MGSC 300 Midterm 1

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1 billion gigabytes

Data Mining

software that enables users to analyze data from various dimensions or angles, categorize them, and find correlative patterns among fields in the data warehouse.

Sentimental Analysis

trying to understand consumer intent.

Strategic Planning

A series of processes in which an organization selects and arranges its businesses or services to keep the organization healthy or able to function even when unexpected events disrupt one or more of its businesses, markets, products, or services.

Digital Business

A social, mobile, and Web-focused business

Cloud Computing

A style of computing in which IT services are delivered on-demand and accessible via the Internet.

Customer Experience

About building the digital infrastructure that allows customers to do whatever they want to do, through whatever channel they choose to do it

Auditing Web Sites

A good preventive measure to manage the legal risk by reviewing content of the site, which may offend people or be in violation of copyright laws or other regulations (e.g., privacy protection).

Online Analytics Processing (OLAP)

A means of organizing large business databases. Divided into one or more cubes that fit the way business is conducted.

Operating Margin

A measure of the percent of a company's revenue left over after paying variable costs: wages, raw materials, etc. Increased margins mean earning more per dollar of sales. The higher the operating margin, the better.

Service-Level Agreements

A negotiated agreement between a company and service provider that can be a legally binding contract or an informal contract. The goal is not building the best SLA terms, but getting the terms that are most meaningful to the business.

Internal Controls (IC)

A process to ensure that sensitive data are protected and accurate designed to achieve: Reliability of financial reporting, to protect investors Operational efficiency Compliance with laws Regulations and policies Safeguarding of assets


A result of processes where maximizing efficiency over one's competitors is a critical success factor

Software as a Service (SaaS)

End-user apps, like SalesForce

They Provide

Interaction with a customer to provide superior customer service. Respond to business events in near real time. Share up-to-date status data among merchants, vendors, customers, and associates

Shifting Security Issues

Move to mobile raises data security issues A more transient workforce means higher risk for data (due to loss or theft) Customer ignorance toward restrictions or regulations (particularly finance and healthcare)

Centralized Database Architecture

Better control of data quality. Better IT security

Data Tampering

A common means of attack that is overshadowed by other types of attacks. Refers to an attack during which someone enters false or fraudulent data into a computer, or changes or deletes existing data. Data tampering is extremely serious because it may not be detected; the method often used by insiders and fraudsters.


A computer program or code that can infect anything attached to the Internet and is able to process the code that can propagate, or spread, to other machines or devices, or replicate, or make copies of itself

Modern Mobile Communications

2Mbps per mobile device by 2016 66% of traffic through smartphones by 2018 Mobile traffic surpasses 2.5EB*/month by 2018 Greater than 15% all traffic through tablets by 2016 Greater than 50% mobile traffic is 4G by 2018

Profit Margin





A botnet is a collection of bots, which are malware-infected computers. Those infected computers, called zombies, can be controlled and organized into a network of zombies on the command of a remote botmaster (also called bot herder).

Primary Benefits

Access and use the content contained in documents. Cut labor costs by automating business processes. Reduce time and effort to locate required information for decision making. Improve content security, thereby reducing intellectual property theft risks. Minimizes content printing, storing, and searching costs.

Key to Competitive Advantage

Across industries in all size enterprises Used in operational management, business process, and decision making Provides moment of value to decision makers Unites data, technology, analytics, & human knowledge to optimize decisions


Activities that convert inputs into outputs by doing work.

BI Architecture and Analytics

Advances in response to big data and end-user performance demands. Hosted on public or private clouds. Limits IT staff and controls costs May slow response time, add security and backup risks

Distributed Database Architecture

Allow both local and remote access. Use client/server architecture to process requests


An automated method of verifying the identity of a person, based on physical or behavioral characteristics using systems that match the characteristic against a stored profile.

Competitive Advantage

An edge that enables a company to outperform its average competitor. Competitive advantage can be sustained only by continuously pursuing new ways to compete. Gartner Group: the difference that matters to customers.

Industry Structure

An industry's structure determines the range of profitability of the average competitor and can be very difficult to change.

