MIS 309 FINAL CH.10-15,17,18

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Data is used by Rent the Runway in a more traditional fashion, like The Gap, rather than in a vertically integrated way, like Zara.

False: Data is used more like Zara, as they use analytics to profile customers and help produce accurate supply of desired products

Google's ad network is potentially better at targeting users than the Facebook Audience Network advertising network

False: Google ads are based on search history while Facebook has more data such as age and friends to generate more relevant ads

Efficient and integrated enterprise systems may make firms more attractive acquisition targets.


While the definition of "apps" is somewhat fluid, most folks use the term app to refer to smaller pieces of software that are designed for a specific platform, such as the programs that are executed on a smartphone, tablet, television, or specialized platform like the Apple Watch or Oculus Rift.


Common procedures, consistent data formats, and common database systems created by packaged ERP systems and other categories of enterprise software make it easier for firms to efficiently manage their value chain.

True: ERP systems help connect the different parts of the value chain to help make it easier to translate the necessary information communication needed between channels

Firms struggle when trying to combine complex and incompatible information systems. Firms seeking to acquire other firms may be justified in bidding more for acquisition targets since efficient technology may allow firms to capture the 10 to 15 percent cost savings that successful mergers can usually realize by combining IT systems.

True: Firms do struggle when the systems are incompatible. Bidding more is justified because this technology will capture the 10 to 15 percent cost savings that comes with more compatible systems.

Text ads on Google are billed on a click-through (paper click) basis. The advertiser is charged when a user clicks through. If there are no clicks on the ad, then the ad runs at no cost to the advertiser

True: Google ads are built on a paper click basis and advertisers are not charged if ad gets no clicks

Ads in feeds perform better than conventional display ads

True: ads in your feed can be based more on your personal interactions and information offered on that platform

Desktop software refers to applications installed on a personal computer. Enterprise software refers to applications that address the needs of multiple, simultaneous users in an organization or work group and incorporates industry-standard best practices. The main disadvantage of packaged enterprise systems is that it is difficult to get strategic competitive advantage from such systems.

True: first two sentences are true, it is a disadvantage because everyone used the same packaged enterprise systems (will increase operational efficiencies) yet, you can put information into these systems differently to over perform the competitors using the same system.

But for all the promise of packaged solutions for standard business functions, enterprise software installations have proven difficult. The average large company spends roughly $15 million on ERP software, with some installations running into the hundreds of millions of dollars. And many of these efforts have failed disastrously.

True: no one has successfully created a single system yet. Companies put lots of money into these systems to try to create successful ERP software.

How does Uber cut costs compared with traditional taxi and limo fleet operations?

- Taxi: a controlled market that have to buy permission from city (madallions) - Uber does not have to maintain any inventory (such as cars or human dispatchers) and even helps lease and finance drivers cars that brings in revenue

Switching Costs

cost incurred by a customer when switching from one product or brand to another

Does Uber's data provide them with sustainable competitive advantage?

-Uber has more data than competitors from being a first mover (2 years over lyft) but *must continue to innovate* so data does become stale -Uber has both *scale advantage and the advantage of *brand name -Uber tries to not be too transparent about their algorithms to stay hard to imitate

How does Uber leverage data and what aspects of the firms operations are improved through data analytics?

-Uber has the advantage of "being there first" (first mover) and also probably scale advantage over competitors like Lyft -Uber utilizes the data from being their longer

fast follower problem exists when competitors:

-Watch a pioneer's efforts. Learn from their successes and missteps. Enter the market quickly with a comparable or superior product at a lower cost before the first mover can dominate. -Because technology can be matched quickly, firms that pioneer in technology are especially susceptible to this problem.

How does Airbnb and Uber ensure safety and encourage trust among transacting parties? What role does technology play? How can social media help combat online fraud

-background screening: traditional - license and social security screenings -registering for these apps using facebook or instagram -algorithms ready to search through social media for background checks (check for social media presence for hiring) -AIRBNB will search to see if users are violating policies


-can be strong switching cost for firms leveraging technology -fueled by scale -plays a critical role in differentiation

It sounds counterintuitive to gain efficiencies by adding a firm to the distribution channel , but how are some collaborative consumption marketplaces thriving as channel extending intermediaries? *think Uber eats*

-example given:Drizzly intergating the liquor stores and the customer - Drizzly adds a new delivery service both to customers and for companies that would not exist without this service -offers search and discovery, trust and reputation management through reviews

sustainable competitive advantage

-financial performance that consistently outperforms industry averages

operational effectiveness

-performing the same tasks better than rivals perform them -danger lies in similarity and failure to innovate which leads to a fast follower problem

