Motor development

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As children grow, they rely [___] on kinesthetic information and [___] on visual information for balance.

1- more 2- less

When integrating visual and auditory information, children younger than about age 7 find tasks in which the ___ information is presented first and ______second to be easier than the opposite types of tasks.

1- visual 2- auditory

The principle of force absorption states that in order to ______________________ the impact of a reaction force, you must either __________________ the amount of time in which the impact occurs or ________________________ the area of which the impact occurs.

1st blank → decrease, 2nd blank → increase, 3rd blank → increase

As children grow, their limb length should _______________________, which should lead to a(n) ____________________ in projectile velocity and consequently a(an) ________________________ in distance.

1st blank → increase, 2nd blank → increase, 3rd blank → increase

A newborn's level of visual acuity is ______________ of an adult?


At what age range, in months, is it appropriate for children to walk alone (unassisted)?

9-17 month

Which of the following is a valid factor in considering how much exercise children need?

A high percentage of children are at risk for coronary heart disease.

is the postural reaction where the trunk and the head follow the rotation of the leg and pelvis to a particular side.

Derotative righting

A newborn's spontaneous kicking is exactly the same as an adult's voluntary walking.


According to a dynamical systems perspective, the most important factor in the motor development of an infant is physical growth.


Athletes in good physical condition can expect to maintain training levels even with a short-term infectious disease.


Depth perception does not typically develop until the age of 2.


If you stimulate an infantile reflex enough times, the infant will learn to inhibit it.


Maturity can be accurately inferred from age and size.


Self-esteem is based on your objective evaluation of your worthiness.


You follow the information processing theory of development. You are teaching your preschool class locomotive skills, and a smaller boy is having difficulty skipping. Based on your theoretical perspective, what should you do?

Increase the amount of time he practices the skill and reward good skips.

What are the fundamental skills that are considered landmark to an individual's motor development?

Motor milestones

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding primitive reflexes and spontaneous movement?

Reflexes are responses to specific external stimuli, whereas spontaneous movements do not result from any apparent external stimuli. Reflexive movements are specific and often localized, whereas spontaneous movements tend to be non-specific and generalized. The same stimulus will elicit a specific reflex over and over again. (all above)

Which of the following would be considered a rate limiter for walking?

Strength Balance Body size

.The loss of weight in older adulthood results mainly from loss of muscle tissue.


.The process of bone growth continues throughout the life span. However, the process in adulthood differs from that in children in that bone formation slows and the density of bone declines.


A typical older adult will sway more than the typical younger adult when standing still.


About half of the children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have motor coordination issues.


Active older adults do not slow down in their responses as much as inactive older adults do.


An increase in stability will lead to an increase in balance, but maintaining balance does not always secure stability.


An increase in stability will lead to an increase in balance, but maintaining balance does not always secure stability. Select one:


An overweight 8-year-old has a high risk of becoming an overweight adult.


An overweight 8-year-old has a high risk of becoming an overweight adult. Select one:


Assuming the movements are sequential in timing, a lag in upper arm and the forearm allows momentum to be transferred from proximal to distal, increasing the speed of movement in the distal body parts.


Balance is concerned with the ability of an object or person to maintain equilibrium, whereas stability is concerned with the ability to resist movement.


By the age of 3, if a child is at the 40th percentile for height than he is likely to stay at the 40th percentile throughout childhood and adolescence.


Children tend to attribute success in sport to luck rather than skill.


Congenital defects are anomalies that are present at birth, regardless of whether their causes are genetic or extrinsic.


In terms of influencing the type of sports an individual chooses to play, peers provide a stronger influence on team sports than on individual activities.


Infants can perceive their mother's faces just several days after birth.


On average, girls begin their adolescent growth spurt approximately two years before boys.


Once individuals attain their adult body size, the only way they can improve anaerobic performance is through training.


The maturational perspective contends that motor development ends after puberty and as individuals reach adulthood, whereas the ecological perspective contends that motor development is a lifelong process and that the elderly can and should contribute to this field of study.


There can be both universality and variability in development.


Young children generally do not compare themselves with others but depend on parental appraisals to determine their physical competence.


Active older adults add less fat weight than their sedentary peers with aging.


You are an OT working in a pediatric clinic. You have an 18-month-old patient that seems to be exhibiting the asymmetric tonic neck reflex. Should you be concerned?

Yes. She should have "lost" this reflex by at least 6 months old

Which of the following is more likely to slow down in older adults?

actions requiring a series of different movements

The type of metabolism in which chemical changes at the cellular level create energy in the presence of oxygen is __________________


The change process occurring with the passage of time and leading to loss of adaptability or full function is called


Which hormone(s), specifically, play a role in fusion of the epiphyseal growth plates, bringing skeletal growth to an end?


____________________ growth describes the increase in girth of long bones.


What type of action is primary with a very young child's throwing motion?

arm action

Which of the following would be considered characteristic of "new" walking?

arms held in high guard

An 11-month old infant can use furniture to pull himself upright, can cruise the length of the couch if he keeps one hand in contact, and can push a toy shopping car down the hall. However, when placed standing in the center of the room, he does not walk but rather gets down on all fours and crawls. What is his primary rate limiter for walking?


