Microbio Ch.5-8

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Which of the following is the name for molecules whose structures are nonsuperimposable mirror images? structural isomers monomers polymers enantiomers


The apical complex of Apicomplexans such as Plasmodium is involved in which cellular process? binary fission entry into host cells phagocytosis photosynthesis

entry into host cells

Although there are no current treatments for prion infections, which of the following could be used? antibiotics nucleases proteases sulfa drugs


Which of the following are enzymes that break down proteins? amylases oxidases oxygenases proteases


Amino groups are an important component of which of the following macromolecules? carbohydrates lipids nucleic acids proteins


In retroviruses, the integrated phage genome is known as which of the following? prophage provirus virioid virion


Which molecule typically serves as the final electron acceptor during fermentation? oxygen NAD+ pyruvate CO2


Which of the following is not a commercially important fermentation product? ethanol pyruvate butanol penicillin


Which of the following is not a product of the Krebs cycle? carbon dioxide GTP, which is converted to ATP NADH pyruvate


Which of the following products is made during Embden-Meyerhof glycolysis? NAD+ pyruvate CO2 two-carbon acetyl


The source of agar, which is typically used in the microbiology laboratory, is which of the following? brown algae green algae red algae lichen

red algae

During the asexual life cycle described in the textbook, cellular slime molds produce which of the following? gametes spores gametes and spores neither gametes nor spores


Plasmodial slime molds produce which of the following: gametes but no spores gametes that divide into spores spores but no gametes spores that divide into gametes

spores that divide into gametes

Amylose is a component of which of the following? cellulose disaccharides nucleotides starch


In which form do plants generally store sugar molecules? cellulose chitin glycogen starch


Which of the following best describes glucose, fructose, and galactose? achiral enantiomers stereoisomers structural isomers

structural isomers

Disulfide bridges are most important in which of the following? primary structure of proteins secondary structure of proteins structure of carbohydrates tertiary structure of proteins

tertiary structure of proteins

Which of the following is a pathway that breaks down glucose in some microbes? the Calvin cycle the Entner-Doudoroff pathway the Krebs cycle the tricarboxylic acid cycle

the Entner-Doudoroff pathway

Which site on an enzyme is where substrates bind? the activation site the active site the catalyst site the lock and key site

the active site

Which of the following is the term for the outer layer of a lichen? the cortex the medulla the thallus the theca

the cortex

Which is the location of electron transports systems in prokaryotes? the outer mitochondrial membrane the cytoplasm the inner mitochondrial membrane the cytoplasmic membrane

the cytoplasmic membrane

Which of the following is the most acidic location in a mitochondrion? the intermembrane space the matrix within the outer membrane within the thylakoid

the intermembrane space

Which of the following is the best definition of a macronutrient? a trace element a vitamin an organic molecule necessary for life the most abundant elements found in living cells

the most abundant elements found in living cells

Which is the source of the energy used to make ATP by oxidative phosphorylation? oxygen high-energy phosphate bonds the proton motive force Pi

the proton motive force

Proteomic analysis is a methodology that deals with which of the following? the analysis of proteins functioning as enzymes within the cell analysis of transport proteins in the cell the analysis of integral proteins of the cell membrane the study of all accumulated proteins of an organism

the study of all accumulated proteins of an organism

To which of the following does a competitive inhibitor most structurally resemble? the active site the allosteric site the substrate a coenzyme

the substrate

The Baltimore Classification system describes viruses according to which characteristic? capsid shape host-cell susceptibility the presence or absence of an envelope the viral genome

the viral genome

Which is a common type of secondary structure of proteins? the α helix the β helix the Δ helix the ω helix

the α helix

Which is the term for the hard outer covering of some dinoflagellates? theca thallus mycelium shell


The types of algae are mainly grouped according to which of the following? the size of their cells their chloroplast types their pigment types where they are found

their pigment types

Each pyruvate molecule contains how many carbon atoms? two three four six


Fatty acids are often degraded using which set of reactions? β-oxidation glycolysis photophosphorylation the tricarboxylic acid cycle


