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Paulo failed to disclose a leaking roof to his buyer client, and a few soggy months later, MREC found him guilty of his second license law violation in three years. What's a likely civil penalty the commission will levy against him?


In order to qualify as one of the ______ real estate professional members of the Maryland Real Estate Commission, you must have 10 years of real estate experience as a licensee.

5 In order to qualify as one of the five real estate professional members of the board, you must have at least 10 years of real estate experience as a licensee prior to your appointment. This requirement does not apply to the four appointed consumer members of the board.

In Maryland, listing agreements and their associated disclosure forms must be kept on file with the broker for a minimum of ______.

5 years

Which one of the following choices is not protected by federal or Maryland fair housing law, but may be protected by local ordinances in Maryland?

Age is not protected for housing discrimination at the federal or state level in Maryland, but may be protected at the local level.

What item(s) must be included on ALL real estate advertising in Maryland?

All advertising must include the broker's or company's name as it appears on the licensee's license. A logo alone doesn't suffice. If a salesperson or associate broker includes their phone number, the broker's number must also be included.

Which of these parties would be eligible to be one of MREC's consumer members?

Amelia, a retired community college professor who used to teach about home improvement

For sale signs on ground rent properties that show the price of the property must also state which of the following?

Annual ground rent plus the full cost of capitalization If these signs are used, they must show the full cost of capitalization in addition to the annual ground rent.

Cheyenne has been working with a buyer, though they don't have a signed agency agreement. When he finds a house he likes, Cheyenne helps him fill out the offer paperwork and submits it to the seller's agent. In what capacity is Cheyenne contributing to this transaction?

As a sub-agent for the seller Since Cheyenne doesn't have an agency agreement with the buyer, she's actually working as a sub-agent for the seller and the seller's broker.

Adesha made an offer on a three-bedroom townhouse in Hanover on April 5. The sellers accepted her offer on April 6, and all signatures were finalized by April 7. Adesha still hasn't received the property disclosure/disclaimer statement. Until when can Adesha rescind the contract without penalty?

At any time before she receives the disclosure/disclaimer statement Sellers should provide buyers with the disclosure/disclaimer before the contract is signed. If they don't, and the parties still enter into the contract, the buyer may rescind the contract any time before receiving the disclosure/disclaimer form.

When should a prospective buyer receive a copy of the Maryland Residential Property Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement?

Before or at the time the buyer makes a written offer to the seller

When should a prospective buyer receive a copy of the Maryland Residential Property Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement?

Before or at the time the buyer makes a written offer to the seller The property disclosure should be provided to the buyer before or at the time the buyer executes a purchase agreement with the seller.

Salesperson Katie represents seller Suzie in a transaction. Bob and Janine are buying Suzie's home, and they're not represented. To whom does Katie need to disclose her agency relationship using the Understanding Whom Real Estate Agents Represent form?

Bob and Janine only Licensees must disclose their agency relationship to all unrepresented transaction parties in writing, using the Understanding Whom Real Estate Agents Represent form and making the disclosure no later than the time of the first scheduled face-to-face meeting.

Bridget represents Colin, who's buying Hugh's house. Darcy represents Hugh. Hugh completed and signed the Residential Property Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement, and Colin reviewed and signed it. Hugh and Colin also signed the Section 10-702 notice form, and their agents made sure a copy of the form and the disclosure statement were included in the finalized contract. What's missing from this scenario?

Both the buyer and seller must sign the notice form to acknowledge that they have received the notice and that the licensee(s) have informed them of their rights under Section 10-702 of the Maryland Code. The licensees must also sign.

Ben and Leslie received their finalized purchase contract on April 10, just moments after the sellers put their final signatures on it. Ben and Leslie decided that since the home they're buying was built in 1920, they'd like to have it inspected for lead-based paint. When is the latest that the couple can have the inspection performed if they want to be able to back out of the contract?

Buyers have 10 days from the date of contract ratification to conduct a risk assessment or inspection of the property for lead-based paint hazards.

Rhetta received the lead-based paint inspection report for the two-bedroom condo she's purchasing. The report found evidence of lead-based paint in the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Within the 10-day deadline, Rhetta made sure to send the sellers a copy of the report, an itemization of the hazards, and guidelines on how the sellers should abate them. What's wrong with this scenario?