Economies of Scale

-scale advantage data -cost can be spread across increasing units of production or in serving multiple customers

Distribution Channels

-the path through which products or services get to customers -affiliates -patents


-the symbolic embodiment of all the information connected with a product or service -brand loyalty and a strong brand can lead to sustained competitive advantage -*viral marketing

Network Effects (aka Metcalfe's law or Network externalities)

-when the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands -switching costs play a role in the strength of network effects -strong asset for firms that can control and leverage a leading standard

Cloud computing should generally not be used in some situations, such as where complex legacy systems have to be ported or where there may be regulatory compliance issues. Which of the following statements are true? A.Firms should enter the cloud cautiously, particularly where mission-critical systems are concerned. B.The cloud works well for handling large batch jobs or limited-time tasks, offloading expensive computing tasks, and cloud-bursting efforts that handle system overflow when an organization needs more capacity. C.For firms that require very tight amounts of control, for example, where there may be modest regulatory compliance issues, it may be possible to use Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) where the clients can select their own operating systems, development environments, underlying applications like databases, or other software packages (i.e., clients, and not cloud vendors, get to pick the platform). In this case, the cloud firm usually manages the infrastructure (providing hardware and networking). D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

A. Cloud computing has lower cost offers more scale E.this is the correct answer

Which of the following statements are true about data? A.The data a firm can leverage is a true strategic asset and source of competitive advantage when it's rare, valuable, imperfectly imitable, and lacking in substitutes. B.Under the conditions of brand, large amounts of available capital, and scalability, data is oftentimes considered a defensible source of competitive advantage; C.Advantages based on capabilities and data that others can acquire easily will be short-lived. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

A. True B. False- brand and capital have nothing to do with the strength of your data therefore the statement is not true C.true D. is the correct answer

Which of the following are true about content adjacency? A.Content adjacency describes a feature where ads are targeted based on keywords automatically detected inside the content of a website, thus allowing ads to appear alongside text that has something to do with what is being advertised. B.Newspaper websites might be particularly useful for content adjacency opportunities. However, each time a pairing is screened out represents a potentially lost revenue source. C.Ad networks unfortunately do not provide opportunities for both advertisers and content providers to screen out potentially undesirable pairings based on factors like vendor, website, keyword, and category. D.Advertisers can use negative keywords, which tell networks to avoid showing ads when specific words appear. Ad networks also refine ad-placement software based on feedback from prior incidents. E.All of these answers are true.

A. false, because of the content adjacency B. false, content adjacency problem not opportunity C. false, Ad networks do offer opportunities D. true, describes the content adjacency problem -CONTENT ADJACENCY **PROBLEM**

The following statements describe how competition in services delivered in the browser on desktop computers differ from those delivered via smartphone app. Read through each of these and identify anything here that is not true and, if not true, describe why it is not true and how you can be sure that your answer is a complete response. A.Browsers on desktop computers can get an icon on the home screen, a constant visual reminder for a service. Single-tap access is also far better than bookmarking or typing in a URL. B.Smartphone apps can access a user's address book. This makes it easier to rebuild the social graph for a new mobile service. C.Browsers on desktop computers can use push notifications, a huge benefit for increasing engagement. While prior services needed to rely on e-mail notifications or hoped users remembered to return to a website, push notifications from a service instantly say 'hey, there's something new here for you to pay attention to' and offer single-tap re-entry into a service. D.Smartphones app can access a phone's media library, and can often plug into cloud storage. This makes it easier to share photos and video than on desktop services. E.While smartphone apps can crush a new competitor by adding a feature as a new menu item or icon, on desktop browsers there isn't the screen real estate for this - another reason desktop browsers seem to favor single-purpose, specialized apps.

A. not true: *single tap* would apply to smart phones, desktops have too much real estate for one icon to stand out B. this is true: instagram example C. not true: this is true for smart phones not desktops again think large real estate D. this is true:having app on same device makes it easier E. it is not easy to add new menu items on a smart phone due to screen real estate

Why does it take longer, and require more processing power, to analyze sales trends by region and product, as opposed to posting a sales transaction at the point of sale? A.Most transactional databases aren't set up using legacy systems. In order to run analytics the data must be ported to a transactional database on an organization's legacy system. B.Most transactional databases aren't set up using modern-day cloud technology. In order to run analytics the data must first be ported to a transactional database on the cloud like AWS. C.Most transactional databases aren't set up to be simultaneously accessed for reporting and analysis. In order to run analytics the data must first be ported to a data warehouse or data mart. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