Mushrooms are a type of which of the following? conidia ascus polar tubule basidiocarp


Where is the pellicle found within a protozoan? as part of cilia beneath the cell membrane surrounding the nucleus within chloroplasts

beneath the cell membrane

Viruses can be visualized using which method? compound light microscope electron microscope the naked eye ultraviolet rays

electron microscope

Which statement regarding the introduction of virus in eggs is true? A. Pox can form on the embryo. B. The virus cannot be introduced into the yolk sac. C. The virus will not kill the embryo if it is introduced early in development. D. Virus introduction will not disrupt embryonic development.

A. Pox can form on the embryo.

Which of the following includes fungi used as food (such as truffles), bread molds, and pathogenic fungi such as Trichophyton? Ascomycota Basidiomycota Chytridiomycota Zygomycota


Which scientist first discovered prions? Dimitri Ivanovski Edward Jenner Henrietta Lacks Stanley Prusiner

Stanley Prusiner

A triglyceride contains which subcomponents? a glycerol and two fatty acids a glycerol and two sugars a glycerol and three fatty acids a glycerol and three sugars

a glycerol and three fatty acids

Dextromethorphan and levomethorphan are best described as which of the following? achiral biologically identical enantiomers structural isomers


Which unit of length best describes the average size of a virion? mm µm nm pm


During the light-dependent reactions, which molecule loses an electron? a light-harvesting pigment molecule a reaction center pigment molecule NADPH 3-phosphoglycerate

a reaction center pigment molecule

Which enantiomers rotate plane polarized light in a clockwise direction? + or d + or l - or d - or l

+ or d

In prokaryotes, which of the following is true? A. As electrons are transferred through an ETS, H+ is pumped out of the cell. B. As electrons are transferred through an ETS, H+ is pumped into the cell. C. As protons are transferred through an ETS, electrons are pumped out of the cell. D. As protons are transferred through an ETS, electrons are pumped into the cell.

A. As electrons are transferred through an ETS, H+ is pumped out of the cell.

Why does it matter which enantiomer of a molecule is used for a medication? A. Enantiomers can have different pharmacologic effects and only one may be effective. B. It is usually easier to prepare one enantiomer than mixtures of both. C. The d form is typically more effective than the l form. D. The l form is typically more effective than the d form.

A. Enantiomers can have different pharmacologic effects and only one may be effective.

In naming viruses, the family name ends with ________ and genus name ends with _________. -virus; -viridae -viridae; -virus -virion; virus - virus; virion

-viridae; -virus

Which method involves the generation of gas phase ions from intact microorganisms? FAME PLFA MALDI-TOF Lancefield group testing


You are a nurse and you suspect that you may have been exposed to a particular virus. You and your health care provider decide to perform a hemagglutinin assay. A sample of your serum is taken and added to a sample of virus. Next, the virus and serum sample are added to erythrocytes. Upon examination, you do not see any agglutination occurring. Which can you conclude from these results? A. The test result suggests you may have been exposed to the virus, and your serum contains antibodies against the virus. B. The test result suggests you may have been exposed to the virus, but your serum does not contain antibodies against the virus. C. The test result suggests you may not have been exposed to the virus. D. You cannot make a conclusion from the information given.

A. The test result suggests you may have been exposed to the virus, and your serum contains antibodies against the virus.

