MHR - Exam 3
Subordinate Participation Styles
-Decide -Delegate -Consult Individually -Consult Group -Facilitate
-establishing direction -aligning people -motivating and inspiring -produces change and has potential to produce useful change
Personal Characteristics of Subordinates
-locus of control -perceived ability
Types of Situational Factors
-personal characteristics of the subordinates -characteristics of the environment
-planning and budgeting -organizing and staffing -controlling and problem solving -produces a degree of predictability, order, and produces major results
Characteristics of the Environment
-task structure -formal authority system -primary work group
Communication Process
1. Encoding 2. Message 3. Channel 4. Decoding 5. Feedback 6. Noise
Dependents of Media Richness
1. Interactivity/Availability of feedback 2. Ability to transmit multiple cues 3. Language variety for conveying a broad set of concepts and ideas 4. Personal focus of the medium
Favorableness of Situations
1. Member relations 2. Task-Structure 3. Leader Position Power
Middle-of-the-Road Management
Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level (5,5)
Check on the success of the communication
Ohio State Leadership Studies
Defined leader consideration and initiating-structure behaviors as independent dimensions of leadership
Authority-Compliance Management
Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree (9,1)
Encoded information being sent
Impoverished Management
Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership (1,1)
Relationships with coworkers, bosses, and others we know because of the roles we hold are known as ___________.
Formal ties
How we reduce the amount of information being received to a manageable amount
Which of the following describes someone with a 1,1 rating on the Leadership Grid
I believe in doing the minimum amount of work in order to meet organizational goals
What is one way to enhance horizontal communication?
Online videos, wikis, or blogs can be made available to employees
Job Centered Leader Behavior
Pays attention to the work of subordinates, explains work procedures, and is interested in performance
High-Context Cultures
Situational and nonverbal cues are used to convey meaning
The nature of managerial leadership varies depending on the culture. Which of the following countries experiences a low need for managers to have immediate and precise answers to subordinates' questions?
Information Push
When information is received when it was not requested
Information Pull
When someone receives requested information
Team Management
Work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a "common stake" in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect (9,9)
Sunriver Homes Corporation has identified a need for strong strategic leadership. As they search for a new CEO, what leadership traits will they seek?
a clear understanding of trends on the horizon
ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and/or behaviors of others
in which stage of Glasl's model of conflict escalation does one side get frustrated by debate and block the opponent's goals, forcing the opponent to yield?
action over words
Disruptive negotiations occur under zero-sum conditions. What does this mean?
any gain by one party is offset by an equivalent loss to the other party
anything that blocks, distorts, or changes in any way the message the sender intended to communicate
In which form of alternative dispute resolution does the third party have the authority to impose a settlement on the parties?
Employee-Centered Leader Behavior
attempts to build effective work groups with high-performance goals
When a person's beliefs about a leader change based on the behavior of other people in the situation, this is known are ______________.
Active Listening
becoming actively involved in the process of listening to what others are saying and clarifying messages' meaning
According to project GLOBE, which of the following is NOT a universal characteristic of strong leaders, regardless of culture or geography
being immodest
Body Language
body movement such as a gesture or expression that conveys information to others
both a process and a property
Amy has been told she needs to improve her active listening skills. Which strategy would help her to do this?
closely observe the speaker for changes in tone and body language
which conflict management style emphasizes problem solving and pursues an outcome that gives both parties what they want?
Jess works for the Rainbow Irrigation Company and has been assigned to work with her suppliers in China. There have been disagreements about shipping deadlines and quality of parts. Which of the following strategies would most likely be viewed favorable by the Chinese managers?
compromise to resolve the issues
When each side sacrifices something in order to end the conflict, this is called ______________.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the nature of conflict?
conflict is inherently destructive
Oleg follows Vroom's decision tree to a terminal node and then discusses an important issue with his subordinates individually, getting their opinions before making a decision. What style did Oleg use?
Low-Context Cultures
cultures that rely on words to convey meaning
Michigan Leadership Studies
defined job-centered and employee-centered leadership as opposite ends of a single leadership dimension -determine the pattern of leadership behaviors that results in effective group performance
What type of communication occurs when top-level executives in an organization seek feedback from white-collar employees at all levels of the organization?
diagonal communication
Verbal Intonation
emphasis given to spoken words or phrases
LPC theory of Leadership
explains and reconciles both the leader's personality and the complexities of the situation -some leaders may be effective in a given situation but not in another
According to Hersey and Blanchard, what does appropriate leader behavior depend on?
follower readiness
Supportive Leadership
friendly and shows concern for subordinates' status, well-being, and needs
Research has shown that managers who have good conflict resolution skills ____________ than managers who don't
get more promotions
Micah is known as someone who is respectful of and concerned about his subordinates.He effectively communicates so that his subordinates know what is expected of them. How would he be categorized according to the Ohio State leadership studies?
