MGT 352 Ch. 1-4

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Avoidable Turnover Rate Formula

(Avoidable Separations - Unavoidable Separations)/Total Number of Employees at mid month x 100

Turnover Rate Formula

(Number of Separations During Month/Total Number of Employees at mid month) x 100

Accounting firm study shows regarding women in the workplace:

- 50% of new accounting hires are female, very few females were making it to "partner" status - The organization did a study to figure out what was causing this. Female employees perceptions included: - Limited opportunities for advancement - Exclusion from mentoring and networking - Work and family balance - HR interventions: flexible work arrangements, formal mentoring programs, career planning for women, sensitivity workshops - Now this organization is known as a "female friendly" firm

SWOT Analysis

- A comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for strategy formulation purposes - Use the strengths of the organization to capitalize on opportunities, counteract threats, and alleviate internal weaknesses

Benefits of a No-Layoff Policy:

- A loyal, more productive workforce - Higher customer satisfaction - Readiness to snap back with the economy - A recruiting edge (i.e. large applicant pools) - Workers who aren't afraid to innovate, knowing their jobs are safe

Uniform Guidelines

- A procedural document published in the Federal Register to assist employers in complying with federal regulations against discriminatory actions - Determination of adverse impact - Defense of selection programs - Appropriate selection requirements - How to validate a test - Record keeping requirements for employers

General Supreme Court Rulings on Affirmative Action

- Affirmative Action Plans are ok as long as they are temporary - No rigid quota systems

Internal Fit

- Aligning HR practices with one another to establish a configuration that is mutually reinforcing - HR practices complement each other - HR practice = offering training opportunities, performance appraisal doesn't evaluate employees' skill acquisition is an example of poor internal fit

Why study HR?

- All managers perform "HR" related activities - Increasingly professionalized field - Increasingly legalized - HR is taking on a more strategic orientation - Recognition that people can be an organization's distinctive competence - Good HR practices can help to motivate employees

Civil Rights Act of 1991

- Amended Civil Rights Act of 1964 to address the following issues: - Supreme Court rulings - Misperceptions about how to create equal employment opportunity - Necessary addition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after over 20 years

Gender Issues in Workforce:

- Approximately 48% of workforce is female - Tendency to see an underrepresentation of females in upper level jobs (glass ceiling effect)


- Approximately 70-85% of the US economy today is effected by international competition - The trend toward opening up foreign markets to international trade and investment - Good for business, can be a challenge for HR

Human Capital Metrics

- Asses aspects of the workforce - Turnover rates - Training costs/benefits - Hiring time

Cultural Audits/Employee Engagement Surveys

- Audits of the culture and quality of work life in an organization - Do employees feel empowered? - How do employees feel about their managers? - Are employees satisfied with their jobs? - Are employees happy with their career advancement? - Are employees committed to the organization? - How do employees see the organizational culture?

Motivating a younger workforce:

- Baby Boomers v. Gen Y'ers - Baby Boomers see their life as their work; Gen Y don't see their job as their life but what they do to have a life - Gen Y values time off, meaningful work, volunteerism, are less likely to engage in face-to-face conversation - May need to redesign our reward systems - Reward option - 3% pay increase or 3 more vacation days

By 2020, 20% of workforce will be 55+ (1 out of 5 people in the workforce):

- Baby boomers are near or at retirement age - Millennials (Gen Y) are the next big "boom" generation (currently ages 13-34) - Shrinking workforce expected in the near term as the Boomers leave at a fast pace - Lower productivity, social security issues, brain drain

Reconciling Supply and Demand

- Balancing demand and supply considerations - Forecasting business activities (trends) - Locating applicants or reducing "headcount"

Management Forecasts and Delphi Technique

- Both approaches consider knowledge of future issues - New technology, new competitors, etc. - this information would not be reflected in historical data

Human Resource Manager Competencies

- Business mastery - need an understanding of the entire business - HR mastery - need to be an expert on HR issues, you are the person people will come to for advice - Interpersonal skill - need the ability to work well with others, ability to communicate clearly - Personal credibility/integrity - there is a lot of "gray area' judgment calls to be made - being fair and consistent is key

California Fair Employment and Housing Act Disabilities

- California's definition of disability is broader than ADA - a person is considered disabled if they are "limited" in one of more of the major life activities ("substantially limited" under ADA) - Specifically prohibits discrimination based on genetic characteristics (employee's medical condition) - 2012 amendment FEGA - prohibits use of genetic info (test results of family member, or manifestation of disease/condition of family member)