IT Defenses

Antivirus Software: designed to detect malicious codes and prevent users from downloading them. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs): As the name implies, an IDS scans for unusual or suspicious traffic (passive defense). Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs): An IPS is designed to take immediate action—such as blocking specific IP addresses—whenever a traffic-flow anomaly is detected (active defense).

Support Activities

Applied to any or all of the primary activities which may also support each other. -Infrastructure, accounting, finance, and management -Human resource management (HR) -Technology development, and research and development (R&D) -Procurement or purchasing

Controls are Regulated Because...

Approximately 85 percent of occupational fraud could have been prevented if proper IT-based internal controls had been designed, implemented, and followed. Prosecution reduces the likelihood of any employee adopting an "I can get away with it" attitude

Principle of 90/90 Data Use

As high as 90 percent, is seldom accessed after 90 days (except for auditing purposes). Roughly 90 percent of data lose most of their value after 3 months.

Industry Standards

Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM; National Archives and Records Administration (NARA; ARMA International (formerly the Association of Records Managers and Administrators;

Anomaly Detection

Audit trails from key systems and personnel records used to detect anomalous patterns, such as excessive hours worked, deviations in patterns of behavior, copying huge amounts of data, attempts to override controls, unusual transactions, and inadequate documentation about a transaction.

Virtual Collaboration

Avoid travel expenses Increase numbers of sessions Record and store data in real-time Streamline work processes, minimize information overload, generate new ideas, and boost innovation through online software.

New Attack Vendors

BYOD: Hackers steal secrets from employees' mobile devices without a trace. New vulnerabilities are created when personal and business data and communications are mixed together. All cybersecurity controls can be rendered useless by an employee-owned device. Unacceptable delays or additional investments may be caused by unsupported devices.

Network Fundamentals

Bandwidth: the capacity or throughput per second of a network measured in bits per second (bps). Protocol: rules and standards that govern device functionality. TCP/IP: Basic communication protocol of the Internet supported by every major network operating system. Network Speed: data flowing that depends on the amount of traffic. Commonly referred to by generation (2G, 3G, etc.). Data transferred over guided (wired) or unguided (wireless and mobile) media.

Batch v. Online Real-Time Processing

Batch Processing: collects all transactions for a time period, then processes the data and updates the data store. OLTP: processes each transaction as it occurs (real-time). Batch processing costs less than OLTP, but may be inaccurate from update delays.

Mobile Networks

Bluetooth: short-range wireless communication technology allowing device pairing. Wi-Fi: standard way to wirelessly connect computing devices through routers commonly connected to the Internet.

Application Program Interface (API)

Boundary where two separate systems meet. Consists of a set of functions, commands, and protocols used by programmers for OS-interactivity without having to write a program from scratch. Can be automated for simplified usability -twitter -facebook -amazon

Primary Activities

Business activities directly involved in the production of goods involving the purchase of materials, the processing of materials into products, and delivery of products to customers. -Inbound logistics -Operations -Outbound logistics -Marketing and sales -Services

Emerging Technology Roles

Chief Technology Officer Chief Information Officer IT Project Management Data-related roles (streaming, management, analytics, development, analysis, and more)


Clearly articulates business strategy Deconstructs business strategy into targets Identifies PKIs Prioritizes PKIs Creates a plan based on priorities Transform based on strategic results and changes

Near-Field Communication (NFC)

Close proximity radio waves more secure than other wireless technologies -Apple iWatch -Digital tickets providing access to concerts -Kiosks to transmit moves in Supermarkets -Transmit public transport payment through phones


Collections of data sets or records stored in a systematic way. Stores data generated by business apps, sensors, operations, and transaction-processing systems (TPS). The data in databases are extremely volatile. Medium and large enterprises typically have many databases of various types.

Big Data

Commonly defined as high-volume, mostly text data Studied by data scientists in the field of data science

Process Management

Consists of methods, tools, and technology to support and continuously improve business processes also known as Business Process Management (BPM). BPM software is used to map processes performed manually, by computers, or to design new processes. BPM requires buy-in from a broad cross section of the business, the right technology selection, and highly effective change management to be successful.

