

Types of Resiliency

1) Physiological Resiliency- Cardiovascular conditioning, Proper Diet 2) Social Resiliency- Supportive social relations, Mentors, Teamwork 3) Psychological Resiliency- Balanced Lifestyle (holistic wellness) that is physical, cultural, spiritual, family, social, work, and intellectual. Small-wins strategy, Deep relaxation techniques, Meditation, Training in biofeedback and reappraisal.

5 Evaluation Designs

1) Posttest Only 2) Pretest/Posttest 3) Posttest only with comparison group 4) Pretest/Posttest with comparison group 5) Time Series

Selection Method Standards

1) Reliability 2) Validity 3) Generalizability 4) Utility 5) Legality


Looks at making specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely goals which are highly important. It measures the goals achieved through a work process. Using results as an evaluation measure provides management with an assessment of the goals that were achieved in a particular job over time. It is not completely accurate since results are affected by many outside sources at times.

2 PFP Practices actually improve motivation

Lump Sum Bonuses, and Gainsharing have been credited with improvements in motivation and employee productivity.

Maximizing Expectancy

Make the person feel competent and capable of achieving the desired performance level. Select workers with ability, train workers to use ability, support work efforts, and clarify performance goals.

Maximizing Instrumentality

Make the person feel confident in understanding which rewards and outcomes will follow performance accomplishments. Clarify psychological contracts, communicate performance outcome possibilities, and demonstrate what rewards are contingent on performance.

Maximizing Valence

Make the person understand the value of various possible rewards and work outcomes. Identify individual needs, and adjust rewards to match these needs.

Results (formats)

Meeting Objectives (MBO)

ERISA (facts)

Most health and welfare plans must comply with ERISA laws regardless of size. All employers offering an employee welfare benefit/health insurance/retirement plan are subject to the provisions of ERISA. ERISA covers these benefits: medical, surgical, health care, benefits for sickness, accident, disability, unemployment, vacation, day care, scholarship, etc.

Job Analysis forecasts labor supply

You can see how internal movements caused by transfers, promotions, turnover, and retirement happened in a business. It also shows how transitional matrices identify employee movements over time, and is useful for AA/ EEO purposes. You can look at the organization as a whole and see if you have to many employees or a shortage of employees after conducting the thorough analysis. The transitional matrix can also be used to see how people transition from one position to another.

Personality Testing

Personality Tests- measure the physiological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job. Ex: Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Birkman Method. Advantages: Sometimes we need specific personalities for jobs such as flight attendant shouldn't panic during tense situations. An extrovert is needed for a sales position rather than an introvert. Disadvantages: It is questionable due to doubtful "predictive validity: (can personality tests actually predict job performance), "differential validity: (do personality tests measure whites and minorities differently) and "construct validity: (the degree to which the test actually measures what it is supposed to measure). Not a very strong relationship between personality and job performance. Relationship between personality and job performance is small. Sometimes the personality doesn't have anything to do with the job. (If it can be shown that there is an association between the personality test and the job, then we can use it but if not we should not or risk going to court.)


Personality is defined as the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that give the individual his or her identity. Personality is a function of genetic and environmental interaction.

Internal Recruiting

Promotions (open, targeted nominations, closed), referrals, seniority (Promotions): (Open) advertising throughout business. (Targeted (Nominations) managers nominate their employees. (Closed) HR searches the files for viable candidates. (Referrals): such as a HS Baseball Coach getting referrals from teachers at the school, go to local colleges, etc. (Seniority): they have been there for a very long time.

Why Transfer of Training is Important

There can be positive transfer where the individual performs better than if he had not had the prior training. However, there are also situations where the individual performs worse than he would have had he not been exposed to the prior training.


There will be an aroused need, a search to meet it and an action and then you see if the need was met or if it was unmet. We have Self Actualization (Top), Esteem Needs, Belongingness and love, Safety, and Physiological (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs). Self-Fulfillment, Psychological, and Basic Needs.