high consideration, high initiating
Tannenbaum and Schmidt's Leadership Continuum
identifies seven levels of leadership, which range between the extreme boss-centered and subordinate-centered leadership
Behavioral Approach to Leadership
identify behaviors that differentiates effective leaders from nonleaders
Trait Approach to Leadership
identifying leadership traits, developing methods for measuring them, and using the methods to select leaders
Which of the following enables users to see who is logged on and to chat with them in real time?
instant messaging
interpretation and translation of the message back into something understood by the receiver
Initiating -Structure Behavior
leader clearly defines the leader-subordinate roles so that subordinates know what is expected of them
Participative Leadership
leader consults with subordinates about issues and takes their suggestions into account before making a decision
Consideration Behavior
leader is concerned with the subordinates' feelings and respects subordinates' ideas
Directive Leadership
leader lets subordinates know what is expected of them, gives guidance, schedules work to be done, and maintains standards of performance
Which of the following statements is NOT true of the nature of leadership?
leaders need to use force and formal authority to be successful
Leon is a new human resources manager who has been charged with expanding the sales force. Which of the following ideas should he implement for running effective job interviews?
make any necessary accommodations if candidates have disabilities
manager allows the group to define for itself the exact nature and parameters of the problem and then develop a solution
manager makes the decision alone and then announces or sells it to the group
Consult Group
manager presents the problem to group members at a meeting, gets their suggestions, and then makes a decision
manager presents the problem to the group at a meeting, defines the problem and its boundaries, and then facilitates group member discussion as members make the decision
Consult Individually
manager presents the program to group members individually, obtains their suggestions, and then makes the decision
Which of the following is true about media richness?
media that are low in number of cues and language variety are low in richness
Which of the following involves an impartial party who facilitates a discussion using persuasion and logic, establishes each side's priorities, and suggests a settlement that does not have to be accepted?
medium used to send the message to the receiver
What term refers to the encoded information of the communication process?
Sandra just stepped into the role of CEO for a restaurant chain. Sales have been falling, morale is low, and the properties have become rundown. The board of directors hired her because she's a charismatic leader. Using that style, what steps can she take to turn this organization around?
model self-confidence and show confidence in subordinates
Which of the following is more closely associated with leadership than with management?
leadership as a process
noncoercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group members to meet a goal
Nonverbal Communication
not spoken or written communication that still has meaning to others
Conflict is most likely to escalate due to _____________.
one party involved using aggressive tactics
Vroom's Decision Tree Approach
prescribe how much participation subordinates should be allowed in making decisions
process of transmitting information from one person to another to create a shared understanding and feeling
Leadership Grid
provides a means for evaluating leadership styles and then training managers to move toward and ideal style of behavior -concern for people vs concern for production
When mediating a conflict, what does active listening entail?
reading the other person's facial expressions
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the trait approach to determining leadership characteristics. Which of the following statements is true about this leadership?
recent studies have identified a limited set of leadership traits, such as emotional intelligence, drive, and charisma are acknowledged leadership traits
Which is a useful email guideline that managers can follow to improve business communications?
reread emails to check for spelling and grammar before sending them
leadership as a property
set of characteristics attributed to those who are perceived to use such influence suddessfully
Achievement-Oriented Leadership
setting challenging goals, expecting subordinates to perform at their highest level, and showing strong confidence that subordinates will accomplish goals
Nancy is the administrator at a community nonprofit. She was hired for her expertise in planning and budgeting, but she has experienced conflicts with personnel. Which of the following statements is true about Nancy's role.
she is a manager
According to the leader-member exchange (LMX) model, employees who are considered part of an in-group experience which of the following behaviors in their "vertical dyad" relationship?
strong support from leadership
Path-goal Theory
subordinates are motivated by their leader to the extent that the behaviors of that leader influence their expectancies
Least Preferred Coworker
task or relationship motivation in a given leader
Which factor determines the degree to which subordinates should participate in the decision-making process, according to Vroom's decision tree approach?
the characteristics of the situation
Which of the following barriers to communication is an example of selective perception?
the message isn't decoded the way the sender intended it
When you complete the Least-Preferred Coworker Scale, whom should you have in mind?
the person with whom you can work the least well
Which of the following defines Communication?
the transmission of information between people that creates a shared understanding and feeling
Country Club Management
thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo (1,9)
Which of the following questions does Vroom's decision tree approach purport to answer?
to what extent should my subordinates be involved in making decisions?
What is the term for the set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute the change effectively?
transformational leadership
Abby has been charged with creating a media strategy with a high level of richness. Currently, her firm uses mainly email and formal written correspondence. Abby's goals are to increase interactivity and the firm's ability to communicate multiple cues to customers. Of the following communication media, which could Abby adopt because they are very high in richness?
videoconference and face-to-face
when the message sender converts a thought, idea, or fact into a message composed of symbols, pictures, or words
Selective Perception
when we selectively interpret what we see based on our interests, expectations, experience, and attitudes rather than on how things actually are
You disagree with your boss about a decision, and you're really frustrated. Which of the following strategies would work best to keep this conflict from escalating?
you can focus on the outcomes you want rather than on your boss's actual position