Process Improvement

Continuous examination to determine whether they are still necessary or operating at peak efficiency by eliminating wasted steps called Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Digital technology enhances processes by: Automating manual procedures Expanding data flows to reach more functions and parallel sequential activities Creating innovative business processes to create new models


Created by a software layer (virtualization layer) containing its own operating system and applications as a physical computer.

Master Data & Management (MDM)

Creates high-quality trustworthy data: Running the business with transactional or operational use Improving the business with analytic use Requires strong data governance to manage availability, usability, integrity, and security.

Enterprise-wide Data Governance

Crosses boundaries and used by people through the enterprise. Increased importance through new regulations and pressure to reduce costs. Reduces legal risks associated with unmanaged or inconsistently managed information

Politics: The People Conflict

Cultures of distrust between technology and employees may exist. Genuine commitment to change can bridge the divide with support from the senior management. Methodologies can only provide a framework, not solve people problems

Business and IT Benefits of EA

Cuts IT costs; increases productivity with information, insight, and ideas Determines competitiveness, flexibility, and IT economics Aligns IT capabilities with business strategy to grow, innovate, and respond to market demands Reduces risk of buying or building systems and enterprise apps


Data Selection & Quality Alignment with Business Strategy and BI Strategy

Reasons Information Deficiencies are still a problem

Data Silos Lost of bypassed data Poorly designed interfaces Nonstandardized data formats Cannot hit moving targets

Human Expertise and Judgement Required

Data are worthless if you cannot analyze, interpret, understand, and apply the results in context. Data need to be prepared for analysis. Dirty data degrade the value of analytics. Data must be put into meaningful context.

DBMS Functions

Data filtering and profiling Data integrity and maintenance Data synchronization Data security Data access

Data as a Service (DaaS)

Data shared among clouds, systems, apps, regardless the data source or storage location.

Enterprise Data Warehouses (EDW)

Data warehouses that pull together data from disparate sources and databases across an entire. Warehouses are the primary source of cleansed data for analysis, reporting, and Business Intelligence (BI). Their high costs can be subsidized by using Data marts


Deceptive method of stealing confidential information by pretending to be a legitimate organization or trusted source, like John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Messages include links to fraudulent phish websites that looks like the real one. When the user clicks the link to the phish site, or a link on the phish site, they are prompted for confidential information like credit card numbers, social security numbers, account numbers, or passwords.

Digital Business Model

Defined how a business makes money digitally

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

Designed to manage transaction data, which are volatile & break down complex information into simpler data tables to strike a balance between transaction-processing efficiency and query efficiency. Cannot be optimized for data mining

Mobile Computing Responses

Detecting and destroying malicious apps "in the wild" is rogue app monitoring that may include major app stores. If infected, lost, or stolen, mobile devices can be equipped with a "kill switch", a means of erasing their memory remotely called remote wipe capability.

Every business is a

Digital Business

Battling Cyberthreats

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks use remote machines (thousands or millions) to request service that keep organizations from providing a service over the Internet or crash a network or website.

Business Records

Documentation of a business event, action, decision, or transaction.

Best Practices

Effective systems capture all business data. Input from online forms, bar codes, sensors, websites, social sites, copiers, e-mails, and more

Attack Vendors

Entry points for malware, hackers, hacktivists, and organized crime including gaps, holes, weaknesses, flaws that expose an organization to intrusions or other attacks in: Corporate networks IT security defenses User training Policy enforcement Data storage Software Operating systems Applications Mobile devices

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Estimates the consequences of disruption of a business function and collects data to develop recovery strategies with potential loss scenarios first identified during the risk assessment

Text Analytics (Mining) Procedure

Exploration -Simple word counts -Topics consolidation Preprocessing -Standardization -May be 80% of processing time -Grammar and spell checking Categorizing and Modelling -Create business rules and train models for accuracy and precision

Procedures to Prepare EDW Data for Analytics

Extract from designated databases. Transform by standardizing formats, cleaning the data, integration. Loading into a data warehouse

Business Process Characteristics

Formal Processes or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): documented and have well-established steps. Informal Processes: typically undocumented, undefined, or are knowledge-intensive. Range from slow, rigid to fast-moving, adaptive.

Intelligent Analysis

Forms insider profiling to find wider patterns of criminal networks.


