module 1 study guide

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A microbial metabolic process used in the manufacture of food and beverages such as yogurt cheese, pickled vegetables, breadwine, and beer known as


The principle that microorganisms cause certain diseases is called the Disease . Theory of


Energy storage product of animals and some bacteria


T/F: Without microorganisms, we would run out of certain nutrients.


Triglycerides are composed of

glycerol and fatty acids

Prions are

infectious proteins


product of starch

Characteristics of archaea that are similar to bacteria include their

prokaryotic cell structure, method of multiplication, shapes, energy used

Although archaea and bacteria differ in a number of important characteristics, It was ultimately significant differences in their _________ that provided the basis for separating the two groups of prokaryotes into different domains.

ribosomal RNA sequences

Louis Pasteur helped disprove

spontaneous generation

Which is an example of bioremediation?

using microbes to break down oil after a spill in the ocean

An infectious agent consisting of only RNA


The formation of a bilayer structure by __________ is essential to membrane integrity.


The molecule that is created when amino acids are joined together into a linear chain is called


An infectious agent consisting of only protein


Which of the following describes bacteria? (Choose all that apply.)

a) they multiply by binary fission b) some obtain energy from sunlight c) some obtain energy from sources not used by animals or plants e) some obtain energy from foods similar to what humans eat g) shapes include rod, spherical, and spiral

The structure of an amino acid is characterized by a central carbon that is bonded to a hydrogen, a side chain, ________ an group , and a ________ group.

amino carboxyl

A change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA can result in a change the

amino acid sequence of a protein folding of a polypeptide

For the Streptococcus pyogenes, the first part (Streptococcus) indicates the and gives information about the shape of the organism.


John Tyndall's experiments in the 1800s showed that microorganisms remained in some broths even after boiling for 5 hours. He later realized that the results of his experiments were due to the presence of endospores. Pasteur might have had results similar to Tyndall's if he had used which materials to make his broths?

Hay and soil

The two strands of the DNA double helix are held to each other by________ bonds


Phospholipids have a _______ polar head and _________ tail.

Hydrophilic hydrophobic

The chemical bond between the carbon and nitrogen of these two amino acids is specifically referred to as a(n) _________ bond.


The role of ATP as an energy carrier in the cell is based on the formation and hydrolysis of high-energy _______ bonds


Which disease is less common due to rat control, precautions taken with infected patients , and antibiotic treatment


Which of the following diseases one-third of the population of Europe in the century?


True or false: Vaccinations have helped reduce the spread of mumps, measles and whooping cough in developed countries.


Algae are

b) single celled, photosynthetic eukaryotes c) multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes

Which of the following are components of a nucleotide?

b. phosphate group c. pentose sugar d. nucleobase

Which of the following about microorganisms is true?(a) They have killed far fewer people than have been killed in wars.(b) They are always harmful.(c) We could not survive without them.

c) We could not survive without them.

Match the type of fatty acid on the left with the characteristics on the right

cis: hydrogen atoms attached to the double-bond carbon atoms are on the same side of the double bond trans: hydrogen atoms attached to the double-bonded carbon atoms are on opposites sides of the double bond

A scientific experiment includes a component that rules out alternative explanations of the results by showing that the only gfeature that varied in the experiment was the characteristic being tested. The component that does this is called a __________.


Extremes in pH, high temperatures, salts, and certain solvents can cause a change in protein structure (shape) that disrupts the function of the protein. This change in shape is called __________________.


Glucose, galactose, fructoseand mannose are all 6-carbon sugars, or hexoses, with the molecular formula C 6 H 12 O 8 These sugars are all structural _________, meaning that they contain the same but different chemical arrangements .


Why do microorganisms serve as Important models for study of higher organisms

microorganisms have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as other organisms

A disaccharide is composed of two __________ joined together by a covalent bond.


Simple sugars , __________ or are the basic unit of a carbohydrate, typically having five or six carbon atoms and forming a ring.


Organisms that populate the human body and which protect it from disease are termed normal

normal microbiota

The class of molecules that encode the genetic information of the cell is called

nucleic acid

is the term used for any disease-causing microorganism


The Golden Age of Microbiology occurred soon after

spontaneous generation was disproved, and led to a time when the field of microbiology blossomed

DNA is a double-stranded helical structure; the backbone of each strand is a series of alternating __________ and _________ units.

sugar; phosphate


Sugar naturally present in milk


Table sugar from sugar cane and beets

Considering the polysaccharides often contain only glucose molecules, what accounts for their structural diversity?

The position of the carbon atoms involved in bonding can differ Some are branched

Consider the Human Microbiome Project begun in 2007. The term "microbiomehas which two overlapping meanings?

The total genetic content of a microbial community The microbial community itself

Solid, repeatable, extensive amounts of scientific evidence can lead to which of the following?


Rank the steps in the scientific process in order

(1) Make an observation about something and ask a question about the situation. (2) Develop an explanation and then devise an experiment to test this explanation. (3) Collect data from this experiment and draw a conclusion. (4) Communicating the methods, results, and conclusions.

Which of the following best describes the cultivation of microorganisms in the laboratory?(a) Less than 1% of microorganisms can be cultivated.(b) Nearly all microorganisms can be cultivated.(c) All of the microorganisms of the human microbiome can be cultivated, but very few environmental microorganisms can be cultivated.