Which of the following best describes a transition reaction? A. a reaction that converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA with the release of carbon dioxide B. a series of reactions that convert citric acid to oxaloacetate C. an optional reaction that transports pyruvate into the mitochondrion D. the reaction that converts glucose to glucose-6-phosphate in glycolysis

A. a reaction that converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA with the release of carbon dioxide

Which of the following is not an electron carrier within an electron transport system? flavoprotein ATP synthase ubiquinone cytochrome oxidase

ATP synthase

Which of the following properly lists (in order) the steps of viral replication? Attachment - Lysis - Penetration-Biosynthesis-Matuartion Attachment - Penetration - Biosynthesis - Matuartion -Lysis Attachment - Penetration - Lysis - Matuartion -Biosynthesis Penetration-Lysis-Matuartion-Biosynthesis-Attachment

Attachment - Penetration - Biosynthesis - Matuartion -Lysis

A bacteriophage infects a host cell and the genome integrates itself into the host chromosome. Sometime later, the phage is excised along with a short piece of DNA adjacent to the insertion point. Both the phage DNA and the host DNA are packaged into the same capsid. The bacteriophage then infects a new cell, delivering both phage and bacterial DNA. Which process is being described in this scenario? A. The lysogenic cycle, reactivating as the lytic cycle, followed by generalized transduction B. The lysogenic cycle, reactivating as the lytic cycle, followed by specialized transduction C. The lytic cycle, reactivating as the lysogenic cycle, followed by generalized transduction D. The lytic cycle, reactivating as the lysogenic cycle, followed by specialized transduction

B. The lysogenic cycle, reactivating as the lytic cycle, followed by specialized transduction

Which of the following best describes catabolic pathways? A. They always absorb energy. B. They break down large molecules into smaller components. C. They build up large molecules from smaller components. D. They must be coupled with the breakdown of ATP.

B. They break down large molecules into smaller components.

Which of the following is a parasitic ciliate? Balantidium coli Escherichia coli Paramecium caudatum Stentor coeruleus

Balantidium coli

Most mushrooms and puffballs are members of which fungal phylum? Ascomycota Basidiomycota Chytridiomycota Zygomycota


Which of these elements is not a micronutrient? C Ca Co Cu


Why is the actual ATP yield of aerobic respiration often less than the maximum possible yield of 38 ATP? A. Aerobic respiration competes with anaerobic respiration for energy. B. Aerobic respiration competes with fermentation for energy. C. In eukaryotes, energy is used to move molecules across membranes. D. No organisms complete all parts of aerobic respiration.

C. In eukaryotes, energy is used to move molecules across membranes.

Which of the following best defines chemiosmosis? A. the disruption of the inner mitochondrial membrane, which dissipates energy B. the movement of electrons from one acceptor to another C. the movement of hydrogen ions through ATP synthase D. the series of reactions that regenerate oxaloacetate

C. the movement of hydrogen ions through ATP synthase

Which of the following is the host-cell receptor that recognizes human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)? CD4 CD8 Gp120 sialic acid


Which of the following molecules is an organic molecule? CO2 CaCO3 CH3OH H2O


Which fermentation product is important for making bread rise? ethanol CO2 lactic acid hydrogen gas


Which of the following is not a name for the cycle resulting in the conversion of a two-carbon acetyl to one ATP, two CO2, one FADH2, and three NADH molecules? Krebs cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle Calvin cycle citric acid cycle

Calvin cycle

Which fungus is common in the microbiota of a healthy individual? Aspergillus aculeatus Candida albicans Histoplasma capsulatum Rhizopus stolonifera

Candida albicans

Which of the following is the most common cause of human yeast infections? Candida albicans Blastomyces dermititidis Cryptococcus neoformans Aspergillus fumigatus

Candida albicans

A cell might perform anaerobic respiration for which of the following reasons? A. It lacks glucose for degradation. B. It lacks the transition reaction to convert pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. C. It lacks Krebs cycle enzymes for processing acetyl-CoA to CO2. D. It lacks a cytochrome oxidase for passing electrons to oxygen.

