module 7 and most lab 4 objectives

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(7.16) identify the superficial features and functions of the clavicle

*Clavicle(s)*: articulate with a process of the scapula at their acromion -acromial end is broader than the -sternal end -conoid tubercle -costal tuberosity

(7.16) identify the superficial features and functions of the scapula

*Scapulae* -have many processes and curvatures for muscle attachment -body of scapulae forms 'broad smooth triangle' -superior border, medial (vertebral) border, and lateral border edges have muscles that attach to them -corners of the scapular triangle are called the superior angle, inferior angle, and lateral angle -depression in anterior surface is the subscapular fossa -scapular spine is continuous with the acromion -supraspinous process is concave area just above scapular spine -infraspinous fossa is the rgion inferior to the scapular spine -lateral angle helps form cup-shaped glenoid cavity -coracoid process projects anterior and superior to glenoid cavity -at glenoid cavity the scapula articulates with the humerus

(7.1) list the four major components of the axial skeleton and describe their major functions.

*the four major components are* the (1) skull and it's associated bones (2) throacic cage, (3) vertebral column, and (4) various supplemental cartilages. *It's functions include* supporting and protecting the brain, spinal cord, and the organs in the cavity of the trunk while providing an extensive surface area for attachment of muscles.

(7.4) explain significance of the markings and locations of lateral aspects of the facial and cranial bones

-*Forehead*: forms anterior and superior portion of the cranium between the eyebrows and scalp. Provides surface area for the attachment of facial muscles. -*superior and inferior temporal lines*: mark the attachment site of the temporalis muscle -*squamous part of temporal bone* irregular surface that borders the squamous suture -*external acoustic meatus* ends at eardrum -*zygomatic arch* is formed by the joining of the *temporal process of zygomatic bones* and *zygomatic process of temporal bone* -*Mandibular angle*: posterior, inferior, corner of lower jaw -*mental protuberance*: attachment site for several facial muscles -*Alveolar part* of mandible surrounds and supports lower row of teeth -*alveolar process*: projecting ridge that holds the tooth sockets for the upper row of teeth

(7.10) identify the curves of the spinal column and their functions

-*cervical curve*: develops as infant learns to balance the weight of their head on spinal column -*thoracic curve*: accommodates thoracic regions -*lumbar curve*: balances weight of trunk over lower limb. Develops with the ability to stand. -*sacral curve*: accommodates the abdominopelvic regions

(7.6) describe and locate the bone markings of the ethmoid bone

-*cribriform plate*: forms anteromedial floor of cranium and roof of nasal cavity. Olfactory foramen in the plate permit passage of the olfactory nerves which provide the sense of smell -*cristi galli*: falx cerebri (membrane that stabilizes position of the brain) attaches to this ridge -*ethmoidal labyrinth* consists of ethmoidal cells, air filled caivties or sinuses. Ethmoidal labyrinth opens into nasal cavity on each side -*superior nasal conchae* and *middle nasal conchae*: delicate projections of lateral mass *-perpendicular plate*: forms part of the nasal septum

(7.5) explain the significance of the markings and the locations of inferior aspects of facial and cranial bones

-*foramen lacerum*: contains hylaine cartilage and small arteries that supply innner surface the cranium -Foramen ovale: passageway for nerves innervating the teeth and jaw -*carotid canal*: provides passage for internal carotid artery. -*stylomastoid foramen*: facial nerve that controls facial muscles passes through here -*jugular foramen*: internal jugular vein passes through here carrying venous blood from the brain -*foramen magnum*: passageway/ protection for spinal cord -*inferior and superior nuchal lines*: mark attachment sites of muscles and ligaments that stabilize occipital condyles -*occiptial condyles*: sites of articulation between skull and first cervical vertebrae -*mandibular fossa*: marks site of articulation with the mandible

identify the bones of the hand and describe their locations using anatomical terminology

-*metacarpal* bones articulate with distal cartilage bones and are identified by roman numerals I-V -*phalanges*: each hand has 14 finger bones or phalanges. Pollex (thumb) only has 2 while the rest have 3 each

identify the bones of the foot and describe their location using anatomical terminology

-*metatarsals* articulated with distal surfaces of cuboid and cuneiform bones. Five of these metatarsals bones form the distal portion of the foot. -*phalanges* or toe bones number in 14 in the toes. The *hallux* or big toe only has two phalanges while the rest have three.

