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Managers can use integrity tests to _____.

select and hire ethical employees

Bayer AG, Syndial SpA, Crompton Corp., DuPont Dow Elastomers, and Zeon Chemicals are all international manufacturers of rubber chemicals. They have all been indicted as participants in a price-fixing scheme that drove up the costs of rubber chemicals used to make shoes, tires, and other products. They would be most likely to use the ____ model to justify their actions.


According to the ____ ______, the only social responsibility a business has is to make a profit.

shareholder model

Tourism was not the only travel-associated industry that has been visibly hurt by what happened on 9/11. People decided to vacation at home and sales of luggage and similar travel gear decreased significantly. Sales of home swimming pools increased. This decision to stay at home reflects a change in attitudes toward the perceived safety of long-distance traveling. This is an example of a change in the ____ component of the general environment.


The ____ is a type of operational plan that saves managers time because it is created once and then used repeatedly to handle frequently recurring events.

standing plan

Kodak is a company name associated with photography. The development of the digital camera forced Kodak into the innovation stream because the new imaging process was a(n) ____.

technological discontinuity

The three steps in the basic process of managing organizational change outlined by Kurt Lewin are ____.

unfreezing, change intervention, and refreezing

Disney is not in the movie and theme park business. Its _________is to create fun and fantasy for its customers.


The three pitfalls of planning are:

(1) planning may produce a false sense of security, (2) planning may impede change and adaptation, and (3) planners may operate detached from "ground level" reality of the company and its environment.

____ is the emotional reaction that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional.

A-type conflict

The two industries discussed by Michael Porter in the video we watched about the "Five Industry Forces" were:

Airlines and soft drinks

Which of the following statements describes a circumstance under which teams ought to be used?

Ample resources are available.

The signing of the ____ created a regional trading zone in Europe.

Maastricht Treaty

Which of the following statements about normative control is true?

Normative control leads to an emphasis on very selective hiring.

What is the name of the boss in the Dilbert cartoon?

Pointy-Hair Boss

A way to assure that potential employees know the exact working conditions they will be working in, interviewers should show them in the actual place they will be working. This method is called

Realistic job preview (RJP)

____ occurs when managers choose an alternative that is good enough, rather than the best possible alternative.


Wainscott Finch, a Fortune 500 management consulting firm, conducts Project Management Preparatory Academies for its clients in which participants spend 70 hours learning how to create a differential competitive advantage through their employees. Why?

Satisfied employees yield satisfied customers

The fastest-growing racial group in the United States is Hispanics.


_____developed four principles of scientific management. _____ is responsible for the fourteen principles of management. Although Taylor did some time studies, _________ and ______ are best know for time and motion studies.

Taylor; Henri Fayol; Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Many orthopedic parts are almost identical in size and shape. Stryker Howmedica Osteonics in New Jersey used a semi-autonomous work group to develop Product Recognition Technology that makes sure parts are identified correctly and orders are filled correctly. What happened when the team reached the STORMING stage of team development?

Team members began to work together, and different personalities and work styles clashed.

____ is a primary source of organizational culture.

The company's founder

Which of the following signs would indicate that a team is too small?

The team finds it difficult to come up with ideas or generate solutions to problems.

When the local fast-food restaurant manager caught one of her employees giving free food to his friends, she fired him on the spot. When another employee stayed late after work one night to help a woman start her car, the manager rewarded him. What type of control did the restaurant manager use in these two instances?


The highly fragmented chemical industry in Europe has experienced decreasing profits in an industry reluctance to change the way it conducts business, especially in how it competes against lower-priced U.S. imports. This is an example of ____.

competitive inertia

Which skills increase in their importance to success as managers' rise through the managerial ranks?

conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

Before beginning to recruit, organizations must ____.

conduct a job analysis

In a departure from mainstream management thinking, Mary Parker Follett believed ____.

conflict could be beneficial

The marketing manager of a company that manufactures church furniture has been given the job of increasing corporate profits by 5 percent during the upcoming year. The manager decided to give his assistant the full responsibility and authority for developing a mailing campaign to target churches on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. In other words, the marketing manager has ____.

delegated the task

In order to ensure that women have the same opportunities for development and advancement as men, companies should ____.

develop mentoring programs

Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc. introduced the first major production mountain bike in 1980. Two-thirds of its profits come from the sale of mountain bikes. It is recognized worldwide for its ability to design and produce superior mountain bikes. This ability is its ____.

distinctive competence

Quality is typically defined and measured in three ways. They are ____.

excellence, value, and conformance to expectations

Resource similarity and ____ are factors that determine the extent to which firms will be in direct competition with each other.

market commonality

Because of problems associated with conflicts over schedules, budgets, and available resources (including employees), ____ departmentalization often evolves from a simple form to a more complex form.


