MGMT 425 Chapter 4 UL

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What is considered appropriate personal space when conducting business in the United States?

5-8 feet

You have a meeting scheduled for 9:00 am in Ecuador with your new boss. You want to make a good impression. You should arrive at?


Priyansh grew up in India, where caste systems have become less prevalent. Which of the following statements is true about a caste system?

A caste system is a rigid form of social stratification.

According to the findings of the World Values Survey,

As countries get richer, there seems to be a shift from survival values to well-being values.

As countries get richer, we often see a shift ______ traditional values (such as staying married and obeying one's parents) and ______ secular rational values (including abortion and divorce).

Away from...toward

Country A has a free market economy and group-oriented social structure. Country B has all of the same traits, but also possesses an advanced education system. Which country would be the better investment site?


What is the most widely practiced religion in the world?


Mallory grew up in a rural community and she knows that even though she has a master's degree in finance, she will always be considered a "country bumpkin" in her society. Her thoughts reflect the idea of _____.

Class consciousness

The ______ system is a less rigid form of social stratification than the _____ system.

Classe... caste

Loyalty, honesty in dealing with others, and reciprocal obligations are the building blocks of


What ethical system emphasizes taking the right actions to attain salvation?


Class ______ is an awareness of one's social or economic rank in society.


88. What is the best description of the labor-management relationship in an organization based in Confucian culture?

Cooperation is achieved at a lower cost

The system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and then when taken together constitute a design for living refers to __________.


Which language is increasingly becoming the language of international business?


As opposed to what Max Weber originally argued, the caste system has NOT held back the _____ in India.

Entrepreneurial activity

________ refers to a set of moral principles, or values, that are used to guide and shape behavior

Ethical system

The Emirates Group has a workforce comprised of individuals with 160 different nationalities. Suppose that one individual is convinced that his culture is superior to his co-workers. The individual is being ______.


The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is known as


Hofstede's work confirmed Western stereotypes, but it has been criticized for this result because the research team was composed of

Europeans and Americans.

Entrepreneurs and business-owners of high uncertainty avoidance cultures will be more willing to take risks and make changes. T/F


People who violate folkways are considered to be evil or bad. T/F


The value systems and norms of a country have little influence on the costs of doing business in that country. T/F


A(n) ____ system reflects the moral principles used to guide and shape behavior.


Knowing what time to show up for a meeting in a foreign country reflects which part of culture?


Which statement BEST explains how Max Weber compares Hindus to Protestants?

Hindus would be less likely to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

What are two criticisms of Hostede's work?

Hofstede's research was culturally bound. Hostede assumed a one-to-one correspondence between culture and nation.

Which two phrases reflect the economic implications of Islam?

Hold property as trustees, rather than as owners (per Western definition of ownership) Cannot earn profit through exploitation of others

85. What are the three values central to the Confucian system of ethics that may have led to economic success in some Asian countries?

Honesty in dealing with others Loyalty Reciprocal obligations

The Hofstede dimension that is focused on the degree to which people in a society are integrated into groups is

Individualism vs collectivism

When comparing individualistic versus collectivistic societies, it has been said that _____ societies are great at creating innovative ideas, while _____ societies are better at the implementation of those ideas.

Individualistic and collectivistic

A caste system is a type of social structure that divides people on the basis of _____.

Inherited social status

The Emirates Group is headquartered in Dubai where the dominant religion is _________.


What is a negative effect of the collectivist manner associated with Japanese businesses?

Lack of dynamism and entrepreneurship

What are three characteristics of Confucianism?

Loyalty to others High ethical conduct High moral standards

The social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in a particular situation are called


Which major Christian organization accounts for more than half of its members?

Roman Catholic

How would sociologists describe the class system in British society today?

The class system still exists and "money still begets money."

Which of the following aspects of Protestantism paved the way for the subsequent emphasis on individual economic and political freedoms?

The emphasis on individual religious freedom

As modernization occurs, what has occurred that is contrary to the Buddha's teaching?

There is more separation between people and nature.

A mudarabah contract of Islamic banks is similar to a profit-sharing scheme. T/F


Hofstede's power distance dimension focused on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities. T/F


Most of the world's ethical systems are the product of religions. T/F


One of the biggest dangers confronting a company that goes abroad for the first time is the danger of being ill-informed. T/F


Class mobility is more likely to be achieved in


In a caste system, change in position is _____ during one's lifetime.

Usually not possible

The convergence hypothesis refers to a universal acceptance of ______ across cultures.

Value and norms

The more flexible approach to time that has emerged in parts of Miami where there are large immigrant populations suggests that?

a nation's culture is not static.

Geert Hofstede added the dimension of indulgence to the World Values Survey to refer to

a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun.

