Microsoft Exam 70-480 (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)

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How can you define a style as important?

!important after the important value

How do you enable drap&drop on safari and older versions of webkit?

-khtml-user-drag: element; -webkit-user-drag: element;

How to enable continual GPS updates?

.watchPosition() versus .getCurrentPostion()

When can a drop target accept a drop?

1) Handle the drop events 2) Correctly cancel the default behavior, which is allow dropping in order to allow the drop operation to continue.

What are the implicit styles that are included in webpages?

1) User stylesheets set by the user 2) Default stylesheet set by the browser

How many pseudo-elements can be generated for every element?

2 (before and after)

What is the shortest timeout that is possible in Javascript?


How many cache states are there?

6 (0-5)

How do you generate content using CSS?

::before or ::after

How do you include images in HTML?

<img src=[relative/absolute]>

How do you connect a CSS file to a regular HTML page?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css"> Where href points to the file.

How do you pass parameters to an object?

<object> <param name="" value="" /> </object>

What are objects in Javascript?

A collection of properties.

What is pubdate?

A variable in time tag that represents the publish date.

What are two audio formats that are near universal?


What are pros/cons of using WiFi for geolocation?

Accurate, works indoors, and quick/cheap Ineffective if no wifi.

What are the steps to a datalist to text input?

Add a list="name" attribute to the list tag and create a datalist tag with id="name" with option tags representing items in the list.

Why would you include "objects" on an HTML page?

Allow other items that do not allow the image mold; like plug-ins, applets, videos.

How many font families can you define in a css file?

As many as you want in a CSV list. It'll fall through.

What is the cascade of importance of stylesheets?

Author stylesheets (most important) User stylesheets default stylesheets aka user agent

What components make up an offline application?

Browser events + application cache

What are some sections of the Cache Manifest file?

CACHE MANIFEST (must be first line) CACHE - application cache, pages that must be available off-line NETWORK - parts that require network connection FALLBACK - allows changing behavior if off-line.

Who controls the capacity of web storage?


What are two types of webworkers?


How do you define a global variable in Javascript?

Don't use a var

What is a canvas?

Drawing surface that is rasterized. Combination of the canvas HTML element and JS API built on a grid system.

How do you apply CSS styling to specific items within a page?

Given the item's id, reference it with # in the style sheet. Given a class, reference it as "."

What is the difference between a full-duplex or half-duplex?

Half - single communication at one time.

When using the Selection API in HTML5, what is used to query for IDs, classnames, and CSS3 selector?

ID: # Classnames: . (period) CSS3: correct syntax ('div:nth-child...')

What is the issue with using height/width on image tags to crop?

It doesn't actually affect the size of the image itself, only the visual representation of it.

When including another Javascript file via Node.js, how is the included file presented?

It is automatically closed and is not available via the global scope.

What happens when you call function.toString() in Javascript?

It outputs the contents of that function.

How do you create a fallback experience for audio/video?

Just put an HTML element inside the audio/video tags.

What browsers require partial setup to use websockets?

Opera and Firefox.

In a radial gradient arc, what must the end angle value take?

Math.PI * 2

Can you select CSS generated content, why?

No, because the generated content is not part of the DOM.

Can the webWorker access the UI?

No, it has no access to DOM, window (aka JS libraries), or the host page.

Can caching be set on programically?

No, must be controlled from the server.

Can browser caching and application caching be mixed?


Is the "px" required in height/width on img tags?


Why does require() have issues in browsers?

Node.js has no issue including files, but browsers do not account for having to download and apply files

How are object parameters passed by in Javascript? Primitives?

Objects are pass by reference Primitives are pass by value

What are two geolocation request patterns?

One time and continual.

What are pros/cons of using IP address for geolocation?

Pro: always available, processed server side Con: low accuracy, high processing overhead

What does a double-colon indicate in CSS?

Pseudo-elements (versus single-colon: pseudo-classes)

Difference between raster and vector images?

Raster is an explicit, pixel image that will lose definition on zoom. Vector images are instructions regarding drawing images.

What is REPL?

Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop

What are the position options in CSS?

Relative (to its location within the page) Absolute (button will not move, even when window is scrolled) Fixed (relative to the window available, it can scroll with)

What do you use to set up multiple items as drop target/sources?

Role selectors.

What is the only browser that does not support drag&drop features?


What is one way to reset your clip area?

Save and restore states.

How is section and div different in terms of grouping elements?

Section is used when there is no regard for styling and div should be used if the purpose is to make elements look different.

How can you immediately invoke a function?

Surround the function via parenthesis.

What is the DOM?

The W3C Document Object Model

What file must be updated to refresh cache files?

The manifest file, otherwise no files will be downloaded (aka use a dummy version number).

How is the HTML5 spec split?

The working group ("the numbered version") and the living spec, which is what the W3C is concerned.

What is one way to tell if you are online?

There is a boolean flag through the navigator object.

What is an issue with video formats?

There is no common format.

How are the audio/video controls different in HTML5?

They are the same.

Can you overload functions in Javascript?

They cannot be overloaded.

If there is an issue with downloading one file in offline applications, what happens to the rest of the files?

They will not download. Each dump must be complete

How to enable microdata tags?

Using <itemscope itemtype=""> <itemprop=TYPE>

How do you define a double-border?

Using border and box-shadow

What values can .addColorStop on a gradient take?

Value between 0 and 1 inclusively.

What are pros/cons of using GPS for geolocation?

Very accurate long operation, not optional indoors, hardware required

How does drag and drop work?

You have to define a drag source and drop target. But you must cancel the default behavior on the drop target.

What needs to happen before rendering when you are clipping an image?

You should have your clip area established before rendering onto the canvas.

What is the special CSS line that is required to format drap&drop elements correctly? Also restrict to only handling one element.

[draggable="true"] { -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none;

How to shift focus to an event?

autofocus attribute

What is also required in an image tag besides src?

alt=""; containing some alternative text

What is the keyword to reference the arguments of a function in Javascript?


How do you stop an animation?

clearInterval on the frame interval

What is the method used to clip and what is it called on?

context.clip(); Where context = canvas.getContext('2d');

What are some drag/drop events?

drag (drag src) dragover (req. cancellation) dragstart (drag src) dragend (drag src) dragleave dragenter (req. cancellation) drop

How to invalidate a form item?


How do you select elements with attributes?

element[attribute] { ... }

How do you cancel dragenter and dragover events?

event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();

What is the difference between using document.getElementsByClassName and document.querySelectorAll?

getElementsByClassName is considered a live result where the result set is immediately updated if the underlying DOM structure changes. querySelectorAll is not.

How do you clear all storage?


How function allows for automatic update of cache files?


How do you specify that you require another Javascript file in Node.js?


What is the general format of a style rule in CSS?

selector { propertyName : value }

What are some font families that browsers recognize?

serif sans-serif cursive fantasy monospace

What are some of the relational selectors?

ul li - descendant selector (matches nested elements) ol > li - child selector matches child selectors li.myClass + li - adjacent sibling, matches the element differently adjacent. li.myClass ~ li - matches all elements after the element with myClass

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