Differentiation Strategy

- Compete on added value - Involves providing something unique and distinctive to customers that they value

Low-Cost Strategy

- Competing on productivity and efficiency - Keeping costs low to offer an attractive price to customers (relative to competitors)

ADA Amendments Act of 2008

- Congress' reaction to a number of Supreme Court decisions - Act states that a person should be considered disabled if s/he is diagnosed with an impairment regardless of whether corrective devices, medicine, etc. can correct it

California Fair Employment and Housing Act

- Covers employers with 5 or more employees - Additional protected groups in California: - Marital status - Sexual orientation - Domestic partnerships - Gender identity/gender expression - Lawful, off duty conduct - Religious dress practice - Protects actual, perceived, and associated memberships

ADA Does Not Cover As Explicitly Stated in 1990 Act

- Current illegal use of drugs - Infectious or communicable diseases of public health significance (applied to food-handling jobs only and excluding AIDS) - Note: "Correctable" disabilities (e.g. vision, diabetes, high blood pressure) were interpreted as excluded by Supreme Court rulings in 1999-2002

Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

- Database management system that provides immediate access to data for decision - Benefits: - Automation of routine tasks, lower administrative costs, increased productivity and response times - Self-service access to info and training - Online recruiting, screening, and pretesting - Tracking internal employees based on their record of skills and abilities - Highlighting training needs/readiness for new positions

Factors Influencing the External Labor Supply

- Demographic changes in the population - Economic conditions (unemployment rate) - Education level of the workforce - Demand for specific employee skills (job itself) - Compensation level of a specific job

Labor Demand

- Derived demand - determined by demand for product/service - Quantitative Methods > Forecasting Demand < Qualitative Methods

Implementing an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy

- Develop an organization-wide policy - Communicate policy - have employees sign it - Complain procedure - system in place for employees to voice complaints - Swift investigation and resolution - Employers do all these things and can only hope that the probability of any employees harassing another will go down, employer is still responsible for employees acts - in court it will help to have these procedures in place

Containing costs while maximizing productivity includes?

- Downsizing - Outsourcing - Employee leasing - Offshoring

Affirmative Action

- EEO - laws that address current and future discrimination - AA - programs that address areas of past discrimination

Four-fifths Rule

- EEOC guideline - Not absolute proof that discrimination occurred - Comparison of subgroup hiring rates to see if the minority hiring rate is less than 4/5 (80%) the majority hiring

Core Competencies

- Employee knowledge, skills, and abilities within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers - Sustained competitive advantage through people is achieved if these human resources: 1. Are available 2. Are rare and unavailable to competitors, and 3. Are difficult to imitate

Labor Transactional Model

- Employees are a cost to be minimized rather than an asset that adds value - HR's primary purpose to minimize labor costs - No long-term commitment to employees - No training investment - job specific training only - No career development - Performance appraisal primary purpose - weed out

Workforce Commitment Model

- Employees are an asset which warrants investment upgrading - Encourage productivity and loyalty through commitment - Training for expanding skills to use for current and future jobs - Job security - Career development - Performance appraisal focus on developing employees

Non-Core Employees (Contract/Supporting Workers)

- Employees whose skills are of less strategic value and generally available to all firms - Low in strategic value; low in unique skills - Example: General electrician

Non-Core Employees (Job-Based Employee)

- Employees with skills to perform a predefined job that are quite valuable to a company, but not unique - Transferable skills, low investment in training - High in strategic value; low in unique skills - Example: Security guard

Work/family Issues

- Employees work more hours than anytime since 1973, tethered around the clock to jobs - Policies that help families balance work and family, e.g. child and elder care, flexible work schedules, telecommuting

Benefits of Managing Diversity Well:

- Employer (ER) becomes a preferred ER - Competence in serving diverse customers by having people internally who know how to serve their needs - Can impact profitability - PGA profits shot up 185% the year Tiger won the Masters - opened up golf to everyone - Can reduce costs caused by litigation - Enhanced creativity and problem solving in work groups

Examples of Age Discrimination

- Excluding older workers from important work activities - Making negative changes in the performance evaluations of older employees - Denying older employees job-related education, career development, or promotional opportunities - Selecting younger job applicants over older, better-qualified candidates - Pressuring older employees into taking early retirement - Reducing the job duties and responsibilities of older employees - Terminating older employees through downsizing

