Mis test 3 2019

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Alternate text that appears instead of a field's actual name in datasheets, forms, and reports.


An amount owed by a business


An arrangement to receive cash, goods, or services now and pay for them in the future.


An item in an Access database, such as a table, query, form, or report

types of values ( data validation)

Any value whole number decimal list dates time text length custome


Anything of value that is owned

The warning alert

Do not prevents an entry from being stored in the cell


Each entity in the relationship will have exactly one related entity

data validation controls

Ensure that specific data values are correct

Press and hold down the ______ key, and click the worksheet tabs you want to select.


to select Non adjacent sheets in a workbook use:



The process of applying rules to a database design to ensure that information is divided into the appropriate tables.

Intranet vs. Internet

Intranet=local, Private; Internet=World Wide, Public.

If you want your inserted content to update automatically when you edit the source, you should



Local Area Network


When you save a workbook that contains external reference formulas Excel stores the most recent results of those formulas in the ____ file.


Which of the following are used as common fields across tables so that fields can be accessed, organized, and manipulated in Access?

IP address

a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.

80% of finance is about


Focusing on the desired outcomes of your presentation forces you to make it more



collection of fields and group of related records


collection of related tables and other objects

Data marts

contains a subset of data warehouse information

Intranets are also called

corporate portals


cost of goods and services

fixed costs

costs that remain constant as output changes

display on data validation

criteria input message error


describes the entity; an attribute or characteristic of the entity

To customize theme colors, click the _____ tab.


If an Excel table is COPY+PASTED into a Word document, what happens when the Excel table is updated?

destination document do not change

If an Excel table is EMBEDDED a Word document, what happens when the Excel table is updated?

destination document do not change

error data validation

determines what happens after incorrect data is added

name manager dialog box

displays all of the names in the workbook

If an Excel table is LINK a Word document, what happens when the Excel table is updated?

document change

If you trust the provider of source files, you can choose to ____ the content, which allows the external reference formulas to function and updates the links in the destination workbook.


best software for budget


A formula can include a reference to another workbook (called an ____ reference), which creates a set of linked workbooks.


A(n)__________is a secure network that uses the Internet and Web technologies to connect intranets of business partners so that communication between organizations is possible.

extra net

The Net and the Web are the same thing


The information alert prevents an entry from being stored in the cell.


A column heading database table is called a


A link is a connection between two ____ allowing information to be transferred from one to the other.


________________ multiple sheets allow you to quickly process data based on the same structure


option for arranging your workbooks?

horizontal, vertical, cascade

____ are usually represented by words with colored letters and underlines or images.


When you build a worksheet for other users, you may decide to add a(n) _____ message to a cell even if you do not validate the data in that cell.


If you delete a value from one cell in a worksheet group, the content is also deleted from the same cell in all the worksheets in the group.

is deleted in all

Once you group a collection of worksheets, any changes you make to one worksheet are applied to all sheets in the group.

is made to all


is the common name of the location of a document or site on the Internet.

Once you have determined your focus, the next step is to identify the _____ of your presentation

key points

Data warehouses

large computer files that store millions and even billions of pieces of individual data

Which of the following is NOT an option for arranging your workbooks?


workbook protection

limits users' ability to make changes to the workbook's structure and windows

If you need to use data located in one workbook in the other workbook, you have to create a(n) ____ between the two workbooks.


by default

lock protection is on on each cell and worksheet protection is off

The best way to automate the creation of donor letters with different names and addresses is through:

mail merge


metropolitan area network


Money put into an account intended for growth

If Excel successfully accessed the link and updated the values from the source document, the status in the Edit Links dialog box will be ___



Personal Area Network

Database Management System (DBMS)

Provides secure access to shared data for client applications that request database services.

webs are constructed using


When you import a formatted Word outline, each heading formatted with the ____ style in Word becomes a slide title

Heading 1

Validation criteria

Rules that dictate the data to enter a cell

to select adjacent sheets in a workbook use:


text lenth

In the Allow list box in the Data Validation dialog box, the _____ option means that the cell will accept only text of a specified number of characters.


Indexes of information based on keywords embedded in documents which allows search engines to find what is being looked for

DNS (Domain Name System)

The Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses.


The ____ arrangement option layers the open workbooks on the screen.

Primary Key

The field that uniquely identifies each record in a table

Business intelligence

Information collected from multiple sources such as suppliers, customers, competitors, partners, and industries that analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making


money available for a client to borrow that becomes debt

edit and delete defined names

name manager

Nima wants to create a hyperlink to a location in her current workbook. She clicks the Hyperlink button in the Links group on the Insert tab. What option should she select from the Link to list?

place in this document

There are three stages to developing a presentation:

planning, creating, and preparing your delivery

warning ( data validation)

prevent data from being stored but can be override

stop ( data validation)

prevent data from being stored on cell

Like cell ____, a worksheet group can contain adjacent or nonadjacent sheets


Text size can indicate

relative importance

To delete the hyperlink but keep the text, right-click the hyperlink cell, and then click ____ Hyperlink. D. Remove


The default ____ for a hyperlink is the folder location and the name of the file to which you will link.

screen tip

message error appears as:

screen tip

how to create a defined name

select cell, go to name box and type name

When you reference cells and ranges in other worksheets, if the worksheet name contains spaces, you must enclose the sheet name in ____.

single quotation mark

If the destination file is closed when you make a change in the ____ file, you can choose whether to update the link to display the current values when you open the destination file.


