Microbiology Chapter 16 Test Bank

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Type 1, type 2, type 3

1. The major categories of hypersensitivities that typically involve a B-cell immunoglobulin response is/are A. Type 1 only. B. Type 1 and Type 4. C. Type 4 only. D. Type 1, Type 2, Type 3. E. Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4.

Fetal Rh+ cells enter an Rh- mother

10. The potential for hemolytic disease of the newborn occurs when A. maternal Rh+ cells enter an Rh- fetus. B. fetal Rh+ cells enter an Rh- mother. C. maternal Rh- cells enter an Rh+ fetus. D. fetal Rh- cells enter an Rh+ mother. E. fetal Rh+ cells enter an Rh+ mother.

injecting the mother with antibodies against the Rh factor late in the pregnancy and after giving birth

11. Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented by A. injecting the mother with antibodies against the Rh factor late in the pregnancy and after giving birth. B. treating the fetus with immune globulin. C. birth by cesarean section. D. treating the mother with RhoGAM early in the pregnancy.


12. Bee sting venom is considered to be which type of allergen? A. ingestant B. inhalant C. injectant D. contactant


13. Mold spores and animal dander are considered to be which type of allergen? A. ingestant B. inhalant C. injectant D. contactant

Sensitizing dose

14. The initial encounter with an allergen is called the A. sensitizing dose. B. provocative dose. C. allergic dose. D. hypersensitivity dose. E. desensitizing dose.

Bonding of allergen to adjacent IgE binding sites on mast cells and basophils

15. What will be the immediate action of allergen when it enters the body for a second time? A. degranulation B. bonding of allergen to adjacent IgE binding sites on mast cells and basophils C. binding of IgE by the Fc region to mast cells and basophils D. Histamine acts on smooth muscle. E. Prostaglandins cause vasodilation and increased vascular permeability.


16. Which event releases the chemical mediators? A. degranulation B. binding of allergen to adjacent IgE binding sites on mast cells and basophils C. binding of IgE by the Fc region to mast cells and basophils D. Histamine acts on smooth muscle. E. Prostaglandins cause vasodilation and increased vascular

They are found mainly in the lymph nodes

17. Which of the following is incorrect about the role of mast cells and basophils in allergies? A. They degranulate when triggered by a specific allergen through the IgE bound to them. B. They carry high numbers of cell receptors that bind to IgE antibodies. C. Their cytoplasmic secretory vesicles contain physiologically active cytokines. D. They are found mainly in the lymph nodes.

Contact dermatitis

18. Which of the following is not a possible symptom of Type 1 hypersensitivity? A. Rhinitis B. Rashes C. Sneezing D. Diarrhea E. Contact dermatitis

Hay fever - Type 4 hypersensitivity

19. Which is mismatched? A. food allergy - Type 1 hypersensitivity B. poison ivy dermatitis - Type 4 hypersensitivity C. serum sickness - Type 3 hypersensitivity D. transfusion reaction - Type 2 hypersensitivity E. hay fever - Type 4 hypersensitivity

Type 1 only

2. Atopy and anaphylaxis are hypersensitivities in the category A. Type 1 only. B. Type 1 and Type 4. C. Type 4 only. D. Type 1, Type 2, Type 3. E. Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4.


20. Any heightened or inappropriate immune response resulting in tissue damage is called a/an A. autoimmune disease. B. immunodeficiency. C. hypersensitivity. D. transfusion reaction. E. desensitization.

Increased sensitivity to light

21. Histamine causes all the following, except A. increased sensitivity to light. B. constriction of smooth muscle of bronchi and the intestine. C. relaxes vascular smooth muscle. D. wheal and flare reaction in skin. E. pruritis and headache.


22. The chemical mediator that causes prolonged bronchospasm, vascular permeability, and mucus secretion of asthmatic patients is A. prostaglandin. B. histamine. C. leukotriene. D. serotonin. E. platelet-activating factor.