Delphi Technique

- Experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts' forecasts - Experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members

Situations in which a company would adopt an Affirmative Action Plan

- Federal contractors - Court-order - Voluntarily

Hidden Costs of Layoff:

- Fewer people around with more work to do - Severance and rehiring costs - Accrued vacation and sick day payouts - Pension and benefit payoffs - Potential lawsuits and aggrieved workers - Loss of trust in management - Lack of staffers when the economy rebounds - Survivors who are risk-averse, paranoid, with low morale whoa re more likely to focus on their own needs rather than the organization's

External Fit

- Focuses on the connection between the business objectives and the major initiatives in HR - HR practices fit with overall organizational strategy - Organizational strategy = innovation - HR practice = compensation based on straight salary is an example of poor external fit

Trend (Ratio) Analysis

- Forecasting labor demand based on an organizational index such as sales: - commonly used approach for forecasting HR demand, need 3 pieces of info: 1. Organizational indicator (e.g. sales) 2. # of employees last period 3. Forecasted sales - Last yrs sales/ # of employees = forecasted sales/x

Summary of Federally Protected EEO Subgroups

- Gender, race, national origin, color, ethnicity, religion (Title VII) - Age - 40 and older (ADEA) - Disability status (ADA) - Genetic Information (GINA) - Military Obligation (USERRA)

Partnership of HR and Line Managers

- HR is a staff function - it is there to assist the other functional areas - Line managers also have HR responsibilities - HR managers duties include: - Advising and counseling line managers on HR policies, laws - Providing HR services to managers/departments - recruiting, training - Drafting policies to address HR problems - Counseling employees - address employee concerns/complaints - HR is the employee's advocate

Examples of Unreasonable Accommodation Under ADA Act of 1990

- Hiring an individual not qualified for the job - Lowering standards to make an accommodation - Finding a position for a job applicant who is not qualified for the position sought

Globalization Issues for HR

- Identifying capable expatriate managers/workers - one study found a high failure rate is due to inability to adjust for family/spouse - Developing foreign culture and work practice train gin programs - Adjusting compensation plans for overseas work - US companies overseas - follow Civil Rights Act of 1991 - use both laws - if something happens within US company for American citizen, protected under American law

What HR areas can help with the motivation side?

- Incentives/rewards programs - compensation/bonus - How the organization evaluates performance - Good leadership - immediate supervisor can encourage

What does educational decline mean for HR?

- Increased training for employees - Offshoring, outsourcing - Paying more for talent

Non-Core Employees (Partners W/ Complimentary Skills)

- Individuals and groups with unique skills, but those skills are not directly related to a company's core strategy - Low in strategic value; high in unique skills - Example: Lawyer

How can HR help to facilitate change?

- Information dissemination role - Counseling role - Ease fears

Examples of Reasonable Accommodation Under ADA Act of 1990

- Job restructuring - Modified work schedules - Reassignment to a vacant position

Griggs v. Duke Power (1971)

- Lack of discriminatory intent not sufficient defense - Established adverse impact discrimination - Selection test must be job related if adverse impact results - Employer bears burden of proof in adverse impact cases

Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEO)

- Law whose purpose is the elimination of discrimination in human resource management decisions - Prohibits employers from using non-job related characteristics when making employment decisions - Federal EEO law covers private employers with 15 or more employees

Replacement Charts (Qualitative)

- Listings of current jobholders and persons who are potential replacements if an opening occurs - Consider individuals's specific KSAs - Looks at the internal labor market - more focus on individual employees and their career development needs - "What if" analysis

What are some issues that HR must consider when organizations move operations to new countries?

- Loss of job opportunities - Cultural differences - Different employment laws - Political instability and risk overseas

Employee Rights

- Lots of legislation that protects employees' rights on the job - E.g. mandated benefits, equal pay, non-discrimination, safety, and health

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (2008)

- Makes it illegal to discriminate against employees or applicants on genetic information - Prohibits the use of genetic information in making employment decisions - It will usually be unlawful for an employer to acquire genetic information - Instances where is appropriate to collect genetic information, that info must be kept in a separate medical file (e.g. as part of a voluntary wellness program)

Responding to changing demographics in the workforce:

- Managing diversity - encouraging a multi-cultural perspective and creating an inclusive work culture - Need to balance need to be recognized and appreciated for uniqueness while at the same time feeling a sense of belonging at work - By 2042, non-Hispanic Whites will no longer make up for the majority in the US - More women are participating in the workforce - US workforce is aging

