Micro 270- Ch 11 & Ch 12 Concepts

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True or false: Most cephalosporins are administered orally.


Which is the most prominent among antimicrobial physical agents?


In what unit is radiation measured?


What term is used to describe bacteria lacking cell walls?


Pasteurization of milk destroys tuberculosis.


Which of the following describes ortho-phthalaldehyde?

Pale blue liquid

serves as the parent compound for all "-cillin" drugs..

Penicillin G

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ideal antimicrobial drug?

Replaces host's own defenses

Which two substances have proven effective against prions?

Sodium hydroxide Hypochlorite

Skin rashes and hives after taking an antibiotic could indicate a(n) reaction to the drug.

allergy, hypersensitivity, or allergic

Organisms resistant to penicillins and often produce beta-lactamases that hydrolyze the beta-lactam ring structure of the antibiotic.


The are similar in structure to penicillins and interfere with cell wall synthesis.


The phenol quantitatively compares the effectiveness of a chemical to that of phenol.


heat works by dehydrating the cell and/or oxidizing it to ashes.


One mechanism by which microbes can become resistant to a drug is to produce a(n) that alters the structure of the drug.


ETO is the acronym for .

ethylene oxide

The antiparasitic agents mebendazole and thiabendazole disable several stages of roundworm development by blocking the utilization of .


The primary target of fluoroquinolones in Gram-negative bacteria is the enzyme, DNA .


Cationic detergents disrupt the cell .


Rifampin has limited use against Gram-negative bacteria because it cannot cross the cell of these organisms.

membrane or envelope

Niclosamide destroys the scolex and adjoining proglottids of .

tapeworms or cestodes

Which of the following are strategies that can help limit drug resistance of microorganisms?

-Physicians should prescribe antibiotics carefully by choosing narrow-spectrum agents when possible -Research should focus on developing shorter term, higher-dose antibiotics -Patients must comply with physicians guidelines when taking antibiotics

Which root indicates the ability to kill microorganisms?


Which of the following TIs would be the riskier choice?


Tetracyclines may be given to children of which age?


Which of the pressure/temperature combinations is the most efficient for autoclaving?

15 psi and 1210C

All non-heat resistant forms of bacteria, yeasts, molds, protozoa, worms and viruses are destroyed by exposure to 80οC for which minimum amount of time?

20 minutes

With the exception of endospores, almost all microorganisms are killed by chlorine in how many minutes?


Erythromycin and clindamycin resistance is associated with an alteration of the drugs target on the organism's __________.

50S ribosomal subunit

Approximately what percent of infections involve biofilms?


Which of the following are examples of disinfection?

A 5% solution of bleach to clean a lab table Immersing thermometers in an iodine solution Boiling eating utensils

Which of the following are nucleotide analogs that blocks DNA replication in some viruses, particularly the herpes simplex viruses (HHV)?

Acyclovir Penicyclovir Famciclovir Valcyclovir

Which of the following bacteria are routinely tested for drug susceptibility?

Aerobic Gram-negative enteric bacilli Enterococcus faecalis Staphylococcus sp.

HEPA filters are used to sterilize which of the following?


Yellow acridine dyes are not used for which of the following?

Air treatment Water treatment Fomite disinfection

are organic substances that contain a -CHO functional group on a terminal carbon.


Aldehydes are organic substances that contain a -CHO functional group on a carbon.

Aldehydes are organic substances that contain a -CHO functional group on a carbon.

A sterile object is free of which of the following?

All viable microorganisms and viruses

Which of the following are side effects associated with antimicrobial drugs?

Allergic reactions Disruption of normal microflora Damage to host tissues due to toxicity

What is a common concern when physicians prescribe a new drug to patients for the second time?

Allergic response

Two major problems for treatment with penicillin are that some patients experience which of the following?

Allergic responses Resistant strains of pathogens

Which of the following is a hypersensitive response to a particular substance by the immune system?


Glutaraldehyde typically kills microbes by which method?

Altering amino acids Disrupting enzyme function

OPA typically kills microbes by which mechanisms?

Altering amino acids Disrupting enzyme function

Formaldehyde typically kills microbes by which method?

Altering proteins Attachment to nucleic acids

Nerve damage, particularly, the eighth cranial nerve can be caused by which of the following antimicrobials?


are antibiotics composed of one or more amino sugars and a 6-carbon ring and produced by soil actinomycetes.


Which base is a major component of detergents and cleansers?

Ammonium hydroxide

Metronidazole is classified as which type of agent?


Which of the following are antifungal antibiotics?

Amphotericin B Nystatin

Which of the following is a possible consequence of the body metabolizing penicillin to form benzylpenicilloyl?

An allergy

Which of the following is an overwhelming allergic reaction to antigen that develops quickly and leads to severe respiratory and cardiac complication?


Which of the following is a substance produced by natural metabolic processes of some microorganisms that can inhibit or kill other microorganisms?


Griseofulvin is which type of agent?


Which of the following is an inclusive term for any drug used to fight infection, regardless of its causative agent?


Which of the following is not an example of antisepsis?

Applying bleach to surgical area

Antimicrobial solutions with water as the solvent are called solutions, whereas antimicrobial solutions with alcohol or water-alcohol solutions are called .

Aqueous Tinctures

is a term referring to a condition free of pathogenic microorganisms or a procedure or process designed to prevent entry of infectious agents.


Erythromycin blocks protein synthesis by which method?

Attaching to the 50S subunit of the ribosome

Which of the following devices would not be used for dry heat conditions?


Which are examples of using moist heat to sterilize or disinfect materials?

Autoclaving Pasteurization Boiling

Which of the following is a bacterial cell wall inhibitor found in over-the-counter antibacterial ointments?


is a narrow spectrum antibiotic produced by a strain of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis.