It is the responsibility of ____ to develop intermediate plans, or plans designed to produce results within six to eighteen months.

middle managers

Connie O'Day is a middle-level manager for the publishers of Free Spirit magazine, a publication targeted to women who are not focused on finding a husband or maintaining a house and garden. She spends much of her day conducting interviews with groups of women to determine what they consider most important in their lives. She also keeps an eye on the sales and content of other women's magazines. Which informational role does O'Day perform?


Which 3 federal government agencies oversee human-resource laws?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

Which of the following is an example of a situational theory of leadership?

Fiedler's contingency theory

Which management theorist would most likely have said, "The greatest waste in the world comes from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions"?

Frank and Lilian Gilbreth

Which of the following statements about needs is true?

Higher-order needs will generally not motivate people as long as lower-order needs remain unsatisfied.

______ refers to regulation of workers' behavior and decisions through widely shared organizational values and beliefs. One way for an organization to implement normative controls is to have very selective hiring practices.

Normative control

________ workers show better judgment, care more about the quality of their work, and are less likely to quit or be late or absent.


Hot Topic is a fast-growing clothing chain targeted to the alternative teen demographic. Hot Topic's CEO Betsy McLaughlin relies on her employees to locate new trends. McLaughlin almost daily consults with her employees for suggestions on what the stores should carry. She relies on their input before making inventory decisions. McLaughlin uses the ____ style of management.


S.M.A.R.T. goals should be:

(1) Specific, (2) Measurable, (3) Attainable, (4) Realistic, and (5) Timely.

MBO is defined as a four-step process in which managers and employees

(1) discuss and (2) select goals, (3) develop tactical plans, and (4) meet regularly to review progress toward goal accomplishment. MBO focuses on shorter-term tactical planning.

A ____ is a performance appraisal process in which feedback is obtained from the boss, subordinates, peers, and co-workers as well as the employees themselves.

360-degree feedback

The ____ is a rule of thumb used by the courts and the EEOC to determine whether there is evidence of adverse impact. A violation of this rule occurs when the selection rate for a protected group is less than a specified level of the selection rate for a nonprotected group.

80 percent rule

How would you respond to the following statement? "Group conflict is always bad."

Cognitive conflict (C-type) is strongly associated with improvements in team performance.

____ is a performance assessment in which companies identify which customers are leaving and the rate at which customers are leaving.

Customer defection

____ is intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposefully not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs

Disparate treatment

Which of the following statements about economic value added (EVA) is true?

EVA is the amount by which profits (after expenses) exceed the cost of capital in a given year.

Which management theorist provided managers with a better understanding of the effect group social interactions and employee satisfaction have on individual and group performance?

Elton Mayo

_____ _____ are defined as nontax methods of increasing the cost or reducing the volume of imported goods.

Nontariff barriers

____ _____ is defined as a comparison of the relative cost of a standard set of goods and services in different countries. The growth potential of a given market is determined by its purchasing power and the strength of foreign competitors. Markets are most attractive when they have solid and growing purchasing power and relatively weak existing competition.

Purchasing power

______may influence ethical codes but typically do not cover all of the possible ethical dilemmas faced by a company's employees.


____ generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interest for the good of the group.

Transformational leadership

According to the text, which of the following is a pitfall of planning?

a false sense of certainty based on faulty assumptions

Unlike ____, which punishes companies for not achieving specific gender and race differences in their work forces, ____ programs seek to benefit both organizations and their employees by encouraging organizations to value all kinds of differences.

affirmative action; diversity

To which of the following aspects of the human resource management process does U.S. Federal employment law apply?

all of these

Which of the following is a common type of rating error to which managers are prone in the performance appraisal process?

central tendency error

According to an Indian Cardinal by the name of Varkey Vithayathil, the greatest weakness of the Catholic Church is the way papal authority is exercised without the participation of those concerned. His eminence Cardinal Vithayathil is criticizing the fact that the Catholic Church relies on ____.

centralization of authority

Tom Valerio was the point man on a major push to reinvent CIGNA Property & Casualty. His vision for CIGNA was to become a top-quartile, specialist property and casualty company. It was a radical proposition. Valerio was a(n) ____.