A. the legacy system is older and cannot be ran with new software, many transactional databases ARE set up on legacy systems B. many transactional data bases can use modern-day cloud technology, needs to be ported to an analytical database C. is the correct answer

The following statements describe Facebook's competitive advantage in the social media world. Read through each of these and identify anything here that is not true and, if not true, describe why it is not true and how you can be sure that your answer is a complete response. A.If Facebook has a source of competitive advantage, it is via the Social Graph. Facebook's social graph is considered stronger than that of its early competitors and it provides immense advantages in terms of brand and scale. B.Because it relies so heavily on technology, Facebook has to worry about copycat firms in the United States. This is also true in overseas markets. C.The competitive advantage that Facebook enjoys via the Social Graph lies in the data asset that is built up by Facebook users simply using Facebook. D.All of the above are true except one E.All of the above are true

A. this is true: Social graph is a graph that shows who and how you interact on Facebook- this provides a huge amount of data for Facebook to use as an advantage and create switching cost and network effects B.not true: the switching cost and network effects Facebook has gives them a huge advantage over any new competitors in the United States, Over seas- Facebook does not have the same first mover advantage C. this is true: the data from users using Facebook helps build the social graph, which is the source of the switching cost

Search engines use different algorithms for determining the order of organic search results - at Google the method is called PageRank. This is important: on average, 34 percent of clicks go to the top result, about twice the percentage that goes to number two. Which of the following are true about search engines and their ranking results? A.Google's PageRank orders organic search results based largely on the number of websites linking to them, and the "weight" of each page as measured by its "influence." B.Search engine results can be manipulated using legitimate SEO techniques such editing a page's content and HTML associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. C.Search engines would like to penalize sites that use unscrupulous SEO techniques by manually demoting these site's rankings or by making such sites virtually unfindable in their organic search results, but in practice this is too difficult to do. D.All of these answers except one are true. E.All of these answers are true.

A. true B. true C. false- search engines do penalize sites that use unscrupulous SEO techniques. not difficult to do. D. is the correct answer.

An "ad network" is a system that links advertisers to websites and other content providers (e.g., app firms, games) that are willing to host advertisements, typically in exchange for payment. Which of the following are true about ad networks? A.It is not difficult for a website to join an ad network. Content providers just sign up online, wait for approval (which sometimes can be difficult to obtain), and put a bit of ad network-supplied HTML code on their pages. B.Ad network switching costs are low. C.Many content provider websites will serve ads from several ad networks which means they don't have to exclusively choose one network over another. D.All of these answers except one are true. E.All of these answers are true.

A. true B. true- because it is typically easy to join an ad network C.true E. is the correct answer

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vendors may offer their clients several cost-related benefits including the following: A.Lower costs by eliminating or reducing software, hardware, maintenance, and staff expenses. B.Financial risk mitigation since startup costs are low. C.Costs are a large and fixed operating expense rather than a variable capital expense. This fetches accounting benefits and financial flexibility. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

A. true B.true C. the costs is a variable capital expense

Which of the following statements about interstitial ads and rich media ads are true? A.An interstitial is an ad that runs before a user arrives at a website's contents. A rich media ad is an ad that includes animation or video. B.Interstitials are a form of interruption marketing. This quality appeals to advertisers who feel Web advertising needs to be more like a broadcast medium to be effective. C.Interstitials often draw an above average amount of response and resentment. The high response rates typically translate into higher CPM rates. The high level of resentment may translate into consumer backlash, although the exact long-term effects are unclear. D.All of these answers except one are true. E.All of these answers are true.

A. true B.true example ads on games and tv commercials C.true E. is the correct answer

If you were developing a product or service today, would you go 'mobile first,' concentrating on an app as the customer interface rather than a web-based interface? Which of the following statements are valid things to consider when making this decision? A.The app store is always open, and apps are distributed at a fraction of the cost of conventional packaged software, completely cutting out costs associated with printing discs, boxes, and shipping product to retailers. B.Most web browsers on desktops or laptops allow web-based interfaces to integrate with the device's operating system and to send out direct messages to users, whereas the apps on a smartphone provide no such operating system level integration. C.Apps offer richer, more interactive interface options than simple web-based applications. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

A.true B.this answer is written complete opposite C.true D.ANSWER

Which of the following statements are true about the role that technology and timing play in realizing advantages from the data asset? A.If more data brings more accurate modeling, moving early to capture this rare data asset can be the difference between a dominating firm and an also-ran. B.Advantages based on capabilities and data that lead primarily to differentiation, rather than operational efficiencies, will be short-lived. C.Technology that cannot be easily replicated or imitated will be key in distinguishing operationally effective technology from those efforts that can yield true strategic positioning. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