Which microbial agent is the most resistant to physical and chemical control methods?

Bacterial endospores

Contaminants that can have far-reaching effects if not adequately controlled include which of the following?

Bacterial vegetative cells Fungal hyphae and spores

Which term best describes the inhibition of bacterial growth?


Identify the active part of the penicillin structure. Multiple choice question.

Beta-lactam ring

Which of the following enzymes secreted by certain bacteria cleaves the beta-lactam ring of penicillins and provides for resistance against the antibiotic?

Beta-lactamase Penicillinase

Which "formation" is produced by some microbes which in turn makes them resistant to some antimicrobial compounds and the shear force of moving liquids?


Identify the three major modes of action of antiviral drugs.

Blocking virus transcription and translation Preventing virus maturation Barring virus penetration into host cell

ETO is a strong alkylating agent that does which of the following?

Blocks DNA synthesis Blocks enzymatic reactions

Which of the following is a recommended method for disinfecting unsafe drinking water?


water can be an effective means of disinfection in the home.


Which describes the spectrum of the highly potent fluoroquinolones?


spectrum action is a desirable characteristic of a germicide.


Tetracycline is an example of which type of drug?

Broad spectrum

Which of the following describes the cephalosporins?

Broad-spectrum Most resistant to penicillinase Most administered parenterally Most injected into a muscle or a vein

species, which can cause undulant fever, are destroyed by pasteurization.


Non-ionizing radiation works to damage cells by which of the following?

By causing DNA mutations

The temperatures used in incineration must usually be above which of the following?


sp. can cause superinfections of the oropharynx called thrush.


When a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic is given to a patient with a UTI infection caused by E. coli, one possible side effect is a vaginal infection caused by which fungus?

Candida albicans

Nystatin is used orally to treat which of the following?


Hydrogen peroxide can decompose in the presence of which of the following?

Catalase Metals Light

In sterilization, which of the following are removed or destroyed?

All microorganisms

Yellow acridine dyes are used for which of the following?

Antisepsis Wound treatment

Which is typically the most resistant to heat?

Bacterial endospores

Use of which type of antibiotic can have far reaching affects on beneficial resident species?


is another name for polymyxin E.


Reverse transcriptase is a retroviral enzyme that does which of the following?

Converts RNA to DNA

is the general term used for the reduction of the microbial load in order to lower the possibility of infection or spoilage.


As the volume of a solution to be autoclaved increases, what must also happen?

Duration increase

How do surfactants work to destroy microorganisms?

Cause leaky membranes

Which of the following is the consequence of exposure of a bacterium to an antibiotic that inhibits cell wall synthesis?

Cell lysis

What is the cellular target of daptomycin?

Cell membrane function

Which of the following structures in bacteria protect the cell from lysis (rupture) in hypotonic environments?

Cell wall

Which of the following are primary sites for action of antimicrobial drugs in bacteria?

Cell wall Cell membrane Ribosomes Nucleic acids

Cell wall inhibitors like penicillins and cephalosporins interfere with enzymes responsible for which of the following?

Cell wall construction

When these two drugs are used in combination nephrotoxic effects are increased.

Cephalosporins Penicillins

Which of the following antibiotics contain the beta-lactam ring?

Cephalosporins Penicillins

Which are not effects of chlorine dioxide on microbes?

Change in membrane permeability Mutation of DNA Disruption of cell wall

Which drug is any agent used in the treatment, relief, or prophylaxis of a disease?


Dyes are important for which of the following reasons?

Chemotherapeutic drugs Selective and differential media Staining techniques

Which of the following antibiotics attaches to the 50S subunit of the ribosome in a way that prevents the formation of peptide bonds and blocks protein synthesis?


Which of the following broad-spectrum antibiotics has limited use because it can lead to aplastic anemia?


Which of the following drugs can severely depress blood-forming cells?


Which of the following has a unique nitrobenzene structure?


Which of the following is limited to treating rickettsial and chlamydial infections when an alternative therapy is unavailable?


Which of the following is the antiseptic cleanser of choice to control MRSA and Acinetobacter outbreaks in hospitals?


Which of the following drugs are currently in use against Plasmodium infections?

Chloroquine Primaquine

One of the greatest concerns in the canning industry is to prevent the growth of which of the following bacteria?

Clostridium botulinum

Because of our perception of temperature, irradiation is considered a what type of sterilization?


One approach to deal with microbes known to be drug resistant is to do which of the following?

Combined therapies

Which type of inhibition of an enzyme occurs when the enzyme is blocked from action after a substance that mimics the normal substrate binds to the active site?


Which of the following factors plays the largest role in antimicrobial activity?


Although they do have some drawbacks, heavy metals are used for which of the following?

Controlling microbial growth on objects Preservatives Prevention of infection

The flash method of pasteurization is used to remove which species of bacteria from liquids?

Coxiella Mycobacterium

Which of the following antibiotics inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis?

Cycloserine Vancomycin Ampicillin

HIV integrase inhibitors prevent viral from being incorporated or integrated into an host cell's chromosome.


Antibiotics that disrupt nucleic acid synthesis do so by targeting components of which processes?

DNA replication Transcription

Identify the major side effects of quinolones.

Damage to tendons Seizures Risk of aortic aneurysms

is the most active sulfone and is usually given in combination with rifampin and clofazimine.


When a certain threshold of a microbicidal agent is reached, occurs in the microbial population in a logarithmic manner.


Microbial control methods are referred to as procedures.


Biological matter such as serum, blood or urine has which of the following effects on a germicide?

Decreases effectiveness

Which of the following is a term used to describe the reduction of microbial load on living tissues through mechanical means (e.g., using a scrubbing brush)?


Dry heat works by which of the following ways?