change agent

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic methods for managing resistance to change?

change simulation

The 1993 stand-off between federal agents and people inside the Branch Dividian compound at Waco, Texas, resulted in the deaths of approximately 80 Branch Dividians, including leader David Koresh who declared himself the new messiah. Koresh used ________ to create strong relationships between him and his followers who were willing to die for him.

charismatic leadership

Lever's most successful product in India is Fair & Lovely, a skin whitening agent that is sold to dark-skinned women in India marketed to help the women find better husbands and better jobs. Lever is emphasizing its ____ responsibility to make a profit and ignoring its ____ responsibility to help women realize that their appearances are superficial.

economic; discretionary

One of the primary reasons for the slow response to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina was an antiquated government system that was bogged down in bureaucratic red tape. In other words, the failure of assistance to arrive in a timely fashion was due to a lack of:


A top manager for a management consulting firm would:

establish a positive organizational culture that encourages employees to be passionate about their clients

What term describes the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue?

ethical intensity

Companies can achieve growth mainly by ____.

growing internally through direct expansion or creating new businesses

The U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines impose smaller fines on companies that ____.

have already established a specific type of compliance program

The normative decision theory ____.

helps managers determine how much employee participation should be used in decision making

In Canada, two automobile companies have entered into a ____ ____to create CAMI Automotive. One firm's management runs the plant, which makes the other's cars. The agreement gives one access to the other's dealers to sell its brand of vehicles.

joint venture

Which of the following approaches tends to be most important to making an international business successful in any given country?

local adaptation

The term ____ refers to a work environment where (1) each member is empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves; and (2) the individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a particular group.

organizational plurality

While ____ emphasizes jobs and their authority relationships, ____ emphasizes the activities through which work gets done in the organization.

organizational structure; organizational process

A business school administrator who is determining what classes will be offered in which rooms and who will teach each specific class is involved in which classical management function?


Uganda is one of only two countries in the world that produce a mineral required in the manufacturing of cellular phones. Several mining companies recently moved their operations out of the region due to a bloody civil war resulting from a change in rulers. This is an example of how ____ can influence global business.

political uncertainty

According to the ____theory, companies go through long, simple periods of environmental stability, followed by short, complex periods of dynamic, fundamental environmental change, finishing with a return to environmental stability.

punctuated equilibrium theory

Robert Strickland works in the legal department at a large consumer products manufacturer. It is his job to craft warnings on package labels. This is Strickland's ____.

staff function

The basic control process of business begins with ____.

the establishment of clear standards of performance

The auto industry has been perfecting the internal combustion engine (ICE) for some 120 years. The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV), a cooperative program between the Big Three and the U.S. government to replace ICEs with electric engines, has been operating since 1993. The internal combustion engine (ICE) is an example of ____.

a dominant design

The European Union (EU) bans the importation of hormone-fed U.S. beef and bioengineered corn and soybeans on safety grounds. This ban is so consumers in the EU will buy domestic beef and products made from domestically produced corn and soybeans. This ban is an example of ____.

a government import standard

Former female employees of a national real estate brokerage firm claimed that they were subjected to lewd remarks, unwanted groping, and sexual propositions by male co-workers. According to their attorney, "The firm created a frat-house culture and then failed to do anything about it." Their suit claims the women were victims of ____.

a hostile work environment

Which of the following is a component of a book publisher's general environment and will indirectly influence how it does business?

a trend toward less leisure time

Which of the following approaches to implementing Fiedler's contingency theory in the workplace has proven effective?

accurately measuring and matching leaders to situations

David Dworkin is the founder of a small Atlanta-based chain of retail stores called Swoozie's. The stores target affluent women and carry eclectic lines of wrapping paper, stationery, invitations, and gifts. Dworkin has expressed a strong need to expand Swoozie's nationwide, According to McClelland's Learned Needs Theory, Dworkin has a need for___________.