D. It lacks a cytochrome oxidase for passing electrons to oxygen.

When is the pentose phosphate pathway favored over other pathways to break down glucose? A. when biosynthesis is not needed B. when phospholipids are needed C. when the cell has a severe energy deficit and needs energy rapidly D. when the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins is needed

D. when the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins is needed

Which of the following is the scientist responsible for first discovering viruses (specifically, tobacco mosaic virus)? Dimitri Ivanovski Edward Jenner Henrietta Lacks Stanley Prusiner

Dimitri Ivanovski

During the Krebs cycle, FAD is reduced to which of the following? FADH FADH2 NADH NADH2


During the catabolism of glucose, which of the following is produced only in the Krebs cycle? ATP NADH NADPH FADH2


Which method involves conversion of a microbe's lipids to volatile compounds for analysis by gas chromatography? FAME proteomic analysis MALDI-TOF Lancefield group testing


Which of the following statements is incorrect? Fungi can be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Fungi can be pathogenic, mutualistic, or neither. Fungi can be unicellular or multicellular. Fungi have eukaryotic cells.

Fungi can be autotrophic or heterotrophic.

Which protist is a concern because of its ability to contaminate water supplies and cause diarrheal illness? Plasmodium vivax Toxoplasma gondii Giardia lamblia Trichomonas vaginalis

Giardia lamblia

ATP is produced through oxidative phosphorylation when which of the following occurs? FADH2 donates electrons to succinate dehydrogenase H+ moves through ATP synthase NADH donates electrons to NADH dehydrogenase the light-independent reactions fix CO2

H+ moves through ATP synthase

Which of the following is an ascomycete fungus associated with bat droppings that can cause a respiratory infection if inhaled? Candida albicans Histoplasma capsulatum Rhizopus stolonifera Trichophyton rubrum

Histoplasma capsulatum

Which of the following is not a property of a virus? It is an infectious cellular pathogen. It is an obligate intracellular pathogen. Its genome consists of DNA or RNA. Its genome is surrounded by a protein capsid.

It is an infectious cellular pathogen.

Which method involves the analysis of membrane-bound carbohydrates? FAME PLFA MALDI-TOF Lancefield group testing

Lancefield group testing

Which of the following include fungi that are obligate intracellular pathogens? Ascomycota Basidiomycota Microsporidia Zygomycota


Chitin is a polymer of which of the following? amylase and amylopectin glycosaminoglycan N-acetyl glucosamine N-acetyl muramic acid

N-acetyl glucosamine

Which is a common electron acceptor in catabolic reactions? ATP FADH2 NAD+ NADPH


Which of the following molecules is reduced? NAD+ FAD O2 NADPH


Which are two products of the light-dependent reactions are ________. glucose and NADPH NADPH and ATP glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and CO2 glucose and oxygen


Which of the following does not occur during cyclic photophosphorylation in cyanobacteria? electron transport through an ETS photosystem I use ATP synthesis NADPH formation

NADPH formation

Which organism is best known as the "brain-eating amoeba"? Acanthamoeba keratitis Entamoeba histolytica Giardia lamblia Naegleria fowleri

Naegleria fowleri

*Which of the following is not a common electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration? Fe3+ H2S NO3- PO43-


Which genus includes the causative agent for malaria? Euglena Paramecium Plasmodium Trypanosoma


A fluke is classified within which of the following? Nematoda Rotifera Platyhelminthes Annelida


Which of the following groups varies among different amino acids? hydrogen atom carboxyl group R group amino group

R group

(−)ssRNA is transcribed into (+)ssRNA using which of the following? DNA polymerase encoded by the host cell DNA polymerase encoded by the virus RNA polymerase encoded by the host cell RNA polymerase encoded by the virus

RNA polymerase encoded by the virus

Which of the following best describes the difference between steroids and sterols? Steroids are the most common type of sterol. Steroids contain rings, whereas sterols do not. Sterols are a type of steroid with an OH group. Sterols are present in prokaryotes and steroids are not.

Sterols are a type of steroid with an OH group.

Which of the following is true of prions? They can be inactivated by boiling at 100 °C. They contain a capsid. They are a rogue form of protein, PrP. They can be reliably inactivated by an autoclave.