Dehydrating the cell Denaturing proteins Oxidizing the cell to ashes

A 75% concentration of alcohol usually affects microbes by which of the following?

Denaturing proteins

Iodine compounds typically kill microbes due to which of the following?

Denaturing proteins

Moist heat works mostly by which of the following ways?

Denaturing proteins

UV lamps have been commonly used to disinfect air in which of the following?

Dental offices Food preparation areas Hospital rooms Schools

Which is the most common complaint associated with oral antimicrobial therapy?


The primary targets of microbial control are microorganisms that cause which of the following?

Disease Food spoilage

Which of the following are uses for BPL?

Disinfect whole rooms Inactivate viruses in vaccines Sterilize bone grafts

Usually, UV rays are used for which of the following?


Which of the following includes the removal/inactivation of harmful products of microbes, like toxins?


Boiling water can be an effective means of obtaining which of the following in the clinic and home?

Disinfection Sanitization

Phenolics typically kill microbes by which of the following methods?

Disrupting the cell wall Disrupting the cell membrane Denaturing metabolic enzymes

What is the effect of chlorine dioxide on microbes?

Disruption of proteins

The production of beta-lactamases is responsible for which of the following?

Drug inactivation

The tolerance of an antimicrobial agent at a level which would normally be inhibitory is called which of the following?

Drug resistance

Which of the following diseases is controlled by clindamycin?

Drug-resistant staphylococcal infections Acne Intestinal infections caused by anaerobes

What is adjusted when autoclaving large, bulky loads instead of light loads?


and oxide are used mainly as disinfectant-sterilants for some foods and plastic items.

ETO, Ethylene, or ethylene propylene or Propylene

Which type of microbe is not killed or inactivated by intermediate-level germicides?


What types of microbes are not killed or inactivated by low-level germicides?

Endospores Fungal spores

Which organisms typically can not be destroyed by cationic detergents?

Endospores Resistant viruses

Which of the following microbial forms are relatively resistant to heat?

Endospores Viruses

Synercid is effective against members of which genera?

Enterococcus Streptococcus Staphylococcus

Alcohols are most effective at destroying which of the following?

Enveloped viruses Vegetative bacteria

Microbes can inactivate drugs by producing which of the following that change the structure of the drug to a nontoxic form?


is the sterol present in fungal membranes but absent in human cell membranes.


Which of the following is a macrolide antibiotic that is composed of a lactone ring?


Which of the following is an agar diffusion test that utilizes gradients of antibiotics on strips?


The is an agar diffusion test that can be used on anaerobes, mycobacteria, and fungi.

Etest or epsilometer

oxide is valuable for sterilization of heat-sensitive objects such as plastics, surgical and diagnostic appliances, and spices, but other related gases are available that are less toxic.


Drugs that are effective against fungi have a strong possibility of being toxic to humans because both organisms are which of the following?


Antimicrobial drugs that block bacterial protein synthesis could also affect which of the following in the host cell?

Eukaryotic mitochondria

The antimicrobial silver sulfadiazine is prescribed for the treatment of which of the following?

Eye infections Burns

The dehydration of pathogens that can lead to either death or preservation is referred to as .


True or false: Acids or alkalis are limited in their application because they have limited reliability.


True or false: All viruses have the same susceptibility to heat.


True or false: Aminoglycosides are very narrow-spectrum antibiotics.


True or false: Drug resistance only arises from an organism gaining the genetic information for the resistance from another organism.


True or false: Halogens are only microbistatic.


True or false: Incineration is an example of using moist heat to sterilize or disinfect materials.


True or false: Iodine compounds are commonly used for household cleaning.


True or false: Ionizing radiation is not an effective method of controlling microbes in food products.


True or false: Most vegetative forms of microorganisms are susceptible to the same exposure to heat.


True or false: Natural selection for drug-resistant forms of bacteria is rare.


True or false: The most effective drugs that treat infections caused by flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms eradicate the adult stages of the organisms.


True or false: The normal boiling point of water is sufficient to kill all microbes.


The straining of a fluid or air through a membrane to trap microorganisms is known as .


What is the process of straining a fluid or air through a membrane to trap microorganisms?


Which of the following antifungal drugs is a nucleotide analog?


Acids and alkalis are commonly used for which of the following?

Food preservation Household cleaning

is a 37% solution of formaldehyde gas dissolved in water.


How are many cultures of microbes routinely preserved?


Amphotericin B is considered highly versatile in that it is effective in treating most infections caused by which of the following?


Direct examination of body fluids, sputum, and stool can provide a rapid detection method for which of the following?

Fungi Bacteria

An agent that kills fungal spores, hyphae and yeasts is called a .


Which of the following drugs blocks the fusion of the HIV envelope with the host cell membrane?


Which of the following devices emits ionizing rays?

Gamma ray machines X-ray machines Cathode ray machines

Which of the following is most penetrating?

Gamma rays

Which of the following can cause permanent inactivation of microbial DNA?

Gamma rays Ultraviolet rays

Which of the following are chemical agents that kill non-endospore forming pathogens?


Metronidazole is used to treat which of the following protozoan pathogens?

Giardia lamblia Entamoeba histolytica Trichomonas vaginalis

, an aldehyde, is one of the few chemicals that is officially accepted as a sterilant and a high-level disinfectant.


Which of following are the two aldehydes used most often in microbial control?

Glutaraldehyde and ortho-phthaldehyde

Rifampin is used mainly to treat infections caused by which of the following?

Gram-positive bacteria

Which of the following antifungal drugs has potentially serious side effects that limit its use to only persistent dermatophyte infections?


Which of the following bacteria are normally not tested for drug susceptibility?

Group A streptococci

Identify any chemical agent used to control microbes.

Halogens Detergents Heavy metals

Which of the following are examples of antisepsis?