According to the dynamical systems approach, movement emerges from the interaction of


Which locomotor reflex can be elicited by placing an infant in prone and alternately applying pressure to the soles of the feet and mimics a crawling pattern?


Which type of research study design measures individuals or groups at selected ages and observes them all within a relatively short period of time?


Which characteristic demonstrates proficiency of overarm throwing?

differentiated trunk rotation lag of the upper arm behind rotation of the upper trunk

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text The process wherein cells become specialized, forming specific tissues and organs, is called __________________.


Select the best word to describe Newell's model of constraints.


If a researcher says that walking emerges from the individual, her surroundings, and the goal she is trying to achieve rather than be driven by a genetic prescription, the researcher would most likely agree with what theory?

dynamical systems

What are the two branches of the ecological perspective of motor development?

dynamical systems and perception-action

Which body system exerts its control over specific cellular functions with hormones?


A cultural phenomenon in the United States that may act as a constraint for girls' motor behavior is

enforcement of Title IX by schools

You are a runner and prefer running outside. The temperature outdoors is example of what type of constraint?


Who tends to pre-plan responses for specific situations?


All adults eventually become efficient runners with advanced running patterns.


You are participating in batting practice for a baseball team. As the pitcher throws the ball, the ball is traveling with a specific force and direction. The force and direction are changed when the bat makes contact with the ball. Which of Newton's laws is this an example of?


Cardiac output is the product of ___________________

heart rate and stroke volume

You are coaching an athlete with high self-esteem. After losing a game, he attributes the loss to

how he played during the game lack of ability on his part

Growth in the fetal stage is by _______________ (an increase in the absolute number of cells) and by _______________ (an increase in the relative size of an individual cell).

hyperplasia, hypertrophy

When an athlete lands from a jump, they must control and allow bending of their ankles, knees, and hips or injuries can occur. The is an example of which of the two components of the principle of force absorption?

increase in the time in which the impact occurs

Which postural reaction can be demonstrated by tilting an infant to either the right or left while holding them in an upright, supported position, causing their head to move to stay upright?


According to past research, children have said that _______________ makes them drop out of sport(s).

lack of progress parental pressure for success time constraints

As limb length increases for a given mass, so does the amount of energy required to move that object. Thus, bending a limb, rather than keeping it straight, decreases the energy required to move the limb. This is an example of which law of motion?

law of inertia

Which skill occurs when an individual propels themselves on one foot and lands on the other foot?


Which factor(s) contribute(s) to bone loss with aging in women?

level of exercise level of calcium in the diet level of estrogen hormones

Which of the following is/are characteristic of children's early attempts to catch an object?

making the arms and hands rigid closing the eyes in anticipation

The __________________ perspective of motor development contends that genetics and heredity have the greatest influence on motor development, and the environment plays a limited role.


Which of the following best describes a functional individual constraint?

motivation to participate on a rainy day memories of past experiences in a team sport

the study of the neural, physical, and behavioral aspects of movement that allows for skilled and coordinated function.

motor control

The study of motor behavior changes as a continuous age-related process is called

motor development

The study of motor behavior in terms of relatively permanent gains in motor skill capability as a result of practice or experience is called

motor learning

Which of the following does NOT contribute to increased stability?

moving center of gravity outside of base of support

What is the name of the neurological structure that wraps around the length of the axons to assist in speeding the conduction of nerve impulses?


A soccer player attempting a penalty kick is an example of

open kinetic chain of movement.

Which of the following is characteristic of a proficient walker?

oppositional movement of the upper and lower body

refers to an increase in size or body mass resulting from an increase in complete, already-formed body parts.

physical growth

Derotative righting, labyrinthine righting, and parachute are all examples of ______________.

postural reactions

What is another word for grasping?


Knowing how to do something, and doing something in accordance with specific rules, is called _____________ knowledge.


Growth tends to proceed in what direction during fetal development?

proximodistal cephalocaudal

An infant moves involuntarily when you touch the soles of her feet. Such a movement should be considered as:


Which of the following would be considered a social constraint on motor development?

religious beliefs attitudes of significant others

Which two elements are essential to an open kinetic chain movement?


As a person ages, they tend to decrease in height. What body area is the reason for the decrease in height in older adulthood?


Which is the primary rate limiter for running?


Assume you are working with preschoolers on coloring skills. Several of the children are having difficulty holding the crayons, so you give them larger ones. What type of constraint did you change?


Which of the following characteristics is NOT related to proficient kicking?

the knee of the kicking leg is bent at ball contact

Which of the following systems is involved in declining ability to balance with aging?

the nervous system, through slowed nerve conduction speed the visual system, through a decline in visual information about the environment the kinesthetic system, through loss of kinesthetic receptor sensitivity in the lower limbs ALL OF THE AOVE

Which stimulus elicits the searching or "rooting" reflex?

touch cheek with a smooth object

A long contralateral step facilitates trunk rotation.


One of the main differences between running and walking is that a flight phase is observed with running.


Proficient overarm striking and sidearm striking both require a lag of the racket (bat or other equipment) behind the arm during the start of the forward swing.


Using throw for distance as a gauge of throwing development reflects body size, strength, and skill.


Well-practiced movement patterns might be well maintained over the life span.


Which task constraint makes catching a ball more difficult for children?

varying the speed of the ball to be caught as opposed to keeping the speed constant

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