B. Is the only false answer choice because differentiation and operational efficiencies should be swapped D. is the correct answer

Which of the following statements are true about data marts and data warehouses? A.A data warehouse is a set of databases designed to support decision-making in an organization. B.A data warehouse is structured for fast online queries and exploration. C.Data marts may aggregate enormous amounts of data from many different operational systems. D.A data mart is a database focused on addressing the concerns of a specific problem (e.g., increasing customer retention, improving product quality) or business unit (e.g., marketing, engineering). E.All of the above except one are true.

B. is the only incorrect answer choice because data warehouse should say data marts E. is the correct answer

Social networks and other Web 2.0 tools are a potential gold mine for crooks seeking to pull off phishing scams. Which of the following is not a specific reason why social media sites are such a threat to information security? A.Malware can send messages that seem to come from trusted "friends." B.Messages such as status updates and tweets are short, and with limited background information, there are fewer contexts to question a post's validity. C.Law enforcement agencies dealing with computer crime are increasingly outnumbered, outskilled, and underfunded. D.Many users leverage bit.ly or other URL shortening services that don't reveal the website they link to in their URL, making it easier to hide a malicious link. E.All of these answers are true.

C. is not a specific reason A,B,D are *specific* reasons why *social media* is such a threat

The textbook indicates that Walmart's key source of sustained competitive advantage is scale. Which of the following might best indicate why its data asset is not a key source of competitive advantage? A.Walmart demonstrates how a physical product retailer can create and leverage a data asset to achieve world-class supply chain efficiencies targeted primarily at driving down costs. B.Walmart mines its mother lode of data to get its product mix right under all sorts of varying environmental conditions, protecting the firm from "a retailer's twin nightmares: too much inventory, or not enough." C.Data can help Walmart's suppliers become more efficient so that Walmart can keep dropping prices, and data can help firms uncover patterns that help suppliers sell more. D.All of the above. E.None of the above help explain why its data asset is not a key source of competitive advantage.

D. is the correct answer -data is said to be used to *lower cost* in all answer choices, lowering costs on it's own is not a source of sustained competitive advantage

Which of the following is not a common method used by firms to ensure the integrity of their software, their hardware, their networks, and their partners? A.Installing software updates that plug existing holes (often referred to as patches). Firms that don't plug known problems will be vulnerable to trivial and automated attacks. B.Locking down hardware, such as disabling the "boot capability" of removable media, preventing Wi-Fi use, etc. C.Locking down the network. D.Locking down partner firms such as technology providers, contract firms, value-chain participants like suppliers and distributors. E.All of these answers are true.

E. all answers listed are true C. white list and black list- one variant of locking down the network

What is the incentive for a firm to introduce a loyalty card for its customers and for its customers to opt-in and use loyalty cards? A.The incentive for the firm is that it can collect personalized information about customer purchases and improve targeting. B.By opting-in and usi loyalty cards, the customer is giving up information about themselves in exchange for financial incentives such as points or discounts. C.These systems can create strategic assets for a firm. For example, in addition to enhancing data collection, loyalty cards can represent a significant switching cost. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

E. all listed answer choices are true

Why do law enforcement agencies struggle to cope with computer crime? A.Law enforcement agencies dealing with computer crime are increasingly outnumbered, outskilled, and underfunded. B.Many agencies are staffed with technically weak personnel who were trained in a prior era's crime fighting techniques. C.Governments can rarely match the pay scale and stock bonuses offered by private industry. D.Organized crime networks now have their own R&D labs and are engaged in sophisticated development efforts to piece together methods to thwart current security measures. E.All of these answers are true.

E. all listed answers are true

Running analytics against transactional data can bog down a system, because most transactional databases aren't set up to be simultaneously accessed for reporting and analysis. Which of the following are true? A.Firms typically need to create separate data repositories (e.g., data marts and data warehouses) for their reporting and analytics work that requires combining and reformatting data from multiple sources, B.A data warehouse is structured for fast online queries and exploration. In order to run analytics the data must first be ported to a data warehouse. C.A firm might want to use a data lake because, unlike the high-structured environments of the data mart and warehouse (think of data stored in these as being distilled, cleansed, and ready to consume), data lakes allow for the storage and access, filtering, and refining of data in both structured as well as "raw," "unfiltered" formats D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

