Micro Final Exam

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If the price elasticity of supply in the kiwi fruit industry equals 1, supply is

unit elastic

Output per day Workers per day Total cost 0 0 $10 5 1 20 15 2 30 18 3 40 20 4 50 In Exhibit 7-5, what are variable costs at 15 units of output?


Suppose Guild produces 5,000 guitars per year. Its average total cost is $90, and its fixed cost is $250,000. What is its variable cost?


The profit-maximizing (or loss-minimizing) price the firm would charge in Exhibit 10-12 is


If Debbye is willing to pay $50 for a pair of shoes but only has to pay $20 because the shoes are on sale, then her consumer surplus on that pair of shoes is


At the profit-maximizing output for the firm in Exhibit 9-3, the single price monopolist will earn a profit of ______ per unit of output?


In Exhibit 8-14, what area represents total loss at the loss-minimizing output?


Watt Power and Light, an electric company, will suffer an economic loss

if regulators insist that it produce where price equals marginal cost because marginal cost is less than average cost

At its present rate of output, 200 units, a perfectly competitive firm has total cost of $10,000, marginal cost of $38, and fixed cost of $2,000, and it charges the market price of $38 per unit. To maximize profit or minimize loss, this firm should

shut down

The monopolistic competitor in Exhibit 10-1 is in

short-run equilibrium because it is earning a positive economic profit

Q P TC 1 $27 $10 2 24 17 3 21 25 4 18 40 5 15 60 At the profit-maximizing output, the monopolistically competitive firm in Exhibit 10-3 is in

short-run equilibrium because price is greater than average total cost

If Evan has an absolute advantage in cleaning and bookkeeping when compared to Gloria, then

we can conclude nothing about comparative advantage

Output per day Workers per day Total cost 0 0 $10 5 1 20 15 2 30 18 3 40 20 4 50 In Exhibit 7-5, what is the marginal cost of the 15th unit of output?


At the profit-maximizing output level, total cost for the firm in Exhibit 10-11 is


In Exhibit 5-5, what is the total revenue at point a?


Consider Exhibit 10-13. If two firms each produced 500 units, the total cost of supplying 1,000 units would be


Suppose Ernie gives up his job as financial advisor for P.E.T.S., at which he earned $30,000 per year, to open up a store selling spot remover to Dalmatians. He invested $10,000 in the store, which had been in savings earning 5 percent interest. This year's revenues in the new business were $50,000, and explicit costs were $10,000. Calculate Ernie's economic profit.


Each point on a production possibilities frontier requires full employment of resources.


In Exhibit 8-14, what area represents total cost at the loss-minimizing output?


Exhibit 2-1 Hans Maria Loads of laundry per hour 4 12 Pages typed per hour 6 8

1 1/2 pages

The profit-maximizing output and price for the firm in Exhibit 9-3, which charges the same price to all customers, are

117 and $24

Labor Total product (pairs of shoes) 0 0 1 20 2 50 3 75 4 80 5 75 Given the information in Exhibit 7-2, what is the average product of the third unit of labor?

25 pairs of shoes

Labor Total product (pairs of shoes) 0 0 1 20 2 50 3 75 4 80 5 75 Given the information in Exhibit 7-2, what is the marginal product of the third unit of labor?

25 pairs of shoes

Loads of laundry per hour 4 12 Pages typed per hour 6 8

3/2 of a load of laundry

cones Total Utility Marginal Utility 1 10 - 2 18 - 3 24 6 4 28 - 5 30 2 n Exhibit 6-3, the total utility of consuming five scones is


In one week, Tetah can knit 15 sweaters or bake 480 cookies. The opportunity cost per sweater for Tetah is

32 cookies

If the value of the price elasticity of demand is -0.2, this means that a

5 percent decrease in price causes a 1 percent increase in quantity demanded

Scones Total Utility Marginal Utility 1 10 - 2 18 - 3 24 6 4 28 - 5 30 2 In Exhibit 6-3, the marginal utility of consuming the second scone is


If all six suppliers of cement to Metropolis all agree to establishes a price of $45 per ton, this would be

A cartel

Elasticity measures

the responsiveness of decision makers to changes in prices, income, or other variables

Which of the following tends to make demand for a good more elastic?

Consumers have a long time to adjust to a price change

Suppose a perfectly competitive increasing-cost industry is in long-run equilibrium when market demand suddenly increases. What happens to the typical firm in the long run?

It experiences a higher average total cost and equilibrium price

A university should not disband its football team if it has already paid for the stadium.


Because firms in an oligopoly are interdependent, they attempt to maximize revenues rather than profits


Marginal revenue is the change in total revenue from using one more unit of an input in the short run.


