Module 22
cognitive processes
Many psychologists have criticized Skinner for discounting the influence of ________ on behavior
frontal lobe; observational learning
Mirror neurons are found in the brain's ______________ and are believed to be the neural basis for ______________.
perceive the injuries of victims of violence as less servere
Most of the television shows that 9 year old Fred watches involve violence. This is most likely to lead fred to:
She will act rude but talk about how important it is to be polite
Nicole's parents are often inconsistent in terms of their behaviors and what they say. For example, they often tell Nicole how important it is to be polite, but are not very polite themselves when it comes to letting other people off airplanes or giving up seats on public buses. How would you expect this contradiction would impact Nicole's behavior?
less sympathy for victims of violence and to become less upset by the sight of real-life violence
Prolonged exposure to television violence leads viewers to experience:
Research on the role of cognitive processes in learning indicates that the strength of a conditioned response (CR) depends primarily on the ________ of the CS-US association.
cognitive maps
Some psychologists believe that rats develop mental representations of mazes they have explored. These representations are called:
Studies have shown that exposure to violence also _________________ viewers when later viewing violent scenes on television.
latent learning
The best evidence that animals develop cognitive maps from studies of:
Garcia and Koelling's findings on taste aversion in rats.
The idea that any perceivable neutral stimulus can serve as a conditioned stimulus (CS) was challenged by:
depends on the information the conditioned stimulus (CS) provides about the unconditioned stimulus (US).
The influence cognition has on classical conditioning:
correlation does not prove causation
The majority of correlational studies that have examined television violence and aggressive behavior suggest that the more hours children spend watching violent television shows, the more likely they are to exhibit aggressive behaviors. What is the major problem with these findings?
observational learning
Tina is a 7-year-old girl who frequently witnesses her father's anger and physical abuse of her mother. In Tina's room, she is playing with her toys and begins to yell at them and hit them for "being so stupid and not having dinner ready." Her behavior is a clear example of:
Tina should do all of these to foster musical enjoyment in her children
Tina's goal is to raise children who enjoy playing musical instruments. Given what you know about observational learning, which of the following would you recommend to her?
When a 4-year-old girl suddenly picks up her ironing board and plays it like it is an electric guitar, it is likely that she has seen someone playing a real electric guitar in the same manner. Thus, she has learned via:
models who commit violent acts but go unpunished
Which of the following factors would be important in the acquisition of aggressive behaviors through observational learning
An animal's unique characteristics and natural behavior patterns can influence what it is capable of learning
Which of the following is an example of a biological constraint on conditioning?
Monkeys who raised apart from their mothers and exposed to high levels of aggression showed greater aggression as adults
Which of the following is evidence for the environmental ( as opposed to genetic) transmission of aggression
Robert Rescorla
Which psychologist proposed a cognitive explanation of classical conditioning?
John Garcia
Which psychologist studied the development of taste aversions, noting how they seemed to violate the basic principles of classical conditioning?
expressed more sympathy for the rape victims
You conducted a research study with 24 male participants on the effects of movies and sexual violence. For the study, the participants watched three violent films over the course of two days. Then, to assess participants' attitudes toward women and sexual violence, you observed their responses as they read actual cases of rape victims. You found that the participants:
rats are more likely to develop aversions to taste than they are to sights or sounds.
1. Findings from Garcia's research on taste aversion in rats indicate that:
A 5-year-old girl observes a stranger in a store pretending to discipline a stuffed dog. When the stranger moves on to the next aisle, the girl picks up another stuffed animal and does the same thing. Her behavior is similar to the findings in studies conducted by:
similar to them
A guest will be spending time in your classroom. To make sure your students imitate this person's prosocial behaviors, you should pick a guest who the children think is:
antisocial; prosocial
According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.
biological predisposition
After pigs learned to pick up and deposit wooden coins in a piggy bank, the pigs subsequently dropped the coins repeatedly and pushed them with their snouts. This best illustrates the importance of ________ in operant conditioning.
cognitive processes
After repeatedly drinking alcohol spiked with a nauseating drug, people with alcohol use disorder may fail to develop an aversion to alcohol because they blame their nausea on the drug. This illustrates the importance of ________ in classical conditioning.
Rats appear to experience latent learning while exploring mazes.
Although Skinner and other behaviorists did not think that it was necessary to refer to thoughts or expectations when explaining human learning, findings from experiments with rats suggest otherwise. Which of the following findings suggests that cognitive processes are involved in operant learning?
mirror neurons
An empathic husband who observes his wife in pain will exhibit some of the same brain activity she is showing. This best illustrates the functioning of:
Animals most readily learn the specific associations that promote:
intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation
Becky grows tomatoes for the sheer joy of it; Lauren grows them to sell at a profit. Becky's behavior reflects ________, whereas Lauren's behavior reflects ________.
justified violence that causes no visible pain or harm
Children are especially likely to behave aggressively after viewing TV violence in which an attractive person commits
that certain stimuli are easier to associate than others.
Conditioned taste aversions demonstrate:
Correlational studies show that prolonged viewing of televised violence ________ increased rates of violent behavior.
taste aversion learning
Coyotes who have been fed sheep carcasses that have been laced with a nausea-inducing poison are less likely to prey on sheep in the wild. This phenomenon is best explained by which classical conditioning phenomenon?
the violence-viewing effect
Desensitization and imitation are two factors that contribute to:
the unconditioned stimulus (US) must immediately follow the conditioned stimulus (CS) for conditioning to occur.
Garcia and Koelling's findings on taste aversion in rats challenged the previously accepted principle that:
biological predispositions
Garcia and Koelling's studies of taste aversion in rats demonstrated that classical conditioning is constrained:
fear to the tone but not to the light
If a shock is always preceded by a tone, and then is also sometimes preceded by a light that accompanies the tone, a rat will react with:
much more likely
In Bandura's famous Bobo doll experiment, children who observed the adult model's aggressive outburst were ________________ to lash out at the doll, compared to those children not exposed to the adult model.
use consistent actions and words
In observational learning, the most effective models are those who:
she should not worry, children do not model television violence
Jackie is worried about her young children being exposed to the violence on television. You tell Jackie all of the following EXCEPT:
Johnny is "hammering" the nail in with his toy hammer as his father is hammering the deck boards. His behavior is a clear example of:
experience less distress at the sight of other children fighting on the school playground
Karen is a 10-year-old who frequently watches violent movies on television. This is most likely to lead her to:
observational; Bandura
Learning by imitating others' behaviors is called ________ learning. The researcher best known for studying this type of learning is ________.