(a) Less than 1% of microorganisms can be cultivated.

Which of the following is/are true regarding viruses?

(a) Viruses are nonliving. [NOTE: Because viruses are acellular and cannot reproduce independently, most scientists do not classify them as living organisms.] (c) Viruses are acellular. [NOTE: They consist only of DNA or RNA and may have an envelope, but they are not true cells.] (d) Viruses are smaller than most bacteria. [NOTE: Viruses are approximately 1,000X smaller than bacterial cells.]

Which of the following are classified as a acellular infectious agents?

(a) Viruses(b) Prions(c) Viroids

Check all that apply: When scientists share thelr work in scientific journals, they are communicating the

(b) results(c) conclusions(d) methods

Unlike newspaper or blog articles, communications about scientific discoveries in respected scientific journals include?

*information about the methods used inthe experiment *a pre publication review process

There are _______ different common amino acids from which proteins are constructed.


Carbon atoms form ___________ covalent bonds, and a chain of carbon atoms may join to form a linear chain, a branch chain, a ring, or any combination of these. Because of this characteristic, an incredible assortment of organic molecules exist.


The nucleobases found in nucleic acids are

Adenine Guanine Thymine Cytosine

Which of the following pairs conform to the base-pairing rules?

Adenine always pairs with Thymine and Guanine always pairs with Cytosine.

The molecule shown here is or __________ _________ ATP , which is the energy currency of the cell.

Adenosine triphosphate

Found in cell walls of algae , and used as a gelling agent in media used to grow microorganisms


Which of the following statements about protein folding are true?

B) Most proteins fold spontaneously into the correct shape. D) Protein chaperones are sometimes needed to help the folding process.

Which type(s) of microorganisms have cells that lack membrane-bound organelles?

Bacteria and archaea

________________ is the process by which microbes carry out the decomposition of harmful chemicals.


Cell walls of plants, fungi, and bacteria are made primarily of


Technically speaking, viruses are not microorganisms because they are not

Composed of cells

Some scientists were skeptical of Pasteur's results because they

Could not reproduce his results

_______ the storage form of a cell's genetic information .


Storage product of some microbes and a component of certain products used to increase blood volume or deliver iron to deficient patients


Highest level of classification


If you discover a single - celled organism that 50 micrometers wide and has a nucleus and organelles , belongs to which domain?


An organism characterized by having cells containing membrane-bound DNA


Is the domain of organisms whose cells have a nucleus and various organelles


Which of the following infectious diseases killed more people in 1918-1919 than died in World Wars I and II combined?


__________ are the general class of macromolecules that are not very soluble in polar substances like water.


The cellulose that makes up the plant cell walls of grass can be digested by certain species of


Polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids are polymers. This means that they are composed of repeating subunits, or


In contrast to DNA molecules, RNA is generally

Much shorter and single-stranded

Eukaryotic organisms can be

Multi-celled & single-celled

__________ encode genetic information

Nucleic acids

The molecule that is created when amino acids are joined together into a linear chain is called a(n)


A large complex carbohydrate composed of long chains of monosaccharide subunits or their derivatives is called a


Which of the following are carbohydrates?

Polysaccharides Monosaccharides

Match the level of protein structure on the left with the characteristics on the right

Primary: sequence of amino acids Secondary: repeated coiling (alpha-helix) or folding (beta pleated sheet) in localized regions of a protein tertiary: overall three-dimensional shape of a folded polypeptide quaternary: shape that results from two or more polypeptide chains in a protein

An organism characterized by having a cell lacking a membrane- bound nucleus.


Chains of amino acids comprise


The cytoskeleton, or structural framework of many cells, is comprised of


_________ fatty acids have carbon chains with at least one double bond


If you find which of the following in a nucleotide, you can conclude that the nucleotide not found in DNA?

Uracil and ribose

An infectious agent containing protein , nucleic acids , and sometimes a lipid membrane.


Which of the following is true regarding ALL prokaryotes?a.) Cause diseaseb.) Have peptidoglycanc.) Are motiled.) Lack a nucleus

d.) Lack a nucleus

Because they are often caused by a Helicobacter pylori infection, most stomach ulcers are treatable with


Principle component of plant cell walls


Component of cell walls of fungi and a major component of exoskeletons of Insects and crustaceans


Match the type of reaction on the left with the description on the right

Hydrolysis: Breaks the covalent bond between two subunits and adds the equivalent of one molecule of water Dehydration synthesis: Joins one subunit to another and removes the equivalent of one molecule of water

algae and protozoa are also referred as to ________ , a diverse group that falls within the domain Eukarya


Match the chemical structure on the left with the nucleobases on the right.

Purine: Adenine (A) and Guanine (G) Pyrimidine: Cytosine (C), Thymine (T), and Uracil (U)

Using the analogy of a spiral staircase to represent the double-stranded helix of DNA, match the staircase part on the left with the DNA component on the right

Railings- Sugar-phosphate backbone. Stairs- Pairs of nucleobases.

Consider the 5 carbon sugars (pentoses) ribose and deoxyribose , which are identical except that deoxyribose has one less oxygen atom. Match each with the nucleic acid which it plays a crucial role

Ribose to RNA Deoxyribose to DNA

What is the only shared feature of all microbes?

Small size

A hypothesis concerning life arising from dead organic compounds.

Spontaneous generation

Energy storage form produced by plants


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