Module 3: Coordinate Systems, Measurements, and Route Selection
Earth GEOREF division
Earth is divided into 15-degree-wide north-south (starting at 90° S) and east-west (starting at 180°) bands using lines of lat and long east-west zones labeled from A to Z (without I or O) north-south zones are labeled A to M (I is omitted) results in 288 quadrangles each uniquely defined by a pair of letters the addition of another pair of letter provides us with 225 1° quadrangles by adding 4 numbers to the Geocode, a location may be refined down to the minute 6 numbers define the coordinate to a 1/10 of a minute read right and up
differential GPS (DGPS)
GPS data that can be corrected for greater accuracy using special software
Lat/Long positions
Geographic Coordinate System lines used to determine location measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds may also be represented as decimal degrees
USPLS ranges
N/S lines running parallel to the principal meridian numbered in sequence both east and west of the principle meridian
UTM coordinates
Northings and Eastings in meters
back azimuth
The opposite direction of an azimuth found by adding or subtracting 180°
a boundary defined by the measurement of each straight run, specified by a distance between the two points and an orientation and direction
a dictionary of geographical places, including names and information
a directional designation usually measured in a clockwise direction from north orthodome: based on TN, refers to direction of Great Circle magnetic: based on MN grid: based on GN North: (0° 360°) E(90°) S(180°) W(270°)
a more general boundary description such as along a certain warehouse, a stone wall, and adjoining public roadways or an existing building
French Long Lot
a type of land partitioning survey an attempt to recreate the French Feudal system large tracts of land are granted to the land owners (seigneurs) who held limited feudal rights over their tenants lots were oriented towards rivers in a 1:10 ratio short side oriented along waterways and the long side was always perpendicular to the water body
polar planimeter
an instrument used to measure area in square inches or centimeters
grid squares method
area is determined by overlaying the area of interest with a right angle grid of lines, spaced at an appropriate distance where each cell may represent 1km^2
Texas Irregular Survey System
attempts to recreate the Township and Range US survey surveyed off the Camino Real (SW to NE orientation) irregular rectangles and squares
Universal Transverse Mercator System (UTM)
based on the Transverse Mercator projection 60 6° zones starting at the 180° longitude line and running eastward back to 180° spans from 80° south to 84° north
compass rose
cardinal directions are subdivided into 8 directions, and again into 32 directions each of the 32 points is given a designation like N, N by E, NNE, NE by N, NE... etc these are more commonly replaced by degrees
rhumb line
constant azimuth directional line that crosses each succeeding meridian at a constant angle are straight on Mercator maps not the great circle distance
plane rectangular grids
coordinate system based on planar projections that don't take the earth's shape into account based on the cartesian coordinate system X is east/west and Y is north/south most systems are based in the 1st quadrant so all the values are positive
Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS)
created to compliment the UTM employed in unison with the UTM in order to cover the polar regions Grid North is established arbitrarily so that the PM is at the top center of the south zone and the 180th meridian is at the top center of the north zone False origin is established 2,000,000m to the left and 2,000,000 down from the poles
selective availability
deliberate error introduced into the civilian GPS system that can be adjusted
magnetic declination
difference between TN and MN shown on an isogonic chart
scaling and computation
direct method of measuring area estimated directly if the feature is rectangular or square (city block/building)
directional line often used in metes and bounds surveys
map measurer
distance measurement device to measure distance on the map (in., cm., etc) and then converted into real world distance
distance measurement using a scale to measure distance (engineer's scale, dividers, marks on the edge of a piece of paper
Military UTM divisions
divided into 6° zones running E-W N-S zones are split up into 8° sections rows are labeled C-X (I and O are omitted) grid zones A & B are assigned to the south zone grid zones Y & Z are assigned to the north pole each zone has a unique 2-letter identifier and is divided into 100,000m squares repetitions are separated as far away as possible by repeating the sequence only after 18° of Long and 24° of Lat
advantages of the Long Lot survey
every tenant has access to the river each farm had equal amounts of each kind of soil on the floodplain, terraces and interfluves each family had their own farm but was still close to the neighbors
real time DGPS
expensive, high end GPS receivers that obtain corrections signal from coast guard beacons in real time
Civilian UTM
false origin is established 500,000m west of the central meridian of each zone in the northern hemisphere the origin is the Equator in southern hemisphere, the origin in 10,000,000m south of the Equator
National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS)
for maps with scales 1:20,000 or larger no more than 10% of the points shall be in error by more than than 1/30 inch for maps with scales 1:20,000 or smaller not more than 10% of the points shall be in error by more than 1/50 of an inch
USPLS townships 2
grids of 6 miles by 6 miles created by townships and ranges each one is subdivided into 36 1 square mile (640 acres) sections
Military Grid Reference System
identical to UTM except for the designation of grid zones employed by U.S. Military
order of bearing