General term referring to the integration of two or more technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

Management Information Systems (MIS)

General-purpose reporting systems that provide reports to managers for tracking operations, monitoring, and control. Periodic: reports created or run according to a pre-set schedule. Exception: generated only when something is outside designated parameters. Ad Hoc, or On Demand: unplanned, generated as needed.

Working in Modern Groups

Group workers can be located in different places or work at different times. Group members may work for the same or different organizations. Data, information, or knowledge may be located in many sources that may be external to the organization. Create group dynamics - group processes by design or default.

Hadoop and MapReduce

Hadoop is an Apache processing platform that places no conditions on the processed data structure. MapReduce provides a reliable, fault-tolerant software framework to write applications easily that process vast amounts of data (multi-terabyte data-sets) in-parallel on large clusters (thousands of nodes) of commodity hardware. Map stage: breaks up huge data into subsets Reduce stage: recombines partial results

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Hardware and software that power computing resources, like EC2 & S3 (Amazon Web Services)

Trend Toward NoSQL Systems

Higher performance Easy distribution of data on different nodes enables scalability and fault tolerance Greater flexibility Simpler administration

Business Model

How a business makes money

Social-Mobile-Cloud (SoMoClo)

Huge data centers accessible via the Internet and forms the core by providing 24/7 access to storage, apps, and services. Handheld and wearable devices and their users form the edge of the cloud. Social channels connect the core and edge, creating integration of technical and services infrastructure needed for digital business.

Transaction Issues

Huge database transactions causes volatility - constant use or updates. Makes databases impossible for complex decision making and problem-solving tasks. Data is loaded to a data warehouse where ETL (extract, transform, and load) is better for analysis.

Unintentional Threats

Human Error Environmental Hazards Computer System Failures


IT capacity can be easily scaled up or down as needed

Strategic Focus

IT systems' complexity Poor business alignment

Obvious Benefits of Information Management

Improves decision quality Improves the accuracy and reliability of management predictions Reduces the risk of noncompliance Reduces time and cost

Contract Hacker

Industrialized method of committing cybercrime: -Operations -Workforces -Support services

Data Warehouses

Integrate data from multiple databases and data silos, and organize them for complex analysis, knowledge discovery, and to support decision making. May require formatting processing and/or standardization. Loaded at specific times making them non-volatile and ready for analysis.

Database Management System (DBMS)

Integrate with data collection systems such as TPS and business applications. Stores data in an organized way. Provides facilities for accessing and managing data. Standard database model adopted by most enterprises. Store data in tables consisting of columns and rows, similar to the format of a spreadsheet.

Decision Support Systems (DSS)

Interactive applications that support decision making. Support unstructured and semi-structured decisions with the following characteristics: Easy-to-use interactive interface Models or formulas that enable sensitivity analysis Data from multiple sources

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

Internal transactions: originate or occur within the organization (payroll, purchases, etc.). External transactions: originate outside the organization (customers, suppliers, etc.). Improve sales, customer satisfaction, and reduce many other types of data errors with financial impacts.

Expanded Traditional Roles

Knowledge workers Entrepreneurs Managers Business leaders

Dirty Data

Lacks integrity/validation and reduces user trust. Incomplete, out of context, outdated, inaccurate, inaccessible, or overwhelming.

Data Centers

Large numbers of network servers used for the storage, processing, management, distribution, and archiving of data, systems, Web traffic, services, and enterprise applications.

Quality of Service (QoS)

Latent-sensitivity: data such as real-time voice and high-quality video. Prioritized Traffic: data and apps that are time-delay-sensitive or latency-sensitive apps. Throttle Traffic: gives latency-sensitive apps priority, other types of traffic need to be held back (throttled). Traffic Shaping: the ability to prioritize and throttle network traffic.