(7.5) explain the significance of the markings and the locations of interior aspects of facial and cranial bones

-*olfactory foramina*: small openings in the cribriform plate that allow passage of olfactory nerves -*optic canals*: allow optic nerve to pass from eyes to brain -*foramen rotundum*: allows passage of a part of (branch of) trigerminal nerve -*foramen ovale* -*foramen lacerum* -*foramen spinosum*: permits passage of blood vessels to the membranes that surround the central nervous system -*carotid canal*: -*internal acoustic meatus* -*jugular foramen* -*hypoglossal canal*: permits the passage of the hypoglossal nerve -*foramen magnum* *internal occipital crest*: ridge important in anchoring blood vessels and membranes that stabilize the position of the brain

(7.6) describe and locate the bone markings of the sphenoid bone

-*optic canals*: allow optic nerves to pass from eyes to brain -*lesser wings*: extend horizontally anterior to the sella turcica -*greater wings*: form part of cranial floor and posterior wall of eye socket -*hypophyseal fossa*: supports and protects pituitary gland -*sella turcica*: bony saddle shaped enclosure -*sphenoid spine*: lies at posterior, lateral corner of each greater wing -*superior orbital fissure*, *foramen rotundum*, *foramen ovale*, *foramen spinosum*: carry blood vessels and nerves to and from the orbit, face, jaws, and membranes of the cranial cavity. -*sphenoid sinuses* -*body*: forms central axis of spenoid -*pterygoid plates*: attachment site for muscles that move mandible and soft palate -*pterygoid processes*: vertical projections that originate on either side of the body

(7.6) describe and locate the bone markings of the palatine bone

-*perpendicular plate*: flat portion extending from horizontal plate to orbital process -*horizontal plate*: forms posterior part of hard palate -*orbital process*: forms part of floor of orbit. Contains small sinus the opens into sphenoidal sinuses.

(7.4) explain significance of the markings and locations of medial aspects of the facial and cranial bones

-*petrous part of temporal bone*: encloses structures of internal ear -*internal acoustic meatus: passageway for blood vessels and facial 'vestibulocochlear' nerves -*hypoglossal canal*: hypoglossal nerves (nerves that control the tongue muscle) pass through here -*frontal sinuses*: hollow spaces in the bone

describe the bone markings of the hip bones

-*posterior superior iliac spine and posterior inferior iliac spine* are attachment sites of important muscles and ligaments -*greater and lesser sciatic notch*: through which large sciatic nerves reach lower limb -*ischial spine*: projects superior to the lesser sciatic notch which marks where blood vessels, nerves, and a small muscle pass across the surface -*Ischial tuberosity*: roughened projection that bears the body's weight when seated -*anterior inferior iliac spine and anterior superior iliac spine*: mark attachment sites for large muscles -*obturator foramen*: space closed by a sheet of collagen fibers whose inner and outer surfaces provide a firm base for attachment of muscles of the hip

identify the bones of the ankle and describe their locations using anatomical terminology

-*seven tarsal bones* -*calcaneus* or heal bone is largest of tarsal bones -*talus* transmits weight of body from the tibia towards the toes -*navicular* anterior to talus on medial side of the ankle. It articulates with the talus and with the three cuneiform bones -*cuboid*: articulates with anterior surface of the calcaneus -*cuneiform bones* are arranged in a row with articulations between them. They are named according to their relative positions: medial, intermediate, and lateral

identify the bones of the leg and their functions

-*tibia* is large medial bone of the leg -*fibula* parallels lateral border of tibia but bears no weight. Serves as an attachment site for muscles that move the foot and toes

identify the bone markings on the bones of the leg

-*tibial tuberosity*: marks attachment of patellar ligament -*medial malleolus*: large tibial process--> medial projection at the ankle. Provide medial support for ankle joint. -*medial and lateral condyles*: articulate with medial and lateral condyles of the femur -*head of fibula*: articulates with the tibia -*lateral malleolus*: provide lateral stability to ankle joint

(7.14) explain the significance of the articulations between the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs

-*tubercle* of rib: contacts transverse process of thoracic vertebra -*head*: end of the rib that articulates with vertebral column -tubercular facet of rib articulates with tranverse costal facet of inferior vertebra -superior articular facet of the rib articulates with superior vertebra -inferior articular facet of rib articulates with superior costal facet of the vertebra

identify the bones of the forearm, their functions, and their bone markings

-*ulna* and *radius* are parallel bones that support the forearm -*olecranon* at proximal end of the ulna is the point of our elbows -*head of ulna* is slender and rounded -*ulnar styloid process* attached posterior lateral surface of the head. Articular disc attaches to styloid process--> separates bones of the ulnar head from the bones of the wrist -*radial styloid process*: helps stabilized wrist joint -*ulnar notch* of radius marks site of articulation with the head of the ulna -*interosseous membrane* fibrous sheet that connects shaft of ulna and radius -*radial tuberosity* attachment site of biceps brachii muslce -*neck* of radius extends from radial head to radial tuberosity -*head of radius* articulates with capitulum of humerus -*trochlear notch* articulates with trochlea of the humerus at the elbow joint -*coronoid process* forms inferior lip of trochlear notch. During flexion the coronoid process fits into the coronoid fossa of the humerus -*radial notch* smooth, accommodates the head of the radius

(7.14) explain the significance of the articulations between the ribs and the sternum

-*vertebrosternal ribs*: or *true ribs*: connected to sternum by individual costal cartilages -*vertebrochondral ribs*: connected to sternum by shared costal cartilages -*floating ribs* have no connection with sternum or other ribs. Only connected to the posterior vertebrae -*manubrium*: articulates with the cartilages of the first pair of ribs and articulates with the clavicles (collarbones) -*body*: individual costal cartilages from ribs 1-7 are attached to the body -*xiphoid process*

(7.7)--> come back:::: describe the structure of the orbital complex and the functions of it's individual bones

-are the bony recesses that contain the eyes -frontal bone forms the roof of the orbit -zygomatic bone forms the lateral wall of the orbit -maxilla forms most of orbital floor -orbital rim and first portion of orbital wall are formed by the maxilla, lacrimal bone, and ethmoidal labyrinth of ethmoid -*lacrimal fossa*: depression that marks the location of the lacrimal (tear) gland which lubricates the eye surface

(7.2) locate and identify the cranial sutures

-at a suture bones are tied tightly together with dense fibrous connective tissue *sutures* 1.) coronal suture: attaches frontal bone to the parietal bones 2.) squamous suture connects temporal and parietal bones 3.) sagittal suture: connects two parietal bones together 4.) lambdoid suture: connects occipital bone with two parietal bones

identify the bones of the arm, their functions their bone markings

-contains one bone *the humerus* -shaft at the end expands into *medial and lateral epicondyles* which form at the proximal end of an articulation and are areas for additional muscle attachment -*radial fossa*: accommodates a portion of the head of the radius when the forearm approaches the humerus as the elbow bends -rounded *capitulum* forms lateral surface of the *condyle*--> this is where the humerus articulates with the radius and ulna -the *deltoid tuberosity* large rough elevation on lateral surface of humeral shaft. Named because the deltoid muscle attached to it. -the *surgical neck* corresponds to metaphysis of growing bone. Fractures typically occur at this site. -the *anatomical neck* marks the extend of the joint capsule -the *lesser tubercle* smaller projection that lies on the anterior medial surface of the epiphysis -the round *head* articulates with glenoid cavity of scapula -the prominent *greater tubercle* rounded projection on lateral surface of epiphysis. Established the lateral contour of the shoulder - the *radial groove*: crosses inferior end of deltoid tuberosity. Depression that marks the path of the radial nerve -the *trochlea* pool shaped medial portion of condyle. Extends from *olecranon fossa* on posterior side to *coronoid process* on anterior surface. Depressions accept projections from the ulna as the elbow humer-ulnar joint

(7.12) describe the distinctive structural and functional characteristics of the lumbar vertebrae

-five lumbar vertebrae are the largest because they carry the most weight -body of this vertebrae is thicker than the bodies of the rest -body is oval shaped -do not have costal facets -tranverse processes project dorsolaterally (back and in) -triangular vertebral foramen -spinous process projects back -has superior articular facets that face up and in -massive spinous process provides surface area for the attachment of lower back muscles.