if north or south baseline from which the direction is measured direction of the bearing can't exceed 90° indication of whether the bearing is to the East or West of the baseline
non-differential GPS
inexpensive receivers used for recreation and navigation
origin of the GPS
initiated by the D.O.D. in 1973, fully operational by 1995 originally called for 24 satellites and today this number is 24-32 the originally system was called NAVSTAR GPS Reagan said GPS would be available to the world in 1983 in order to open up commercial market and justify their cost public first became aware of it during the first Gulf War
Civilian UTM zone boundary
is arbitrary jurisdictions that span two zones must make special arrangements ex: use only one of the two projections and accept the greater-than-normal distortions in the other zone OR use a third projection spanning the jurisdiction
agonic line
isogonic line that joins locations of zero declination
isogonic lines
isolines drawn on such a chart that depict locations of equal declination
dot planimeter
just like grid squares except dots are used for the overlay and the area is calculated
unsystematic land partitioning systems
land ownership plans that developed haphazardly
New England Fragmented Village
land partitioning survey that was an attempt to recreate the medieval village by the Puritans used only in New England before the 19th century lots were oriented to roads running between various village centers
SPCS divisions
large states are separated into multiple zones separate systems in place for each state, 126 zones for the entire US each state has a central meridian EW oriented states/zone use the Lambert Conformal projections with a false origin 2,000,000 ft west of the central meridian N/S oriented states/zones use Transverse Mercator projections with a false origin 500,000 ft west of the central meridian False origin is at the southern edge of the zone in both cases read as false eastings and northings results in all positive coordinates
true north
most common northernly direction along a line of longitude
USGS Topographic Maps
obtained from the US Geological Survey (USGS) quarter million series 1:250,000 15 minute series 1:62,500 most popular type: 1:24,000 quad or 7.5 minute series
back bearing
opposite direction of a bearing simply change both the directional references
declination diagram
placed on diagrams to illustrate the relationship between the three norths at the point in the earth's surface
before taking measurements from a map, ensure that
projection is accurate accuracy standards/source are known appropriate scale map is up to date map is in good condition
GPS constellation
receivers use 4 satellites to achieve extremely precise geographic coordinates 24/7/365 24 satellites in six orbital planes 4 satellites per plane 20,000km altitudes (medium earth orbit) 55° inclination
State Plane Coordinate System
rectangular coordinate system applied to each of the 50 states planar system used by surveyors and govt agencies
referencing a specific location on the Earth's surface
differential correction
removes errors and increases position accuracy compares a computed position to a known position (reference position) post processing (pathfinder software) real time using Augmentation system
disadvantages of Long Lot survey
rivers are rarely straight which complicates the survey meanders cause lots to become truncated inheritance was difficult because lots were split down the middle upon the owner's death making it unfarmable
USPLS townships 1
rows of E/W lines running parallel to the E/W baseline numbered in sequence both north and south of the baseline
how GPS works
satellites transmit data that indicates their location and current time GPS signals are transmitted at the same instant and at the speed of light signal arrives at the receivers at different times due to the satellite's distance distance = velocity x time
World Geographic Reference System (GEOREF)
simplifies the process of reporting lat/long coordinates lat/long designations are replaced by a set of letters and numbers
polygon method
study area is subdivided by regular geometric shapes whose areas are then calculated and summed
Aliquot Parts
subdivisions of USPLS township sections equal acreage divisions are described as 1/4 or a half of a 1/4 anything that doesn't fit is considered a LOT
graphic scale
superimposed on a transparent material that may be moved over the map
United States Public Land Survey (USPLS)
systematic land partitioning system established in the US after the Treaty of Paris through the 1785 Land Ordinance Act subdivided into townships, sections, and ranges
magnetic north
the direction in which a compass needle points drawn to the Magnetic North Pole not fixed, moves throughout time (secular variation)
grid north
the direction of north trending grid lines be they UTM, SPC, GEOREF, or any other grid
reference grids
the most simplistic coordinate system you could possibly use often arbitrary in nature do not tie into any greater national or international grid usually unique to individual maps or private companies
how military stops enemies from using our GPS
two signals: civilians- C/A code (carrier phase) military- P code, when encrypted becomes Y-code
Metes and Bounds
unsystematic land partitioning system used by English and Americans direction and distance of property perimeter is determined using natural markers (rocks, trees, etc)
coordinate systems
used to identify the location of features on the earth's surface ex: Graticule
Space Trilateration
when the receiver estimates the distance to at least four satellites, It can calculate its position in three dimensions calculating the distance from our receiver to a single satellite will secure our location as being somewhere on the surface of a sphere adding a signal from a second satellite fixes our location somewhere on the ellipse that is the intersection of those two spheres adding a signal from a third satellites fixes our location to two possible options accounting from the earth, we can dismiss the one in space