Handwashing with soap Surgical preparation of skin Cleansing of wound

Which of the following are examples of physical agents or mechanical means used to control microbes?

Heat Filtration Radiation

Liver damage caused by exposure to antimicrobial drugs can result in which of the following?

Hepatitis Enzymatic abnormalities Liver failure

In most cases, solutions of which general percentage are more germicidal?


Which level germicides can function as sterilants?


The advantages of ionizing radiation include which of the following?

High penetration power Rapid results

Which of the following cancers are not treated with interferon?

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Which of the following is not a side effect associated with antimicrobial drugs?

Host cell metabolism of drug

What is the main disadvantage of using formalin?

Hurts people in the same way it kills microbes

An allergy is caused by a hypersensitive response from which system?


Which of the following is the practical definition of microbial death?

Inability to reproduce

Heavy metals typically kill microbes by which of the following methods?

Inactivating proteins

Sterilization methods are usually reserved for which of the following?

Inanimate objects

is the destruction of microbes by subjecting them to extremes of dry heat, reducing them to ashes and gas.


Advantages of semisynthetic penicillins over natural penicillins include which of the following?

Increased movement across gram-negative cell walls Increased spectrum

What are the effects of adding pressure to water in an autoclave?

Increases boiling point of water Increases temperature of steam

Antimicrobial agents affect microbial DNA in what ways?

Inhibit replication Prevent transcription Cause mutations

Which HIV enzyme is responsible for incorporating the viral DNA into the host cell's chromosomes?


Which of the following is a normal human glycoprotein produced in response to immune stimuli and can be used therapeutically to fight viruses and cancer?


Which type of germicide is used to treat medical devices in contact with membranes?


is the process of bombardment with radiation at the cellular level to control microbes.


Antacids reduce the absorption of which drug?


Which two of the following antibiotics are used to treat tuberculosis?

Isoniazid Ethambutol

Which two alcohols are effective in microbial control?

Isopropyl Ethyl

What is the main disadvantage of using formalin?

It has a high level of toxicity.

Which is an advantage of glutaraldehyde?

It has a low level of toxicity. It can be used on plastics. It is reliably sporicidal.

Which of the following describe sterilization?

It is generally reserved for inanimate objects. It is only necessary for certain groups of microbes.

Which is the definition of sepsis?

It is growth of microorganisms in the blood or other tissues.

Which of the following describes sterilization of the skin?

It is highly dangerous and impractical.

Which is not an advantage of glutaraldehyde?

It is highly stable in the environment.

Why is ethylene oxide considered an acceptable chemical sterilant?

It is reliably sporicidal.

Which is an advantage of glutaraldehyde?

It is reliably sporicidal. It has a low level of toxicity. It can be used on plastics.

Which of the following are effects of ionizing radiation on food products?

Killing of bacterial pathogens Small decreases in thiamine Changes in texture of some foods

Which of the following techniques is an agar diffusion test to determine antibiotic susceptibility of a particular bacterial strain?


Identify the organic acid that is added to sauerkraut to prevent the growth of anaerobic bacteria, especially clostridia.

Lactic acid

Sulfones are used to treat which of the following conditions?


This is a synthetic drug of the class oxazolidinones that inhibit protein synthesis. It is being used to control MRSA and VRE infections.


Which word is typically used to describe the size of bacterial population?


Disadvantages of UV radiation include which of the following?

Low penetration power Damage to human tissues

Which of the following processes avoids the formation of ice crystals, which can damage cells?


is a method for preserving microorganisms (and other substances) by freezing and then drying them directly from the frozen state.


Which of the following is used to describe the smallest concentration of a particular drug needed to kill or inhibit a microbe?


Clarithromycin and azithromycin belong to which group of drugs?


Which of the following drugs prevents HIV from adhering to the host's cells?


Identify two antiparasitic agents that disable several stages of roundworm development by blocking the utilization of glucose.

Mebendazole Thiabendazole

The process of degermation usually involves which of the following?

Mechanical scrubbing Immersion in chemicals

What materials require intermediate germicides?

Medical devices in contact with membranes

What materials are disinfected with low-level germicides?

Medical devices that contact the skin

Tyndallization, or intermittent sterilization, should not be used to process which of the following?

Medical instruments Bandages and dressings

Polyenes bind to which of the following parts of fungi?


analogs are structurally similar to the natural substrate and compete with it for the active site on the enzyme.


Which of the following are the main drawbacks to heavy metals?

Microbial resistance Can be toxic if inhaled Cause allergies

When microbes are treated with temperatures that exceed their maximum growth temperature, the condition is described as which of the following?


Which of the following is not a primary site for action of antimicrobial drugs in bacteria?


heat works primarily by denaturing proteins.


The Kirby-Bauer technique is not recommended for which bacterium?

Mycobacterium sp.

In the treatment of HIV infections, directly stop DNA synthesis by being incorporated into the DNA strand, and bind directly to the reverse transcriptase enzyme and interfere with its activity.


Which of the following semisynthetic penicillins are useful in treating infections caused by penicillinase-producing bacteria?

Nafcillin Cloxacillin

Bacitracin is an antibiotic with which spectra of activity?


Which term describes the process of some microbes dying while others live in the presence of antimicrobial agents?

Natural selection

The major side effects of quinolones involve which system?


Which antiparasitic agent destroys the scolex and adjoining proglottids of tapeworms?


reverse transcriptase inhibitors, such as nevirapine, bind directly to the reverse transcriptase enzyme and interfere with its activity.


Which term describes pasteurized milk?


Which of the following are quinolones?

Norfloxacin Ciprofloxacin

Which of the following reason best explains why the normal boiling point of water is insufficient to kill endospores?

Not hot enough

Which is the major macromolecule target of non-ionizing radiation?

