PBHL 1103 midterm

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stress has been associated with increased blood pressure and inflammatory responses. these are most closely associated risk for

cardiovascular disease

Stimulants act by increasing the activity of the

central nervous system

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, which type of love combines commitment and intimacy?


warning signs of suicide include all the following except

compulsion to repeatedly perform ritual

California's "yes means yes" law requires that

consent to engage in sexual activity include an affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement

when marlon gets adequate sleep the night before his intramural basketball games, he has more energy and can run faster and perform better. this can be attributed to

conservation of body energy during sleep

going out for dinner at your favorite restaurant as a reward for finishing a big project is an example of a

consumable reinforcer

Peter recently ended a relationship when he found out his partner was cheating on him. This probably caused


Using a drug for a purpose for which it was not intended is known as

drug misuse

in a relationship, commitment means that

each partner intends to act over time in a way that perpetuates the well-being of the other

the implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube, is called

ectopic pregnancy

Emily and Rosa are close friends who are able to share their feelings freely, providing support and reassurance. This example demonstrates their

emotional availability

a cause of infertility in which uterine tissue is implanted outside the uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes is


carol believes that she sleeps reasonably well at night, yet she feels chronically sluggish and frequently nods off during class. carol is most likely experiencing

excessive daytime sleepiness

which of the following was a major contributor to the 626 boating fatalities that occurred in 2015?

failure to wear a personal flotation device

The new etiquette of relationships established under social media has made it perfectly acceptable to break up with someone online.


a disable person can never achieve the highest level of wellness


according to a recent survey, health concerns are the number-one stressor reported by americans


the majority of nighttime sleep is spent in REM sleep


the media are to blame for the perpetuation of violence in our society


the sponge is inconvenient because it requires a trip to the doctor for fitting


the wellness continuum ranges from a low point of beginning to experience some type of symptom to a high point of optimal health and well-being (T/F)


effective health promotion programs

focus on encouraging behaviors known to support good health

howard is 88 years old and in excellent health. all his life, he has thrived on just 5 hours of sleep a night. the most likely explanation for howard's good health despite his lifelong short sleep habit is that he

has a genetic variant affecting his cardiac rhythm

according to the transtheoretical model, a person in the precontemplation stage

has no current intention to change or believes there is no need to change

your roommate just ate the last of your trail mix without asking? which type of stressor is this?


breast-fed infants

have a decreased incidence of illness

education and policies aimed at reducing distracted driving with a given population exemplify

health promotion

which of the following is TRUE about persistent depressive disorder?

it is a mild but chronic form of depression

which of the following is TRUE with respect to ADD/ADHD?

it tends to disrupt relationships

Beth works part time as a waitress and receives no health insurance benefits from her employer. She purchased insurance under the Affordable Care Act, but the policy has a $5,000 annual deductible. Beth is

likely to delay care that she needs

because it increases one's susceptibility to negative health outcomes, alcohol abuse is an example of which type of behavior?


the best way for Marlon (cholesterol) to stay motivated to improve his diet and work out regularly is to

set reasonable short-term and long-term goals and reward himself for meeting them

changing your seat in class to one closer to the front to help change your habit of napping during the lecture is an example of

situational inducement

when you feel groggy and disoriented after a long nap, you are experiencing

sleep inertia

which of the following forms of stress management originated as a form of self-defense?

tai chi

which phase of the cycle of violence is typically characterized by anger, abusive language, and psychological aggression?

tension building

spiritually healthy people believe

that they are part of something larger than the purely physical or personal dimensions of existence

what is social capital?

the collective value of all of the people in your social network and the likelihood of them providing social support

a personality trait characterized by control, commitment, and willingness to embrace new challenges is known as psychological hardiness


a synergistic drug interaction can be dangerous or even deadly


aggression is more likely to occur during times of acute stress


cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia can help people having trouble falling asleep


there is a strong association between abuse of pets and abuse of family members


when trying to drive less aggressively, bekka, observed her family and friends' more careful driving, reflected on what she observed, and changed her driving accordingly. this is an example of the social cognitive model of behavior change (T/F)


which US supreme court decision in 1973 gave women the legal right to an abortion?

