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What two photosynthetic microorganisms account for more than 70% of the earth's photosynthesis and contributes the majority of oxygen to the atmosphere?

- Bacteria -Algae

What two types of single celled fungi cause bread to rise and ferment sugar into alcohol to make wine and beers?

-Baker's yeast -Brewer's yeast

Microorganisms make up for their small size by what two ways?

-By occurring in large numbers -By living in places that many other organisms cannot survive

The temperature of the earth is regulated by what three gases?

-Carbon dioxide -Nitrous oxide -Methane

In recombinant DNA technology, microbes can be engineered to synthesize desirable products such as ____, ____, and ____.

-Drugs -Hormones -Enzymes

Recombinant DNA technology is used in what three areas?

-Medical -Industrial -Agricultural

Microorganisms are the main forces that drive the structure and content of the ____, ____, and _____.

-Soil -Water -Atmosphere

How do we manipulate organisms for our own use?

-To make bread rise -To ferment sugar into alcohol to make wine and beers -To make special cheeses -Moldy bread applied directly to wounds and lesions -To mine precious metals -To clean up human-created contamination

The underground community of microbes is a significant influence on what three things?

-Weathering -Mineral extraction -Soil formation

What are some diseases that are linked to microbes or viruses? (8)

-gastric ulcers -certain cancers -diabetes -schizophrenia -multiple sclerosis -obsessive compulsive disorder -coronrary artery disease -obesity

What are the two basic cell lines of microorganisms?

-prokaryotic cells -eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells 10x smaller Don't have organelles Have organelles All are microorganisms Some are microorganisms


Name 5 major groups of microorganisms.

1 - Bacteria 2 - Algae 3 - Protozoa 4 - Helminths 5 - Fungi

What are the top 10 causes of death per year in the U.S.?

1- heart disease 2-cancer 3-stroke 4-chronic lower-respiratory disease 5-accidents 6-diabetes 7-alzheimer's disease 8-influenza and pneumonia 9-kidney problems 10-septicemia (bloodstream infection)

What 5 aspects do microbiologists study about microbes?

1-Cell structure and function 2-Their growth and physiology 3-Their genetics 4-Their taxonomy and evolutionary history 5-Their interactions with the living and nonliving environment (Properties that may cause disease or lead to benefits)

What are 3 universal concepts that were established from the study of microorganisms?

1-The chemistry of life 2-Systems of inheritance 3-The global cycles of nutrients, minerals, and gases

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are how many new infections across the world every year?

10 billion

What is the worldwide death toll from infections per year?

13 million

When were antibiotics introduced?


How many different types of microbes are there that can cause disease?


The first bacteria appeared approximately ____ years ago.

3.5 billion They were the only form of life for half of the earth's history.

What is a eukaryotic cell type?

A more complex type of single-celled organism

Recombinant DNA Technology

A powerful technique for designing GMOs that makes it possible to transfer genetic material from one organism to another to to alter DNA.

Bacteria invented photosynthesis long before first plants appeared, first as a process that did not produce oxygen called _____.

Anoxygenic photosynthesis

Genetic Engineering

Area of biotechnology that manipulates the genetics of microbes, plants and animals for the purpose of creating new products and gentically modified organisms (GMOs).

What invented photosynthesis?


What was responsible for changing the atmosphere of the earth from one without oxygen to one with oxygen?



Being everywhere at the same time

How do these gases regulate the temperature of the earth?

By creating an insulation layer in the atmosphere that helps retain heat.

What is female infertility caused by?

Chlamydia infection

Were eukaryotes or prokaryotes the precursors of the cell type that eventually formed multicellular animals, including humans?


Where are microbes found?

From deep in the earth's crust to the polar ice caps and oceans to the bodies of plants and animals.

A parasite's actions cause damage to its host through ____ and _____.

Infection Disease


Involves the breakdown of dead matter and wastes into simple compounds that can be directed back into the natural cycles of living things.

How is malaria transmitted?

It is caused by a microorganism that is transmitted by mosquitoes.

Viruses exist at the level of complexity somewhere between _____ _____ and ____.

Large molecules and cells


Light-fueled conversion of carbon dioxide to organic material in plants.

Do bacteria have a nucleus?



Non-cellular, parasitic, protein-coated genetic elements dependent on their infected host. Can cause harm to the host they infect.

What is light-fueled conversion of carbon dioxide to organic material accompanied by the formation of oxygen?

Oxygenic photosynthesis

Which is more efficient in extracting energy from sunlight?

Oxygenic photosynthesis

What are helminths?

Parasitic invertebrate animals such as worms

Are bacteria eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic (No nucleus)


Small double-membrane-bound structures in eukaryotic cells that include the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.


Specialized area of biology that deals with living things ordinarily too small to be seen without magnification.

What is another process besides photosynthesis that helps keep the earth in balance?

The process of biological decomposition and nutrient recycling.

Describe extracellular viruses (also known as a virus particle or virion).

They are composed of a small amount of hereditary material (either DNA or RNA) wrapped up in a protein covering that is sometimes enveloped by a protein-containing lipid membrane.

Describe intracellular viruses.

They exist only in the form of genetic material that confers a partial genetic program on the host organisms.

What makes the nature of microorganisms easy to study?

They reproduce so rapidly that we can grow large populations in the lab.


True nucleus

What makes the nature of microorganisms hard to study?

We can't see them directly.


When microorganisms are used to make products in an industrial setting

50% of all organisms exist where?

Within and beneath the earth's crust in sediments, rocks, and volcanoes.

The presence of life in its present form would not be possible if the earliest life forms had not ____ _____.

changed constantly

Parasites are harbored and nourished by other living organisms called ____.



Microbes that can cause various types of disease.

Many diseases that used to be considered noninfectious probably do involve _____ _____.

Microbial infection


Microorganisms that require interactions with other organisms.


Microscopic organisms sometimes called microbes, germs, viruses, or agents.


The accumulation of changes that occur in organisms as they adapt to their environments

Theory of Evolution

The changes that occur that are documented every day in all corners of the planet, an observable phenomenon testable by science. Years and years of testing and not disproven. Label for well-studied and well-established natural phenomena.

____ are not independently living cellular organisms.


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