MGT 314 Final

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Among the tools of TQM, the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the sequence of events through which a product travels is a

Flow chart

Operations management is part of a production system consisting of inputs -- processing/trasnforming --outputs. Which of the following examples accurately depicts this production system?

Furniture manufacturer: wood -- sanding -- chair

Which is not true regarding differences between goods and services?

Goods tend to have higher customer interaction than services

Seasonal variations deals with regular upward or downward movement in a time series that ties to recurring events such as holidays, passing of seasons, or the school year


Self-directed teams may mean having no supervision on the factory floor


Service blueprinting is a process analysis technique that focuses on the customer and the provider's interaction with the customer.


Shrinkage is retail inventory that is unaccounted for between receipt and sale.


TQM is important because quality influences all of the ten decisions made by operations management


The 5 S's --sort/segregate, simplify/straighten, shine/sweep, standardize, and sustain/self-discipline --are important to lean production because they act as a means to reduce waste


The Strategy is the action plan of how an organization expects to achieve its mission and goals


The creation of a unique advantage over competitors is called a Competitive Advantage


The objective of the make-or-buy decision is to help identify the products and services that can be obtained externally


The operations manager performs the management activities of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling of the OM function.


The three factors critical to productivity improvement are labor, capital, and the art and science of management


The word Andon describes a call light that signals that there is a problem


Transferring to external vendors a firm's activities that have traditionally been internal is known as outsourcing


Two uses of labor standards are: to determine the labor content of items produced, and to determine staffing needs


Waste is anything that does not add value, such as storage or inspection of items; Waste also includes any activity that does not add value from the customer's perspective.


"Automatic placement and withdrawal of parts and products into and from designated places in a warehouse" describes


Manufacturing cycle time is best defined as the

time from raw materials receipt to finished product exit

The purpose of safety stock is to

to achieve desired service levels and to avoid stockouts

Throughput measures the time

to produce one whole product through an empty system (i.e. with no waiting)

Based on his 14 points, Deming is a strong proponent of

training & knowledge

Three (3) conceptual ways an organization can achieve its mission are

cost, differentiation, and response

The three classic types of negotiation strategies are

cost-based price model, market-based price model, and competitive bidding

A product-focused process is commonly used to produce

high-volume, low-variety products

A system using an automated work cell controlled by electronic signals from a common centralized computer facility is called a(n)

flexible manufacturing system

Methods analysis employs which of the following charts in its analysis of the movements of workers and materials?

flow diagram

Which of the following is used by methods analysis in analyzing body movement at the workstation level?

flow diagram

Which of the following is not a method used to set labor standards?

government laws and regulations

All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality except

maintenance costs

The objective of a human resource strategy is to

manage labor and design jobs so people are effectively and efficiently utilized

Which of the following are the primary functions of all organizations?

marketing, operations, and finance/accounting

The "four Ms" of cause-and-effect diagrams are

material, machinery/equipment, manpower, and methods

Short-range forecasting tends to be _______ than longer-range forecasting.

more accurate

The two general approaches to forecasting are

qualitative and quantitative

Which of the following is not a goal of JIT partnerships?

removal of engineering changes

The four R's of sustainability do not include


Which of the following is not one of the four main types of inventory?

safety stock inventory

Outsourcing refers to transferring a firm's activities that have traditionally been internal to external suppliers.


Reorder point (ROP) is the inventory level at which action is taken to replenish the stocked item


Respect for people is a cornerstone of continuous improvement


SWOT analysis is a method used by organizations to determine their internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.


Techniques for building employee empowerment include:

-building communication networks that include employees -developing open, supportive supervisors -moving responsibility from both managers and staff to production employees -building high-morale organizations

A successful quality strategy features which of the following steps?

-organization environment that fosters quality -understanding the principles of quality -engaging employees in the necessary activities for quality implementation

Reasons to study Operations Management include

-studying why people organize themselves for productive enterprise -knowing how goods & services are consumed -understanding what human resource managers do -learning about a costly part of the enterprise

Which of the following is a function of inventory?

-to decouple or separate parts of the production process -to decouple the firm from fluctuations in demand and provide a stock of goods that will provide a selection for customers -to take advantage of quantity discounts -to hedge against inflations

The visual workplace

-uses low-cost visual devices to share information -is an effective means of rapid communication in a dynamic workplace -replaces difficult-to-understand paperwork -eliminates non-value added activities by making problems and standards visual

An organization's process strategy

-will have long-run impact on efficiency and flexibility of production -is the same as its transformation strategy -must meet various constraints, including cost -is concerned with how resources are transformed into goods and services

Which of the following would not be an operations function in a fast-food restaurant?