Essential Functions

These are the fundamental duties of a position. The function is something that is done routinely and frequently in the job. The function is done only on occasion but it is an important part of the job. The function may never be performed by the employee but if it were necessary, it would be critical that it be done right. By showing the applicants the essential functions, they will be more interested beforehand and truly committed to the job requirements/functions.

Stress Management workshops

These increase wellness and lower stress. It involves taking control of stress and making it functional. This includes Time Management, Relaxation, Nutrition, Exercise, Positive Thinking, and Support Network. It allows people to be better at controlling stress and more educated which translates to better knowledge when leading or reducing overall strain through the wellness and flexibility stress management programs. This improves communication, participation, and helps employees manage time more effectively.

Evaluation Options

These measure reaction, learning, behaviors and results. Ex: reaction evaluations, learning evaluations, behavior evaluations, and results evaluations.

Recruiter Characteristics

They need to polite, warm and informative, and active listeners. They also need to provide a realistic job preview and use honesty, with timely feedback as well. They also need to avoid rude behavior.

Ineligibility Tests

They tend to be expensive, and are also usually involving drug tests, post offer exams, and background checks. You should use these test for people working with children, at a bank, or a job involving handling money and working 1 on 1 with people. There are some jobs such as tour guides that do not require ineligibility tests or some internships since there is not major responsibility involved.


This involves the Law of Effect. This law states that behavior followed by a pleasant consequence is likely to be repeated. Behavior followed by an unpleasant consequence is unlikely to be repeated. Reinforcement- people will respond to consequences and behave how you want them to if you find the right incentives. Positive reinforcement is better than punishment and through social learning people will imitate the rewarded behavior when they see another get positive reinforcement for doing it.

Expectancy Theory

also called the VIE Theory. It considers (motivation = expectancy x instrumentality x valence). It involves Expectancy, with self-efficacy, and instrumentality and valence.

Lump-Sum Bonuses improve motivation

are motivational because employees know that if they work hard they will receive a monetary award so they are then motivated to work much harder to earn more money.

Rater error Training

attempts to make managers aware of rating errors and helps them develop strategies form minimizing those errors. Focus on procedural, interpersonal and distributive fairness when creating your Performance Appraisal System. (Rater accuracy training and develop accurate performance measures): use multiple criteria, minimize the use of trait-based evaluations, and give the OUCH Test, and Blanchard tests. Train the evaluators and use multiple raters as well. Lastly, and obey the laws. Train raters, base system on specific behaviors, provide guidance for poor performance, and use multiple raters. Also, give frequent feedback, focus on behavior or results (not the person), and agree to specific goals with follow-up progress dates. OUCH Test= Objective, Uniform in application, Consistent in effort, and has job relatedness.

Stage of Resistance

body tries to counteract the physiological changes that happened during alarm stage. It can cause a person to struggle to concentrate and become irritable. The body stays in alert and the stress hormones continue to be produced if the stressor remains.

Benefits at no cost to company

Time off, sabbaticals, sick leave, development opportunities, time not worked, child and Elder care, Domestic partner benefits, legal insurance/services, benefits for contingent workers, wellness programs, opportunities to participate in CSR decisions. Wellness benefits focus on changing behaviors on and off work time that could lead to future health problems.

Reliability (Inter-rater reliability estimates)

Two different human judges rate the person on the dimensions of interest, it is then correlated. dards for Reliability—Clearly, the more reliable the measure, the more likely decisions can be made on score differences

Ensuring Transfer of training

Use of knowledge, skills and behavior learned in a job.

External Recruiting

Walk-ins, educational institutions, employment agencies, recruiting firms, advertising (local mass media, specialized pubs, internet) Walk-ins: having a person in for an interview at the office or place of appointment and gives people an opportunity to apply and be interviewed. Educational Institutions: places where people of different ages learn and gain education such as secondary schools, colleges, and higher education. Employment Agencies: it is an agency that finds employers or employees for those seeking them. It is a firm hired by a company to help with its staffing needs. Recruiting Firms: work great to find new candidates externally. Recruits outside candidates. Advertising: producing ads and communicating with the end-users of the product/service being offered.