Nucleic acid

Rifampin disrupts the formation of which macromolecules?

Nucleic acids

Which is the principal macromolecule in cells affected by UV radiation?

Nucleic acids

What type of molecule is acyclovir?

Nucleotide analog

Antimicrobial drugs that damage cell membrane function usually do so by creating leaks in the membrane that disrupt which of the following?

Osmotic tolerance Cell metabolism

Resistance to aminoglycosides can result from changes in cell permeability caused by mutations in proteins in which of the following?

Outer membrane Transport system

The germicidal effects of hydrogen peroxide are due to the direct and indirect actions of which gas?


is a route of drug administration that involves piercing the skin or mucous membranes.


Regular does not sterilize milk and other beverages.


The heat treatment of perishable liquids to destroy heat-sensitive vegetative cells and prevent infection and spoilage is called .


Aztreonam is often used by patients who are allergic to which antibiotic?


Which of the following is an example of drug that blocks bacterial cell wall synthesis and exhibits excellent selective toxicity?


Which of the following is a natural fermentation product of Penicillin chrysogenum?

Penicillin G

The cephalosporins closely resemble which group of antibiotics in terms of structure and function?


Which type of antimicrobial drugs account for the greatest number of antimicrobial allergies?


Great numbers of antibiotics are derived from which of the following fungal genera?

Penicillium Cephalosporium

The mode of action of chloramphenicol is to block the formation of which of the following bonds?


The cell walls of most bacteria are composed primarily of which of the following?


Which of the following would work as a better antimicrobial in the presence of organic matter?

Phenolic compounds

Polymyxins interact with which of the following membrane component(s), causing leakage of cellular contents?


Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are used in combination to treat which of the following conditions?

Pneumocystis pneumonia Urinary tract infections Otitis media

Neosporin is an antibiotic ointment composed of which three antibiotics?

Polymixin Neomycin Bacitracin

The disadvantages of ionizing radiation include which of the following?

Possible material damage Safety for operators

Which disease agent is most likely to pass through a filter?


The use of a drug to prevent imminent infection of a person at risk is called which of the following?


Identify the organic acid that is commonly incorporated into breads to retard molds.

Propionic acid

Which of the following compounds are commonly used as gaseous sterilants or disinfectants?

Propylene oxide Ethylene oxide Chlorine dioxide

inhibitors have been shown to reduce HIV to undetectable levels by specifically preventing virus particle maturation.


Which type of anti-HIV drug blocks a specific enzyme and results in defective, immature, non-infective viruses to be produced?

Protease inhibitors

Heavy metals inactivate which macromolecules found in microbes?


Which two types of macromolecules make up the majority of the cell membrane in organisms?

Proteins Lipids

Which is the mechanism used by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pumps to expel antimicrobial drugs and other toxic substances from a bacterial cell?

Proton-motive force similar to ATP synthesis

Which of the following is a microorganism that can survive at low temperatures?


Which antiparasitic agents paralyze the muscles of intestinal roundworms?

Pyrantel Piperazine

Which of the following was the principal treatment for malaria for hundreds of years?


In recent years quinine has been replaced in the treatment of malaria by drugs in which of the following categories?


The ending -floxacin is used for which category of drugs?


Which of the following are synthetic antimicrobial drugs?

Quinolones Azoles Quinines

Which of the following are synthetic antimicrobial drugs?

Quinolones Quinines Azoles

used for microbial control includes electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelengths.


Which of the following are disadvantages of using ETO?

Rated as a carcinogen by the government Explosiveness Damages mucous membranes if in direct contact

Biofilms are best known to do which of the following?

Reduce drug efficacy

Identify the beneficial effects of irradiated food.

Reduction of bacterial pathogens Longer shelf life

Which explains why food items in the refrigerator eventually spoil?

Refrigerator temperature only slows the activity of most microbes.

Which are antiviral drugs used to treat influenza?

Relenza Xofluza Tamiflu

Which of the following would not help limit drug resistance of microorganisms?

Research should focus on longer course antibiotics that are more effective at lower doses.

A germicide usually cannot kill which of the following cells?


Which is descriptive of L-forms?

Resistant to penicillin

Which are goals of pasteurization?

Retention of liquid qualities Reduction of microbial load

is an analog of thymine and was the first NRTI used to treat HIV infection.


is an analog of thymine and was the first NRTI used to treat HIV infection.

Retrovir or Zidovudine

What type of RNA virus can use its RNA as a template to produce DNA?


The tetracyclines bind to which of the following structures?


Which cellular structure is involved in translation?


Identify the cellular target of aminoglycosides.


Protein synthesis inhibiting drugs affect the activity of which of the following?


Which of the following drugs inhibits transcription?


is the recommended antibiotic for prophylaxis in Neisseria meningitidis.


Which of the following diseases can be treated with tetracyclines such as doxycycline and minocycline?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever Cholera Mycoplasma pneumonia

Pyrantel and piperazine are effective agents against which of the following?


Soaps can be reliably used in the clinical and home setting as which of the following?


Which of the following describes the main function of the cell membrane?

Selective barrier

Which of the following are characteristics of an ideal antimicrobial drug?

Selective toxicity to infecting agent Microbicidal Longevity Inexpensive

Which of the following is an antimicrobial drug isolated from natural sources and then chemically modified in the laboratory?


penicillins are drugs that, after being naturally produced by bacteria, are chemically modified in the laboratory.


Aztreonam is used to control which of the following conditions?

Septicemia Pneumonia Urinary tract infections

Which of the following heavy metals are still used in germicidal preparations?

Silver Mercury

Which of the following ointments is prescribed for treatment of eye infections?

Silver sulfadiazine

Antiseptics are used to destroy vegetative cells on which of the following?