(7.7)-->:::: come back:::: describe the structure of the nasal complex and the functions of it's individual bones

-includes bones that enclose the nasal cavities -sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal bone, palatine bone, and maxillae contain the paranasal sinuses--> which lighten the weight of the skull bones, allow the voice to resonate and allow an extensive area of mucous epithelium

(7.9) explain the key structural differences of the skulls of infants, children, and adults

-infant skulls aren't fully solid. Bone growth can't keep up with brain growth so certain areas of bone are connected through flexible fibrous connective tissue and these areas are called fontanelles -*anterior fontanelle*: largest fontanelle. Lies at intersection of frontal, sagittal, and coronal sutures -*posterior fontanelle*: fontanelle at intersection of occipital and two parietal bones -infants facial bones are much smaller in comparison to the cranium -in youth the cranial sutures slowly begin to ossify with age until they're completely ossified when they're fully grown. Children's brains still grow immensely faster than an adults.

describe the hip bones that form the pelvic girdle

-it consists of pair hip bones (aka coxal bones) -->each hip bone forms by the fusion of the ischium, ilium, and pubis bones

explain the bone markings of the foot and ankle

-lateral surface of the *trochlea* articulates with the lateral malleolus of the fibula -posterior portion of calcaneus is a rough knob-shaped projection--> which is the attachment site for the *calcaneal tendon* -weight transfer occurs along the *longitudinal arch* of the foot

(7.8) describe the mandible and the associated bones of the skull

-lower teeth are supported by mandibular body -mandible forms entire lower jaw and articulates with mandibular fossae of the temporal bones -*mandibular notch*: depression that separates condylar and coronoid processes -*coronoid process*: insertion point for temporalis muscle (powerful muscle that closes the jaws) -*condylar process*: articulates with temporal bone at temporomandibular joint -*mental foramen*: opening for sensory nerves that carry sensory information from the lips and chin to the brain -*body*: horizontal portion of mandible -*ramus*: masseter muscle (chewing muscle) attached on it's lateral surface

(7.2) identify bones of the face

-maxillae: 2 -palatine bones: 2 -nasal bones: 2 -inferior nasal conchae: 2 -zygomatic bones: 2 -lacrimal bones: 2 -vomer: 1 -mandible: 1

(7.2) identify the bones of the cranium

-occipital bone: 1 -parietal bones: 2 -frontal bone -temporal bones: 2 -sphenoid: 1 -ethmoid: 1

(7.13) describe the structural and functional characteristics of the coccyx

-provides attachment site for ligaments and muscles constricting the anal opening

identify the thigh's bone markings

-rounded *head* articulates with pelvis at acetabulum -the *anatomical neck* joins shaft of the femur at about 125 degree angle -*greater trochanter* large rough projection that extends laterally from the junction of the head and shaft. Trochanters develop where large tendons attach to the femur -*lesser trochanter* projects posteriorly and medially from the junction of the head and shaft -*gluteal tuberosity* marks attachment site of gluteus maximus muscle -*linea aspera*: rough ridge that marks the attachment site of powerful hip muscles -*popliteal surface*: flattened triangular area -*lateral and medial condyles*: are part of the knee joint -*patellar surface*: smooth articular surface on which the patella glides -*adductor tubercle* marks attachment site of adductor magnus muscle

(7.13) describe the structural and functional characteristics of the sacrum

-single bone that has fused components of five sacral vertebrae -protects the reproductive, digestive, and urinary organs -attaches axial skeleton to paired hip bones of the appendicular skeleton -*ala*: provide an extensive area for muscle attachment -*sacral promontory*: important marking for females during pelvic examinations and during labor and delivery -*sacral foramina*: passageways

(7.11) describe structural and functional characteristics of the cervical vertebrae

-smallest in the vertebral column -include the top 7 from the neck to the thoracic vertebrae -vertebral foramen is very large -cervical vertebrae are smaller because they are supporting just the weight of the head -*transverse foramen*: protects vertebral arteries and vertebral veins that service the brain -*bifid*: spinous process: Has a prominent notch. *THE ATLAS AND THE AXIS*: -*Atlas*: has no vertebral body and no spinous process but has large round bound vertebral foramen -*axis*: same as other cervical vertebrae but has a structure called the 'dens' that allows ur head to rotate.--> see picture -*C7*: has a large ligament attached to it that inserts at your head. Acts like a string to maintain the cervical curvature of the spine without using muscle.