Roe v Wade

a disease that begins slowly, progresses over a period of time, and may resist treatment

chronic disease

a relationship is only intimate if sex is involved


the correct term for the uterus in a pregnant woman in the placenta


during NREM sleep, body temp and energy use drop


falls are the most common cause of


The term social health is often used interchangeably with mental health.


no valid research exists on the effects of massage therapy on mental health


the most common cause of female infertility in the US is

polycystic ovary syndrome

a person who experiences flashbacks after violent mugging might be suffering from

post-traumatic stress disorder

which of the following is TRUE about ethnoviolence and hate crimes?

prejudice and discrimination are always at the base of hate crimes and ethnoviolence

A rise in a woman's basal body temperature signals

that ovulation has occurred

which of the following is TRUE about being single in the US?

the number of adults electing to remain single is increasing

Withdrawal and tolerance are key aspects of addiction.


having unprotected sex is considered a

risk behavior

which diagnostic procedure is a maternal blood test that can detect the potential for a birth defect or genetic abnormality?

triple marker screen

a characteristic of addiction is loss of control, which typically leads directly to negative consequences


actions you take to wash your sheets, clear clutter from your bedroom, and otherwise clean your sleeping area are collectively known as sleep hygiene


any one dimension of psychological health can affect the others


being able to perform activities of daily living is an aspect of physical health (T/F)


cardiovascular disease has been identified as a health consequence of chronic stress


challenges to successful gay and lesbian relationships often include discrimination


children raised in dysfunctional families who have experienced violence or abuse may have have a harder time adjusting to life and run an increased risk of psychological problems


contraceptive implants are more effective at preventing pregnancy that oral contraceptives


current research suggests that being happy or unhappy has no direct effect on mortality


cutting or self-mutilation can be a sign of borderline personality disorder, PTSD, depression, or an anxiety disorder


defense mechanisms are strategies we use to distort our present reality in order to avoid anxiety


emergency contraceptive pills have been used by almost 10% of sexually active college students or their partners


exercise addicts turn to exercise in an attempt to meet their needs for nurturance, self esteem, etc


for a low-income individual without dental insurance, cost can be perceived barrier to obtaining necessary dental care (T/F)


getting enough sleep may reduce a person's susceptibility to colds


health-related quality of life describes the impact of an individual's health on his or her daily functioning (T/F)


intimacy is unlikely in relationships lacking self-disclosure


jane stayed up all night taking care of her sick child. she will need more sleep than average the next few nights to make up for the hours of sleep lost


laughter may increase endorphin levels


medical abortion performed early in the pregnancy is over 99% effective


one of the goals of the healthy people 202 public health initiative is to create social and physical environments that promote health


our personalities can be altered through behavior change (T/F)


overseas adoptions could cost $20,000 or more


psychoneuroimmunology is the scientific study of the interrelationships of mind and body on the immune system


short duration sleep lowers a person's risk for cardiovascular disease


sleep deficiencies have been linked to seven of the fifteen leading causes of death in the US


social factors, biology, and genetics, individual behavior, health services, and policymaking all combine to determine a person's health status (T/F)


social isolation increases the risks for several factors associated with heart disease and cancer


some intrauterine contraceptives release small amounts of hormones


some research suggests that evolution and genetics both contribute to romantic reactions


some scientists believe that REM sleep enhances memorization and learning


stress is though to be related to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes


studies associate mindfulness with pain relief


the Lamaze method is the most popular method of childbirth preparation in the US


the most common cause of a hip fractures is falling


the need for intimacy means the need for someone with whom we can share our feelings freely


the three phases of the general adaption syndrome are: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion


woman are more likely than men to "tend and befriend" in reponse to stress


women who are ill are at greater than average risk of marital rape


which of the following is TRUE about communication patterns between men and women?

women tend to be more expressive

Which form of hormonal birth control works transdermally?


which factor would reduce the likelihood of your choosing a particular person as a partner?

your beliefs, attitudes, and values are slightly different

when acute stress bombards your brain with stress chemicals,

your memory may be impaired

fertility awareness methods of birth control include all of the of the following except


rape that involves a stranger is classified as

aggravated rape

which of the following statements is FALSE concerning emotional health?

an emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others

Rico and Chris are close friends and classmates. Each day they are an important influence on each other's actions. This example BEST demonstrates their

behavioral independence

an appraisal of the relationship between an object, action, or idea and some attribute related to it is a


justin often engages in binge drinking on the weekends. this behavior puts him as risk for a dangerous sleep disorder in which the brain and the respiratory muscles do not communicate properly. what is this?

central sleep apnea

a treatment for depression that involves correcting consistently pessimistic or faulty thought patterns is

cognitive therapy

during pregnancy, a woman could increase her folic acid intake by eating

dark leafy greens, citrus, and beans

successful community strategies for preventing violence include all of the following except

discouraging family planning programs

All spermicides are effective in preventing sexually transmitted infections.


