Mgt 3370 TTU Exam 3 T/F Questions

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As part of their strategic control of the organization, the CEO and senior managers at Ford review the daily performance of the company's suppliers to determine which should be kept. True False


One violation of privacy is identity theft, a downside of the digital age. True False


Personality conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles. True False


Personality conflicts often begin with instances of workplace incivility, or employees' lack of regard for each other which, if not curtailed, can diminish job satisfaction and organizational loyalty. True False


Carlos is a manager who has poor leader-member relations with his employees who perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks. He should use a task-motivated leadership style. True False


Dissemination is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. True False


Fiedler's contingency leadership model argues that leadership behaviors should be determined by position power only. True False


Initiating structure leadership is more concerned with task accomplishment than employee satisfaction or retention. True False


A possible explanation for the limited number of women holding executive leadership positions is that women typically do not aspire to be CEOs. True False


E-Leadership is using information technology for one-to-one, one-to-many, and between group and collective interactions. True False


New research shows that the cubicle is not a motivational environment, stifling creativity and morale for many workers.


Openness, equality, empathy, supportiveness, and positiveness are behaviors that enable you to work on disagreements and keep them from flaring into out-of-control personality conflicts. True False


Punishment is the application of negative consequences to stop or change undesirable behavior. True False


Zero-based budgeting allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point. True False


Goal-setting theory suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging, but achievable. True False


Management by wandering around (MBWA) is the term used to describe a manager's wandering around his or her organization and talking with people across all lines of authority. True False


Nonverbal language and other subtleties are often lost in e-mail, so jokes may be taken as insults or criticism. True False


Conflict is a perfectly normal state of affairs. True False


According to John Kotter, management is about coping with complexity. True False


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, taking a sabbatical leave to further personal growth is an example of the self-actualization need. True False


According to equity theory, no matter how fair managers think the organization's policies, procedures, and reward system are, each employee's perception of those factors is what counts. True False


According to the acquired needs theory, those who tend to seek social approval and satisfying personal relationships may have a high need for affiliation. True False


Among the mechanisms that contribute to measurement-managed companies' success are that top executives agree on strategy and the organizational culture emphasizes teamwork and allows risk taking. True False


An example of a norm of the Millennial or Internet Generation is freedom, the desire to experience new and different things. This norm takes precedence over long-term commitments, and is expressed in a desire for flexible work hours and locations, to have a say in how things are done, and for freedom of choice. True False


Assuming they have choices, people will make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they can get it. True False


Bureaucratic control attempts to elicit employee compliance using strict rules, a rigid hierarchy, well-defined job descriptions, and administrative mechanisms such as budgets, performance appraisals, and compensation schemes. True False


Setting and time are two ways nonverbal communication is expressed. True False


Since so many people approach compromise situations with a win-lose attitude, they may be disappointed and feel cheated. True False


Stereotyping the opposition, rationalization, and peer pressure are symptoms of groupthink. True False


Teams with nine or fewer members have better interaction and morale, yet they also have fewer resources, are possibly less innovative, and may have work unevenly distributed among members. True False


The Abilene paradox is the tendency of people to go along with others for the sake of avoiding conflict. True False


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles. True False


The income statement summarizes an organization's financial results, its revenues and expenses, over a specified period of time such as a quarter or a year. True False


There are two different approaches to job design. The traditional approach to job design is to fit people to the jobs; the modern way is to fit the jobs to the people. True False


The primary purpose of relationship-oriented leadership behavior is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization. True False


The task significance for a craftsperson who goes through all the steps to build a handmade acoustic guitar is higher than it is for an assembly-line worker who just installs windshields on cars.


The tendency of people to exert more effort when working in groups than when working alone is known as social loafing. True False


The top-down system, a variant of the SQ3R system, is designed to help you improve your writing. True False


A rich medium is more effective with routine situations. True False


Narcissism is a key positive leadership trait. True False


The acquired needs theory states that three needs—achievement, affiliation, and money—are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace. True False


The unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a system of gossip and rumor, is known as jargon. True False


To motivate employees, employers need to primarily focus on fulfilling the top level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-actualization.


A company that determines the acceptable number of consumer complaints it will expect for the upcoming year has set a statistical target. True False


A manager should administer punishment in public in front of employees because the embarrassment enhances the punishment and its effectiveness.


A pattern is a visual representation of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals. True False


According to Maslow, office parties, company softball teams, and management retreats provide self-actualization needs. True False


Authority is the extent to which a person is able to influence others so they respond to orders. True False


Goal-setting theory suggests that behavior tends to be repeated if it has positive consequences and tends not to be repeated if it has negative consequences.


In adjourning, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge. True False


Intrinsic motivation is not as long lasting as extrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation has a less positive impact on task performance.


Job enlargement enables workers to focus on doing more of the same task to increase productivity. True False


John's manager just told his team about this year's contest, the winner of which will receive an all-expense paid trip to Bangkok. John does not like to travel to places where he can't speak the language, so he is not very enthusiastic. This reward has a high valence for John.


Management by measurement is a control principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards. True False


Members of a group that are asking "What's next?" are in the performing stage of team development. True False


Narcissism is a view manifested in such expressions as "All people lie to get what they want" and "You have to cheat to get ahead." True False


People who enjoy the social camaraderie of the office setting will probably like telecommuting. True False


Personalized power is directed at helping others. True False


Productivity is monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action. True False


Profit sharing bases pay on one's results on the job. True False


Reinforcement theory attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with negative consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with positive consequences tends not to be repeated. True False


Control systems should be realistic, positive, understandable, and flexible and encourage self-control. True False


Devil's advocacy and the dialectic method are forms of programmed conflict designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings. True False


External communication flows between people inside and outside the organization, including stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, shareholders, or other owners, and so on. True False


Followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of significance, community, and excitement. True False


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