All job applicants for a position in an interior design company were given 10 swatches of fabrics of different colors and textures, 30 different paint chips, and 6 different floor treatments. They were then told to select the best fabric, paint, and floor treatment for an office. What type of selection test was used in this example?

aptitude testing

Managers often prefer to use business confidence indices ____.

as predictors of future economic activity when making business decisions

In the typical S-curve pattern of innovation, increased effort (i.e., money, research and development) brings only small improvements in technological performance

at both the beginning and end of the cycle

Companies may determine standards by ____.

benchmarking other companies

Planning is ultimately based upon ____.

choosing a goal and developing a method or strategy to achieve that goal

Frederick Taylor is famous for____.

creating the principles of scientific management

As the German pharmaceuticals company decided to implement a diversity training program, its human resources managers discovered the Americans reached decisions very quickly. One German manager described them as "hip shooters." He said, "We [Germans] are more analytical. We're more logical and systematic." This discovery had to do with ____.

deep-level diversity

Hohner is a company that manufactures and markets harmonicas, a product with a steady demand rate. It is so successful at what it does that the company controls 85 percent of the world's harmonica industry. In terms of the adaptive strategies, Hohner would most likely be categorized as a(n) ____.


As a company that manufactures janitorial cleaning supplies tries to develop more environmentally -friendly products that can clean as well as its current ones, the company's manager must select among alternatives derived from oranges, parsley, lemon, or a combination of these ingredients. This is the ____ step in the rational decision-making model.

evaluate each alternative

The ____ approach to innovation assumes that innovation is occurring within a highly uncertain environment and that the key to fast product innovation is to use intuition, flexible options, and hands-on experience to reduce uncertainty and accelerate learning and understanding.


Caterpillar announced plans to cut its production of construction equipment due to forecasted increases in steel prices. By discovering the problem with product inputs and letting customers know that its output will fall short, Caterpillar used ____ controls.


According to a survey done on teaching evaluations, engineering students consider the improvement of teaching to be the most important outcome of the evaluation process. For engineering students who believe their efforts will lead to better teaching, the motivation to fill out a teaching evaluation would have a

high valence

Typically the most important factor in the relationship between companies and their suppliers is ____.

how dependent they are on each other

Diversity helps companies grow by ____.

improving marketplace understanding

For a fast-food restaurant chain that is famous for its small, square hamburgers. Which of the following would be a component of its general environment?


College football coaching requires that coaches design every facet of practices, set goals for their players, determine schedules, and even direct all of the plays during the games. College football coaching uses ____ type of managing.

initiating structure

An article on public libraries contained the following statement: "The Balanced Scorecard helps organize and run the library according to a specific strategic plan, while demonstrating the library's value to the community as a whole." When dealing with the ____ area of the Balanced Scorecard, the article advised librarians to ask, "How can the library continue to improve and create value?"

innovation and learning perspective

The central concern of the job characteristics model (JCM) is ____.

internal motivation

The Gantt chart ____.

is a chart that shows when and where tasks need to be completed so that a job can be completed in a timely fashion

The marketing manager of Interstate Bakeries was asked to meet with the organization's research and development department(s) to explain why the company needed to change its 25-year-old package design for Twinkies. The marketing manager took on an interpersonal role as:


Sodima is a French cooperative that owns the name, the trade secrets, and the patents on Yoplait yogurt. General Mills pays Sodima for the right to sell Yoplait yogurt in the United States. This is an example of ____.


Currently the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) pays Olympic athletes $25,000 for each gold medal, $15,000 for a silver medal, and $10,000 for a bronze medal. Since 1960, the Paralympics for disabled athletes has been an integral part of the Olympic Games, yet the USOC pays disabled athletes only 10 percent of what the Olympic athletes are paid, and Paralympic athletes are not allowed to participate in opening ceremonies. For disabled athletes who believe their efforts will not be fairly rewarded, the motivation to win a Paralympics medal would have a(n) ____.

low valence

To make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else, organizations can ____.

make a commitment to reasonable workplace accommodations

When Ruth was hired to be the second-in-command at Graham Mailing Services, she was told that her job was to deal with the employees to make sure they got the mailing done to the customers' specifications. She was not instructed on how to run machines or in any other technical area because Her was a job in:


Except for the core business activities that they can perform better, faster, and cheaper than others, ____ outsource all remaining business activities to outside companies, suppliers, specialists, or consultants.

modular organizations

Driving in heavy traffic makes Hal very anxious and sometimes angry. He leaves home earlier than usual one morning and doesn't run into heavy traffic. He leaves home earlier again the next morning, and again he avoids heavy traffic. His behavior of leaving home earlier is strengthened by the consequence of the avoidance of heavy traffic. What kind of reinforcement has occurred in this example?

negative reinforcement

The Japanese government has proclaimed that its snow is different from that found in any other region of the world. As a result, all snow skis marketed in Japan must be manufactured in Japan. This is an example of a(n) ____.

nontariff barrier

A group of workers in a medical examiner's office decided that they would not wear blue jeans to work because such casual wear seemed unprofessional. This informal agreement was made even though the office did not have a dress code. The workers created a(n) ____.


