Midterm AP Psychology

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where does the neurotransmitter dopamine have its effect?

receptor site on postsynaptic membrane


regulates level of sugar in blood

Pituitary Gland

releases a vital growth hormone which spurs physical development

What doe the peripheral nervous system do?

scallop like sensory neurons gather information and report back to CNS


seeing, hearing, and tasting

Monocular depth cue needs only _____ eye


What percent of the brain is made up by the 2 hemisphere?


Given a normal distribution, approximately what percentage of people will fall within three standard deviations of the mean.


Researchers have found a negative correlation between income and dental problems. What conclusion can correctly be drawn for this statement?

As income increases, the likelihood of dental problems decreases

A polygraph machine is often called a "lie detector" although it does not detect lies. Instead, it responds to changes in which division of the nervous system?

Autonomic Nervous system

The idea that the explanation for prejudice lies in children observing and then modeling their parent's prejudicial behavior is most closely allied with which major psychological perspective.


John Watson discovered what major psychological perspective?


A group of researchers are interested in studying how our DNA (genetic code) influences our behavior and personality. These researchers would most likely be working within which school of psychology,


Synthesia is a phenomenon that has been estimated to occur in only a few million. Because of it's rarity researchers are likely to choose which type of research method to study it?

Case Study

What makes your body's big decisions?

Central Nervous system

All phobias are created through ___________________ _________________

Classical conditioning

Allie was never afraid of spiders until one bir her when she was eight. Today, even the sight of a plastic spider upsets her. Allie's fear of spiders is likely the result of which basic learning process.

Classical conditioning

Maria winces every time she sees lightning in anticipation of hearing thunder. Which type of learning process would best explain her behavior?

Classical conditioning

Of the following, which psychoactive drug increases nervous system activity:cocaine, heroin, or barbiturates and why?

Cocaine because it's a stimulate

People who find themselves engaging in behavior that is against their principles will experience a feeling of internal conflict known by what term?

Cognitive dissonance

A researcher working within which major psychological perspective would most likely investigate the reason why people have an innate fear of the dark?


Who was the first phrenologist?

Franz Joseph Gall

Which social psychology term is used to describe the process by which important group decisions may be distorted because different viewpoints are not encouraged.

Group Think

Neurons in mammals have been found to change the way they function as a result of repeated stimulation by doing what?

Grow new dendritic spines

While painting outside, Sarah noticed that in the early evening she began to have difficulty seeing the vibrant colors in her artwork. How would you explain Sarah's experiences.

Her cones can't detect color well in dim light

Which area of the brain is not well developed until after age three, offering a possible explanation for infantile amnesia.


Which major statistical approach is primarily concerned with discovering whether findings from a sample group can be generalized to the larger population?

Inferential Statistics

Damage to which lower level area of the brain would most likely result in a life threatening disruption of heartbeat and breathing?


The pineal gland is responsible for regulating the release of what sleep- inducing hormone by increasing its production at night and decreasing its production in the morning?


George sat next to Sarah in biology class every day and they often worked together on assignment. By the end of the semester, George became quite fond of Sarah. Which social psychological term best explains Georges attraction to Sarah?

Mere- Exposure effect

A particular group of brain cells neurons seems to provide a basis for observational learning?What is the term for these specialized cells.

Mirror Neurons

Using your knowledge of neural processing, explain why it is possible that some weak signals (such as a mosquito landing on your arm) go completely unnoticed.

Neurons fire in an all or none response

Since most students at a particular high school tend to wear a specific brand of athletic shoe, a new student buys a pair of shoes of the same brand. Such behavior demonstrated which type of social influence?

Normative Social Influence

Significant damage to which area of the brain could potentially cause a person to fall into a deep coma from which the person would be unable to awaken?

Reticular Formation

For vision, where are the sensory receptor cells located


While conducting a school wide newspaper survey, students from a journalism class ask 20 of their friends to participate. Why is their research study flawed?

Sampling Bias

What type of graph would a researcher use to represent the relationship between students hours spent watching Tv per day and grade point average.

Scatter plot

Marc performs poorly on a psychology exam and explain his failure by saying, "the test was so hard no one could pass it." His explanation best illustrates what common bias in social thought?

Self-serving bias

As you are reading this question, the cells in your eyes are firing in response to the light coming from the screen. Which type of neuron is responsible for relaying this information to your brain?

Sensory (afferent) neurons

To teach her son to his shoes, Lynn first praises him when he makes a simple knot. Then, she praises him only when he makes the knot and a loop. She continues the pattern until he can do all the steps required to tie his shoes. What operant conditioning technique is Lynn using.


Which type of psychologist would be interested primarily in studying whether people behave differently in groups than they do when alone.

Social Psychologist

Researchers find that there is a significant positive correlation between the number of hours of student sleeps and their grades. What conclusion can be correctly drawn from this research?

Students who earn good grades tend to sleep more than students who don't

As you look at the board, the receptor cells in your retina convert the reflected light energy waves into a neural message that is sent to your brain to be perceived. What is the term for this process?

Transduction (conversion of one energy form to another)

where do selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have their initial effect?


After losing his vision at age 3, Scott received a corneal transplant at 25 that allowed him to see again. Although his vision was restored, Scott had difficulty interpreting certain information such as faces. His visual problems most likely stem from issues in what area of the brain?

Visual cortex in occipital lobe


Voluntary movement

Reticular Formation

arousal, sleeping walking

Process by which a person evaluates the cause of another persons behavior is known as


Binocular depth cue needs ________ eyes



central to learning and memory




help coordinate movement


keeps body steady, feels pleasure, and helps govern endocrine system

Brain stem

the most ancient and central core of brain

Adrenal glands

trigger fight or flight response

When do neurons transmit signals?

when stimulated by sensory input or triggered by neighboring input.

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