When you link an object, a direct connection is created between the ____ and destination programs.


The following are Excel-supported error alert types

stop warning information

adding a ______________________ helps sum values from multiple sheets of the same structure

summary sheet

To move a worksheet or worksheet group to another location in the same workbook, select the worksheets and then drag and drop them by the selected sheet ____.


Database Administrator (DBA)

the person responsible for coordinating, controlling, and managing the database

Data mining

the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw data alone

Business Analytics

the use of current business data to solve business problems using mathematical analysis

When a worksheet group is selected, the ____ includes text to indicate this.

title bar

net worth

total assets minus total liabilities

The Stop alert prevents an entry from being stored in the cell.


To remove a worksheet group, you can right-click the sheet tab of a sheet in the group and then click ____ on the shortcut menu.

ungroup sheets

A(n) _____ identifies a Web page and is the address of a document or site on the Internet.


common word to type into a browser to find a web site


other ways to protect data corruption

workbook protection

To save a workbook with macros, the default Excel Workbook format needs to change to a macro-enabled workbook, which has the _____ file extension.


excel files have a(n) ____ extension.


All template files have a(n) ____ extension.


Presentations created and presented by a team of people are referred to as _____ presentations.


When you reference a cell or range in a different worksheet, the ____ separates the sheet reference from the cell reference.


reference cell d10 another sheet named Sales Data on the same workbook

'Sales Data'!D10

database objects

1. tables 2. queries 3. forms 4. reports 5. macros 6. modules

when was invented the internet


The 7x7 rule refers to a presenter having no more than

7 bullet points per slide, 7 words per bullet

when was invented the World Wide Web



A ____ is a workbook that you can open with the text, formats, and formulas already built into it.

search engine

A _____ is an information system that enables users to retrieve data from the Web by using keywords related to their topic of interest.


A collection of fields that appear as a row in a database or table.

Input messages

A description or instructions for data entry

external reference

A formula can include a reference to another workbook (called an ____ reference), which creates a set of linked workbooks.


A global network connecting millions of computers, making it possible to exchange information.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

A markup language that is designed to carry data instead of indicating how to display it.


A plan for making and spending money

foreign key

A primary key of one table that appears an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship among the two tables


A program run by the operating system to meet particular needs of a user.


A program that allows the user to find and view pages on the world wide web.

3D reference

A reference to the same cell or range in multiple worksheets in the same workbook


A relationship between two entities in which can be related to two or more instances of entity


A relationship where one record in a table may have links to many records in another table.


A series of dialogue boxes that guide you step-by-step through a process.

Internet Protocol (IP)

A set of rules responsible for disassembling, delivering, and reassembling packets over the Internet.

Data Validation

A set of rules that determine what users can enter in a specific cell or range


A specification that describes how a set of records should be sorted, filtered, calculated, or presented

WWW (World Wide Web)

A system of interlinked hypertext documents contained on the Internet

Table Design view

A view in which you can add, edit, and delete fields from a table, change field types and description, set a primary key and more


A view of a table or query's data, designed for lookup or input of records

defined name

A word or string of characters associated with a single cell or range


A worksheet ____ is a collection of two or more selected worksheets.

If you receive a destination workbook but the source files are not included, click the ____ Link button in the Edit Links dialog box to replace the external references with the existing values.


Click the button marked ____ in the accompanying figure to replace the link to a source file with the current values for the linked cells.

Break Link

copy/paste and embedded

DO NOT update automatically when you edit the source, you should

The worksheet range ____ references the worksheets, "Sheet1," "Sheet2," "Sheet3," and "Sheet4."


to create a reference to cell B6 on the Summary Info worksheet

Summary Info!B6

invented the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee


To add protection to a file so others cannot read it.


To create a connection between two files, or the connection itself.


To insert an object created with one program into a file created with a different program.

Navigational tools

Used to travel from website to website - as in surf the Internet

To create a macro, you can enter a series of commands in the _____ programming language



When two files are linked together, is the file that receives the information.


Wide Area Network

The general format of a 3-D cell reference is ____.



You can turn off the macro recorder by clicking the Stop Recording button in the Code group on the _____ tab

The ____ caption indicates a worksheet group.


reference the cell D10 in another workbook named Houston.xlsl on the work sheet Sales Data?

[Houston.XLSX]'Sales Data'!D10


_______ tab can be use To create a link, click the tab, and then in the Links group, click the Hyperlink button.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

a company that provides access to the internet for a monthly fee

variable cost

a cost that varies with changes in the level of output


a method of copying text or a graphic; allows the user to place it in another location in a document


a network designed for the exclusive use of computer users within an organization that cannot be accessed by users outside the organization

Information ( data validation)

accept the data entry but give the option to cancel and re type entry

Delete a value from one grouped sheet, cell content will be deleted from all grouped sheets

all sheets change

by grouping 12 sheets of the same structure, you can run calculations once instead of 12 times

all sheets change

create a name from selection

allow to assign names from selected values


an obligation to pay borrow money

sheet tap

can be use To ungroup worksheets by clicking a sheet not in the group.

the Excel data _____ feature restricts data entry to follow a defined set of rules.

data validation

Big Data Applications

deals with large amounts of unstructured data from the internet, photos, video, audio, social, networks, and sensors.

Who invented the internet?

dep of defense

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was created by

dep. of defense

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