Skin and mucous membranes Wounds and surgical incisions

Aniline dyes are used for which of the following?

Skin infections

is a nucleotide analog which targets the RNA polymerase of the virus that causes hepatitis C.


Which type of material cannot be penetrated by non-ionizing radiation?


Which of the following are some of the desirable qualities in a germicide?

Solubility in a solvent Penetrating ability Rapid action Broad-spectrum action

Ethylene oxide is well recognized as chemical sterilant against which of the following?


Metals with high molecular weights have difficulty in destroying which of the following effectively?

Spores and endospores

Which of the following describe iodine compounds if they are used at proper concentrations and used for the correct period of time?


What type of agent specifically destroys bacterial endospores?


Which of the following vegetative bacterial cells is more resistant to moist heat?

Staphylococcus aureus

A chemical agent that can destroy bacterial endospores and leave an inanimate object free of all life is known as which of the following?


Chemical agents that can destroy all forms of life, including endospores, are called which of the following?


What process completely removes or destroys all viable microorganisms, including viruses, from an object or habitat?


A great number of antibiotics are derived from which of the following bacterial genera?

Streptomyces Bacillus

Which of the following genera produce aminoglycosides?

Streptomyces Micromonospora

Which of the following aminoglycosides is still the antibiotic of choice for treating bubonic plague and tularemia?


Which of the following are aminoglycosides that insert on sites of the 30S subunit and cause the misreading of the mRNA?

Streptomycin Gentamicin

Which of the following are antimicrobials that block the folic acid pathway in bacteria?


Which of the following drugs can lead to kidney damage?


Resistance to which of the following drugs develops when microbes deviate from the usual pathway that leads to the production of folic acid?

Sulfonamides Trimethoprim

When antimicrobial therapy destroys beneficial resident microbes and allows an overgrowth of drug-resistant microorganisms, it is called which of the following?


What term is used to describe chemical agents that work by lowering the surface tension of cell membranes?


Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to disinfect which of the following?

Surgical implants Bedding

Which of the following occurs when antibiotics interact in ways that enhance or magnify each other?


What is the term for an antimicrobial drug that is chemically synthesized in the laboratory?


What must be considered to ensure adequate sterilization by heat?

Temperature Length of exposure

Denaturation of a protein occurs when which of the following structures are disrupted?

Tertiary Secondary

The staining of teeth is one side effect of the antibiotic group known as the .


Which of the following are known to cause superinfections?

Tetracyclines Cephalosporin Clindamycin

Identify the 4 general cellular targets of antimicrobial agents.

The cell wall The cell membranes Nucleic acid synthesis Protein function

Disinfectants are normally only used on inanimate objects for which reason?

The high concentrations needed are harmful to living tissues.

Which of the following is the ratio of the toxic dose to the effective dose that is used to assess the safety and reliability of the drug?

Therapeutic index

Which microbes are resistant to the harmful effects of high temperature?


microbes are not killed by regular pasteurization methods.

Thermoduric, Thermophilic, or Heat-resistant

Why aren't bromine and fluorine routinely used in germicidal preparations?

They are dangerous.

Which of the following describes prions?

They are resistant to heat and chemicals.

Which are disadvantages to the use of quats?

They are unreliable against resistant bacteria. Their effectiveness is lowered by the presence of organics.

Which are not disadvantages of using quats?

They are usually irritating to the skin. They are unstable at room conditions.

What is the disadvantage of phenolics?

They can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes.

What property of phenolics contributes to their usefulness?

They continue to work in the presence of organic matter.

Identify the mode of action of the polyene antifungal antibiotics.

They form complexes with fungal sterols in their cell membranes causing seepage of small ions.

Which of the cephalosporins is effective for treating infections by enteric bacteria that produce beta-lactamases?


Which of the following cephalosporins are considered broad-spectrum antibiotics?

Third-generation Fourth-generation

Zidovudine is an analog of which of the following?


Which tetracycline is being used in hospitals to treat MRSA infections?


The effect of a germicide is affected by which of the following factors?

Time of exposure to germicide Contamination with organic matter Material being treated Nature of microbial population Concentration of germicide Chemical action of germicide

What is the overall goal of antimicrobial chemotherapy?

To destroy the infective agent without harming the patient

Identify the main effect of cold temperatures.

To slow the activity of microbes

Which aminoglycoside is especially useful in treating Pseudomonas infections in cystic fibrosis patients?


Resistance factors are shared among bacteria by which of the following processes?

Transformation Transduction Conjugation

Iodine compounds are commonly used for which of the following?

Treatment of skin wounds Antisepsis of skin Disinfection of medical equipment Emergency disinfection of drinking water

Which of the following interfere with folate metabolism?

Trimethoprim Sulfonamides

True or false: Antiviral drugs prevent penetration into a host cell, block transcription and translation, and prevent maturation of viral particles.


True or false: Catheters, endoscopes, and implants are not heat-sterilizable.


True or false: Damage to the bacterial cell membrane can disrupt metabolism or lyse the cell.


True or false: Microorganisms that produce antibiotics in their natural habitat may have a selective advantage over neighboring microbes.


True or false: Most tissues are susceptible to adverse effects caused by the use of antimicrobial therapy.


True or false: The Etest can be used to quantify developing resistance of a particular organism to an antibiotic.


True or false: The nature and sensitivity of the microorganism need to be considered before antimicrobial treatment begins.


Which of the following involves serially diluting an antibiotic in order to determine the susceptibility of a test bacterium to the drug?

Tube dilution

Sulfisoxazole is not the preferred drug for treating which of the following diseases?

Tuberculosis and leprosy

Chemical agents used to control microbes include all of the following except which one?

UV light

Which of the following disinfection methods is desirable for air treatment?