Paired Comparisons

comparing people and seeing who is better. 1 vs 1, with different employees in the office. It gets harder with more employees since 6 pairs will be formed with only four employees so that each is compared with everyone in the office.


comparing, offering feedback and giving raises for behavior from employees

Muscle Relaxation

uses deep breathing and systematic muscle tension and reduction.

Goal Setting Theory

views goals as primary drivers of the intensity and persistence of effort. Assigning employees specific and difficult goals will result in higher levels of performance. (GST) shows that well-chosen and well-set goals can be motivating. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant/results oriented, Timely).

Er Initiative

wanted to improve ee satisfaction and productivity


we may simulate a real-life situation to teach students what actions to take in the even they encounter the same situations on the job. It is a low risk method of training on how to react in a complex situation but they can become video games and not be taken seriously.


with little freedom to negotiate wages during ww2, unions sought increases to benefits

Critical Incidents

written record of performance after critical events. The manager keeps a written record of the positive and negative performance of employees throughout the performance period. This can involve formal reviews multiple times each year

Hindrance (Workplace) Stressors

(Role Conflict)- refers to conflicting expectations that other people may have of us. Ex: Call center operator. (Role Ambiguity)- refers to lack of information regarding what needs to be done in a role, as well as unpredictability regarding consequences of performance of that role. Ex: Students/new employees. (Role Overload)- occurs when the number of detailing roles a person holds is so high that the person can't perform some or all of the roles very effectively. (Daily Hassles)- reflects the relatively minor day-to-day demands that get in the way of accomplishing the things that we really want to accomplish. Ex: dealing with unnecessary paperwork, useless communications.

Ensuring Employee's Readiness for Training

(Selecting how to shape behavior). Motivation to learn is the desire of the trainee to learn the content of the training program.

Deep Muscle Relaxation

(Short Answer on Test) Use deep breathing and systematic muscle tension and reduction. It we feel tension in one muscle, we may do a specific relaxation exercise. We may relax our entire body going from head to toe, or vice versa. It helps to reduce overall body tension and psychological stress. Tension your muscles and then relaxing them to relax and let go of physical tension.

Challenge (Workplace) Stressors

(Time Pressure)- refers to a strong sense that the amount of time you have to do a task is just not quite enough. (Work Complexity)- refers to the degree to which the requirements of the work, in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities, tax or exceed the capabilities of the person who is responsible for performing the work. (Work Responsibility)- refers to the nature of the obligations that a person has to others. Normally, the level of responsibility in a job is higher when the number, scope, and importance of the obligations in that job are higher. Ex: Pushing a tin.

Hindrance (Non-Work) Stressors

(Work-Family Conflict)- refers to a special form of role conflict where demands of a work role hinder the fulfillment of the demands of a family role (vice versa). Ex: work to family conflict, family to work conflict. (Negative Life Events)- they hinder the ability to achieve life goals and are associated with negative emotions. Ex: divorce, death of a family member.


50 or more employees in 75-mile radius. Eligible employees receive unpaid leave up to 12 weeks. Must have worked at least 1250 hours in the previous year. This is unpaid, but paid leave can be used intermitted.


A bonus is received for meeting unit goals (department goals, plant goals, business unit goals) for criteria controllable by employees (labor costs, use of materials, quality). No change is made to base salary. The potential bonus represents "at risk" pay that must be re-earned each year. Base salary may be lower in cases in which potential business may be large.


A bonus is received when the publicly reported earnings of a company exceed some minimum level, with the magnitude of the bonus contingent on the magnitude of the profits. No change is made to base salary. The potential bonus represents "at risk" pay that must be re-earned each year. Base salary may be in lower cases in which potential bonuses may be large.

Presentation Training Methods

Instructor-led classroom, distance learning, audiovisual techniques, mobile technologies. Ex: Classroom training, and Distance Learning.