Markov Analysis (Quantitative)

- Method for tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs - Looks at internal labor market - Examines flows into, between, and out of the organization - Easy diagnostic tool for identifying staffing problem or "gaps" - Snapshot of movement across 2 time periods

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

- Occurs when "submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions" - Involves a tangible or economic consequence, such as a demotion or loss of pay

Hostile Environment

- Occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct "has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment." - Dirty jokes, offensive pictures, swearing, and personal ridicule and insult constitute sexual harassment when an employee finds them offensive - Courts use a "reasonable person" test for hostile environment (In California "reasonable victim" test)

Adapting to education and cultural shifts in the workforce:

- Over the years, the educational attainment of the US labor force has risen dramatically - However: - Less than half of high school seniors can handle math such as decimals, fractions, geometry, simply algebra - Between 40-50% of adults have limited reading ability - "If current trends continue, American business will have to hire a million new workers a year who can't read, write, or count." -

What are some HR green initiatives?

- Paperless - online meetings, applications, training - Telecommuting - Subsidies for transportation - Time for to volunteer for green initiatives

General Concerns with AA

- Perception of reverse discrimination - The potential stigma attached to being hired under an AAP

Job Performance

- Performance = Ability x Motivation - Motivation = f(person, situation) - Motivation is not a personal trait, it varies based on the situation you find yourself in

Adverse Impact Evidence

- Plaintiff must establish a prima facie case using statistics: must demonstrate statistically that this HR practice affects various groups differently - 4/5's rule - Defendant's (employer) rebuttal: - Employer must demonstrate at least one of three possible defense: business necessity, BFOQ, or proof that selection test used is valid - Validation Evidence: Employers should be able to prove that a election device bears a direct relationship to success on the job. THis proof is established through a validation study that shows the job relatedness of the device - Plaintiff's Rebuttal: Plaintiff must prove that an alternative selection device is available that has less adverse impact

Disparate Treatment Evidence

- Plaintiff must establish a prima facie case using the "McDonnell-Douglas Test" - Plaintiff must answer "yes" to four questions to establish a prima facie case: 1. Issue relates to a protected group? 2. Applied and were qualified? 3. Rejected despite qualifications? 4. Position remained open and the search continued for similarly qualified applicants? - Defendant (employer) rebuttal: - Must provide a clear and specific job-based explanation for actions - Is this difficult to do? No. - Plaintiff's Rebuttal: Must prove that the defendant's argument is a pretext (a lie) and the true reason for rejection was prejudice/discrimination - oral/written evidence

What organizations are NOT covered by Title VII?

- Private clubs - Religious organizations - Employers on Indian tribal lands

Organizations Covered Under Title VII

- Private employers with 15+ employees - State and local governments - Labor unions with 15+ members/employees - Educational institutions - Foreign subsidiaries of US organizations employing US citizens

Managing Change and Being Market Responsive

- Problem - human nature is to actively resist change - Reasons why change efforts fail: - Not establishing a sense of urgency - Lacking leaders who communicate the vision - Not systematically planning for and creating short-term "wins" - Not anchoring changes in the corporate culture

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (As amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972)

- Prohibits discrimination in ALL HR activities on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, and national origin - Most significant on the anti-discriminiation laws - Exceptions to the law: - Bona fide occupational qualifications - Business Necessity (safety issue, not about making money) - BFOQ - legal defense in which age, gender, religion, or national origin is an actual qualification for a job - Business necessity - safety issue is the reason the ER is discriminating based on subgroup status - Example BFOQs - race? national origin? gender?

Equal Pay Act of 1963

- Prohibits discrimination in pay, benefits, and pension based on a worker's gender - Must provide equal pay for equal work regardless of gender - "Equal" work = work that requires similar skills, efforts, responsibilities, and working conditions - Exceptions to Equal Pact Act? Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009) - changed statute of limitation for filing an equal pay lawsuit

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (as amended)

- Prohibits employers from discrimination against people age 40 and older (as amended) in any HR-related activities - Covers employers with 20+ employees, unions with 25+, and federal, state, local governments - Age BFOQs: - Occupational exceptions - Related to safety concerns

ADA Act of 1990 Issues

- Protected group: mentally/physically disabled - Definition of "disability" - Essential functions - Reasonable accommodation - Selection Issues - Medical Exams

Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)

- Protects employment rights of individuals who enter the military for short periods of service - Protects against job loss, loss of benefits- rights seniority, or loss of benefits - Employers must retrain employees who need new skills to be re-employed upon return - Employee may be absent up to 5 years for military duty

Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

- Providing employers with info on equal employment opportunity issues - Investigating claims of discrimination - Steps in a typical request for help from EEOC: 1. Investigation - probable cause? Yes/No? 2. Conciliation - if yes, EEOC will attempt to mediate a settlement 3. Litigation - EEOC may represent the plaintiff in court

Regulatory Model of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

- Regulatory Agencies: - Equal Employment, Opportunity, Commission - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) - State Agencies - Court Rulings: - Supreme Court, Federal Courts, State Courts

Auto Workers v. Johnson Controls (1991)

- Safety expectation to BFOQ defense is limited to instances in which gender or pregnancy actually interferes with employee's ability to perform job - Company's moral concerns about health of future children is not sufficient to bar women from employment - Decisions about future children's health left to parents

Making Layoff Decisions

- Seniority or performance? - Labor agreements

Civil Rights Act of 1991 Issues

- Shifted burden of proof in discrimination cases back to employer - Quotas prohibited - Subgroup norming prohibited - Every female getting points added number to score - Treating people by gender v. qualifications - Employer may not be sued for reverse discrimination if under court-order AAP - Right to sue for punitive damages if victim of intentional discrimination - Sexual harassment is covered under Equal Employment Opportunity Act - US citizens working as expatriates are covered under US EEO law

Fair Employment Practice Laws (FEPs)

- State EEO law - More comprehensive than federal law - Extends coverage of federal law - Additional protected groups covered

Executive Order 11246

- Statement made by the executive branch of the government intended for (in this case) the same purpose as Equal Employment Opportunity laws but aimed at federal government and the organization that do business with it (i.e. government contractors) - Similar wording to Title VII + affirmative action requirement - Established the OFCCP

Core Employees

- Strategic knowledge workers - Employees who have firm-specfic skills that are directly linked to the company's strategy - High in strategic value; high in unique skills - Example: Senior Software Programmer

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

- The ADA of 1990 defines a disability as: - A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities (e.g. caring for oneself, walking, speaking) - A record of such impairment, or - Being regarded as having such an impairment - Qualified individual with a disability: the individual has a covered disability and can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation


- The difference between demand forecast v. supply forecast - How critical is the gap? - Does it need immediate attention? - What caused the gap in the first place (preventive maintenance)?

Human Capital

- The economic value of employee's knowledge, skills, and abilities - Problem - it is hard to put a "value" on the skills employees have (unlike physical capital that does get valued and put on the books) - Organizations need to recognize the importance of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) of employees and help them to continually update their skill mix

An employer is considered guilty of sexual harassment when:

- The employer knew or should have known about the unlawful conduct and failed to remedy it or to take corrective action - The employer allows non employees (customers or salespeople) to sexually harass employees

Strategic Human Resource Management

- The pattern of human resources deployments and activities that enable an organization to achieve its strategic goals - Strategy formulation - providing input as to what is possible given the types and numbers of people available - Strategy implementation - making primary resource allocation decisions about structure, processes, and human resources to meet strategic goals


- The planned elimination of jobs - Attrition, early retirements, layoffs


- The process of comparing the organization's processes and practices with those of other companies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

- The responsibility of the firm to act in the best interest of the people and communities affected by its activities - Sustainability refers to a company's ability to produce a good or service without damaging the environment or depleting a resource

Environmental Scanning

- The systematic monitoring of the major external forces influencing organization 1. Economic factors: general/regional conditions 2. Competitive trends: new processes, services, innovations 3. Technological changes: robotics, office automation 4. Political/legislative issues: laws/administration rulings 5. Social concerns: work/family, equal pay 6. Demographic trends: age, composition, education

Workforce Commitment v. Labor Transactional

- These models assume all employees are created equal - a more balanced view is provided in the "Core/Non-core Model" - Core/Non-Core Model uses commitment approach for the core employees, transactional approach for the non-core groups

What HR areas can help with the ability side?

- Training - growing the skills in-house - Go out in the market and hire people into the organization with the skills

Sources of Information about External Labor Markets

- US Department of Labor Publications - Chambers of Commerce - Industry/trade groups, professional societies - State and local employment agencies

HR's role?