Systemic lupus erythematosus

23. All of the following are associated with IgE_ and mast cell-mediated allergy, except A. drug allergy. B. eczema. C. anaphylaxis. D. allergic asthma. E. systemic lupus erythematosus.

Reverses constriction of airways

24. Epinephrine A. is an antihistamine. B. reverses constriction of airways. C. causes desensitization. D. inhibits the activity of lymphocytes. E. All of these choices are correct.

Passive immunotherapy and continuous antibiotic therapy

25. Treatment for agammaglobulinemia is A. frequent transfusions of Rh+ blood. B. passive immunotherapy and continuous antibiotic therapy. C. bone marrow transplant. D. allografts of skin. E. continuous immunosuppressive therapy.


26. Allergic patients receiving small, controlled injections of specific allergens are undergoing A. desensitization. B. sensitization. C. tissue matching. D. degranulation.

Serum sickness

27. Large quantities of antibodies that react to the second entry of antigen and lead to formation of antigen-antibody complexes that deposit in basement membranes occur in A. serum sickness. B. delayed hypersensitivity. C. anaphylaxis. D. hemolytic disease of the newborn. E. All of these choices are correct.

Tuberculin reaction

28. Autoantibodies cause tissue injury in all the following diseases, except A. rheumatoid arthritis. B. myasthenia gravis. C. Graves'disease. D. tuberculin reaction. E. multiple sclerosis.

All of these choices are correct

29. Contact dermatitis involves A. a sensitizing and provocative dose. B. allergen entering the skin. C. T-lymphocytes secrete inflammatory cytokines. D. itchy papules and blisters. E. All of these choices are correct.


3. All of the following are involved in Type 2 hypersensitivity, except A. IgM. B. IgG. C. IgE. D. complement. E. foreign cells.

Graft versus host disease

30. Which of the following is a risk of a bone marrow transplant that is not typically a risk of a kidney or heart transplant? A. host rejection of graft B. graft versus host disease C. formation of autoantibodies D. hypogammaglobulinemia


31. Which of the following can be a consequence of a genetic deficiency in B cell survival and maturity? A. host rejection of graft B. graft versus host disease C. formation of autoantibodies D. hypogammaglobulinemia

Congenital absence or immaturity of the thymus gland

32. The DiGeorge syndrome is the result of A. autoantibodies. B. delayed hypersensitivity. C. congenital absence or immaturity of the thymus gland. D. failure of B cell development and maturity. E. a genetic defect in the development of both T-cells and B cells.

A genetic defect in the development of both T-cells and B cells

33. Severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCIDs) are due to A. autoantibodies. B. delayed hypersensitivity. C. congenital absence or immaturity of the thymus gland. D. failure of B cell development and maturity. E. a genetic defect in the development of both T-cells and B cells.


34. A secondary acquired immunodeficiency is A. AIDS. B. adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. C. DiGeorge syndrome. D. agammaglobulinemia. E. type I diabetes.

B cells

35. All of the following operate in surveillance and destruction of tumor cells, except A. macrophages. B. B cells. C. natural killer cells. D. cytotoxic T cells.

All of these choices are correct

36. Which of the following can cause secondary acquired immunodeficiencies in T-cells and B cells? A. radiation B. chemotherapy C. organic disease D. infection E. All of these choices are correct.

The major therapy is a bone marrow transplant

37. Which is incorrect about DiGeorge syndrome? A. It is a severe deficiency of T-cells. B. Sometimes it is associated with a deletion in chromosome 22. C. Common childhood diseases can be fatal in affected children. D. The major therapy is a bone marrow transplant. E. Symptoms include reduced growth and unusual facial characteristics.


38. Jose needs a kidney due to his diabetes. His sister is a close match and is willing to give him one of hers. What type of transplant is this? A. allograft B. xenograft C. autograft D. heterograft

Between individuals of different species

39. A xenograft is a tissue exchange A. between identical twins. B. between siblings. C. from one site on the body to another site. D. between individuals of different species.

