MGMT 4700 - Chapter 6
Feeling leaders tend to analyze, criticize, and approach decisions impersonally and objectively.
Most EQ researchers agree that emotional intelligence cannot be developed.
Strong situations that are governed by clearly specified rules, demands, and organizational policies maximize the effects that traits have on behavior.
Tests of divergent thinking usually have a single best answer, whereas tests of convergent thinking have many possible answers.
Smart but inexperienced leaders tend to be more effective in stressful situations than less intelligent, experienced leaders.
The _____ states that if one simply works hard and achieves superior results, then good things will happen.
just world hypothesis
According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, the dimension of neuroticism is most likely
concerned with how people react to stress, change, failure, or personal cristism
According to Goleman's conceptualization of emotional intelligence (EQ), the "change catalyst" attribute most likely corresponds to the _____ dimension of the OCEAN model.
Raymond scores high on practical intelligence and has extensive knowledge and experience in leading a pharmaceutical research team. He is likely to feel uncomfortable and unprepared when asked to organize a major fund-raising activity for a charitable institution. This example illustrates that practical intelligence is most likely
Domain specific.
Analytic intelligence is much more concerned with knowledge and experience than is practical intelligence.
Behavioral manifestations of personality traits are often exhibited with conscious thought rather than automatically.
Effective leaders tend to score high on neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness and low on conscientious and openness to experience.
According to Myers and Myers, there are four basic preference dimensions in which people can differ. Identify a true statement about people exhibiting these dimensions.
Introverted leaders prefer to think things through and announce only final decisions
According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, which of the following statements is most likely true about agreeableness?
It essentially concerns one's need for approval.
According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, creative intelligence is
The ability to produce work that is both novel and useful.
Ability-based EQ training programs make extensive use of videos and role plays to help participants better recognize, exhibit, and regulate emotion.
An advantage of the OCEAN model is that it is a useful method for profiling leaders.
Analytic intelligence is general problem-solving ability and can be assessed using standardized mental abilities tests.
In the context of the building blocks of skills, knowledge and experience are easier components to change than intelligence and personality traits.
Leaders tend to have higher extraversion scores than nonleaders.
Leaders who can empathize and get along with others are often more successful than those who cannot.
Leaders who score low in conscientiousness tend to be more spontaneous, creative, and impulsive.
Research has shown that openness to experience is an important component of leadership effectiveness and seems particularly important at higher organizational levels or for success in overseas assignments.
Stress is often defined as the result of conflicts with superiors or the apprehension associated with performance evaluation.
The Forer effect occurs when people give high accuracy ratings to descriptive statements that are personally flattering but so vague that they could apply to virtually anyone.
The strength of the relationship between personality traits and leadership effectiveness is often inversely related to the relative strength of the situation.
According to Reuven Bar-On's model of emotional intelligence, reality testing, flexibility, and problem-solving relate to
According to the OCEAN model, individuals who appear as insensitive, socially clueless, pessimistic, cold, and grumpy are most likely to score low in
According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, leaders who score high in openness to experience tend to
be big-picture thinkers
Unlike individuals who score low in extraversion, individuals who score high in this dimension
come across to others as decisive and opinionated
According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, which of the following dimensions primarily involves behaviors that are highly likely to be exhibited in group settings and are generally concerned with getting ahead in life?
Leaders who score low in neuroticism tend to
hide their emotions.
According to Myers and Myers's basic preference dimensions in which people can differ, the thinking-feeling dimension
is concerned with the considerations leaders prefer when making decisions
Which of the following terms is most likely defined as the ability to intentionally pay attention to the present moment while letting go of judgment?
"I remain calm in pressure situations." This statement most likely corresponds to which of the following OCEAN personality dimensions?
In the OCEAN model, the personality dimension that is concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, and assimilating new information is known as
openness to experience
Unlike leaders who score low in conscientiousness, those who score high in conscientiousness
rarely get into trouble
In the context of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, leaders and followers who possess high levels of analytic intelligence
tend to be quick learners and do well in school
Which of the following theories explains the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performance in stressful versus nonstressful conditions?
the cognitive resources theory
With respect to creative intelligence, perhaps the most important point leaders should remember is that their primary role is not so much to be creative themselves as to build an environment where others can be creative.