UV light

Which environmental conditions make chlorine unstable?

UV light Alkaline pH

radiation is most lethal from 240nm to 280nm.


radiation is non-ionizing radiation that readily induces mutations.

Ultraviolet (UV)

Which of the following is a type of non-ionizing radiation?

Ultraviolet rays

All of the following describe the typical microbial population targeted by antimicrobial drugs except which of the following?

Uniform populations of like microbes

Sulfisoxazole is the best antimicrobial for treating which of the following diseases?

Urinary tract infections Shigellosis

Linezolid is effective in the treatment against which of the following?


Which cell wall inhibitor is typically used to treat staphylococcal infections that are resistant to penicillin and methicillin?


Which organisms can be destroyed by cationic detergents?

Vegetative bacteria

Which of the following are the least resistant to moist and dry heat?

Vegetative states of fungi Vegetative states of bacteria

Interferons are useful compounds against which of the following?

Viruses Cancers

What types of microbes are killed by intermediate-level germicides?

Viruses Resistant pathogens Fungal spores

What types of microbes are killed or inactivated by low-level germicides?

Viruses Vegetative bacteria

is the azole of choice in treating fungal meningitis because it can cross the blood-brain barrier.


Desiccation can preserve foods by reducing the availability of which element/compound to microbes necessary for their metabolism?


Identify the products of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

Water Oxygen

If a bacterial cell is placed in 100% alcohol, what happens to the water in the cell?

Water leaves the cell

Radiation of pork products can reduce the number of Trichinella, which are what type of microbe?


Which describes glutaraldehyde?

Yellow liquid

Which bacteria are the most susceptible to antibiotics that target the cell wall?

Young, growing

Patients taking penicillin may experience reactions.


The Etest uses a(n) gradient.

antibiotic or concentration

A(n) is a sterilization chamber that allows the use of steam under pressure to sterilize materials.


Antibiotics are made primarily by aerobic spore-forming and .

bacteria fungi

Bacteria that form are difficult to control because the buildup of cells makes it difficult to for the antibiotic to reach a majority of the cells.


Chloramphenicol can severely depress -forming cells in the bone marrow leading to permanent or fatal anemia.


Pregnant women should avoid taking tetracyclines because these drugs can cross the placenta and affect fetal and .

bones teeth

An antibiotic that is effective against a wide variety of microbial types is called a(n) spectrum antibiotic.


Clindamycin is a - spectrum antibiotic derived from .

broad lincomycin

Azoles are -spectrum antifungal agents with a complex structure.

broad ring or ringed

Nystatin is used only topically or orally to treat of the skin or mucous membranes.

candidiasis or mycoses

Chlorhexidine targets the by lowering surface tension and causes the denaturation of .

cell or plasma membrane proteins

The use of two or more drugs to treat one infection or disease is called therapy.

combined or combination

The lowest temperature that achieves that achieves sterilization in a given quantity of broth upon a 10-minute exposure is referred to as the thermal .

death point

When drugs block transmission of impulses to the , respiratory failure can result.


The most common complaint associated with oral antimicrobial therapy is .which is caused by the disruption of the intestinal microbiota.


The inability of a drug to into a body compartment, such as the brain or joints, will render the drug ineffective.


A pyrimidine is the union of two adjacent pyrimidines on the same DNA strand, brought about by exposure to UV light.


Radiation is characterized by a range of wavelengths known as the .

electromagnetic spectrum

Viruses, prions, and are relatively resistant to heat.


The effect of a germicide is affected by the time of .


Interferon is produced primarily by and in response to various immune stimuli.

fibroblasts leukocytes

With a small enough pore size, can allow for true sterilization by removing bacteria and viruses.

filters or filtration

The method of pasteurization uses higher temperatures for a duration of seconds.


Resistance to sulfonamides and trimethoprim develops when microbes use an alternative pathway for acid synthesis.


Acids and alkalis are commonly used for household cleaning and preservation.


The are a group of nonmetallic elements with antimicrobial applications, including fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine.

halogens or halogen

Alcohols are colorless hydrocarbons with one or more functional groups.


A virucide viruses.


Selected substances that cannot withstand the temperatures of an autoclave can be subjected to sterilization known as tyndallization.


The bombarding of a substance by waves or particles for diagnosis, therapy, disinfection, or sterilization is referred to as .


A limitation of griseofulvin to treat dermatophyte infections such as athlete's foot is that complete eradication is required and this drug is poisonous to the patient's .


The goal of antimicrobial chemotherapy is to the infective agent without harming the .

kill, destroy, annihilate, or eradicate host, patient, host cells, or host's cells

A patient that acquires hepatitis after antimicrobial therapy could be suffering from damage to her/his .


The size of a microbial population is often referred to as the microbial .


If the cell is damaged by an agent, it loses its selective permeability and cannot prevent the loss or entrance of substances.


Silver and are still used in germicidal preparations.


The liquid metal, , can be very toxic to humans if it is ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin, even in small doses.


The most effective drugs used to treat infections caused by flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms inhibit at all stages of the life cycle rather than eradicating the adult worms.

metabolism or metabolic activity

In very small amounts, heavy , such as silver, may be used for skin and wound cleaning.


Regarding the use of the terms microbicidal and microbistatic, higher temperatures are usually , whereas lower temperatures are usually .

microbicidal microbistatic

MIC is the acronym for .

minimum inhibitory concentration

Drug therapy may fail because the infection is caused by a(n) culture (more than one species).


An agent's effect on cells is known as its _____ of .

mode or mechanismaction action

Many perishable substances are processed with heat to allow for shelf storage time of months or years.


heat operates at lower temperatures for shorter times than heat which requires higher temps and longer exposure times for the same effectiveness.

moist dry

Isoniazid works by interfering with the synthesis of acid.