They are a rogue form of protein, PrP.

Which of the following is not true of triglycerides? They are a type of phospholipid. They are considered simple lipids. They are hydrophobic. They contain glycerol and three fatty acids.

They are a type of phospholipid.

During which of the following is ATP not made by substrate-level phosphorylation? Embden-Meyerhof pathway Transition reaction Krebs cycle Entner-Doudoroff pathway

Transition reaction

African sleeping sickness is caused by which pathogen? Giardia lamblia Plasmodium falciparum Toxoplasma gondii Trypanosoma bruceii

Trypanosoma bruceii

Which of the following occurs when molecules are broken down using β-oxidation? Carbon dioxide is removed. Three carbon propyl groups are removed. Two carbon acetyl groups are removed. Two carbon acyl groups are removed.

Two carbon acetyl groups are removed.

How can enteropathogenic O157:H7 E. coli strain be recognized from other E. coli strains? Unlike other E. coli, it cannot ferment lactose. Unlike other E. coli, it cannot ferment mannose. Unlike other E. coli, it cannot ferment pyruvate. Unlike other E. coli, it cannot ferment sorbitol.

Unlike other E. coli, it cannot ferment sorbitol.

Which of the following is an inhibitor that binds to the active site of an enzyme? a competitive inhibitorB. a noncompetitive inhibitor an allosteric inhibitor an uncompetitive inhibitor

a competitive inhibitor

Which of the following is not a lipid? a fatty acid a glyceraldehyde a wax an isoprenoid

a glyceraldehyde

Which of the following is the typical, stable shape of glucose in cells? a branched chain a double ring a ring a tetrahedron

a ring

Which of the following best describes an endergonic reaction? absorbs energy from the environment is coupled with another reaction is involved in biosynthesis releases energy into the environment

absorbs energy from the environment

Pseudopod formation requires which cytoskeletal component? actin filaments collagen fibers intermediate filaments microtubules

actin filaments

Which molecule is often called the cell's energy currency? adenosine triphosphate flavin adenine dinucleotide nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

adenosine triphosphate

Which of the following viruses does not cause latent infections? adenovirus Epstein-Barr virus herpes simplex virus varicella-zoster virus


Which polysaccharide found in red algal cell walls is a useful solidifying agent? chitin cellulose phycoerythrin agar


The amino acids present in proteins differ in which of the following? size shape side groups all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following describes lipids? a source of nutrients for organisms energy-storage molecules molecules having structural role in membranes molecules that are part of hormones and pigments all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following tests can be used to detect the presence of a specific virus? EIA RT-PCR PCR all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following refers to the term metabolism? all the reactions in a cell or organism all the reactions in a cell that break down molecules only all the reactions in a cell that build new molecules only all the reactions in a cell that decompose molecules only

all the reactions in a cell or organism

Molecules bearing both polar and nonpolar groups are said to be which of the following? hydrophilic amphipathic hydrophobic polyfunctional


The phospholipid molecules in the plasma membrane are which of the following? amphipathic hydrophilic only hydrophobic only in the shape of micelles


Which are the components found in starch? amylose and amylopectin amylose and glycogen cellulose and glycogen glucosamine and muramic acid

amylose and amylopectin

The fungus in a lichen is which of the following? a basidiomycete an ascomycete a zygomycete an apicomplexan

an ascomycete

Which of the following shows a ketone? a carboxylic acid an ester an internal carbonyl group an internal ether

an internal carbonyl group

Which of the following processes produces hydrogen sulfide? anoxygenic photosynthesis oxygenic photosynthesis anaerobic respiration chemoautrophy

anaerobic respiration

A positive-strand RNA virus: a. must first be converted to a mRNA before it can be translated. b. can be used directly to translate viral proteins. c. will be degraded by host enzymes. d. is not recognized by host ribosomes.

b. can be used directly to translate viral proteins.