MHC genes

4. Human blood types involve all the following, except A. MHC genes. B. ABO antigen markers. C. inheritance of two of three possible alleles. D. genetically determined glycoprotein markers. E. genes that code for an enzyme that adds a terminal carbohydrate to RBC receptors.

An acute response to a second injection of vaccines at the same site

40. What is the Arthus reaction? A. an autoimmune disorder B. an acute response to a second injection of vaccines at the same site C. a positive tuberculosis skin test D. the lysis of RBC due to complement during an incorrect blood transfusion E. the name given to skin wheals that occur during an allergy skin test

Inhalant - bee sting

41. Which of the following is mismatched? A. ingestant - nuts B. inhalant - bee sting C. injectant - vaccine D. contactant - rubber E. ingestant - food additive

Mast cells

42. Which cells play the greatest role in allergic symptoms? A. T-cells B. monocytes C. plasma cells D. mast cells E. eosinophils

Persons with this type of blood carry an O antigen on their RBC

43. All of the following are correct about Type O blood, except A. persons with this type of blood are considered universal donors. B. persons with this type of blood carry an O antigen on their RBC. C. persons with this type of blood have anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma. D. this is the most common blood type among all racial groups in the U.S.

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

44. All of the following are examples of autoimmune diseases, except A. multiple sclerosis. B. Grave's disease. C. Hashimoto thyroiditis. D. myasthenia gravis. E. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.


45. The heart of a baboon transplanted to a human would be a/an A. xenograft. B. autograft. C. allograft. D. heterograft. E. homograft.

Plasma cells

46. All of the following cells participate in immune surveillance, except A. macrophages. B. natural killer cells. C. cytotoxic T-cells. D. plasma cells. E. All of the choices participate.

Capacity for limited division

47. Which of the following does not belong with transformed cancer cells? A. oncogenic viruses B. increased rate of growth C. chromosomal alterations D. capacity for limited division E. changed surface molecules


5. The serum of a person with blood type A, Rh- will have which of the following antibodies? A. anti-A, anti-Rh B. anti-B, anti-Rh C. anti-A D. anti-B E. anti-A, anti-B, anti-Rh

lacks A and B antigens

6. A person with O type blood A. lacks antibodies to A and B blood types. B. lacks A and B antigens. C. could not have the Rh factor. D. is called a universal recipient. E. All of these choices are correct.

Type 1 hypersensitivity

61. Allergic reactions to penicillin are an example of a A. Type 1 hypersensitivity. B. Type 2 hypersensitivity. C. Type 3 hypersensitivity. D. Type 4 hypersensitivity.


66. Type _____ hypersensitivities involve soluble antigen with IgM or IgG forming complexes that can deposit in tissues. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


7. A person who has anti-A and anti-B serum antibodies will have blood Type A. A. B. B. C. AB. D. O. E. Rh.

Complement activation

71. Which of the following is most directly responsible for cell lysis in Type 2 hypersensitivity reactions? A. IgG antibodies B. IgM antibodies C. complement activation D. IgE antibodies E. NK cells F. TC cells


74. All of the following are involved in the development of a Type 4 hypersensitivity reaction, except A. antigen. B. TH cells. C. IgE. D. cytokines. E. TC cells. F. dendritic cells. G. macrophages.

All of these choices are correct

77. Which of the following methods is/are used for determining the most appropriate donor tissue for a particular recipient? A. tissue typing B. mixed lymphocyte reaction C. ABO blood typing D. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct

8. Transfusion of the wrong blood type can cause A. recipient antibody activating the complement cascade to attack the RBCs. B. fever and anemia. C. systemic shock and kidney failure. D. massive hemolysis of the donor RBCs. E. All of these choices are correct.

Is in the majority of the population with regard to Rh status

9. A female who is Rh+ A. inherited two recessive genes. B. is in the majority of the population with regard to Rh status. C. is at risk for a pregnancy resulting in hemolytic disease of the newborn. D. can only have an Rh positive baby. E. All of these choices are correct.

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