Really Big Data

Low-cost sensors collect data in real time in all types of physical things (machine-generated sensor data): -Regulate temperature and climate -Detect air particles for contamination -Machinery conditions/failures -Engine wear/maintenance


Management not doing enough to defend against cyberthreats and appear detached from the value of confidential data (even high-tech companies). The CIA and FBI have been hacked - nobody is safe. Critical Infrastructure increasingly under attack: commercial facilities, defense industrial base, transportation systems, national monuments and icons, banking and finance, and agriculture and food

Data Science

Managing and analyzing massive sets of data for purposes such as target marketing, trend analysis, and the creation of individually tailored products and services

Supporting Actions as Well as Decisions

Marketing and Sales Pricing and Contracts Forecasting Sales Financial

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Measuring expect losses is critical in understanding the business impact of a disruption. Expected loss can be calculated as: Expected Loss = P1 * P2 * L where P1 = probability of attack (estimate, based on judgment) P2 = probability of attack being successful (estimate, based on judgment) L = loss occurring if attack is successful

Shifting Focus

More mobile business apps, fewer docs on desktops More socially engaged - but subject to regulation More near-field communication (NFC) and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies

Machine to-Machine (M2M) Technology

Objects that connect themselves to the Internet with sensor-embedded devices are commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT).


Occupational fraud refers to the deliberate misuse of the assets of one's employer for personal gain.

IT Infrastructures

On-premises data centers Virtualization Cloud Computing

DBMSs (mid 2014)

Oracle's MySQL Microsoft's SQL Server PostgreSQL IBM's DB2 Teradata Database.


Outputs created through work toward a desired benefit or expected performance improvement

Market Share

Percentage of total sales in a market captured by a brand, product, or company.

Consumerization of information technology (COIT)

Practices that move enterprise data and IT assets to employees' mobiles and the cloud, creating a new set of tough IT security challenges. Widely used apps sometimes operate outside of the organization's firewall. Enterprises take risks with BYOD practices that they never would consider taking with conventional computing devices.

Types of Clouds

Private Cloud: Single-tenant environments with stronger security and control (retained) for regulated industries and critical data. Public Cloud: Multiple-tenant virtualized services utilizing the same pool of servers across a public network (distributed).

Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

Profit-motivated cybercriminals often operate in stealth mode to continue long-term activities. Hackers and hacktivists, commonly with personal agendas, carry out high-profile attacks to further their cause. LulzSec, Anonymous, Combined Systems, Inc., and CIA find poorly secured websites, steal information, and may post it online.


Profit-motivated without concern for damage to the environment contributing to climate change threatening quality of life. Conduct that is unethical, socially irresponsible, and/or environmentally damaging.

Cloud Computing and Social Network Risks

Provide a single point of failure and attack for organized criminal networks. Critical, sensitive, and private information is at risk, and like previous IT trends, such as wireless networks, the goal is connectivity, often with little concern for security. As social networks increase their services, the gap between services and information security also increases.

Cloud Infrastructure

Provided on demand for storage virtualization, network virtualization, and hardware virtualization. Software or virtualization layer creates virtual machines (VMs) where the CPU, RAM, HD, NIC, and other components behave as hardware, but are created with software.


Provides a means of ensuring that the user is who s/he claims to be

Relational Management System

Provides access to data using a declarative language.

Data, Information, & Knowledge

Raw data describes products, customers, events, activities, and transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored. Information is processed, organized, or put into context data with meaning and value to the recipient. Knowledge is conveyed information as applied to a current problem or activity.

Active Data Warehouse (ADW)

Real-time data warehousing and analytics. Transform by standardizing formats, cleaning the data, integration


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover

Regulatory Complications

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), USA PATRIOT Act, and many others depending on industry, corporate filing, and operating location. Frameworks to address compliance: -Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) -Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) -Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

Business Process

Series of steps by which an organization coordinates and organizes tasks to get work done.

Declarative Language

Simplifies data access by requiring that users only specify what data they want to access without defining how they will be achieved. Structured Query Language (SQL) is an example of a declarative language:

Data Marts

Small-scale data warehouses that support a single function or one department. Enterprises that cannot afford to invest in data warehousing may start with one or more data marts


Social Engineering (human hacking): tricking users or abusing human social norms into gaining advantage to a system or asset illicitly or legally, such as gaining access to networks or accounts. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): employees providing their own devices (mobile devices) for business purposes to reduce expenses through cut purchase and maintenance costs.