Internal vs. External Recruitment

Internal is faster, cheaper and has more certainty, while External is new ideas and approaches.

Benefit Costs

Average benefit cost is about 30% of every payroll dollar and about 43% of total compensation package. Benefits are unique because more regulation benefits than direct pay, almost obligatory for employers to provide, and complex for employees to understand. Employers are passing health care cost increases to employees through higher premiums and deductibles (PPACA). There has been growth in wage and price controls, unions, Er initiatives, cost effectiveness of benefits, and government mandates. (Wage and price controls, Unions, Er initiative, Cost effectiveness of benefits, and Government mandates).

Expatriation and Repatriation

Behavioral training before working in a new country and culture. Opportunity for individual and leadership development through direct hands-on experiences. Formal and informal T&D for repatriates returning to previous work environment involves incorporating newly developed skills and experiences.

Worker's Compensation

Benefits: medical care for work related injuries (immediate); temp disability after 3-7 days; permanent, partial or total disability for lasting consequences; survivor benefits; rehab and training to return. Payment for need care, injured on the job, etc.

Selection affected by Job analysis/Job description

Both should show if the person has job relatedness. You are looking for personality job fit, ability-job fit, and person-organization fit. The job description shows exactly what the job entails. The job analysis allows managers to have detailed info about every job and know which attributes and skills are needed for particular candidates, and the job description comes from the job analysis. It identifies the qualifications needed to fill positions.

GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome)

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is the predictable way the body responds to stress as described by Hans Selye. The three stages are alarm reaction with little resistance rising up and then the stage of resistance where resistance is constant and then the stage of exhaustion where the normal resistance falls. (3 Stages): Alarm Reaction, Stage of Resistance, Stage of Exhaustion

Behavioral (formats)

Critical Incidents, and BARS

Posttest Only

Data are collected at the end of the program. We do the training then we test them on it.

Pretest/Posttest with comparison group

Data are collected before the program from two groups. One group participates in the program and the other does not. Data are collected from both groups once the program has ended. Was improvement due to training or other factors? This is the (Most rigorous evaluation design)

Time Series

Data is collected over regular intervals of time and aims to assess an intervention/program before, during, and after it concludes. The time-series design looks for changes over time to determine trends. Such as every quarter/every year.

Posttest only with comparison group

Data is only collected at the end of the program among participants who received the intervention and among non-participants.

Labor Surplus Strategies

Downsizing, pay reductions, demotions, transfers, work sharing, hiring freeze, natural attrition, early retirement and retraining. ((Downsizing/Layoffs))- terminating a group of employees to improve organizational efficiency/effectiveness and there will be immediate savings for the business. ((Work-sharing))- this is effective you can cut hours for each worker because fewer jobs are available but splitting one job among more than one worker and nobody is laid off fortunately and everybody deals with it equally.

Cognitive Restructuring/Reappraisal

Irrational or maladaptive thoughts are identified and replaced.

Reliability (Split-half reliability estimates)

It assesses the consistency of multiple items or scales.

Feedback Best Practices

Feedback should be given frequently, create the right context for discussion, ask the ee to rate his/her performance before meeting, encourage ee participation during meeting, recognize effective performance through praise, focus on solving problems, focus on behavior or results (not the person), minimize criticism, and agree to specific goals and set a follow-up progress date. Objective and subjective feedback help to encourage continuous support.


It causes people to: change inputs, change outcomes, alter perceptions of self, alter perceptions of others, change comparisons and leave situations.

Trait (formats)

Graphic Rating Scale (GRS), and Mixed-Standards

Group T&D

Helping groups to perform more effectively and efficiently by improving skills or cohesion. The types are 1) Transportable Teamwork competences, 2) Cross-training, 3) Team Process Training, 4) Team Building.

Holistic Wellness

Holistic Wellness means an interdisciplinary approach that goes beyond stress reduction by advocating that people strive for personal wellness in all aspects of life. To be healthy entirely so with a balanced lifestyle and healthy physical, cultural, spiritual, family, social, work, and intellectual healthy lifestyle with balance of all of these activities (balanced lifestyle).