All of the following are important factors in the creation of an ethical business climate EXCEPT ____.

official approval of the company's ethics code by government regulators

In general, this management theory uses a quantitative approach to find ways to increase productivity, improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories.

operations management

A high degree of buyer or seller dependence can lead to _______ by one party at the expense of the other.

opportunistic behavior

Creativity was needed to improve efficiency without raising costs at one automobile maker. Over the last few years, the company has successfully implemented a creative engineering program that allows its plants to produce more than one type of car from the same assembly line. This successful change to a flexible manufacturing system is an example of ____.

organizational innovation

Nestlé was unsuccessful in early attempts to sell its chocolate in India. It discovered its chocolate bars were not suitable for the Indian markets because the candy had to sit in direct sunlight without benefit of air conditioning and became messy. Nestlé adopted an innovation strategy and developed Chocostick, a liquid chocolate, which is very popular. Solving this problem involved what management function?


In Fiedler's contingency theory, the term ____ refers to the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers.

position power

Doug has a low-paying job for a telecommunications company. Every day when he goes home from work, Doug puts a headset, a stapler, or something similar in his lunch box and takes it home with him. Doug sees nothing wrong with his behavior since he feels he is being paid less than he should. In terms of Kohlberg's stages of moral development, Doug is operating at which level?


Procter & Gamble has divisions for personal and beauty, house and home, health and wellness, baby and family, and pet nutrition and care. These divisions indicate that the company uses ____ departmentalization.


Boeing's operation in Macon, Georgia was named one of the ten best manufacturing plants in North America by IndustryWeek magazine. The company maintains an employee involvement team to track the plant's goals and performance metrics. This team ____.

provides advice to management concerning areas that needed change or improvements

LexisNexis realized that its ability to serve new Web-based customers was severely straining its customer service department after thousands of small and midsize law firms representing a huge business opportunity had to wait 48 hours to have their Web accounts activated after signing up. Clearly, LexisNexis needed to revamp its customer sign-up and order-fulfillment processes, which were designed for large law firms and the ordering of hardcover legal tomes. LexisNexis would most likely use ____ to radically change its business practices.


In equity theory, ____ are others with whom people compare themselves to determine if they have been treated fairly.


Which of the following factors can help managers determine whether more or different control is worthwhile?

regulation costs

According to strategic reference point theory, managers have two basic strategic alternatives. They are ____.

risk-avoiding strategy and risk-seeking strategy

Top-Flite manufactures Strata golf balls and prices these balls at about three times what ordinary golf balls cost. The Strata ball sells exceptionally well because customers perceive its patented three-layer construction to improve handling and increase distance. The patent on these golf balls gives Top-Flite a(n) ____.

sustainable competitive advantage

When done correctly, management by objectives (MBO) is an extremely effective method for ____.

tactical planning

Which of the following paradigms for managing diversity not only takes into account surface-level diversity but also focuses on integrating deep-level diversity differences such as personality, attitudes, beliefs, and values into the actual work of the organization?

the learning and effectiveness paradigm

Kodak makes digital cameras and paper for prints. Kodak would view the growing popularity of digital cameras as a(n) ____ in its external environment if it considered how digital cameras affect sales of cameras that use film. On the other hand, Kodak would view the growing popularity of digital cameras as a(n) ____ in its external environment if it considered the amount of Kodak processing paper used in printing pictures made by digital cameras.

threat; opportunity

Jeffrey Bluestein was the CEO who brought Harley-Davidson back from the brink of bankruptcy. During the first years he was CEO of Harley-Davidson, Bluestein said, "I was quite a directive leader because we needed to make progress quickly." Bluestein would have ______________.

told employees precisely what he expected them to do

According to an article from CIO Magazine, "Leadership grows from courage and integrity." From this opening statement, you know the article will discuss leadership from the ____.

trait theory viewpoint

Synergy occurs when ____.

two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart

Starbucks, the operator of Starbucks coffeehouses, also markets a line of compilation CDs and other non-coffee items. The making and marketing of the CDs and other non-coffee products would be an example of ____.

unrelated diversification

In May 2005, U.S. Attorney Michael J. Sullivan announced that the United States had settled civil claims arising out of a suit that alleged Oracle Corporation had violated the False Claims Act in connection with billing the federal government for software training services. The U.S. government learned about the overcharging from a former Oracle vice president. The vice president acted as a(n) ____.


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