Identity Theft

Social Security and credit card numbers are stolen and used by thieves by: Stealing wallets Dumpster digging Bribery Employee theft Data Breaches Ignorance or purposeful irresponsibility

Spear Phishers

Spear phishers often target select groups of people with something in common. -Tricks users into opening an infected e-mail. -E-mails sent that look like the real thing. -Confidential information extracted through seemingly legitimate Website requests for passwords, user IDs, PINs, account numbers, and so on

Data Silos

Stand alone data stores not accessible by other information systems that need data, cannon consistently be updated. Exist from a lack of IT architecture, only support single functions, and do not support cross-functional needs.


Strengths: Reliable processes; agility; motivated workforce Weaknesses: Lack of expertise; competitors with better IT infrastructure Opportunities: A developing market; ability to create a new market or product Threats: Price wars or other fierce reaction by competitors; obsolescence


The ability to quickly integrate new business functions or to easily reconfigure software or applications.


The ability to respond quickly

Principle of Data in Context

The capability to capture, process, format, and distribute data in near real time or faster requires a huge investment in data architecture. The investment can be justified on the principle that data must be integrated, processed, analyzed, and formatted into "actionable information."

IT Consumerization

The migration of consumer technology into enterprise IT environments. Caused by personally owned IT becoming a capable and cost-effective solution for expensive enterprise equivalents.


The plan for how a business will achieve its mission, goals, and objectives including questions such as: What is the long-term business direction? What is the overall plan for deploying resources? What trade-offs are necessary? How do we achieve competitive advantage over rivals in order to achieve or maximize profitability?

Information Management

The use of IT tools and methods to collect, process, consolidate, store, and secure data from sources that are often fragmented and inconsistent. Why a continuous plan is needed to guide, control, and govern IT growth. Information management is critical to data security and compliance with continually evolving regulatory requirements, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Basel III, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Principle of Diminishing Data Value

The value of data diminishes as they age. Blind spots (lack of data availability) of 30 days or longer inhibit peak performance. Global financial services institutions rely on near-real-time data for peak performance

Enterprise Architecture (EA)

The way IT systems and processes are structured. Helps or impedes day-to-day operations and efforts to execute business strategy. Solves two critical challenges: where are we going; how do we get there?

Intentional Threats

Theft Inappropriate Use Deliberate Manipulation Strikes, Riots, or Sabotage Malicious Damage, Destruction Miscellaneous Abuses

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

These measures demonstrate the effectiveness of a business process at achieving organizational goals. Present data in easy-to-comprehend and comparison-ready formats.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Tools and services making coding and deployment faster and more efficient, like Google App Engine

Business Intelligence (BI)

Tools and techniques that process data and conduct statistical analysis for insight and discovery. Used to discover meaningful relationships in the data, keep informed of real time, detect trends, and identify opportunities and risks.


Violent Crime involves physical threat or harm. Nonviolent Crime uses deception, confidence, and trickery by abusing the power of their position or by taking advantage of the trust, ignorance, or laziness of others, otherwise known as Fraud.

Virtual Private Networks

Virtual tunnel routed through the Internet with software and hardware encryption

Mobile Biometrics

Voice Patterns Fingerprint Analysis

High Demand for High-Capacity Networks

Voice over IP (VoIP): voice calls (analog) converted to digital signals. VoIP voice and data transmissions travel in packets over telephone wires. Rely on 5 basic functions through switches and routers: -Communication -Mobility -Collaboration -Relationships -Search

Patches and Service Packs

When new vulnerabilities are found in operating systems, applications, or wired and wireless networks, patches are released by the vendor or security organization. Service packs are used to update and fix vulnerabilities in its operating systems.

Pure IP Networks

WiMAX -IEEE 802.16 -30 miles range -70 Megabits per second (Mbps) -Line-of-site not required -Same principles as WiFi Long-Term Evolution (LTE) -GSM deployed by Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile -100 Mbps download, 50Mbps upload

Electronic Records Management (EMR)

Workflow software, authoring tools, scanners, and databases that manage and archive electronic documents and image paper documents. Index and store documents according to company policy or legal compliance. Success depends on partnership of key players.

Text Mining

broad category involving interpreted words and concepts in context.

KPI Examples

current ratio; accounts payable turnover; net profit margin; new followers per week; cost per lead; order status.

Business Analytics

the entire function of applying technologies, algorithms, human expertise, and judgment.

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