Module 8.3

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Compared to REM, research suggests that NREM is ____.​

important for strengthening memories of lists of words

A decrease in the amount of sleep most likely to affect the performance of migratory bird during ____.​

seasons other than migration

If we compare either different species or different ages, what trend emerges?​

The more total sleep, the higher the percentage of REM sleep

Which hypothesis/theory suggests that the primary motor cortex is suppressed so arousal during sleep cannot lead to action?​

a clinico-anatomical hypothesis

Young adults deprived of a night's sleep show deficits on ____ tasks. ​


Research suggests that REM is ____.​

most important for strengthening memories of motor skills

Another aspect of sleep's contribution to memory relates to: ​

sleep spindles

According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis, it should be possible to predict (with better than chance accuracy) the content of a person's dreams if we know what information about the person?​

stimuli currently acting on the body and areas of spontaneous brain activity

A recent hypothesis proposed that the role of REM is ____.​

to shake the eyeballs back and forth in order to get sufficient oxygen to the corneas of the eyes

According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis, what do dreams reflect?​

​the brain's attempt to make sense of spontaneous neural activity

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