Monopolistic competitors are protected by barriers to entry.


Something is called a barrier to entry only if it makes entry into an industry absolutely impossible.


The law of diminishing marginal utility implies that the marginal utility of my fifth hot dog is less than the marginal utility of my second soft drink, other things constant.


When using game theory to analyze oligopoly, firms will always have a dominant strategy.


Suppose Ferd truthfully tells the car dealer the maximum amount he's willing to pay for a Ford Mustang: $20,000. The dealer says, "You're in luck; we have one on the lot for $20,000." Which of the following statements is true?

Ferd gets no consumer surplus

Which of the following is true of firms in both monopolistic competition and perfect competition?

Firms can enter and leave the industry with relative ease.

Which of the following is a long-run adjustment?

Glow Electric disassembles one of its nuclear power plants

Hans Maria Loads of laundry per hour 4 12 Pages typed per hour 6 8

Hans specialized in typing and Maria in doing laundry

Suppose a perfectly competitive constant-cost industry is in long-run equilibrium when market demand suddenly falls. What happens to the industry in the long run?

It experiences the same equilibrium price but produces less output

A utility-maximizing consumer who is considering two goods, x and y, would allocate her budget in such a way that

MUx/Px = MUy/Py

Hans Maria Loads of laundry per hour 4 12 Pages typed per hour 6 8

Maria has an absolute and a comparative advantage in doing laundry

For the situation depicted in Exhibit 10-4, what will happen in the long-run?

New firms will enter the market driving economic profit to zero.

On a straight-line production possibilities frontier, which of the following is true?

Opportunity costs are constant.

If the natural monopoly in Exhibit 15-5 is regulated so that it earns a normal profit, then

P = $22 and Q = 6

For perfectly competitive firms, what is the relationship among market price (P), average revenue (AR), and marginal revenue (MR)?

P = AR = MR

One of the ways that a perfectly competitive firm and a nondiscriminating monopolist are different is that

P = MR for a perfectly competitive firm but not for a monopolist

In Exhibit 9-18, a price discriminating monopolist will charge what price?

P1 in segment A and P2 in segment B

Refer to exhibit 4-14. The market demand curve is given by D1 and the supply by S1. Equilibrium price is P2 and equilibrium quantity is Q1. What will the new equilibrium price and quantity be if there is an increase in the birth rate?

P4 and Q3

A physicians' professional association supports legislation seeking higher quality medical care. According to the special interest theory of regulation, who likely will benefit most from this legislation?

Physicians, through increased prices for medical care.

In the short run, which of the following should the firm in Exhibit 10-4 do?

Produce 10 units at a price of $40 per unit.

Cartels are inherently unstable.


Which of the following is not true regarding a change in quantity demanded?

The demand curve shifts whenever the quantity demanded changes.

Which of the following illustrates the law of diminishing marginal utility?

The marginal utility of Diane's second Coke is greater than the marginal utility of her third Coke, other things constant.

Exhibit 4-5 depicts the milk market. The horizontal line, P, represents a price ceiling imposed by the government. Which of the following is true?

The quantity supplied at the price ceiling will equal the quantity sold

Each point along a nation's production possibilities frontier represents efficient use of all resources.


Exhibit 10-15 Dan'l Boone Tobacco Advertise Don't advertise Eagle Tobacco Advertise 1150, 1150 2020, 630 Don't advertise 630, 2020 1500, 1500 xhibit 10-15 depicts the payoff matrix facing Eagle Tobacco and Dan'l Boone Tobacco with respect to their decisions to advertise or not. Eagle Tobacco and Dan'l Boone Tobacco have the same dominant strategy.


If a monopolistically competitive firm is in long-run equilibrium and average cost equals $150, then the market price must be $150.


If people specialize in producing those goods for which they possess a comparative advantage, then the economy as a whole can produce a greater quantity of goods.


If suppliers expect an increase in price, they will reduce the current supply of a good.


In regards to monopolistic competition, some economists argue that consumers are willing to pay a higher price in order to enjoy a wider selection of goods and services.


In the long run in monopolistic competition, firms earn zero economic profit.


Inefficiency is a flaw of a command economy because there is less incentive for resources to flow to their highest-valu


Positive marginal utility implies increasing total utility.