To produce spores, some fungi use club-shaped structures called which of the following? asci basidia plastids zygospores


Arthropods typically serve as which mechanism of transmission for viruses? biological vector fomite mechanical vector both as fomites and as vectors

biological vector

Reverse transcriptase is used to generate which nucleic acid from RNA? cDNA dsRNA (+)ssRNA (−)ssRNA


The protein subunits that surround the nucleic acid of a virus are known as which of the following? amino acids capsomeres chromatins telomeres


By definition, carbohydrates contain which elements? carbon and hydrogen carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen carbon and oxygen

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

An important slime mold used in research is Dictyostelium discoideum. In this species, individual amoeboid cells that aggregate into multicellular mobile slugs, each forming a fruiting body that produces haploid spores, are known as which of the following? cellular slime molds plasmodium slime molds pseudohyphae sporangia

cellular slime molds

A segmented worm has male and female reproductive organs in each segment. Some use hooks to attach to the intestinal wall. Which type of worm is this? fluke nematode cestode Annelid


Which of the following is an organism that obtains its energy from the transfer of electrons originating from chemical compounds and its carbon from an inorganic source? chemoautotroph chemoheterotroph photoheterotroph photoautotroph


The cell walls of fungi are largely composed of which of the following? cellulose chitin peptidoglycan starch


Which of the following is an important component of insect exoskeletons? cellulose chitin glycogen starch


Which structures associated with locomotion in protists can be described as short, hair-like structures that extend from the surface of the cell? cilia contractile vacuoles flagella pseudopods


Which of the following are organic molecules that help enzymes work correctly? cofactors coenzymes holoenzymes apoenzymes


Which of the following are inorganic molecules that bind to enzymes? apoenzymes coenzymes cofactors holoenzymes


The organelle in protists that regulates osmolarity is known as which of the following? contractile vacuole hydrogenosome kinetoplasmid plasmalemma

contractile vacuole

Which of the following is not a structure used for locomotion by protists? cilia contractile vacuoles flagella pseudopods

contractile vacuoles

A lichen results from the mutualistic relationship between fungi and which of the following? cyanobacteria or algae green plants heterotrophic bacteria protozoans

cyanobacteria or algae

Fungi have an important role in nutrient cycling as which of the following? decomposers primary consumers producers secondary consumer


Which protists are associated with red tides? red algae brown algae dinoflagellates green algae


Which of the following best describes the molecule lactose? disaccharide monosaccharide polysaccharide trisaccharide


How is kuru transmitted? bloodborne transmission contaminated neurosurgical instruments eating contaminated cattle meat eating infected meat through cannibalism

eating infected meat through cannibalism

Which of the following best describes zooplankton? eukaryotes that are nonphotosynthetic and motile eukaryotes that are photosynthetic and motile prokaryotes that are nonphotosynthetic and nonmotile prokaryotes that are photosynthetic and nonmotile

eukaryotes that are nonphotosynthetic and motile

The reaction that breaks down ATP to form ADP and inorganic phosphate is classified as which of the following? endergonic exergonic nonspontaneous reduction


Cytoprocts are specialized structures that carry out which cellular process? endocytosis exocytosis phagocytosis syngamy


Caseinase is which type of enzyme? phospholipase lipase extracellular protease intracellular protease

extracellular protease

Which type of molecule is CH3(CH2)14COOH? amino acid fatty acid monosaccharide nucleotide

fatty acid

Which of the following is the step in which CO2 enters the light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle)? fixation reduction regeneration transition


You encounter a lichen with leafy structures. Which term describes this lichen? crustose foliose fruticose agarose


FAME analysis involves which of the following? gas chromatography high-pressure liquid chromatography immunological testing mass spectrometry

gas chromatography

Which of the following molecules is not produced during the breakdown of phospholipids? glucose glycerol acetyl groups fatty acids


Monosaccharides may link together to form polysaccharides by forming which type of bond? hydrogen peptide ionic glycosidic


