Modern World Chapter 23

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Pedro I

September, 1822, he declared brazil independent. then crowned emperor of Brazil.

Jose de San Martin

Son of royal official in the colony of La Plata which later became Argentina. Main leader against Spanish rules in southern South America. By 1821 he had liberated not only La Plata, but also Chile and much of Peru. Best know for skillfully leading his troups into Chele throuh the difficult terrain of the Andes Mountains. Defeted royalist troops and lierated Chile

Benjamin Disraeli

Was influential Prime Minister. Argued for women's suffrage. Member of conservative party which wanted to perserve the best traditions of the past. Passed a bill which allowed more men to vote (1 out of 3). Created a secret ballot law to prevent bribery. He argued that if a woman could be queen or own land, she should be able to vote.

Miguel Hidalgo

a creole priest made the first public call for Mexican independence. delivered a famous speech calling on pesents to fight for their independance against the Spanish peninsulares in Mexico. He shouted "Death to bad government and death to Spaniards!"

manifest destiny

belief that people had God-given right to settle in land all the way to pacific ocean


colonists who were boran in Spain. Together, creoles and peninsulares mad up the highest social class

Trail of Tears

deadly Cherokee march to the Indian territory


end of slavery


people of European descent who were born in the colonies. were excluded from the highest-level government or church positions which were reserved fo r peninsulares. Together, creoles and peninsulares mad up the highest social class. As properity grew, creoles began to resent the peninsulares.

Monroe Doctrine

president James Monroe declared America off limits to further Europeans

Toussaint L'Ouverture

A former enslaved African, born into slavery, led a group of mulattoes and slaves in a bloddy revolt against the French settlers. Learned to read and write. Last name means "an opening" in French. Became a milary leader.

Louisiana Purchase

1803 between united states and France. Gave America huge territory in North America.

Jose Maria Morelos

Creole priest. After the death of Hidalgo, became the leader of the revolutionary movement. He wanted all people born in Mexico, whether they were indian, mixed race, or creole, to be called Americans. Strong miliatry leader. Eventually captured by Spanish authorities.

Emmeline Pankhurst

Founder of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). Led the British women's suffrage movement. She said reformers had to "make more noise than anybody else" in order to be successful. Arrested for speaking out on Women's rights.

Emancipation Proclamation

January 1863, Lincoln declared all slave states free in some areas of confederate states. did not apply to areas already conquered by union armies.

Queen Victoria and Victorian Era

The Victorian Era was the name given to the time Queen Victoria ruled. She became the ruler of Great Britain in 1837. Her reign was the longest in history. Lasted until 1901 (over 60 years). Called the Victorian Era. It was a time of great change in Britain, including voting reforms that made the country more democratic. Britain had long been a constitutional monarchy, but the voting made it more democratic. Queen Victoria was against women's suffrage, calling it "mad, wicked folly"

Simon Bolivar

The most influential leader in the South american independence movement. Known as "the Liberator" because of his key role in legerating Spain's colonies in South America. Born into wealthy creole family in what is now Venezuela. Admirer of Napoleon's leadership. Known as the George Washington of South America


The right to vote. During the Victorian era there were reforms that allowed more men to vote. Women's suffrage, 1918 and 1928 Granted women over 30 the right to vote (1918) and all Britash women the right to vote (1928)


south Carolina did it. when they separate from union.

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