Buyers have five days from the time they receive the report to send a copy of the report, plus a written itemization of the hazards, and how they must be abated to the seller

Which of the following is NOT an example of legal dual agency in Maryland?

Chet, the managing broker, represents a seller and designates one of his associated salespersons, Chanice, to represent the buyer in the same transaction. The broker acts as the dual agent in a dual agency situation in Maryland and may not represent one of the parties. Instead, the broker (or designated office manager) assigns two associated licensees to represent the parties as intra-company agents.

Assuming that the following individuals only carry a real estate license, who is in violation of the foreclosure consultation parameters set forth in PHIFA?

Clint's former buyer client lost her home to foreclosure. When the lender filed a deficiency judgment against her, Clint advised her how to proceed. Licensees must be very careful not to cross over into territory that requires additional licensure, such as advising clients what to do about a deficiency judgment placed on them after a foreclosure sale.

Four years ago, licensee Gustav assisted a buyer in her purchase of a foreclosed three-bedroom townhome in Hanover. The buyer recently called Gustav, telling him that she filed a complaint with MREC, claiming that Gustav knew the plumbing was faulty, but didn't disclose this to her. As a result, she's racked up more than $35,000 in plumbing bills since her home purchase. Panicked, Gustav begins searching for the transaction file until his broker tells him he can stop. Why?

Complaints must be filed within three years of the transaction date, and this sale took place four years ago.

In order to qualify as one of the four appointed consumer members of the Maryland Real Estate Commission, how many years of experience must you have as a real estate licensee?

Consumer members of the MREC board are not licensees.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a legal agency agreement in Maryland?

Deirdre enters into a listing agreement with Peter and agrees to pay him all of the sale proceeds in excess of the $250,000 she needs to make off of the sale of her condo.

Which of these parties could NOT file a claim with the Guaranty Fund?

Devon, a broker who lost $10,000 when a seller client demanded that Devon pay to have her home staged, then cancelled the listing a week later when the house hadn't sold The Guaranty Fund is for consumers who have exhausted all other resources in collecting a judgment placed against a licensee (or an unlicensed employee of a licensee). The transaction in question must be related to a property located in Maryland.

Corita is a salesperson with Maryland's Best Realty and is slammed with clients right now; so much so that she wants another agent with her firm, Spencer, to handle listing Corita's own home. What does Spencer need to make sure to do?

Disclose that he and Corita work together at the same firm.

What must Maryland sellers provide prospective buyers of homes built prior to 1978, in addition to the appropriate disclosure form?

EPA lead safety pamphlet

The Maryland Real Estate Commission creates several hearing panels consisting of how many members each?

Each of the commission's hearing panels consists of three members.

Fatima, a salesperson, is hosting an open house in Annapolis for her seller client Ramona. Two interested buyers come in, and after Fatima gives them a tour they tell her they'd like her to represent them in making an offer. Since her seller client has already consented to dual agency, she gladly offers to represent the buyers and helps them write an offer right there at the open house, making sure that they also sign a Consent for Dual Agency form. What's wrong with this scenario?

Fatima isn't permitted to act as a dual agent. Only brokers may act as dual agents. For this scenario to be legal, Fatima would represent one side of the transaction as an intra-company agent, and her broker would appoint another licensee in Fatima's brokerage to represent the other party.

HUD received a complaint from Jameel, an Annapolis resident who claimed that his landlord evicted him when she found out he was gay. What will HUD likely do with this complaint?

Forward it to the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights.MCCR receives and investigates housing discrimination complaints. HUD also forwards complaints it receives that pertain to Maryland. Sexual orientation isn't a federally protected class, but it is a protected class in Maryland.

Rumi was on vacation in St. Croix when he received a written offer, via email, for his seller client's property, which had been on the market for two months with no offers. He decided to hold onto it until he got back a week later, so he could present it to his client in person. The next day, his seller client called Rumi's office to cancel the listing. When Rumi told the former client that he'd had an offer, she complained to MREC about him. What are the possible penalties Rumi could face?

He could be disciplined by the commission and receive a possible lawsuit for intentional interference.

Dexter has been managing Holly's 10-unit apartment building for five years. Holly's on vacation in Europe for a month, but before she left she approved Dexter's plan to sell six of the building's washing machines in order to buy new ones. Dexter got a great deal from the hardware store because his cousin is the manager and there ended up being a surplus of $1,000. Dexter deposited the surplus into his personal account as a bonus to himself for striking such a good deal. What did Dexter do wrong?