Which of the following types of bonds joins monosaccharides together to form a polysaccharide? glycosidic bonds hydrogen bonds peptide bonds phosphodiester bonds

glycosidic bonds

Which method cannot be used to detect virus in a patient's serum? EIA hemagglutinin assay growth in pure culture RT-PCR

growth in pure culture

Which describes the hydrocarbon tails in the plasma membrane? amphipathic hydrophilic hydrophobic polar


In the lysogenic cycle of bacteriophages, the integrated phage genome is known as which of the following? prophage provirus virioid virion


The excision of the viral genome from the host chromosome is known as which of the following? induction lysogeny phage conversion transduction


Triglycerides are broken down by which of the following? lipases nitrogenases phospholipases proteases


Which monomers make up lipids? amino acids fatty acids lipids do not consist of monomers Monosaccharides

lipids do not consist of monomers

Which of the followings cannot be used to culture viruses? tissue culture liquid medium only embryo animal host

liquid medium only

Which effect does tomato planta macho viroids have on the crop? browning of fruit crown-gall formation loss of chlorophyll lysis of root cells

loss of chlorophyll

Which of the following leads to the destruction of the host cells? lysogenic cycle lytic cycle prophage temperate phage

lytic cycle

Which of the following is not one of the four major types of carbon-based macromolecules found in cells? carbohydrates lipids macronutrients nucleic acids


The envelope of a virus is derived from the host's... nucleic acids membrane structures cytoplasm genome

membrane structures

Which of the following is the group of archaea that can use CO2 as their final electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration, producing CH4? methylotrophs methanotrophs methanogens anoxygenic photosynthesizers


Which group comprises all lithotrophs? algae autotrophs microbes plants


The building blocks of polymers are called which of the following? inorganic molecules macromolecules monomers nucleic acids


Which of the following is NOT a cytopathic effect? transformation cell fusion mononucleated cell inclusion bodies

mononucleated cell

C6H12O6 is an example of which type of molecule? amino acid fatty acid monosaccharide nucleotide


The mode of reproduction for chytrids (Chytridiomycota) uses which of the following? asci basidia motile gametes zygospores

motile gametes

What is another name for a nonenveloped virus? enveloped virus provirus naked virus latent virus

naked virus

A nonsegmented worm is found during a routine colonoscopy of an individual who reported having abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. This worm is likely which of the following? nematode fluke trematode annelid


Which of the following processes is not involved in the conversion of organic nitrogen to nitrogen gas? nitrogen fixation ammonification nitrification denitrification

nitrogen fixation

Protozoa are best described as being: nonphotosynthetic multicellular microorganisms nonphotosynthetic unicellular microorganisms photosynthetic multicellular microorganisms photosynthetic unicellular microorganisms

nonphotosynthetic unicellular microorganisms

Carotenoids are pigments that are which of the following colors? blue/green green/orange orange/yellow/red purple/blue


Chemotrophs obtain their energy from which of the following? inorganic chemical reactions only light energy organic chemical reactions only organic and inorganic chemical reactions

organic and inorganic chemical reactions

The Krebs cycle begins with the addition of acetyl CoA to which of the following? citric acid oxaloacetate ribulose bisphosphate succinate dehydrogenase


Which of the following describes a molecule that had an electron removed? anabolized electronated oxidized reduced


In a protein, which type of chemical linkage joins the amino acids? disulfide linkages glycosidic linkages or bonds hydrogen bonds peptide bonds

peptide bonds

Which of the following bonds are not involved in tertiary structure? peptide bonds ionic bonds hydrophobic interactions hydrogen bonds

peptide bonds

The biogeochemical cycle of which of the following elements is based on changes in solubility rather than redox chemistry? carbon sulfur nitrogen phosphorus


The stigma (eyespot) in members of Euglenozoa functions in which of the following? chemotaxis conjugation photosynthesis phototaxis