The vast majority of Christians live in Europe and the Americas. However, Christianity is rapidly growing in which part of the world?


81. The "Zen" orientation trend in the Western world stems from which religious teaching?


The religion where followers try to achieve nirvana or spiritual enlightenment is _____.


In Japanese society today, it is common for a person's social status to be associated with his or her


Of the four dominant religions in the world today, which has the largest number of adherents?


Muslim countries are receptive to international businesses that

comply with Islamic business practices.

It has been argued that the success of Japanese enterprises in the global economy has been based partly on which of the following?

cooperation between a company and its suppliers on issues such as design, quality control, and inventory reduction

Understanding how cultural differences across and within nations affect the way business is practiced is known as ______ literacy.

cross cultural

There is a need for every business in the international marketplace to understand the prevailing culture in the countries that they are doing business in. This is known as

cross cultural literacy

100. Hofstede studied how ______ relates to values in the workplace.


A system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living is called


Fifty years ago, it was not widely accepted that a woman could hold a senior management position. Of course, today this is a common reality. This demonstrates how ______ can change over time.


Which factor seems to have the least significance in explaining differences in economic growth between nations?


The focus on individual religious freedom associated with Protestantism may have set the stage for


Steve has been preparing for his trip to Sweden. He has learned that in Sweden a tradition called Academic Quarter helps to define the acceptable time for arriving for meetings. Steve is?

demonstrating cross-cultural literacy

Culture can best be described as a ______ phenomenon.


The GLOBE instrument addresses the idea that a leader's effectiveness is ____.

embedded in organizational norms

Folkways are atypical morally significant actions in everyday life.


True or false: According to the Koran, the receipt of interest within the banking system is considered suitable for businesses but not individuals.


At a dinner meeting in Japan, two executives sat down, leaving the middle seat open for their third associate, even though it meant one of them would have to get up to let him in. This is because, in Japan, the middle seat is reserved for the most senior member of the group. This is an example of _____


1When the new neighbors moved in, Naghma told her family it would be appropriate for them to make a batch of cookies and take them over to the neighbors and introduce themselves. This social convention is an example of a(n) _____.


Drivers who live in cities often do not acknowledge other drivers without cause, while in more rural areas, drivers will often give each other a quick wave. These routines are examples of


when discussing Islam, the Koran actually promotes _____.

free enterprise

Some equate Protestantism with the entrepreneurial spirit because Protestantism

gave individuals freedom to develop their own relationship with God.

In business, mores have _____ significance than folkways.


A(n) ______ consists of at least two individuals who have a shared sense of identity and interact in structured ways.


Max Weber advocated that the Protestant ethic was associated with the importance of _____.


According to Hofstede, societies with strict codes of behavior, rules, and laws score ______ on the uncertainty avoidance index.


The _____ degree of social mobility in the U.S. limits the impact of class background on business operations.


One advantage of individualism is a(n)

high level of entrepreneurial activity

The religion where followers believe in reincarnation and karma is


Culture that is defined as a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living stems from the work of which expert?


Islamic fundamentalists are usually ______ toward Western-based businesses.


A typical American value is an expectation that people have a right to live the way they want. Values are defined as

ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable.

In the United States, class membership is determined mostly by

individual economic achievement.

In most Western societies the ______ is emphasized, whereas in Japan the _____ is more important.

The dynamism associated with the U.S. economy is a result of the philosophy of ______.


Ben has very loose ties with his family and enjoys wearing provocative T-shirts to express a sense of freedom and uniqueness. He shows no interest in joining the family business.


What is the proposed sixth dimension to Hofstede's work proposed by Geert Hofstede?

indulgence versus restraint

A(n) _____ society is one that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life.


The economic principles of Islam prohibit a bank from paying or receiving _____.


What are the four principles of social stratification?

is generally universal. is a trait of society. carries over to the next generation. involves beliefs as well as inequality,

What major world religion is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad?


Which of the following is a disadvantage of a high degree of managerial mobility between companies?

lack of loyalty and commitment to an individual company

What directs the attention of a society to specific features of the world and structures how people perceive them?


In Japan, most people perceive themselves to be middle class; therefore, class background has ______ impact on business operations.


Which of Hofstede's dimensions reflects the ability of citizens to accept delayed gratification for their material, social, and emotional needs?

long term vs short term orientation

Confucianism values harmonious relationships, which are based on moral and ethical conduct and ______.

loyalty to others

In Islamic banks, a mudarabah contract is a way for the bank to

make money

In an organization operating in a Confucian culture, it would be the sacred duty of an employee to be loyal to his or her


According to Hofstede, in a _____ culture, sex roles are sharply differentiated.


Jiro is extremely driven and assertive. His goal is to become the most powerful man in the company.