He didn't get Holly's approval before pocketing the profits from the sale of the washers. Property managers may not accept any payment, rebate, or profit on expenditures made for an owner without the owner's knowledge and consent. Dexter should've told Holly about the surplus and let her decide what to do with it.

Stanley, a broker, received notice from the Maryland Real Estate Commission that it was summarily suspending his license. What's the most likely reason that his license was immediately suspended?

He didn't provide the commission with trust account records MREC may summarily suspend a license if the licensee is convicted of a felony, or if the licensee fails to: promptly account for trust funds, provide trust fund records, or disclose to the commission that the licensee has been convicted of a felony.

MREC's five-member hearing panel reviewed Rachel's complaint against David, a supervising broker of a 10-member firm. The panel then forwarded the claim to Investigative Services, which determined that a hearing was necessary. MREC gave both Rachel and David 10 days' notice before the hearing, to which they each brought their attorneys. What's wrong with this scenario?

Hearing panels have three members. Of the three members in an MREC hearing panel, at least one must be one of the board's real estate professional members, and at least one other must be one of the board's consumer members.

When Janet, a licensed Maryland salesperson, transfers to a new brokerage, what happens to her license and pocket card?

Her former broker returns them to the commission.

Margaret has been working periodically with Bill, a lukewarm prospective buyer who can't seem to make up his mind about what kind of home he wants. Though he's signed the agency disclosure form, they've never signed an agency agreement, but he calls Margaret up every couple of months, tells her what he's looking for, and she sends him some listings. What other duties does Margaret owe Bill?

Honesty and fairness Bill is Margaret's customer, since they don't have a signed agency agreement. Margaret may perform ministerial acts for Bill and must treat him with honesty and fairness.

A Maryland salesperson included a personal phone number on an ad. What other piece of information must also be included on the ad?

If salespersons or associate brokers include their personal telephone number or email address in an ad, the broker's office telephone number must also be included.

Which of these scenarios depicts a potentially illegal dual agency arrangement in Maryland?

Jackson, an associate broker, acts as dual agent and designates two salespersons from the brokerage to represent each party. Only licensed principal brokers or their designees may act as dual agents in Maryland and may appoint licensees from within the brokerage to represent each of the parties. If Jackson isn't the broker's designee, he can't designate ICAs.

Ellen just completed a whirlwind continuing education marathon, taking all 15 of her required CE hours in the span of one weekend with a company called Last Minute Real Estate Education. It's just in the nick of time, too: Ellen's license is set to expire the following week. How will the CE hours get reported to the commission?

Last Minute Real Estate Education must electronically submit Ellen's completion data to the commission.

Paulo failed to disclose a leaking roof to his buyer client, and a few soggy months later, MREC found him guilty of his second license law violation in three years. What's a likely civil penalty the commission will levy against him?

License law violators may incur penalties of $5,000 for the first violation, $15,000 for the second violation, and up to $25,000 per violation after three or more violations.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding compensation and Maryland licensees?

Licensees may not share commissions with licensees in other states, even if their brokers know about it. Licensees may share commissions with licensees in other states, as long as that state also allows intra-state compensation sharing.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights?

MCCR is made up of nine governor-appointed members and an executive director who serve six-year terms.

MREC received Shanice's complaint against licensee Nick two years and eight months after he helped her buy her one-bedroom condo in Silver Spring. Nick and his broker responded to the copy of the complaint MREC sent them. Three weeks later, Nick and his broker received notice via certified mail that Shanice's claim warranted a hearing, which would take place in a week. What's wrong with this scenario?

MREC must give 10 days' notice before a hearing. MREC's hearing panel will consider complaints filed within three years of a real estate transaction, including condo sales. When a complaint is filed against a licensee, the licensee and his or her broker receive a copy of it. Licensees must be given at l

Kavita is hosting her first open house. She's put out some refreshments, some printouts of the public MLS listing, and a sign-in sheet so she can (hopefully) get some viable buyer leads from the open house attendees. What other document does she need to display?

MREC's open house notice Licensees hosting an open house must display an MREC-mandated notice advising consumers that the licensee represents the seller and warning visitors not to discuss with the agent anything they wouldn't want the seller to know.

Which choice correctly identifies the classes that Maryland protects in addition to the seven federally protected classes?

Marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and source of income Maryland fair housing law recognizes race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and source of income.

Who or what entity has the power to seek civil action and/or injunctions against parties who violate Maryland fair housing law?

Maryland Commission on Civil Rights

In addition to sanctions imposed by the Maryland Real Estate Commission, serious violations of real estate license laws can result in what?

Maryland law allows, in addition to sanctions imposed by the commission, prison sentences for specific violations.

Maryland salesperson Claire has been licensed for a little over a year. She's a bit of an overachiever, so she's already completed 12 hours of her required continuing education. Her broker Darnell's license is renewing on August 28. Claire must make sure that her license is renewed by ______.

Maryland salespersons, associate brokers, and brokers renew their licenses every two years on the same date their license was issued. The license's expiration date is printed on the license.

Shawn and his life partner, Dennis, recently put an in an offer on a home. The seller tells his agent to reject the offer, because he won't sell to "gays." Are Shawn and Dennis protected under fair housing laws?

Maryland's state fair housing laws prohibit discrimination based on the protected class of sexual orientation; federal fair housing laws do not offer such protection.

Amelia's portfolio is on fire! She's got four upcoming listings and each of them will list for at least $500,000. Before she can count her commissions, though, she's got some paperwork to get through. Since she wants to stay on the right side of the Maryland Property Condition Disclosure Law, which of these sellers does Amelia need to remind about completing the Residential Property Disclosure /Disclaimer Statement?

Mikey, an investor who's selling a property that he converted into a three-unit apartment building Unimproved properties, new construction, transfer tax-exempt properties, foreclosures/REOs, sheriff's /tax sales, court-appointed transfers, and properties that will be converted to commercial use or demolished are exempt from the disclosure requirement.

Padma's buyer client made an offer on Tom's seller client's home, which the seller countered. Padma's client sent another counter-offer back to the seller on Monday. On Tuesday, Tom called Padma to tell her that the seller was accepting her client's offer, and he'd send over the signed paperwork on Thursday. Padma called her client to tell him the good news, but he told her he'd rather back out of the contract entirely. Can the buyer back out?

No. A counter-offer is considered accepted when the offer is signed and the offeror (in this case, the buyer) is notified. Offers and counter-offers may be withdrawn until accepted. Acceptance is effective upon notification to the offeror.

Jorge's firm has just been assigned as the listing brokerage for a foreclosed condo unit in Jorge's own building. Jorge knows that given the unit's condition, it's bound to sell for far less than market value of a nicer unit such as his. Worried that the new listing will bring down his unit's value, Jorge quickly lists his unit at current market price and sells it before the foreclosed listing hits the market-at a price $100,000 less than Jorge sold his unit for. Has Jorge done anything wrong?

Not disclosing a conflict of interest is called self-dealing, and it's illegal.

Maryland salesperson Seema is new to the real estate business, and she's having trouble getting her sales off the ground. She's considering offering some incentives. Which of the following incentives would be legal according to the Maryland Code of Ethics?

Offering a 1% reduction in her commission rate if her seller clients' homes don't sell within the first 90 days Licensees may not use contests or offer prizes to induce a consumer to enter into a brokerage agreement or to influence a buyer to make an offer on a particular property. Incentives may be offered provided they are available to all on the same basis.

Which of the following does NOT qualify as a ministerial act under Maryland law?

Offering earnest money deposit advice Ministerial acts do not require that the licensee advocate for or advise the customer. Licensees should not use their discretion or judgment in assisting customers.

Which of the following statements about counter-offers is true?

Once a counter-offer has been made, the prior offer is cancelled. Once a counter-offer has been made, the prior offer is cancelled. There is no retracting a counter-offer and returning to the prior offer, although a new counter-offer can do that if both parties agree and sign.

Monique received four offers on her client's listing. Offer A is a written offer that the buyer's agent dropped off at Monique's office. Offer B is an offer that the buyer's agent communicated to Monique over the phone. Offer C is a written offer that Monique received via email. Offer D is a written counter-offer from a buyer that Monique's client countered earlier in the week. Which offers must Monique present to her client?

Only offers A, C, and D, since they're in writing Licensees must present all written offers and counter-offers to their clients in full, in hard copy or electronic format. Since offer B isn't in writing, Monique isn't required to present it, but it would be prudent for her to request it in writing.

Keisha is a real estate salesperson in Maryland. She's got a new listing and is anxious to advertise it for sale. What must she have first so she can do this?