If all six suppliers of cement to Metropolis all agree to establishes a price of $45 per ton, this would be

a cartel

formal agreement among the firms in an industry to coordinate their production and pricing decisions in order to earn monopoly profits is known as

a cartel

Refer to Exhibit 4-2. Which of the following would cause a shift of demand from D' to D?

a decline in consumers' incomes if it is a normal good

Which of the following would cause an increase in the supply of wheat?

a decrease in the price of corn

The payoff matrix refers to

a listing of the rewards and penalties associated with pursuing various strategies

At the profit-maximizing output level, the firm represented in Exhibit 8-11 experiences

a profit of abfm

Recognizing the incentive power of property rights and markets, some of the most die-hard central planners are now allowing

a role for markets

Which of the following describes the market structure of monopoly?

a single firm producing all of the output for the industry

Which of the following firms is most likely to be a perfectly competitive firm?

a soybean farmer

Price Quantity Demanded $50 2 40 3 30 4 20 5 10 6 In Exhibit 9-1, the marginal revenue of the sixth unit is

a. -$40

In recent years, the number of farms has fallen while the average farm size has increased. What concept may explain this phenomenon?

economies of scale

Movement from point a to point b in Exhibit 7-11 indicates that the firm is experiencing

economies of scale

For which of the following goods is the value of income elasticity most likely to be negative?

a. airline tickets b. toothpaste C. macaroni and cheese d. clothes e. champagne

Which of the following is inconsistent with the model of perfect competition?

advertising of product differences in the industry

If a perfectly competitive firm is operating in long-run equilibrium and market demand suddenly falls, the short-run result will be

an economic loss

Q P TC 1 $27 $10 2 24 17 3 21 25 4 18 40 5 15 60 At the profit-maximizing output, the firm in Exhibit 10-3 is earning

an economic profit of $38

A prisoner's dilemma can be described as a situation in which

an individual decision maker finds it in his best interest to pursue a course of action that can lead to a less than desirable outcome for the group

In the long run in monopolistic competition, a firm will not produce the output level that minimizes average cost because

at that output level, MC is greater than MR

In Exhibit 7-8, A is marginal cost, B is average variable cost and C is average total cost, the vertical distance between lines B and C at any level of output represents

average fixed cost

The capture theory of regulation, espoused by George Stigler, asserts that

producers "capture" regulatory agencies so that regulation favors producers

The term opportunity cost suggests that

because goods are scarce, in order to get some good you must give up some other good in return

Labor Total product (pairs of shoes) 0 0 1 20 2 50 3 75 4 80 5 75

between the second and third units of labor

The welfare loss associated with the unregulated natural monopoly in Exhibit 15-4 is shown by the area


Assume that you allocate your income to calzones and juice and that you have not yet spent your entire budget. If the marginal utility of a fourth calzone is 100 and the marginal utility of a third glass of juice is 50, you would

consider the relative prices of calzones and juice before deciding what to consume next

Because of specialization and comparative advantage, most people

consume the products of many other specialists

The retail market for video rentals is a monopolistically competitive market. A greater supply of video rental outlets along with the increased availability of substitutes like cable channels would likely make rental rates


In order to prove that Coca Cola and 7-Up are substitutes, one should test the __________ and get a __________.

cross-price elasticity; positive number

In the long run, Bubba's Baby Boutique, a monopolistically competitive firm,

earns normal profit but zero economic profit

Economies of scale yield

declining average cost as output increases

If good B is a complement to good A, then a rise in the price of B

decreases the demand for A

A natural monopoly results when a firm has

decreasing average costs over the range of market demand

As the economy recovers from a recession, we should expect that

demand for inferior goods will fall and demand for normal goods will rise

In a game that can be repeated, the optimal solution is

dependent upon each firm's decision in the first round of decision making

According to the special interest theory, the licensing of beauticians would be

desired by some beauticians in order to restrict entry into their profession

Which of the following is not an example of an oligopolistic barrier to entry?

diseconomies of scale

Which of the following is not considered a barrier to entry?

diseconomies of scale

The short run is a period of time

during which at least one resource is fixed

Q TFC TVC TC MC 0 $10.00 $ 0.00 $ 10.00 1 10.00 20.00 30.00 $20.00 2 10.00 38.00 48.00 18.00 3 10.00 54.00 64.00 16.00 4 10.00 72.00 82.00 18.00 5 10.00 92.00 102.00 20.00 6 10.00 114.00 124.00 22.00 7 10.00 138.00 148.00 24.00 Consider Exhibit 8-5. If the market price is $21, this perfectly competitive firm will

earn a profit of $3.00

At the profit-maximizing output level, the firm in Exhibit 10-11 is

earning zero economic profit

Suppose demand increases and supply increases. Which of the following will happen?