Wage and price controls

In the early 1900s, government controls allowed some increases in benefits when wages were controlled by the federal gov

Reliability (Test-retest reliability)

How scores on the measure at one time relate to scores on the same measure at another time.

Organizational Justice Theory

It is connected to the concept of fairness; employees are sensitive to decisions made on a day to day basis and judge them as fair or unfair. This can cause workplace deviance and the judgments on decisions can influence an individual's behavior and change the way employees behave. They look at what was done, how it was done and why it was done. Involves 3 elements: Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, and Interactional Justice. The OJT is the individual/group's perception of the fairness of treatment received from an organization and their behavioral reaction to these perceptions.

Legality (Recruitment Methods)

It is important to use many methods because all selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents. Whether interviews, references, physical ability tests, cognitive ability tests, work samples, etc. Three acts have formed the basis for a majority of the suits filed by job applicants. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991 and Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991.


It is the most common but least effective of the approaches. Includes personality and abilities. The attributes are knowledge, communication, initiative, creativity, problem solving and usually it uses a 5-point scale to distinguish to poor. The drawback is that it is subjective. It is best NOT to include traits in performance appraisal. It uses the Graphic Rating Scale (GRS) and Mixed Standards (includes descriptions of traits or attributes).

Why supervisors don't complete job analysis

It takes a long time for them to fill out, and it is more sustainable and sincere if someone else fills out the job analysis.

Transitional Matrix

It tracks how people transition from one position to another. It looks at if you get positions filled internally or from outside sources. For example: you could find that 20% of sales reps were hired from outside the organization and also what % of sales managers used to be production managers.

Mechanistic Approach

Its roots are in classical industrial engineering and it focuses on designing jobs around the concepts of: task specialization, skill simplification, and repetition.

Performance Appraisal Process

Job Analysis is the first step in the PA process. (1) Job Analysis, 2) Developing Standards, 3) Informal Feedback, and 4) Formal Appraisal and Feedback. Job Analysis involves it allows us to know what the job consists of and how we can evaluate the employee's performance in the job. The job should be based on the organizational mission, objectives, department and the job itself


Looks at how the person performs. It focuses on the behavior of different people. It may require more info than most managers can process/remember and this approach assumes that there is only one way to do the job well. It is more accurate since it is better to use behaviors rather than traits.


The same instrument is used to collect data before the program begins and again at the end of the program.

Stress Reduction Techniques

Muscle relaxation, Biofeedback, Meditation, Cognitive restructuring/reappraisal, holistic wellness.

Motivational Theories (Elements)

Needs, Reinforcement, Goal Setting Theory, Expectancy Theory

Hands on Training Methods

On-the-job training, self-directed training, simulations, business games and case studies, behavior modeling, interactive video, virtual reality, E-learning. Ex: On-the-job training, and simulations

Labor Shortage Strategies

Overtime, temporary employees, outsourcing, retrained transfers, turnover reductions, new external hires, and technological innovation. ((Temporary employees)) works really well to eliminate labor shortage, affords firms flexibility to operate efficiently in face of demand swings. Temp. workers free a firm of many admin. tasks and financial burdens, and temporary workers are often tested by a temporary agency. ((Outsourcing)) also works efficiently and is an organization's use of an outside organization for a broad set of services. Overtime is also another great method to use as well.

Comparative (formats)

Ranking, FDRS, Paired Comparisons

Transfer of Training

Refers to the effect that knowledge or abilities acquired in one area have on problem solving or knowledge acquisition in other areas. It is influenced by the climate for transfer, manager support, peer support, opportunity to use learned capabilities, technology support, and self-management skills.