In a given society, the extent to which people can move up and down the class system is known as social


______ are norms that are more widely observed and are often so important they are enacted in law.


A ______ contract allows a Muslim bank to share in the profits of a project when loaning money to business.


In post-independence India, some think that the values of Hindu asceticism and self-reliance advocated by Gandhi had a(n) ______ impact on economic development.


Hindus believe that an individual can achieve a state of complete spiritual perfection known as _____ by practicing material and physical self-denial.


There is a _____ one-to-one relationship between a society and a nation-state.


Unspoken language is another way to describe ______ communication.


In the United States, a person accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. This guideline is an example of a _____.


The expectation that students shouldn't cheat on exams is an example of a cultural


______ supply the standards and models for acceptable behavior in a society.


In business today, "Zen" is equated to

ordinary nothingness

Ming is from a powerful family, and because of this, she will be in an authoritative position in the workplace.

power distance

What has made a major contribution to society's emphasis on extended social groups?

social media

According to Weber, thrift, efficiency and hard work are the result of a person's belief in the ethics of which religion?


In Confucian culture, while employees are expected to be loyal to their superiors in business, those superiors must reward this loyalty by bestowing blessings on the employees.This demonstrates the idea of ______ obligations.


Traditional Hindus believe that movement between castes is achieved through _____.


In the Confucian culture, guanxiwang refers to _____, which hold networks together.


A system of shared beliefs and rituals based on sacred thought is the definition of _____.


Islam prohibits payment of interest. This is one example depicting how ______ can be the root of an ethical system.


______ is/are something that one believes in and follows with some measure of devotion.


The workforce at The Emirates Group is comprised of people with 160 different nationalities. This diverse workforce ________.

should increase cross cultural literacy in the company

The movement of the members of a particular society in terms of their social status from one group to another is an example of

social mobility

A class system is characterized by the fact that a person can move from one ______ to another.

social strata

All societies are divided on a hierarchical basis into social categories called _____.

social strata

The _____ of a society refers to how it is organized in terms of its values, norms, and societal relationships.

social structure

When Kendall was asked to describe the relationship between the countries of Denmark, Finland, and Norway, she replied that the people of those countries all shared a common set of values. In other words, Kendall considered this group of countries as a _____.


____ is an organized group of people who share a common set of values and norms.


Traditional Hindu values judge individuals by their ______, according to Max Weber.

spiritual achievements

The basic social organization of a society is known as social _____.


Buddhism has all the same basic beliefs as Hinduism except for _____. (Check the two that apply.)

support for the caste system. advocacy of extreme ascetic behavior.

English is now the preferred language in most business and social situations in Dubai, the headquarters of The Emirates Group. This illustrates _________.

that culture is not a constant

During his study of the Japanese culture, Jeremy learned that lifetime employment with one company is very common in certain sectors. This trait is probably the result of

the collectivistic nature of the culture.

The convergence hypothesis is based on the idea that

the divergence of cultures across the world has lessened the degree of cultural variation.

One reason for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism is the response to social pressures in traditional Islamic societies brought on by

the influence of Western thought.

Hofstede's masculinity versus femininity dimension examined

the relationship between gender and work roles.

Jonathon's family makes a point to sit down to dinner together every night. This is an example of folkways, which are characterized as

the routine conventions of everyday life.

In historic British society, who was included in the middle class?

those who worked in professional occupations

The long-term versus short-term orientation identified by Hofstede captures people's attitudes toward _____.


Bill works very hard in his job and expects to see the reward of his labor quickly.

time orientation

A sociologist would disagree with the idea that the British class system has dissolved.


Cultures can embrace several nations.


Economic advancement and globalization may be important factors in societal change.


Education provides a competitive economic advantage through the creation of a pool of skilled and educated workers.


Historically, the British class system prevented people from moving up in society.


Spoken language not only allows people to communicate with each other, but structures the way people perceive the world.


While religion can influence the values and norms of society, the values and norms of society can also impact religion.


Elena has worked at the same company for more than 15 years. She parks in the same parking spot every day and values routine and predictability.

uncertainty avoidance

What is the Hofstede dimension that measures a society's tolerance for ambiguity?

uncertainty avoidance

What a group of people believe to be good, right, and desirable is the definition of


When the voters were asked their opinion on the death penalty, the majority of the people responded that it wasn't right and should be eliminated. Their opinion is a reflection of their _____.


Within a society, honesty would be considered a general ______.


The Western media relates Islamic fundamentalists with ______, rather than with deeply held religious values.


Compared to a Protestant society, a Buddhist society has ______ emphasis on entrepreneurial activity.


Ruth is meeting her counterpart at her company's subsidiary in Brazil. Her meeting was scheduled for 2:00 pm, but because of her late flight, Ruth arrives at 2:30 pm. Her host?

will probably be unfazed by the time of her arrival.

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