Owners must give permission for licensees to advertise property. The price listed must be the owners' agreed-upon price. It's recommended licensees get the agency agreement and property disclosure /disclaimer statement signed prior to listing, but it's not required.

The Protection of Homeowners in Foreclosure Act (PHIFA) outlines parameters for foreclosure consulting services offered to homeowners who are at least ______ delinquent on their mortgage payments

PHIFA sets guidelines for foreclosure consulting services offered to owners who are at least 60 days delinquent on their mortgage payments. Certain foreclosure consultation services require additional licensure outside of a typical real estate license

Which of these documents does NOT establish an agency relationship between a client and a licensee?

Purchase agreement The purchase agreement doesn't establish agency; it outlines the agreement between the seller and buyer.

Ron prides himself on providing his buyer clients with consistently stellar representation. His latest buyer client, Tammy, is purchasing a fixer-upper on Walnut Street, just a stone's throw from the railroad tracks. What's Ron's responsibility regarding making sure Tammy is informed about the property's condition?

Ron should make sure that Tammy understands her rights and obligations regarding the property disclosure/disclaimer statement. While listing agents should make the disclosure/disclaimer statement available to buyers, Ron's not off the hook; he needs to make sure that Tammy not only receives it, but also that she understands her rights and obligations regarding it.

Sam is an independent contractor Maryland licensee working for B & L Realty. Since Sam is an independent contractor, what supervisory responsibility does Sam's broker have?

Sam is considered an employee for licensing law purposes, but he's still an independent contractor for IRS purposes.

Which of these licensees is correctly following MREC guidelines for hosting an open house?

Shawna displays the MREC notice informing consumers that she represents the seller. Licensees hosting an open house must display an MREC-mandated notice advising consumers that the licensee represents the seller and warning visitors not to discuss with the agent anything they wouldn't want the seller to know.

Dorothy, a Maryland broker, deposited her buyer client's earnest money funds a month ago. The seller backed out of the contract two days before closing and claimed she was owed the earnest money because of the time the property had been taken off the market during contract negotiations. The buyer wants his earnest money back. Which of the following is NOT an option that Dorothy has regarding the dispute?

She can file a claim with the Maryland Real Estate Commission, which would then decide how the funds should be disbursed. Brokers may: hold disputed funds until both parties authorize their disbursement, file a bill of interpleader and deposit the funds with the courts to decide their disbursement, or hold the funds until one party files suit and a court orders disbursement. Continue to Unit 2: National Exam Practice (PSI) Return to Unit 1: Maryland - State Exam Practice View Exam Results

Aurelia is a relatively new salesperson who has been accused of discriminating against minorities in her real estate advertising. Which of the following is NOT a possible outcome if she's found guilty?

She must place a retraction in any publication that featured her ad. Penalties for violations include: fines, repayment of commission, license suspension/revocation, and requirements to take additional education. A broker's license may also be endangered if one of the broker's associated licensees commits a violation.

Linda is the sponsoring broker at Gardner Homes. Which of the following best describes what happens with her license?

Sponsoring broker licenses must be displayed at the office at all times.

Several Maryland licensees have landed themselves on the commission's naughty list, and the Guaranty Fund has paid out a $50,000 claim, a $12,000 claim, and a $45,000 claim in the last week. The fund's balance is now $225,000. How much money does the fund need to recoup through fees collected from every Maryland licensee to get to the required minimum balance?

The Guaranty Fund must always carry a minimum balance of $250,000. If the balance falls below this amount, the commission assesses fees on every licensed broker and salesperson in an amount that will return the fund to its minimum level.

Which of the following is NOT a required inclusion in a Maryland buyer representation agreement?

The address of the property the buyer is purchasing Buyer agency agreements should include a description of the type of property the buyer is hoping to purchase, but not the address since the property probably won't have been identified yet.

In Maryland, how many hours of approved real estate courses must an individual complete before taking the real estate broker's exam?

The broker license requires 135 hours of approved real estate courses.

Which of these is NOT a circumstance that would result in a Maryland broker releasing trust money she was holding?

The buyer needed his earnest money back in order to pay the down payment. Brokers must hold trust money until the transaction closes, the trust money's beneficiary breaches the contract terms, or the broker receives either the parties' written instructions or a court order instructing him or her to disburse the funds.