Stressors/Strain lead to outcomes

Stress can lead to descreased productivity, poorer work quality, distraction, apathy, illness, and increased absenteeism. Stress can affect client relationships and hurt the bottom line. It is contagious inside and outside the organization. Customers can sense stress and detect distraction, longer response times and poorer quality service. Happy employees create happy clients. Organizations reduce stressors and strain because stress causes poorer health poorer performance, poorer engagement, more destructive behaviors, and turnover. Strain results in less task performance, less citizenship behavior, more counterproductive behavior, and less organizational commitment.


Stress manifests itself during the Cognitive Appraisal process. Stressors lead to stress which lead to strain. Primary appraisal is the evaluation of whether a demand is stressful and it if is, the implications of the stressor in terms of personal goals and well-being. It occurs as people evaluate the significance and the meaning of the stressors they are confronting.


Such as "rank and yank" in order to decide which employees should be fired and which ones should remain in the organization. This is much more accurate at measuring the employee's performance. It forces a writer to make distinctions and compare employees to each other.

Recognition Awards

Tangible awards (gift cards, merchandise, trips, special events, time off, plaques) or intangible awards (praise) are given on an impromptu basis to recognize achievement.

Stress Management Techniques

Teamwork, mentoring, cardiovascular conditioning, and deep relaxation techniques because I am a stressed person at times and sometimes deal with anxiety/depression in the winter months at times and so I would need to get less upset at times and also just try to be more carefree.

Cognitive Ability Test

The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) differentiates individuals based on their mental rather than physical capacities. It uses specific ability testing for basic skills. Ex: ACT, SAT, GMAT, GRE, Wonderlic

Stress affects some more than others

With (Stressors) there might be hindrances, challenges and appraisals of harm that are different in each job. With (Support Systems) the family might have issues, co-workers might be bad, and organization might not be very prestigious. With (Personality) they might be a Type A person while the manager is a Type B, and neuroticism might have an effect too. With (Resiliency) there might be different levels of physical, psychological, and social resiliency training that is offered to the employee depending on their job. Some individuals think of stressors as an appraisal of harm, others think of it as a positive or a negative challenge and others find it to be a hindrance.

Legally required benefits

Worker's Compensation, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, FMLA, COBRA, HIPAA, Healthcare for full-time employees**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


You as an employee are leaving an employer but want to keep your benefits for a certain amount of time. It requires employers to offer to maintain health insurance on individuals who leave their employment for a period of time. The individual has to pay (102%) for the insurance but the employer is required to keep the former employee on their group insurance policy. It is consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act. Temporary extension of insurance when wage is lost due to qualifying events.

Lump-Sum Bonuses

a bonus is received for meeting individual goals but no change is made to base salary. The potential bonus represents "at-risk" pay that must be re-earned each year. Base salary may be lower in cases in which potential bonuses may be large.


a machine is used to train people to detect muscular tension; muscle relaxation is then used to alleviate this symptom of stress.

Graphic Rating Scale (GRS)

a performance appraisal checklist where the manager rates performance on a column from excellent, good, average, fair, and poor.

Stage of Exhaustion

a person's body is no longer equipped to fight stress and they experience tiredness, depression, anxiety, and feeling unable to cope. If a person doesn't find ways to manage stress they will develop stress-related health conditions. The body has depleted its energy sources by failing to recover from the initial alarm reaction stage.


a specified rate is paid for each unit produced, each unit sold, or each service provided.


dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent Similar to conscientiousness, the Proactive Personality is someone who is action-oriented who shows initiative and perseveres to change things.

Procedural Justice

dialogue is very important, and employees can participate in the review, and self-evaluations are used too. This looks at perceptions of processes that lead to the outcomes. It looks at how it was done. Looks at how the pay/rewards are given to employees.

Results Evaluations

fourth/final level of training. We try to determine whether or not individual behavior changes have improved organizational results and look at the organization's bottom line to determine if productivity has increased. We look for concrete evidence that the training resulted in organizational changes that were valuable in some form.