Advertising & promotion (marketing function)

Which of the following products is likely to be assembled on a repetitive process line?

Automobiles, personal computers, dishwashers, television sets

Harley-Davidson utilizes the process strategy of mass customization because it has so many possible combinations of products


Level schedules are when products are scheduled so that each day's production meets the demand over the next five years


Manufacturing organizations have 10 strategic OM decisions, while service organization have only eight


Self-directed teams tend to be successful in work environments where there is little employee empowerment


The purpose of labor standards is to accurately define the skills required to complete a job


Waterways are an attractive distribution system when speed is more important than shipping cost.


A Forecasted Average forecast uses an average of the most recent periods of data to forecast the next period

FALSE, A moving averages forecast uses this technique

Henry Ford designed his first moving assembly line in 1925, and revolutionized the manufacturing processes of his Ford Model T

FALSE, it was in 1913

Frederick Taylor is known as the father of arts and sciences

FALSE, the father of management & efficiency, engineering

JIT makes quality cheaper because

JIT prevents long runs of defects

Which of the following is specifically characterized by the elimination of waste through a focus on exactly what the customer wants?

Lean operations

PDCA, developed by Shewhart, stands for which of the following?


Which of the following is not an element of the management process?


The Ten Critical Decisions of Operations Management include

Product, Quality, Process, Location, Layout, Human Resources, Supply Chain, Inventory, Schedule, Maintenance

A cause-and-effect diagram helps identify the source of a problem


A major challenge in inventory management is to maintain a balance between inventory investment and customer service.


Continuous improvement is based on the philosophy that every aspect of an operation can be improved


Core competencies are a set of skills, talents, and activities that a firm does particularly well


Employee Empowerment involves enlarging employee jobs so that the added responsibility and authority is moved to the lowest possible level in the organization


ISO 14000 is a set of environmental standards developed by the International Standards Organization


ISO 9000 has evolved from a set of quality assurance standards toward a quality management system


Key Success Factors are those activities that are key to achieving competitive advantage


Labor planning determines employments stability


Logistics management can provide a competitive advantage through improved customer service


Most forecasting techniques assume that there is some underlying stability in the system


One of the ways that just-in-time (or JIT) influences quality is that by reducing inventory, bad quality is exposed


What term is used to describe the outsourcing of logistics?

Third-Party Logistics

Which of the following is specifically characterized by a focus on continuous improvement, respect for people, and standard work practices?

Toyota Production System (TPS)

Total quality management emphasizes

a commitment to quality that goes beyond internal company issues to suppliers and customers

Time Series is defined as

a set of historical data organized by time period that is used to forecast

Labor standards are defined as the

amount of time required to perform a job or part of a job


are rarely perfect

Which of the following is not one of the Seven Wastes?


Southwest Airlines uses which of the following as a Competitive Advantage?

automated ticketing machines, no seat assignments, no baggage transfers, no meals

Building high-morale organizations and building communication networks that include employees are both elements of

employee empowerment

The process of identifying other organizations that are best at some facet of your operations and then modeling your organization after them is known as


The word "kanban" means


A fishbone diagram is also known as a

cause-and-effect diagram

The fundamental purpose of an organization's mission statement is to

define the organization's purpose in society

One of the elements of ergonomics is

designing tools and machines that facilitate human work

The goal of inspection is to

detect a bad process immediately

An operations manager's ethical responsibilities

extends from developing products, to production, to honoring stakeholders commitments

Chapter information spoke about the difference between goods and services. Some of the characteristics include:

intangible product, produced & consumed at the same time, inconsistent product definition


is the same thing as Internet purchasing

Method analysis focuses on

issues such as the movement of individuals or materials

Four of the components of job design are

job specialization, job expansion, psychological components, and self-directed teams

The five elements in the management process are

plan, organize, staff, lead, and control

Three of the four types of processes are

process focus, repetitive focus, and product focus

How many different steps are involved in forecasting?

seven (7)

Forecasts are usually classified by time horizon into three categories:

short-range, medium-range & long-range

Many service organizations maintain records of sales noting

the day of the week, unusual events, weather, holidays

Three broad categories of definitions of quality are

user-based, manufacturing-based, and product-based

What two numbers are contained in the daily report to managers of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts regarding the six Orlando parks?

yesterday's forecasted attendance and yesterday's actual attendance

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