According to Maryland disclosure guidelines, upon which of the following events is it NOT appropriate to give the buyer the opportunity to review the seller's disclosure/disclaimer statement?

The day of the home inspection The seller is required to provide the buyer with the Maryland Residential Property Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement on or before the day the buyer signs the purchase offer. By the time the home inspection occurs, the contract has already been signed.

Seo-yun completed all of her Maryland salesperson licensure requirements and submitted her documentation and licensing fees to the commission. A few days later, her broker presented her with her new license. What's wrong with this scenario?

The license should've also come with a pocket card.

Which of the following is NOT cause for the Maryland Real Estate Commission to summarily suspend a licensee's real estate license?

The licensee fails to disclose personal interest in a transaction.

Licensed property managers in Maryland must maintain related records for at least five years, beginning on the date ______.

The property management agreement terminates Licensees who provide property management services must keep related records for at least five years, beginning on the date the management agreement terminates.

Which of these documents does NOT establish an agency relationship between a client and a licensee?

The purchase agreement doesn't establish agency; it outlines the agreement between the seller and buyer.

What is the goal of the Maryland Real Estate Commission in declaring an area a real estate conservation area?

To curb threats to the racial stability of an area.

Which of these scenarios does NOT accurately reflect the MREC complaints and investigations process?

Upon reviewing a complaint against licensee Derek, an administrative law judge deemed it worthy of further investigation. The hearing panel reviews complaints, dismissing invalid claims and forwarding valid ones to Investigative Services. If warranted, an ALJ will preside over a hearing and then make a recommendation to the hearing panel regarding disciplinary action.

When Janet, a licensed Maryland salesperson, transfers to a new brokerage, what happens to her license and pocket card?

When a salesperson transfers to another broker, the former broker returns the license and pocket card to the commission. A new license and pocket card are then issued and can be downloaded digitally by the new broker.

Which of these parties likely does NOT have the right to sue for commission earned as part of a Maryland real estate transaction?

Which of these parties likely does NOT have the right to sue for commission earned as part of a Maryland real estate transaction?

Which two Maryland protected classes, while not specified in federal fair housing law, may still qualify for protection under the federal Fair Housing Act under certain circumstances?

Which two Maryland protected classes, while not specified in federal fair housing law, may still qualify for protection under the federal Fair Housing Act under certain circumstances?

If a license expires due to nonrenewal, it must be reinstated within what time period?

Within three years

LaTonya represents the seller of a property that's got an interested buyer. She's emailing the buyer, who's unrepresented, some documentation based on some questions he had and has included the Understanding Whom Real Estate Agents Represent form so she can disclose her agency relationship with the seller. Is this permissible?

Yes, LaTonya may disclose her agency relationship through whatever medium is used when first contacting the unrepresented party.

Jim's had one heck of a time getting his latest listing sold. His seller client nitpicked every single item that the buyers asked her to repair after the home inspection. She was about to let the deal fall through over it until Jim offered to rebate 0.5% of his commission back to the seller. Does Maryland license law permit Jim to do this?

Yes, as long as he documents the commission reduction in writing and discloses it to all parties. Rebates (such as a commission rebate or cash payment) paid to a client or customer of the licensee, even though the client/customer is not licensed, are permitted. Rebates must be documented in writing and disclosed to all parties to the transaction.

Phoebe's New Jersey real estate license was revoked after she was convicted of intentional misrepresentation. When the Maryland Real Estate Commission learns of this, it summarily revokes her Maryland salesperson's license. Does it have the power to do this?

Yes, but Phoebe may request a hearing to appeal the revocation. MREC may summarily (immediately and prior to a hearing) revoke a license if the licensee is convicted of a serious license law violation and the appeals process has been exhausted, or if the licensee has a license in another jurisdiction revoked.

Selma made her initial offer on Monday. The seller countered it on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Selma sent the seller another counter-offer. On Thursday, the seller backed down and said he was willing to accept Selma's initial offer from Monday. Can this happen?

Yes, but a new counter-offer must be drawn up to include the original offer's terms.

Yashyka found a great apartment to move into, but when the landlord asked if she was married and Yashyka told him she'd just separated from her husband, he told her he didn't want to deal with her bringing "rebound" guys over day and night. Does Yashyka have a case for fair housing discrimination in Maryland?

Yes, the landlord appears to be discriminating against Yashyka based on her marital status.

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