E. all listed answers are true -Data Mart set up for fast online queries of a very specific market, Data Warehouses are set up for multiple

Algorithms that learn based on data that includes bias may be biased. Many firms are working on improving ethical and responsible IS development Which one of these is not a factor? A.Create a systems review board that contains many voices involved in identifying, heading off, or responding to issues that may arise. B.Create and enforce technology audit trails that can expose how and when information systems are used so that the way a firm arrived at a particular outcome can be identified. C.Provide a means for overriding AI results that are suspicious or questionable. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

E. all of the listed answers are factors that improve development

Users are faced with so many destinations asking for passwords. Which of the following does not illustrate why it is a bad idea to use variants of existing passwords when registering for new websites? A.The typical Web user has 6.5 passwords, each of which is used at four sites, on average. Chances are most users are using the same password, or easily guessed variants. B.Some sites force users to change passwords regularly, but this often results in insecure compromises. C.Users make only minor tweaks (e.g., appending the month or year); they write passwords down (in an unlocked drawer or Post-it note attached to the monitor) D.They save passwords in personal email accounts or on unencrypted hard drives. E.All of these answers are true.

E. is the correct answer although B almost suggest why it could be *not such a bad idea*

An understanding of database terms and technologies is important even for non-technical managers and staff because of which of the following? A.Even if you don't become a database programmer or database administrator (DBA), non-technical managers and staff may have to use a database. B.You may even be asked to help identify your firm's data requirements. C.It's quite common for non-tech employees to work on development teams with technical staff, defining business problems, outlining processes, setting requirements, and determining the kinds of data the firm will need to leverage. D.Understanding a firm's business requirements is important when engaged in data-driven decision making. E.All of the above are true.

E.all answer choices are true

Several factors are leading to the new explosion in machine learning now used by organizations and making its way into consumer products. Which one of these is not a factor? A.Production and availability of data B.The cloud C.Fast/cheap processing D.Faster Internet connections E.Open standards for sharing and collecting data F.All of the above are factors.

F. all listed answers are factors leading to the new explosion in machine learning

Rent the Runway found that when it tried to encourage customers to socially share and publicly engage a brand online, their customers considered it off-putting to see other women in their dresses and as a result there were inappropriate comments.

False: Rent the Runway monitored the comments and found that overwhelming the comments were positive and generated positive response while reducing the anxiety of the unknown

Facebook has been improving the organic reach of brands online. As a result, ad revenue for Facebook has increased

False: ad revenue for Facebook has decreased as organic reach (advertising for free) has improved- forcing companies to pay for ad post

Rent the Runway has found that its mobile app is more trouble than it is worth, primarily because A/B tests are more easily run on the Web and problems take longer to fix on mobile than the Web.

False: it does take longer to fix problems on mobile than the web, A/B tests are more easily run on the web. BUT Mobile is worth it because it is more popular and more easily accessible.

At the expense of a slight decrease in ad profitability, Facebook has leveraged "Econ101" to improve the user experience by cutting back on the number of ads that appear in user's feeds

False: there has been an increase in ad profitability- Facebook has cut back on ads but increased ad cost, making ads more unique and rare

Strategic Positioning

Performing different tasks than rivals, or the same tasks in a different way.

Rent the Runway uses in-person customer engagement at retail storefronts quite successfully - for reasons very similar to Apple stores.

True: you must make an appointment before and give beforehand information like size and what is wanted this helps make it a success *recommendation engine*

How do Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vendors (companies that offer SaaS services, such as Amazon Web Services) charge their clients (companies like Salesforce.com) for their services? A.Most SaaS firms earn money via a usage-based pricing model akin to a monthly subscription. B.Others offer free services that are supported by advertising. C.While others promote the sale of upgraded or premium versions for additional fees. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

all true

The major new trends in the software industry such as open source software, hardware clouds, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and virtualization are creating challenges and opportunities across tech markets. All managers, investors, and technology buyers care about these changes and some types of organizations might benefit more from these trends than others. Which of the following statements are true? A.These trends can lower barriers to entry in an industry, by making it easier for startups to launch and smaller firms to leverage the backing of powerful systems and software. Lower entry barriers mean more new entrants and entrepreneurs. B. Some firms might benefit from lowered costs of buying, managing, and maintaining the physical computing that programs need. C.The organizations that might be threatened by decreased revenue include software developers like Microsoft and Oracle, as well as computer manufactures like IBM and Dell. D.All of the above except one are true. E.All of the above are true.

all true

4 critical factors of sustained competitive advantage

valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, difficult to substitute

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