- Victim's assistance programs - retaining, job searching, resume updating, counseling, designing retirement, severance packages - Survivor assistance - counseling, retraining for new responsibilities - Career development - with flatter organizations comes the need for more creative career planning - more lateral moves in one's career rather than every move being upward (i.e. promotion)

Benefits of older workers?

- Wisdom, knowledge, experience - More loyal (not the job hoppers - like stability) - Social needs

What are some potential causes for the glass ceiling effect?

- Women are conflicted between raining family versus keeping their job - Men are the ones making decisions in upper level jobs

Knowledge Workers

- Workers whose responsibilities extend beyond the physical execution of work to include planning, decision making, problem solving, and innovating - They are becoming increasingly more important as economy becomes more high tech/knowledge-oriented

Components of an Affirmative Action Plan

- Workforce analysis - Goals and timetables - Action plan - Audit in place to measure progress

Work Attitudes

- Younger workers may be committed to a particular organization, may identify less with their job than older counterparts - Prefer meaningful, less complicated lives to moving up the career ladder

Labor Supply (Two Components)

1. Internal Labor Supply = current employees 2. External Labor Supply = all people outside the organization who make themselves available for employment

Strategic Vision

A statement about where the company is going and what it can become in the future; clarifies the long-term direction of the company and its strategic intent

Washington v. David (1976)

A test is permissible to use if it is job-related and valid even if it screens out a disproportionate number of a protected class

HR External Customers

Applicants, retirees, former employees, external agencies, other organizations, government agencies

Disparate Treatment

Applying different standards across different groups (overt; intentional)

HR Metrics

Assess the performance of the HR function itself

What are organizations good at?

Attracting people for organization


Business practice of sending jobs to other countries (40-60% savings on labor costs)


Contracting outside the organization to have work done that formerly was done by internal employees

Core Employee

Employees are central to our strategic goals and objectives

Non-Core Employees

Employees in staff positions, low skill jobs, or skills found readily in the labor market

HR Internal Customers

Employees, managers, other departments

T/F: An applicant that you did not hire claims that you denied her employment because of her age (she's 38). Could she take legal action against you on this basis?


T/F: As an employer you must hire a certain number of each demographic group in order to be in compliance with EEO law.


T/F: Persons addicted to illegal drugs are classified as disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services (1998)

First case which ruled the same-sex sexual harassment (male-to-male and female-to-female) is covered under Title VII

What is the impact of the internet on HR?

Green initiatives - you can do a lot more with less, more efficient

HR is typically a staff function means?

HR exists to help other functions so by its very nature, HR has to be customer service oriented

When is HR a "line" (revenue generating) function rather than a "staff" function?

HR facilitating company - outsourcing

Age Discrimination

Making employment decisions based on an employee's age (illegal under Age Discrimination in Employment Act - ADEA)

Strategy Formulation

Moving from simple analysis to devising a coherent course of action

Does technology decrease the total number of jobs available in the workforce?

Net zero - the types of jobs are changing

Is it feasible to pay all of our employees above market wage?

No, even if you look at it from the commitment approach, you will not pay everyone above market wages

Age friendly work culture (culture in which employees 50+ feel welcome - study by AARP):

Phased retirement, retiree health insurance, benefits for PT workers, age-related trainings for managers, child care for grandchildren

Strategic Planning

Procedures for making decisions about the organization's long-term goals and strategies.

Human Resources Planning (HRP)

Process of anticipating and making provision for the movement (flow) of people into, within, and out of an organization.

Adverse Impact

Same standard is applied to everyone but the net effect is that a disproportionate number of a group is "weeded out" (covert; unintentional)


The basic purpose of the organization as well as its scope of operations

Management Forecasts

The opinions (judgments) of supervisors, department managers, experts, or others knowledgeable about the organization's future employment needs

Employee Leasing

The process of outsourcing the entire HR department to another organization (Professional Employer Organization; PEO)

Core Values

The strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for its decisions

What do the Turnover Rate Formula and Avoidable Turnover Rate Formula NOT address about turnover?

These are only numbers; need to look deeper - qualitative. Can't look at numbers and determine if it was good or bad. Did superstar employees leave or poor employees? Was it a functional or dysfunctional turnover? Can't tell from numbers.

T/F: A woman was fired from her job soon after her son was diagnosed with AIDS. She believes her termination was a direct result of her son's diagnosis. Can she sue her former employer under the Americans with Disabilities Act?


Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the work environment

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