Module 9
In general, headlight should be used:
- 1/2 hour after sunset until 1/2 hour before sunrise - during rain - when visibility is reduced
Examples of potential emergencies that can occur while driving are:
- tire blowout - engine failure - skidding
If you are involved in a crash that is not investigated by a law enforcement officer, and the crash resulted in death or property damage of $1000 or more, you MUST make a written report of the crash within _____________ days.
It is recommended that tire on the passenger motor vehicle have at least _________ inches of tread depth.
If you run off the shoulder of the road, you should ease your foot off the gas pedal and _________
Brake gently
Which of the following should you be especially aware of when driving in excessive heat?
Coolant level
True or false: You should ALWAYS move or lift crash victims away from the crash, no matter the circumstances.
True or false: because of the mass of most cars, strong winds generally have no affect on driving.
True or false: driving at night presents virtually the same challenges as driving during the day.
True or false: during a vehicle skid, it is critical to slam on the brakes to slow down as quickly as possible.
True or false: it is sometimes OK to drive while alcohol or other drugs in your system, as long as you're careful.
True or false: there is generally nothing you can do to prepare for emergencies, and it's always best to take each situation as it comes.
True or false: when visibility is reduced, the motorist should increase speed in order to pass more quickly through the difficult situation.
True or false: while underinflated tires present a driving hazard, overinflated tires have no effect on time performance.
Traction refers to the:
Grip of the tire on the road
Rain or standing water ___________ braking distance and ______________ traction.
Increases, decreases
If you are a victim of a hit-and-run crash, you should first report this to _____________
Local law enforcement
Which of the following is NOT a source of glare?
IPDE stands for identify, _____________, decide, and execute.
Braking systems enable a driver to slow or stop the vehicle by way of:
Reducing the rate of tire rotation
It is also always important to ____________ during emergency situations.
Remain calm
The three types of traction are __________, rolling, and sliding.
If you are operating a motor vehicle that is involved in a crash with injuries or death, you must FIRST ____________
Stop your vehicle at scene of the crash
What is the best way to understand how a particular vehicle functions and operates?
Thoroughly read the owners manual
True or false: highbeam headlights should not be used when driving in snow, fog, or smoke.
True or false: traction can be lost to the front or rear tires when the motorist uses the brakes, accelerator , or stealing wheel inappropriately.
True or false: you must provide your name, address, vehicle registration number, and insurance information went involved in a crash.
A skid that occurs because of a loss of traction to the front wheels is defined as __________
In the identify step, the motorist must adapt his or her strategy to account for reduced____________
If you collide with and damage a vehicle that is unattended:
You must stop immediately and attempt to locate the owner or leave a note with your information