Which best describes oligopeptides? a molecule consisting of two amino acids long chains of amino acids polymers of about 20 amino acids polymers of about 50 amino acids

polymers of about 20 amino acids

Which of the following is the best example of a micronutrient? carbon nitrogen phosphorus potassium


Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, are caused by which of the following? bacterium fungus prion virus


Which of these infectious agents do not have nucleic acid? viroids viruses bacteria prions


Enzymes work by which of the following? increasing the activation energy reducing the activation energy making exergonic reactions endergonic making endergonic reactions exergonic

reducing the activation energy

A virus obtains its envelope during which of the following phases? attachment penetration assembly release


Which of the following is the first step in triglyceride degradation? removal of fatty acids β-oxidation breakage of fused rings formation of smaller peptides

removal of fatty acids

Which of the following components is brought into a cell by HIV? a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase RNA polymerase ribosome reverse transcriptase

reverse transcriptase

Which of the following is a novel enzyme found in retroviruses? forward transcriptase retrotranscriptase reverse transcriptase Taq polymerase

reverse transcriptase

Lichens attach to a surface using which structure? capsules cilia flagella rhizines


Which of the following does a virus lack? Select all that apply. ribosomes metabolic processes nucleic acid glycoprotein

ribosomes metabolic processes

Which term specifically describes fatty acids that do not have any double bonds, triple bonds, or rings? esterified polyunsaturated saturated unsaturated


The liquid portion of blood that does not contain clotting factors is known as which of the following? erythrocytes plasma platelets serum


Chicken pox can reemerge as which disease? cowpox genital warts shingles smallpox


Which of the following characteristics/compounds is not considered to be a phenotypic biochemical characteristic used of microbial identification? poly-β-hydroxybutyrate small-subunit (16S) rRNA gene carbon utilization lipid composition

small-subunit (16S) rRNA gene

The component(s) of a virus that is/are extended from the envelope for attachment is/are the: capsomeres spikes nucleic acid viral whiskers


Which of the following is the purpose of fermentation? to make ATP to make carbon molecule intermediates for anabolism to make NADH to make NAD+

to make NAD+

Which of the following is the purpose of fermentation? to produce carbon dioxide to produce large quantities of additional energy to regenerate NAD+ to regenerate oxygen

to regenerate NAD+

In prokaryotes, in which direction are hydrogen ions pumped by the electron transport system of photosynthetic membranes? to the outside of the plasma membrane to the inside (cytoplasm) of the cell to the stroma to the intermembrane space of the chloroplast

to the outside of the plasma membrane

What is the name for the transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another bacterium by a phage? transduction penetration excision Translation


Which mechanism of horizontal gene transfer relies on the use of viruses? conjugation mutation transduction transformation


How many single covalent bonds can oxygen form? one two three four


Glycolysis produces a net gain of which of the following? two ATP, two NADH, and two pyruvates two ATP, two NADH, and four pyruvates two ATP, four NADH, and two pyruvates four ATP, two NADH, and two pyruvates

two ATP, two NADH, and two pyruvates

The phospholipids of the plasma membrane contain which subcomponents? a wax, a glycerol, and a phosphate group two fatty acids, a glycerol, and a phosphate group three fatty acids, a glycerol, and a phosphate group four sphingolipids and a phosphate group

two fatty acids, a glycerol, and a phosphate group

Which of the following best describes the subcomponents of pyrophosphate? two inorganic phosphate molecules two organic phosphate molecules three inorganic phosphate molecules three organic phosphate molecules

two inorganic phosphate molecules

Cestodes are often transmitted via which of the following? aerosols open wounds in the skin undercooked meats water

undercooked meats

*An acellular entity composed of a small circular RNA molecule without a capsid and capable of replicating its genome is known as which of the following? satellite RNA virion viroid virusoid


An acellular entity composed of a small circular RNA molecule without a capsid and IS NOT capable of replicating its genome is known as which of the following? provirus virion viroid virusoid


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