equilibrium quantity will increase

A cartel is

explicit collusion

If marginal revenue is less than price for a firm, it must be true that the firm

faces a downward-sloping demand curve

Each member of a cartel

faces a temptation to cheat on the agreement because lowering its price slightly below the established price will usually increase the firm's sales and profit

As new monopolistically competitive firms enter the market, the demand facing each firm __________, causing the price charged by each firm to __________. In the long run, each firm will earn a __________ profit.

falls; fall; normal

Which of the following is most likely produced in a monopolistically competitive market?

fast food

A permanent decrease in demand for convenience store services is likely to cause which of the following in the long run?

fewer firms in the industry

Total Utility Quantity Games of billiards Games of bowling 0 0 0 1 100 70 2 180 130 3 240 180 4 272 210 5 288 218 6 292 222 Suppose you have $30 to spend on either bowling or billiards. A game of billiards costs you $4, and bowling costs $2 per game. Using the information in Exhibit 6-7, determine the utility-maximizing combination of bowling and billiards.

five billiards games, five games of bowling

For a person who owns and operates an automobile, insurance premiums are a __________ and maintenance and repairs are a __________.

fixed cost; variable cost

Productive efficiency occurs in markets when

goods are produced at the lowest possible average total cost

Along a straight-line downward-sloping demand curve, elasticity is

greater at higher prices

Utility is

hard to measure because it is a subjective concept

If Family Travel Agency, a monopolistic competitor, offers services that are differentiated from the services of other producers in the industry, it

has some power to control the price it charges

Suppose that a price-discriminating monopolist divides its market into two segments. The firm will charge the lower price in the market segment where consumers

have relatively more elastic demand

Suppose a professor gives up her teaching job to devote her time to writing textbooks. If salaries of professors rise,

her economic profit from textbooks will fall

An increase in demand for chocolate chips would usually result in a(n)

higher equilibrium price and a higher equilibrium quantity

If Ed is willing to pay a maximum of $200 for a tweed sport coat but buys one for $180, that $20 saved is

his consumer surplus

For a given supply curve, an increase in demand will typically

increase both quantity and price

If a firm raises the price of its product, its total revenue will

increase only if demand is price inelastic

If the tea harvest is bad in a particular year, what will happen in the market for coffee?

increased price and increased quantity

When price decreases, consumer surplus


When diminishing marginal returns set in, total product

increases at a decreasing rate

The shape of the total cost curve between outputs a and b in Exhibit 8-3 reflects

increasing marginal returns

The advantage of game theory is that it allows us to focus on the

individual firm's incentives to cooperate or not

The demand for flour is

inelastic because there are few substitutes for flour and it represents a small percentage of a consumer's budget

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes oligopoly from other market structures?

interdependence among firms in the industry

If variable cost rises from $60 to $100 as output increases from 15 to 20 units, the marginal cost of the twentieth unit

is $8

A perfectly elastic supply curve

is a horizontal straight line

If a firm facing a perfectly elastic demand curve raises its price,

its sales will decrease to zero

Suppose Lorna will buy more sweaters if the price of sweaters rises. She is violating the

law of demand

Which of the following prevents potential competitors from entering a monopolist's market?

legal restrictions

On a production possibilities frontier showing possible output levels of good A and good B, the opportunity cost of producing the first 10 units of A will usually be

less than the opportunity cost of producing the second 10 units of A

In the short run, a perfectly competitive firm will always shut down if, at all positive output levels, total revenue is

less than variable cost

Zara is the largest fashion retailer in Europe. Which of the following would not a barrier to entry that protects Zara's market power?

little advertising

In Exhibit 2-5, if society moves from point c to point d, society

loses 30 mufflers

The price that represents the shutdown point for a perfectly competitive firm is the

lowest point on the average variable cost curve

Monopolistically competitive industries consist of

many firms, each selling a slightly different product

Which of the following best explains why marginal cost eventually increases as output increases?

marginal product decreases

Monopolistically competitive firms

may earn short-run economic profits, although long-run economic profit is typically zero

Sally is allocating her budget between two goods, A and B. If Sally has used up the budget on a combination of A and B for which MUA/PA exceeds MUB/PB, she can increase total utility by buying

more A and less B

A unique feature of oligopoly markets is

mutual interdependence

The cross-price elasticity of demand between rifles and bullets is likely to be

negative because the goods are complements

In the short run, a monopolistically competitive firm is

not guaranteed any level of economic profit

Interdependent decision making on price, quality, or advertising is characteristic of

nterdependent decision making on price, quality, or advertising is characteristic of