Brenda believes in ghosts. when her friend told her about an investigation showing that a supposed haunting of a local theatre was due to natural phenomena, Brenda tuned out. Brenda was engaging in passive listening


One in four new mothers experience postpartum depression.


The majority of nighttime sleep is spent in REM sleep.


The wellness continuum ranges from a low point of beginning to experience some type of symptom to a high point of optimal health and well-being. (T/F)


atheists cannot effectively practice mindfulness (T/F)


behavioral therapy focuses on changing a person's habitual attitudes to become more positive and productive


child sexual abuse decreases the risk of both homicide and suicide


emotional health is the same as intellectual health (T/F)


excessive drug and alcohol consumption and poor sleep habits are the primary modifiable determinants related to chronic diseases


excessive drug and alcohol consumption and poor sleep habits are the primary modifiable determinants related to chronic diseases (T/F)


experts advise that, if you are approached by a potential assailant, you should not make eye contact


healthy life expectancy is another term for life span


if your state does not mandate bike or motorcycle helmets, you do not need to bother wearing them to prevent injuries


jet lag occurs because travelers take frequent naps while flying


most adults need only 5-6 hours of sleep per night, provided it is high quality sleep


most research into birth control methods are focused on men


most research into birth control methods is focused on men


multitasking is an effective time-management strategy


naps are most effective for improving alertness if they are longer than 30 minutes


one advantage of the female condom is that it can be used multiple times


outercourse is 100% effective against STIs


people with bipolar disorder display a limited range of emotions


psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of disease on emotional health (T/F)


restless leg syndrome is an extremely rare disorder, affecting less than 0.5% of the US population


serial monogamy means that partners have sexual involvement outside their primary relationship


sterilization has become the leading method of contraception for women of all ages


the US Public Health Service categorizes injuries resulting from violence as either intentional or accidental


the US divorce rate has increased over the past several decades


the acronym SMART stands for serious, measurable, adaptable, realistic, and time-oriented (T/F)


the development of self-esteem is an important part of intellectual health (T/F)


in face-to-face conversations,

men frown more often than women, and women smile more often than men.

a sedentary lifestyle, overuse of caffeine, and risky sexual practices are examples of

modifiable determinants of health

compared to monica, mariah is likely to experience

more upper respiratory ilness

the restful, restorative period of sleep

non-REM sleep

which of the following is not an example of a barrier method of birth control?

oral contraceptives

stress caused by not being able to accomplish all tasks and obligations in the time available is known as


an adolescent smoker may think lung cancer only happens to old people, which factor of the health belief model is this?

perceived susceptibility

a type of mental illness that involves inflexible patterns of thought that in many cases lead to socially distressing behavior is a

personality disorder

Among American adults, the second most commonly abused type of drug, after marijuana, is

prescription drugs

James lost his job and was not able to make his rent. His frustration built up to the point that he initiated a physical fight with a friend. James is displaying

reactive aggression

the part of the brain involved in controlling the body's overall reaction to stress


the surgical procedure that involves removal of the uterus is a


research has shown that laughter results in all the following EXCEPT

increased risk of heart disease

exercise reduces stress primarily by

increasing endorphins and reducing levels of stress hormones

determinants of health are a range of factors in a person's life that

influence his or her health status

any form of unwanted sexual conduct is

sexual harassment

Bernard is a strong swimmer, so it's fine for him to

swim parallel to shore in a rip current

which of the following statements about marital status in the US is true?

the percentage of males who have never been married is higher than that of females

a dysfuntional family is defined as a family in which

there is violence (physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; significant discord, or other negative family interactions)

which of the following is TRUE about panic attacks?

they can lead to social isolation

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