identify the bones of the thigh and their functions

-the *femur* is the longest and heaviest bone in the body. Articulates with hip bone at hip joint and tibia of the leg at the knee joint

identify all the bones of the pelvis

-the sacrum -the coccyx -hip bones (ilium, pubis, and ischium) -*sacro-iliac joint*: articulation between the sacrum and the adjacent ilium. Form union between axial and appendicular skeleton -*pubic symphysis*: fibrocartilage pad that forms the articulation between the two pubic bones -*pelvic brim* is the bony margin of the true pelvis

(7.11) describe structural and functional characteristics of the thoracic vertebrae

-there are 12 thoracic vertebrae from T1-T12. Each vertebral body becomes slightly larger than the former as the weight on them increases. -contains distinctive heart-shaped body that is much larger than cervical vertebral body -each rib articulates with the *costal facets* -ribs 1-10 contact thoracic vertebrae at two points: *costal facet* and *tranverse costal facet* -ribs 11 and 12 only contact the thoracic vertebrae at one point (IE floating ribs)

(7.16) identify the bones that form the pectoral girdle

-two S-shaped clavicles -two broad flat scapulae (shoulder blades)

(7.10) identify the vertebral regions

1.) *cervical*: top 7 vertebrae associated with cervical curve 2.) *thoracic*: middle 12 vertebrae after cervical, associated with thoracic curve 3.) *lumbar*: 5 vertebrae after 12 thoracic vertebrae, associated with lumbar curve 4.) *Sacral and coccygeal* regions associated with sacral curve

(7.1) what are the main jobs of the muscles that are attached to the axial skeleton?

1.) adjust positions of head, neck, and trunk 2.) perform breathing movements 3.) stabilize/position parts of the appendicular skeleton

(7.15) list the four major components of the appendicular skeleton

1.) pectoral girdles 2.) upper limbs 3.) pelvic girdle 4.) lower limbs p. 267

(7.3) explain the significance of the markings and their locations of the posterior aspect of the facial and cranial bones

Cranial bones: -*parietal bones*: forms superior and lateral surfaces of cranium -* contributes to posterior, lateral, and inferior surfaces of cranium -*temporal bone*: forms part of lateral wall of cranium, articulates with facial bones, articulates with mandible, surrounds/protects sense organs of ear, attachment site for muscles that close the jaw and move the head. Markings: -*mastoid process*: attachment site for muscles that rotate or extend the head -*styloid process*: attached to ligaments that support hyoid bone, and tendons of several muscles. -*external occipital crest* and *external occipital protuberance* : marks attachments of ligaments that help to support the vertebrae

identify the bones of the wrist and describe their locations using anatomical terminology

Proximal Carpal Bones: -*scaphoid*: proximal carpal bone of the lateral border of the wrist. Carpal bone closest to styloid process of radius -*lunate* comma shaped bone that lies medial to the scaphoid and also articulates with the radius -*triquetrum*: small pyramid shaped bone medial to the lunate. Articulates with articular disc that separates the ulnar head from the wrist -*pisiform*: small and pea-shaped sits anterior to triquetrum -*trapezium*: lateral bone of distal row. Proximal surface articulates with scaphoid bone -*trapezoid*: lies medial to trapezium and articulates proximally with scaphoid -*capitate*: largest carpal bone sitting between trapezoid and hammate -*hammate*: medial distal bone that has a hook projecting anteriorly "Sam Likes To Push The Toy Car Hard"

(7.3) explain the significance of the markings and locations of the anterior aspects of the facial and cranial bones

facial bones of anterior: -*nasal bones: support upper portion of the bridge of the nose and connect to cartilages that support the lower end of the nose -*lacrimal bones*: form parts of the eye socket -*palatine bones*: form back portion of hard palate and contribute to floor of each orbit -*zygomatic bones*: contribute to the rim of the eye sockets and form cheekbones -*maxillae*: support upper teeth and form most of the hard palate -*inferior nasal conchae*: increase epithelial surface area to warm and humidify inahled air -*vomer*: forms botton of bony nasal septum -*mandible*: forms lower jaw Cranial bones of anterior: -*parietal bone* -*frontal bone*: forms front portion of cranium and top portions of eye sockets. Has sinuses that have mucus that help to flush nasal cavity. -*sphenoid*: forms part of floor of cranium while uniting cranial and facial bones and is a cross brace that strengthens sides of the skull -*ethmoid*: forms front part of the middle of the floor of the cranium, roof of nasal cavity, part of nasal septum and eye socket.

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