An inferior good is

one that consumers buy less of as their income rises

Although both perfectly competitive and monopolistically competitive firms earn normal profits in the long run, monopolistically competitive firms will not

operate where price equals marginal cost

A perfectly competitive firm is a price taker. Therefore, it faces a

perfectly elastic demand curve for its output

In a rental market like the one in Exhibit 4-6, a government-imposed rule that rent cannot exceed $750 per month would be called a

price ceiling

At the profit-maximizing quantity, the demand curve facing the firm in Exhibit 9-3 is

price elastic

Demand is elastic whenever

price elasticity has an absolute value greater than 1

Monopolistically competitive firms do not achieve allocative efficiency in the long run because

price is greater than marginal cost

Price Quantity demanded Quantity supplied $1.00 100 10 1.20 90 30 1.40 80 50 1.50 70 70 1.60 60 90 If the price of the good described in Exhibit 4-1 is $1.60, then an economist would expect the

price to decrease to $1.50

If an industry is a constant-cost industry

prices of its inputs remain constant as the number of firms increases

Bob produces gizmos in a perfectly competitive market where the market price is equal to average total cost. At current production in Bob's firm the MC is greater than MR. To maximize profit Bob should

produce less gizmos

In the long run, a monopolistically competitive firm will

produce where price equals average total cost

A monopolistically competitive firm can raise price somewhat due to

product differentiation

Monopolistic competition is similar to

pure monopoly, in that firms face downward-sloping demand curves, and similar to perfect competition, in that long-run economic profit is zero

Which of the following is correct when a price floor is set above the equilibrium price?

quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded at the set price

Which of the following would not be considered price discrimination?

renting recently released videos at a higher price than the old classic videos

Three firms that are successful in colluding to raise their prices must

restrict output

The price elasticity of demand helps determine the effect of price changes on a firm's


If oligopolists engaged in some sort of collusion, industry output would be __________ and the price would be _____

smaller, higher

Increasing marginal returns are generally the result of

specialization and division of labor

Game theory focuses on

strategic behavior among interdependent firms

As the price of milk increases, producers are normally willing to supply greater quantities. This is known as the law of


Price Quantity demanded Quantity supplied $1.00 100 10 1.20 90 30 1.40 80 50 1.50 70 70 1.60 60 90 If the price of the good described in Exhibit 4-1 is $1.60, then there is a

surplus of 30 units

Utility is determined by an individual's

tastes and preferences

Which of the following would most likely increase the supply of college textbooks?

technology of book production improves

Adam Smith believed that people's pursuit of their own self-interests

tended to promote the general welfare

The relationship between average and marginal variables can be stated as follows: if the marginal is greater than the average,

the average is increasing

Sugar and honey are viewed as substitutes for each other in many cooking applications. If the price of sugar rises, we

the demand for honey to increase

Suppose consumers spent $42 million on Christmas trees last year when the average tree cost $30 and this year spent $42 million when the average tree costs $25. Assuming nothing else changed, this data suggests that

the demand for trees is unit elastic

If the cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods is positive, then

the goods may have similar uses

The law of comparative advantage says that...

the individual with the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good should produce it

In both monopolistic competition and non-price-discriminating monopoly,

the marginal revenue curve lies below the demand curve

Newspaper vending machines illustrate that publishers believe

the marginal utility of a second identical newspaper is zero or less

The reason that you don't drink five cups of coffee at breakfast is that

the marginal utility of extra cups of coffee eventually diminishes

Point g in Exhibit 2-3 is efficient because

the only way to increase production of A is by decreasing production of B

In the long run, a perfectly competitive industry is allocatively efficient because

the opportunity cost of resources needed to produce the last unit of output just equals the marginal value to consumers of the last unit

Suppose that for Jason the marginal utility of $50-per-serving caviar is 100 and the marginal utility of $1-per-serving popcorn is 10. For his snack, Jason should buy

the popcorn, whether he has the $50 or not

Suppose Thelma and Louise both sell fried green tomatoes in a perfectly competitive market. If Louise increases her output

the price Thelma can charge is unaffected

Saccharin and aspartame are both low-calorie substitutes for sugar. If saccharin is found to cause cancer,

the price of aspartame will increase

In order to derive a demand curve for cheese, we would change

the price of cheese and hold other things constant

If there is a shortage in the market for jeans,

the price should begin to rise

Unlike firms in a perfectly competitive industry, monopolists have control over

the price they charge for the product

The main reason a monopolist can earn long-run economic profit, whereas a perfectly competitive firm cannot, is that

there are no barriers to entry in perfect competition

In Exhibit 7-8, when output is 10,

total cost equals $80

We can tell that demand is elastic as price falls between point a and point b in Exhibit 5-6 because

total revenue is increasing

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