An antibiotic that is only effective against a limited array of different microbes is called a(n) spectrum antibiotic.


The functional, normal state of a protein is called the state.


Anionic means charged.


The outer membrane of some Gram- bacteria act as natural barriers to some drugs.


Polymyxins work well on Gram- cells and daptomycin shows selectivity for Gram- cells.

negative positive

The property of having antimicrobial effects in very small amounts is called a(n) action.


The of the cell wall of certain gram-negative bacteria is a natural blockade against some penicillin derivatives.

outer membrane

Sulfonamides compete with for the active site of the enzyme that synthesizes the folic acid precursor.


If the bacterium causing a sore throat is Streptococcus pyogenes, a physician can normally prescribe the antibiotic, .

penicillin or penicilin

Polyenes cause a loss of selective in fungal membranes.


Fosfomycin trimethamine is a acid agent against enteric bacteria.


Most sterilization is performed using a agent, such as heat.


A resistance factor is a that confers drug resistance and is often shared among bacteria by conjugation.


Trimethoprim is used in combination with sulfamethoxazole to treat caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci.


Cationic means charged.


Daptomycin is a lipopeptide directed mainly against Gram- bacteria.


Ledipasvir interferes with the function of a called NS5A that is required for RNA polymerase to function correctly for the hepatitis C virus.


Many bacteria possess multidrug-resistant (MDR) that actively transport drugs and other chemicals out of cells.


The bark of the Cinchona tree is used to make .


The inability to even under optimal growth conditions is the practical definition of microbial death.

reproduce, multiply, or replicate

Drug of microbes to specific drugs can increase as a result of genetic based changes in the target site (receptor) that the drug binds to.


Any RNA virus that can convert its own RNA into double-stranded DNA is called a(n).


A viral enzyme that converts single-stranded RNA into double-stranded DNA is called .

reverse transcriptase

Most soaps would be considered a while bleach solutions are considered a . Listen to the complete question

sanitizer disinfectant

The property of an antimicrobial agent to be highly toxic against its target microbe while being far less toxic to the cells of the host organism is called toxicity.


The most common approach to drug production is the method, which combines both natural and synthetic methods.


A strong hydroxide solution is one of the substances that reliably destroys prions.


The disadvantages of UV radiation include the inability to penetrate substances and the damaging effect on human .

solid tissues

In dilutions, a small amount of the is diluted in a large volume of solvent to achieve a certain ratio.


In a solution, solutes are dissolved in a liquid known as the .


Chemical agents that can destroy all forms of life, including are called sterilants.


The root - is used to indicate the inhibition of microbial growth.


An autoclave is a sterilization chamber that allows the use of under pressure to materials.

steam sterilize

Sulfonamides,or drugs, are synthetic antimicrobial drugs that interfere with essential metabolic processes of bacteria and some fungi.


Agents that work by lowering the surface tension of cell membranes are called .

surfactants or surfactant

Amphotericin B is one of the few drugs that can be injected to treat fungal infections such as cryptococcus meningitis.


The shortest length of time required to kill all test microbes at a specified is referred to as the thermal death time (TDT).


Aldehydes are organic substances that contain a -CHO functional group on a carbon.


Typically, increases to temperature can result in a reduction in to ensure adequate sterilization by heat.

time or exposure time

The synthesis of proteins involves ribosomes that are used in a process called .


Synercid binds to ribosomes inhibiting the process of .

translation, protein synthesis, peptide transfer, or elongation

The antibiotic is non-beta-lactam cell wall inhibitor that is usually restricted to the most serious and life-threatening conditions.


Phenolics typically kill microbes by disrupting the cell or .

wall membrane

or alkalis are limited in their application by their corrosive and hazardous nature.


Which describes the spectrum of activity of the tetracyclines?


Which is the major cellular structure affected by alcohols?

Cell membrane

Which is not a form of chlorine typically used in microbial control?


Antibiotic-associated colitis is caused by which of the following bacteria?

Clostridium difficile

What is a major side effect of tetracyclines?

Deposition in hard tissues

Cationic detergents typically work by which of the following methods?

Disrupting the cell membrane

is an analog of cytosine that has antifungal properties.


The broad-spectrum quinolones inhibit which of the following?


Clarithromycin controls infections and ulcers caused by which of the following bacteria?

Helicobacter pylori

Which of the following viruses is the most resistant to heat?

Hepatitis A

Which groups of people may have greater risks to antimicrobials?

Infants Pregnant women Elderly

What is the mechanism of action of Tamiflu?

It prevents host cells from producing active viruses.

Drugs that cause damage to this organ can create changes that interfere with the body's filtration abilities.


Nephrotoxic drugs are toxic to which of the following?


Polymyxin B and E are toxic to which organ?


In most cases, solutions of which general dilution are less germicidal?


Which type of germicide is used to treat medical devices that contact the skin?


Which of the following describes dry heat?

Low moisture Very high temperatures

The property of having antimicrobial effects in very small amounts is which type of reaction?


Which of the following types of materials can be more reliably disinfected with a germicide?

Smooth objects

Which of the following can be high-level germicides?


Which of the following are the three factors that should be known before selecting an antimicrobial drug?

The sensitivity of the infecting agent The overall health of the patient The nature of the infecting agent

Fosfomycin trimethamine is frequently used to treat which of the following?


Which form of light has low penetration value so, therefore, is considered useful as a disinfectant and not a sterilizer?


Which anti-influenza medication blocks the initiation of viral RNA synthesis?


BPL is the acronym for .


Another name for phenol is acid.


Heavy metals are not able to reliably sterilize materials because they do not affect .


HEPA stands for - filters.

high efficiency particulate air

Drug resistance occurs with spontaneous or gene transfer from another species.

mutations or mutation

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