Millionaire Next Door (Chapter 2)
productive, frugal, bankruptcy
Affluent Auctioneers: -highly _____________ types -more _____________ than their high-income-producing counterparts in prestige areas -they have experience with ____________
time, money, inferior economic achievement
Allocating __________ and _________ in the pursuit of looking superior often leads to _____________________________
frugal, wealth-building
Being __________ is the cornerstone of _____________.
really want to change, professional help, cold turkey, 15
How can UAWs transform and change after being that way for so long? 1. They must _______________________ 2. They will need some ___________________ 3. In extreme cases, the client is put into a "________________" cutback program where all elements of consumption are reduced by a minimum of _____% for the next year or two.
high consumption, financial independence
If your goal is to become financially independent, then your plan should be to sacrifice _________________ today for ___________________ tomorrow.
home, mortgage, twice
Important Rule: If you're not yet wealthy but want to be someday, never purchase a _________ that requires a _____________ that is more than ____________ your household's total annual realized income.
realized (taxable) income, unrealized income, cash flow
Important Rule: To build wealth, minimize your _____________________ and maximize your ___________________ (wealth/capital appreciation without a ______________)
high-status neighborhood
It is easier to accumulate wealth if you don't live in a ____________________
offense, defense
Millionaires play both quality ___________ and quality __________
More than 35% of _______________ are millionaires
net worth, realized income
Most millionaires measure their success by their _____________, NOT by their _________________.
budgeting, controlling expenses
Mr. and Mrs. Rule became millionaires by ____________ and _________________, and they maintain their affluent status the same way.
On average, millionaires in the study had a total realized income that was about ______% of their total net worth.
expenses, expenses
Small ___________ become big ___________ over time
399, 140, 235
Surveys taken say that about half of millionaires never spend more than: -$________ on a suit -$_________ on a pair of shoes -$________ on a watch
consumer, possessed by possessions, shopping, consuming
Teddy Friend (UAW) is the ultimate _____________ and is _________________________. -his main hobbies are ___________ and ___________
parents, frugal, frugal, more frugal
The affluent tend to answer "yes" to these 3 questions: 1. Were your ___________ very ___________? 2. Are you ___________? 3. Is your spouse ____________ than you are?
The average American millionaire realizes significantly less than _____% of his net worth in annual income
defense, defense, budgeting, planning
The foundation stone of wealth accumulation is ___________, and this ___________ should be anchored by ______________ and ________________.
The typical American household has a total net worth, including equity in their home, of $_______________
annual budget, how much, spends, clearly defined set, goals, planning, financial future
To become an affluent millionaire, need to answer "yes" to these 4 questions: 1. Does your household operate on an ________________? 2. Do you know ___________ your family __________ each year for food, clothing, and shelter? 3. Do you have a ____________________ of __________? 4. Do you spend a lot of time _____________ your ______________?
frugal, frugal, frugal
What 3 words best profile the affluent?
underinsured, life insurance
Widows of UAWs: Often, their mates were _____________ or had no ________________ at all
discipline, spending
You need to have _____________ to control your ______________
Expected net worth
_________________ = 1/10th of age x income
a lifestyle marked by lavish spending and hyper-consumption
Congressional Medal of Taxation and Consumption
a new medal for the type of patriotism for spending all of their money
behavior characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources
income tax
the single largest annual expenditure for most households