Meeting Objectives (MBO)

goal setting, passed by upper echelons. It is individual SMART goals (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely), and uses a balanced scorecard and looks at the relationship to the organization's goals. Process where managers and employees jointly set objectives for employees, periodically evaluating performance and rewarding employees according to the results.


health insurance portability and accountability act. It applies if the company provides health insurance to employees. It requires that our health insurance is portable (if we have group health insurance at our previous employer and if new employer has health care coverage for employees, the new employer is required to provide us with opportunity to participate in their plan. HIPAA also protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information from being disclosed to unauthorized individuals. It also provides that employers must take action to ensure security of personal health information.

Job Specification

is a list of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) and individual must perform for a job. It shows the qualifications one must have to be capable for the job.

Job Description

is a list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that the job entails. It is one of the primary outcomes from the job analysis.


is a performance appraisal used to evaluate employee performance from best to worst. No standard form is usually used, but employees are ranked on a list. It is a list such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. This allows managers to decide employee of the month, who gets a raise and who gets laid off.

Job Design

is the process of identifying tasks that each employee is responsible for completing and identifying how those tasks will be accomplished. It is the process of defining the way work will be performed and what tasks will be required.

(Org. Socialization) Settling in

is where employees feel comfortable with their job demands and social relationships. Orientation programs play a role in socializing employees. Orientation involves familiarizing new employees with company rules, policies, and procedures.

(Expectancy Theory) Valence

reflects the anticipated value of the outcomes associated with performance (abbreviated V) (How highly do I value work outcomes?)


relaxed, secure, unworried Research evidence suggest the Big 5 personality structure generalized across a number of culturally diverse nations.

(Expectancy Theory) Instrumentality

represents the belief that successful performance will result in an(some) outcome(s) (abbreviated P to O). (What work outcomes will be received as a result of the performance?)

Job Analysis

the process used to identify the work performed and the working conditions for each of the jobs within our organizations. Its results will include duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge required, outcomes, conditions under which the worker must operate, and other factors. The two primary outcomes are the job description and job specification. Job Analysis is the building block for everything that the personnel department does.

Organizational Socialization

the process used to transform new employees into effective company members. The three phases are 1) Anticipatory Socialization is where expectations about the company, job, working conditions and interpersonal relationships are developed. 2) Encounter occurs when the employee begins a new job. No matter how realistic the info they provided during interviews/site visits, the individuals in new jobs face shock and surprise., 3) Settling In is where employees feel comfortable with their job demands and social relationships. Orientation programs play a role in socializing employees. Orientation involves familiarizing new employees with company rules, policies, and procedures.


the relaxation response is activated by redirecting one's thoughts away from oneself; a four-step procedure is sued to attain passive stress-free state of mind.

Unemployment Insurance

these laws vary by state, but have major similar characteristics. Unemployment co pd out to eligible workers is financed exclusively by employers that pay federal and state unemployment insurance tax. People can use it if they are not employed and it isn't their fault. Not 100% pay but is there for security. It is 6.2% for the first $7K earned by each worker. States impose a tax above the $7K. Extra money depends on company experience rating (how many terminations). To be covered: must meet state requirements for wages earned in established period of time (one year) and must be determined to be unemployed through no fault of your own (determined by state law), and meet state eligibility requirements.

Behavior Evaluations

third level. It is designed to determine whether or not the trainee's on-the-job behaviors changed as a result of the training. Usually is an observation of the individual on the job after completion of the training process. It identifies whether the individual is able to transfer the knowledge gained into new skills that they then use in their work.

Distance Learning

trainer interacts with them on a website and teaches topics for the day, but instructor may or may not be online at the same time but the materials are. This is great for teaching basic concepts, providing general knowledge, and training is available 24/7. A bad part is that students can be dishonest and use open-book for closed note tests, and the teacher can't respond directly to student needs.

Classroom Training

training course with content, instruction methods, lesson plans, instructor materials, and provide these materials to a qualified instructor who teaches the class. It is good for transferring general knowledge/theories about a topic to many people but not good at teaching specific hands-on skills since it is a passive learning environment.

Sustainability Training

training members on sustainability issues, practices, and culture. Training on socially responsible practices and initiatives.

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